penggunaan kaedah titik paling barat dan panca titik rujukan dalam penentuan waktu solat berasaskan...

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Post on 06-Feb-2018




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  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    Application of Methods of Westernmost Point and Multi Reference Point in

    Determining Zone-Based Prayer Time : A Study in Selangor

    Mohd Paidi Bin Norman, Prof.Dato.Dr.Mohd Zambri Zainuddin, Dr. Saadan ManAkademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur

    MalaysiaTel : 01336909!. "mel :a#ai$norman%&ahoo.'om ,naidinid%(mail.'om


    The time of a #arti'ular )alat mu)t be in order for a Mu)lim to be able to #erform it )o that it *ill

    not be #erformed before it) )ti#ulated time. The e''entri'it& of the "arth+) orbit and the

    in'lination of it) ai) alter the time of a #arti'ular )alat e-er& &ear. /M ha) e)tabli)hed the

    Time Zone 2on'e#t for the time of )alat *ith )#e'ifi' term) and 'ondition) ba)ed on all one).

    S'ientifi'all&, t*o te) of te'hni4ue) are u)ed to )#e'if& the time of )alat 5 the e)t7mo)t Point

    Te'hni4ue and the Multi#le 8eferen'e Point Te'hni4ue. Thi) )tud& *a) 'ondu'ted in order to

    'om#are ea'h te'hni4ue) ba)ed on the 'al'ulation bet*een the -ariant )ettin() #oint) and the

    effe't on the time of )alat for 013 of Selan(or. 8e)ear'h found that the Multi#le Point te'hni4ue

    i) more a##ro#riate method in fiatin( the time of )alat be'au)e it re#re)ent) the *hole entire


    e&*ord) : Pra&er Time Zone 2on'e#t, Multi#le 8eferen'e Point, e)ternmo)t Point.


    "# $ntroduction

    Ta)&ir i) a term for ea)ine)) in )lam, hel#) /M to emanate the Time Zone

    2on'e#t *herea) the #re'i)e )alat time in one+) one i) ba)ed on a fiated #la'e in the

    #arti'ular one and ha) been a(reed b& the )lami' /))o'iation of the )tate it)elf to a't a)

    a referen'e #oint in determinin( the ea't and #re'i)e time of )alat. Thi) initiati-e *a)

    introdu'ed in order to a-oid an& mi)'on'e#tion or di)'re#an'ie) *hen fiatin( the time

    of )alat in e-er& )tate in Mala&)ia. Before the Time Zone 'on'e#t been introdu'ed, ba';

    then, mo)t of the time of )alat *ere to be ba)ed on different #la'e), either a 'it& or a

    'olle'tion of -illa(e1.

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    -illa(e) in one+) 'it& that re)ult in different time of )alat. Thu), ha-in( the Time Zone to

    determine the time of )alat hel#) Mo)lem to 'he'; the 'orre't time ba)ed on their one.

    The di)tribution one) #ra&er need) to ta;e into a''ount -ariou) fa'tor) )u'h a)

    the #o)ition of the Sun, a) *ell a) the )ie and )ha#e of the )urfa'e of an area in'luded in

    the #re)'ribed one uniform bet*een ea'h other. /lthou(h the method of fiin( a #ra&er

    one -erified b& State reli(iou) authoritie), but it )till need to refer to )#e'ifi' 'riteria )et

    b& /M. /mon( the 'riteria are:

    =i> "a'h #re)'ribed #ra&er time one )hould not e'eed minute).

    =ii> / referen'e )tation one mu)t be *ithin the e)t in the one.

    =iii> .3Mu)tafa Din Subari dan Mohamad Sau#i 2he /*an( =011>, a;tu Solat Setem#at : Satu Pemurnian

    e#ada a;tu Solat Bera)a);an Zon,Persidangan Muakarah !alak "0##.4Mohamad Sau#i 2he /*an( =00!>, Pen&elara)an hti&ati Dalam a;tu Solat : Pandan(an Te;ni;al.

    Muakarah $a%atankuasa &eknikal Kalendar Islam, uala Teren((anu.

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    State, di)tri't or di)tri't) ba)ed on the (eo(ra#hi'al 'ondition) of the area. n the #a)t,

    )ettlement) more 'on'entrated in urban area), to*n) and -illa(e) in the heart of a re(ion,

    a) 'om#ared to the border area be'au)e mo)t of the area i) fore)t area. Pra&er time) for

    border area di)tri't or one not )o dealt *ith be'au)e mo)t of them ha-e not been

    e#lored a) *ell a) the ab)en'e of re)ident) *ho li-ed in the area). Thu) the i))ue of

    du#li'ation #ra&er time in the border area ha) not ari)en at the time.

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    Ba)ed on the re)ult) of the 2oordination Meetin( Time one) throu(hout the

    'ountr&, the #ra&er time) for the *hole of Selan(or ha) )et a total of t*o => the one

    Zone 1 ="a)tern> 'om#ri)in( the Di)tri't of

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    )# Multiple reference point method

    Thi) method i) a method that re4uire) a fe* dro#) or )ele'ted to be u)ed a)

    referen'e. Thi) i) be'au)e the #oint or the mo)t )tation e)t i) not ne'e))aril& the mo)t

    end #oint for SalaatE. /) i) ;no*n, the "arth i) 'ir'ulatin( around the Sun b& leanin( on

    it) orbital #lane. f )een from the #oint of the mo-ement of the Sun all &ear round, found

    the mo-ement of the Sun are e#erien'in( 'han(e) in the #ath *here there i) )un)et time

    lead) to the North e)t and at time) lead) to the South e)t.

    Thi) i) a relati-e of the #o)ition of the earth around the Sun in tilted 3.! G in it)

    ai)9. 2han(e) in the #o)ition of the Sun re)ulted in #oint or referen'e the end of 'he';7in

    time) -ar& a''ordin( to the form of the one and the )ea)on. or the #ur#o)e) of the )tud&

    u)in( thi) method, re)ear'her) ha-e 'ho)en )ome referen'e #oint around the

    'ir'umferen'e, re#re)entin( the total ea'h di)tri't in Zone 1 and one . The 'oordinate)

    for e-er& #oint earned from (oo(le earth, i) )ele'ted at random, *here the #ra&er time)

    for e-er& #oint *ill be 'al'ulated, and the mo)t #oint) in final #ra&er time be ta;en to be

    a referen'e #oint for the one Mar4ue) it re#re)ent).

    )" Multiple Point Zone "

    Tempat *atitud *ongitud

    +ulu *angat

    Bu;it 8e#in

    (.Seri Ma'an(


    Serdan( Cama











    (.Tanah Ciat

    8eab S(.Buah











    8/bdul , a?ian Ter#erin'i a;tu7a;tu Solat Dalam Bebera#a Zon Di

    Mala&)ia,Persidangan Muakarah !alak "0##.9Baharrudin Zainal =00@>,Ilmu !alak -disi Kedua, uala Cum#ur : De*an Baha)a Dan Pu)ta;a, 60.

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon



    Bu;it 2aha&a

    (.Tanah Ciat

    Taman De)a a&a










    Bu;it 8e#in

    A. Bun(a Buah











    +ulu Selangor

    B;t.< lan(

    A. Bun(a Buah


    (.Seri eledan(









    Table 1 : 8eferen'e #oint) 1 Zone for Multi#le 8eferen'e Point Method

    )% Multiple Point .one %

    Tempat *atitud *ongitud

    /uala *angat


    (.Tamba; Pantai

    (.Tanah Ciat










    /uala Selangor

    B;t Tare;



    (.ubu Aa?ah

    (.Tamba; a*a












  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    Table : 8eferen'e #oint) Zone for Multi#le 8eferen'e Point Method

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    0# The 1indings

    0" Zone "

    or one 1, 'ertain di)tri't) ha-e e#erien'ed dela& #ra&er time) if 'om#ared *ith

    #ra&er from ;(. Aedan()a. /mon( the di)tri't) in-ol-ed are Petalin( *ho )uffer from

    dela&ed ma(hrib and i)&a H in anuar&, No-ember and De'ember, da*n in ul& and /S8

    in /u(u)t and Se#tember. Be)ide) Petalin(, Aomba; di)tri't al)o e#erien'ed a dela&

    time of i)&a H in anuar& and da*n in ma&, une and. Se#an( di)tri't i) al)o not eem#t

    from diffi'ultie) dela& the time namel& the i)&a H in anuar& and da*n in Ma& and une.


    Tarih/g,edangsa Petaling ,om!a Sepang

    Maghri! $sya Maghri! $sya Maghri! $sya Maghri! $sya

    10 an 19:0 0:3@ 19:1 0:3! 19:0 0:3@ 19:1 0:3!

    11 an 19:1 0:3@ 19:1 0:3! 19:1 0:3! 19:1 0:3!

    1 an 19:1 0:3! 19: 0:3! 19:1 0:3! 19:1 0:3!

    13 an 19: 0:3! 19: 0:36 19:1 0:3! 19: 0:36

    1@ an 19: 0:3! 19: 0:36 19: 0:36 19: 0:36

    1! an 19:3 0:36 19:3 0:36 19: 0:36 19:3 0:36

    16 an 19:3 0:36 19:3 0:3J 19:3 0:36 19:3 0:3J

    1J an 19:3 0:36 19:@ 0:3J 19:3 0:3J 19:3 0:3J

    1E an 19:@ 0:3J 19:@ 0:3J 19:3 0:3J 19:@ 0:3J

    19 an 19:@ 0:3J 19:@ 0:3E 19:@ 0:3J 19:@ 0:3J

    0 an 19:@ 0:3J 19:! 0:3E 19:@ 0:3J 19:@ 0:3E

    Table 3 : Zone 1 area "#erien'in( Dela& Time 'om#ared to Aedan()a (.

    "a'h of the di)tri't) in-ol-ed ha-e e#erien'ed dela& #ra&er of one =1> minute in

    'om#ari)on to #ra&er ;(. Aedan()a and minute). The differen'e thi) time 'an be )een in

    the #ra&er meetin( timetable 'al'ulated in ma&, une and ul&. To obtain the -alue of the

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    differen'e thi) time, re)ear'her) ha-e refer) to #ra&er )ubdi-i)ion) =I G ! H, e 101 G !@

    H> re#re)entin( the area "a)t and re#re)entin( the

    *e)tern area in Zone 1. Pra&er in hour) )ti#ulated b& /M ihti&ati ba)ed on

    the 'on'e#t of time a) ma& be a(reed b& the State mufti10.


    +ulu *angat

    (.Seri Ma'an(

    =I G!, T 101G!@+>

    +ulu Selangor

    (.Seri eledan(

    =I 3G@J+, T 101G19+>

    Maghri! $sya Maghri! $sya

    1 un 19:19 0:3@ 19:3 0:3E

    un 19:19 0:3@ 19:3 0:3E

    3 un 19:19 0:3@ 19:3 0:3E

    @ un 19:0 0:3@ 19:3 0:3E

    ! un 19:0 0:3! 19:@ 0:39

    6 un 19:0 0:3! 19:@ 0:39

    J un 19:0 0:3! 19:@ 0:39

    E un 19:0 0:36 19:@ 0:@0

    9 un 19:1 0:36 19:@ 0:@0

    10 un 19:1 0:36 19:! 0:@0

    Table @ : The differen'e Bet*een "a)tern and e)tern /rea) Zone 1

    f )een from the #oint of the -alue of the differen'e of latitude and lon(itude Zone

    1, found the -alue of the differen'e bet*een the maimum and minimum i) latitude !! H

    =ar' minute)>, *hile the -alue of the differen'e bet*een the maimum and minimum

    lon(itude i) @0 H =ar' minute)>. Thi) differen'e in latitude and lon(itude i) 4uite lar(e and

    i) li;el& to 'au)e the -alue of differen'e) to #ra& for the #oint of "a)tern and e)tern in a

    one more than the ran(e of one =t*o> minute).

    Catitud Con(itud




    Bea =ar;a minit> !!+ @0+

    10Mohamad Sau#i 2he /*an(, (p./it.

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    Table !.1 : Differen'e of latitude and lon(itude maimum and Minimum or

    Zone 1

    To o-er'ome the dela& thi) time, re)ear'her) #ro#o)e that one 1 ado#tin( the

    method of Multi#le referen'e #oint =multi#le referen'e #oint> than the Point) e)t, *hi'h

    in'lude) the entire one. hile to o-er'ome the )ie of a relati-el& lar(e one 1 a'hie-in(

    four =@> minute), re)ear'her) #ro#o)e that 1 Zone i) di-ided into three =3> one), *here

    the Di)tri't of

    Maghri! $sya Maghri! $sya

    1 un 19:0 0:3! 19:3 0:3E

    un 19:1 0:36 19:3 0:3E

    3 un 19:1 0:36 19:3 0:3E

    @ un 19:1 0:36 19:3 0:3E

    ! un 19:1 0:36 19:@ 0:39

    6 un 19:1 0:3J 19:@ 0:39

    J un 19:1 0:3J 19:@ 0:39

    E un 19: 0:3J 19:@ 0:@0

    9 un 19: 0:3J 19:@ 0:@0

    10 un 19: 0:3E 19:! 0:@0

    Table J: Time Differen'e of "a)tern and e)tern Zone 1.1

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    *atitud *ongitud







    Bea =ar;a minit> 0+ 31+

    Table J.1: differen'e of latitude and lon(itude maimum and Minimum or the one 1.1

    0"% Zone "%


    ,om!aBu;it 8e#in

    =I 3G16, T 101G!+>

    PetalingBu;it 2aha&a

    =I 3G1+, T 101G6+>

    Maghri! $sya Maghri! $sya

    1 un 19:0 0:3! 19:1 0:36

    un 19:0 0:3! 19: 0:36

    3 un 19:0 0:3! 19: 0:3J

    @ un 19:0 0:3! 19: 0:3J

    ! un 19:1 0:36 19: 0:3J

    6 un 19:1 0:36 19: 0:3J

    J un 19:1 0:36 19:3 0:3E

    E un 19:1 0:36 19:3 0:3E

    9 un 19:1 0:3J 19:3 0:3E

    10 un 19: 0:3J 19:3 0:39

    Table E: Time Differen'e of "a)tern and e)tern Zone 1.

    *atitud *ongitud







    Bea =ar;a minit> 11+ 6+

    Table E.1: differen'e of latitude and lon(itude maimum and Minimum or Zone 1.

    0"& Zone "&

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon



    +ulu *angat


    =I 3G3, T 101G!9+>


    (.Tanah Ciat

    =I G!E+, T 101G3!+>

    Maghri! $sya Maghri! $sya

    1 un 19:19 0:3@ 19:0 0:3!

    un 19:19 0:3@ 19:1 0:3!

    3 un 19:19 0:3@ 19:1 0:36@ un 19:0 0:3@ 19:1 0:36

    ! un 19:0 0:3! 19:1 0:36

    6 un 19:0 0:3! 19:1 0:36

    J un 19:0 0:3! 19: 0:3J

    E un 19:0 0:36 19: 0:3J

    9 un 19:1 0:36 19: 0:3J

    10 un 19:1 0:36 19: 0:3E

    Table 9: Time Differen'e of "a)tern and e)tern Zone 1.3

    *atitud *ongitud







    Bea =ar;a minit> E+ @+

    Table 9.1: differen'e of latitude and lon(itude or maimum and Minimum Zone 1.3

    0% Zone %

    or one , )tudie) ha-e )ho*n that 'ertain di)tri't) ha-e e#erien'ed dela&) in

    #ra&er if )een from the #oint of differen'e in time *ith the to*n of Ba(an Na;hoda mar

    =BN>. Pra&er time) for Saba; Bernam method Multi#le referen'e #oint =multi#le

    referen'e #oint> e#erien'ed a dela& time of one =1> minute 'om#ared to the to*n of

    BN a) )een on 11, 1! and 19 une 013. The Di)tri't of lan( i) al)o amon( di)tri't)

    that *ere affe'ted b& thi) #roblem, *hi'h 'an be )een on ! Ma& to 6 une, at *hi'h time

    the a?r late one =1> minute 'om#ared to da*n for BN To*n.

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    TarihB2' Sa!a Bernam 3multiple point4

    Zohor $sya Zohor $sya

    9 un 13:1J 0:@ 13:1E 0:@

    10 un 13:1J 0:@ 13:1E 0:@

    11 un 13:1E 0:@ 13:1E 0:@3

    1 un 13:1E 0:@ 13:1E 0:@3

    13 un 13:1E 0:@3 13:1E 0:@3

    1@ un 13:1E 0:@3 13:19 0:@31! un 13:1E 0:@3 13:19 0:@@

    16 un 13:19 0:@3 13:19 0:@@

    1J un 13:19 0:@@ 13:19 0:@@

    1E un 13:19 0:@@ 13:19 0:@@

    19 un 13:19 0:@@ 13:0 0:@!

    0 un 13:0 0:@@ 13:0 0:@!

    Table 10: Dela& Time "#erien'ed or Saba; Bernam =multi#le #oint> than BN

    n addition, the differen'e bet*een the t*o di)tri't) of du); *a) a total of four =@>minute) a) ha##ened a fe* da&) in une and ul&. Thi) mean) that re)ident) of the Di)tri't

    of lan( ha-e to *ait for four =@> minute) for the brea;in( of fa)t from du);H)

    )ub)tanti-e. t indire'tl& en'rt) the lo'al Mu)lim) be'au)e )lam or(anie) iftar =#ua)a>

    at the be(innin( time a) hadith the Pro#het P"/2" B" IPN

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    9 un !:@ 19:J 0:@ !:@ 19:3 0:39 !:@ 19:3 0:3E

    10 un !:@ 19:J 0:@ !:@ 19:@ 0:39 !:@ 19:3 0:39

    Table 11: Dela&) and differen'e) of The Di)tri't of lan( and uala Can(at 2om#ared


    The differen'e bet*een "a)tern and e)tern area) *ere found to be too lar(e for

    a one in *hi'h the -alue of the differen'e rea'he) )i =6> minute). Thi) 'an be )een in

    the du); at to 3 une, )haa at 10 to 1@ ul&, and da*n in anuar&. The -alue of thi)

    differen'e i) lar(e enou(h to allo* #eo#le in #ra&er terbataln&a "a)t one be'au)e

    #ra&er) out)ide. or eam#le the ea)tern area re)ident) *ho later do a?r at rmJ.0 am

    *ill be )olatn&a be'au)e )&uru; time =mar;ed the 'on'lu)ion of da*n> #riorit& for the

    area i) J: 16 a.m. =refer to 1 anuar& 013>. Due to the lar(e time differen'e al)o )ho*)

    that the #ra'ti'e of #ra&er one #ra'ti'ed in one ha) e'eeded the -alue of time for a

    one that i) t*o => minute).


    /uala *angat


    =I G@E+, T 101G@1+>

    Sa!a Bernam

    Ba(an S(.Calan(

    =I 3G!1+, T 100G@9+>

    Su!uh Maghri! $sya Su!uh Maghri! $sya

    @ an !:!6 6:0

    ! an !:!J 6:0

    6 an !:!J 6:03

    13 un 19: 19:E

    1@ un 19: 19:E

    1! un 19:3 19:E

    16 un 19:3 19:E

    1J un 19:3 19:E

    1E un 19:3 19:9

    19 un 19:@ 19:9

    0 un 19:@ 19:9

    1 un 19:@ 19:9 un 19:@ 19:30

    3 un 19:@ 19:30

    10 ul 0:@ 0:@E

    11 ul 0:@ 0:@E

    1 ul 0:@ 0:@E

    13 ul 0:@ 0:@E

    1@ ul 0:@ 0:@E

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    Table 13: Differen'e) Bet*een "a)t and e)t or one

    f )tudied from the #oint of differen'e in the -alue of latitude and lon(itude

    bet*een the maimum and minimum on the other hand, the -alue of the differen'e

    obtained relati-el& lar(e, *here the differen'e in -alue) for latitude rea'hed J@ H =ar'minute)> or 1 G 1@ H, *hil)t the -alue differen'e in lon(itude obtained i) ! H =ar' minute)>.

    The -alue of thi) differen'e in latitude and lon(itude )ho*n that )ie for one i) bi(


    *atitud *ongitud







    Bea =ar;a minit> J@+ !+

    Table 1@: differen'e of latitude and lon(itude Maimum and Minimum or one

    To )ol-e the #roblem of dela& time diamali b& a number of area) 'om#ared to

    time on BN, re)ear'her) #ro#o)e that the referen'e Point method of Multi#le ado#ted

    offi'iall&. hil)t for the lar(e time differen'e i))ue), re)ear'her) men)aran;an that one

    di-ided into three =3> one). Thi) i) be'au)e the time differen'e bet*een "a)t and e)t

    that rea'hed u# to )i =6> minute) )ho*in( the one )ie i) too lar(e. Thu), it need) to be

    di-ided into )maller one) that 'ould meet the 'riteria of one t*o => minute), *here the

    differen'e in the -alue of *hi'h doe) not e'eed 1 G of latitude and lon(itude *ere not

    more than 1L de(ree =G> to be )e'ure *ithin the one t*o => minute).

    Zon %" Zon %% Zon %&

    Saba; Bernam uala Selan(or uala Can(at


    Table 1!: the #ro#o)ed brea;do*n of one

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    0%" Zone %"


    Sa!a Bernam


    =I 3G@+, T 101G1+>

    Sa!a Bernam

    Ba(an S(.Calan(

    =I 3G!1+, T 100G@9+>

    Su!uh Maghri! $sya Su!uh Maghri! $sya

    @ an !:!9 6:0

    ! an 6:00 6:0

    6 an 6:00 6:03

    13 un 19:! 19:E

    1@ un 19:! 19:E

    1! un 19:6 19:E

    16 un 19:6 19:E

    1J un 19:6 19:E

    1E un 19:6 19:9

    19 un 19:6 19:90 un 19:J 19:9

    1 un 19:J 19:9

    un 19:J 19:30

    3 un 19:J 19:30

    10 ul 0:@! 0:@E

    11 ul 0:@! 0:@E

    1 ul 0:@! 0:@E

    13 ul 0:@! 0:@E

    1@ ul 0:@! 0:@E

    Table 16: "a)tern Time Differen'e or e)t Zone .1

    *atitud *ongitud







    Bea =ar;a minit> 3+ 33+

    Table 16.1: differen'e of latitude and lon(itude or maimum and Minimum Zone .1

    0%% Zone %%

    Tarih /uala Selangor


    /uala Selangor


  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    =I 3G9+, T 101GE+> =I 3G9+, T 101G6+>

    Su!uh Maghri! $sya Su!uh Maghri! $sya

    @ an !:!9 6:00

    ! an !:!9 6:00

    6 an !:!9 6:01

    13 un 19:@ 19:6

    1@ un 19:@ 19:6

    1! un 19:! 19:616 un 19:! 19:6

    1J un 19:! 19:J

    1E un 19:! 19:J

    19 un 19:6 19:J

    0 un 19:6 19:J

    1 un 19:6 19:E

    un 19:6 19:E

    3 un 19:6 19:E

    10 ul 0:@@ 0:@6

    11 ul 0:@@ 0:@6

    1 ul 0:@@ 0:@6

    13 ul 0:@@ 0:@6

    1@ ul 0:@@ 0:@6

    Table 1J: the differen'e of "a)tern and e)tern Time Zone .

    *atitud *ongitud







    Bea =ar;a minit> 6+ @+

    Table 1J.1: differen'e of latitude and lon(itude or maimum and Minimum Zone


    0%& Zone %&


    /uala *angat


    =I G@E+, T 101G@1+>


    Pulau Pintu Aedun(

    =I G!3+, T 101G1@+>Su!uh Maghri! $sya Su!uh Maghri! $sya

    @ an !:!6 !:!E

    ! an !:!J !:!9

    6 an !:!J !:!9

    13 un 19: 19:@

    1@ un 19: 19:@

    1! un 19:3 19:!

    16 un 19:3 19:!

    1J un 19:3 19:!

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    1E un 19:3 19:!

    19 un 19:@ 19:6

    0 un 19:@ 19:6

    1 un 19:@ 19:6

    un 19:@ 19:6

    3 un 19:@ 19:6

    10 ul 0:@ 0:@@

    11 ul 0:@ 0:@@1 ul 0:@ 0:@@

    13 ul 0:@ 0:@@

    1@ ul 0:@ 0:@@

    Table 1E: the differen'e of "a)tern and e)tern Time Zone .3

    *atitud *ongitudMa;)imum






    Bea =ar;a minit> 3@+ J+

    Table 1E.1: differen'e of latitude and lon(itude or maimum and Minimum

    Zone .3

    5# 6onclusion

    The #ra'ti'e of #ra&er one in Selan(or method #oint) e)t are not 4uite fit a) a

    re)ult of )ome #roblem) dela& #ra&er time) in 'ertain di)tri't) in Selan(or. hile the

    Multi#le referen'e #oint =multi#le referen'e #oint> #ro-ide a more 'on-in'in( out'ome

    'om#ared to e)tern #oint) method in the 'ontet of the determination of #ra&er time)

    ba)ed on the one in *hi'h it 'ould )ol-e the #roblem of dela& #ra&er in Selan(or.

    f )een from the #oint of maimum and minimum -alue of the differen'e in

    latitude and lon(itude of a one, it #ro-e) that the )ie of a one to #la& a -er& im#ortant

    role in the 'ontet of )ettin( the #ra&in( time for an area. Theorie) that )a& that the

    differen'e in the -alue of the latitude) bet*een "a)t and e)t in a one mu)t not e'eed 1

    G and lon(itude differen'e did not e'eed G or 30 H =ar' minute)> to be )e'ure *ithin

    one minute), i) a''urate. Thi) i) be'au)e the re)ult) area that doe) not meet the)e

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    re4uirement) ha-e led to the o''urren'e of the differen'e the time more than minute)

    bet*een "a)t and e)t in a one.

    The )ie of the Zone) 1 and *hi'h ha-e been 'au)in( the differen'e of time that

    e'eed minute) bet*een "a)t and e)t to rea'h @ and 6 minute) re)#e'ti-el&.

    urthermore, the re)ear'her) #ro#o)e that the one 1 and bro;en do*n to 3 of their

    re)#e'ti-e one). /lthou(h the brea;in( do*n of thi) one are able to o-er'ome the

    differen'e of time of a one, but it 'annot be menn&ele)ai;an #roblem) dela& time. To

    thi) end, it i) #ro#o)ed that the brea;in( do*n of thi) one i) a##lied to(ether *ith the

    method of Multi#le referen'e #oint.

  • 7/21/2019 Penggunaan Kaedah Titik Paling Barat Dan Panca Titik Rujukan Dalam Penentuan Waktu Solat Berasaskan Zon


    E. /M =01>, Zon7on a;tu Solat Seluruh Mala&)ia. Mesyuarat Penyelarasan '(n)(n

    *aktu +(lat +eluruh Malaysia, Bili; Me)&uarat S&ura CM, Ban(i, Selan(or.