chemistry mid year p1 2014

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  • 8/12/2019 Chemistry Mid Year P1 2014


    This question paper consists of 50questions. Answer allquestions.

    Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50soalan. Jawab semuasoalan.


    1. Why is argon unable to react with oxygen at room temperature?

    engapa argon tidak bertindak balas dengan oksigen pada suhu bilik?

    A It is an inert gas.

    Ia adalah gas lengai.

    B It has 10 electrons.

    Ia mempunyai 10 elektron.

    C It has two occupied electron shells.

    Ia mempunyai dua petala yang penuh diisi dengan elektron.

    D It has 8 valence electrons in the outermost shell.

    Ia ada 8 elektron valens pada petala terluar.

    2. An ion of G +contains 30 neutrons and 23 electrons. What are the proton number and nucleon number of G?

    Ion G3+mempunyai 30 nombor neutron dan 23 nombor elektron. Antara yang berikut yang manakah nombor

    roton dan nombor nukleon bagi G?

    3. Diagram below shows an experiment in which a crystal of nickel sulphate which is green in colour is placed

    on top of solid agar-agar in a closed test tube. After two days it is found that the agar-agar has become green


    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu eksperimen di mana sebutir hablur nikel sulfat berwarna hijau diletakkandi atas pepejal agar-agar di dalam sebuah tabung uji tertutup. Selepas dua hari didapati seluruh agar-agar

    menjadi hijau.

    Diagram /Rajah

    Which of the following statements explains the observation in the experiment shown above?

    ntara penyataan yang berikut, yang manakah menerangkan pemerhatian di dalam eksperimen di atas ini?

    A Nickel sulphate is very soluble in agar-agar.

    ikel sulfat sangat larut di dalam agar-agar.

    B Sublimation occurs.

    Pemejalwapan berlaku.

    C The particles of nickel sulphate are very small.

    Zarah-zarah nikel sulfat sangat halus.

    D Nickel sulphate is denser than agar-agar.

    ikel sulfat lebih tumpat daripada agar-agar.

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    4. Atom Y has an atomic number of 7 and a mass number of 14. What is the electronic configuration of Y -?

    tomY mempunyai 7nombor atom dan nombor jisim ialah 14.Apakah konfigurasi elektronik bagi ion Y3-?

    A 2.5 B 2.8

    C 2.8.4 D 2.8.8

    5. What is the number of water molecules in 9 g of water?

    Berapakah bilangan molekul air di dalam 9 g air?

    [Relative atomic mass: H, 1; O, 16; Avogadro constant = 6 1023 mol-1]

    [Jisim atom relatif: H, 1; O, 16;pemalar Avogadro = 6 1023 mol-1]

    A 6 10

    B 3 10

    C 12 10

    D 6 10

    6. If 240 cm of hydrogen (measured at room temperature) is burnt completely in air, how much water is


    [Relative atomic mass: H, 1; O,16; 1 mole of gas : 24 dm3at room temperature]

    Jika 240 cm3hidrogen (pada suhu bilik) dibakar dengan lengkap, berapakah jumlah air yang dihasilkan?

    [Jisim atom relatif: H, 1; O,16; 1 mol gas : 24 dm3pada suhu bilik]

    A 0.01 g

    B 0.02 g

    C 0.18 g

    D 0.36 g

    7. Diagram shows the apparatus set up for an experiment to determine the empirical formula of copper oxide.

    Rajah menunjukkan susunan radas satu eksperimen untuk menentukan formula empirik bagi kuprum oksida.


    Which of the following information is required to determine the empirical formula of the copper oxide?

    ntara makumat berikut, yang manakah diperlukan untuk menentukan formula empirik bagi kuprum oksida?

    I Mass of the copper

    Jisim kuprum(II)sulfat

    II Mass of the oxygen

    Jisim oksigen

    III Mass of the hydrogen

    Jisim hidrogen

    IV Mass of the copper oxide

    Jisim kuprum oksida

    A I and II

    Idan II

    C II and IV

    II danIVB I and III

    I danIIID II and III

    II danIII

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    8. The equation shows the reaction between zinc oxide and nitric acid.

    Persamaan berikut menunjukkan tindak balas antara zink oksida dan asid nitrik.

    ZnO + 2HNO3 Zn(NO3)2+ H2O

    What is the mass of zinc nitrate formed when 4.05 g of zinc oxide powder react with excess nitric acid?

    [Relative atomic mass: N = 14, O = 16, Zn = 65]

    Berapakah jisim garam zink nitrat yang akan terbentuk jika 3.24 gserbuk zink oksida bertindak balas denganasid nitrik berlebihan?

    [Jisim atom relatif: N = 14, O = 16, Zn = 65]

    A 7.56 g

    B 8.75 g

    C 9.45 g

    D 12.70 g

    9. 8.1 g of a metal oxide with a formula of PO is completely reduced by excess carbon powder to 6.48 of metal

    P. Which of the following is the relative atomic mass of P?

    8.1 g oksida logam dengan formulaPO diturunkan sepenuhnya oleh serbuk karbon berlebihan

    kepada6.48 logamP. Yang manakah antara berikut ialah jisim atom relatif P?

    [Relative atomic mass: O = 16]

    [Jisim atom relatif: O= 16]

    A 16 B 32

    C 64 D 81

    10. Which scientist contributed directly to arrangement of the elements in the order of increasing proton

    numbers?Saintis manakah yang menyumbang secara lansung kepada susunan unsur mengikut nombor proton

    ang semakin meningkat?

    A Henry Moseley

    B John NewlandsC Dmitri Mendeleev

    D Lothar Meyer

    11. Which of the following is nota property of the transition metals?

    ntara berikut, yang manakah bukansifat logam peralihan?

    A Their elements and compounds are good catalysts.

    Unsur dan sebatiannya adalah pemangkin yang baik.

    B They form coloured compounds.

    ereka membentuk sebatian berwarna.

    C The compounds have variable oxidation states.

    Sebatian mempunyai keadaan pengoksidaan berubah-ubah.D They have high melting points but low densities.

    ereka mampunyai takat lebur yang tinggi tetapi ketumpatan rendah.

    12. What is the electronic configuration of the gas normally used to fill light bulbs?

    pakah konfigurasi elektronik bagi gas yang kebiasaannya digunakan untuk mengisi mentol?

    A 2. 8. 8 B 2. 8. 2

    C 2. 8 D 2

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    13. Table below shows the proton number of elements E,F,G,H and J.

    Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nombor proton bagi unsur-unsur E,F,G,H dan J.


    It can be deduced from the table that...

    aka boleh dideduksikan daripada jadual bahawa...

    A element G forms an acidic oxide.

    unsur G membentuk oksida berasid.

    B element E and element H form an ionic compound.

    unsur E dan unsur H membentuk sebatian ion.

    C element J is chemically stable.unsur J stabil secara kimia.

    D element F and element H form a covalent compound.

    unsur F dan unsur H membentuk sebatian kovalen.

    14. Which of the following represents the electron arrangement of the compound, magnesium oxide?

    ntara yang berikut yang manakah mewakili susunan elektron bagi sebatian magnesium oksida?

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    15. Which of the following substances are ionic compounds?

    ntara yang berikut, bahan yang manakah merupakan sebatian ionik?

    I Carbon dioxide

    Karbon dioksida

    II Magnesium chloride

    agnesium klorida

    III Glucose


    IV Sodium carbonateatrium karbonat

    A I only


    B II only


    C II and IV only

    II danIVsahaja

    D II and III only

    II danIIIsahaja

    16. Table shows data about four substances. Which substance is an ionic compound?

    Jadual menunjukkan data tentang empat bahan. Antara yang berikut, bahan yang manakah adalah suatu

    sebatian ionik?



    Electrical conductivity

    Konduktiviti elektri k

    When solid

    Keadaan pepejal

    When molten

    Keadaan leburan

    A Good



    BaikB Poor




    C Poor




    D Good




    17. Which of the following substances can conduct electricity in the molten state only?

    ntara bahan yang berikut, yang manakah boleh mengkonduksikan elektrik di dalam keadaan leburan

    sahaja?A Aluminium


    B Sulphur dioxide

    Sulfur dioksida

    C Sodium chloride

    atrium klorida

    D Silicon dioxide

    Silikon dioksida

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    18. Which of the following substances have good electrical conductivity in the molten and in the aqueous form?

    ntara yang berikut, bahan yang manakah mempunyai konduktiviti elektrik yang baik di dalam keadaan

    leburan dan larutan akueus?

    I Copper solid

    Pepejal kuprum

    II Sodium chloride

    atrium klorida

    III Ammonium chloride

    mmonium kloridaIV Chlorine gas

    Gas klorin

    A I and II

    Idan II

    B II and III

    II danIII

    C I and III

    I danIII

    D I, II and III

    I, II danIII

    19. Which of the following conducts electricity entirely by the movement of its ions?

    ntara yang berikut, yang manakah mengkonduksikan elektrik dengan sepenuhnya melalui pergerakan ion -


    A Potassium metal

    Logam kalium

    B Molten(II) bromide

    Leburan plumbun ( II ) bromida

    C Graphite


    D Mercuryerkuri

    20. Diagram below shows an electric current is passed through aqueous potassium sulphate, k2SO4.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan arus elektrik telah dipasangkan melalui larutan akueus kalium sulfat,K2SO4.


    What is formed at the cathode?

    pakah yang dibentuk di katod?

    A Sulphur


    B Oxygen

    OksigenC Potassium

    KaliumD Hydrogen


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    21. Diagram below shows a simple voltaic cell.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu sel kimia ringkas.

    Diagram /Rajah

    Which of the following pairs of electrodes is correct if electrode P becomes thinner?

    ntara pasangan elektrod berikut, yang manakah betul jika elektrodPmenjadi semakin kecil?

    22. Which of the following pairs of metals will produce a voltage which is higher than the voltage of the cell

    shown in the diagram below?

    Pasangan logam yang manakah akan menghasilkan voltan yang paling tinggi dalam sel seperti ditunjukkan

    ada rajah di bawah?






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    23. What is the common characteristic between the reactions of dilute hydrochloric acid with reactive magnesium

    and with magnesium carbonates?

    pakah ciri-ciri umum bagi tindak balas antara asid hidroklorik cair dengan magnesium reaktif dan dengan

    magnesium karbonat?

    A Dilute hydrochloric acid is an oxidising agent.

    sid hidroklorik cair adalah agen pengoksidaan.

    B Water is one of the products.

    ir adalah salah satu hasil tindak balas.

    C A soluble salt is produced.Garam terlarut dihasilkan.

    D They are double decomposition reactions.

    ereka adalah tindak balas penguraian ganda dua.

    24. Which of the following statements is true about the products of neutralisation reactions?

    ntara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang hasil tindak balas peneutralan?

    A Water is the only product.

    ir adalah satu-satunya hasil tindak balas.

    B Insoluble salts are always formed.

    Garam tak terlarut selalu terbentuk.

    C No gas product will be formed.

    Tiada hasil gas akan terbentuk.

    D Water is one of the products.

    ir adalah salah satu daripada hasil tindak balas.

    25. Which of the following statements about an acids is correct?

    ntara berikut penyataan yang manakah benar tentang asid?

    A An acid reacts with an alkali to produce a salt.

    sid bertindak balas dengan alkali menghasilkan garam.

    B An acid reacts with a metal to produce a salt and hydrogen gas.

    sid bertindak balas dengan logam menghasilkan garam dan gas hidrogen.C An acid reacts with metal oxide to produce a salt and hydrogen gas.

    sid bertindak balas dengan oksida logam menghasilkan garam dan gas hidrogen.

    D An acid reacts with metal carbonate to produce a salt and carbon dioxide.

    sid bertindak balas dengan logam karbonat menghasilkan garam dan gas karbon dioksida.

    26. An insoluble metal oxide is added into a solution containing an acid. Which of the following is true?

    Logam oksida yang tidak larut ditambah ke dalam larutan yang mengandungi suatu asid. Antara yang

    berikut, yang manakah benar?

    I The mixture has a pH value greater than 7.

    Campuran tersebut mempunyai nilai pH lebih besar daripada 7.

    II A salt and water are produced.Garam dan air dihasilkan.

    III The mixture turns colourless phenolphthalein pink.

    Campuran tersebut menukarkan warna fenolftalein tidak berwarna kepada merah jambu.

    IV Bubbles of gas are evolved.

    Gelembung udara dibebaskan.

    A II only

    IIsahajaC I and III only

    I danIIIsahaja

    B II and III only

    II danIIIsahajaD I, II and III only

    I, II danIIIsahaja

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    27. The equation below represents the neutralisation of barium hydroxide by nitric acid.

    Persamaan berikut mewakili tindak balas peneutralan barium hidroksida oleh asid nitrik.

    Ba(OH)2+ 2HNO3 Ba(NO3)2+ 2H2O

    25 cm3of 0.5 mol dm3nitric acid neutralise 12.5 cm3of barium hydroxide solution. What is the concentration

    of barium(II) hydroxide solution?

    25 cm3asid nitrik akueus 0.5 mol dm3meneutralkan 12.5 cm3larutan barium hidroksida. Apakah kepekatan

    larutan barium(II) hidroksida?A 0.25 mol dm

    B 0.50 mol dm

    C 0.75 mol dm

    D 0.10 mol dm

    28. A mineral dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid, giving off a gas X which decolourises the purple colour of

    acidic potassium manganate(VII). What is X?

    Satu mineral larut di dalam asid hidroklorik cair membebaskan gas Xyang menyahwarna ungu kaliummanganat(VII)berasid. Apakah X?

    A Carbon dioxide

    Karbon dioksida

    B Oxygen


    C Chlorine


    D Sulphur dioxide

    Sulfur dioksida

    29. Which of the following salts can be purified by recrystallisation?

    ntara garam yang berikut, manakah yang dapat ditulenkan dengan kaedah penghabluran semula?

    A Zinc nitrate

    Zink nitrat

    B Barium sulphate

    Barium sulfat

    C Silver chloride

    rgentum klorida

    D Lead(II) carbonate

    Plumbum(II) karbonat

    30. When a mineral is heated strongly, an acidic brown colour gas and a colourless gas are produced. What

    deductions can be made?

    pabila suatu mineral dipanaskan dengan kuat, suatu gas berasid berwarna perang dan suatu gas tidak

    berwarna dihasilkan. Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat?

    I The mineral is sodium nitrate.

    ineral itu adalah natrium nitrat.

    II The brown colour gas turns blue moist litmus paper red.

    Gas berwarna perang menukarkan kertas litmus biru lembap kepada merah.

    III The colourless gas lights up a wooden glowing splinter.

    Gas tidak berwarna menyalakan kayu uji berbara.IV An oxide of the metal is formed.

    Oksida bagi logam terbentuk.

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    A I, II and III

    I, II danIII

    B I, II and IV

    I, II danIV

    C I, III and IV

    I, III danIV

    D II, III and IV

    II, III danIV

    31. Which of the following solutions will dissolve in excess of aqueous ammonia?

    ntara larutan berikut, yang manakah larut dalam ammonia akueus berlebihan?

    I Pb +

    II Cu +

    III Al +

    IV Zn +

    A IV only


    B I and III only

    I danIIIsahaja

    C II and IV only

    II danIVsahaja

    D I, II and IV only

    I, II danIVsahaja

    32. Which of the following substances is a composite substance?

    ntara bahan berikut, yang manakah bahan komposit?

    A Plastic


    B Microchip

    Cip mikroC Neoprene


    D Photochromic glass

    Kaca fotokromik

    33. The walls of nuclear reactors are normally made of ceramic. Why?

    Dinding-dinding reaktor nuklear biasanya dibina dengan seramik. Mengapa?

    A Ceramic is malleable

    Seramik mudah dibentuk

    B Ceramic is hard and dense

    Seramik adalah keras dan tumpatC Ceramic is not reactive

    Seramik tidak reaktif

    D Ceramic can withstand high temperature

    Seramik tahan terhadap suhu tinggi

    34. Which industrial production is not related to sulphuric acid?

    anakah industri pengeluaran yang tidak terlibat dengan asid sulfurik?

    A Production of fertilizers

    Penghasilan bajaC Production of detergents

    Penghasilan detergen

    B Production of paints

    Penghasilan cat

    D Production of cells

    Penghasilan sel

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    35. Which of the following occurs when rubber is vulcanized?

    ntara berikut yang manakah berlaku apabila getah divulkan?

    A The bigger rubber molecule breaks into smaller molecules.

    olekul getah lebih besar pecah kepada molekul-molekul lebih kecil.

    B The rubber particles entangle together to form a rubber polymer.

    Zarah-zarah getah menggumpal bersama membentuk polimer getah.

    C The protein membrane is covered by hydroxide ions.

    embran protein dilindungi oleh ion hidroksida.

    D Cross-links form between the polymeric chains.Ikatan-silang terbentuk antara rantai-rantai polimer.

    36. The following chemical equation shows the reaction which occurs in the Haber process.

    Persamaan kimia berikut menunjukkan tindak balas bagi proses Haber.

    What is the catalyst and at what temperature and pressure does the reaction occur?

    pakah mangkin dan apakah suhu dan tekanan di mana proses itu berlaku?

    37. The reaction between copper and silver nitrate solution is exothermic. Which of the following is the energy

    level diagram for the reaction?

    Tindak balas antara kuprum dan larutan argentum nitrat adalah eksotermik. Antara berikut, yang manakah

    adalah gambar rajah aras tenaga bagi tindak balas ini?

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    38. Which of the following is a characteristic of a catalyst?

    ntara yang berikut, yang manakah ciri suatu mangkin?

    A A small quantity is needed for a reaction.

    Kuantiti kecil diperlukan bagi tindak balas.

    B One catalyst is needed for several reactions.

    Satu mangkin diperlukan bagi beberapa tindak balas.

    C It is physically unchanged during a reaction because it does not take part in the reaction.

    Tidak berubah secara fizikal semasa tindak balas kerana ia tidak mengambil bahagian dalam tindak balaskimia.

    D The total amount of the catalyst increases at the end of the reaction.

    Jumlah kuantiti mangkin meningkat pada akhir tindak balas.

    39. Diagram below shows four beakers containing equal volumes of anhydrous ethanoic acid each. Dry

    magnesium carbonate, dry granulated zinc, sodium carbonate solution and dry blue litmus paper are added

    respectively into beakers W, X, Y and Z.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan empat bikar, setiapnya mengandungi isi padu yang sama asid etanoik kontang.

    Serbuk magnesium karbonat kering, ketulan zink, larutan natrium karbonat dan kertas litmus biru kering

    masing-masing dimasukkan ke dalam bikar W, X, Y and Z.

    Diagram /Rajah

    In which beakers does a chemical reaction occur?

    Dalam bikar manakah tindak balas kimia akan berlaku?

    A W B X

    C Y D Z

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    40. Four experiment were carried out to determine the factors affecting the rate of reaction. Which of the

    following graphs are correct?

    Empat eksperimen dijalankan untuk menentukan faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas. Antara graf

    ang berikut, yang manakah adalah benar?

    A I and II only

    I dan IIsahajaC II and III only

    IIdan IIIsahaja

    B II and IV only

    IIdan IVsahajaD III and IV only

    IIIdan IVsahaja

    41. The chemical process that changes propanol to propene is called

    Proses kimia yang menukarkan propanol kepadapropena disebut sebagai

    A cracking.

    eretakan.B oxidation.


    C dehydration.


    D substitution.


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    42. The diagram below shows a structural formula of the compound, U.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu formula struktur bagi sebatian, U.


    Which of the following homologous series does it belong?

    Dalam siri homolog manakah, sebatian ini berada?

    A Alkane

    lkanaC Alkene


    B Akcohol

    lkoholD Ester


    43. Which of the following statements is not true about natural rubber?

    ntara yang berikut, penyataan manakah yang tidak benar mengenai getah asli?A Rubber polymer is polyisoprene.

    Polimer getah ialah poliisoprena.

    B All chemical bonds in its molecules consist of single covalent bond.

    Semua ikatan kimia di dalam molekulnya terdiri daripada ikatan kovalen tunggal.

    C Its molecules consists of carbon and hydrogen atoms.

    olekulnya terdiri daripada atom-atom karbon dan hidrogen.

    D Rubber is elastic and becomes sticky when heated.

    Getah bersifat kenyal dan menjadi likat apabila dipanaskan.

    44. The diagram below shows two chemical reactions of propene.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan dua proses terhadap propena.


    What are these reactions?

    pakah tindak balas itu?

    Reaction I

    Proses I

    Reaction II

    Proses I I

    A Combustion




    B Hydration




    C Hydrogenation




    D Hydrogenation




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    45. Diagram below represents the structural formula of an organic compound.

    Rajah di atas menunjukkan formula struktur bagi satu sebatian organik.

    Diagram /Rajah

    Which of the following pairs of substances are the reactants used for preparing the compound shown in the

    aboved diagram?

    ntara pasangan bahan-bahan berikut yang manakah digunakan dalam persediaan sebatian dalam rajah di


    46. 1 cm of bromine water is added to pent-2-ene. When the mixture is shaken, the brown bromine water is


    What is the product of this reaction?

    1 cm3air bromin ditambah kepada pent-1-ena. Apabila campuran digoncang, warna perang bromin

    dilunturkan.pakah hasil bagi tindak balas ini?

    A 1,2-dibromopentene1,2-dibromopentena

    B 1,2-dibromopentane


    C 2,3-dibromopentene


    D 2,3-dibromopentane


    47. Which of the following is notinvolved during oxidation?anakah antara berikut yang tidakterlibat semasa pengoksidaan?

    A Donation of electrons

    Pendermaan elektron

    B Gain of oxygen

    Penambahan oksigen

    C Loss of hydrogen

    Kehilangan hidrogen

    D Decrease in oxidation number

    Pengurangan dalam nombor pengoksidaan

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    48. In which of the following equations is the change in the oxidation number of the underlined substances


    Pasangan yang manakah benar berdasarkan perubahan nombor pengoksidaaan bagi bahan yang digariskan?

    49. Diagram below shows an experiment on rusting of iron nail.

    Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu eksperimen pengaratan paku besi.


    The solution in the test tube turns blue in a shortest time if metal X is...

    Larutan di dalam tabung uji bertukar menjadi biru paling cepat jika logam X ialah...

    A Magnesium

    B Aluminium

    C Lead


    D Zinc


    50. The manufacture of nitric acid can be represented as follows:

    Pembuatan asid nitrik boleh diwakili seperti berikut:

    N2 NH3 HNO3

    Which of the following shows the correct oxidation state of nitrogen at each stage of the process?

    ntara yang berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan keadaan pengoksidaan yang betul bagi nitrogen pada

    setiap peringkat proses?

    A 0 +3 3 C 3 +3 +5

    B 0 3 +5 D 0 +3 +5