miranti_lbm 5 muskuloskeletal

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  • 7/28/2019 MIRANTI_LBM 5 Muskuloskeletal



    1. Mengapa pergelangan kaki kanan terasa sakit?2. Apa hubungan penyakit dengan semua makan yang ada di scenario ?3. Mengapa sakit bertambah bila digerakkan, disertai bengkak dan kemerahan ?4. Bagaimana kadar asam urat normal ?

    Pada keadaan normal kadar urat serum pada laki-laki mulai meningkat setelah pubertas.Pada perempuan kadar urat tidak meningkat sampai setelah menopause karena

    estrogen meningkatkan ekskresi asam urat melalui ginjal. Setelah menopause, kadar

    urat serum meningkat seperti pada pria.

    Nilai normal asam urat serum pada laki-laki: 5,1 +/- 1 mg/dl dan pada perempuan: 4,0

    +/- 1,0 mg/dl.

    Patofisiologi Sylvia a. Price Edisi 6

    5. Apa saja factor yang mempengaruhi trigliseridemia ?

    6. Mengapa hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium menyatakan hipertrigliseridemia danhiperurisemia ?

    7. Apa DD dari scenario ?- Arthritis gout

    Gout is a disease that results from an overload of

    uric acid in the body. This overload of uric acid

    leads to the formation of tiny crystals of urate

    that deposit in tissues of the body, especially thejoints. When crystals form in the joints, it causes

    recurring attacks of joint inflammation (arthritis).

    Gout is considered a chronic and progressive

    disease. Chronic gout can also lead to deposits

    of hard lumps of uric acid in the tissues,

    particularly in and around the joints and may

    cause joint destruction, decreased kidney

    function, andkidney stones(nephrolithiasis).

    Gout has the unique distinction of being one of the most frequently recorded medical illnesses

    throughout history. It is often related to an inherited abnormality in the body's ability to process uric

    acid. Uric acid is a breakdown product of purines that are part of many foods we eat. An abnormality

    in handling uric acid can cause attacks of painful arthritis (gout attack), kidney stones, and blockage

    of the kidney-filtering tubules with uric acid crystals, leading tokidney failure. On the other hand,

    some people may only develop elevated blood uric acid levels (hyperuricemia) without having

    manifestations of gout, such as arthritis or kidney problems. The state of elevated levels of uric acid

    in the blood without symptoms is referred to as asymptomatic hyperuricemia. Asymptomatic

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    hyperuricemia is considered a precursor state to the development of gout. The term goutrefers the

    disease that is caused by an overload of uric acid in the body, resulting in painful arthritic attacks

    and deposits of lumps of uric acid crystals in body tissues.

    Gouty arthritis is typically an extremely painful attack with a rapid onset of joint

    inflammation. The joint inflammation is precipitated by deposits of uric acid crystals in thejoint fluid (synovial fluid) and joint lining (synovial lining). Intense joint inflammation

    occurs as the immune system reacts, causing white blood cells to engulf the uric acid

    crystals and chemical messengers of inflammation to be released, leading to pain, heat,

    and redness of the joint tissues. As gout progresses, the attacks of gouty arthritis

    typically occur more frequently and often in additional joints.


    - Arthritis supuratif

    - Arthritis septic

    - Arthritis pseudogout

    8. Etiologi dan PatogenesisEtiologi

    Gout primer : merupakan akibat langsung pembentukan asam urat tubuh yang

    berlebihan atau akibat penurunan eksskresi asam urat.

    Gout skunder : disebabkan karena pembentukan asam urat yang berlebihan atau ekresi

    asam urat yang berkurang akibat proses penyakit lain atau pemakaian obat-obatan


    Patofisiologi Sylvia a. Price Edisi 6

    In addition to an inherited abnormality in handling uric

    acid, other risk factors for developing gout

    include obesity, excessive weight gain (especially in

    youth), moderate to heavy alcohol intake, high blood

    pressure, and abnormal kidney function. Certain drugs,

    such as thiazide diuretics

    (hydrochlorothiazide [Dyazide]), low-

    doseaspirin, niacin, cyclosporine, tuberculosis

    medications (pyrazinamide and ethambutol), and others

    can also cause elevated uric acid levels in the blood andlead to gout. Furthermore, certain diseases lead to

    excessive production of uric acid in the body. Examples

    of these diseases include leukemias, lymphomas,

    and hemoglobin disorders.http://www.medicinenet.com/gout/page2.htm

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    9. Tanda dan Gejala Arthritis GoutTerdapat 4 tahap perjalanan klinis dari penyakit gout yang tidak diobati:

    1. Hiperurisemia asimtomatikDalam tahap ini paseien tidak menunjukkan gejala-gejala selain dari peningkatan

    asam urat serum. Hanya 20% dari pasieen hiperurisemia asimtomatik yang berlanjutmenjadi serangan gout akut.

    2. Arthritis gout akutPada tahap ini terjadi awitan mendadak pembengkakan dan nyeri yang luar biasa,

    biasanya pada sendi ibu jari kaki dan sendi metatarsophalangeal. Arthritis bersifat

    monoartikular dan menunjukkan tanda-tanda peradangan local. Mungkin terdapat

    demam dan peningkatan jumlah leukosit. Serangan dapat dipicu oleh pembedahan,

    trauma, obat-obatan, alcohol, atau stress emosional. Tahap ini biasanya mendorong

    pasien untuk mencari pengobatan segera. Sendi-sendi lain dapat terserang termasuk

    sendi jari-jari tangan, lutut, mata kaki, pergelangan tangan, dan siku. Serangan gout

    akut biasanya pulih tanpa pengobatan, tetapi dapat memakan waktu 10 14 hari.

    Perkembangan dari serangan akut goutumumnya mengikuti serangkaian peristiwa

    berikut ini. Mula-mula terjadi hipersaturasi dari urat plasma dan cairan tubuh.

    Selanjutnya diikuti oleh penimbunandi dalam dan sekeliling sendi. Mekanisme

    terjadinya kristalisasi urat setelah keluar dari serum masih belum jelas. Serangan

    gout seringkali teradi sesudah trauma local atau rupture tofi (timbunan natrium

    urat) yang mengakibatkan peningkatan cepat konsentrasi asam urat local. Tubuh

    mungkin tidak dapat mengatasi peningkatan ini dengan baik sehingga terjadi

    pengendapan asam urat di luar serum. Kristalisasi dan penimbunan asam urat akan

    memicu serangan gout. Kristal-kristal asam urat memicu respons fagositik oleh

    leukosit, sehingga leukosit memakan kristal-kristal urat dan memicu mekanisme

    respons peradangan lainnya. Respons peradangan ini dapat dipenngaruhi oleh lokasi

    dan banyaknya timbunan kristal asam urat. Reaksi peradangan dapat meluas dan

    bertambah sendiri, akibat dari penambahan timbunan kristal serum.

    3. Arthritis gout intercriticalTidak terdapat gejala-gejala pada masa ini, yang dapat berlangsung dari beberapa

    bulan sampai tahun. Kebanyakan orang mengalami serangan gout berulang dalam

    waktu kurang dari 1 tahun jika tidak diobati.

    4. Gout kronisPeradangan kronik akibat kristal-kristal asam urat mengakibatkan nyeri, sakit, dan

    kaku, juga pembesaran dan penonjolan sendi yang bengkak. Serangan akut arthritis

    gout dapat terjadi dalam tahap ini. Tofi terbentuk pada masa gout kronik akibat

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    insolubilitas relative asam urat. Awitan dan ukuran tofi secara proporsional mungkin

    berkaitan dengan kadar asam urat serum. Bursa olecranon, tendon Achilles,

    permukaan ekstensor lengan bawah, bursa

    infrapatelar, dan heliks telinga.

    Patofisiologi Sylvia a. Price Edisi 6

    The small joint at the base of the big toe is

    the most common site of an acute gout

    attack of arthritis. An acute attack of gouty

    arthritis at the base of the big toe is

    medically referred to as podagra. Other

    joints that are commonly affected includethe ankles, knees, wrists, fingers, and elbows. Acute gout attacks are characterized by a rapid

    onset of pain in the affected joint followed by warmth, swelling, reddish discoloration, and

    marked tenderness. Tenderness can be intense so that even a blanket touching the skin over

    the affected joint can be unbearable. Patients can develop fever with the acute gout attacks.

    These painful attacks usually subside in hours to days, with or without medication. In rare

    instances, an attack can last for weeks. Most patients with gout will experience repeated attacks

    of arthritis over the years.

    Uric acid crystals can deposit in tiny fluid-filled sacs (bursae) around the joints. These urate

    crystals can incite inflammation in the bursae, leading to pain and swelling around the joints (acondition calledbursitis). In rare instances, gout leads to a more chronic type of joint

    inflammation that mimicsrheumatoid arthritis.

    In chronic (tophaceous) gout, nodular masses of uric acid crystals (tophi) deposit in different

    soft-tissue areas of the body. Even though they are most commonly found as hard nodules

    around the fingers, at the tips of the elbows, in the ears, and around the big toe, tophi nodules

    can appear anywhere in the body. They have been reported in unexpected areas such as in the

    vocal cords or (rarely) even around the spinal cord. When tophi appear in the tissues, the gout

    condition is felt to represent a substantial overload of uric acid within the body.


    10.Factor resiko dari Arthritis Gout- Diet tinggi purin pada orang yang mempunyai kelainan bawaan dalam

    metabolism purin sehingga terjadi peningkatan produksi asam urat. Tetapi diet

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    rendah purin juga tidak selalu dapat menurunkan kadar asam urat serum pada

    setiap keadaan.

    - Minuman beralkohol dapat menimbulkan serangan gout karena alcohol

    meningkatkan produksi asam urat. Kadar laktat darah meningkat sebagai akibat

    produk sampingan dari metabolism normal alcohol. Asam laktat menghambatekskresi asam urat oleh ginjal sehingga terjadi pengingkatan kadarnya dalam serum.

    - Obat-obatan sejumlah obat dapat menghambat ekskresi asam urat oleh ginjal

    sehingga dapat menyebbakan serangan gout. Diantaranya adalah aspirin dosis

    rendah (kurang dari 1 sampai 2 gr/hari), sebagian besar diuretic, levodopa,

    diazoksid, asam nikotinat, asetazolamid, dan etambutol.

    Patofisiologi Sylvia a. Price Edisi 6

    Interestingly, one study demonstrated an increased prevalence of abnormally low thyroid

    hormone levels (hypothyroidism) in patients with gout.

    In patients at risk of developing gout, certain conditions can precipitate acute attacks of gout.

    These conditions includedehydration, injury to the joint,fever, excessive eating, heavy alcohol

    intake, and recent surgery. Gout attacks triggered by recent surgery are probably related to

    changes in the body-fluid balance as patients temporarily discontinue normal oral fluid intake in

    preparation for and after their operation.


    11.Klasifikasi dari Arthritis Gout

    12.Pemeriksaan penunjangDIAGNOSIS:

    Gout is suspected when a patient reports a history of attacks of painful arthritis, particularly at

    the base of the toes. Ankles and knees are the next most commonly involved joints in gout.

    Gout usually attacks one joint at a time, while other arthritis conditions, such assystemic

    lupusand rheumatoid arthritis, usually attack multiple joints simultaneously.

    The most reliable test for gout is finding uric acid crystals in a sample of the joint fluid obtainedbyjoint aspiration(arthrocentesis). Arthrocentesis is a common office procedure performed

    under local anesthesia. Using sterile technique, fluid is withdrawn (aspirated) from the inflamed

    joint using a syringe and needle. The joint fluid is then analyzed for uric acid crystals and for

    infection. Shiny, needle-like uric acid crystals are best viewed with a special polarizing

    microscope. The diagnosis of gout can also be made by finding these urate crystals from

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