chapter_1&2&3&4&5-w&h.ppt pen gurus an strategik

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Konsep Asas Pengurusan Strategik

Bab 1Pengurusan Strategik


OBJEKTIF BAB 1 Memahami kebaikan Pengurusan Startegik. Memahami bagaimana globalisasi dan perdagangan

elektronik mempengaruhi pengurusan startegik. Memahami model asas pengurusan startegik –

W&H Model Mengenai pasti situasi penyebab atau peristiwa

pencetus kepada perubahan strategik. Memahami cara-cara membuat keputusan strategik. Menguna startegik audit sebagai cara untuk

menganalisa aktiviti – aktiviti dan fungsi koporat.


DEFINISI Pengurusan Strategik (PS):

– Satu set keputusan dan tindakan pengurusan atasan yang menentukan prestasi jangkapanjang sesebuah organisasi. PS mengadungi empat elemen asas;

• Penelitian/imbasan persekitaran (luaran & dalaman).• Formulasi strategi (jangkapanjang & strategik).• Implementasi atau pelaksanaan strategi.• Penilaian dan kawalan.

PS menekankan pemantauan dan penilaian, peluang dan ancaman luaran dalam mengenalpasti kekuatan dan kelemahan organisasi.

Pada mulanya dipanggil “Business Policy”;- ditukar kepada Pengurusan strategik apabila dimasukkan bab-bab seperti perancangan strategik, imbasan persekitaran dan analisis industri.


Sejarah Perkembangan PS;Fasa - Fasa Pengurusan Strategik Fasa 1: Perancangan kewangan Asas.

– Penyediaan belajawan tahunan.– Mengunakan Sedikit analisa sahaja.– Maklumat dari dalaman organisasi sahaja.– Tempoh: 1 tahun.

Fasa 2: Perancangan berasaskan ramalan.– Penyediaan belanjawan 5 tahun.– Perancangan lebih dari satu tahun.– Selain dari maklumat dalaman, maklumat

luaran juga digunakan (secara ad-hoc).– Tempoh: 3 hingga 5 tahun.


Fasa Pengurusan Strategik (samb….) Fasa 3: Perancangan berasaskan luaran

(perancangan strategik).• Pengurusan atasan mengawal perancangan proses

dengan melakukan perancangan strategik.• Perancangan diambil alih dari pengurusan bawahan.• Perancangan dilakukan oleh staf yang ditentukan oleh

organisasi.• Konsultan diambil untuk membantu perancangan.• Teknik ramalan digunakan secara innovatif.• Perancangan dilakukan di luar organisasi – resort.


Fasa Pengurusan Strategik (samb)

Fasa 4: Pengurusan strategik.– Pengurusan atasan membentuk

kumpulan perancang dikalangan pengurus atasan dan bawahan dari setiap jabatan dan kumpulan kerja.

– Pengurusan strategik mengariskan setiap isu perancangan, penilaian, dan pengawalan.


Kelebihan Perancangan Strategik Kajian mendedahkan organisasi yang terlibat

dengan PS biasanya mengutungkan organisasi yang tidak terbabit dengan PS.

Dengan pemadaman yang baik diantara persekitaran organisasi dengan strateginya, strukturnya, dan proses - porses memberi kesan yang positif keatas prestasi orgainsasi.

Visi Strategik yang jelas untuk Syarikat. Fokus ke atas apa yang penting dan strategik. Meningkatkan kefahaman pada perubahan

persekitaran yang pantas.


Persoalan PSUntuk lebih berkesan PS tidak semestinya proses yang fomal tetapi dangan hanya soalan-soalan mudah seperti;

1. Di mana kedudukan organisasi sekarang? Bukan macam mana harapan kita?

2. Jika tiada perubahan dilakukan, di manakah organisasi akan berada dalam tempoh 1 tahun? 2 tahun? 5 tahun? 10 tahun? Adakah jawapan itu munasabah atau boleh diterima?

3. Jika jawapan di atas tidak boleh diterima, apakah tindakan khusus yang perlu diambil? Apakah risiko dan ganjaran?



KEPADA P.S.Kesan Globalisasi Globalisasi merupakan cabaran kepada pengurusan strategik. Globalisasi ialah pengantarabangsaan pasaran dan kerjasama/

“Corporation” telah merubah cara firma-firma/syarikat-syarikat moden menjalankan perniagaan.

Untuk berada ditahap:– Ekonomi skala (economies of scale) untuk mencapai kos rendah;– Seterusnya harga rendah, lebih kompetetif,– Dan syarikat memikirkan pasaran global selain dari pasaran tempatan.

• Contoh Nike & Reebok – “outsourcing”. Semakin banyak organisasi bergerak ke arah globalisasi,

pengurusan strategik menjadi lebih penting dalam memastikan perkembangan antarabangsa dan kedudukan organisasi lebih kompetitif untuk jangka panjang.

Pembentukan “regional trade association & agrements” –contoh EU, NAFTA, Mercosur,CAFTA, and ASEAN

Globalisasi menyebabkan organisasi berubah ke arah organisasi belajar.



Perdagangan Elektronik Bermaksud pengunaan internet dalam

perniagaan.– Dimana telah merubah pasaran global dan

akan terus merubah pasaran. – Merubah asas untuk persaingan secara

tradisional kepada lebih strategik, terutama pada rataian nilai industri.


E-Commerce/E-Dagang7 Trends:1. Internet forcing companies to transform themselves-

-memaksa syarikat untuk berubah atau bertukar.2 Market access and branding are changing, causing

disintermediation of traditional distribution channels.--penghapusan orang tengah.

3 Balance of power shifting to the consumer.-kuasa bertukar kepada pengguna.

4 Competition is changing.-perubahan dalam persaingan.5 Pace of business increasing drastically.

-kadar kemajuan perniagaan berubah dengan ketara dan cepat.6. Internet purchasing force corporations out of their traditional

boundaries.- keluar dari cara lama atau tradisi lama dalam pembelian.

7 Knowledge becoming a key asset and source of competitive advantage-ilmu pengetahuan jadi aset dan sumber kelebihan bersaing.

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 1-12

Impact of Environmental Sustainability:

Environmental Sustainability: the use of business practices to reduce a company’s impact on the natural, physical environment

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 1-13

Regulatory risk Supply chain risk Product and

technology risk

Litigation risk Reputational risk Physical risk

Risks of Climate Change include:

Impact of Environmental Sustainability


Theories of Organizational AdaptationHow organizations obtain “fit” within their environment: - PEST or PESTEL around the world;

– Theory of population ecology• Organization success in niche environment is unable

to adapt to changing condition – go bankrupt and changed with new organization with fit to the change.

– Institution theory• Organization able to adapt to change by imitating the

successful organization.– Strategic choice perspective

• Believed that the organization can adapt to change but has the opportunity to reshape the environment.

– Organizational learning theory• Believed that the organization adjust defensively to

environment change and used knowledge offensively to the fit between itself and its environments.


Adaptation to Changing Environmental Conditions

Strategic flexibility:– Demands a long-term commitment to the

development and nurturing of critical resources

– Demands that the firm become a learning organization


ORGANISASI BELAJAR(Learning Organization) Pengwujudan organisasi belajar adalah fokus

ke arah kebolehan atau skil bagi mencipta, mendapat, dan memindah pengetahuan; dan meminda gelagat organisasi tersebut ke arah pengetahuan baru dan tanggapan.

4 aktiviti utama bagi organisasi belajar:– Menyelesaikan masalah secara sistematik.– Menguji pendekatan baru.– Belajar dari pengalaman sendiri dan yang lalu;

juga pengalaman pesaing.– Memindahkan pengetahuan secara cepat dan

berkesan ke seluruh organisasi.


Organisasi Belajar (samb)(Learning Organization) Organisasi belajar mengekalkan kestabilan

melalui:– Pengujian-diri.– Mengujikaji.

Organisasi yang melakukan ujikaji dan mampu untuk belajar dari pengalaman akan lebih berjaya dari organisasi yang tiada ujikaji.

Contoh: Xerox --- mengalakkan perjumpaan kumpulan kecil bagi aktiviti dan teknik penyelesaian-masalah.



Empat elemen asas yang penting:– Penelitian / Peimbasan persekitaran.– Formulasi/Membentuk strategi.– Implementasi/Pelaksanaan strategi.– Penilaian dan kawalan.


Basic Model of Strategic Management

(4) Empat Elemen Asas- “Four Basic Elements”


Strategic Management Model

Evaluation and Control

and Control StrategyFormulation








Societal Environment

General Forces

Task Environment

Industry Analysis

Structure Chain of Command

Resources Assets, Skills

Competencies, Knowledge

Culture Beliefs, Expectations,


Reason for existence

What results to accomplish by when Plan to

achieve the mission & objectives Broad

guidelines for decision making


Activities needed to accomplish a plan


Cost of the programs Procedures

Sequence of steps needed to do the job

Process to monitor performanceand take corrective action




Evaluationand Control


Model Asas PS (samb)-W&H1. Penelitian / Peimbasan persekitaran:

– Ialah Memantau, menilai, dan menyebarkan maklumat yang didapati dari persekitaran luaran dan dalaman kepada orang tertentu (Key person) di dalam organisasi.

– Faktor strategik:• Merupakan elemen luaran dan dalaman yang akan

menentukan masa hadapan organisasi.– Analisa SWOT: (Kekuatan,kelemahan,peluang dan

ancaman)• Cara untuk mengenalpasti penelitian persekitaran.• Persekitaran luaran: Melibatkan Peluang dan

Ancaman.• Persekitaran dalaman: Melibatkan Kekuatan dan



Model Asas PS (samb)

Pembolehubah Persekitaran:– Persekitaran societal:

• Kuasa ekonomi.• Kuasa teknologikal.• Kuasa politikal-perundangan.• Kuasa sosiobudaya.

– Persekitaran kerja (industri):• Pembekal.• Pemegang saham.• Kerajaan.• Kumpulan khas berkepentingan.• Pelanggan.• Kreditor.

• Masyarakat.• Kesatuan pengguna.• Pesaing.• Pekerja/kesatuan sekerja.

– Persekitaran dalaman:

• Struktur.• Budaya.• Sumber-sumber.


Konsep Asas Pengurusan Strategik - Pembolehubah Persekitaran


Model Asas PS (samb)2.Formulasi/Pelaksanaan Strategi: Membentuk rancangan jangkapanjang bagi mengurus peluang dan

ancaman persekitaran dengan lebih efaktif melihat kepada kekuatan dan kelemahan syarikat/korporat.

– Misi:• Fasafah organisasi.• Tujuan atau alasan untuk keuwujudan organisasi.• Pernyataan menerangkan tujuan penubuhan organisasi, bidang operasi,

barangan/perkhidmatan yang dipasarkan, dan pasaran.• Kenyataan Misi: Apa organisasi sekarang?• Kenyataan Visi: Apa organisasi akan “jadi”?

– Kenyataan misi mengalakkan perkongsian pekerja dan menerangkan pandangan umum kepada pelabur.

– Skop luas: Memenuhi kehendak pemilik, pelanggan, dan pekerja.

– Skop sempit: Menerangkan operasi utama organisasi, barangan/perkhidmatan yang diberi, teknologi yang digunakan, dan kawasan pasaran.


Model Asas PS (samb) Formulasi Strategi (samb):

– Objektif:• Keputusan akhir sesuatu aktiviti yang

dirancang.• Matlamat (Goal): pernyataan terbuka apa

yang hendak dicapai tanpa menetapkan jumlah apa yang perlu dicapai dan tiada had masa untuk melengkapkannya:

– Keuntungan (untung bersih).– Keberkesanan (kos rendah).– Penggunaan sumber (ROE & ROI).


Model Asas PS (samb) Formulasi Strategi (samb):

– Strategi:– Perancangan utama bagaimana organisasi akan

mencapai misi dan obkejtif.• Strategi korporat (kestabilan, perkembangan,

pemberhentian):– Arah tuju keseluruhan organisasi dalam terma umum ke

arah perkembangan, dan pentadbiran perniagaan dan produk.

• Strategi perniagaan (kompetitif, kooperatif):– Unit perniagaan atau tingkat produk.– Menekankan penambahbaikkan.

• Strategi fungsian.– Perlaksanaan fungsian untuk mencapai objektif dan

strategi unit perniagaan.


Konsep Asas Pengurusan Strategik:

Peringkat - Strategi


Model Asas PS (samb) Formulasi strategi (samb):

– Polisi:• Garispanduan kasar untuk pembuatan

keputusan yang menghubungkan di antara formulasi strategi dengan implementasi.

• Organisasi menggunakan polisi bagi pekerja membuat keputusan dan mengambil tindakan ke arah misi, objektif, dan strategi.


Model Asas PS (samb)3. Strategi implementasi:

– Proses di mana strategi dan polisi dilaksanakan melalui program, belanjawan, dan prosedur.

• Program:– Pernyataan aktiviti untuk mencapai satu

rancangan.– Perubahan struktur organisasi merubah budaya

dalaman, atau permulaan satu kajian baru.

• Belanjawan:– Perjalanan aktiviti berasaskan wang;

perancangan dan kawalan.


Model Asas PS (samb)

Strategi implementasi (samb):• Prosedur:

– Sistem turutan atau teknik yang menerangkan bagaimana sesuatu kerja dilakukan secara terperinci.

– Bagaimana pelbagai aktiviti yang perlu dilakukan untuk mencapai program organisasi.


Model Asas PS (samb)

4. Penilaian dan kawalan:– Proses di mana aktiviti dan keputusan

prestasi dimantau supaya prestasi sebenar boleh dibandingkan dengan prestasi jangkaan.


Model Asas PS (samb) Maklumbalas/Proses

pembelajaran:– Diperlukan bagi menilai dan

membuat pembetulan di atas setiap keputusan yang telah dilakukan.


PERMULAAN STRATEGI Diasaskan oleh Mintzberg.- berpendapat

bahawa formulasi strategi bukan proses berterusan dan juga tidak sentiasa belaku.

Situasi penyebab (triggering event):– Ketua Eksekutif baru (New CEO).– Ganguan luaran(External intervention).– Ancaman perubahan milik(Threat of change in

ownership).– Jurang prestasi (Performance gap).– Titik “inflection” strategik(Strategic inflection

point).contoh; pengenal kepada teknologi baru, polisi baru dan perubahan keperluan pengguna.



Kerangka pembuatan keputusan strategi dapat membantu dalam membuat keputusan tanpa mengira peringkat dan fungsi pekerja.

Tiga (3) ciri keputusan strategik:– Jarang-” Rare “: Keputusan strategik adalah ganjil

dan tiada contoh untuk diikuti.– Akibat-”Consequential”: Memerlukan

penglibatan sumber dan menghendaki iltizam/komitmen dari semua peringkat.

– Arahan-”Directive” : Menetapkan pra-syarat kepada keputusan yang sedikit pada semua pringkat dalam organisasi.


Mode Pembuatan Keputusan Strategik-Mintzberg

Mode usahawan:– Keputusan dibuat oleh individu yang berkuasa.– Fokus kepada peluang, masalah kedua.– America Online.

Mode penyesuaian:– Keputusan dibuat secara reaktif bagi mengatasi

masalah.– Universiti, kerajaan, hospital.

Mode perancangan:– Pengumpulan secara sistematik bagi setiap

maklumat, mengadakan kemungkinan.– JC Penney Company.


Modes of Strategic Decision Making

Logical incrementalism – Approach by Quinn:

–View as a synthesis of the planning, adaptive, and to lesser extent the entrepreneurial modes. Top management has a clear idea of the corporation’s mission and objectives, but in its development of strategies, it chooses to use the interactive process in which the organization probes the future, experiments, and learns from a series of partial ( Incremental) commitment rather than through global formulations of total strategies.–This approach is useful when the environment is changing rapidly and when it is important to build consensus and develop needed resources before committing an entire corporation to a specific strategy.


Proses Pembuatan Keputusan Strategik

1. Nilai keputusan prestasi sekarang.2. Kaji pentadbiran korporat.3. Teliti dan imbang persekitaran luaran.4. Teliti dan imbang persekitaran korporat

dalaman.5. Analisa strategik faktor (SWOT).6. Hasil, nilai, dan pilih alternatif strategi terbaik.7. Laksanakan strategi yang dipilih.8. Nilai strategi yang dilaksanakan.


Strategic Decision Making


Strategic Decision Making


Tadbir-urus Korporat /Corporate Governance.

BAB 2 Pengurusan Strategik

OBJEKTIF Memahami peranan dan tanggungjawab lembaga

pengarah dalam tadbir-urus syarikat. Memahami bagaimana gabungan lembaga

pengarah mempengaruhi peranannya. Membincang trend / gaya alir tadbir–urus syarikat. Menerang pentingan kepimpiman eksekutif sebagai

sebahagian dari pengurusan strategik.


Tadbir-urus Korporat- “Corporate Governance”


Syarikat besar- “Corporation” Syarikat besar – tempat – mekanisma,

dimana pelbagai pihak boleh memberi sumbangan dari segi model, kepakaran, dan sumber tenaga untuk kepentigan bersama.


Corporate Governance

Defined:Refers to the relationship among the board of directors, top management, and shareholders in determining the direction and performance of the corporation.

Pentadbiran Korporat

Bermaksud: Perhubungan di antara:

• Lembaga pengarah.• Pengurusan atasan.• Pemegang saham.

Perhubungan di atas adalah perlu bagi menentukan arah dan prestasi perniagaan.


Menetapkan strategi korporat, arah, misi atau visi.

Mengambil atau memberhentikan Ketua Eksekutif (CEO) dan Pengurusan Atasan.

Mengawal, memantau, mengawasi aktiviti-aktiviti Pengurusan Atasan.

Memeriksa/mengkaji semula dan meluluskan penggunaan sumber.

Menjaga kepentingan pemegang saham.


Corporate Governance

•Setting corporate strategy, overall direction, mission or vision•Hiring and firing the CEO and top management•Controlling, monitoring, or supervisingtop management•Reviewing and approving the use of resources•Caring for shareholder interests

Roles of The

Board of Directors

Peranan Asas Lembaga Pengarah- (LP) dalam Pengurusan Strategik

(3) Tiga peranan asas LP dalam PS:1. Memantau: melalui jawatankuasa; LP dapat

• Mengetahui perkembangan dalaman dan luaran syarikat.• Menegur pengurusan atasan untuk perhatian atau sesuatu

yang tidak dilakukan.2. Menilai dan mempengaruhi:

• Menilai cadangan yang dikemukakan oleh pihak pengurusan; keputusan dan tindakan – bersetuju atau tidak. Memberi nasihat dan cadangan; altenatif.

3. Memulakan dan menetapkan:• Mengariskan misi dan strategi tertentu kepada pihak


Kesinambungan LP- tahap penglibatan LP dalam PS/SM

Penglibatan dalam PS


Tidak tahu apa yang perlu dilakukan, jika ada; tidak tahu setakat mana penglibatan.


Membenarkan pegawai membuat segala keputusan; menurut apa yang dicadangkan.


Menilai isu-isu tertertentu yang dikemukakan oleh pegawai.


Penglibatan secara kecilan dalam prestasi atau mengulas isu-isu tertentu dalam pembuatan keputusan.


Meluluskan, menyoal, dan membuat keputusan akhir bagi misi, strategi, dan objektif. Terdapat lembaga kerja. Mengadakan semakan kewangan dan pentadbiran.


Mengambil peranan dalam menentukan dan memperbaiki misi, objektif, strategi, dan polisi. Aktif dalam lembaga kerja strategi.

Rendah (Pasif)

Tinggi (Aktif)


Board of Directors Continuum


Ahli-ahli lembaga pengarahMembers of Board of Directors:– Inside directors- Pengarah dari dalam:

• “management directors”• Officers or execs employed by the firm

– Outside directors- Pengarah dari luar:• “non-management directors”• Execs/executives of other firms not

employed by the board’s corporation


Board of Directors The term outsider miss understood; so When Outsiders

can be considered Insiders;– Affiliated Directors:

• Not really employed by the corporation, handle the legal or insurance work for the company or are important suppliers ( thus dependent on the current management for key part of their business). A/D sometime face conflict of interest and are not likely to be objective.

– Retired Executive Directors:• Used to work for the company, example past CEO.

– Family Directors:• Are descendants of the founder and own significant

blocks of stock( with personal agendas based on family relationship with the current CEO).

Teori Agensi

Masalah-masalah yang berlaku di dalam syarikat adalah kerana wakil (pengurusan atasan) tidak sanggup untuk memikul tanggungjawab dalam keputusan mereka, kecuali mereka memiliki sebahagian daripada korporation tersebut (pemilikkan saham).


Agency TheoryAgency Theory; The study by Berle & Means, suggested, top managers are, in effect, “hired hand” who may very likely be more interested in their personal welfare than that of shareholder. Example;Management might emphasize strategy, such as acquisition, by increase in size of the firm – become more powerful, and to demand increased pay and benefits.Two Problem need to be look into;1. Agency Problem –

– Objectives of owners & agents in conflict– Difficult for owners to verify agent performance

2. Risk Sharing Problem –– Owners & agents risk assessment in conflict


Stewardship Theory Is in contrast to the agency theory before. Is where the executives tend to be more

motivated to act in the best interest of the corporation than their own self-interests. Theory argues that over time, senior executives tend to view the corporation as an extension of themselves.

Penetapan Bersama Mencakupi setiap pekerja di dalam

korporation tersebut dalam pembuatan keputusan di peringkat lembaga.

Jerman: Menggunakan sistem dua-ikatan – Lembaga Penasihat dan Lembaga Pengurusan – dalam menentukan hala tuju syarikat.

Pengarah Saling Mengunci/Interlocking Directorates.

Seorang pengarah mempunyai kepentingan di dalam dua atau lebih syarikat.


Board of Directors

Codetermination The inclusion of a corporation’s workers on its

board of directors.Interlocking Directorates:

Direct Interlocking Directorate –– When two firms share a director or when an executive of

one firm sits on the board of a second firm.Indirect Interlocking Directorate –– When two corporations have directors who also serve on

the board of a third firm.


Memberikan kepimpinan eksekutif:– Menyatakan idea dengan jelas.– Bertindak sebagai contoh.– Menekankan tahap yang tinggi dan menunjukkan

keyakinan ke atas kebolehan pekerja. Menguruskan proses perancangan strategik:

– Memastikan dan menganalisa isu strategik keseluruhan syarikat, dan mencadangkan alternatif kepada pengurusan.

– Berfungsi sebagai fasilitator bagi unit perniagaan dalam proses perancangan strategik.


Board of Directors

The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley Act on U.S. Corporate Governance.In respond to many corporate scandals since 2000. Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed by US Congress in June 2002. Example;Failures of excesses and failed oversight at Enron, Tyco, And WorldCom. Improving Governance;

Code of Ethics-applied to board of directors Evaluating Governance;

Audit, Nominating, and Compensation Committees all outside directors

Avoiding Governance Improvements;Sometimes improvement can constrain top management’s ability to effectively manage the company.


Board of Directors

Trend in Corporate Governance: More active in future. Trend include the following;

Review & shaping of strategyPressure for corporate performanceDemand for executive stock ownershipOutside directors increasingImpact of Sarbanes-Oxley and others.


Board of Directors

The Role of Top Management; Primary responsible for the strategic management of

the firm. SM involved everyone in the organization.


Board of Directors

Responsibilities of Top Management.Namely CEO, getting things done or accomplished through and with others in order to meet the corporate objectives.Job is multidimensional and is oriented toward the total organization.Vary from firm to firm and develop from analysis of mission, objectives, strategies and other key activities of the corporation.Skill diversity is important.

CEO with the support of the rest of the top management, must successfully handle two (2) primary responsibilities that are crucial to the effective strategic management of the corporation;

(1) Provide executive leadership and strategic vision (2) Manage the strategic planning process.


Board of Directors

Executive Leadership and Strategic Vision;Executive Leadership;

Is the directing of the activities toward the accomplishment of corporate objectives.

Strategic Vision; Is the description of what the company capable of becoming.

Transformational leaders; Leader who provide change and movement in an organization by

providing a vision of change. (Change agents through vision for change). Example; Bill gates, at Microsoft.

Three (3) Characteristics; The CEO articulates a strategic vision for the corporation. The CEO presents a role for others to identify and to follow. The CEO communicates high performance standard and also

shows confidence in the followers’ abilities to meet these standard.


Strategic Management Process

Strategic Planning Staff Supports top management & business units in

the strategic planning process Usually consist of 10 people. The responsibilities of the SPS;

Identify & analyze company-wide strategic issues and suggest corporate strategic alternatives to top management.

Facilitate business units in coordinating activities related to strategic planning process


Tanggungjawab Sosial bagi Pembuat Keputusan



Tanggungjawab Sosial bagi Pembuat Keputusan Strategik

Syarikat swasta mempunyai tanggugjawab sosial dalam mengejar keuntungan.– Pemecatan pekerja.– Penutupan syarikat.

Pandangan tanggungjawab sosial:– Pandangan traditional - Friedman.– Empat tanggungjawab perniagaan – Carroll.

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-69

Responsibilities of a Business Firm

Social Responsibility: proposes that a private corporation has responsibilities to society that extend beyond making a profit

Pandangan Tradisional (Friedman)

Kegawatan ekonomi atau inflasi; syarikat akan menurunkan harga bagi membantu mengurangkan masalah.

Membelanjakan wang syarikat bagi kepentingan awam.

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-71

Responsibilities of a Business Firm

Friedman’s traditional view of a business firm:

Argues against the concept of social responsibility– Primary goal of business is profit maximization

not spending shareholder money for the general social interest


Social ResponsibilityFriedman’s Traditional View

“There is one and only one social responsibility of business – to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits…”

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-73

Responsibilities of a Business Firm

Carroll’s four responsibilities of business: (in order of priority)

Economic Legal Ethical Discretionary


Corporate Governance

Archie Carroll’s four (4) Responsibilities of Business:Figure 3-1, in the text; Archie Carroll proposes that managers of business organizations have four responsibilities; in order of it priority.

Economic:Produce good and services of value to society so that the firm may repay its creditors and shareholder.

Legal:Defined by governments in law that management is expected to obey. Example; hiring and promoting peoples based on their credentials rather than discriminate on non job-related characteristics such as race, gender or religion.

Ethical:organization’s management are to follow the generally held belief about behavior in society.

Discretionary:A voluntary obligations a corporation assumes. Example, contributions, training the hard core unemployed, and providing day care center

4 Tanggungjawab dalam Perniagaan (Carroll)

Tanggungjawab ke atas pengurusan atasan:1. Ekonomi:

• Wajib dilakukan.• Menghasilkan barangan dan perkhidmatan.• Syarikat boleh menjelaskan hutang dan dividen.

2. Perundangan:• Mesti dilakukan.• Mesti dipatuhi oleh syarikat dalam menjalankan perniagaan.

3. Etika:• Perlu dilakukan.• Menimbang kepecayaan dan pegangan masyarakat.

4. Pertimbangan:• Mungkin dilakukan.• Tanggungjawab yang dilakukan secara sukarela.


Responsibilities of Business

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-77

Responsibilities of a Business Firm

The ability to enter local and international markets

Enhanced reputation Competitive advantage Cost savings

The ability to charge premium prices

Improved relationships with suppliers and distributors

The ability to attract better talent

Goodwill in the eyes of public officials

Access to capital

Social capital refers to the goodwill of key stakeholders and provides a company with:

Pemegang Saham Korporat

Orang ramai atau kumpulan yang melibatkan diri atau terlibat dengan pencapaian objektif bagi sesebuah organisasi.

Mempunyai kepentingan dalam syarikat.

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-79

Corporate Stakeholders

Stakeholders have an interest in the business and affect or are affected by the achievement of the firm’s objectives

Enterprise strategy- articulates the firm’s ethical relationship with its stakeholders

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-80

Stakeholder Analysis- the identification of corporate stakeholders in 3 steps:

1. Primary stakeholders have a direct connection with the corporation and have sufficient bargaining power to directly affect corporate activities

2. Secondary stakeholders have an indirect stake in the corporation but are also affected by corporate activities

3. Estimate the effect on each stakeholder from a particular strategic decision


Corporate Stakeholders

Corporate Stakeholders;A groups of people with interest in a business organization’s activities.They affect or are affected by the achievement of the firm’s objectives.


Norma dan nilai budaya di antara negara dan kaum bagi sesebuah negara adalah berbeza.

Perbezaan nilai menyebabkan sesetengah pihak tidak memahami tindakan yang telah diambil oleh pihak lain.– Contoh: Iklan rokok.– Persoalannya: Bagaimanakah penerimaan

masyarakat terhadap iklan rokok?

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-83

Reasons for Unethical Behavior

Unaware that behavior is questionable Lack of standards of conduct Different cultural norms and values Behavior-based or relationship-based

governance systems Different values between business people and


Perbandingan Moral

Perbandingan moral menuntut bahawa kemoralan adalah perbandingan kepada tahap personal, sosial, atau budaya.


Moral Relativism

Moral Relativism;Morality is relative to some personal, social, or cultural standard and that there is no method for deciding whether one decision is better than another.So, MR believe that all moral decision are deeply personal and that individuals have the right to run their own lives; each person should be allowed to interpret situations and act on his or her own moral values.

Example;A Manager must put aside his or her personal beliefs and do what the role require or in the best interest of the department.

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-86

Moral Relativism claims that morality is relative to some personal, social, or cultural standard and that there is not a method for deciding whether one decision is better than another

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-87

Types of Moral Relativism include:

Naïve relativism Role relativism Social group relativism Cultural relativism

Tahap Perkembangan Moral(Kohlberg)

Pra-kebiasaan:– Berkenaan diri sendiri.– Mengelakkan diri dari didenda.

Kebiasaan:– Berkenaan undang-undang dan norma-norma.

Prinsip:– Berkenaan nilai umum.– Menetapkan tahap moral yang melebihi norma

atau perundangan.


Kohlberg’s Levels of Moral Development

Kohlberg’s Level of Moral Development Model;1. Preconventional level:

Characterized by a concern for self Evaluate behavior on the basis of Personal interest Avoidance of punishment or quid pro quo.

2. Conventional level : Characterized consideration of society’s values (Society Laws and norms).

Action are justified by an external code of conduct

3. Principled level Characterized by adherence to internal moral code

An individual at this level looks beyond the norms and laws to universal values or principles.


Social ResponsibilityCode of Ethics:

– Specifies how an organization expects its employees to behave while on the job.


Kod Etika: Menetapkan bagaimana syarikat mahukan

pekerjanya bergelagat ketika bekerja. Kod etika mengalakkan gelagat/tindakan

yang beretika. Latihan dan seminar mengenai kod etika.

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-92

Encouraging Ethical Behavior

Code of Ethics- specifies how an organization expects its employees to behave while on the job

Whistleblowers- employees who report illegal or unethical behavior on the part of others

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-93

Key Terms in Ethical Behavior

Ethics- the consensually accepted standards of behavior for an occupation, trade, or profession

Morality- the precepts of personal behavior based on religious or philosophical grounds

Law is the formal codes that permit or forbid certain behaviors and may or may not enforce ethics or morality

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-94

Approaches to Ethical Behavior

Utilitarian- actions are judged by consequencesIndividual rights- fundamental rights should be

respectedJustice- decisions must be equitable, fair and

impartial in the distribution of costs and benefits to individuals or groups

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-95

Approaches to Ethical Behavior

Cavanagh’s questions to solve ethical problems:

1. Utility- does it optimize the satisfactions of the stakeholders?

2. Rights- Does it respect the rights of the individuals involved

3. Justice- Is it consistent with the canons of justice?

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 3-96

Approaches to Ethical Behavior

Kant’s categorical imperatives:

1. Actions are ethical only if the person is willing for the same action to be taken by everyone who is in a similar situation

2. Never treat another person simply as a means but always as an end

Pendekatan Kepada Gelagat Beretika

Pendekatan faedah:– Tindakan dan rancangan bergantung kepada keputusan.– Tindak-tanduk menjurus ke arah yang diingini.

Pendekatan hak individu:– Keputusan tindakan perlu dilakukan jika menganggu hak

orang lain. Pendekatan keadilan:

– Pengagihan.– Saksama.– Diperoleh kembali.– Ganti rugi.


Encouraging Ethical Behavior

Three (3) basic approaches to Ethical Behavior:

1. Utilitarian: proposed that actions and plans should

be judged by their consequences.2. Individual Rights

Proposed that human being have certain fundamental rights in all decisions.

3. Justice Proposed that the decision makers be

equitable fair, and impartial in distribution of cost, and benefit to individual and groups. in equitable fashion.


Pengurusan Pengusaha

Pengurusan Perkongsian

Pengurusan Kelam-kabut

Pengurusan Boneka


Rendah TinggiTahap Penglibatan oleh

Lembaga Pengarah


ap P











Styles of Corporate Governance

Styles of Corporate Governance

Degree of Involvementby

Top Management

High EntrepreneurshipManagement





Low High

Degree of Involvement by Board of Directors

Meneliti Persekitaran &Analisa Industri

Bab 4Pengurusan Strategik

OBJEKTIF Meneliti Persekitaran. Analisa Industri. Ramalan.


Strategic Management Model

Evaluation and Control

and Control StrategyFormulation








Societal Environment General Forces

Task Environment

Industry Analysis

Structure Chain of Command

Resources Assets, Skills Competencies,


Culture Beliefs, Expectations,


Reason for existence

What results to accomplish by when Plan to

achieve the mission & objectives Broad

guidelines for decision making


Activities needed to accomplish a plan


Cost of the programs Procedures

Sequence of steps needed to do the job

Process to monitor performanceand take corrective action




Evaluationand Control

MENELITI PERSEKITARAN Memantau, menilai, dan menyebar maklumat dari

persekitaran luaran dan dalaman kepada pentadbiran atasan syarikat.

Ketidaktentuan Persekitaran:– Tahap kerumitan.– Tahap perubahan. -dari persekitaran luaran organisasi

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-105

Identifying External Environmental Variables

Natural environment

Societal environment

Task environment

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-106

Identifying External Environmental Variables

Natural environment

Physical resources Wildlife Climate

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-107

Identifying External Environmental Variables

Societal environment- social systems that influence long-term decisions

Economic forces Technological forces Political-legal forces Sociocultural forces

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-108

Identifying External Environmental Variables

Task environment- groups that directly affect a corporation and are affected by the corporation

Government Local communities Suppliers Competitors Customers Creditors Unions Special interest groups/trade associations

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-109

Identifying External Environmental Variables

Industry analysis- an in-depth examination of key factors within a corporation’s task environment

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-110

Identifying External Environmental Variables

STEEP Analysis- monitoring trends in the societal and natural environments

– Sociocultural-– Technological-– Economic-– Ecological-– Political-legal forces

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-111

Trends in Economic Forces:

• Interest rates• Home sales• Oil prices• Emerging markets

• BRIC countries• Eastern Europe

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-112

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-113

Trends in Technological Forces:

– Portable information devices and electronic networking

– Alternative energy sources– Precision farming– Virtual personal assistants– Genetically altered organisms– Smart, mobile robots

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-114

Trends in Political-Legal Forces:

– Enforcement of U.S. antitrust laws/ in the case of Malaysia our trade/ taxes/ others

– Taxation and labor laws– Government bureaucracy– World Trade Organization

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-115

Trends in Sociocultural Forces:

– Demographics– Increasing environmental awareness– Growing health consciousness– Expanding seniors market– Impact of Gen Y– Declining mass market– Changing pace and location of life– Changing household composition– Increasing diversity of workforce and markets

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-116

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-117

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-118

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-119

Identifying External Strategic Factors:

Issues priority matrix- used to identify and analyze developments in the external environment

External strategic factors- key environmental trends that are judged to have both a medium to high probability of occurrence and a medium to high probability of impact on the corporation


Environmental Scanning

Mengenal Pembolehubah Persekitaran Luaran

Persekitaran Kemasyarakatan:– Ekonomi: Mengawal pertukaran barangan, wang,

tenaga, dan maklumat.– Teknologi: Menghasilkan cara-cara mengatasi

masalah.– Politik-Perundangan: Memberikan kuasa, dan

memberikan kekangan dan mengawal perundangan.

– Sosiobudaya: Menentukan nilai, moral, dan budaya sesebuah masyarakat.

Pembolehubah Ekonomi Corak KNK. Kadar faedah. Permintaan wang. Kadar inflasi. Tahap pengangguran. Kawalan gaji/harga. Nilai matawang: Kenaikan/penurunan. Ketersediaan tenaga dan kos. Pendapatan: Lebihan dan pertimbangan.

Pembolehubah Teknologi Jumlah perbelanjaan kerajaan ke arah R&D. Jumlah perbelanjaan industri ke arah R&D. Fokus perkembangan teknologi. Perlindungan patent. Barangan baru. Perkembangan dalam peralihan teknologi dari

makmal ke pasaran. Penambahbaikkan pengeluaran melalui


Pembolehubah Politik-Perundangan Regulasi ‘antitrust.’ Perundangan bagi melindungai persekitaran. Perundangan berkaitan cukai. Insentif khas. Regulasi dagangan asing. Pandangan terhadap syarikat asing. Perundangan mengenai pengambilan dan

kenaikkan pangkat. Kestabilan kerajaan.

Pembolehubah Sosiobudaya Perubahan citarasa. Jangkaan kerjaya. Pergerakkan persatuan pengguna. Kadar pembentukan keluarga. Kadar pertumbuhan penduduk. Taburan usia penduduk. Perubahan penduduk. Jangka hayat penduduk. Kadar kelahiran.

Meneliti Persekitaran LuaranAnalisa Persekitaran Kemasyarakatan

Ekonomi, Teknologi, Politik-Perundangan, Sosiobudaya

• Analisa Kumpulan Berkepentigan.

• Analisa Kemasyarakatan.

• Analisa Pasaran.

• Analisa Persaingan.

• Analisa Pembekal.

• Analisa Kerajaan

Pemilihan Faktor Strategik:

• Peluang (Opportunities)

• Halangan (Threats).


External Environment


Societal EnvironmentImportant Variables

EconomicGDP trendsInterest ratesMoney supplyInflation ratesUnemployment levelsWage/price controlsDevaluation/

revaluationEnergy availability

and costDisposable and

discretionary income

TechnologicalTotal government

spending for R&DTotal industry

spending for R&DFocus of

technological efforts

Patent protectionNew productsNew developments in

technology transfer from lab to marketplace

Productivity improvements through automation

Political-LegalAntitrust regulationsEnvironmental

protection lawsTax lawsSpecial incentivesForeign trade

regulationsAttitudes toward

foreign companiesLaws on hiring and

promotionStability of


SocioculturalLifestyle changesCareer expectationsConsumer activismRate of family

formationGrowth rate of

population Age distribution of

populationRegional shifts in

populationLife expectanciesBirth rates


External Environment Identifying External Strategic Factors

Factors influencing the choice:– Personal values of managers– Functional experience of managers– Success of current strategies– Strategic myopia

• Willingness to reject unfamiliar as well as negative information

Strategik: Isu dan Faktor Isu strategik:

– Halatuju yang berkemungkinan yang akan mempengaruhi persekitaran akan datang.

Faktor strategik:– Isu-isu strategik yang mempunyai kemungkinan

akan berulang.– Berkemungkinan tinggi akan mempengaruhi


Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-131

Identifying External Strategic Factors:

Issues priority matrix- used to identify and analyze developments in the external environment

External strategic factors- key environmental trends that are judged to have both a medium to high probability of occurrence and a medium to high probability of impact on the corporation


External Environment Issues Priority Matrix- One way to identify and analyze development in external environment:. Identify likely trends:

– Societal and task environments• Strategic environmental issues

Assess probability of trends occurring– From Low to High

Ascertain likely impact of trends on the corporation– From Low to High

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-133


Issues Priority Matrix

High Priority


High Priority

Medium Priority

Medium Priority

Medium Priority

Probable Impact on Corporation

Low Priority

Low Priority

Low Priority




i gh




ty o

f Occ




External Environment

External Strategic FactorsDefined:

Key environmental trends that are judged to have both a medium to high probability of occurrence and a medium to high probability of impact on the corporation.

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-136

Industry- a group of firms that produces a similar product or service

Porter’s 5 forces:– Threat of new entrants– Rivalry among existing firms– Threat of substitute products– Bargaining power of buyers– Bargaining power of suppliers– Relative power of other stakeholders (added)

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-137


Industry Analysis Industry is defined as:

A group of firms producing a similar product or service, such as soft drinks or financial services.


Industry Analysis


Sepertimana diterangkan dalam rajah sebelumnya. MLKP- merupakan pendekatan yang digunakan untuk membangunkan strategi-strategi dalam industri. Persaingan yang tinggi akan memberi kesan pada pulangan yang rendah dalam industri.Menurut POTER, sifat persaingan dalam sasuatu industri boleh dilihat dalam bentuk lima kuasa: Halangan kemasukkan ke industri. Persaingan di antara syarikat. Ancaman penggantian barangan/ perkhidmatan. Kuasa rundingan pembeli. Kuasa rundingan pembekal. Kuasa pihak berkepentingan (kerajaan, masyarakat, NGO)*.

Halangan Kemasukkan Ke Industri

Skala Ekonomi: Mengatasi masalah kos. Perbezaan produk: Penggunaan pengiklanan dan

promosi. Keperluan kapital: Pelaburan besar. Peralihan kos: Perubahan dari satu program ke

progam lain. Saluran pengedaran. Kekurangan kos (tidak bergantung kepada saiz). Polisi kerajaan.

Persaingan di antara Syarikat Jumlah pesaing. Kadar pertumbuhan industri. Ciri-ciri barangan atau perkhidmatan. Jumlah kos tetap. Kemampuan. Halangan keluar dari industri. Kepelbagaian saingan.

Ancaman Penggantian Barangan/ Perkhidmatan

Pelbagai barangan kelihatan berlainan, tetapi boleh memenuhi kehendak pengguna sama seperti barangan lain.– Fax Perkhidmatan kourier.– Nutrasweet Gula.– Kopi Teh.

Kuasa Rundingan Pembeli

Mempengaruhi industri melalui keupayaan untuk:– Menurunkan harga.– Meminta kualiti terbaik atau lebih

perkhidmatan.– Mempermainkan pesaing di antara satu

sama lain.

Kuasa Rundingan Pembekal Berkeupayaan untuk

– menaikkan harga.– menurunkan kualiti.

Kuasa Pihak Berkepentingan

Kepentingan bergantung kepada isu-isu persekitaran industri.– Kerajaan.– Masyarakat.– NGO.

ANALISA INDUSTRIPerkembangan Industri

Industri serpihan:– Tiada syarikat yang memiliki pasaran yang

besar, setiap syarikat hanya memiliki sediki pasaran dari industri.

Industri pengukuhan:– Dikawal oleh syarikat besar, menggunakan

teknik membezakan barangan.


Industry Analysis

Industry EvolutionIndustry EvolutionFragmented Industry –

No firm has large market share and each firm serves only a small piece of the total market in competition with others.

Consolidated Industry –Dominated by a few large firms, each of which struggles to differentiate its products from the competition.


Continuum of International Industries


Industry in which companies tailor their products to the specific needs of consumers in a particular country.

• Retailing

• Insurance

• Banking


Industry in which companiesmanufacture and sell the same products, with only minor adjustments made for individual countries around the world.


• Tires

• Television sets


Industry Analysis Global IndustriesGlobal Industries

Industry primarily multidomestic or primarily global based on:– Pressure for coordination

– Within the multinationals in that industry

– Pressure for local responsiveness– Individual country markets

ANALISA INDUSTRIIndustri Antarabangsa

Multidomestik:– Industri membekalkan barangan kepada keperluan

tertentu pengguna.– Contoh: Peruncitan, insuran, kewangan.

Global:– Industri di mana syarikat membuat dan menjual

barangan yang sama, dengan sedikit atau tanpa pembetulan kepada negara-negara di seluruh dunia.

– Contoh: Kenderaan, tayar, set television.


ANALISA INDUSTRIRisiko Industri Antarabangsa

Kebanyakan firma membentukan rangkaian infomasi dan sistem komputer untuk menilai dan mengkelaskan risiko pelaburan.

Sistem yang dibentuk adalah untuk menilai risiko politik dan ekonomi. Contoh :– Indek kestabilan politik – Indek risiko persekitaran perniagaan. Dan sebagainya…

Walau apa pun, firma mesti membentuk cara menilai risikonya sendiri.


Industry Analysis

Strategic GroupsStrategic GroupsDefined:

A set of business units or firms that pursue similar strategies with similar resources.


Strategic Groups-


Industry Analysis

Strategic TypesStrategic TypesDefined:

Category of firms based on a common strategic orientation and a combination of structure, culture, and processes consistent with that strategy.

ANALISA INDUSTRIJenis Strategik: Syarikat

Dikategorikan satu daripada 4 jenis orientasi strategik am: Pembela (defender):

– Barangan terhad.– Menumpukan ke arah menambahbaikkan operasi pengeluaran.

Pencari (prospector):– Barangan tambahan.– Menumpukan ke arah innovasi barangan dan peluang pasaran.

Penganalisa (analyzer):– Beroperasi di dua tempat yang berlainan barangan.

Perengang (reactor):– Tiada ketetapan hubungan strategi-struktur-budaya.


Industry Analysis Strategic Types –Strategic Types –

Categorized by one of four general strategic orientations:

– Defenders• Companies with a limited product line; focus on improving

efficiency of current operations– Prospectors:

• Companies with fairly broad product lines; focus on product innovation and market opportunities.

– Analyzers:• Corporations that operate in at least two different product-

market areas – one stable and one variable.– Reactors:

• Corporations that lack a consistent strategy-structure-culture relationship.


Industry MatrixKey Success Factors Weight

Company ARating

Company AWeighted Score

Company BRating

Company BWeighted Score

1 2 3 4 5 6

Total 1.00

Source: T. L. Wheelen and J. D. Hunger, “Industry Matrix.” Copyright © 2001 by Wheelen and Hunger Associates. Reprinted by permission.


Gateway Apple Dell

KSF’s Wt Rating Wt’d Score Rating Wt’d Score Rating Wt’d Score

Market share 0.15 3 0.45 2 0.30 4 0.60

Inventory sys 0.08 2 0.16 2 0.16 4 0.32

Fin position 0.10 2 0.20 3 0.30 3 0.30

Prod. Quality 0.08 3 0.24 4 0.32 3 0.24

Cons. Loyalty 0.02 3 0.06 3 0.06 4 0.08

Sales Distr 0.10 3 0.30 2 0.20 3 0.30

Global Exp. 0.15 3 0.45 2 0.30 4 0.60

Org. Structure 0.05 3 0.15 3 0.15 3 0.15

Gateway Apple Dell

KSF’s (cont’d) Wt Rating Wt’d Score Rating Wt’d Score Rating Wt’d Score

Prod. Capacity 0.04 3 0.12 3 0.12 3 0.12

E-commerce 0.10 3 0.30 3 0.30 3 0.30

Customer Serv 0.10 3 0.30 2 0.20 4 0.40

Price competitive 0.02 4 0.08 1 0.02 3 0.06

Mgt. experience 0.01 2 0.02 4 0.04 2 0.02

Total 1.00 2.83 2.47 3.49


External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS)Notes: 1. List opportunities and threats (5–10) in column 1. 2. Weight each factor from 1.0 (Most Important) to 0.0 (Not Important) in

Column 2 based on that factor’s probable impact on the company’s strategic position. The total weights must sum to 1.00.

3. Rate each factor from 5 (Outstanding) to 1 (Poor) in Column 3 based on the company’s response to that factor.

4. Multiply each factor’s weight times its rating to obtain each factor’s weighted score in Column 4.

5. Use Column 5 (comments) for rationale used for each factor. 6. Add the weighted scores to obtain the total weighted score for the

company in Column 4. This tells how well the company is responding to the strategic factors

in its external environment.Source: T. L. Wheelen and J. D. Hunger, “External Strategic Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS).” Copyright © 1991 by Wheelen and Hunger Associates. Reprinted by permission.


External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS)

ExternalFactors Weight Rating

Weighted Score Comments

1 2 3 4 5




Total Weighted Score

Notes: 1. List opportunities and threats (5–10) in column 1. 2. Weight each factor from 1.0 (Most Important) to 0.0 (Not Important) in Column 2 based on that factor’s probable impact on the company’s strategic position. The total weights must sum to 1.00. 3. Rate each factor from 5 (Outstanding) to 1 (Poor) in Column 3 based on the company’s response to that factor. 4. Multiply each factor’s weight times its rating to obtain each factor’s weighted score in Column 4. 5. Use Column 5 (comments) for rationale used for each factor. 6. Add the weighted scores to obtain the total weighted score for the company in Column 4. This tells how well the company is responding to the strategic factors in its external environment.Source: T. L. Wheelen and J. D. Hunger, “External Strategic Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS).” Copyright © 1991 by Wheelen and Hunger Associates. Reprinted by permission.


External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS)Maytag Example

External Factors Weight RatingWeighted Score Comments


Opportunities• Economic integration of

European Community• Demographics favor quality

appliances• Economic development of Asia• Opening of Eastern Europe• Trend to “Super Stores”

Threats• Increasing government regulations• Strong U.S. competition• Whirlpool and Electrolux strong

globally• New product advances• Japanese appliance companies

Total Scores


























Acquisition of Hoover

Maytag quality

Low Maytag presenceWill take timeMaytag weak in this


Well positionedWell positionedHoover weak globally

QuestionableOnly Asian presence is


1 2 3 4 5

RAMALAN Penelitian persekitaran membolehkan data-data

dari persekitaran sekarang dan tren akan datang dibentang dan dibincangkan.

Gerakhati dan nasib baik adalah diperhatikan dalam membuat ramalan untuk meramalkan tren akan datang.

Keputusan ramalan adalah berdasarkan kepada angaran-angaran yang mungkin atau tidak sahih.

Bahaya Ramalan

Kebanyakkan ramalan menyebabkan kesilapan.

Formulasi dan perlaksanaan strategi hadapan berdasarkan anggaran semasa.

Perancangan jangkapanjang adalah diasaskan ke atas apa yang akan berlaku di masa hadapan.

Teknik Ramalan

Teknik ramalan:– Pelenturan (extrapolation): Memanjangkan

tren sekarang ke masa hadapan.– Percambahan pemikiran (brainstorming):

Pendekatan – Pandangan pakar (expert opinion),– Model statistik (statistical modeling): Teknik

kuantitatif.– Senario penulisan (scenario writing).


Industry Analysis

Forecasting Techniques:Forecasting Techniques: Extrapolation Brainstorming Expert opinion Statistical modeling Scenario writing

Peranan Ramalan

Meneliti Persekiratan

Tren dan Fesyen Sekarang Ramalan

Tren Hadapan &


Andaian kepada

Perancangan Strategik dan Pembuatan Keputusan


Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-169

Environmental scanning- the monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of information from the external and internal environments to key people within the corporation

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-170

Identifying External Environmental Variables

Natural environment

Societal environment

Task environment

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-171

Identifying External Environmental Variables

Natural environment

Physical resources Wildlife Climate

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-172

Identifying External Environmental Variables

Societal environment- social systems that influence long-term decisions

Economic forces Technological forces Political-legal forces Sociocultural forces

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-173

Identifying External Environmental Variables

Task environment- groups that directly affect a corporation and are affected by the corporation

Government Local communities Suppliers Competitors Customers Creditors Unions Special interest groups/trade associations

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-174

Identifying External Environmental Variables

Industry analysis- an in-depth examination of key factors within a corporation’s task environment

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-175

Identifying External Environmental Variables

STEEP Analysis- monitoring trends in the societal and natural environments

– Sociocultural-– Technological-– Economic-– Ecological-– Political-legal forces

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-176

Trends in Economic Forces:

• Interest rates• Home sales• Oil prices• Emerging markets

• BRIC countries• Eastern Europe

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-177

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-178

Trends in Technological Forces:

– Portable information devices and electronic networking

– Alternative energy sources– Precision farming– Virtual personal assistants– Genetically altered organisms– Smart, mobile robots

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-179

Trends in Political-Legal Forces:

– Enforcement of U.S. antitrust laws– Taxation and labor laws– Government bureaucracy– World Trade Organization

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-180

Trends in Sociocultural Forces:

– Demographics– Increasing environmental awareness– Growing health consciousness– Expanding seniors market– Impact of Gen Y– Declining mass market– Changing pace and location of life– Changing household composition– Increasing diversity of workforce and markets

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-181

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-182

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Identifying External Strategic Factors:

Issues priority matrix- used to identify and analyze developments in the external environment

External strategic factors- key environmental trends that are judged to have both a medium to high probability of occurrence and a medium to high probability of impact on the corporation

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-185

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-186

Industry- a group of firms that produces a similar product or service

Porter’s 5 forces:– Threat of new entrants– Rivalry among existing firms– Threat of substitute products– Bargaining power of buyers– Bargaining power of suppliers– Relative power of other stakeholders (added)

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-187

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-188

Threat of new entrants- new entrants to an industry bring new capacity, a desire to gain market share and substantial resources

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-189

Entry barrier- an obstruction that makes it difficult for a company to enter an industry

Economies of scale Product differentiation Capital requirements Switching costs

•Access to distribution channels•Cost disadvantages due to size•Government policies

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-190

Rivalry Among Existing Firms- new entrants to an industry bring new capacity, a desire to gain market share and substantial resources

Number of competitors Rate of industry growth Product or service characteristics Amount of fixed costs Capacity Height of exit barriers Diversity of rivals

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-191

Threat of Substitute Products or Services- products that appear different but can satisfy the same need as another product

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-192

Bargaining Power of Buyers- ability of buyers to force prices down, bargain for higher quality, play competitors against each other

Large purchases Backward integration Alternative suppliers Low cost to change suppliers Product represents a high percentage of buyer’s cost Buyer earns low profits Product is unimportant to buyer

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-193

Bargaining Power of Suppliers- ability of suppliers to raise prices or reduce quality

Industry is dominated by a few companies Unique product or service Substitutes are not readily available Ability to forward integrate Unimportance of product or service to the


Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-194

Relative Power of Other Stakeholders

Government Local communities Creditors Trade associations Special interest groups Unions Shareholders Complementors- products that work well with a

firm’s product

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-195

Industry Evolution

Fragmented industry- no firm has a large market share and each firm only serves a small piece of the total market in competition with other firms

Consolidated industry- domination by a few large firms, each struggles to differentiate products from its competition

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-196

Categorizing International Industries

Multi-domestic Industries- specific to each country or group of countries

Global Industries- operate worldwide with multinational companies making only small adjustments for country-specific circumstances

Regional industries- multinational companies primarily coordinate their activities within regions

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-197

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-198

Strategic group- a set of business units or firms that pursue similar strategies with similar


Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-199

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-200

Strategic Types

Defenders- focus on improving efficiency Prospectors- focus on product innovation

and market opportunities Analyzers- focus on at least two different

product market areas Reactors- lack a consistent strategy-

structure-culture relationship

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-201


Creates a condition of disequilibrium and change

Competitive advantage comes from:– knowledge of environment– willingness to take risks– Cannibalization of own products

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-202

Key success factors- variables that can significantly affect the overall competitive positions of companies within an industry

Industry matrix- summarizes the key success factors within a particular industry

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-203

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-204

Using Key Success Factors to Create an Industry Matrix

Competitive intelligence (business intelligence)- a formal program of gathering information on a company’s competitors

Sources of competitive intelligence: Information brokers Internet Industrial espionage Investigatory services

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-205

Monitoring Competitors for Strategic Planning

Primary activity of competitive intelligence is to monitor competitors

Competitors organizations that offer same, similar, or substitute products or services in the business areas in which a particular company operates

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-206

Forecasting is based on a set of assumptions

Faulty underlying assumptions are the most frequent cause of forecasting errors

Useful forecasting techniques

Extrapolation Brainstorming Expert opinion Industry Scenario

•Delphi technique•Statistical modeling•Prediction markets•Cross impact analysis

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-207

Prentice Hall, Inc. ©2009 4-208

Penelitian Dalaman:Analisa Organisasi

Bab 5Pengurusan Strategik


Pendekatan Berdasarkan-Sumber (Resource-Based).

Analisa Raintaian-Nilai (Value-Chain). Penelitian Sumber Fungsian.


Strategic Management Model

Evaluation and Control

and Control StrategyFormulation








Societal Environment General Forces

Task Environment

Industry Analysis

Structure Chain of Command

Resources Assets, Skills Competencies,


Culture Beliefs, Expectations,


Reason for existence

What results to accomplish by when Plan to

achieve the mission & objectives Broad

guidelines for decision making


Activities needed to accomplish a plan


Cost of the programs Procedures

Sequence of steps needed to do the job

Process to monitor performanceand take corrective action




Evaluationand Control


Penelitian dan analisa persekitaran luaran adalah untuk mencari peluang dan ancaman, tidak cukup untuk menjamin atau memberi dayasaing yang kompetitif kepada syarikat. Dengan itu penanalisa syarikat perlu melihat kepada faktor strategik dalaman syarikat.– Faktor strategik dalaman:

• Mengenalpasti keupayaan dan kelemahan syarikat.• Faktor kritikal dalam menentukan keupayaan syarikat

dalam mengambil peluang dan menanggani ancaman.– Analisa persekitaran dalaman juga dirujuk sebagai analisa

organisasi, yang bertujuan untuk mengenaipasti dan membentuk sumber dan kompintensi organisasi.

Sumber/(Resources) Definasi:

– Merupakan aset, keupayaan, proses, skil, atau pengetahuan mengawal oleh sesebuah syarikat.

Sumber adalah keupayaan:– Apabila ia memberi kelebihan dayasaing kepada syarikat.

Sumber adalah kelemahan:– Apabila syarikat lemah dalam membuat sesuatu/tiada

dayasaing.– Tiada mempunyai keupayaan untuk melakukan walaupun

pesaing berupaya untuk melakukannya.

Kerangka Analisa VRIO oleh (Barney)

4 persoalan untuk dianalisa:– Nilai (Value): Adakah ia memberikan kelebihan dayasaing?– Jarang/Unik (Rareness): Adakah Pesaing lain memilikinya?– Meniru (Imitability): Adakah ia memlibatkan Kos tinggi

bagi pesaing untuk meniru?– Organisasi (Oraganization): Adakah organisasi sedia untuk

menggunakan /mengekploitasi sumber?

Kerangka VRIO (samb.) Jawapan: YA. Sumber tersebut merupakan kekuatan / keupayaan dan

“Distinctive competence” kepada syarikat untuk bersaing.

Menilai kekuatan/Keupayaan dan kelemahan untuk menentukan masa hadapan syarikat bolih dibuat dengan membandingkan syarikat :– Prestasi dahulu.– Pesaing utama.– Keseluruhan industri.

Grant ‘s (5) Steps Resource Base to Strategy Analysis/ Teknik Pengekalan Kekuatan / Keupayaan Dayasaing (Grant)

Mengenalpasti dan kelaskan sumber-sumber syarikat dalam menentukan kekuatan dan kelemahan.

Gabungkan kekuatan syarikat kepada satu keupayaan khas: Keupayaan korporat.” Corporate capabilities or called Core Competencies”

Menilai keupayaan keuntungan yang boleh didapati dari sumber-sumber dan keupayaan-keupayaan.

Pilih strategi yang terbaik untuk mengeksploitasikan sumber-sumber dan keupayaan-keupayaan yang ada ke arah peluang-peluang luaran.

Mengenalpasti jurang sumber dan melabur untuk memperbaiki kelemahan.

Penentuan dalam Mengekalkan Kelebihan/Dayasaing

Ketahanan:– Kadar di mana sumber dan keupayaan syarikat berkurangan atau

menjadi lapuk.– Mengatasi… teknologi baru.

Peniruan:– Kadar di mana sumber dan keupayaan syarikat boleh ditiru oleh

pesaing.– Syarat-syarat peniruan akan berlaku:

• Ketelusan: Kecepatan pesaing dalam memahami hubungkait di antara sumber dan keupayaan strategi.

• Pemindahan: Keupayaan pesaing untuk mendapatkan sumber dan keupayaan untuk bersaing.

• Penyalinan: Keupayaan pesaing dalam menyalin sumber dan keupayaan.

Pengekalan Berterusan Cara menentukan samaada sumber dan keupayaan

syarikat boleh bertahan atau ditiru oleh pesaing.– Sumber pusingan perlahan: [Mudah ditiru]

• Mudah ditiru, bergantung kepada idea (Walkman Sony).– Sumber pusingan biasa:

• Pengeluaran banyak, skala ekonomi, proses yang rumit (Proton)– Sumber pusingan cepat: [Susah ditiru]

• Dikawal rapi, berpatent, jenama (Pisaucukur Gillette).


Permulaan dalam menganalisa organisasi.– Mengetahui kedudukan produk di sepanjang rantaian-nilai.

Definasi Rantaian-Nilai:– Satu set hubungkait aktiviti yang menghasilkan nilai yang

bermula dari bahan mentah (dari pembekal), bergerak dalam bentuk aktiviti bersiri yang menghasilkan nilai tambahan; melibatkan pengeluaran dan pemasaran barangan atau perkhidmatan, dan berakhir dengan penjual; yang menjual barangan siap kepada pelanggan.

Rantaian-Nilai: Pembuatan Barangan

Pengilangan Utama

BahanMentah Penciptaan


Pengedar Penjual

Analisa Rantaian-Nilai Industri 2 segmen:

– Huluan (upsetram).– Hiliran (downstream).

Contoh:– Petronas:

• Huluan: Aktiviti carigali, menghantar minyak ke kilang penapis.• Hiliran: Penapisan minyak, menghantar minyak kepada penjual.

Pusat graviti/(Center of Gravity)– Sebahagian dari rantaian-nilai yang amat penting bagi syarikat ;

dan juga kedudukan di mana kepakaran dan keupayaan berpusat.– Titik permulaan.

Analisa Rantaian-Nilai Korporat (Porter)

Setiap syarikat menpunyai Rantaian Nilai Dalaman nya sendiri;seperti berikut;– Aktiviti utama:

• Logistik kemasukkan.• Operasi.• Logistik keluaran.• Pemasaran dan jualan.• Perkhidmatan

– Aktiviti sokongan:• Perolehan.• Perkembangan teknologi.• Pengurusan sumber manusia.• Infrastruktur organisasi.


Corporate Value Chain


Corporate Value Chain Analysis

Examine each product line’s value chain• Core competencies & core deficiencies

Examine the “linkages” within each product line’s value chain

• Connections between the way one value activity is performed and the cost of performance of another activity

Examine the synergies among the value chains of different product lines or business units

• Economies of scope


Cara mudah untuk menganalisa rantaian-nilai syarikat bermula dengan menganalisa fungsian tradisional untuk mengenalpasti potensi:– Kekuatan.– Kelemahan.

PENELITIAN SUMBER-SUMBER FUNGSIAN di buat dengan ;– Struktur organisasional asas.– Budaya korporat. dan – Isu – isu strategik seperti : Pemasaran, Kewangan, R&D, Operasi,

Sumber Manusia, Sistem Informasi.

Struktur Organisasional Asas Struktur mudah:

– Perniagaan kecil; satu/dua talian barangan.– Tiada fungsian atau kategori produk.

Struktur fungsian:– Perniagaan sederhana; beberapa talian produk.– Pekerja adalah pakar dari segi fungsian.

Struktur divisional:– Perniagaan besar; banyak talian produk dalam pelbagai



Basic Organizational Structures: Simple and Functional

I. Simple Structure

II. Functional Structure



Top Management

Manufacturing Sales Finance Personnel

Struktur Organisasional Asas (samb)

Unit perniagaan strategik (SBU):– Modifikasi struktur divisional.– Mempunyai penumpuan kepada satu produk/ barangan sahaja.– Desentralisasi.

Struktur konglomerat:– Perniagaan besar; mempunyai banyak barangan bagi pelbagai

industri yang tidak berkaitan.– Diversifikasi.


Basic Structures of Corporations: Divisional

III. Divisional Structure*

Manufacturing Finance Manufacturing Finance

Top Management

Product Division A Product Division B

*Conglomerate structure is a variant of the division structure.

Sales Personnel Sales Personnel

Budaya Korporat Definasi:

– Kumpulan kepercayaan, tanggapan, dan nilai yang dipelajari dan dikongsi bersama dengan pekerja di dalam syarikat; dan tersebar di dalam syarikat dan diperturunkan kepada pekerja baru.

Sifat-sifat:– Budaya kesungguhan (kedalaman):

• Tahap di mana pekerja sesebuah unit menerima norma, nilai, atau sebarang budaya yang ada kaitan.

– Budaya integrasi (keluasan):• Tahap di mana unit-unit berkongsi budaya yang sama.


Corporate Culture

Defined:Collection of beliefs, expectations, and values learned and shared by a corporation’s members and transmitted from one generation of employees to another.


Corporate Culture Distinct Attributes

1. Cultural intensity– Degree to which members of a unit accept

the norms, values, or other culture content associated with the unit.

2. Cultural integration– Extent to which units throughout an

organization share a common culture.


Corporate Culture Important Functions

Sense of identity for employees Generate employee commitment Stability of organization Guide for appropriate behavior

Isu Strategik Pemasaran Penumpuan:

– Kedudukan pasaran dan sementasi:• Kedudukan pasaran: Pelanggan kita? Kawasan penumpuan

pasaran?• Segmentasi pasaran: Kelebihan pemasaran? Pengenalan

produk/perkhidmatan baru? Percangahan produk sendiri?– Campuran pemasaran:

• Kombinasi: produk, tempat, promosi, dan harga (4Ps).– Kitaran hayat produk:

• Pergerakkan produk dari pengenalan hingga kematangan.• Pemetaan di antara jualan (RM) dengan masa.


Strategic Marketing Issues

Market Position:– “Who are our customers?”

Market Segmentation:– Niches, new product development

Marketing Mix:– Combination of key variables under the corporation’s

control used to affect demand and gain competitive advantage.


Marketing Mix VariablesProduct Place Promotion Price

Quality Channels Advertising List priceFeatures Coverage Personal selling DiscountsOptions Locations Sales promotion AllowancesStyle Inventory Publicity Payment periodsBrand name Transport Credit termsPackagingSizesServicesWarrantiesReturnsSource: Philip Kotler, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, and Control, 4th ed. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1980), p. 89. Copyright © 1980. Reprinted by permission of Prentice-Hall, Inc.


The Product Life Cycle

Introduction Growth* Maturity Decline




*The right end of the Growth stage is often called Competitive Turbulence because of price and distribution competition that shakes out the weaker competitors. For further information, see C. R. Wasson, Dynamic Competitive Strategy and Product Life Cycles, 3rd ed. (Austin, Tex.: Austin Press, 1978).

Isu Strategik KewanganPungurus Kewangan yang menentukan punca terbaik kewangan, cara mengunanya dan mengawalnya

Penumpuan:– Sumber kewangan: Dalaman dan luaran.– Penggunaan dana: Aliran kewangan.– Pengawalan kewangan: Audit.

Pengumpilan (leverage) kewangan:– Ratio: Jumlah Hutang kepada Jumlah Aset.– Bagaimana hutang digunakan untuk meningkatkan pulangan kepada

pelabur.– Penghasilan kewangan dari dalaman dan luaran.

Belanjawan kapital:– Menganalisa dan menyusun kedudukan pelaburan-pelaburan yang

berpotensi di dalam aset tetap.– Tempoh pulangan (ROI), kadar pulangan (ROR), titik pulangan (BEP).


Strategic Financial Issues

Financial Leverage:– Ratio of total debt to total assets.

Capital Budgeting:– Analyzing and ranking possible

investments in fixed assets.

Isu Strategik R&DPengurus R&D bertangungjawab untuk ;

Tugas pengurusan:– Pemilihan altenatif teknologi baru:– Membina cara penerimaan dan pengunaan teknologi baru:– Penempatan sumber untuk kejayaan pengunaan teknologi baru:

Penumpuan:– Penekanan R&D, kecekapan teknologikal, dan pemindahan

teknologi:– Campuran R&D:– Kesan pemberhentian strategi teknologikal:


Strategic R&D Issues R&D Intensity:

– Spending on R&D as a percentage of sales revenue.

Technological Competence:– Development and use of innovative

technology.Technology Transfer:

– Process of taking new technology from the lab to the marketplace.

Isu Strategik R&D (samb)

Ketekunan R&D:– Pengawalan pasaran.– Peruntukan dan penggunaan R&D.

Kecekapan teknologikal:– Pembangunan dan penggunaan teknologi.– Sumber manusia yang menangani.

Pemindahan teknologi:– Dari makmal kepada pelanggan.

Isu Strategik R&D (samb)

Campuran R&D:– R&D Asas: Penggunaan makmal.– R&D Produk: Penumpuan kepada pemasaran.– R&D Kejuruteraan: Penekanan kejuruteraan,

penumpuan kepada pengawalan kualiti, pembangunan rekabentuk, dan penambahbaikkan peralatan pengeluaran.

– R&D Campuran: Pengabungan R&D di atas bergantung kepada strategi.

Isu Strategik R&D (samb)

Kesan pemberhentian strategi teknologikal:– Keputusan untuk memberhentikan penggunaan

teknologi.– Keputusan untuk menghasilkan teknologi baru.– Keputusan untuk menerima teknologi baru.


Technological DiscontinuityWhat the S-Curves Reveal

Research Effort/Expenditure

In the corporate planning process, it is generally assumed that incremental progress in technology will occur. But past developments in a given technology cannot be extrapolated into the future, because every technology has its limits. The key to competitiveness is to determine when to shift re-sources to a technology with more potential.

Mature Technology

New Technology

Source: P. Pascarella, “Are You Investing in the Wrong Technology?” Industry Week (July 25, 1983), p. 38. Copyright © 1983 Penton/IPC. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.


uct P




Isu Strategik Operasi

Tujuan utama operasi ialah untuk menghasilkan produk/perkhidmatan dengan penggunaan sistem tertentu yang mana akan menghasilkan jumlah tertentu produk/perkhidmatan tersebut, pada kos tertentu, dalam masa yang dikehendaki.

Sistem sela: Proses berturutan, tetapi kerja dan turutan adalah berbeza.

Sistem berterusan: Produk boleh dipasang atau diproses secara berterusan.


Strategic Operations Issues

Intermittent systems:– Manufacturing systems where items

are normally processed sequentially but the work and sequence of the process vary.

Continuous systems:– Laid out as lines where products are

continuously assembled or processed.

Isu Strategik Sumber Manusia

Kerja kumpulan: Ketua dan pekerja bawahan. Perhubungan industri: Pengurusan hendaklah

bekerjasama dengan kesatuan sekerja. Penambahbaik kualiti tempat kerja. Kepelbagaian pekerja: Berlainan bangsa dan budaya.


Strategic HRM Issues

Teams– Autonomous (self-managing)– Cross-functional– Concurrent engineering

Unionization– 13.9% of labor force overall– 12% of private labor force

Temporary Workers– Increase flexibility; avoid layoffs


Strategic HRM Issues Quality of Worklife

– Participative problem solving– Restructuring work– Innovative reward systems– Improvements in work environment

Human Diversity– Different races, cultures and

backgrounds in the workplace.


Strategic Information Systems Issues

Automate back-office processes Automate individual tasks Enhance key business functions Develop competitive advantages


Strategic Information Systems Issues

Intranet:– Information network within an

organization that also has access to the external worldwide Internet.

Extranet:– Information network within an

organization available to key suppliers and customers.

Isu Strategik Sistem Maklumat

Internet:– Capaian maklumat tanpa sempadan.

Intranet:– Pengaliran maklumat di dalam organisasi.


Impact of the Internet

Virtual Teams:– Groups of geographically and/or

organizationally dispersed coworkers that are assembled using a combination of telecommunications and information technologies to accomplish an organizational task.


Impact of the Internet

Virtual Teams• Flatter organizational structures• Turbulent environments• Employee autonomy • Higher knowledge requirements• Globalization of trade


Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS)

Internal Factors Weight RatingWeighted Score Comments

1 2 3 4 5




Total Weighted Score


Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS):Maytag as Example

Internal FactorsWeight Rating

Weighted Score Comments

1 2 3 4 5


Strengths• Quality Maytag culture• Experienced top management• Vertical integration• Employee relations• Hoover’s international orientation

Weaknesses• Process-oriented R&D• Distribution channels

• Financial position• Global positioning

• Manufacturing facilities

Total Weighted Score

Quality key to successKnow appliancesDedicated factoriesGood, but deterioratingHoover name in cleaners

Slow on new productsSuperstores replacing small

dealersHigh debt loadHoover weak outside the

United Kingdom and Australia

Investing now



























IFAS– Gateway Computers (2003)

Key Internal Factors Weight Rating Wtd Score


1. Several new senior executive with world-class skills and leadership experience 0.05 4 0.40

2. Continuous decline in operating costs and cost of goods sold 0.05 3 0.15

3. Well-known brand name 0.05 3 0.15

4. Consumer Reports (Sept 2002) recommended Gateway 500X as #1 0.10 4 0.40

5. As a direct seller, Gateway holds high brand recognition 0.05 3 0.15

IFAS– Gateway Computers (2003)

Key Internal Factors Weight Rating Wtd Score

Strengths (cont’d)

6. Gateway is diversifying into non-PC products 0.10 3 0.30

7. Good relationship with its suppliers. 0.05 4 0.20

8. Economies of scale, the 6th largest PC maker I the world 0.05 4 0.20

9. Gateway retails stores excellent 0.05 3 0.15


IFAS– Gateway Computers (2003)

Key Internal Factors Weight Rating Wtd Score


1. High operating expense (22% of revenue vs. 10% for Dell) 0.05 3 0.15

2. Almost no budget for R&D vs. Dell’s 18% of revenue 0.10 1 0.05

3. Low return on assets ratio 0.025 1 0.10

4. No niche market 0.025 2 0.05

IFAS– Gateway Computers (2003)

Key Internal Factors Weight Rating Wtd Score

Weaknesses (cont’d)

5. Shortage of cash due to successive losses 0.10 2 0.20

6. Limited number Gateway stores 0.05 2 0.10

7. Weak performance in overseas market 0.10 2 0.20

TOTAL 1.00 2.85

top related