laporan hasil diskusi respon sosial

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  • 7/29/2019 Laporan Hasil Diskusi Respon Sosial



    Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata ajar Respon Sosial

    Pengampu :

    Herry Susanto,S.Kep.,Ns

    Di susun Oleh :


    Lalu Tanjung Wiraguna

    Ni Wayan Rachik A

    Pianike Widiawati

    Ratih Villan Pitaloka

    Triaska Adi Prakosa

    Wardania Putri Runggu





  • 7/29/2019 Laporan Hasil Diskusi Respon Sosial



    Character Traits

    Fact Sheet

    1. Attitude.Your attitude is how you feel about people and life.It shows in how you look atpeople.It shows in how you talk.Do you look at the good in others? This shows a good


    2. Courtesy.courtesy is being polite.its being nice to others.its not errupting when others aretalking .its good manners and a concern for making others comfortable.

    3. Depandability.The depandable person can be counted on.On the job,the depandable personalways gets the work done.Depandable people do what they say they will do and get the job

    done when it needs to be done.

    4. Desire to succeed.A desire to succeed means wanting do something may be a desire tosucceed in a marriage or in raising your children,or it may be to succeed in your does

    not just must work hard for succeed.You must want to succeed.That is a desire to


    5. Enthusiasm.this means being happy and excited.its looking at the good things that happen toyou.Enthusiasm is being motivated and looking forward to doing things,getting

    involved,learning about new things,and growing as person.

    6. Foresight.Foresight is planning a head.Its not letting life just happen to you.Its planning thathelps make life good.Its deciding what you want to happen so that you can make it happen.

    7. Friendliness.Friendly people smile a lot.They like to walk with people.They startconversations.If you want more friends,be friendly with more people.

    8. Health.Your health shows in the way you look and act.Some very successful people have hadpoor health.Their success was due to their talent and desire to succeed.Good health makes it

    easier though,and it shows in your personality.

    9. Honesty.Honesty is being truthful and fair.honest workers give a full days work for a dayspay.You can be honest or dishonest.Its your choice .if you are honest ,others will truts you.

    10. Initiative.This means to start doing something .Its seeing what needs to be done and doing itwithout being told,It means not waiting for someone to tell you what to do or how to do it.

    11.Loyalty.Do you stick by your friend ? your family ? if you do, you are loyal to them.You willnot leave them when they need will not say bad things about them.As wa

    worker,You should be loyal to your employer.

    12.Morality.Morality is being true to your own idea of what is right,Its knowing right fromwrong and sticking to it.Its being true,honest and fair.

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    13.Neatness.Neatness is being tidy.Its being clean.Neatness is shown in your grooming and howyou dress.Its shows in how you keep your room at home.It will also show in how you keep

    your work area.

    14.Open-Mindedness.This means listening to both sides of things.Its giving thought to whatanother person says when you do not agree.Its good to keep an open mind.If your mind is

    closed on a subject,you cannot learn much more about it.

    15.Personal Appearance.This of course,is how you look.Its the way you wear your hair.Its howyou wear clothes,How clean you are.and whether or not you are well-groomed.

    16.Punctuality.Are you always on time? Punctuality means being on time for things. Its beingon time for school and for work.Its not keeping others waiting.

    17.Self-Control.This is Controlling your emotions and youe effort.Controlling your emotionsmeans holding back anger until you can let it out in a way that is acceptable.Letting your

    anger explode in front of others is not acceptable.Controlling your effort is getting things

    done when you would like to do something else. Its sticking your with school work when

    youre tired.

    18.Sense Of humor.Can you see tge funny side of things ? Do you enjoy a good laught ? Do youstill enjoy it when the joke is on you ? if so,you have a good a sense of humor. This makes

    life easier and a lot more fun.

    19.Tact.Tact is saying the right thing at the right time.Knowing how and when to say things isvery important.Learn when a person is in a good mood.Then say things in a way that will not

    make that person look bad.

    20.Pleasant voice.Your voice can make others like you or dislike you.Your voice shows ypourattitude,your self-control,and many others traits.What you say of course,is most important.But

    the way you say its important,too.People may be attracted to you just because you have a

    nice voice.This is even more impportant when you use the telephone.When others cannot see

    you,they judge you only by your voice.

  • 7/29/2019 Laporan Hasil Diskusi Respon Sosial


    TUGAS 1

    Theres more to me than you can see

    Worksheet (Student Workbook )

    A. Direction for part A : List the four good character traits that you believe describe youbest + reason

    1. Care / peduliDengan seperti itu kita bisa memahami karakter / beban teman,maka tali

    persaudaraan pun terasa erat. Kita bisa memberikan masukan yang positif

    ,keberadaan kita sangat diakui dan merasa berguna bagi oranglain ketika kita menjadi

    pendengar yang baik .

    2. Antusiasme / Semangat TinggiTidak ada hasil yang diperoleh tanpa usaha apalagi tanpa semangat besar ketika kita

    mempunyai angan-angan.Semangat tinggi hanya patut digunakan untuk hal-hal yang

    bersifat positif.

    3. Sopan-SantunSopan-santun sangat diperlukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari,berupa

    ucapan,sikap,dan tindakan yang mencerminkan karakter kita.

    Hal ini digunakan untuk berkomunikasi kepada orang yang lebih tua dari kita,atau

    orang-orang disekitar kita.

    Celaan,hinaan yang akan diperoleh apabila sopan-santunnya tidak baik.

    4. Saling-BerbagiKetika ada teman/oranglain membutuhkan kita,dalam bentuk materi/non-

    materi,sebisa mungkin membantu.Berbagi apa yang kita punya,dan jika kita berbuat

    baik percayalah bahwa suatu saat tindakan ini akan berbalik pada kita saat kita


    B. Direction for part B : List four good character traits that you would like to develop +cara mengembangkannya.

    1. Peduli/Care Selalu berusaha untuk tetap peka terhadap keadaan teman/orang

    sekitar kita.

    Selalu berusaha untuk tidak menutup telinga dan menutup mataketika teman dalam masalah.

    Memberikan apa yang kita punya,selama kita mampu.2. Antusiasme

  • 7/29/2019 Laporan Hasil Diskusi Respon Sosial


    Selalu bekerja keras untuk mencapai angan-angan besar. Selalu menjadikan kegagalan adalah kunci utama kesuksesan. Belajar dari kesalahan agar kedepannya bisa jauh lebih baik. Taklukkan tantangan didepan mata,jangan takut melangkah.

    3. Sopan-Santun Selalu melihat bahwa orang yang lebih tua dari kita,sudah sepatutnya

    kita hormati.

    Saat kita menghormati oranglain,saat itu juga mereka akan bersikapsebaliknya.

    Sapan-santun merupakan cerminan diri.


    Evaluasi Bagaimana menumbuhkan sifat antusiasme pada diri kita ?

    Jawab : lebih cenderung sifat semangat itu tumbuh dalam diri kita,berasal

    dari niat dalam hati untuk melakukan hal yang baik.

    Sebagai contoh :

    Saat kita mengetahui bahwa teman 1 kelas kita memperoleh IPtinggi,dan kita rendah,ada bisikan dalam hati bahwa sama-sama

    makan nasi,pelajaran yang disampaikan dosen sama

    Dia bisa kenapa saya tidak ?? secara otomatis kita terpacu untuk bisa

    meraih prestasi yang baik.

    Melihat kerja keras orangtua dirumah,atau bahkan diluarkota hanyauntuk melihat kita bisa mengenyam pendidikan setinggi mungkin.

    Itupula yang bisa memicu semangat dalam diri kita untuk

    memberikan hasil sekolah setinggi mungkin.

  • 7/29/2019 Laporan Hasil Diskusi Respon Sosial


    Tugas 2

    Accentuate the positive

    Worksheet ( Student Workbook)

    Directions: Change the sentences below so they are positive statements that would not make your

    fellow workers mad at you.

    1. This work is boring-an idiot could do it !2. Some of you arent doing a very good job and i fell im doing all the work !3. Im really better at this job than you !4. I dont like the way things are done around here !