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KRK BAŠKA PUNAT VRBNIK NJIVICE KLIMNO DOBRINJ OMIŠALJ MALINSKA O k u s i o t o k a K r k a T a s t e s o f K r k I s l a n d OKUSI JESENI TASTES OF AUTUMN 20. 09. - 20. 10. 2019. www.krk.hr www.krk.hr/dogadanja/Krk_food_fest @KrkFoodFest

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ka Krka • Tastes of Krk Island OKUSI JESENI

TASTES OF AUTUMN20. 09. - 20. 10. 2019.




NJIVICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rivica

MALINSKA. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bracera / Malin / Noštromo

VRH. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kuća krčkog pršuta

KRK. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marina / Volsonis

PUNAT. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bocoon / Marina - 9 bofora

KLIMNO. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Slamni

VRBNIK. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vinotel Gospoja

BAŠKA. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Forza / Bag / Portić

Na otoku Krku se od 20.09.-20.10.2019. u 14 restorana održava manifestacija Krk food fest: Okusi jeseni. Krk nosi u sebi tragove antičkih vremena i bogate srednjevjekovne povijesti, a prekrasna priroda i more koje ga okružuju uz bogatu arheološku i kulturnu baštinu nude i niz gastronomskih razloga za posjetu. Uz kvarnerske škampe, kozice, školjke, muzgavce i ribe, Krk je poznat po svojoj janjetini koja pase od mora slanu aromatičnu travu, po sorti grožđa i vina Žlahtina, po Krčkom pršutu i siru, tjestenini šurlice koje na iglama za pletenje pripremaju krčke domaćice, samoniklom začinskom bilju, ekološki uzgojenom voću i povrću te maslinovom ulju iz krčkih maslinika.

Ako se tijekom jeseni nađete na Krku, imati ćete prilike probati i namirnice koje su u to doba najbolje te su inspiracija kreativnosti krčkih restoratera – lignje, vrganji, masline, grožđe, smokve, kesteni, bundeve, kruške i jabuke, pripremaju se uz ostale krčke specijalitete u slatkim i slanim varijantama.

Pašteta od pršuta / smokava i oraha / pohane masline / juha od mrkve i naranče /  juha od češnjaka / šurlice sa šumskim gljivama i pancetom / bruschette s vrganjima / mrkač na salatu sa smokvama i pomidorima /

hobotnica u umaku od maslina / grdobina u žlahtini / rižoto s vrganjima / pačja prsa s pireom od boba i umakom od borovnice / svinjski medaljoni u krem umaku od bundeve i kadulje / biftek od jelena u krusti od kakaa s restanom bučom / njoki od bundeve / torta od prhkog tijesta s mendulama i voćem / palačinke od bundeve s medom i orasima / kruške u crnom vinu – samo su dio od preko 100 specijaliteta razasutih po otoku Krku.

Organizatori manifestacije Krk food fest koja se održava na teme Okusi proljeća (10.04.-31.05) i Okusi jeseni (20.09.-20.10.2019.)  su TZ otoka Krka i sve lokalne turističke zajednice, u suradnji s poduzećem Abisal i Gastronautima.  










NJIVICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rivica

MALINSKA. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bracera / Malin / Noštromo

VRH. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kuća krčkog pršuta

KRK. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marina / Volsonis

PUNAT. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bocoon / Marina - 9 bofora

KLIMNO. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Slamni

VRBNIK. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vinotel Gospoja

BAŠKA. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Forza / Bag / Portić

Krk Food Fest: Tastes of Autumn takes place from 20 September to 20 October 2019, on the island of Krk, in 14 local restaurants. The island of Krk has trails of ancient times and rich mediaeval history. Wonderful nature and the sea embrace its rich archaeological and cultural heritage but there are a number of gastronomic reasons for a visit. Besides for Kvarner scampi, mussels, molluscs and �sh, Krk is known for its lamb coming from sheep grazing salty aromatic grass, vine and wine sort Žlahtina, Krk prosciutto, pasta “šurlice” prepared by local housewives using a knitting needle, wild herbs, ecologically grown fruit and vegetables and olive oil from local olive groves.

If you �nd yourself on the island during the autumn months, you will have a chance to taste the ingredients that are o�ering their best in that season and that inspired the creativity of Krk restaurant owners- squid, porcini mushrooms, olives, grapes, �gs, chestnuts, pumpkins, pears and apples ae prepared in sweet and savoury variations.

Prosciutto, �g and walnut pate, breaded olives, carrot and orange soup, garlic soup, “šurlice” with forest mushrooms and pancetta, bruschetta with

porcini mushrooms, octopus salad with �gs and tomatoes, octopus in olive sauce, monk�sh in žlahtina wine, porcini risotto, duck breast with broad beans and blueberry sauce, pork medallions in cream of pumpkin and sage, venison sirloin steak in cocoa crust with sautéed pumpkin, pumpkin gnocchi, shortbread cake with almonds and fruit, pumpkin pancakes with honey and walnuts, pears in red wine- these are just some of 100 specialties scattered in Krk restaurants.

Krk Food Fest event taking place from 10 April to 31 May as Tastes of Spring and from 20 September to 20 October 2019 as Tastes of Autumn is organized by The Tourist Board of the Island of Krk and all local boards in cooperation with Abisal and Gastronauts.