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03 ‘Reflections on Malaysian Economic Policies’ sentuhan istimewa Tan Sri Dr. Sulaiman


04 Konvensyen Integriti Nasional 2015: Platform terbaik bahas cabaran integriti

06 INTEGRITI Mission: An array of joint ventures

08 Kerajaan Negeri Melaka dan INTEGRITI jalin kerjasama


09 Briefing session on the 2nd ASEAN Integrity Dialogue 2015



Dr. Anis Yusal Yusoff


Zubayry Abady Sofian

Assistant Editor

Nor Azni Ahmad Husairi



Staff Writers

Norsheeda Din Aimi Farhana Mohd Amin

04 08 09 1506

10 Something wrong with our way of life

11 Integrity a must in volunteerism

12 Expose corrupt practices

13 Keluarga didahulukan, integriti diutamakan


15 Berita bergambar tentang aktiviti di Institut Integriti Malaysia

Published monthly byINSTITUT INTEGRITI MALAYSIAMenara Integriti, Persiaran Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, Off Jalan Tuanku Abdul Halim, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-6209 2000 Website:


Rosalizawati Arshad


Aryzam Rahim


Zareena Izmin Ismail

Front cover photo

Courtesy of Telekom Malaysia Berhad


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Mewah dengan ilmu dan pengalaman, Tan Sri Dr. Sulaiman Mahbob nyata tidak lokek

berkongsi idea serta pandangan menerusi buku terbaru beliau berjudul ‘Reflections on Malaysian Economic Policies’.

Buku tersebut yang diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Universiti Malaya telah dilancarkan di Institut Integriti Malaysia (INTEGRITI) oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, YB Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar pada 7 November lalu.

Tan Sri Dr. Sulaiman yang juga mantan Presiden INTEGRITI yang pertama memilih untuk melancarkan buku beliau di INTEGRITI kerana semua artikel yang dimuatkan di dalam buku berkenaan adalah berkaitan isu-isu yang membabitkan dasar awam dan kebimbangan yang dihadapi oleh pembuat polisi di negara ini tentang tadbir urus dan perkembangan ekonomi yang menyentuh soal harga dan inflasi, belanjawan serta daya saing negara.

Berkonsepkan kompilasi, ia menampilkan lebih daripada 50 artikel menarik hasil tulisan beliau yang mana kebanyakannya pernah disiarkan dalam akhbar the New Straits Times dan The Star.

Bagi beliau, Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 (RMK-11) misalnya yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan taraf dan kualiti hidup masyarakat merupakan perancangan yang bersifat komprehensif dan well conceptualised, tetapi pada masa yang sama berhadapan dengan cabaran dari aspek pelaksanaan.


Dalam tulisannya beliau turut mengulas sikap segelintir rakyat Malaysia yang cenderung membuat spekulasi bahawa keseluruhan ekonomi negara gagal diuruskan dengan baik, sedangkan Gabenor Bank Negara telah menegaskan asas ekonomi negara masih dalam keadaan kekal teguh. Justeru, Tan Sri Dr. Sulaiman menyarankan dalam buku beliau agar masyarakat melihat ekonomi dengan lebih menyeluruh

sebelum membuat sebarang kesimpulan, terutamanya dengan penurunan Ringgit Malaysia.

YB Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid dalam ucapan pelancaran beliau berharap agar buku tersebut dapat memberikan gambaran dan kefahaman yang lebih meluas kepada pembaca tentang dasar ekonomi dan tadbir urus yang dilaksanakan di negara ini.

Oleh Azni Husairi

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Bertemakan ‘Integriti: Mendepani Cabaran Semasa’, Institut Integriti Malaysia (INTEGRITI) telah

menganjurkan Konvensyen Integriti Nasional 2015 pada 12 November di Auditorium Integriti, Menara Integriti.

Majlis berkenaan yang dirasmikan oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, YB Senator Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan penting sebagai platform terbaik untuk mencari jawapan dan penyelesaian terhadap beberapa persoalan serta cabaran yang perlu didepani dalam usaha menjayakan integriti khususnya di peringkat nasional.

Konvensyen yang diadakan secara tahunan ini mengetengahkan enam cabaran utama integriti yang dikupas dan dibahaskan dalam enam sidang pleno berbeza meliputi pelbagai sudut. Antaranya ialah berkaitan sistem penyampaian perkhidmatan awam, peranan Jawatankuasa Integriti dan Tadbir Urus (JITU) dan Unit Integriti, pematuhan arahan dan peraturan, hubungan kekeluargaan, media sosial serta pentadbiran awam.

Menurut Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif INTEGRITI, Dr. Anis Yusal Yusoff, semua cabaran tersebut dikenal pasti hasil daripada pertemuan dan perbincangan


antara INTEGRITI dengan Institut Integriti Negeri seluruh negara, unit-unit Integriti agensi kerajaan, masyarakat sivil dan pihak swasta.

Beliau berkata, resolusi yang terhasil daripada konvensyen ini diharapkan berkualiti dan praktikal, sekali gus berupaya membantu negara merawat permasalahan integriti yang berlaku pada masa kini dalam masyarakat.

Selain sesi diskusi, konvensyen ini juga menjadi lebih bermakna dengan acara pelancaran buku yang berjudul ‘Integriti Dalam Keluarga: Panduan Ke Arah Keluarga

Bahagia’ oleh Datuk Paul Low. Buku tersebut hasil daripada kolaborasi antara INTEGRITI dengan Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

Pada majlis yang sama, INTEGRITI turut mengadakan acara penyampaian hadiah bagi Pertandingan Vlog Integriti 2015 yang berlangsung sepanjang April lalu. Sesuai dengan objektifnya untuk mendekatkan masyarakat khususnya generasi X dan Y kepada agenda integriti negara, pertandingan berkenaan disertai oleh para penuntut pengajian tinggi dan individu lain yang berusia antara 18 hingga 35 tahun. Antara tema

Pelancaran buku ‘Integriti Dalam Keluarga: Panduan Ke Arah Keluarga Bahagia’. (Dari kiri) Nelly Mansin (editor), Dr. Anis Yusal Yusoff, Senator Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan dan Hamilye Sham (editor)

Rakaman sepanjang majlis KIN 2015 di INTEGRITI

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pertandingan ialah integriti mahasiswa, integriti belia, integriti alam sekitar, integriti keluarga dan rasuah.

Pemenang tempat pertama dalam pertandingan tersebut, Mohd Nabil Ifwat yang merupakan pelajar tahun tiga Ijazah Sarjana Muda Filem Skrin di Universiti Teknologi MARA memperoleh wang tunai berjumlah RM4,000. Sementara tempat kedua, Mohd Sharul Nazrin Rezal dan ketiga, Mohd Khairul Nizam Suhaimin masing-masing menerima wang tunai berjumlah RM2,500 dan RM1500. Semua pemenang turut membawa pulang sijil penyertaan. Mohd Sharul merupakan pelajar tahun dua dalam Ijazah Sarjana Muda Media dan Komunikasi di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) dan Mohd Khairul adalah penuntut tahun tiga Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi Kejuruteraan Automatif di Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.

Kejayaan pelaksanaan KIN ini merupakan petunjuk positif bahawa pelbagai lapisan masyarakat bersedia untuk bersama-sama dengan INTEGRITI dalam usaha pemantapan integriti negara. Program ini akan menjadi acara tahunan INTEGRITI.

Sebahagian daripada ragam peserta semasa menghadiri sidang pleno

Persembahan daripada pelajar-pelajar Sek. Men. Bukit Nanas, Kuala Lumpur yang telah memenangi tempat ketiga pertandingan Bicara Berirama Integriti 2015

Para pemenang Pertandingan Vlog Integriti bergambar kenangan bersama Senator Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan

Sidang pleno ‘Unit Integriti: Kemampuan dan Harapan’. (Dari kiri) Pegawai Khas Menteri Portfolio Tadbir Urus dan Integriti di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Alan Kirupakaran, Pengarah Kanan INTEGRITI, Hj. Mohammad Diah Haji Wahari dan Penolong Pesuruhjaya Bahagian Pengurusan Integriti Agensi SPRM,Norazlina Abd Rahim

Sidang pleno ‘Antara Ekspektasi dan Realiti’. (Dari kiri) Timbalan Ketua Pengarah (Kanan) Unit Kerjasama Awam Swasta, Dato’ Haji Abdul Ghafar Musa, Ketua Sekretariat Pasukan Petugas Khas Pemudahcara Perniagaan, Dato’ Abdul Latif Haji Abu Seman dan Timbalan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif INTEGRITI, Dr. Ahmad Fadzli Ahmad Tajuddin

Sidang pleno ‘Antara Arahan dan Bantahan’. (Dari kiri) Ketua Kluster Pengajian Ekonomi dan Kewangan Awam INTAN, Dr. Anuar Ariffin, Pengarah Bahagian Susulan Audit Jabatan Audit Negara, Datuk Juhari Haron dan Pengarah Kanan INTEGRITI, Mohd Nizam Mohd Ali

Sidang pleno ‘Pentadbiran Awam: Wujudkah Campur Tangan Politik?’. (Dari kiri) AJK Khas Mengenai Rasuah SPRM, Datuk Irmohizam Ibrahim, Pengarah INTEGRITI, Mohd Ismail Abdul Jalil dan Timbalan Dekan Pusat Pengajian Sains Kemasyarakatan USM, Prof. Madya Dr. Sivamurugan Pandian

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By Aimi Farhana Mohd Amin


When 007 was sent to do the impossible, the super spy will find a way to get it done albeit any harm or threat that might have come his way. INTEGRITI

has its own dose of super agents, the President and Chief Executive Officer, Dr Anis Yusal Yusoff and Senior Director, Mohd Nizam Mohd Ali. The duo made their way to United Kingdom, France and Belgium all in the name of integrity from 16 to 21 November 2015.

16th November 2015

First stop was the Integrity Action (IA) office in London, where a meeting with its Chief Executive Officer, Joy Saunders, Lotta Westerberg, Integrity Education Network and Edward Irby, Community Integrity Building (CIB) was set.

Six main agendas were brought up during the session; the CIB Project which includes the apparatus and the assessment stage, global forum on Ethics and Integrity database, Integrity Leadership Course, Roots to Fruits


booklet and Integrity Education Network project.

In implementing the CIB project, tools identified include household surveys, interviews and photos evidence which can be utilised by either offline or online modes. Back end forms are to be translated into Bahasa Melayu to enable mass handling. Tech geeks will be happy to find these tasks are available for immediate access via Google Play on Androids.

The monitoring and evaluation stage of the CIB project could take either a six-monthly or annual reporting cycle to which its ultimate measure is rate of fixing the problems (Fix-Rate) and progress monitoring post completion of initial cycle (Closing the Loop).

IA founder, Fredrik Galtung, presses on the importance of bringing citizen and public officials together as a key element of the fix rate which, “measure[s] the incidence with which transparency and accountability-related problems are resolved to the satisfaction of key stakeholders.”

Discussion with Joy Saunders, Lotta Westerberg and Edward Irby of Integrity Action, London

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This indicator can provide a benchmark for those committed to reform that actually tracks progress. These initiatives are done so that the voices of the citizens can be heard to ensure a bottom-up feedback and effective solutions will be put into action.

18th November 2015

They headed off to France, to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Paris Office for a meeting with Director, Directorate for Education and Skills, Andreas Schleiher and Senior Adviser Global Relations, Directorate for Education and Skills, Elizabeth Fordham to discuss issues related to the ASEAN Integrity Dialogue (AID) 2015 and values of Integrity for schools.

The discussion was centered on the values of integrity as supported by the OECD policy research works diverging from the marginal and minimal anti-corruption-centric agenda. The AID will incorporate a thematic-talk or a focused group discussion involving OECD and the Ministries of Higher Education and Education of Malaysia.

19th November 2015

The duo then met with Policy Advisor COST International secretariat and Engineers Against Poverty, Bernadine Ferns on the next day. The session was focused on integrity initiatives in the construction industry such as the engagement of COST with partners within the anti-corruption circles in the past three years and the development of Integrity in Construction modules.

20th November 2015

They attended the World Forum for Ethics in Business (WFEB) and the session saw initiatives brought up such as presenting the Global Award for Ethics in Business which recognises personalities and institutions with exemplar leadership in business ethics.

The session further entailed on to the concept of Double bottomline in which the conventional bottom line to measure fiscal performance (financial profit and loss) will be expanded by adding a second bottom line to measure the performance impact in terms of positive social impact.

Although the travelling stops for now, but the mission has not ended yet as the effort in trying to achieve the right precondition for a sustainable surrounding in the personal, business and political aspect within the society will be a continuous one. (From left) Dr. Anis Yusal Yusoff, Andreas Schleiher and Mohd Nizam Mohd


The precious moment... Dr. Anis Yusal Yusoff with former Prime Minister of Bhutan, Jigme Thinley

Dr. Anis Yusal Yusoff with President of World Forum for Ethics in Business, Ms. Rajita Kulkarni

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Oleh Azni Husairi

Demi mengukuhkan hubungan baik yang sedia ada, satu kunjungan hormat telah diadakan oleh Institut

Integriti Malaysia (INTEGRITI) ke Pejabat Ketua Menteri Melaka di Air Keroh pada 11 November lalu.

Rombongan berkenaan yang diketuai oleh Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Dr. Anis Yusal Yusoff mengadakan pertemuan dengan Ketua Menteri Melaka, Datuk Seri Ir Haji Idris Haron bagi membincangkan program-program kerjasama integriti yang bakal dilaksanakan secara bersama oleh kedua-dua pihak.

Antara perkara yang menjadi tumpuan utama perbincangan ialah tentang penglibatan kerajaan tempatan menerusi Majlis Bandaraya Melaka Bersejarah dalam projek rintis INTEGRITI iaitu Pembangunan Integriti Bersama Komuniti (Community Integrity Building). Lebih dikenali sebagai CIB, projek berkenaan mengetengahkan konsep pengukuran usaha integriti dan merupakan lanjutan daripada kerjasama antara INTEGRITI


dengan Integrity Action di London.

Pada masa yang sama, pertemuan antara INTEGRITI dengan Datuk Seri Ir Haji Idris turut membincangkan penyertaan Kerajaan Melaka sebagai tuan rumah kepada program antarabangsa, Global Forum on Ethics and Integrity yang akan dianjurkan pada tahun hadapan.

Menurut Dr. Anis Yusal, program tersebut bakal menjadi platform perkongsian ilmu, pengetahuan dan pengalaman oleh pakar-pakar berkaitan integriti di peringkat global. Selain itu, ia juga memberi peluang kepada INTEGRITI untuk membina kapasiti penyelidikan integriti dengan menggabungkan ahli-ahli penyelidik di seluruh dunia di samping berkongsi metodologi penyelidikan.

Datuk Seri Ir Haji Idris Haron menerima cenderahati berbentuk buku daripada Dr. Anis Yusoff Yusal

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A briefing session on the second ASEAN Integrity Dialogue (AID) 2015 planned for December 10,

2015 was held at The Malaysian Institute of Integrity on the 5th of November 2015. The event saw Embassy Officers and Education Attachés from each ASEAN country participating in the session as part of INTEGRITI’s preparation for the actual dialogue.

President and Chief Executive Officer of INTEGRITI, Dr Anis Yusal Yusoff who was the main organiser of the inaugural ASEAN Integrity Dialogue in 2008, in his briefing mentioned that AID is a good platform for ASEAN countries to come together to share and showcase each country’s

BRIEFING SESSION ON THE 2ND ASEAN INTEGRITY DIALOGUE 2015By Zareena Izmin Ismail and Aimi Farhana Mohd Amin

initiatives and good practices, There were many valuable outcomes from the previous dialogue and one of them is how the effort of promoting integrity can be further enhance through the Higher Education sector.

He also stated that it would be more meaningful if the dialogue could touch deeper into the lower education and start at preschool level. For a start, tertiary education would be a good stage to begin with. Dr Anis further commented that based on the Corruption Perception Index (CPI), it is a dismay to note that the ranking of almost all ASEAN member countries are low except for Singapore.

In overcoming this, he reminisced on


the collaborative works done with the ASEAN Secretariat on how to bring out the work on promoting governance and integrity amongst the sovereign countries. The ASEAN member countries are indeed ready to position themselves alongside Singapore on the CPI ranking.

Proceedings from the inaugural Dialogue were documented and given to all members for further follow up actions and it is hoped that through this discussion, the ASEAN member countries are able to form regional cooperation to learn from each other on the initiatives that have been done or are still taking place in enhancing and promoting integrity at higher education level.

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SOMETHING WRONG WITH OUR WAY OF LIFEBy Dr. Anis Yusal Yusoff Published in The New Straits Times, 8 November 2015

Many have asked me “How can we eradicate corruption?” I often reply that “it is an impossible thing to do - until we understand what motivates people and gets them

to instinctively behave with integrity”.

Different people have different ideals and beliefs. We cannot force everyone to want the same thing but that should not stop us from working to achieve the greater good.

We need to see and understand the big picture - that the rich do not want the same thing as the poor. Those who depend on their jobs for their livelihoods do not want the same thing as those who live off investments and dividends. Those who depend on the public transport, education and protection, do not seek the same thing as those who can afford private transport, education and protection. If we were to assume that everyone wants the same thing, then we are mistaken and misled.

Societies are complex and there are conflicting interests. To assert otherwise, that is to deny the distinctions of class, wealth or influence, is akin to promoting one set of interests above another.

Markets have a natural disposition to favour needs and wants that can be reduced to commercial criteria or economic measurements. But, what of those goods/benefits that human beings value that do not lend themselves to quantification? What of well-being, fairness or equity? Such considerations mean more to most people, that aggregate or even individual profit or growth.

When we talk of our public education for example, it often boils down to how our schools or universities are performing in an imaginary global competition. Little, if nothing at all is discussed whether the kinds of schools or universities we ought to have, fits into the pictuare of the kind society we wishes to live in. The question of whether our schools and universities produce decent individuals who are responsible and morally aware, sits for most parents and their children, on a rung far, far below whether they will end up with goods jobs that will make them endless amounts of money.

This is something I fear that is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For decades, we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest. We know what things cost but

have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of judicial rulings or legislatives acts, whether they are good, fair, just or right. Or, whether they will help bring about a better society or a better world.

Those used to be important political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to ask ourselves these hard questions if we are serious in wanting a better future for our children and their children.

The questions of integrity or the lack of it cannot be furnished by viewing it purely from the point of view of laws or institutions. Integrity means to act with virtue. Yet, the cultivation of virtue cannot be channelled merely through the imposition of rules and regulations. Moral awareness cannot be a by-product of legislation; wise and effective legislation are the by-products of a good and decent society - only then can we begin to tackle corruption and other forms of immorality more effectively.

If we are serious about tackling the problems of moral erosion in society (and I take corruption and the lack of integrity to be critical symptoms of this), then we must be able to see the problem in its proper relief. We cannot afford to be complacent. True, sensible laws and public institutions as well as having the right people to man and enforce them, are an integral part of the process. But, that is only a part of it. Focusing our struggles on this aspect of the conundrum merely deals with the symptoms of the problems - not the cause.

To tackle the cause, we must first understand the problem. To understand the problem, we must be able to frame the right questions. In this, I think, we have sold ourselves short. For example, in our haste to show that we have begun to tackle the question of corruption effectively, we continually look towards various international indices, such as the Corruption Perception Index of Transparency International, which rank the levels of corruption in a given country and the efficacy of efforts to overcome the problem.

Thus, just as how we imagine the qualities of our universities as best illustrated through ranking exercises, we frequently do the same for the way we think about corruption. If we have improved five places from last year’s standing, we must have

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done something right. This is both dangerous and misleading. Indices show generalised indicators; they cannot be the guiding principle in which we think about the problems of our society. No doubt, indices have a general utility but they only reveal a small piece of the puzzle.

In the end, we must have a vision of the kind of society we want, and ultimately, the efforts we invest through our education system must be guided by this vision. It does us much greater harm to abdicate the responsibilities we have for each other as

members of this society to merely a universal template and hope that this will solve our problems.

One key underlying principle that is important in shaping the institutional arrangements to combat the moral erosion of society is a holistic education system, where for example, an accounting teacher would constantly remind his students that the lesson taught are not to be exploited for creative accounting to avoid paying taxes, but for the knowledge gained to be used responsibly and to always do what is right.

* Dr. Anis Yusal Yusoff is President and Chief Executive Officer of the

Malaysian Institute of Integrity

We are in the midst of the north-east monsoon again.

While some of the victims of last year’s flooding in Kelantan are still struggling to get new accommodation to replace their houses that were completely destroyed, they also have to prepare for another onslaught of a natural disaster which is beyond their control. The trauma of the previous year’s disaster is still haunting them and now, new threats are looming.

Malaysians are known for their generosity. When disaster strikes, a lot of volunteers will spring into action to help the victims either by doing relief work on the ground or contributing financially or in kind from far away.

This “spontaneous volunteerism” is a new culture in this country that should be further encouraged.

Lately, youths and retirees seem to form

INTEGRITY A MUST IN VOLUNTEERISMBy Amerul Muner MohammadPublished in The Star Online, 6 November 2015

a large segment of volunteer groups locally.

Youths seem to be excited in getting their hands dirty and roughing it out in the stricken areas while retirees mainly focus on the rehabilitation work at the post-disaster stage.

Volunteerism requires a high degree of passion, humility, patience, endurance, flexibility, accountability and, most importantly, integrity.

Human power is the main ingredient in any work but nothing will move without resources.

Millions of ringgit is collected during disasters and those millions are meant to be spent on helping the victims.

While most donors hardly ask how the donations are used, it is incumbent upon the recipients to use the funds to reduce the pain and hardship of the victims.

Accountability is the main thrust in volunteerism.

Experience shows it is easy for volunteer groups, especially among the spontaneous volunteers, to go astray with the donations.

Some volunteers do not intend to siphon the donated resources but the desire to help the victims may diminish as time goes by and things go back to normal.

In rare cases, there are some who may plan to defraud and benefit from the disasters and people’s generosity.

Volunteerism without integrity is tantamount to breach to trust. It is a heinous act as no one should benefit from the suffering of other people.

We must put the interests of the community before self-interest when we set out on the path of volunteerism.

* Amerul Muner Mohammad is Chief Secretariat of the National Consultative

Committee on Political Financing, the Malaysian Institute of Integrity

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Ethics and good moral values are essential if we are to have a clean, efficient and trustworthy


Civil servants must develop a culture which will help pave the way for the emergence of not only a dedicated, efficient and ethical civil service but also one which emphasises management integrity.

To achieve this objective, it is necessary to have a work culture that incorporates honesty, trust, discipline, responsibility and transparency.

While we welcome the incorporation of noble values in the civil service, what really is important in the final analysis is to ensure all civil servants practice these noble values. Mere slogans and lip service are not going to help.

Corruption has been with us since the beginning of human organisation. Yet we cannot be unconcerned and complacent about corruption because it attacks not only the economic and social fabric of society but also the moral foundations of order. Above all, we must never allow corruption to be institutionalised.

Corruption is pervasive, affecting almost every aspect of life. From the person who wants his business application to be processed speedily to those who want to expedite their application for low-cost housing, bribery can take place. It manifests itself in so many other forms where the public interacts with the authorities.


By Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye Published in The Star Online, 6 November 2015

It has been proven in many instances that an individual took bribes mainly because he is greedy and is presented with opportunities to commit corrupt practices. It is indisputable that greed is the motivating factor behind most, if not all, corrupt practices.

Officers involved in corruption are mostly those in charge of law enforcement. To eradicate such practices, all law enforcement agencies should have an internal audit system which can detect irregularities.

Efforts should continuously be made to instil integrity and ethical values among law enforcement officers because persons of high integrity are not likely to be involved in corrupt practices whatever the circumstances.

All public administrators and civil servants must discharge their duties with integrity and honesty, besides being ethical and transparent.

I believe the inculcation of noble and ethical values accompanied by adherence to the oath of good governance are the most effective ways to fight corrupt practices in the civil service.

We need to build strong mechanisms which will subject corrupt practices to public scrutiny.

The information age is providing citizens and non-governmental organisations with powerful tools and information to combat local corruption.

Likewise, the global economy

puts tremendous pressure on local governments to rid themselves of factors that reduce their competitiveness. Corruption is clearly a factor that can and does reduce the attractiveness of one community over another.

The movement towards decentralisation, accountability and transparency at the local government level is gathering momentum. In this context, the enormous costs of corruption are being explicitly recognised, as is the urgent need to correct governmental malfeasance.

Corruption is an entrenched symptom of misgovernance often reflected in patronage, red tape, ineffective revenue-generating agencies, large-scale bribery in procurement and failure to deliver services to city dwellers.

But when local officials in charge of public resources are accountable to their citizens, decision-making can become participatory. In turn, a participatory process can be the cornerstone of a national strategy to reform “sick” institutions and improve the welfare of city dwellers.

The challenge facing local governments is to develop innovative ways of building effective, accountable, and transparent systems.

Cities that implement and sustain accountable and transparent systems as well as good governance reform programmes benefiting the urban dwellers can expect to attract financial and human resources and become

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showcases of exemplary practices to be emulated nationwide.

In the final analysis, preventing corruption helps to raise city revenues, improve service delivery, stimulate public confidence and participation, and win public support.

In line with the creation of transparent local authorities, steps must be taken to

instil moral and ethical values among their staff.

This is essential as honesty, sincerity and discipline are important elements every civil servant must possess when daischarging his or her duties to the public.

Morals and ethics are not only important to the civil service but also

to all sectors of Malaysian society. This is because graft and other forms of malpractices are also evident in the corporate world, non-governmental organisations and even voluntary organisations.

The answer really lies in every Malaysian as to whether he or she is prepared to make honesty and integrity a way of life.

KELUARGA DIDAHULUKAN, INTEGRITI DIUTAMAKANOleh Hamilye Sham Harun Disiarkan dalam Utusan Malaysia, 26 November 2015

Sambutan Bulan Keluarga Kebangsaan 1Malaysia adalah satu inisiatif terancang di bawah gerakan 1Malaysia Family First (1MFF) iaitu agenda keluarga negara demi

meningkatkan kebertanggungjawaban dan integriti dalam usaha mendidik serta membimbing masyarakat tanpa mengira latar belakang agama, budaya dan kaum sama-sama mengimarahkan dan memperkasakan nilai-nilai amalan integriti dalam institusi keluarga masing-masing. Integriti bermula dari rumah.

Rumah tempat bermulanya sistem pendidikan formal dan tidak formal, sistem kesedaran dan sistem bimbingan praktikal yang akhirnya setiap ahli keluarga terpancar sifat keperibadian sebagai role model atau ikon integriti kepada anak-anak.

Dengan tema “Saya Sayang Keluarga Saya”, maka keluarga yang berintegriti juga sebagai asas kepada pembangunan insan madani mempunyai tingkah laku beretika bagi membentuk sebuah negara yang sejahtera lagi membangun serta makmur. Kerajaan memperuntukkan bagi syarikat swasta yang menganjurkan hari keluarga untuk pekerja-pekerja mereka, rebat atau potongan 100 peratus untuk semua perbelanjaan keraian.

Definisi keluarga menurut Kamus Dewan adalah seisi keluarga yang terdiri daripada suami, isteri dan anak, manakala bahagia pula bermaksud suasana senang dan aman. Islam

pula agama yang selamat dan secara keseluruhan maksudnya ialah pembinaan sebuah kehidupan yang bahagia berlandaskan tuntutan agama yang benar demi membina keluarga sakinah, mawaddah warahmah.

Firman Allah SWT: “Dan antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya dan rahmat-Nya bahawa Dia menciptakan untuk kamu (wahai kaum lelaki), isteri-isteri daripada jenis kamu sendiri, supaya kamu bersenang hati dan hidup mesra dengannya, dan dijadikan-Nya antara kamu (suami isteri) perasaan kasih sayang dan belas kasihan. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu mengandungi keterangan-keterangan (yang menimbulkan kesedaran) bagi orang-orang yang berfikir.” (Surah Al-Rum: 30: 2)

Antara amanah yang dipikul setiap kepala keluarga adalah membersihkan rumahnya daripada kemungkaran dan mengharuskan anggota keluarga mengamalkan kewajipan dan perkara sunah dalam agama.

Rasulullah SAW selaku uswatun hasanah yang patut dicontohi telah membimbing umatnya dalam hidup berkeluarga agar mencapai sebuah impian kehidupan rumah tangga yang sakinah mawaddah warahmah. Baginda sentiasa menggalakkan suami isteri saling ta’awun (tolong-menolong) dan bekerjasama dalam bentuk saling menasihati dan saling mengingatkan dalam

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* Hamilye Sham Harun ialah Pengarah dan Ketua Penyelaras

Program Koordinasi dan Pemantauan, Institut Integriti Malaysia

kebaikan dan ketakwaan, sebagaimana sabda baginda:

“Nasihatilah isteri-isteri kamu dengan cara yang baik, kerana sesungguhnya para wanita diciptakan daripada tulang rusuk yang bengkok dan yang paling bengkok adalah bahagian atasnya, maka jika kamu (para suami) keras dalam meluruskannya (membimbingnya), pasti kalian akan mematahkannya. Dan jika kamu membiarkannya (yakni tidak membimbingnya), maka tetap akan bengkok. Nasihatilah isteri-isteri (para wanita) dengan cara yang baik.”(Riwayat Abu Hurairah)

Dalam pembinaan keluarga bahagia ini, dasarnya perlu selari dengan kehendak syarak agar memberi kesan yang baik kepada diri dan keluarga. Di samping itu, beberapa perkara perlu diambil perhatian iaitu:

* Pertama, meletakkan akidah yang kukuh dan mantap kepada Allah SWT sebagai asas utama pembinaan keluarga bahagia.

* Kedua, mematuhi garis panduan yang diajar oleh Islam dalam memahami tanggungjawab dan amanah yang dipikul.

* Ketiga, mengakui dan bersedia melaksanakan ketaatan sebagai suami, isteri dan anak-anak.

* Keempat, menjadikan diri sebagai contoh dan teladan yang terbaik.

* Kelima, sentiasa memupuk rasa kasih sayang dan silaturahim dalam suasana ceria.

Imam Ibnu Katsir menyatakan Allah SWT menganugerahkan satu nikmat yang sangat besar untuk hamba-Nya yang beriman, di mana anak-anak atau ahli keluarga mereka akan dihimpunkan semula oleh Allah SWT bersama ibu bapa mereka di dalam syurga. Perhimpunan ini adalah penyempurnaan nikmat Allah SWT ke atas mereka yang pernah berkumpul di dunia ini sebagai sebuah keluarga yang diasaskan dengan keimanan, meskipun mereka berbeza dari segi amalan.

Allah SWT menjelaskan di dalam Surah at-Thur ayat 21 yang bermaksud: “Dan orang-orang yang beriman yang diturut oleh zuriat keturunannya dengan keadaan beriman, Kami hubungkan (himpunkan) zuriat keturunannya itu dengan mereka (di dalam

Syurga); dan Kami (dengan itu) tidak mengurangi sedikit pun daripada pahala amal-amal mereka; tiap-tiap seorang manusia terikat dengan amal yang dikerjakannya.”

Apakah peranan kita sebagai ibu bapa dalam melunaskan tanggungjawab mendidik, membimbing dan mengajar setiap ahli keluarga kita?

i. Bertutur bicara dan berkomunikasi dengan sopan dan lemah lembut. Jangan sesekali mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat, kotor dan menyumpah kerana itu adalah doa untuk anak.

ii. Anugerahkan nama yang baik-baik kepada anak-anak mengikut sunah Rasulullah SAW. Anak lelaki berilah nama Muhammad pada awalnya atau pilihlah nama-nama sahabat, ulama dan perkataan bahasa Arab yang memberi erti baik.

iii. Berusaha memastikan rezeki diraih halalan toyyiban agar sumber makanan halal dan berkat serta dijauhi oleh api neraka.

iv. Memupuk semangat cinta kasih pada agama dalam jiwa sanubari anak-anak. Agama bakal menjadi pendinding dan benteng hamba Allah yang bertakwa.

v. Berusaha mendidik anak menjadi soleh dan solehah.

vi. Memantau dan mengawal tingkah laku anak-anak demi menunjukkan tahap kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap aktiviti harian mereka.

vii. Tempat tidur anak-anak hendaklah diasingkan daripada ibu bapanya apabila usianya meningkat tujuh tahun.

Pada hemat penulis, institusi keluarga yang telah dibina de-ngan penuh integriti dapat menghidupkan suasana persekitaran yang kondusif, aman damai dan sejahtera serta melimpahkan keberkatan kepada masyarakat serta negara. Mudah-mudahan negara kita akan menjadi sebuah negara yang maju, makmur, cemerlang dan berintegriti.

Mudah-mudahan Allah memberikan taufik-Nya kepada kita semua untuk membentuk dan memperbaiki rumah tangga kita agar penuh ketenangan dan kecintaan, seraya mengamalkan etika dan integriti menurut syariat Islam.

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MESYUARATMesyuarat Jawatankuasa Konsultatif Nasional Mengenai Pembiayaan Politik (JKNMPP) yang pertama telah berlangsung pada 3 November 2015 di Bilik Etika dan dipengerusikan oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, YB Senator Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuan.

TAKLIMAT Sempena Pemukiman Ketua-Ketua Perkhidmatan Awam ASEAN (Pemukiman-AHOCS) yang berlangsung di Cyberview Resort and Spa, Cyberjaya pada 17 November lalu, Timbalan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Institut Integriti Malaysia (INTEGRITI), Dr. Ahmad Fadzli Ahmad Tajuddin memberikan taklimat ringkas berkaitan Sistem Integriti Korporat (CISM) dan Program Tun Azizan Zainul Abidin Integrity Circles (TAZAIC) kepada Ketua Setiausaha Negara, Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa dan wakil-wakil negara ASEAN yang lain.


Pada 30 Oktober yang lalu, Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) telah menghantar kertas cadangan Dana Politik kepada Setiausaha Jawatankuasa Konsultatif Pembiayaan Politik (JKNMPP) di Institut Integriti Malaysia (INTEGRITI). Delegasi berkenaan diketuai oleh saudara Badrul Hisham Shahrin.

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