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  • 8/11/2019 FINAL RM MT




  • 8/11/2019 FINAL RM MT


    Search for knowledge Scientific and

    Systematic search for

    pertinent information ona specific topic It is an art of scientific

    investigation It is a careful

    investigation or enquiryspecially through searchfor new facts in anybranch of knowledge

    Instinct of inquisitiveness Method which a person

    employs for obtaining

    the knowledge ofwhatever the unknown,can be termed asresearch

  • 8/11/2019 FINAL RM MT


    Clifford Woody

    Research comprises defining and redefining

    problems, formulating hypothesis or suggestedsolutions; collecting, organising and evaluatingdata ; making deductions and reaching

    conclusions ; and at last carefully testing the

    conclusions to determine whether they fit theformulated hypothesis.

  • 8/11/2019 FINAL RM MT


    A scale is a technique to measure some thing. Scaling is used in ordering a series of items

    along sort of continuum. they are methods of turning a series of

    qualitative facts into aquantitative series

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    Measurements are yardsticks Measurement is a process of assigning

    numbers to objects or observations Measurement in research consists of

    assigning numbers to empirical events incompliance with a set of rules

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    1. Selecting observable empirical events2. Developing a set of mapping rules i.e. a

    scheme for assigning numbers3. Applying mapping rule to each observation

    of that event. Example of studying peoplewho attend a auto show

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    1. Validity The extent which an instrument measures

    what it intended to measure The extent which differences found with a

    measuring instrument reflect truedifferences among those being measured.

    Validity can also be thought of as utility

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    A. Predictive validity: usefulness of a test inpredicting some future performance

    B. Concurrent validity : usefulness of a test inclosely relating to other measures of knownvalidity

    C. Face Validity : refers to the subjectiveagreement among professionals that a scalelogically appears to reflect accurately what itpurports to measure.

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    D. Content Validity: the content of the scaleappears to be adequate.

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    Instrument should provide consistent results Contributes to validity Take care of non interference of transient &

    situational factorsI. Stability : securing consistent results with

    repeated measurements of the same person &with the same instrument

    II. Equivalence : how much error may getintroduced by different investigators ordifferent samples of the items

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    I. Economy : Data collection methods should bepracticable. A trade off between ideal research& affordable cost or available budget is

    necessary. E.g: length of measuring instrument.II. Convenience : Easy to administer. E.g: proper

    layout of instrumentIII. Interpretability : give detailed instructions for

    administering scorings keys. also giveguidelines for using the test & interpreting theresult.

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    Precise Unambiguous

    Free from errors Valid Reliable Practical

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    Concept of development Understanding of the major studies More apparent in theoretical studies

    Specification of concept dimension By deduction (more or less intuitive) By empirical correlation of individual dimension with the

    total concept and/or the other concepts Selection & development of indicators

    For measuring each concept element Ex. Questions, scales, etc.

    Formation of index Combining various indicator into an index

    Index provide better measurement than a single indicator

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    Types of scale

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    It is simply a system of assigning numbersymbols to events in order to label them

    example: assigning numbers to football players

    in order to identify them just for convenienceno quantitative value can not come out witha meaningful value

    We use Mode as the measure of Central

    Tendency eg. classifying the residents of a city according

    to religious preferences.

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    The lowest level of the ordered scale that iscommonly used is the ordinal scale

    This scale places events in orderE.g. Rank orders represent ordinal scales a

    students rank in his graduation class involvesthe use of ordinal scale

    these scales have no absolute valuesall that we can say is that one person is higher

    or lower in rank on the scale

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    It has the power of nominal and ordinal scale plus oneadditional strength, the concept of equality ofintervals

    E.g. the interval between 1 and 2 equals the differencebetween 2 and 3. In this case the intervals areadjusted in terms of some rule that has beenestablished as a basis for making the units equal

    These scales can have an arbitrary zero it lacks atrue zero

    The Fahrenheit scale is an example of an interval scaleMean is the appropriate measure of centraltendency

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    It incorporates all the powers of previousthree Scales

    They have an absolute or true zero ofmeasurement Eg measurement of physical dimensions like

    height, weight, distance and area- geometricmean or harmonic mean are the measures ofcentral tendency

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    7 38

    ScaleNominal Numbers

    Assignedto Runners

    Ordinal Rank Orderof Winners

    Interval Performance

    Rating on a0 to 10 Scale

    Ratio Time toFinish, in







    8.2 9.1 9.6

    15.2 14.1 13.4

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    Scaling : It is defined as the procedure for theassignment of numbers ( or symbols) to a property ofobjects in order to impart some of the characteristics

    of numbers to the properties in question. It describes the procedure of assigning numbers to

    various degrees of opinion, attitudes and otherconcepts a scale is a continuum, consisting of thehighest point and the lowest point

    Scaling is a method of changing attributes intovariables

    It is easier to measure variable than attributes

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    It involves qualitative description of a limitednumber of aspects of a thing or of traits of aperson

    we judge properties of objects withoutreference to other similar objects

    these ratings are in the form of like

    dislike, excellent-good-average-belowaverage-poor. In practice three to seven point scales are

    generally used

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    1.The Graphic Rating Scale : various points areusually put along the line to form a

    continuum and the rater indicates his rating.

    E.g.How do you like the product

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    2. The Itemized rating scale ( Numerical Scale) : It presents a series of statements from which a

    respondent Selects one as best reflecting his evaluation. Eg. suppose we want to enquire as to how well does a

    worker get along with his fellow workers: He is almost always involved in some friction with fellow


    He is often at odds with one or more of his fellow workers He some times gets involved in friction He frequently becomes involved in friction with others He almost never gets involved in friction with fellow


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    The degree of positive or negative feeling associated with somepsychological object like symbol, phrase, slogan, person, institution,ideal or ideas towards which people can differ in varying degrees.

    While measuring the attitudes of the people, we generally follow thetechnique of preparing the opinionnaire ( attitude scale) in such a way

    that the score of the individual responses assigns him a place on a scale. People may conceal their attitudes and express socially acceptable


    They may not really know how they feel about a social issue

    People may be unaware of their attitude about an abstract situation

    until confronted with real situation

    even behaviour itself is at times not a true indication of attitude. Eg- Politicians kissing babies Is this bevaviour a true expression of affection towards infants? No Hence there is no sure method of measuring attitude.

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    Respondent Situation

    Measurer behaviour, style and looks ofinvestigator may encourage or discouragecertain replies from the respondent

    Instrument eg. use of complex words,ambiguous meaning etc.

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