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SEMESTER 2/ 2012



INDEX NUMBER : 640101088853001

NO. KAD PENGENALAN : 640101088853

NO. TELEFON : 0175841695




Page 2: english comunication


Content Page

Introduction 3

1.0 Question 1: A farewell speech for a boss 4

2.0 Q2: Opening speech at PIBG Meeting 5

3.0 Q3: A speech to call for people’s donation and commitment to help the needy

and the poor in your small city 7


Reference list


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Assalamualaikum. First of all I want to thank Mr.Muhammad Yusni because he’s giving

many tips and guide for me how to do and do correctly these assingment for this

semester.In this assignment I have write three speeches .First it’s about a farewell speech

for a boss.Second about Opening speech at PIBG Meeting and the third is about A speech

to call for people’s donation and commitment to help the needy and the poor in your small

city. I hope what I wrote fulfill the question given.


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Question 1: A farewell speech for a boss

A very good morning to the General Manager of ABC Sdn Bhd, Mr Rahim Bin Ali and all the

staff of ABC Sdn Bhd. Thank you for making yourself available to this special occasion indeed a

bitter-sweet it is to us.

Ladies And Gentlemen,

It is very sad to say goodbye to Mr Rahim who is going to end his 5 years of services with our

company. I’m standing here today representing all the staff would like to express the company's

appreciation for the time Mr. Rahim has spent with us. Mr. Rahim as we know in person, has

distinguished himself as a person who always with his sense of humor at the workplace. His

work in our company has resulted in 75% sales increment for the last 3 years, which inspires

other staff in what can be achieved. He will also be remembered for his tolerant, a good leader, a

kind mentor, a trusted and caring friends and a person who always there when you need him. We

also would like to take this opportunity to thanks Mr Rahim for all his support, freedom,

appreciation and opportunities he had given to us personally and professionally.

ladies and gentleman,

I’m sure everyone here already knows that Mr Rahim will be leaving for Intell Sdn Bhd, a well

known multinational company which are all of us hope to be in. with this opportunity we would

like to congratulate him for being offered to be the man behind the big name. We are sure a

greater, better and bigger things are awaiting for Mr. Rahim. After all of us have seen what Mr.

Rahim has done to our company no doubt that Intell Sdn Bhd had made a right choice. I believe

all of us here agree that Mr Rahim will be able to perform much better there. While he has

putting in some amazing ideas that will stay after he leaves, it will be a challenge to fill that hole.

Nonetheless, after being guided by Mr Rahim for several years, I’m sure we can soldier on.

Last but not least, we would like to wish Mr Rahim a very best of luck at the new place, may

god bless him always, thank you.


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Q2: Opening speech at PIBG Meeting

Asssalamualaikum and a very good morning to the honorable Chairman of PIBG SK Taman

Indah Mr. Ali bin Fuad, The vice chairman Mr. Firdaus bin Abu, parents, teachers and all the

members of the floor. Welcome to our annual PIBG meeting and thank you for being here today.

May all agendas that we had planned earlier will be carried out successfully.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The PIBG annual meeting is a yearly program that every school needs to do in order to discuss

the performance of the students as well as to let the parents know the progress of the school

academically and co-curriculum activity. Today also, parents can voice out their concern about

the school and discuss its solution. There are five issues that have been brought up earlier and we

have put it in the agenda. Hopefully we are able to make a wise decision on these five issues for

the sake of the students of SK Taman Indah. The election of the new committee members also

will be carried out so that parents can channel their concern through the representatives that has

been elected. Today also is the day where parents and teachers sit together and discus the

progress of their children.

Members of the floor,

SK Taman Indah had been awarded as ‘ Sekolah Harapan 2012’ by the Perak Utara Education

District Office recently. The recognition was achieved through the last UPSR result where we

successfully achieved 100% passes with 20 out of 40 students get 4A’s. This was a tremendous

achievement for the past 5 years. I am so much thankful to everybody from students, teachers,

parents and families at home and even all the support staffs for putting in so much effort,

sacrificing their time and money to ensure the success of the students and grace to God, all the

efforts is paid off. And I am sure enough this success also is a result of strong cooperation and

commitments between parents and teachers. In another hand, the co-curriculum activity also was

not left behind. The school football and netball team last year was the champion at the district

level and secured the second place at the state level. The players are looking forward and


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working very hard to be the state champion this year. Therefore a strong cooperation and effort

from both sides are so much needed to achieve this dream.

Parents and teachers,

Since there is a lot more agenda to go through, I ‘m not going to further up my speech. With this

opportunity, once again I would like to thank everybody for being here. May what we discus

today will benefit the students of SK Taman Indah. Thank you.


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Q3: A speech to call for people’s donation and commitment to help the needy and the poor

in your small city

A very good morning to our guest of honor, the Assemblyman of Parit, YB Abu bin Ali and

everyone members of the floor. First of all, thank you so much for being here. May what will I

deliver later will get your attention and thus the objective of today’s gathering will be achieved. I

am standing here today as a concern citizen of our city would like to call for every body’s

commitment in helping the needy and poor people in our city.

Ladies and gentlemen,

If you happen to pass by the Jalan Maarof and its area you will notice a very old man pushing his

cart collecting empty boxes and other recycable material. This man known as Pak Kasim believe

to be in his 70’s will sell his collectable thing and with this money he make his living. He does

not have any family for he never married. Next, everyday at around 3.00 o clock in the evening,

at Jalan Sekolah towards the Jalan Kampung, you will always noticed two primary school

siblings, still walking down the road going home from school. Aiman and his sister Siti, is

walking from and to the school every day for 10km. They will start their journey as early as 6.15

am to reach school before the bell. Aiman and Siti is leaving with their mother and they can’t

afford for the school bus or van’s fee. While their friends happily hope in to the school busses

they just walk helplessly, accepting the fate of their life.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Pak Kasim, Aiman and Siti is the example of people that we as a caring society need to do

something to help them to live in a better life. There is a few more out there. I believe it is time

for us, to fulfill our social responsibilities help this needy and poor people. After all if we the

society do not care, who else would care for them. I’m sure we don’t have the heart to just look

at them without doing anything.

Members of the floor,


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We have team up a group of caring citizen, in order to carry out activities that can help this

needy people. We would like to call for everybody’s cooperation and commitment to contribute

whatever you can so that we can pass it to them. We are accepting any kind of contributions

whether in form of money, clothes, foods and anything that suitable to this needy. For today’s

event, we are organizing fund raising activities, such as selling artist’s belonging. We specially

invited a few artists to our city to help us today. Next we are going to have a ‘cook for hunger’

event, where we will distribute the food cooked to the specially invited needy and poor people.

There will be a lot more activities will be carried out throughout the day.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Lastly, once again, I really hope that we as a caring society will fulfill our social responsibilities

in helping those needy and poor people in our city.


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References list

Golebiowsk, G. (1990). Getting students to talk, Prentice Hall

Ng Keat Siew et al (2001). Study skills for the MUET.Kuala Lumpur.Federal Publication.

S.Sivagnanachelvi,Dr.Chong Poh Wan,Chua Eok Keng,Cin Norazlina Mohamad (2011).

English for Oral Speaking .Selangor.Meteor Doc Sdn.Bhd.