fungsi otak dan batang otak

Post on 18-Feb-2018






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7/23/2019 Fungsi Otak Dan Batang Otak 1/39

Fungsi Otak dan Batang


dr. Shofa Nur Fauzah

Div. Fisiologi FKUnswagati

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 Tujuan Instruksional

• Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskanfungsi dan peranan otak sertabatang otak dalam sistem saraf  – Pengaturan fungsi motorik oleh korteks

dan batang otak

 – Korteks serebri ; fungsi intelektual otak ;dan proses belajar dan mengingat

 – Mekanisme perilaku dan motivasi padaotak sistim limbik dan hipotalamus

 – !ktivitas otak tidur ; gelombang otak ;

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Perkembangan Otak

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"orte# "erebri

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"orte# "erebri

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"orte# $erebri

•  Terdiri dari gra% matter & badan sel saraf'dendrit' %ang menghubungkan glia denganpembuluh darah(

Mengandung mil%aran saraf %ang tersusundalam ) lapisan *+,-mm.  -/0 total beratotak(

•  Terdiri 1 area fungsional & area motorik'

sensorik' assosiasi(• Masing,masing hemisfer bertanggung jawab

terhadap area sensorik dan motorik sisikontralateral(

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"orte# $erebri

• Memiliki fungsi kortikal %ang tidaklahsama' terdapat salah satu %ang lbihdominan(

•  Tidak ada area %ang bekerja sendiridalam melakukan fungsin%a( Perilaku%ang disadari melibatkan seluruh

korteks dalam beberapa $ara(

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!rea motorik

• Mengontrol gerakan %ang disadari

•  Tdd& $orte# motorik primer' $orte#premotorik' area Bro$a' frontal eye eld

Cortex motorik primer

•  g%rus pre$entralis lobus frontalis

•  Tdd dari sel p%ramidal' memilliki a#on %ang

panjang dan dipro%eksikan hingga medspinmembentuk traktus p%ramidalis atau traktus"orti$ospinalis(

• Mengatur gerakan dasar se$ara sadar

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!rea asosiasi motorik

"orte# Premotorik  anterior g%ruspre$entralis

2erakan %ang kebih kompleks dan


Melibatkan area lain sepertisomatosensor% dan o$$ipitalis' lobus

parietal dan fontalis(Frontalis  mengatur emosi' kognisi dan


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Area ro!a

•  anterior $orte# premotorik

• 3ominan terdapat disalah satu hemispher

 sisi kiri• 4pe$ial motor spee$h area  

menghasilkan kalimat,kalimat

Frontal e"e #eld

• !nterior premotor $orte# dan superiordari area Bro$a  mengontrol gerakanmata %ang disadari(

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!rea asosiasi anterior

•  Terdapat di lobus frontalis 5 $orte#prefrontal

• Melibatkan intelektual' kemampuan

belajar %ang kompleks *kognisi.'mengingat' kepribadian(

• Men%impan memori  peren$anaan'

membuat keputusan' beralasan•  Tergantung dari feedba$k positive atau

negativ dari lingkungan sosial

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!rea asosiasi posterior

• Meliputi area lobus temporal' parietaldan o$$ipital

• Kewaspadaan dari seluruh kejadian

• Perhatian akan suatu tempat' lokasitubuh' mengerti bahasa tulisan danpembi$araan *area werni$ke6s.

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3ien$ephalon dan BatangOtak

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• Memiliki ban%aknukleus

• Merupakan 7rela%station8 informasi*edited. menuju $orte#$erebral

• 9a$h nu$leus has afun$tional spe$ialt%'and ea$h proje$ts :bersto and re$eives :bers

from a spe$i:$ region ofthe $erebral $orte#(• e$ognition of the

sensation as pleasant orunpleasant

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• !<erent impulses from all senses and allparts of the bod% $onverge on thethalamus and s%napse with at least one ofits nu$lei(

• For e#ample' the ventral posterolateralnu$lei re$eive impulses from the generalsomati! sensor" re!eptors $tou!h%

pressure% pain% et!.&' and the lateraland medial geniculate bodies areimportant visual and auditor" rela"!enters% respe$tivel%(

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• Inputs that help regulate emotion andvis$eral fun$tion from the h%pothalamus*via the anterior nu$lei.

• Instru$tions that help dire$t the a$tivit%of the motor $orti$es from the $erebellumand basal nu$lei *via the ventral lateraland ventral anterior nu$lei' respe$tivel%.

• Inputs for memor% or sensor% integration

that are proje$ted to spe$i:$ asso$iation$orti$es *via pulvinar' lateral dorsal' andlateral posterior nu$lei.

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•  Thalamus pla%s a ke% role inmediating sensation% motora!tivities% !orti!al arousal%

learning% and memor"( It is trul%the gatewa% to the $erebral $orte#

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• Kontrol sistem saraf autonom  regulasi$ardia$' otot polos dan sekresi kelenjar(

• Menginisiasi respon :sik hingga emosi  kesenangan' rasa takut' kemarahan(

• egulasi suhu tubuh• egulasi intake makanan  rasa lapar dan

ken%ang  kebutuhan nutrisi dalam darah• egulasi keseimbangan $airan dan rasa haus

 eksitasi osmoreseptor mengeluarkan !3=• egulasi siklus tidur dan bangun• Kontrol fungsi sistem endokrin

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Brainstem *batang otak.

• Brain stem $enters produ$e the rigidl%programmed' automati$ behaviorsne$essar% for survival( Positioned

between the $erebrum and the spinal$ord' the brain stem also provides apathwa% for :ber tra$ts running betweenhigher and lower neural $enters(

!dditionall%' brain stem nu$lei areasso$iated with>/ of the >+ pairs of$ranial nerves

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Batang otak

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 ?imbi$ 4%stem

• 2%rus "ingulata' parahippo$ampus'hippo$ampus' thalamus' h%pothalamus(

• the emotional impa$t that makes a

s$ene important to us( In our e#ampleabove' it provides

• the sense of 7danger8 when the a$idsplashes on our legs( The hippo$ampus

establishes memories that allow us toremember this in$ident(

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?imbi$ 4%stem

•  The limbi$ s%stem is our emotional, oraective (feelings), brain. The amygdaloidbody and the anterior part of the !ingulateg"rus seem espe!iall" important in

emotions. 'he am%gdaloid bod% is $riti$alfor responding to per$eived threats *su$h asangr% or fearful fa$ial e#pressions. with fearor aggression(

 The $ingulate g%rus pla%s a role in e#pressingour emotions through gestures and inresolving mental $on@i$ts when we arefrustrated(

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?imbi$ 4%stem

• Odors often trigger emotional rea$tionsand memories( These responses re@e$t theorigin of mu$h of the limbi$ s%stem in theprimitive 7smell brain8 *rhinen$ephalon.(Our rea$tions

to odors are rarel% neutral *a skunk smellsbad and repulses us), and odors oftenre$all memories of emotion,laden events(

• Be$ause the limbi$ s%stem intera$ts withthe prefrontal lobes' there is an intimaterelationship between our feelings

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•  Take a moment to be$ome aware of all thestimuli in %our environment( Aoti$e all the$olors' shapes' odors' sounds' and so on(

 The !4 is inhibited b% sleep $enterslo$ated in the h%pothalamus and otherneural regions' and is depressed b%al$ohol' sleepindu$ing drugs' andtranuiliCers( 4evere injur% to this s%stem'as might follow a kno$kout pun$h thattwists the brain stem' results in permanentun$ons$iousness *irreversible coma).

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rain (ave )atterns andthe **+

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D Cons!iousness involves simultaneous a!tivit" oflarge areas

  of the !ere,ral !ortex.

D -t is superimposed on other t"pes of neural a!tivit".!t an% time' spe$i:$ neurons and neuronal pools areinvolved

  both in lo$aliCed a$tivities *su$h as motor $ontrol. and in$ognition

(D -t is holisti! and totall" inter!onne!ted.

Information for 7thought8 $an be $laimed from man%lo$ations in the $erebrum simultaneousl%( For e#ample'retrieval of a spe$i:$ memor% $an be triggered b% severalroutesEa smell' a pla$e'a parti$ular person' and so on(

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• De!larative $fa!t& memor" entailslearning expli!it information%su$h as names' fa$es' words' and dates( It isrelated to our $ons$ious thoughts and our

abilit% to manipulate s%mbols and language(• Nondeclarative memory is less

conscious or even unconsciouslearning.

pro!edural $skills& memor" $pianopla"ing&% motor memor" *riding a bike.'and emotional memor" $"our poundingheart when %ou hear a rattlesnake nearb%.(

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