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SEMINAR KORPORAT Peranan Majikan Dalam Pengurusan KKP Yang Lebih Efektif

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SEMINAR KORPORAT Peranan Majikan Dalam Pengurusan KKP Yang Lebih Efektif

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Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

OBJEKTIF program ini adalah untuk:

1. Memahami kehendak Akta KKP dalam aspek tanggungjawab majikan;

2. Membantu majikan mempertingkatkan tahap keselamatan dan kesihatan di tempat kerja;

3. Mengenalpasti hazard-hazard dalam aktiviti pekerjaan dan mengambil langkah-langkah kawalan dan pencegahan;

4. Memahami tanggungjawab terhadap keselamatan diri dan orang lain;

5. Membantu majikan melaksanakan program keselamatan dan kesihatan di tempat kerja.


Pihak pengurusan (Kumpulan Eksekutif ke atas)

di kalangan agensi Perkhidmatan Awam dan Swasta

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Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016




08.00 – 08.30

30 M


3 MINUM PAGI 10 - 1030 30 M


1030 – 1130 PERKESO 1 H



12:30 - 14:00

1 H 30 M





15:00 - 16:00


1 H


Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi pihak sekretariat: Telefon :- 03-8911 3951/ 3955 F : 03-8926 5655 Emel : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

TERHAD KEPADA 150 PER PROGRAM! Daftar Sekarang! Kadar Bayaran : RM 250.00 Termasuk 6% GST (NIOSH GST ID No : 000686817280)

Sijil Penyertaan : Ada

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SEMINAR KORPORAT Peranan Majikan Dalam Pengurusan KKP Yang Lebih Efektif

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Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

eharian bekerja sudah tentu meletihkan dan apabila pulang ke

rumah, apa yang terfikir hanyalah berehat sambil menonton

televisyen atau bersama keluarga.

Sudah tentu, dengan rutin ini, anda hampir tiada masa untuk

bersenam atau mengamalkan gaya hidup yang sihat kerana

kekangan waktu. Cuba fikirkan anda berada di pejabat dari jam

9 pagi hingga 6 petang setiap hari.

Malah, ketika pulang pula terpaksa menghadapi kesesakan

jalan raya dan boleh dikatakan sebahagian waktu anda

dihabiskan tanpa melakukan regangan atau senaman.

Apatah lagi anda terperuk di dalam pejabat dan kereta yang

mempunyai hawa dingin. Sedikit sebanyak ia turut menjejaskan

kesihatan anda dan menjadikan anda seorang yang tidak sihat.

Cara yang terbaik untuk mengekalkan anda sentiasa sihat selain

menjaga pemakanan adalah melakukan regangan ringkas atau

senaman. Berikut dikongsi tip senam mudah yang boleh

dilakukan di pejabat:

o Gunakan tangga dan kurangkan penggunaan lif atau ketika

makan tengah hari amalkan untuk berjalan ke restoran

berdekatan pejabat anda.

o Ketika duduk, gunakan teknik arm strengthen di mana anda

hanya perlu duduk tegak di kerusi anda dan bawa tangan

anda ke depan kemudian tegakkan tapak tangan anda ke


o Genggam telapak tangan yang ditegakkan ke atas

menggunakan tapak tangan sebelah lagi. Perlahan-lahan

turunkan tangan dan pastikan kedudukan tangan tidak

berubah untuk menguatkan otot lengan. Lakukan beberapa

kali dan ulang langkah yang sama pada tangan sebelah lagi.

o Anda juga boleh mengamalkan teknik wrist movement di

mana masih lagi dalam kedudukan tegak. Rapatkan

kedua-dua telapak tangan ke bawah dagu. Bengkokkan

pinggang ke sebelah kiri anda, selama tiga hingga empat

saat. Tegakkan semula badan dan bengkokkan semula

pinggang ke sebelah kanan pula.

o Manakala teknik back twist pula memerlukan anda duduk

tegak dan bukakan sedikit ruang di belakang anda di

bahagian pinggul. Letakkan tangan kanan di belakang

pinggul sebelah kiri. Pusingkan pinggang anda ke sebelah

kiri dan kekalkan kedudukan itu hingga tiga hingga empat

saat. Ulang langkah di sebelah kanan pula.

Malah anda masih lagi boleh melakukan senaman ringkas

sebegini ketika menghadiri mesyuarat panjang atau sedang

melakukan perbincangan bersama dengan rakan sekerja.

Sehubungan itu, tiada lagi alasan untuk menyatakan anda

tiada masa untuk melakukan senaman kerana sibuk dan

kerap pulang lewat ke rumah.

Jika pejabat anda mempunyai gimnasium, gunakan peluang

ini sebaiknya dan luangkan kira-kira 20 minit untuk

melakukan senaman ketika waktu rehat atau sebelum pulang

ke rumah. Bagi memastikan anda sentiasa mengamalkan

gaya hidup sihat, apa kata ajak rakan sekerja melakukan

senaman bersenam. Pasti ini lebih menyeronokkan!


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Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

Sumber maklumat

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Continue… 6

Fundamentals of Radiation and

Chemical Safety; 1st Edition

Fundamentals of Radiation and Chemical Safety covers the effects and

mechanisms involved in radiation and chemical exposure on humans.

The mechanisms and effects of these damaging factors have many

aspects in common, as do their research methodology and the methods

used for data processing. In many cases of these types of exposures the

same final effect can also be noted: Cancer. Low doses of radiation and

small doses of chemical exposure are continuously active and they

could influence the entire population. The analysis of these two main

source hazards on the lives of the human population is covered here for

the first time in a single volume determining and demonstrating their

common basis. Fundamentals of Radiation and Chemical Safety

includes the necessary knowledge from nuclear physics, chemistry and

biology, as well the methods of processing the experimental results. This

title focuses on the effects of low radiation dosage and chemical

hormesis as well as the hazards associated with, and safety precautions

in radiation and chemicals, rather than the more commonly noted safety

issues high level emergencies and disasters of this type.

• Brings together, for the first time, the problems of radiation and

chemical safety on a common biophysical basis.

• Relates hazards caused by ionizing radiation and chemicals and

discusses the common effective mechanisms

• Outlines common methodology and data processing between

radiation and regular chemical hazards

• Concerns primarily with low levels of radiation and chemical exposure

Ilya Obodovskiy(Author)

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Continue… 7

Editorial Reviews

From the Back Cover

Fundamentals of Radiation and Chemical Safety covers the effects and

mechanisms involved in radiation and chemical exposure on humans. The

mechanisms and effects of these damaging factors have many aspects in common,

as do their research methodology and the methods used for data processing. In

many cases of these types of exposures the same final effect can also be noted:

Cancer. Low doses of radiation and small doses of chemical exposure are

continuously active and they could influence the entire population. The analysis of

these two main source hazards on the lives of the human population. The analysis

of these two main source hazards on the lives of the human population is covered

here for the first time in a single volume determining and demonstrating their

common basis. Fundamentals of Radiation and Chemical Safety includes the

necessary knowledge from nuclear physics, chemistry and biology, as well the

methods of processing the experimental results. Intended for students, graduate

students and professionals in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, and

a range of interdisciplinary sciences. The book can also be used by practitioners as

a reference in order to find more detailed information on special issues of radiation

and chemical safety. Tis title focuses on the effects of low radiation dosage and

chemical hormesis as well as the hazards associated with, and safety precautions in

radiation and chemicals, rather that the more commonly noted safety issues high

level emergencies and disasters of this type.

• Brings together, for the first time, the problems of radiation and chemical safety

on a common biophysical basis.

• Relates hazards caused by ionizing radiation and chemicals and discusses the

common effective mechanisms

• Outlines common methodology and data processing between radiation and

regular chemical hazards

• Concerns primarily with low levels of radiation and chemical exposure

Fundamentals of Radiation and

Chemical Safety; 1st Edition

Ilya Obodovskiy(Author)

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Continue… 8

About the Author

Ilya Obodovskiy graduated from Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute (MEPhI)

and then for more than 40 years followed his lecturing and research work in this

Institute. His research interests are focused on radiation detection and measurement,

on the effects of radiation on matter. His Ph.D. was devoted to scintillations in alcali-

halide cristalls. During long period the main object of reseach for him and his

laboratory was radiation processes in liquid and solid noble gases. The results of

these investigations could be found in more than 70 published papers, together with

his collaborators he received several patents. He was also invited as an expert to

survey some radiation environment in the areas of underground nuclear explosions.

In the 1990-s Obodovskiy became interested in the physico-chemical methods of

detection of mutagen and carcinogen hazard. As a result he has managed a number of

national and international collaborative projects, in particularly, the Project of the

International Science and Technology Center.

Currently I. Obodovskiy is an independent researcher, the author of some recently

published books and he also continues his scientific research.

Product Details

Hardcover: 264 pages

Publisher: Elsevier; 1 edition (February 19, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0128020261

ISBN-13: 978-0128020265

Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 0.7 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #5,845,747 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

#210in Books > Science & Math > Chemistry > Nuclear Chemistry

#3299in Books > Science & Math > Physics > Solid-State Physics

#3504in Books > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Safety & First Aid Would you like to update product info or give feedback on images?

Fundamentals of Radiation and

Chemical Safety; 1st Edition

Ilya Obodovskiy(Author)

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Escalator falls apart at shopping mall Publication : The Star Date : 26 October 2016 Page : 16N

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Contractor killed in petrol station tank blast Publication : The Star Date : 26 October 2016 Page : 6N

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Lelaki maut, tangki NGV meletup Publication : Berita Harian Date : 26 Oktober 2016 Page : 30

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : DOSH confirms crane switch tampered with Publication : The Sun Date : 13 October 2016 Page : 08

Headline : Lelaki Myanmar maut tersepit mesin pengisar tanah Publication : Kosmo Date : 22 Oktober 2016 Page : 14

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Dalang ubah suis keselamatan diburu Publication : Berita Harian Date : 13 Oktober 2016 Page : 27

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Tersepit dalam longkang cuba ambil RM1 Publication : Berita Harian Date : 12 Oktober 2016 Page : 24

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Keselamatan murid jadi keutamaan Publication : Berita Harian Date : 18 Oktober 2016 Page : 09

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Another scare at JB hospital Publication : The Star Date : 27 October 2016 Page : 3N

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Maintenance culture needs an overhaul Publication : The Star Date : 27 October 2016 Page : 41V

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Buat kajian menyeluruh Publication : Utusan Malaysia Date : 26 Oktober 2016 Page : 05

Headline : Punah 30 termometer Publication : Harian Metro Date : 21 Oktober 2016 Page : 06

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Seorang maut, dua parah dihempap dinding Publication : Komso Date : 21 Oktober 2016 Page : 14

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Kaki murid perempuan tersangkut lubang tandas Publication : Kosmo Date : 19 Oktober 2016 Page : 09

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Mengurus risiko kemalangan Publication : Utusan Malaysia Date : 20 Oktober 2016 Page : 13

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Nyaris buta tertusuk gunting Publication : Kosmo Date : 20 Oktober 2016 Page : 10

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Gantung lesen kontraktor cuai Publication : Utusan Malaysia Date : 17 Oktober 2016 Page : 33

Headline : NIOSH saran SKMM siasat pelaku viral palsu Publication : Berita Harian Date : 17 Oktober 2016 Page : 21

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016

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Headline : Budak 3 tahun parah jatuh eskalator Publication : Berita Harian Date : 18 Oktober 2016 Page : 24

Issue 20, Volume 9, 2016