tutorial 6

Post on 18-Apr-2017






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Pelajar diminta melaksanakan aktiviti seperti di Lampiran 4 iaitu Recognising

Listening Responses and Producing Emphatic Responses. Melalui aktiviti ini pelajar

akan mengenalpasti respon mendengar dan respon empati. Pelajar juga

dikehendaki memberi contoh-contoh yang lain.

Empat elemen utama semasa mendengar dengan aktif:

1) Memerhati dan memahami kelakuan non-verbal murid.

2) Mendengar dan memahami mesej-mesej verbal murid.

3) Mendengar dan memahami murid di dalam konteks sebenar.

4) Mendengar dan membaiki salah tanggapan murid.

Activity: Recognizing Listening Responses

Situation 1

Student: School stinks.

Answer: B. You seems upset about school.

Situation 2

Student: I can’t understand fractions. Why do we have to learn this stuff?

Answer: D. Would you like to come in for extra help after school?

Situation 3

Student: I don’t want to sit near those boys anymore.

Answer: D. What is the situation?

Situation 4

Parent: My child is very upset and needs more help or she won’t be able to pass. She says she doesn’t understand anything.

Answer: A. Please go on. I’d like to hear more about this.

Situation 5

Teacher next door: My class is going to drive me up a wall. They have been impossible lately!

Answer: A. Have you ever considered being more assertive with them?

Activity: Producing Empathic Responses

Situation A: Monica is an average student with poor writing skills. With tears in her eyes, she approaches you after class with an assignment you have given an unsatisfactory grade. “I thought that I did okay on this.”

Respond: I should understanding how is Monica’s feeling and I would like to cheer her up with give her some encouragement words and also praised Monica for her writing because she did try out her best for the assignment. Besides, I will explain to her why she will get the grade and encourage her practice more to improve her writing skills.

Situation B: David, a bright student, offers you some advice: “This class would be a lot more interesting if we didn’t have to do all these worksheets. Couldn’t we choose our own work sometimes?”

Respond: Firstly, I will understand what David’s need and I will ask David about what kind of activity does he prefer to have during class or would him like to do the worksheets in pairs or in group. Moreover, I should be more creative to have plenty of attractive teaching activities in class to attract David so that he can pay attention and won’t feel bored to do worksheets during class.

Situation C: While the rest of the class is at work on an assignment, Barry closes his book, throws away his assignment sheet and slides down in his seat disgustedly.

Respond: I will discuss this problem with Barry personally to get more information about this problem. In this situation, I can ask Barry what problem did he is going to face in his life or in family. After that, I will try my best to help him with understand his actual situation.

Situation D: For the second time this week, Sue Ann has not turned in an assignment. Last week, she “forgot” to bring her homework twice. Later, you remind Sue Ann that assignments are important. “I don’t care,” she responds.

Respond: According to Sue Ann’s problem, I will give her advice and also ask for reasons why she late to hand up her assignment. I will also talk with her personally to understand her more. Besides, I also will tell Sue Ann what is the purpose for a student goes to school and she must takes the responsible as a student to finish the assignment and must pass up on time.

Situation E: Armand, a new student, has been having trouble making friends. Lately he has been getting into arguments with some of the more popular boys, and he has been teasing a few girls, apparently to gain attention. However, he has not succeeded in breaking into the social scene. After class one day he says to you, “I wish I could go back to my old school.”

Respond: Firstly, I should understand Armand’s problem. Then, I will tell Armand he had trouble of making friends maybe because he did something wrong or have some bad behavior. So, Armand must change his behavior and he need to be good with everyone in school. Last but not least, I also will give advice to the students who same class with Armand so that they can be friend with him.

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