mid year f5 2015.docx

Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa y x 10 y 2 10 y x SULIT 1449/2 Bahagian A/Section A [52 markah / 52 marks] Jawab semua soalan Answer all questions in this section 1.Pada graf di ruang jawapan lorekkan rantau yang memuaskan ketiga-tiga ketaksamaan On the graph provided, shade the region which satisfies the three inequaltities. x <5 ,dany≤ 10 Jawapan / Answer: [3 markah] [3 marks] 2 Hitungkan nilai s dan nilai t yang memuaskan persamaan linear serentak berikut: 1449/2 2015 Hak Cipta SMKTNJ © 5SULIT

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yx10 y =2 10 y x = +UntukKegunaanPemeriksaSULIT1449/2 Bahagian A/Section A [52 markah / 52 marks] Jawab semua soalan Answer all questions in thissection

1.Pada graf di ruang jawapan lorekkan rantau yang memuaskan ketigatiga ketaksamaan On the graph provie! shae the region which satis"ies the three inequaltities#2 10! y x + x.5!the value o" x when y / 9>#5![2 markah][2 marks]6d7 8ukiskan satu garis lurus yang sesuai pada graf anda untuk men5ari semua nilai x yang memuaskanpersamaan 2x2 < 12x @ / 4 0 %agi @5 F x F 1. -yatakan nilainilai x itu. +raw a suitable straight line on your graph to "in all the values o" x which satis"y the equation 2x2 D ,2x 9 A / @ "or 95 E x E ,# 'tate the values o" x# [. markah][. marks]"awapan / Answer$ 6a71449/2 ' 2015 $ak (ipta )*+,-" 10 SULIT6a7 8engkapkan "adual 1 di ruang jawapan %agi persamaan y 4 2x2 < 1x @ ..&omplete *able , in the answer space "or the equation y / 2x2 D :x 9 =# UntukKegunaanPemeriksaSULIT1449/2x @5 @..5 @. @# @2 @1 0 0.5 1y 11 0 @1 @> @. 0 5a!"al 1Table 1 6%72ujuk pada graf/ )e"er to the graph6576i7y 4 .....................................................................................................................................6ii7x 4 ....................................................................................................................................6d7 x4GGGGGGGGGG!GGGGGGGGGGG

13 6a7 2ajah 0.1 menunjukkan titik 6@2! 57 dan garis lurus x 4 1 dilukis pada suatu satah (artesan.1449/2 ' 2015 $ak (ipta )*+,-" 11 SULIT xUntukKegunaanPemeriksaSULIT1449/2+iagram 0#, shows the point 6@2! 57 an the straight line x / , rawn on a &artesian plane# Rajah 6#1Diagram 6.1 Penjelmaan R ialah satu translasi .*rans"ormation R is the translation #Penjelmaan S ialah pantulan pada garis lurus x 4 1.*rans"ormation S is re"lection in the straight line x / ,#-yatakan koordinat imej %agi titik 6@2! 57 di %awah penjelmaan %erikut&'tate the coorinates o" the image o" point 6@2! 57 uner the "ollowing trans"ormations$ 6i7 R 6ii7 RS [. markah][. marks]6%7 2ajah 0.2 menunjukkan tiga sisiempatE;(3! HIB$ and "+8*! dilukis pada suatu satah (artesan +iagram 0#2 shows three quarilaterals! AC&+! F;.< an P()'! rawn on a &artesian plane# HIB$ialah imej %agiE;(3di %awah penjelmaan$#PJ2)ialah imej %agi HIB$di %awah penjelmaan% F;.< is the image o" AC&+ uner trans"ormationV.P()' is the image o" F;.< uner trans"ormationW.1449/2 ' 2015 $ak (ipta )*+,-" 1/ SULITUntukKegunaanPemeriksaSULIT1449/2 $uraikan selengkapnya penjelmaan& +escribe in "ull the trans"ormation$ .[5 markah][5 marks]6ii73i%eri %ahawa sisiempatPJ2)mewakili suatu kawasan yang mempunyai luas.0./ 5m2 ! hitungkan luas! dalam 5m2! kawasan yang diwakili oleh rantau %erlorek. .iven that quarilateral P()' represents a region o"=0#A cm2 ! calculate the area! in cm2! o" the region represente by shae region# [# markah][# marks]"awapan / Answer$6a76i7 2 & GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG...6ii7 2)& ....................................................................................................................................6%7 6i76a7 K & GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.1449/2 ' 2015 $ak (ipta )*+,-" 1> SULITRajah 6#2Diagram 6.26a7$6b7%UntukKegunaanPemeriksaSULIT1449/2 6%7 L& GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. 6%7 6ii7143ata menunjukkan tinggi! dalam 5m! %agi .0 murid.*he ata below shows the marks o" %@ stuents in a 5athematics test# 12 05 .5 55 0. 5/ 01 #1 .1 5./0 // .1 1/ 51 #2 .0 1/ 52 5/0/ 1# 0# >5 /0 >5 5> 5/ 02 .#6a7 ;ina jadual kekerapan dengan data di atas mengikut selang kelas dengan saiM 10 markah.*ulakan dengan selang kelas #0 N #>. &onstruct a "requency table "or the above ata accoring to the class interval siGe o" ,@ marks# 'tartthe class interval with %@ - %> onwars#[. markah][. marks]

6%7 3ari jadual kekerapan!;rom the "requency table!6i7 -yatakan kelas mod state the moal class 6ii7 (ari markah min "in the mean marks[. markah][. marks]657 3engan menggunakan skala 2 5m kepada 105m pada paksix dan 2 5m kepada 1 murid 1449/2 ' 2015 $ak (ipta )*+,-" 20 SULITUntukKegunaanPemeriksaSULIT1449/2 pada paksiy! %ina satu histogram %erdasarkan jadual kekerapan di 6a7 Cy usinga scale o" 2 cm to ,@ marks on the x-axis an 2 cm to , stuent on the y-axis! construct a histogram base on the table in HaI# [. markah] [= marks]"awapan/ Answer&6a7*arkah5arks+ekerapan;requency,itik tengah5ipoint#0 N #>

6%7 6 i7 6ii7 657 2ujuk pada graf/ )e"er to the graph15 Enda ti!a& di%enarkan menggunakan kertas graf untuk menjawa% soalan ini.7ou are not allowe to use graph paper to answer this question# 6a7 2ajah >.1 menunjukkan se%uah pepejal %er%entuk prisma tegak dengan tapak segiempat tepat 1449/2 ' 2015 $ak (ipta )*+,-" 21 SULITUntukKegunaanPemeriksaSULIT1449/2+F;. terletak di atas lantai mengufuk. Permukaan F;JJ1 ialah keratan rentas seragannya. )egiempat tepat JJ5K ialah satah 5ondong dan segiempat tepat @ 6#76.7.......................................................................................................+14 @#Persamaan %agi garis lurus 46 ialah y 4 #x @ #*he equation o" the straight line 46 is y / %x 9 % ...............................................-16%7 y 4 #x @ #0 4 #x N # ..........................................................................................................P1#x 4 @6@#74 # P 4 1 ................................................................................................................-1Pintasanx %agi garis lurus 46 ialah 1*he x-intercept o" the straight line 46 is , 7 6a74 p 4 10! q 4 1.................................................................................................-1 -16%74 ....................................................P1 4 4 4...................................................+1 4 4 x 4 ! y 4.............................-1 -18Panjang lengkok P(Jength o" arc P(4 P 2 P P .04 55..2 5m....................................................+1Perimeter4 55..2 < .0 < .0 ..................................................+11449/2 ' 2015 $ak (ipta )*+,-" 2/ SULITUntukKegunaanPemeriksaSULIT1449/24 1.1..2 5m ...........................................................-19 6a7 m4 10! n4. .............................-1-16%7xy4110 214 43 3 P14110 513...........................+1x 4 12 y 4 1310 ............................-110 6a7 &O+ 4 #00A @ >0A @ 100A 4 110A .................Perimeter4 OA < AC < C& < &+ < +O4 1. < 6P 2 P P 217 < 621 @ 1.7 < 6P 2 P P 217 < 21.........+14 1. < 22 < 1 < 02.## < 21......................................................................+14 120.## 5m ............................................................................................-16%7 8uasArea 4 6P P 1.27 < 6P 2 P P 2127 .............................................+1 +14 /0/.5 5m2...........................................................................................-111 ?si padu %agi pepejal yang tinggalNolume o" the remaining soli 4 610 P 10 P 107 @ [P 672 P 10]...........................................................+14 1000 N #/5..........................................................................................+14 015.00 5m# ...........................................................................................-112 6a7x @5 @..5 @. @# @2 @1 0 0.5 1y 11 5 0 @1 @10 @> @. 0 5 ................................+1 +16%71449/2 ' 2015 $ak (ipta )*+,-" 2> SULITUntukKegunaanPemeriksaSULIT1449/26576i7 y 4 @1.5 ................................................................P16ii7 x 4 @2.#! @1.2 ...........................................................P16d7 y 4 2x2 < 1x @ .6172x2 < 12x @ / 4 0627617627&y 4 5x < . .................................................................+1)traight line 5orre5tly drawn .............................................+2

x 4 ..........................................-113 6a7 6i7 6@2! 57 R 6@0! 107.................................P26ii7 6@2! 57 R 6.! 57 R 60! 107 ................P26%7 6i7 6a7K & ,ranslation(71 ) ............................+1-1G $ ,ranslasi(71 ) 6%7 . & Pem%esaran dengan faktor skala # pada pusat 6@2! #7H $ Fnlargement with scale "actor o" % about centre 6@2! #7 .....................+1-1-16ii7 +atakan luas o%jek 4 a8uas imejArea o" image4 6a72 P #24 > a25m24.0./a4 5.2 ...............+11449/2 ' 2015 $ak (ipta )*+,-" #0 SULITExes drawn in the 5orre5t dire5tion with uniform s5ales.............................P1Ell 1 points and 2 points 5orre5tly plotted or 5urSe passes through all points .............+2(ote&1T/ points are 5orre5tly plotted!.........+1E smooth and 5ontinuous 5urSe without any straight line passes through all > 5orre5t poits using the giSen s5ales ..................-1 29#5 39#549#5 59#569#579#5 89#5 99#5UntukKegunaanPemeriksaSULIT1449/28uas kawasan %erlorekArea represente by the shae region4 .0./ N 5.2 ....................................+14 .1.0 5m2 .....................................-11..*arks IreUuen5y *idpointI x midpoint#0 N #>2 #..50>.0 N .>5 ...5222.550 N 5>/ 5..5.#000 N 0>0 0..5#/110 N 1>. 1..52>//0 /># /..525#.5>0 N >>2 >..51/>#01/55b(i) Modal class 50 59...............................P1(i) Mean = 1/55#0.............................................K1 = 61.83 .............................................N115 6a76%7 6i71449/2 ' 2015 $ak (ipta )*+,-" #1 SULITIreUuen5yP2*idpointP1I x midpoint +1)um 4 1/55-1Dniform s5ale +10 5olumns 5orre5t -1Polygon %egin/end at 0 +1Polygon 5orre5t -12>.5 #..5#>.5 ...5 .>.55..5 5>.5 0..50>.5UntukKegunaanPemeriksaSULIT1449/26ii716Leight 6kg7 IreUuen5y *idpoint IreU x mid#0 N #.0 #2 0#5 N #>1 #1 #1.0 N ... .2 10/.5 N .>/ .1 #1050 N 5.10 52 52055 N 5>0 51 #.200 N 0.# 02 1/005 N 0>0 01 0#2 102>6i7 modal 5lass is 50 N 5................P16ii7 *ean weight 4 102>50.>1#2=..............+1 -11449/2 ' 2015 $ak (ipta )*+,-" #2 SULITLeight ...P1IreUuen5y P2*idpoint P1IreU x mid +1Dniform s5ale +10 5olumns 5orre5t -1Polygon %egin/end at 0 +1Polygon 5orre5t -1