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A. Study site

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Geographically, Desa WisataLakkang is situated at Tallo River estuary in the middle of 

Makassar City, South Sulaesi, !ndonesia Lakkang is a village inha"ited "y around #$$

family and appro%imately &$$$ of people ith idth of the area are around &'( hectares)

Lakkang as separated "y the land of Makassar "y the Tallo river*s hich &$+ &( meter 

idth and meter depth) Lakkang proudly knon as Desa Wisata, Lakkang in -$&&)

Despite of it, in -$$. Lakkang already "ecome the place for orld /a"itat day ith the

theme 0cities magnet of hope1) !t also one of the integrated research area as ell as the

conservation of natural and cultural site)The activity for their daily living mostly is

Desa Wisata


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fisherman and farmer) To reach the destination, it needs to across the Tallo river*s "y the

 "oat that take a"out &( minutes)

Desa Wisata lakkang "ecome the choice of the study site "ecause of the ecosystem that

still "eing preserved ith still a lot of trees, ponds and lake that "eing undistur"ed)

There ere several environmental factors in Desa Wisata, Lakkang that make it most

favaoura"le for the mos2uitoes a"undance such as temperature 3-(+-4C5,humidity 3$+

4$65, and ha"itat 3fishpond, "am"oo trees, paddy field ,river5 as mos2uito "reeding site

and the host preference like animals or livestock and human "eing)

The average temperature and humidity in Desa Wisata, Lakkang hich is around -47C

and &6 is the optimum temperature and humidity for the mos2uitoes presence) 8esides,

the ha"itat "ecome the ma9or impact in the distri"ution of mos2uitoes "ecause mos2uito

usually not fly aay from their "reeding site ith the host preference like human "eing

and animals "ecome one of the factors that make the mos2uitoes to "eing attract to the

area as their sources of food)



A.Result studies

  The study as "eing conducted in Desa Wisata, Lakkang, Makassar from & st +#rd

 :ovem"er -$&( ith the studies a"out the Species distri"ution of mos2uitoes that potentially

transmit disease in Desa Wisata, Lakkang, Makassar)

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;igure <)& The map of location of study site in Desa Wisata Lakkang, Makassar -$&(

There are three sites of the location of study in Desa Wisata Lakkang in order to find out the

distri"ution of mos2uito species "ased on the ha"itat and their "reeding site) =t such, at site &,

there are "am"oo trees and livestock 3cattle>co5 and fishpond around there, hile for site -,

there are surrounded dominantly "y the river and for the site #, there are mostly covered "y the

 paddy field)

;rom the results of studies, the total num"er of mos2uitoes collected per genera and per species,

the num"er of mos2uitoes distri"ution "ased on the day, sites, time and the percentage of all the

genus and species that "een captured is recorded as "elo?

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;igure ()& Total num"er of mos2uito collected per genera in Desa Wisata lakkang, Makassar 

from &st+#rd :ovem"er -$&() 



Total number of mosquito olleted !er "enus

Anopheles Culex

;igure ()- The total num"er of Anopheles species collected in Desa Wisata Lakkang, Makassar 

from &st+#rd :ovem"er -$&() 

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Total number of Ano!#eles s!eies olleted

An.subpictus An.ine!nitus An."agus

;igure ()# Total num"er of Culex species collected in Desa Wisata Lakkang, Makassar from & st+

#rd :ovem"er -$&()



Total number of Cule$ s!eies olleted

Cx.pipiens g$oup Cx.sitiens g$oup

;rom the pie chart a"ove, it shos that num"er of mos2uito collected in Desa Wisata Lakkang

for three days start from &st until #rd :ovem"er -$&( ith involve to popular types of genera

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hich is Anopheles and Culex) The total num"er for overall of mos2uito collection is ((-., ith

the num"er of Culex is 4& hile for =nopheles is (<<( that very much difference in num"er)

 Anopheles subpictus  shos the highest num"er in species ith <$&- folloed "y  Anopheles

indefinitus ith ''4 and Anopheles vagus for the least num"er ith only <#() @therise, for 

genus of  Culex, the highest num"er is Culex sitiens group ith compared to Culex pipiens

group ith only < total num"ers from the entire mos2uito collected)

;igure ()< =verage densities of Anopheles species for # days from total distri"ution of mos2uito

in Desa Wisata Lakkang, Makassar &st+#rd :ovem"er -$&()

;igure ()( =verage densities of  Culex species for # days from total distri"ution of mos2uito in

Desa Wisata Lakkang, Makassar &st+#rd :ovem"er -$&(

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 ;rom the result a"ove, it shos that the difference of mos2uito densities of genus anopheles and

Culex that "eing collected) The Anopheles subpictus shos that the highest num"er ith &## of 

=nopheles population ith Culex sitiens group "eing the highest "y -. from population of culex)

8ased on this, An.subpictus reported as ma9or densities in mos2uito distri"ution in Desa Wisata

Lakkang for three days compared to other genus and anopheles species.

;igure (). =verage mos2uito densities for each site in Desa isata lakkang, Makassar from &st+#rd

 :ovem"er -$&()

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1 2 3









A%era"e number of mosquito in all site


;igure () =verage Anopheles densities for each site in Desa Wisata Lakkang, Makassar from & st+

#rd :ovem"er -$&() 

1 2 3








&enus ' Ano!#eles


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;igure ()4 =verage Culex densities for each site in Desa Wisata Lakkang, Makassar from & st+#rd

 :ovem"er -$&()

1 2 3











&enus ' Cule$


;rom the three column chart a"ove, it shos the highest densities of mos2uito in three kind of 

site) !n overall, site & shos the highest densities of mos2uitoes for three days as ell as same

ith the genus of anopheles, hile for the genus of Culex, the site - is the highest densities) =s

e going through from this result, the a"undance of anopheles at site & contri"utes in influencing

the densities of mos2uitoes for each site)

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;igure ()' =verage Mos2uitoes densities "ased on time in Desa Wisata, Lakkang from &st+ #rd

 :ovem"er -$&()

;igure ()&$ =verage Anopheles densities for each time in Desa Wisata, Lakkang from


+ #rd

 :ovem"er -$&()

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;igure ()&& =verage Culex densities for each time in Desa Wisata, Lakkang from & st+

#rd :ovem"er -$&()

;rom the graph chart a"ove, in overall it shos that the peak time of the a"undance of 

mos2uitoes is around &4 pm until -& pm and after that, it shos the fluctuation in densities of 

mos2uitoes ith the loest densities in < am) The result as same goes ith  Anopheles peak time,

 "ut 9ust after &4+-& pm, the num"ers of mos2uitoes are steeply decreasing) hile for the Culex

 peak time there are a little "it difference as the time is very much fluctuation in num"er of 

mos2uitoes densities ith the highest num"er is &4 pm and -# pm)

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;igure ()&- =verage Mos2uitoes densities "ased on day in Desa Wisata, Lakkang ry from & st+ #rd

 :ovem"er -$&()

;igure ()&# =verage  Anopheles densities for each day in Desa Wisata, Lakkang from &st+ #rd

 :ovem"er -$&()

1 2 3







&enus' Ano!#eles


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;igure ()&< =verage Culex  densities for each day in Desa Wisata, Lakkang from &st+ #rd

 :ovem"er -$&()

1 2 3











&enus' Cule$


!n general, from the column chart a"ove, on the third day shoed the most num"er of 

mos2uitoes distri"ution than on the first day and second day) =s e going specific in genus,

 Anopheles  shos the same result ith the third day is the highest densities of anopheles

mos2uitoes, instead, the Culex  most a"undance on first day folloed "y second and third day)

/oever, the densities of total mos2uitoes on day mostly depend or influence on the total

num"er of Anopheles on third day)

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;igure ()&( Aercentage of mos2uitoes collected in genus from total distri"ution in Desa Wisata

Lakkang, Makassar from &st+#rd :ovem"er -$&()



Perenta"e of &enus

Anpheles Culex

;igure ()&. Aercentage of mos2uitoes collected in species from total distri"ution in Desa Wisata

Lakkang, Makassar from &st+#rd :ovem"er -$&()




Perenta"e of s!eies

An. (ne!nitus An. &ubpictus An. )agus Cx. *ipiens g$oup

Cx. &itiens g$oup

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8ased on the pie chart a"ove, it shos that the highest distri"ution num"er of mos2uitoes in

Desa Wisata Lakkang is from the genus of Anopheles ith (<<( then folloed "y Culex ith 4&

in total num"er) The percentage from "oth theses genus ith anopheles is much highest in '4)(

and Culex only a"out &)()The percentage of this genus shos a lot of difference in num"er)

@therise, in percentage of species Anopheles Subpictus record the highest ith -). ith the

loest percentage goes to Culex Pipiens group ith only $)& percent in total distri"ution for 

three days)


!n this research, the results shoed that the site or ha"itat, time of "iting activity and the day of 

collected of sample are important drivers as to look and study of the mos2uito community and

distri"ution and hether of this mos2uitoes have potentially in transmitting disease to human)

@verall, a"undance of mos2uitoes as mostly from the genus of =nopheles accounting ith '4)(

6 hile Cule% making up to &)(6 3;igure ()&(5 of the total num"er of mos2uitoes caught in

Desa Wisata Lakkang study area) An. subpictus ere more a"undant in the area ith -).6 ith

the loest as Cx. Pipiens group accounting only $)&6 of total population 3;igure ()&.5

The distri"ution of mos2uitoes varied considera"ly throughout the site or sampling area, day of 

collected and time of caught) The landscape of the site consists of "am"oo tree, river, and paddy

field and also surrounded "y fishpond and livestock) River and fishpond mostly covered and

dominated the area respectively, hile paddy field and livestock contri"uted relatively little to

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the area inside of the total area "ut still make it a "ig influence in distri"ution and a"undance of 

mos2uitoes) ="undance of =nopheles as greatest in site &3;igure ()5, hile a"undance of 

Cule% peaked in site - 3;igure ()45) Despite considera"le "ig difference in population siBe

throughout the different site, the relative a"undance of mos2uitoes shoed the strong positive

linear relationship to the anopheles) ;or instance, the a"undance of anopheles for each site as

significantly associated ith the total densities of mos2uitoes on the site) 8esides, overall

mos2uito a"undance as significantly greater in sites ith hosts+rich 3site&5 than hosts+ poor 

location 3site - and #5 3;igure <)&5) =ccording to the  Burkett-Cadena, -$&# mos2uitoes choose

sites "ased on hosts in addition to ha"itat) The "est model of =nopheles included "am"oo tree,

fishpond, and river as ha"itat and cos as hosts) This overall pattern of mos2uito a"undance

 "eing greater at sites ith greater host richness as also o"served ithin each ha"itat type) !n

this study, the location or site ith hosts+richness as near to the livestock, villagers, and

 "am"oo tree, hile for the host poor location at the site around river and dried paddy field) ;or 

=nopheles, significantly ere found at site & ith more hosts regardless of ha"itat make up

3;igure <)& and ;igure ()5) =t site here river as a ma9or component of the ha"itat, difference

in Culex, it as significantly more a"undant around the river and fishpond "ut still more density

at certain area at that site hich highest num"er of hosts 3;igure <)& and ;igure ()45) !n this

studies shoed that the magnitude of the difference in mos2uito a"undance "eteen anopheles

and Culex as so great in num"er on the same site 3;igure () and ()45) =t site ith the dense of 

 "am"oo tree covered, for e%ample, anopheles a"undance as not significantly shos of highest

host a"undance at the site) While for the less cover area like a river, the most a"undance of 

mos2uito such as Culex as at the site of host+ rich location like near to the houses of villagers

than host poor location 3far aay from the villager*s houses5) !n this results, it indicate that "oth

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ha"itat or site and hosts are important drivers of the mos2uito densities ,"ut that ithin the

landscape, host a"undance e%erts an especially strong effect on mos2uito distri"ution) The

magnitude of the effect that host distri"ution has on mos2uito a"undance as stronger for 

 Anopheles than for Culex as the great num"er of Anopheles make the contri"ution of Culex at the

area 3;igure ().5) :onetheless, a"undance of "oth mos2uito genus as significantly greater at

locations ith greater host a"undance, regardless of ha"itat type) @ur study confirms the findings

of others 3 Burkett-Cadena et al ) -$&#5 that ha"itat is important in determining the suita"ility of 

an area for adult mos2uitoes, "ut it also e2ually driven "y the presence of host animal) When one

considers the importance of hosts in the mos2uito life cycle as most mos2uito species cannot

reproduce ithout taking a "lood meal) =ny individuals in a location in hich hosts are a"sent

ould lose their reproductive potential, a strong selective for aggregating near host populations)

=mong the mos2uito species collected of genus =nopheles and Culex that have "een identified

as potential in transmitting diseases, none e%hi"ited an e%clusive tendency for "iting indoors or 

outdoors and their activity varied in the different localities)  Anopheles and Culex did not sho

marked indoor or outdoor "iting preference ith 9ust slightly little of difference in num"er)

Mos2uito peaked activity as determined for the most a"undant species from &4?$$-<?$$ hour 

and during one night from &4?$$.?$$ hour 3;igure ()'5, and e%pressed as the average densities

of mos2uitoes collected per hour per genus and per total mos2uitoes 3;igure ()'+()&&5) !n

general, =nopheles e%hi"ited peaked activity throughout the night) /oever, activity peaks

varied slightly at collection sites) The highest peak activity as "eteen &'?$$-&?$$ hours)

=ctivities during the overnight collection ere lo and occurred at $-?$$$<?$$ 3;igure ()&$5)

While for the Culex, as the figure ()&& shon that the highest num"er as associated ith

slightly fluctuation ith the time of their activity, the most activity time as "eteen &4?$$+

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-&?$$ hour and steeply peaks at -#?$$ hour "efore the midnight) This results supported "y the

 Ndoen et al ,-$&& hose acclaim that the period of greater activity for most mos2uitoes as early

in the night ith significantly more specimen collected at dusk than at dan, evening than

morning "efore rather than after night) ;or the Anopheles, it had significantly higher activity in

the evening than in the morning, ith a rapid increase after sunset "efore midnight rather than

after and there as significantly more activity 9ust "efore dan than 9ust after sunset) !n contrast,

Culex as already active at sunset and activity peaked at -#?$$ pm ith most of activity "eteen

&4?$$ pm and $#?#$ am as in figure ()&&)

= total of (,(-. mos2uitoes corresponding to to genus ith three species from  Anopheles and

to groups from Culex ere collected from three days of sampling) ;rom the studies, =nopheles

as the most a"undant in the first and third day of collection 3& st  and #rd  :ovem"er -$&(5

accounting for (& and '-< of total collections, respectively3;igure ()&#5) While, for Culex, it

as mostly same ith first until third day ith the most a"undant in first day ith & of total

collection ith the gap of mean proportion for another day as 9ust smaller as shon in figure

()&<) /oever in this locality, the peak a"undance for this genus as o"served in early

 :ovem"er hich coincides ith the "eginning of rainy season 3:ovem"er to =pril5 and the end

of dry season 3May to @cto"er5) =ccording to the Uttah et al , -$&#, all the mos2uito species

ere more a"undant during the rainy season than during the dry season as the rains make more

 "reeding sites availa"le) /oever, the peaks in adult and older female mos2uito densities ere

highly in dry season compared to the rainy season) 8esides, factors other than climate and

availa"ility of "reeding sites may affect the population density) =s e looking through from the

result of the studies, overall, it shoed that the average proportion of mos2uito collection is

greatest on the third day ith the num"er of ((' ith the loest on the second day "y 4' from

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the total collection as in figure ()&-) @ne of such factors is the temperature and humidity as there

ere very optimum conditions for mos2uitoes to fly for their activity time on a third day

compared to first and second day ith more indy condition) To "e understanda"le, adult

mos2uito as higher in the dry condition there"y increasing the transmission potential during

that period, hile during the rainy day, the higher production of mos2uitoes due to the

availa"ility of more "reeding sites ith the indy or loer temperature that reduce their activity)

The An. subpictus as ell as An. indefinitus are potential vector of malaria that may have serious

conse2uences for malaria epidemiology in Desa Wisata Lakkang as it making up to -).6

3;igure ()&.5 and "ecome the most a"undant species in the area of study) =ccording Singh .! ,

-$&<, 0 An. subpictus has "een recogniBed as an important vector of malaria in Sri Lanka and

some other countries like Malaysia and Maldives1) 8esides, An. subpictus also "ecomes one of 

ma9or malaria vector in !ndonesia as "eing stated "y Ndoen et al, -$&$ 0 The most e%tensively

occurring malaria vectors in !ndonesia are An. sundaicus, An. subpictus, An. barbirostris, An.

"aculatus, An. aconitus, and An. balabacensis#) !n the passing of time, it may "ecome

epidemiologically important not only in the transmission of rural area of Desa Wisata Lakkang

 "ut also in the transmission of ur"an malaria in Makassar as a hole) =s the study reporting the

higher distri"ution of  An. subpictus  in the area of study compared to other population of 

mos2uitoes) Despite, the other species of =nopheles also that "een caught in the study area also

 potentially in transmitting disease as ell as  An. indefinitus  that "ecome the second most

a"undant species making up &4)&6 of total population)

=t the first for so many years, according to  ueda et al , -$&$, 0 An. vagus as not considered a

vector of human malaria parasites as it fed primarily over '$6 on cos and ater "uffalos and

as usually ranked the least attracted to humans of all the Anopheles tested1) /oever, over time

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evidence has indicating this species may serve as a secondary malaria vector under certain

circumstances like dense of host concentration) !n this study,  An. vagus  "ecomes the third

ranking in most num"er of mos2uitoes in the study area ith <#( making up )' 6 of total

 population 3;igure ()&.5) !nstead, it not listed as ma9or malaria vector "ut it still have a potential

in transmitting the malaria to human as ell as in Desa Wisata Lakkang of study area)

8oth Culex sitiens group and Culex pipiens group "ecomes the potential vector for apanese

encephalitis according to $ohansen et al , -$$& ith Cx. sitiens group also regarded as a potential

vector of Ross River Eirus disease 3RRE5 3%uidelines to prevent &os'uito breeding , -$$45)

8ecome the first rank of Culex species ith &)<6 of total population as shon in figure ()&., it

may have steadily importance as a vector in research area of Desa Wisata Lakkang as it much

higher densities than the other Culex  group) The Cx. sitiens group have great tendency in

esta"lished the disease as their natural "reeding site most in temporary flooded areas in tidal to

 "rackish samps or e%tended saline ponding occur 3%uidelines to prevent &os'uito breeding ,

-$$45 as likely in Desa Wisata Lakkang that can "e an apprecia"le pest near productive "reeding

sites and also ithin - km from their "reeding sites (%uidelines to prevent &os'uito breeding ,

-$$45) Through the time, hen they "ecome ell esta"lished, this could lead to encephalitis

 "ecoming ell adapted to Cx. sitiens group and could open the ne epidemiological challenges

in the transmission of apanese encephalitis and RRE virus in Makassar region)

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Chapter VII


!n the study, three days of field trip ere conducted in Desa Wisata Lakkang, Makassar to refine

knoledge of species distri"ution for species considered potential as vector in transmit disease)

!n general, the results demonstrated that  An. subpictus as the most a"undant of mos2uito

 population folloed "y  An. indefinutus and An. vagus) While Cx. sitiens group folloed "ehind

the anopheles species and the loest num"er of population "elongs to Cx. pipens group)

Reporting from study, the distri"ution and a"undance of these mos2uito species much depended

on the site or ha"itat of the species ith host preference, time of "iting activity and the climate or 

condition of environments the day of collecting sample) The varies of factor, still make the  An.

 subpictus is the most a"undance in the area of study as ell as "ecome the greatest potential in

transmitting disease ith the all condition most favoura"le for the species to "reeding and

 "ecome the adult female mos2uito)


=dditional studies are recommended "y doing a survey or investigation a"out the seasonal and

a"undance of mos2uito species considered potential as vector disease) 8esides, the future study

also can investigate the "est suit for the vector control and measure of mos2uito from their 

 "reeding sites) Continues research of the mos2uito hether it has carried parasitic or viral inside

their "ody "y la"oratory analyses) The role of  An. subpictus as the potential vector in Desa

Wisata Lakkang also can "e investigated

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