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Page 1: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s
Page 2: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s

Farouq Hussein Al-ZankiChief Executive Of�cer

Dialoguewith CEO

I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s board of directors, Mr. Hani Abdulaziz Hussein on the trust which HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, and HH the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Sabah, put in him entreating Allah, the Almighty, to support him to achieve the ambitions of the oil sector and improve the Kuwaiti oil industry.Executing the KPC 3020 strategy, which has been allotted by a number of efficient personnel from KPC and its subsidiaries, is one of the strategy’s most important ambitions as it implies several fields aimed to achieve leadership in the Kuwaiti oil sector’s performance compared with the other GCC oil companies.It includes also other significant goals on top of which increasing Kuwait’s productivity, the refining and cracking capacities, expanding activities in the international promising markets as well as boosting the bilateral relations with KPC’s clients through real partnerships. Consequently, the International Marketing Sector invited, through historical and unprecedented step in the history of the bilateral relations with customers, the chairpersons of the oil companies to partake in a golf tournament held recently for KPC’s customers. However, this initiative has tangibly achieved positive impressions in the invitees hoping to help reinforce the corporation’s markets.In this context, Kuwait as one of the key exporting oil countries will host within the coming few days the 13th International Energy Forum for Oil Ministers, which is considered the first meeting convened after issuing the pact of International Energy forum signed by Oil and Energy Ministers from 87 countries all over the world. This forum will tackle several relevant cases on top of which the security of energy among the non-stop changes and new developments taking place in the oil markets. It is also considered an appropriate umbrella to trigger the effectual dialogue between consumers and producers in order to secure supplies through adopting appropriate policies in this domain to guarantee the sustainability of energy in the future.Indisputably, the results of this forum will be for the good of Kuwait which has played a substantial role in holding this dialogue; in addition, they will be registered in the Kuwaiti oil sector’s history which is full of achievements.

Page 3: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s

122In This Issue..

By Al-Khat Printing Press






In This Issue

Oil Culture


KPC News Team:Media Relations Dept.

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KPC personnel line up to depict Kuwait’s map in the oil sector’s square

Al-Zanki inaugurates Oil & Gas confab and exhibition

KPC hosts KPI senior of�cials in Golf contest



Page 4: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s


E v e n t s

While marking the national days

KPC personnel line up to depict Kuwait’s map in the oil sector’s square

Under the slogan of “May Allah, the Al-

mighty, protect Kuwait”, KPC marked

Wednesday February 22, 2012 the 51st

anniversary of Independence Day, the

21st anniversary of Liberation Day

and at the same time solemnized the

new Oil Minister Mr. Hani Abdulaziz

Hussein, Minister of Oil and Chairman

of KPC board of directors.

In his keynote speech on this occasion,

Mr. Farouq Al-Zanki, CEO of Kuwait

Petroleum Corporation, welcomed the

new minister, pointing out Hussein is

one of the Kuwaiti oil sector’s sons

and devoted colleague of struggle for

a number of senior officials in the oil


He further underlined the numerous

challenges that KPC confronts such as

developing the human resource, con-

solidating the work nature, bolstering

KPC’s status internationally and in-

creasing Kuwait’s oil productivity.

Al-Zanki hails Oil Minister and personnel of KPC and its subsidiaries

Al-Zanki also extended his pride of the

efforts put forth by the employees of

KPC and its subsidiaries, applauding

the ostensible and sincere keenness

of the personnel on developing work,

performance and fortifying ways of


Also, he praised the positive steps that

KPC has recently taken on top of which

the step of launching the project of vo-

Page 5: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s


cational linkup which is aimed to bol-

ster communication among personnel

and improve work environment.

He moreover extended his delight

with honoring a number of employees

who got the instant awards due to their

prominent achievements appreciating

at the same time the organizers of the

instant award project.

“I’d like to confirm that I derive deter-

mination and strength from you, and

I’m really happy with your ostensible

achievements. I’m delight when I lis-

ten to your luminous ideas hoping you

to achieve more progress and prosper-

ity for this cherished homeland and

KPC,” added Al-Zanki in the end of

his speech.

It is mentioned that KPC personnel

lined up in the square of the oil sec-

tor’s complex to depict the map of Ku-

wait and launch also colored balloons

marking the National Days.


Page 6: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s


E v e n t s

Under the patronage of Oil Minister the Chief

Executive Officer of KPC Mr. Farouq Al-

Zanki inaugurated the Oil and Gas conference

& show which was convened from 12-15 Feb-

ruary, 2012.

In his keynote speech after inaugurating the

conference, Al-Zanki stressed the impor-

tance of such conference particularly in the

coming phase in which Kuwait tends to

carry out huge oil developmental projects

such as the fourth refinery and a number

of petrochemical projects. He added the

conference is considered a good op-

portunity for the local oil sector to

meet with international companies

specialized in oil industry to ex-

change experiences and bolster

ways of cooperation especially

in the field of developing oil


As for oil prices, he pointed

out the hike in oil prices has

recently helped make balance

between the rates of cost and rev-

enue as well as pumping money to carry out

operations of drilling and exploration operations.

On KPC 2030 strategy regarding gas, Al-Zanki said

Kuwait has sufficient quantities of gas; yet it is diffi-

cult to haul them out. Accordingly, KPC has allotted

a development plan to produce gas within the com-

ing two years along with searching for new depots

at depths exceed 16,000 cubic feet, pointing out Ku-

wait imports liquefied gas from some countries dur-

ing the climax of consumption from March to Oc-

tober to meet its needs from gas until it develops its

Under the auspices of HE Oil Minister

Al-Zanki inaugurates Oil & Gas confab and exhibition

Page 7: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s


gas depots. He confirmed Kuwait has

effective plans to handle crises, which

might impede exporting the local oil,

such as the menace of shutting down

Hormoz Strait as well as political cri-

ses taking place in the region.

It is mentioned that KPC submitted a

number of work papers among which

the paper that Al-Zanki submitted

in the inaugural session and dubbed

“KPC strategy…seeking for excel-

lence, innovation and integration”.

Meanwhile, Mr. Sami Al-Rushaid,

Chairman of board of directors and

Managing Director of Kuwait Oil

Company (KOC) presented a paper

themed “New solutions to achieve en-

ergy balance in Kuwait”. Moreover,

Mr. Hashim Al-Rifa’e, Chairman of

board of directors and Managing Di-

rector of Kuwait Gulf Oil Company

(KGOC) submitted another paper en-

titled “Energy in Kuwait…Opportu-

nities and Challenges”.

Furthermore, Mr. Hussein Ismail,

Chairman of board of directors and

Managing Director of Kuwait Petro-

leum International (KPI), submitted

a work paper on “Expansionary chal-

lenges and opportunities in Asia”.

Also, Mr. Bekhit Al-Rasheedi, DMD

of Planning and Local Marketing at

Kuwait National Petroleum Compa-

ny (KNPC) submitted a paper dubbed

“Refining Industry in Kuwait”, and

finally Mr. Yousef Al-Ateeqi, DMD

of Olefins at Petroleum Industry

Company (PIC) presented a paper

themed “Strategies of developing ef-

ficiency and competitive opportuni-

ties to achieve growth in chemical


Page 8: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s


E v e n t s

The Oil and Gas Year (TOGY) maganize – an international i is-

suance specialized in energy – has granted Mr. Farouq Al-Zanki,

CEO of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, the award of the 2011


This came in a simple celebration held in Al-Zanki office in the oil

complex on Monday February 6, 2012.

This award is an appreciation for Al-Zanki’s efforts exerted in car-

rying out the KPC 2030 strategy which is aimed to increase Ku-

wait’s productivity up to 4 million bpd, improving the quality of

refined products, supporting the petrochemical industries and the

perpetual programs of social and environmental development.

It is mentioned that Al-Zanki occupied his current position in

KPC in September 2010; in addition, his career performance is

obviously professional, the matter helps somehow consolidate the

status of the Kuwaiti oil sector locally, territorially and interna-

TOGY announces its awards

Al-Zanki wins the award of the 2011 Oilman

tionally too.

Furthermore, TOGY , Kuwait’s branch, provides the latest in-

formation and integrated analyses concerning the energy sector

in Kuwait.

Committee of CEO Award for HSE selects the winners of contestKuwait Petroleum Corporation announced the committee of

CEO Award has finalized selecting the winning participations

and the prominent projects in HSE field pursuant to the stipu-

lations and general regulations allotted in this regard. It added

that the committee will hold a special celebration under the

auspices and in the presence of KPC’s CEO Mr. Farouq Al-

Zanki on March 22, 2012 in the Regency Hotel.

In this context, Mr. Sami Al-Yaqout, Committee Chairman and

Manager of Health, Safety and Environment at KPC, hailed the

remarkable participation of the employees of KPC and its sub-

sidiaries although such contest is organized for the first time in

the oil sector. He also made clear that contest is aimed to pro-

vide a competitive atmosphere between the corporation and its

subsidiaries to support and develop HSE programs and projects

and improve performance. In addition, it is aimed to provoke

personnel to create new ideas and mechanisms in HSE field as

well as presenting a good image for KPC and its subsidiaries

particularly in preserving the Kuwaiti environment.

It is worth mentioning that Al-Zanki will honor the best proj-

ects in the following fields:

Firstly: Projects:

Award of best programs in career health field.

Award of best programs in hygiene field.

Award of the best environment project.

Secondly: KPC’s subsidiaries:

An award will be granted to the best three oil companies

achieve prominent results in line with the criteria of health,

safety and environment in the previous financial year.

Thirdly: The societal responsibility:

An award will be presented to the best three oil companies

submitted HSE projects that are aimed to serve the civil so-

ciety and achieve at the same time good distinguished results

for the company in accordance with HSE criteria.

Fourthly: Governmental institutions:

An awards will be given to the governmental institutions

which deal with KPC and its subsidiaries such as Environ-

ment Public Authority (EPA) and Health Ministry.

Fifthly: The joint ventures:

An award is allotted to the best contracting company or joint

venture that deals KPC’s subsidiary.

Page 9: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s


While meeting them in KSE

1200 job opportunities to be available in the oil sector for engineers: Al-ZankiThe Chief Executive Officer of KPC’s

board directors Mr. Farouq Al-Zanki dis-

closed the corporation plans to provide

nearly 2500 job opportunities, in accor-

dance with the 2030 strategy of the Kuwaiti

oil sector, for engineers in various speci-

fications including petroleum, chemistry

and environment as KPC 2030 strategy is

aimed to increase the local production up

to 4 million bpd; the matter necessitates

recruiting more efficient personnel.

This came in a meeting organized by the

Public Relations Committee Tuesday

January 24, 2012 at the headquarters of

Kuwait Society of Engineers (KSE) which

hosted him as one of the most prominent

local personalities in the oil field.

He clarified that KPC and its subsidiaries

need to fill currently about 1200 job op-

portunities for engineers within the com-

ing phase after forming the new cabinet.

Al-Zanki began his speech by narrating his

personal experience in the oil sector start-

ing from holding a certificate in Oil De-

pots Engineering from USA along with his

journey in various positions in the Kuwaiti

oil sector. He also spotlighted the strat-

egy of training in the oil sector, stressing

KPC pays great deal of interest to human

resource. In addition, it seeks to increase

their personnel's efficiency to compete the

international level. Accordingly, it seeks

always to develop its training plans pur-

suant to the international criteria allotted

in this regard, adding KPC has approved

a new philosophy aimed to develop the

technical jobs such as engineers. This phi-

losophy is based on the personal initiative

of the employee to develop his level and

assess his self-dependence particularly in

acquiring new vocational skills.

He hoped the KPC 2030 strategy of the oil

sector to be achieved perfectly, stressing

the importance of increasing the oil pro-

duction and developing the techniques of

refining as well as the national personnel

in various fields.

He finally replied to a number of inquiries

and questions posed by engineers regard-

ing related cases.

It is mentioned that the meeting was at-

tended by a large number of engineers

besides Eng. Hassan Al-Khorafi, KSE’s


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I n T h i s I s s u e

To boost bilateral relations

KPC hosts KPI senior officials in Golf contest

Under the patronage and in the presence of CEO of Kuwait

Petroleum Corporation MR. Farouq Al-Zanki, the International

Marketing Sector at KPC organized for the first time the Golf

KPC's 1st

Customers Gathering 2012 and partners from all over the

world on Wednesday February 15, 2012 in Sahara Golf Resort.

On his part, Al-Zanki extended his delight for hosting such unique

event which is considered the first of its kind in the Kuwaiti oil sector

as it is lucrative opportunity for bolstering communication and bilat-

eral relations with KPC’s senior officials and its international clients

far away from the pressure and routine of work.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nasser Al-Mudhaf, Managing Director of International

Marketing Sector, welcomed the guests, stressing this contest is consid-

ered the biggest entertainment forum organized in KPC’s history and

an ample chance for the corporation’s guests to recognize the

civilized aspect of the State of Kuwait.

It is mentioned that Al-Mudhaf endorsed a number of a con-

tracts worth $5 billion with the Indian, Thai and Indonesian

sides as well as renewing KPC’s contract with China.

Moreover, KPC took the opportunity of this historical

gathering and organized an Open Day for the guests


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accompanied with

the senior officials of

the International Marketing

Sector in its spring camp in

Al-Julai’a area. It was distin-

guished with prominent tradi-

tional atmospheres reflected the

fragrant of the past particularly the

Kuwaiti traditions.

Page 12: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s


On the sideline of International Petroleum Week

International Marketing holds dinner party in honor of KPC clients

Mr. Farouq Al-Zanki, CEO of Kuwait

Petroleum Corporation stated that KPC

International Marketing Sector will en-

dorse a number of new oil and gas con-

tracts within the coming phase.

This came in Al-Zanki's statement

while heading a high-level delegation

took part in International Petroleum

Week which was held in London from

20-23 February, 2012.

The International Marketing Sector

held, on the sideline of IPW, a dinner

party in honor of KPC’s clients.

It is mentioned that a large number of

dignitaries besides senior officials of

international oil and gas companies and

businessmen attended the party. How-

ever, the sector took advantage from

such occasion and convened a number

of meetings with KPC’s clients who

partook in the event.

These meetings were attended by a large

number of senior officials from the Ku-

waiti oil sector besides Mr. Farouq Al-

Zanki, CEO of KPC, Mr. Bader Nasser

Al-Mudhaf, MD of International Mar-

keting Sector, Mr. Fahed Al-Nashmi,

DMD of Crude Oil and Light Distil-

lates Sales and Mr. Jamal Al-Loughani,

DMD of Operations.

IPW is definitely lucrative opportunity

to meet with senior officials of inter-

national oil and gas companies, busi-

nessmen and economists who gather to

tackle relevant issues on energy such as

the latest technologies of downstream

and upstream operations.

E v e n t s

Page 13: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s


The Research, Development and HSE

Sector headed by the Managing Director

Mr. Bader Al-Khashti, organized KPC

Environment Day which was held in Al-

Sadaqa and Al-Salam Garden in Shuwai-

kh area on Thursday February 16, 2012.

The celebration was attended

by senior officials of the oil

sector besides Mr. Farouq Al-

Zanki, CEO of KPC, a number

of Managing Directors at KPC

and a number of personnel.

“I’d like to welcome the atten-

dants and extend my delight to

take part in such celebration in

which the senior officials of

the Kuwaiti oil sector to gather

with the sector’s personnel to

plant small seedlings as a good

work inherited by ancestors

to preserve our environment,”

50 olive and palm trees planted

KPC marks its Environment Day

Al-Khashti was quoted as saying in his

keynote speech.

He further pointed out that KPC marks

annually the Environment Day which

epitomizes its interest with the local

environment leaning on its keenness to

become a pioneering authority in HSE

field. Accordingly, it has managed to

achieve a number of tangible successes

in this domain such as reducing the per-

centage of burning gas in oilfields to less

than 1%, recuperate vapors from the op-

erations of refineries as well as

reducing poisonous emissions.

It is worth mentioning that

KPC planted 50 olive trees

and 50 palm trees. In addi-

tion, it selected Al-Sadaqa and

Al-Salam Garden, which is af-

filiated to Public Authority for

Agricultural Affairs and Fish

Resources (PAAAFR), as a

spot from which it announces

participating in Kuwait’s plan

to afforest and beautify the

country under the supervision


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E v e n t s

KPC hosts members of diplomatic corps in its spring camp

Kuwait Petroleum Corporation hosted

in its spring camp held in Al-Julaia area

a delegation from Kuwait Foreign Af-

fairs Ministry including a number of

members of the diplomatic corps to Ku-

wait on Saturday February 18, 2012.

The delegation included members of in-

ternational and territorial organizations

and their families besides Economic

Department Manager at Foreign Affairs

Ministry Ambassador Sheikh Ali Khalid

Al-Sabah who thanked KPC’s admin-

istration for organizing an open day

for the members of the diplomatic

corps to Kuwait. He gave special

“thanks” to Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid

Al-Sabah, Managing Director of

Governmental, Parliamentary, Pub-

lic and Media Relations, for the

services provided to the members

of the diplomatic corps and their

families on this day, stressing this ef-

fort reflects the cultural side of Kuwait.

He added this initiative taken by KPC

coincides with the advent of the Ku-

waiti national days which manifest the

constructional and cultural monuments

of the country in front of its visitors

from all over the world.

On their part, the members of the dip-

lomatic corps thanked the organizers of

this wonderful day from KPC, Foreign

Affairs Ministry and Information Minis-

try for their tremendous efforts put forth

to reflect the authentic Kuwait heritage.

It is noteworthy that several ambassa-

dors attended the occasion besides the

French ambassador to Kuwait Nada

Yafi, the Iraqi ambassador Mohammed

Bahr Al-Oloum and the Iranian ambas-

sador Rouhullah Qahramani.

Page 15: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s


A delegation from International Marketing Sector headed

by Mr. Yousef Khaled Al-Qanabdi, DMD of Middle Dis-

tillates Marketing, Fuel Oil and Special Products, visited

a number of international oil companies such BP, Shell,

Total, Chevron, Emirati Company and Eons Co.

The delegation included Mr. Anwar Abdullah Al-Matooq,

Manager of Middle Distillates Sales, Mr. Emad Al-Kan-

dari, Team Leader of Middle Distillates Sales Department

and Mr. Bader Al-Ali, Middle Distillates Sales Depart-

ment Representative.

The visit is aimed to consolidate the bilateral relations

with these companies besides tackling common cases and

providing future collaboration opportunities.

It is mentioned that KPC has long-term contracts of jet

fuel and diesel with BP, Shell, Chevron and Eons com-


In the same context, the delegation paid a visit to Singapore

to tackle relevant issues with officials from Indonesian

Bertamina Co and Brazilian Betrobras Co. KPC delegation

managed successfully to renew the contracts of diesel and

jet fuel with the above-mentioned two companies.

Diesel and jet fuel contract with Shell & BP renewed

The International Marketing Sector or-

ganized a farewell celebration for Mr.

Naeem Yahia Al-Mair, Technical Consul-

tant, on the occasion of ending his duty

in KPC on Thursday January 19, 2012 in

the Diwaniya of the oil complex.

The celebration was attended by senior

officials from the sector besides Mrs.

Mona Al-Obaid, Acting Managing Di-

rector of International Marketing Sector,

who thanked Al-Mair for his devoted

services to the corporation and his tan-

gible achievements in training the work-

force, monitoring quality and developing

products as well as his prominent role in

the operations of marketing, supply and

International Marketing says farewell to Naeem Al-Mair


On thier part, the colleagues of Al-Mair,

who will soon repatriate to his homeland

to work as Managing Director in Paki-

stan State Company, appraised his devo-

tion and sincerity in work hoping him

to start a new and successful life. They

further gave him souvenirs.

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O i l C u l t u r e

The editors of KPC

news chose “process-

ing oil distillates” to be

an oil culture section in this is-



It is one of the operations used

to treat the oil products as long

hydrocarbon series of these products

are shattered into shorter products. In addition, the rate

of shattering and even the final output of this operation

depend focally on temperature and the catalyst. This opera-

tion is used to produce light products such as the liquefied

gas, as well as heavy products such as gasoline.

We will spotlight in this article the first kind of cracking

which is the thermal cracking that was invented firstly by

the Russian Vladimir Shukhouv in 1891. However, this

kind of cracking was developed in 1913 by the American

William Meriam Burton.

We will underline the kinds of the thermal cracking as fol-


1-Cracking with steam

This kind of cracking is carried out in a temperature esti-

mated to 700-900 Celsius. In addition, it is used to produce

ethylene and material used as feed for the petrochemical

industries. It is a petrochemical operation in which the

long hydrocarbon compounds are cracked into short satu-

rated hydrocarbon compounds. The operation is initiated

with diluting the feed such as LPG, naphtha and ethane

with steam. After that, it is heated well in a heater without

oxygen until the temperature of 850 Celsius. The reaction

takes place very fast; however, the time of the reaction is

shortened in the modern units into millisecond if the feed

is light hydrocarbon compound such as ethane, light naph-

tha or LPG. The output of this reaction is rich with light

alkynes such as ethylene, propylene and butadiene. Yet, if

Processing the distillates and its operations

the feed is heavy hydrocarbon compounds such as heavy naph-

tha, the output of the reaction is rich with aromatic compounds.

Moreover, the output of such reaction depends basically on the

percentage of hydrocarbon to steam and the temperature of

cracking as well as the time which the substances spend inside

the heater.

Due to this reaction, coke precipitates on the walls of the reac-

tor; the matter influences negatively the efficiency of the reactor

and this leads to operating the reactor for a short time. The coke

precipitated on the reactor’s walls is eliminated through steam

or a mixture of steam and air in the heater; in addition, this leads

to converting coke into carbon monoxide and CO2.

2-Cracking viscosity

It is the moderate kind of thermal cracking in which the feed

embodied in heavy crude oil enters the thermal cracker to re-

duce ostensibly its viscosity without affecting the rate boiling.

However, it is heated up to 800-950 Celsius, after that, the op-

eration of separating the feed yields several products such as

naphtha and gasoil. This operation is aimed to reduce the vis-

cosity of the crude oil to be mixed with light oil fuel.


It is considered the sharp kind of thermal cracking as it is used

to treat the remaining heavy materials into light ones such as

gasoline and other distilled substances which are used as feed

for the cracking unit.

There are two kinds of coking as follows:

First: Postponed Coking

The feed which is reduced crude oil is pushed to the heater to be

heated up to 900-950 Fahrenheit and under pressure estimated

to 27-30 PSI. After that, the substances came out from the heater

and are pushed into two coke large drums in which the time of

reaction is long to complete the reaction; however, substances

are kept almost for 24 hours inside under pressure of 25-75 PSI

until these substances are cracked into light products and coke.

Moreover, steams come out from the top drum and enter the

fractionators to separate naphtha, gases and gasoil.

As for the hydrocarbon resulting from the bottom of the frac-

tionators, they are re-put in the heater; whereas the petroleum

coke is used in manufacturing the electrical columns.

Secondly: Continuous Coking

In this kind of coking, higher temperatures are used compared

to the first kind; in addition, the pressure reaches about 50 PSI.

Page 17: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s


Frustration is sentimental state emerges when the individ-

ual confronts tough and unbearable social and psychologi-

cal pressures lead to tension, surrender and then the feeling

of inability. We dare say consequently that frustration is an

emotional state accompanied with a feeling of failure and dis-

appointment besides several harmful feelings yield a barrier

impedes in turn the individual to satiate one of his needs or

even handle one of his problems.

Each of us brazens out several frustrations. In addition, we

withstand instant conflicts between our needs and various

goals. However, when the individual fails to surmount his

frustrations and conflicts, he fails accordingly to achieve

adjustment in his life; the matter causes frustration which is

considered one of the most important factors influence the

personal harmony of the individual. Yet, it is considered also

one of the most hazardous problems that the individual faces

in his daily life. In fact, the danger of this frustration influenc-

es negatively our behaviors and impedes our progress since

frustration may be accompanied by some negative symptoms

such as neglecting the feeling of happiness whether inside

the family atmosphere or among friends. Add to that is the

feeling of some physical harms which do not have clear rea-

son. Frustration is also escorted with disorder in sleep, losing

appetite, permanent anxiety, self-confidence and sometimes

crying without any reason as well as asphyxia.

How to treat frustration in work?

The environment of work is usually full of factors may lead to

frustration for some employees

such as the delay in approving

one’s promotion, the lack of

authority and marginality. It

may emerge due to the inability

to achieve tasks successfully. It

may also appear due to ignoring

one's demands such as salary

increments or compensations.

However, the employee should

not let frustration permeates or

Administrative Skills (5)

How to overcome frustration at workBy Ibrahim Awadh

controls him whatever the reasons lead to it. To surmount such

frustration, the following tips should be regarded:

Don’t exaggerate in allotting goals: One of the rules of allot-

ting goals necessitates imposing some difficulty in your goals

to feel the challenge. Yet, this difficulty should not be impos-

sible not to cause frustration.

Be keen on allotting an alternative plan: The lack of the

alternative plan while planning your goals is one of the key

reasons lead to frustration since the alternative plan helps over-

come obstacles may impede your progress.

Avoid blind idealism: Those who adopt closely the principle

of blind idealism can be easily frustrated as they think they live

in a Utopia – virtuous or idealistic city in English literature –

where everything is carried out precisely and honestly.

Avoid arrogance: Frustration endangers much the arrogant

people as they always believe that matters will proceed as they

have planned for them.

Finally, make frustration an oppor-

tunity for achieving success: If you

consider the frustrations you confront

as opportunities and experiences, you

will step forward successfully and

overcome your problems. There is no

absolute failure as experiences emerge

from failure. It is said that the pessimis-

tic person sees obstacles in each oppor-

tunity; whereas the optimistic one feels

the chance in each obstacle.

P a r t i c i p a t i o n s

Page 18: Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki - KPC news … · Farouq Hussein Al-Zanki Chief Executive Ofcer Dialogue with CEO I’d like to extend my congratulations to HE Oil Minister, Chairman of KPC’s


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