rm 4361-turner 08-human epididymis

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  • 8/10/2019 RM 4361-Turner 08-Human Epididymis


    ReviewDe Graafs Thread:The Human Epididymis


    From the Departments of Urology and Cell Biology, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia.

    ABSTRACT: The epididymis consists of a single, highly coiled andconvoluted tubule that Antoine De Graaf, the famous 17th-centuryanatomist, likened to a threadthickening to a string. Theuncoiled tubuleis several meters long and sperm in transit through it becomefunctionally mature under the under the influence of the tubule lumensmicroenvironment. The regulation of that microenvironment and themanner by which it influences sperm maturation have been the topic ofinvestigation for many years, though thestudy of thehuman epididymis

    directly is fraught with problems related to sample availability andcondition. Nevertheless, investigations using a variety of mammaliantissue sources, human included, have resulted in significant advancesin our understanding of both thebiologyand pathology of theorgan. Theepididymal functions of transporting, concentrating, maturing, andstoring sperm are important to male fertility and their absence orsignificant impairment can be a factor in male infertility.

    J Androl 2008;29:237250

    I n 1668 Regnier De Graaf reported his dissection of the human epididymis, which included a partialunraveling of the epididymal tubule (Figure 1A andB). He gave the following description:

    The duct of the epididymis, thus unraveled,becomes thicker the further it proceeds from itsorigin as six or seven branches at the top of thetesticle. Where the branches run together into oneduct it can be compared with a rather thin threadwhich gradually enlarges until it attains thethickness of a piece of string and constitutes thevas deferens. (De Graaf, 1668; translated by

    Jocelyn and Setchell, 1972)De Graaf described the epididymal tubules origin as

    arising from a number of branches we now know as theefferent ducts, which comprise much of the proximalepididymis (Figure 1C through E). Figure 1C illustratesthe proximal epididymis, dorsal view, of a 53-year-old manwith a thickened tunica albuginea covering the organ. Thearrow indicates the proximal-to-distal direction of theunderlying epididymal tubule. The decapsulated tissue(Figure 1D) reveals an amorphous bundle of flaccidtubules that, when dissected and with the core epididymaltubule straightened (indicated by straightened arrow),show themselves to be efferent ducts (Figure 1E). Althoughthe anatomist said that these ducts numbered 6 or 7, theytypically vary in number between 11 and 15 (Figure 1E;

    Jonte and Holstein, 1978; Yeung et al, 1991). The efferentducts, which communicate proximally with the rete testis,anastamose distally at multiple points along the singlecaput epididymidal tubule (Figure 1E). Even though DeGraaf likened the tubule to a thread, he knew it containedseminal matter and he stated that the epididymis existedso that matter might be better elaborated by a long delayin transit (Jocelyn and Setchell, 1972).

    Interestingly, De Graafs description of the epididy-mis predated Leewenhoeks discovery of spermatozoa(Leewenhoek, 1678), so De Graafs term, seminalmatter, in his description of the epididymis referredonly to the idea that something in the ejaculate

    (generally accepted to be of a testicular source) wasnecessary for the generation of new life. Because DeGraaf had no concept of spermatozoa, he could havehad no concept of sperm maturation; so, he postulatedthat the long, thin thread he had uncoiled was necessaryfor the seminal matter to be elaboratedthat is, madecompleteover time. In stating that opinion, De Graaf was perhaps the first to make a published commentabout epididymal function and thereby initiated adiscussion that is still active over 300 years later.

    A major difficulty in developing information aboutthe human epididymis has been the lack of humanepididymal tissue suitable for research. The epididymisconsists of a highly coiled single tubule (Figure 1A);thus, the organ may not be biopsied and epididymec-tomy is extremely rare, especially in men within theirreproductive years. This has meant that most studies of the human epididymis have used tissues from older menwho have undergone therapeutic orchidectomy forprostate cancer. These men are typically beyond theirreproductive years, and the results gained from thosetissues are unlikely to reflect the biology of the normally

    Supported by NIH grant P50-DK45179.Correspondence to: Dr Terry T Turner, Department of Urology,

    University of Virginia School of Medicine, PO Box 800422,Charlottesville, VA 22908 (e-mail: [email protected]).

    Received for publication August 29, 2007; accepted for publicationNovember 28, 2007.

    DOI: 10.2164/jandrol.107.004119

    Journal of Andrology, Vol. 29, No. 3, May/June 2008Copyright E American Society of Andrology


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    functioning epididymis. Tissues extirpated from elderlypatients who have died from a variety of diseases andhave been exposed to a variety of treatments are unlikelyto have been receiving the endocrine, paracrine, andlumicrine signaling of the normal epididymis. In thisregard, Figure 1Cshowing the proximal epididymis of

    a 53-year-old male after cancer treatments, with its thicktunica and flaccid, indistinct tubulesis in greatcontrast to a healthy epididymis from a 23-year-old,with its thin tunica and distinct tubules (Figure 1F).

    Another occasional source of human epididymal tissueis from younger men with testicular cancer, but these testesare often heavily involved with tumor and their ipsilateralepididymides cannot be considered to be normal. Tissuesfrom younger men obtained after lethal misfortune do nothave that same disadvantage, but often suffer from thelack of preservation proper for morphological, biochem-ical, or molecular studies. Tissues that are fixed, frozen, oranalyzed unpreserved after several hours of anoxia will be

    no more appropriate for study than lab animal tissuestreated in the same way. Protein and RNA degradationcan begin within minutes of loss of blood flow, so unlesssome indication of good preservation is given, even resultsostensibly obtained from healthy human tissues must oftenbe regarded with caution.

    These limitations have meant that most of what isknown about the biology of the human epididymis resultsfrom studies performed in laboratory animals with a moreoccasional use of human tissue to determine wheresimilarities or dissimilarities exist. Although this presentreview will focus on understanding the human epididymis,common reference will be made to selected studies inlaboratory animals; however, this is not intended to be anextensive review of mammalian epididymal biology.Those reviews are already available (Robaire and Hinton,2002; Robaire et al, 2006). Rather, this review willconsider some features of epididymal anatomy andhistology that have practical relevance to both basic andclinical investigators, but that are rarely, if ever, discussedin context. Following that, the key functions of the organwill be discussed, again with an eye toward issues of practical relevance to both basic and clinical investigators.

    Anatomy of the Human Epididymis

    The epididymis is typically adherent to the testis, withthe attachment to the cranial pole of the testis being via

    Figure 1. Dissections of the human epididymis. (A) Regnier DeGraafs dissection of the human epididymis (1668). The tunicaalbuginea of the epididymis has been removed, exposing the efferentducts still attached to the proximal pole of the testis. (B) Enlargementof A showing De Graafs microdissection to reveal the singleepididymal tubule or thread arising from a mass of tubules stillattached to its origin on the testis. (C) The human caput epididymidisfrom a 53-year-old male. Tissues were collected 10 hours postmor-tem. Appearance of the tissue (thick tunica albuginea, no luminalfilling of the tubules) indicates the poor status of this tissue collectedfrom a male who had died with colon cancer. Contrast this with thetissue in F. The arrow indicates the general proximal-to-distaldirection of the underlying epididymal tubule. (D) Decapsulatedhuman caput epididymidis revealing a mass of indistinct tubulessimilar to that shown by De Graaf at the bottom of B. (E) The sameepididymis as in C and D but with the caput tubules uncoiledrevealing 1315 efferent ducts leading toward the true epididymaltubule. The arrow indicates how the tissue was straightened fordisplay to demonstrate how the efferent ducts make up a majority ofthe tissue of the human caput epididymidis. (F) Healthy caputepididymidis from 23-year-old male. Note the thin tunica and filled,distinct tubules (arrows) and an epididymal cyst (asterisk); such


    cysts are common in the caput region. Here and elsewhere, allhuman tissues were collected under a protocol approved by theUniversity of Virginia Health Sciences Institutional Review Board.

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    the efferent ducts and the connective tissue tunica of thecaput. Medially, the epididymis is attached to the testisby the epididymo-testicular connective tissue, anddistally by both the caudal connective tissue and theepididymal fat pad (Figure 2A). Classical gross anato-my uses the terms globus major for the proximalepididymis and globus minor for the distal epididymis,with the globus minor disappearing in the epididymalfat pad (Figure 2A).

    The nomenclature more commonly used in reproduc-

    tive biology and medicine divides the epididymis into 3broad regions: the caput (head), corpus (body), andcauda (tail) epididymidis (Figure 2B). As already de-scribed (Figure 1), the caput epididymidis in the humanconsists largely of efferent ducts. This fact has clinicalrelevance in cases of microsurgical epididymal spermextraction (MESA) and percutaneous sperm aspiration(PESA) because the tubules of the caput epididymidis aremultiple (Figure 1E), whereas more distally there is onlya single epididymal tubule arranged in multiple coils(Figure 2B, inset). This means that MESA- or PESA-induced occlusion or damage of an efferent duct in thecaput epididymidis will not obstruct total luminal flowthrough the organ, whereas such an occlusion of the moredistal tubule will cause a complete epididymal obstruc-tion. In practice, MESA and PESA can occur distal to theefferent ducts without causing obstruction, but thepossibility of such an injury should be considered whendeciding on type and location of aspiration procedure.

    The total length of the typical human epididymistheorgan, not the tubule itselfis between 10 and 12 cmbefore the cauda tubule evolves to become the convo-

    luted vas deferens (rising on the left side of Figure 2B).The epididymides often available from elderly patientsundergoing orchidectomy can be as small as 7 mm inlength and can have approximately half the mass of thehealthy epididymis. Anatomy texts commonly report theuncoiled epididymal tubule to be 67 m in length,though the source of this estimate is unknown. Thevalue may be an underestimation, given that the muchsmaller rat epididymis contains a single tubule that hasbeen uncoiled and measured to be 3.2 m in length

    (Turner et al, 1990).

    Histology of the Epididymal Tubule

    The epithelium of the epididymis varies proximally todistally (Figure 3), and maintenance of the tissue withregard to both form and function requires lumicrinesecretions of the testis (Hinton et al, 1998; Turner et al,2007). The epididymis in Figure 1C through E, forexample, is from a terminally ill cancer patient wellbeyond his reproductive years. Further, the patient had

    likely received at least one of a variety of treatments thatcould also affect testicular production of androgens,seminiferous tubule secretions, and spermatogenesis (eg,radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or antiandrogens). As aconsequence, that epididymis is clearly dysfunctional, as judged by the following:

    1. The epididymal tunica is thickened, causing neitherthe efferent ducts nor the epididymal tubule to bevisible beneath the tunica.

    Figure 2. (A) The human testis and epididymis as they appear removed intact from the scrotum. The globus major at the cranial pole of thetestis is the proximal part of the organ and receiving the sperm and intraluminal fluids from the testis. The globus minor is the distal part of theorgan and is shrouded by the epididymal fat pad. (B) The partially dissected testis and epididymis with epididymal fat removed. The caput,corpus, and cauda epididymides are indicated with the cauda tubule evolving into the convoluted vas deferens rising vertically on the left. Inset:A magnified view of decapsulated corpus tubules. The white appearance indicates a healthy tubule filled with spermatozoa. The 2 vertical lineson the right indicate 1 mm.

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    2. In the detunicated organ (Figure 1D), the tubulesremain flaccid, indistinct, and with no apparent spermcontent. This is a very different appearance from thatof the healthy epididymis, wherein the tunica is thinand the tubules are distinct, being filled with sperm andluminal fluid (Figures 1F and 2B, inset).

    3. The epididymis illustrated in Figure 1C through E ismuch reduced in size relative to epididymides fromhealthy males (Figure 1F). The alert scientist shouldbe aware of how inappropriate such epididymidesare for investigations aimed at understanding thebiology, not the pathology, of the organ.

    As noted, an appropriately functioning testis (Fig-ure 3A) is key to the regulation and support of theepididymis (Figure 3B through D). Leydig cells of thetesticular interstitium produce androgens, which arerequired for the support of many epididymal featuresfrom morphology to individual gene expressions (Ro-baire et al, 2006). Sertoli cells support the developmentof spermatozoa, but also produce secretions likeandrogen-binding protein (Danzo et al, 1977) and basicfibroblast growth factor (Lan et al, 1998) that appearnecessary for the regulation of the epididymal epitheli-um, especially in the proximal regions of the duct. Forthis reason, a histologically normal seminiferous epithe-lium in the ipsilateral testis (Figure 3A) provides a signalthat the epididymis has been appropriately supported.

    The human epididymis has no initial segment aspopularly thought of from studies primarily of therodent epididymis (Reid and Cleland, 1957; Jelinsky etal, 2007). The efferent ducts make up the majority of the

    human caput epididymidis (Figure 3B), and these haveas many as 7 different types of epithelia, depending onlocation within the ducts (Yeung et al, 1991). Theepithelia of these tubules are commonly irregular inheight and the tubule diameters are small relative to trueepididymal tubules (Yeung et al, 1991; Figure 3B andC). The epithelium of the efferent ducts varies from lowcuboidal to tall columnar and true cilia (9 + 2microtubules; ability to beat) appear throughout theduct (Yeung et al, 1991). The physiology and cellbiology of the efferent ducts have been studied largely inlaboratory animals; it has been well reviewed elsewhere(Hess, 2002, 2003), and will not be detailed here.

    Figure 3. Histology of human epididymis. Maintenance of theepididymis requires the secretions of a normal seminiferousepithelium in the testis (A). The caput epididymidis (B) is comprised


    largely of efferent ducts (illustrated) with small tubule diameters and anepithelium of irregular height but with true cilia. The true epididymaltubule of the corpus (C) is larger in diameter, has a tall, columnarepithelium of regular height. Microvilli line the lumen, and spermatozoaare more dense than in the caput. The cauda tubule (D) has a muchlarger lumen diameter,a short, columnarepitheliumwith short microvilli,and a lumen with a dense pack of spermatozoa. Examples of cilia (c) ofthe efferent duct epithelium and microvilli (m) of the epididymalepithelium are indicated. All panels 6 250 magnification.

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    It is common to see histological cross-sectionalprofiles of efferent ducts with no or few sperm in thelumen (Figure 3B). This is not necessarily because of theabsence of sperm production in the testis; it can becaused by the naturally dilute sperm concentrationscoming over in the rete testis fluid. Alternatively, sperm

    could be released from the rete testis in pulses, and if theinterpulse intervals are long, most tubule profiles in arandom section through the efferent ducts would beexpected to have no or few sperm.

    Healthy epididymides may have these limited num-bers of sperm evident in the efferent ducts (Figure 3B)yet have many sperm in the lumen of the corpus tubule(Figure 3C) and even more in the cauda (Figure 3D).This is because sperm are concentrated during theirtransit of the epididymis (see below).

    In the case of an obstructed epididymis, the normaldistribution of sperm in the epididymis changes depend-ing on the level of the obstruction. Typically, there will

    be no sperm in the lumen below the site of obstruction,but above the obstruction sperm will have accumulatedin the lumen, potentially backing up all the way to theefferent ducts or even to the rete testis. Near the site of obstruction, the dense sperm pack in the tubule lumenwill consist of senescent and degenerating sperm, and incases of sperm granuloma these will be mixed withmacrophages and neutrophils, which can be interstitial,intraepithelial or even intraluminal (Wang and Holstein,1983; Pollanen and Cooper, 1994).

    The true epididymal tubule in the distal caput andcorpus has a columnar epithelium with microvilli (no 9 +2 microtubules, no capacity to beat) projecting into the

    tubule lumen. Microvilli at all levels in the epididymis(Figure 3) provide a huge increase in luminal membranesurface area that may be important in providing area forcell surface receptors, transport channels, and evenmembrane for endocytic events. At the level of thecorpus epididymidis, the lumen should contain readilyevident concentrations of spermatozoa (Figure 3C). Atthe electron microscope level (not shown) the apicalborders of epididymal epithelial cells exhibit cell-celltight junctions (Friend and Gilula, 1972) composed of anumber of cell adhesion molecules (Cyr et al, 2007;Dube et al, 2007), which impose a blood-epididymalbarrier similar in effect to the blood-testis barrier(Howards et al, 1976); that is, the blood-epididymalbarrier provides a specialized, immune-privileged mi-croenvironment in which sperm remain isolated fromother body compartments (Hinton, 1985).

    The lumen of a healthy cauda epididymidal tubule isgreatly expanded in diameter, has a short, morecuboidal epithelium with short stereocilia, and containsa dense pack of spermatozoa (Figure 3D). The epidid-ymal epithelium of most species has at least 6 different

    cell types: principal cells, clear cells, basal cells, narrowcells, apical cells, and halo cells, all of which differ inrelative abundance depending on the epididymal regionand species studies. In all cases, however, including thehuman, the predominant cell type is the principal cell.Detailed descriptions of these cell types are largely

    derived from other species and have recently beenreviewed elsewhere (Robaire et al, 2006).

    Dysgenesis Atresia of the Epididymis

    Anatomical abnormalities of the epididymis, usuallyassociated with undescended testes, occur in only a smallminority of fertile men. On the other hand, in almost 300cases of obstructive azoospermia, Girgis et al (1969) foundthat a dysgenesis or atresia of the tubule had occurredbetween the caput epididymidis and the testis in 21 % of cases and in the cadua epididymis or vas deferens in 39 %of cases. Kroovand and Perlmutter (1981) described 8different types of developmental anomalies of the epidid-ymis, including complete absence of the excurrent ducts,absence of a connection between the testis and caputepididymidis, agenesis of different regions or segments of the epididymis, and extensive disconnection of the corpusand/or cauda of the epididymis from the testis allowing,respectively, a looping epididymis or one that can anglesharply away from the testis.

    Although these conditions can exist in the adult, themost common examinations of the epididymis occur inyoung boys at the time of repair of cryptorchidism.

    Estimates of the summed frequency of anomalies likethose listed above range from 35 % (Mollaeian et al,1994) to almost 90 % (Koff and Scaletscky, 1990) incryptorchid boys. In boys with epididymides beingexamined for reasons other than cryptorchidism, thesummed incidence of similar types of anomalies was lessthan 5 % , excluding the looped epididymis (Turek etal, 1994). Interestingly, the looped epididymis (attach-ment only at the caput and cauda, thus allowing thecorpus to loop away from the testis) occurred in 84 % of noncryptorchid epididymides. This implies that thelooped condition found with cryptorchidism (Koff andScaletscky, 1990; Kucukaydin et al, 1998) is not reallyan anomaly but rather the usual condition of the youngepididymis. Because the looped epididymis is not usuallyseen in the noncryptorchid adult, the data of Turek et al(1994) imply that the connective tissue connectionbetween testis and epididymis is still condensing duringchild and, potentially, adolescent development.

    The histologic appearance of the cryptorchid epidid-ymis also reflects a failure of normal development of theepididymal epithelium as well as the failure of the

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    peritubular musculature of the cauda to developproperly (Migel et al, 2001). This developmental failureis already evident in epididymides from boys in the firstyears of life, so whether orchidopexy will allow sufficientstimulation of the epididymis to produce catch-upgrowth even in a patent system is an open question.

    The main clinical point regarding the cryptorchidepididymis relates to the potential for the orchidopexed,formerly cryptorchid testis to eventually contribute tofertility. No amount of spermatogenesis will overcome adysmorphic epididymis. Although long-term studies of epididymides known to have been dysplastic at the timeof orchidopexy have not been done, it seems likely thatepididymal anomalies will persist over time, especially inthe unusual cases of segmental or regional atresia; thus,attention to the condition of the epididymis at the timeof orchidopexy can help inform any prognosis beingconsidered, especially in bilateral cases.

    Although the cause(s) for the different types of

    epididymal dysgenesis associated with cryptorchidismremains unknown, the molecular biology underlyingthese lesions is proving to be interesting. Boys withcryptorchidism (thus, with a high rate of epididymalmalformation) have an increased incidence of mutationof the HOXA-10 gene (Kolon et al, 1999), and Hoxa-10and Hoxa-11 expressions are known to be necessary forthe proper development of the epididymis and vasdeferens in mice (Hsieh-Li et al, 1995; Benson et al,1996). Further, Hoxa-10 and Hoxa-11 knockout micehave a high rate of cryptorchidism (Branford et al, 2000)and HOXA-13 mutations in the human have beenassociated with hand-foot-genital syndrome, in which,

    among other symptoms, the distal genital tract isabnormal (Goodman et al, 2000).

    Hox genes (there are HOXA , HOXB , HOXC , andHOXD clusters on different chromosomes) producetranscription factors important for anterior-to-posteriorsegmental development in the embryo (Carroll, 1995). Thenumbered genes are arrayed 3 9 to 5 9 within their clusters,and the more 5 9 genes (HOXA-8 through HOXA-13 , forexample) are typically expressed more posteriorly in theembryo and later in development than their more 3 9

    orthologs (Bomgardner et al, 2001). The connectionbetween the rete testis and the efferent ducts is typicallymade in the third month of embryogenesis; thus, to thedegree that Hox genes are involved, epididymal malfor-mations that include absence of a connection to the testis,perhaps because of agenesis of the efferent ducts, mayinvolve the more 3 9 genes in the Hox clusters. Malforma-tions of the more distal tract, for example, the caudaepididymidis and vas deferens, may be influenced bymisexpression of the more 5 9 Hox genes, as has beenshown with hoxa-10 and hoxa-11 expression in the mouse.Evidence in the mouse suggests that the Notch signaling

    pathway may also be important in establishing theefferent duct-rete testis connection (Lupien et al, 2006).

    Hedgehog proteins also play a role in tissue orienta-tion in the embryo, and one of these, sonic hedgehog,has been known for some time to be important for thedevelopment of the prostate from the urogenital sinus

    (Podlasek et al, 1999). More recently, sonic hedgehoggene and protein expressions have been detected in theepididymis of the adult mouse (Turner et al, 2004), andinhibition of the hedgehog pathway inhibits epididymalsperm maturation (Turner et al, 2006a). Current evidencealso suggests that sonic hedgehog protein is present in theepithelium of the adult human epididymis, includingspecific parts of the efferent ducts, but not the testis(Figure 4). Interestingly, the epithelial cells of the efferentducts that stain for sonic hedgehog protein (Figure 4F)appear to be selected principal cell and apical cells,whereas all epithelial cells of true epididymal epitheliumstain for the protein (Figure 4H, J, and L). Although

    sonic hedgehog is typically secreted basolaterally towardmesenchymal cells, in the epididymis the protein is alsosecreted luminally, where it associates with luminalspermatozoa and cell debris (Figure 4H, J, and L). Ithas been speculated previously that disruption of thesonic hedgehog pathway during development could playa role in epididymal malformation, but preliminaryevidence here suggests that the pathway continues toplay a role in the adult epididymis, a possibility thatrequires further exploration.

    Another cause of epididymal dysgenesis is mutationof the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductanceregulator (CFTR) gene that occurs in cystic fibrosis.

    Over 500 different mutations of CFTR have beenidentified, explaining the wide spectrum of the cysticfibrosis phenotype (Wong, 1998). One constant in thedisease is that approximately 95 % of men with clinicalcystic fibrosis have congenital absence of the vasdeferens (Wong, 1998), which is commonly accompa-nied by absence of the cauda and corpus epididymidis aswell. This points to a morphogenic failure of themesonephric derivatives as early as the 13th week of gestation. At that time the Wolffian system is differen-tiating into the epididymis and scrotal vas deferens(Kroovand and Perlmutter, 1981). CFTR is expressed inthe human embryonic, postnatal, and adult epididymis,and the highest expression at all of these times is in thecaput epithelium (Tizzano et al, 1993, 1994; Patrizio andSalameh, 1998). CFTR is also expressed in the human vasdeferens (Tizzano et al, 1994; Patrizio and Salameh, 1998)and in cultured vas deferens epithelium (Harris et al,1991). Because the CFTR protein is a regulated chloridechannel and mutations disrupt its transport function, theevidence suggests that the CFTR mutation causesdysfunction of the early mesonephric tubule and possible

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    lumicrine secretions necessary for sustained developmentof the embryonic vas deferens and distal epididymis. It isconceivable that upstream secretions altered throughCFTR misexpression cause downstream effects on thetranscription of the 5 9 Hox genes mentioned earlier or onthe activity of their gene products. In this way, mutations

    of CFTR expressed in the proximal epididymis can leadto agenesis of the distal epididymis and vas deferens.Finally, epididymal dysgenesis can be induced by

    mutation of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) gene, acondition most strongly associated with renal cellcarcinoma (Glassberg, 2002). VHL mutation in themale can cause epididymal cystadenomas (Glasker et al,2006) and, more rarely, obstruction of the epididymis(Ayden et al, 2005; Pozza et al, 1994). This can lead toinfertility if bilateral.

    Epididymal Functions

    The adult epididymis is important for fertility not onlyas a conduit for sperm between the testis to the vasdeferens, but also as an active contributor to theformation of a fertile ejaculate. The epididymis trans-ports, concentrates, matures, and stores spermatozoa.Each of these classic functions is discussed briefly below.

    Sperm Transport

    Sperm are moved through the epididymis in part byhydrostatic pressures originating from fluids secreted inthe seminiferous tubules (Setchell, 1974) and by peristal-tic-like contractions of the tubules (Hinton and Setchell,1978). Contractions of the tunica albuginea of the testis(Banks et al, 2006) also potentially play a role in thegeneration of positive fluid pressure in the head of theepididymis. Peristaltic-like contractions of the peritubularmyoid surrounding the epididymal tubule (Jaakola, 1983;Turner et al, 1990) plus the positive hydrostatic pressurefrom the caput (Johnson and Howards, 1975, 1976) aid inmoving the luminal content down the more distal duct.Empirical observations during in vivo micropunctureexperiments in the rat indicate that the contractile activityand the subsequent back-and-forth agitation of theluminal contents increase with increasing intraluminalpressure. The regulation of such activity and the role of intraluminal pressure on it remains an open question.

    Figure 4. Immunohistochemical localization of sonic hedgehogprotein (SHH) in the adult human epididymis. SHH did notimmunolocalize to the active seminiferous epithelium (A, B) or tothe Type 1 efferent duct (caput) tubules (C, D) . SHH was detected inthe epithelium of Type 3 efferent ducts (E, F) as well as the corpus(G, H) , proximal cauda (I, J) , and distal cauda (K, L) . Importantly, the


    seminiferous tubules showed complete spermatogenesis and deliv-ered sperm and, presumably, other testicular products to theepididymal lumen (GL). Sections illustrated in A, C, E, G, I, and Kreceived no primary (negative controls). B, D, F, H, J, and L illustratesections that were serial to the controls and were processed withprimary antibody. All panels 6 62 magnification.

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    Net transport rates are estimated to be most rapid inthe efferent ducts and proximal epididymis, where fluidis nonviscous and water is being rapidly absorbed fromthe lumen; transport rates decrease in the more distaltubule where the lumen content becomes more viscous(Turner et al, 1990). The time required for sperm to

    transit the epididymis has been assessed in a variety of ways in laboratory animals and is notable for its relativeconsistency (1013 days) between species of vastlydifferent sizes. In the human, however, sperm transporttime has been estimated to be only 26 days (Robaire etal, 2006), meaning that the time the human spermspends in the epididymis is relatively short. Johnson andVarner (1988) demonstrated that men with hightesticular sperm output have shorter epididymal transittimes than men with low testicular sperm output( , 2 days vs , 6 days, respectively). This may be becausetestes that produce more sperm also produce more fluid,thus moving the epididymal content along more rapidly.

    The rate of sperm movement through the epididymismight be more important than is generally recognizedbecause the concentration of secreted or absorbedmolecules in any luminal fluid is a function of proluminal and antiluminal epithelial transport activi-ties and the time the intraluminal fluid is exposed tothose activities. In the case of the epididymal lumenfluid, the concentrations of ions, small organic mole-cules, and specific proteins secreted by the epitheliumare likely important for sperm maturation or for theregulation of downstream activities of the epididymalepithelium. Radically altered rates of movement of luminal content down the epididymal tubule could alterthe amount of fluid reabsorbed at any one point or theamount of a molecule secreted in a specific volume. Suchchanges could affect not only the concentration of intraluminal spermatozoa, but also the concentration of molecules important to the sperms maturation envi-ronment.

    Sperm Concentration

    The sperm-concentrating ability of the mammalianepididymis has been established for many years (Crabo,1965; Levine and Marsh, 1971). The increase in spermconcentrations between the efferent ducts and caudaepididymidis is caused by fluid reabsorption subsequentto antiluminal electrolyte transport (Wong et al, 1978,2002). In a number of laboratory species, 75 % 95% of fluid leaving the rete testis has been reabsorbed by thetime the transported spermatozoa reach the midcaputepididymidis (Turner, 2002; Robaire et al, 2006). Infact, much of this fluid reabsorption occurs in theefferent ducts, where estrogen and estrogen receptorsplay an important role in its regulation (Hess, 2003).

    Although direct measurements of fluid reabsorptionhave not been made in the human epididymis, histolog-ical evidence substantiates that the human efferent ductsand proximal epididymis also concentrate spermatozoain the tubule lumen (Figure 3). Catecholamines (Wongand Yeung, 1977), aldosterone (Turner and Cesarini,

    1983; Hinton and Keefer, 1985), the renin-angiotensinsystem (Leung et al, 2000), and estrogen (Hess, 2003),among others, have all been hypothesized to play aregulatory role in this fluid reabsorption. Although theissue requires further investigation, it is clear that themechanism of in vivo lumen volume regulation is verycomplex. Ion transport channels like CTFR and theantiluminal sodium transporters cause osmotic shiftsthat draw water from the epididymal lumen throughaquaporin channels in the epithelial cell membranes(Cheung et al, 2003; Da Silva et al, 2006). Thisreabsorption of water results in a gradual increase inintraluminal sperm concentrations and, ultimately, to a

    dense sperm pack filling the lumen of the caudaepididymidis (Figure 3A). The regulatory moleculesmentioned earlier (catecholamines, aldosterone, estro-gen, etc) can influence these transporters and eitherstimulate or repress net water movement out of thelumen.

    Because only 5 % 10% of the final human ejaculatevolume is contributed by the cauda epididymidis(Wetterauer, 1986; Weiske, 1994), it is essential thatintraluminal cauda sperm density be high to insureadequate sperm concentrations in the final ejaculate.For this reason, the sperm-concentrating function of theepididymis and the cellular mechanisms supporting itare important for the development of the fertileejaculate.

    Sperm Maturation

    More than 300 years after De Graaf opined that thefunction of the epididymis was to simply hold itsseminal matter until it matured, a debate continuedas to whether or not this is true (Silber, 1988, 1989;Cooper, 1990). Does the epididymis simply act as areservoir for sperm until they mature intrinsically ordoes it provide extrinsic factors that are required forsperm maturation?

    In the early part of the twentieth century, Young(1929a, 1929b, 1931) used the guinea pig as a model tocome to the conclusion that time alone was sufficient forsperm maturation, but later evidence in a number of species showed that this was wrong. In fact, anaccumulation of later data demonstrated that spermdo need extrinsic factors from the epididymal microen-vironment to become fully mature (Cooper, 1990;Turner, 1995; Toshimori, 2003).

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    Gene expressions and protein secretions vary indistinct patterns along the human epididymal duct(Dacheux et al, 2006; Dube et al, 2007; Kirchhoff,2007) as they do in other species (Cornwall et al, 2002;Dacheux et al, 2003). Complex associations of proteinsin membranous vesicles called epididymosomes are alsosecreted along the epididymal duct in some species, andthose vesicles have been shown to transfer specificproteins directly to luminal spermatozoa (Sullivan et al,2003). Similar vesicles have also been reported in thehuman epididymis (Frenette et al, 2006), but their roleremains unresolved. Electrolytes and small organicmolecules change in characteristic patterns along theepididymis, as well (Turner, 2002), and it is the exposureof sperm to this ever-changing microenvironment that isnecessary for their full maturation (Turner, 1995;

    Robaire et al, 2006). In the mammalian species givenas examples in the Table, sperm attributes likeprogressive sperm motility and the ability to bind tothe ovum increase from essentially zero in the caputepididymidis to much higher values in the cauda.

    In obstructed epididymides, it is true that sperm in thecaput tubule (Qui et al, 2003) or even in the seminiferoustubules (Belker et al, 1998) can exhibit an increasedcapacity for motility, but this is likely because of eventsranging from remodeling of the existing ductal epithe-lium subsequent to the obstruction (Turner et al, 2000)to the accomplishment of some steps in the maturationprocess that can occur because of time alone. It is alsotrue that human pregnancies through natural matingcan occur even though the ejaculated sperm havebypassed most of the epididymis, as when a vasoepidi-dymostomy (VE) has been performed in the caput tobypass an obstruction in the corpus or cauda (Schoys-man and Bedford, 1986; Silber, 1989). Even more rare isthe natural pregnancy established after vasoefferentiost-omy (VEF; Silber, 1988); still, it is a legitimate questionhow such pregnancies occur if it is true that exposure to

    the epididymal microenvironment is required for com-plete sperm maturation.

    First of all, conventional fertility trials are for 1 year,yet pregnancies reported by some investigators after VEor VEF have occurred after much longer times. Silber(1989), for example, reported that some of his fertilepatients after VE required up to 4 years to achieve apregnancy. Such extended periods of study allowreporting of the rare pregnancy made even rarer bythe consideration of the number of attempts made toachieve the pregnancy. Fertility trials extended beyondthe norm introduce potential paternity concerns, as well.Putting those issues aside, the fact remains that caputVEs or VEFs do lead to an occasional pregnancy aftereither brief or even no exposure of sperm to theepididymal microenvironment. Possibilities that allow

    for sperm maturation in these situations are as follows: 1)Long-term obstruction causes remodeling of the caput orefferent duct epithelium, which makes the proximalmicroenvironment more conducive to sperm maturation.2) With both VE and VEF, sperm cells are exposed to themicroenvironment of the vas deferens. That rarely-studied microenvironment may be more useful for spermmaturation than is commonly appreciated.

    There are other factors that likely play a role in anypregnancy established after VE or VEF. For example,sperm cell maturation presumably follows a Gaussiandistribution; that is, a few cells will mature much moreeasily than the average and a few cells will mature muchless easily than the average. The small proportion of sperm cells with a tendency toward early maturation arelikely the ones finding sufficient stimulation in the post-VE microenvironment of only the proximal caput plusthe vas deferens to reach functional maturity. Those fewsperm could be sufficient to produce the occasionalpregnancy. Nevertheless, it is quite clear that thechances for developing a fertile ejaculate after VEincrease with the length of the epididymis the sperm

    Table. Progressive motility and ability to bind to or fertilize the egg, depending on the study, of sperm from the caput (CAP),corpus (COR), and cauda (CDA) epididymides of 4 mammalian species, including the human. Immature sperm in the caput can neither bind to nor fertilize the egg; mature sperm in the cauda can do both

    Human a Boar b Rat c Mouse d


    Progressive motility, % 3 30 60 1 56 83 0 15 98 0 65 93Sperm bind /fert, % e 0 11 43 . . . 54 83 0 10 75 0 89 95a Epididymal sperm from humans were from collected from elderly men undergoing therapeutic orchidectomy; thus their sperm motility and

    fertilizing capacities are reduced relative to the values from healthy laboratory animals within their normal breeding ages. Data from Mooreet al (1983).

    b Data from Hunter et al (1976) and Dacheux and Paquignon (1980).c Data from Blandau and Rumer (1964) and Turner (1995).d Data from Lacham and Trounson (1991).e Percentage of ova binding sperm or having been fertilized in vitro, depending on the study.

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    were able to transit (Silber, 1988; Schlegel and Gold-stein, 1993; Belker, 2001).

    Because some sperm that have been exposed to only ashort portion of the epididymis can fertilize an egg invivo, it is not surprising that sperm in epididymalaspirates from the obstructed proximal epididymis can

    fertilize an egg in vitro. When used for intracytoplasmicsperm injection (ICSI) or even conventional in vitrofertilization (IVF), sperm collected from the proximalregions of an obstructed epididymis have a relativelyhigh fertility potential. The use of aspirated sperm inICSI totally bypasses the requirement that sperm bemotile and be able to acrosome react, penetrate thezona, bind to the egg plasma membrane, fuse with themembrane, and complete fertilization on their own.Even in conventional IVF, there is no requirement forsperm survival in seminal plasma, then cervical mucus,followed by the uterine environment and the oviductalfluids before encountering the egg at the site of

    fertilization. Neither is there a need for the kind formotility capable of propelling the sperm through thecervical mucus into the uterus then through theuterotubal junction into the oviduct; thus, MESA andPESA in the very proximal epididymal tubules orefferent ducts can collect sperm useful for both IVFand ICSI.

    Interestingly, it has been reported that sperm collectedmore proximally in the obstructed epididymis are moreuseful for assisted reproductive techniques (ART) thansperm collected more distally near the site of obstruction(Silber et al, 1990; Marmar et al, 1993; Schlegel et al,1994). The reason for this likely relates to at least 2factors:

    1. The movement of intraluminal content down theepididymal duct is positive but pendular, with spermbeing pushed forward then backward (Jaakola,1983; Turner et al, 1990) by peristaltic-like contrac-tions of the epididymal tubule (Jaakola and Talo,1982). In the acutely obstructed epididymides of laboratory animals, our unpublished observationsare that the vigor of the back-and-forth surges of luminal content increases as intraluminal pressureincreases after obstruction. In the chronicallyobstructed human epididymis, it appears likely thatthe movement of luminal content over long periodsof time could result in sperm from a more proximalpart of the duct being mixed with sperm from themore distal part of the duct; thus, some spermcollected from the more proximal duct could havebeen exposed to a more distal microenvironmentthan usually imagined.

    2. Starting at the efferent ducts, the more distally onegoes along the obstructed epididymis, the nearer one

    approaches the point of obstruction where theepididymal lumen contains nothing but dead cellsand cell debris. In such cases, moving proximallyfrom the obstruction gets away from the areacontaining a high proportion of degraded sperma-tozoa. Taking of samples in this area may be why

    some investigators have found human testicularsperm more useful in ICSI procedures than spermfrom obstructed epididymides (Dozortesev et al,2006). Moving as far distally along the epididymis aspossible while still remaining proximal to the regionof degraded sperm allows the highest possibility of success in obtaining sperm useful for ART.

    It is important to note that the human data in theTable are all from sperm obtained from unobstructedepididymides, not the obstructed epididymides encoun-tered clinically in MESA or PESA procedures. Thus,regardless of the species studied, sperm from these

    unobstructed epididymides are essentially immotile andinfertile in the caput, and they gain the capacity for thesecharacteristics during epididymal transit (Moore et al,1983; Buffat et al, 2006). Also in the Table, theincreasing sperm maturation parameters between prox-imal and distal epididymis of the human appear to beless dramatic than in the other species. This is a casewhere the functions of mature sperm are likelydiminished by the fact that they were acquired fromelderly cancer patients.

    Sperm Storage

    Approximately 55 % 65% of total epididymal sperm inthe human are stored in the cauda epididymidis(Amann, 1981). Interestingly, although as a proportionof testicular output this compares favorably with otherspecies (Bedford, 1994), it is only the equivalent of 3average ejaculates (Johnson and Varner, 1988), whereasin some species the cauda contains sperm sufficient formany more ejaculates (Curtis and Amann, 1981).Although sperm can pass through the human caudawithin a couple of days, fertile sperm can be stored forseveral weeks in both man (Bedford, 1994) and othermammals (Jones and Murdoch, 1996). How longeffective storage may be in the human is uncertain, butsperm motility in the ejaculate of young men can bepreserved for up to 78 weeks after the last ejaculation(Bedford, 1994). In older men, sperm motility in thecauda epididymidis can actually be less than in the distalcorpus epididymidis (Yeung et al, 1993). That reducedmotility may be because of the already mentionedproblem of epididymides being obtained from sexuallyinactive, older men, in whom months of sperm storage

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    leads to senescence of sperm in the cauda epididymidisand vas deferens. Such an explanation makes intuitivesense, but how true it is remains uncertain because westill know so little about the biology of sperm storage inthe epididymis. It is an area of epididymal function thathas been largely ignored for many years. Although the

    critical features of the storage environment remainunknown, specific proteins secreted into the lumen bythe more proximal epithelium, intraluminal ionicconcentrations controlled by the epithelium, the subse-quent reduction of luminal pH, and the high osmolalityof the lumen fluid have all been shown to play a role inmaintaining quiescent cauda sperm in several species(Jones and Murdoch, 1996; Robaire et al, 2006). Thecauda microenvironment must also protect stored spermagainst microbes, xenobiotics, and oxidative stress,protections that are important in the more proximalepididymis as well (Hinton et al, 1995).

    Antimicrobial defenses are provided in part by

    epididymal b-defensins or defensin-related proteins,many of which are highly expressed in the epididymisand differentially regulated between the epididymalregions of both humans (Hall et al, 2007; Kirchhoff,2007) and other mammals (Jelinsky et al, 2006). A varietyof protease inhibitors, lipocalins, and metal-chelatingcompounds participate in the epididymal host defense aswell (Hall et al, 2002; Lundwall, 2007). Antioxidantstrategies involving the glutathione system (glutathioneperoxidase, glutathione-S-transferase, c-glutamyl trans-peptidase, etc) and the superoxide dismutase/catalasesystem have been studied in laboratory species (Hinton etal, 1995; Robaire et al, 2006) and are known to exist in the

    human epididymis (Potts et al, 1999). The relativeimportance of the 2 antioxidant systems for theprotection of sperm is not known, but the presence of at least 2 major systems in the epididymis suggests aredundancy that is likely important for prolonged spermsurvival. Inflammationand oxidative stress are importantclinical entities in the epididymis because epididymitis isthe fifth most commonurological diagnosis in men withintheir reproductive years (Collins et al, 1998) and hashistorically been a major cause of lost man-hours in theAmerican military (Moore et al, 1971). Although manycases of epididymitis are bacterial in origin, the largeststudies available show those cases to be in the minority(Tracy and Steers, 2007). This means that sterileepididymitis is a significant but poorly understoodepididymal pathology inviting further investigation.


    Much remains unknown about the mammalian epidid-ymis generally and the human epididymis specifically.

    We know that the epididymis is important for thedevelopment of a fertile ejaculate and that a functioningorgan depends on both endocrine and lumicrinesecretions from the testis; but beyond that, whatlumicrine factors are important for the maintenance of epididymal function? Which specific secretions of the

    epididymis are vital for development of fertile sperm?These things remain unknown. At the same time,approximately 25 % of male infertility is idiopathic(Lipshultz et al, 1987) and a significant proportion of that infertility may arise from features of epididymalbiology we do not presently understand. From thisstandpoint, more basic insights about the epididymiscould eventually aid the infertile male. On the other hand,it has been recognized for many years that the epididymismight be a vector for male contraception (Hamilton,1972; Hinton, 1980). Ideally, an epididymal approach tocontraception would not involve manipulation of steroidhormones and would not require a cessation of sper-

    matogenesis. Rather, it would inhibit an epididymalfunction required for the development of a fertileejaculate. Contraception through an epididymal vectorhas recently received increased attention (Cooper andYeung, 2003; Habenicht, 2003; Gottwald et al, 2006;Turner et al, 2006b), and remains a possible product of our advancing knowledge about the human epididymis.


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