cerita luar negeri jack and the beanstalk

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  • 8/19/2019 Cerita Luar Negeri Jack and the Beanstalk


  • 8/19/2019 Cerita Luar Negeri Jack and the Beanstalk


    “ h, you look the proper sort o& chap to sell cows," said the

    man' “$ wonder i& you know how many %eans make ve."

    “Two in each hand and one in your mouth," says Jack, as sharp

    as a needle.

    “/ight you are," said the man, “and here they are the very

    %eans themselves," he went on pulling out o& his pocket a num%er o&

    strange- looking %eans. “As you are so sharp," says he, “$ don’t mind

    doing a swop with you0your cow &or these %eans."

    “ alker1" says Jack' “wouldn’t you like it!"

    “Ah1 you don’t know what these %eans are," said the man' “i&

    you plant them over-night, %y morning they grow right up to the sky."

    “/eally!" says Jack' “you don’t say so."

    “2es, that is so, and i& it doesn’t turn out to %e true you can

    have your cow %ack."

    “/ight," says Jack, and hands him over Milky-white’s halter and

    pockets the %eans.

    Back goes Jack home, and as he hadn’t gone very &ar it wasn’t

    dusk %y the time he got to his door.

    “ hat %ack, Jack!" said his mother' “$ see you haven’t got

    Milky- white, so you’ve sold her. *ow much did you get &or her!"

    “2ou’ll never guess, mother," says Jack.

    “3o, you don’t say so. ood %oy1 4ive pounds, ten, &teen, no, it

    can’t %e twenty."

    “$ told you you couldn’t guess, what do you say to these %eans'

    they’re magical, plant them over-night and00"“ hat1" says Jack’s mother, “have you %een such a &ool, such a

    dolt, such an idiot, as to give away my Milky-white, the %est milker in

    the parish, and prime %ee& to %oot, &or a set o& paltry %eans. Take

    that1 Take that1 Take that1 And as &or your precious %eans here they

    go out o& the window. And now o) with you to %ed. 3ot a sup shall you

    drink, and not a %it shall you swallow this very night."

  • 8/19/2019 Cerita Luar Negeri Jack and the Beanstalk


    (o Jack went upstairs to his little room in the attic, and sad and

    sorry he was, to %e sure, as much &or his mother’s sake, as &or the

    loss o& his supper.

    At last he dropped o) to sleep.

    hen he woke up, the room looked so &unny. The sun was

    shining into part o& it, and yet all the rest was 5uite dark and shady.

    (o Jack 6umped up and dressed himsel& and went to the window. And

    what do you think he saw! why, the %eans his mother had thrown out

    o& the window into the garden, had sprung up into a %ig %eanstalk

    which went up and up and up till it reached the sky. (o the man spoke

    truth a&ter all.

    The %eanstalk grew up 5uite close past Jack’s window, so all he

    had to do was to open it and give a 6ump on to the %eanstalk which

    was made like a %ig plaited ladder. (o Jack clim%ed and he clim%ed

    and he clim%ed and he clim%ed and he clim%ed and he clim%ed and

    he clim%ed till at last he reached the sky. And when he got there he

    &ound a long %road road going as straight as a dart. (o he walked

    along and he walked along and he walked along till he came to a

    great %ig tall house, and on the doorstep there was a great %ig tall


    “ ood morning, mum," says Jack, 5uite polite-like. “#ould you

    %e so kind as to give me some %reak&ast." 4or he hadn’t had anything

    to eat, you know, the night %e&ore and was as hungry as a hunter.

    “$t’s %reak&ast you want, is it!" says the great %ig tall woman,

    “it’s %reak&ast you’ll %e i& you don’t move o) &rom here. My man is anogre and there’s nothing he likes %etter than %oys %roiled on toast.

    2ou’d %etter %e moving on or he’ll soon %e coming."

    “ h1 please mum, do give me something to eat, mum. $’ve had

    nothing to eat since yesterday morning, really and truly, mum," says

    Jack. “$ may as well %e %roiled, as die o& hunger."

    ell, the ogre’s wi&e wasn’t such a %ad sort, a&ter all. (o she

    took Jack into the kitchen, and gave him a 6unk o& %read and cheese

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    and a 6ug o& milk. But Jack hadn’t hal& nished these when thump1

    thump1 thump1 the whole house %egan to trem%le with the noise o&

    someone coming.

    “ oodness gracious me1 $t’s my old man," said the ogre’s wi&e,

    “what on earth shall $ do! *ere, come 5uick and 6ump in here." And

    she %undled Jack into the oven 6ust as the ogre came in.

    *e was a %ig one, to %e sure. At his %elt he had three calves

    strung up %y the heels, and he unhooked them and threw them down

    on the ta%le and said+ “*ere, wi&e, %roil me a couple o& these &or

    %reak&ast. Ah what’s this $ smell!

    4ee- -&o-&um,

    $ smell the %lood o& an 7nglishman,

    Be he alive, or %e he dead

    $’ll have his %ones to grind my %read."

    “3onsense, dear," said his wi&e, “you’re dreaming. r perhaps

    you smell the scraps o& that little %oy you liked so much &or

    yesterday’s dinner. *ere, go you and have a wash and tidy up, and %y

    the time you come %ack your %reak&ast’ll %e ready &or you."

    (o the ogre went o), and Jack was 6ust going to 6ump out o& the

    oven and run o) when the woman told him not. “ ait till he’s asleep,"

    says she' “he always has a snoo8e a&ter %reak&ast."

    ell, the ogre had his %reak&ast, and a&ter that he goes to a %ig

    chest and takes out o& it a couple o& %ags o& gold and sits down

    counting them till at last his head %egan to nod and he %egan to

    snore till the whole house shook again. Then Jack crept out on tiptoe &rom his oven, and as he was

    passing the ogre he took one o& the %ags o& gold under his arm, and

    o) he pelters till he came to the %eanstalk, and then he threw down

    the %ag o& gold which o& course &ell in to his mother’s garden, and

    then he clim%ed down and clim%ed down till at last he got home and

    told his mother and showed her the gold and said+ “ ell, mother,

    wasn’t $ right a%out the %eans. They are really magical, you see."

  • 8/19/2019 Cerita Luar Negeri Jack and the Beanstalk


    (o they lived on the %ag o& gold &or some time, %ut at last they

    came to the end o& that so Jack made up his mind to try his luck once

    more up at the top o& the %eanstalk. (o one ne morning he got up

    early, and got on to the %eanstalk, and he clim%ed and he clim%ed

    and he clim%ed and he clim%ed and he clim%ed and he clim%ed till at

    last he got on the road again and came to the great %ig tall house he

    had %een to %e&ore. There, sure enough, was the great %ig tall woman

    a-standing on the door-step.

    “ ood morning, mum," says Jack, as %old as %rass, “could you

    %e so good as to give me something to eat!"

    “ o away, my %oy," said the %ig, tall woman, “or else my man

    will eat you up &or %reak&ast. But aren’t you the youngster who came

    here once %e&ore! 9o you know, that very day, my man missed one o&

    his %ags o& gold."

    “That’s strange, mum," says Jack, “$ dare say $ could tell you

    something a%out that %ut $’m so hungry $ can’t speak till $’ve had

    something to eat."

    ell the %ig tall woman was that curious that she took him in

    and gave him something to eat. But he had scarcely %egun munching

    it as slowly as he could when thump1 thump1 thump1 they heard the

    giant’s &ootstep, and his wi&e hid Jack away in the oven.

    All happened as it did %e&ore. $n came the ogre as he did %e&ore,

    said+ “4ee- -&o-&um," and had his %reak&ast o) three %roiled o:en.

    Then he said+ “ i&e, %ring me the hen that lays the golden eggs." (o

    she %rought it, and the ogre said+ “;ay," and it laid an egg all o& gold.And then the ogre %egan to nod his head, and to snore till the house


    Then Jack crept out o& the oven on tiptoe and caught hold o& the

    golden hen, and was o) %e&ore you could say “Jack /o%inson." But

    this time the hen gave a cackle which woke the ogre, and 6ust as Jack

    got out o& the house he heard him calling+ “ i&e, wi&e, what have you

    done with my golden hen!"

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    And the wi&e said+ “ hy, my dear!"

    But that was all Jack heard, &or he rushed o) to the %eanstalk

    and clim%ed down like a house on re. And when he got home he

    showed his mother the wonder&ul hen and said “;ay," to it' and it laid

    a golden egg every time he said “;ay."

    ell, Jack was not content, and it wasn’t very long %e&ore he

    determined to have another try at his luck up there at the top o& the

    %eanstalk. (o one ne morning, he got up early, and went on to the

    %eanstalk, and he clim%ed and he clim%ed and he clim%ed and he

    clim%ed till he got to the top. But this time he knew %etter than to go

    straight to the ogre’s house. And when he got near it he waited

    %ehind a %ush till he saw the ogre’s wi&e come out with a pail to get

    some water, and then he crept into the house and got into the copper.

    *e hadn’t %een there long when he heard thump1 thump1 thump1 as

    %e&ore, and in come the ogre and his wi&e.

    “4ee- -&o-&um, $ smell the %lood o& an 7nglishman," cried out the

    ogre' “$ smell him, wi&e, $ smell him."

    “9o you, my dearie!" says the ogre’s wi&e. “Then i& it’s that little

    rogue that stole your gold and the hen that laid the golden eggs he’s

    sure to have got into the oven." And they %oth rushed to the oven.

    But Jack wasn’t there, luckily, and the ogre’s wi&e said+ “There you are

    again with your &ee- -&o-&um. hy o& course it’s the laddie you caught

    last night that $’ve %roiled &or your %reak&ast. *ow &orget&ul $ am, and

    how careless you are not to tell the di)erence %etween a live un and a

    dead un."(o the ogre sat down to the %reak&ast and ate it, %ut every now

    and then he would mutter+ “ ell, $ could have sworn00" and he’d get

    up and search the larder and the cup%oards, and everything, only

    luckily he didn’t think o& the copper.

    A&ter %reak&ast was over, the ogre called out+ “ i&e, wi&e, %ring

    me my golden harp." (o she %rought it and put it on the ta%le %e&ore

    him. Then he said+ “(ing1" and the golden harp sang most %eauti&ully.

  • 8/19/2019 Cerita Luar Negeri Jack and the Beanstalk


    And it went on singing till the ogre &ell asleep, and commenced to

    snore like thunder.

    Then Jack li&ted up the copper-lid very 5uietly and got down like

    a mouse and crept on hands and knees till he got to the ta%le when

    he got up and caught hold o& the golden harp and dashed with it

    towards the door. But the harp called out 5uite loud+ “Master1

    Master1" and the ogre woke up 6ust in time to see Jack running o)

    with his harp.

    Jack ran as &ast as he could, and the ogre came rushing a&ter,

    and would soon have caught him only Jack had a start and dodged

    him a %it and knew where he was going. hen he got to the

    %eanstalk the ogre was not more than twenty yards away when

    suddenly he saw Jack disappear like, and when he got up to the end

    o& the road he saw Jack underneath clim%ing down &or dear li&e. ell,

    the ogre didn’t like trusting himsel& to such a ladder, and he stood and

    waited, so Jack got another start. But 6ust then the harp cried out+

    “Master1 master1" and the ogre swung himsel& down on to the

    %eanstalk which shook with his weight. 9own clim%s Jack, and a&ter

    him clim%ed the ogre. By this time Jack had clim%ed down and

    clim%ed down and clim%ed down till he was very nearly home. (o he

    called out+ “Mother1 mother1 %ring me an a:e, %ring me an a:e." And

    his mother came rushing out with the a:e in her hand, %ut when she

    came to the %eanstalk she stood stock still with &right &or there she

    saw the ogre 6ust coming down %elow the clouds.

    But Jack 6umped down and got hold o& the a:e and gave a chopat the %eanstalk which cut it hal& in two. The ogre &elt the %eanstalk

    shake and 5uiver so he stopped to see what was the matter. Then

    Jack gave another chop with the a:e, and the %eanstalk was cut in

    two and %egan to topple over. Then the ogre &ell down and %roke his

    crown, and the %eanstalk came toppling a&ter.

    Then Jack showed his mother his golden harp, and what with

    showing that and selling the golden eggs, Jack and his mother

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    %ecame very rich, and he married a great princess, and they lived

    happy ever a&ter.

    The Tailor (hoes and ;iliput

    ;ong ago, in the town o& randpa and randma lived a

    shoemaker. They are very good. The grand&ather who made the shoes

    while grandmother who sold it. The money o%tained &rom each shoe

    sold always %ought a lot o& &ood to %e shared and consumed %yelderly people who are poor and children who no longer have

    parents.There&ore despite 9rudge, they always run out o&

    money. Because their money was gone, with the remaining leather

    shoe material, grand&ather made shoes red. randpa said to


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    wear shoes. < 4inally they gave the red shoes to the little girl.< hat

    may make, od will help us,< said the grand&ather. 3ight &alls, they

    too &all asleep soundly. hen strange events occurred. 7merged &rom

    the &orest dwarves carrying leather shoes, took her to the old man

    and then make a very good pair o& shoes. hen it was nished they

    returned to the &orest.The ne:t morning the grand&ather was very

    surprised to see a pair o& shoes is very great. The shoes were sold at

    high prices. ith the sale o& the shoes they prepare the &ood, and lots

    o& gi&ts to share with small children on the &east.

  • 8/19/2019 Cerita Luar Negeri Jack and the Beanstalk



    9ahulu kala, dise%uah kota tinggal seorang ?akek dan 3enekpem%uat sepatu. Mereka sangat %aik hati. (i kakek yang mem%uat

    sepatu sedangkan nenek yang men6ualnya. @ang yang didapat dari

    setiap sepatu yang ter6ual selalu di%elikan makanan yang %anyak

    untuk di%agikan dan disantap oleh orang-orang 6ompo yang miskin

    dan anak kecil yang sudah tidak mempunyai orangtua. ?arena itu

    walau sudah mem%anting tulang, uang mereka selalu ha%is. ?arena

    uang mereka sudah ha%is, dengan kulit %ahan sepatu yang tersisa,

  • 8/19/2019 Cerita Luar Negeri Jack and the Beanstalk


    kakek mem%uat sepatu %erwarna merah. ?akek %erkata kepada

    nenek, “?alau sepatu ini ter6ual, kita %isa mem%eli makanan untuk

    *ari /aya nanti.

    Tak lama setelah itu, lewatlah seorang gadis kecil yang tak

    %ersepatu di depan toko mereka. “?asihan sekali gadis itu 1 9itengah

    cuaca dingin seperti ini tidak %ersepatu".

    Akhirnya mereka mem%erikan sepatu %erwarna merah terse%ut

    kepada gadis kecil itu.

    “Apa %oleh %uat, Tuhan pasti akan menolong kita", kata si

    kakek. Malam ti%a, merekapun tertidur dengan nyenyaknya. (aat itu

    ter6adi ke6adian aneh. 9ari hutan muncul kurcaci-kurcaci mengangkut

    kulit sepatu, mem%awanya ke rumah si kakek kemudian mem%uatnya

    men6adi sepasang sepatu yang sangat %agus. ?etika sudah selesai

    mereka kem%ali ke hutan.

    ?eesokan paginya kakek sangat terke6ut melihat ada sepasang

    sepatu yang sangat he%at. (epatu itu ter6ual dengan harga mahal.

    9engan hasil pen6ualan sepatu itu mereka menyiapkan makanan dan

    %anyak hadiah untuk di%agikan kepada anak-anak kecil pada *ari

    /aya. “$ni semua rahmat dari 2ang Maha ?uasa".

    Malam %erikutnya, terdengar suara-suara diruang ker6a kakek.

    ?akek dan nenek lalu mengintip, dan melihat para kurcaci yang tidak

    mengenakan pakaian sedang mem%uat sepatu. “ ow", pekik si

    kakek. “Ternyata yang mem%uatkan sepatu untuk kita adalah para

    kurcaci itu". “Mereka pasti kedinginan karena tidak mengenakan

    pakaian", lan6ut si nenek. “Aku akan mem%uatkan pakaian untukmereka se%agai tanda terima kasih". ?emudian nenek memotong

    kain, dan mem%uatkan %a6u untuk para kurcaci itu. (edangkan kakek

    tidak tinggal diam. $a pun mem%uatkan sepatu-sepatu mungil untuk

    para kurcaci. (etelah selesai mereka men6a6arkan sepatu dan %a6u

    para kurcaci di ruang ker6anya. Mereka 6uga menata me6a makan,

    menyiapkan makanan dan kue yang le8at di atas me6a.

  • 8/19/2019 Cerita Luar Negeri Jack and the Beanstalk


    (aat tengah malam, para kurcaci %erdatangan. Betapa

    terke6utnya mereka melihat %egitu %anyaknya makanan dan hadiah di

    ruang ker6a kakek. “ ow, pakaian yang indah1". Mereka segera

    mengenakan pakaian dan sepatu yang senga6a telah disiapkan kakek

    dan nenek. (etelah selesai menyantap makanan, mereka menari-nari

    dengan riang gem%ira. *ari-hari %erikutnya para kurcaci tidak pernah

    datang kem%ali.

    Tetapi se6ak saat itu, sepatu-sepatu yang di%uat ?akek selalu laris

    ter6ual. (ehingga walaupun mereka selalu mem%erikan makan kepada

    orang-orang miskin dan anak yatim piatu, uang mereka masih tersisa

    untuk dita%ung. (etelah ke6adian itu semua, ?akek dan dan nenek

    hidup %ahagia sampai akhir hayat mereka.