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  • 7/30/2019 English Times 2013



    J A W A P A N b o

    l e h d i d a p a

    t i d i l a m a n w e

    b w w w . a

    f t e r s c

    h o o

    l . m y

    English Analysis


    Paper Sec ion 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    P A P E R 1

    A Direc ed Wri ing Ar icle Repor In ormal leter alk In ormal leter

    B Con inuous wri ing

    Descrip ive/Narra ive

    Descrip ive/Narra ive Descrip ive Descrip ive Descrip ive

    Argumen a ive Argumen a ive Argumen a ive Argumen a ive DiscussionRe ec ive Re ec ive Re ec ive Re ec ive Re ec ive

    Narra ive Narra ive Narra ive Narra ive Narra iveDescrip ive/

    Narra iveDescrip ive/

    Narra iveDescrip ive/

    Narra iveDescrip ive/

    Narra ive Descrip ive/Narra ive

    P A P E R 2


    Adver isemen - 1 1 1 1Char s, ables &

    Graphs 2 1 - 1

    Comic s rips,Maps & Pic ures 2 1 2 - 1

    Shor ex s 4 5 5 4 4No ices & Signs - - - 2 2

    B In orma ionrans er

    Shor passage Book review Pos er Pos er Descrip ive

    able & ques ion able & Ques ionGraphicOrganiserGraphic

    Organiser able

    C Comprehension& Summary Narra ive Narra ive Descrip ive Narra ive Narra ive


    Poem I Monsoon His ory Teres Beena Dea h inhe Opposi e


    In he Mids o Hardship Na ure

    Shor S ory Te SoundMachine Te NecklaceTe Drovers

    Wi e - -

    Novel Ending o he

    s ory

    Di cul decisionmade by acharac er

    Impor aninciden in he

    s ory

    Favouri e par o

    he s ory

    Par o he s ory ha

    make hem angry

  • 7/30/2019 English Times 2013




    b ol eh

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    English Paper 1 [1119/1]

    ime: One hour and or y- ve minu esTis ques ion paper consis s o wo sec ions : Sec ion A and Sec ion B. Answer bo h sec ions. You are advised o

    minu es on Sec ion A and one hour on Sec ion B.

    Section A: Directed Writing(35 marks)

    As he head o he S uden s Disciplinary Board, you are very concerned over he increasing number o complain s led by sabou hose who are involved in gangs erism in schools. Wri e anarticle or your school newsleter on how o preven gangs erism inschools.

    Use he no es below o wri e yourarticle.

    motivatio al talks campaig s

    recreatio al activities weeke d activities commu ity work close mo itori g by teachers regular spot checks cou selli g sessio s peer observatio es harsh pu ishme t rewards

    When wri ing hearticle , you should remember:

    to give it a suitable title

    to mention the writers name

    to useall he no es given

    that your readers are mainly students

    No e:For your ar icle, you will receive up o15 marks or he orma and con en poin s, and up o20 marks or he quali y o your wri ing.

  • 7/30/2019 English Times 2013



    J A W A P A N b o

    l e h d i d a p a

    t i d i l a m a n w e

    b w w w . a

    f t e r s c

    h o o

    l . m y

    Section B: Continuous Writing(50 marks)

    Wri e a composi ion o abou 350 words on one o he ollowing opics.

    1 Describe a school ac ivi y ha you have par icipa ed in.

    2 ui ion is i really necessary? Discuss.

    3 Wri e a s ory ending wi h Wai or me! Im coming oo.

    4 Libraries no longer have a place in socie y.

    5 radi ions


  • 7/30/2019 English Times 2013




    b ol eh

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    a p at i d i l am


    e b www

    . af t er s ch

    o ol .m


    English Paper 2 [1119/2]

    ime: wo hours and een minu esTe ques ion paper consis s o our sec ions: Sec ion A. Sec ion B, Sec ion C and Sec ion D. Answer all sec io

    ques ion paper. Ques ions in Sec ion A have our op ions.

    1 Te mos sui able i le or he ips above isA Beware o S rangersB Keeping Your Cash Sa eC How o Use Public ransporD Pro ec ing Yoursel rom Pickpocke s

    2 According o he adver isemen , Deligh sA prepares heir own breadB has che s rom ve diferen coun riesC charges RM25 or each pla e o burgerD impor he paties rom ve diferen coun ries

    Section A (15 marks)

    Excite your taste buds with Delights se satio al choiceof burgers. Our chefs have prepared ve variatio s ofburger om the U ited States, Australia, Mexico, Germa ya d the U ited Ki gdom. All burgers are served withhomemade bread. Each burger pa y is prepared usi gseaso i g u ique to the cou try of origi .

    Prices ra ge om RM25 to RM35 per plate

    3 Te poem probably describesA a messy classroomB an un idy bedroomC a chao ic living roomD a clutered dining room

    4 Wha is he purpose o he no ice?A o warn he public abou he dangers o reB o warn he public abou po en ial re hazardsC o remind he public wha o do in case o a reD o in orm he public abou re preven ion me hods

    His sweaters bee throw o the oor, His scarf a d o e ski are be eath the TV, A d his pa ts have bee carelessly hu g o the door. His books are all jammed i the closet, His vest has bee le i the hall. A lizard amed Ed is asleep i his bed, A d his smelly old sock has bee stuck to the wall.

    Extract om aShel Silverstei poem

    FIRE KILLS: PREVEnT IT Be Prepared To Face


    E sure that your family is prepared a d k ows theescape route i case of a re

    REMEMBER 994


    Sli g your bag i o t of you so that youca keep a eye o it. Also make sure thatit is properly faste ed or zipped up.

    Do ot leave ha dbag i a shoppi gbasket or trolley.

    Check your wallet or ha dbag immediatelyif someo e jostles or bumps i to you.

    Do ot doze o i the bus or trai a dleave your belo gi gs u a e ded.

  • 7/30/2019 English Times 2013



    J A W A P A N b o

    l e h d i d a p a

    t i d i l a m a n w e

    b w w w . a

    f t e r s c

    h o o

    l . m y

    5 Which o he ollowing is rue abou he joke?A he boy answered he eacher correc ly B he eacher did no unders and he boys answerC he eacher was revising some Ma hema ics symbolsD he eacher was rying o each he s uden s how o opera e

    a DVD player

    6 igers are diferen rom one ano her as

    A heir body shape and size difer grea ly B hey have s ripes on he sides o heir body C he colour o heir s ripes difers in in ensi y D he s ripes on he sides o heir body do no orm he same


    7 From he ex rac , we know haA a s in all chocola es are choles erol reeB ea ing chocola e can make someone eel less depressedC cocoa powder is he highes na ural source or magnesiumD calcium in cocoa powder will worsen he hyper ension

    pa ien s

    While reviewi g Math symbols with my Form 1stude ts, I drew a greater-tha (>) a d a less-tha(

  • 7/30/2019 English Times 2013




    b ol eh

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    e b www

    . af t er s ch

    o ol .m


    Section B(10 marks)

    Read he ollowing in orma ion on he diferen ares and answer he ques ions ha ollow.

    Ques ion 16 - 25Using he in orma ion given, wri e he mos appropria e ares in he boxes below

    Ques ions 21 25Comple e he sen ences below using he in orma ion given.

    21 Joshua pays RM2 650 or a one-way icke o Guangzhou because ______________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

    22 Marilyn paid RM149 or a one-way icke o Brisbane bu shemus ravel ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

    23 Te ares adver ised exclude _______________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

    24 om canno ge an ofer icke o Per h or Chris mas because ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

    25 When Ana visi s her pen-pal in Manila, she pays ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

    Folksairli es.com Fly om KL to Brisba e/Perth

    From RM149 o e way! Everyday low fares!

    I ter atio al

    Ho g Ko g RM2 200 ow om RM99 o e wayGua gzhou RM2 650 ow om RM149 o e waySha ghai RM3 709 ow om RM149 o e way

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book early. Book o li e. no refu ds.

    Booki g period: 9 to 22 Ju e 2013Travel Period:

    Perth a d Brisba e 1 november 2013 to 30 April 2014Other desti atio s 15 July to 14 October 2014

    e above eco omy fares exclude fuel surcharge i sura ce levy, airport tax a d other applicable charges. Low fares are ot available duri g peak periods. Terms a d co ditio s apply.

    > >> >

    > >


    ASEAN Jakarta RM1 279 ow om RM50 o e way

    Ma ila RM1 375 ow om RM10 o e wayPhuket RM747 ow om RM50 o e wayHa oi RM2 200 ow om RM99 o e way

    Description One-Way Fare16. May May and her paren s aregoing o Hong Kong or a holiday.How much mus hey pay?


    17. Minh Ho wan s o buy a icke oHanoi


    18. Rahim wan s o buy a icke oPer h


    19. Ari wan s o buy a icke o Phuke From20. Sassy wan s o go o Shanghai From

  • 7/30/2019 English Times 2013



    J A W A P A N b o

    l e h d i d a p a

    t i d i l a m a n w e

    b w w w . a

    f t e r s c

    h o o

    l . m y

    Section C(25 marks)

    1 odays you h will be omorrows leader. Bu he scenario o odays you h is a dismal one ashey are plagued wi h so many social ills.

    2 Firs ly, wha are he social ills? An alarming large number o you hs are involved in smoking,aking drugs and alcoholism. Many you hs are des roying heir u ure because hey are under he

    in uence o drugs and alcohol. Drink-driving, reckless driving and illegal racing have becomepopular pas imes or you hs. AIDS and HIV are diseases ha have sur aced wi h drug abuse. Young

    eenagers like o roam he ci y s ree s, especially a nigh . In school, hey play ruan and skip classesand are disrup ive. Tey pre er o loi er around shopping complexes ins ead o s udying. eenagersunder peer pressure also vandalise public proper y in order o gain accep ance o heir peers. Tey

    orm gangs and ake par in violen gh s and criminal ac ivi ies. Tese are he various social ills haare plaguing he you hs.

    3 Wha are he causes o his dreary si ua ion? One o he ac ors responsible or he rise o ills among young children is paren s. Paren s play a pivo al role in he raising o heir children and

    moulding heir charac ers. However, due o he pursui o ma erial weal h and career advancemen ,paren s have made heir children eel neglec ed and unloved. You hs hen urn o heir riends ands ar o misbehave in order o ge heir paren s aten ion.

    4 Te de eriora ing discipline in schools is a con ribu ing ac or. Schools are given limi edpower o wield he cane and me e ou punishmen o erran s uden s. Schools have also becoming boring o many s uden s. Tey nd playing ruan more in eres ing. Besides, he school curriculumdoes no pu equal emphasis on ins illing moral and religious principles as well as nur uring hein ellec .

    5 Many children run away rom pover y, broken amilies and abusive paren s. An alarmingnumber o you hs are physically and men ally abused by heir paren s. Mari al disharmony due odivorce, unemploymen and nancial problems con ribu es o amily breaks-up and he childrenend up eeling los and unloved. Tey leave he house and mix wi h he bad ha s.

    6 Some hing mus be done as or our you hs will ruin heir u ure and become a des ruc iveac or ha will undermine na ion building. Paren s play a crucial role in bringing up heir children.

    Tere should be communica ion be ween children and paren s. Paren s should keep rack o heirchildrens riends and heir movemen s. Daily discussions abou schools, checking heir exercise books and going on holiday oge her will go a long way in crea ing a s rong emo ional bond be weenchildren and heir paren s.

    7 Schools should play more caring role oo. eachers and counsellors play an impor an role ineaching discipline and impar ing knowledge. Tey should collabora e wi h heir s uden s paren s

    and le he paren s know i heir children misbehave, play ruan or have problems. Coopera ion be ween schools and paren s is impor an o overcome many disciplinary problems. Tey shouldins il religious and moral values in you hs so ha hey can hink ra ionally and evalua e heir ac ions

    correc ly.8 Te governmen also play an efec ive role in curbing social ills. Te seting up Rakan

    Muda camps, summer camps and mo iva ional camps can each you hs o be independen andcons ruc ive and encourage eam spiri . Tese will con ribu e o mul iracial in egra ion and uni y. A disciplined socie y can con ribu e o he developmen o he na ure.

    9 o pu i in a nu shell, he you hs o oday have o s and up, hold hands wi h o her you hs andrise o he challenge o becoming more produc ive and use ul ci izens.









    Questions 26 -31 are based on he ollowing passage.

  • 7/30/2019 English Times 2013




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    26 From paragraph 2,(a) s a eone social ill hose you hs involved in.

    __________________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

    (b) s a eone disease associa ed wi h drug abuse.__________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    27 From paragraph 3, givetwo reasons why paren s neglec heir children.

    Reason 1: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)Reason 2: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    28 From paragraph 4, givetwo reasons why are schools become boring o many s uden s.

    Reason 1: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    Reason 2: ______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    29 From paragraph 5,

    (a) whichphrase has he same meaning as escape?__________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    (b) whichphrase ells you ha people who delibera ely s ir up problems?__________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    30 From paragraph 7,

    (a) de ne he role o school counsellors.__________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    (b) explain why i is good or coopera ion be ween schools and paren s.

    __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    31 Based on he passage given, wri e asummary o : social ills face by todays youths the role of parents and schools to help the youths

    Credi will be given or use o own words bu care mus be aken no o change he original meaning.

    Your summary mus : be in continuous writing form (not in note form) use materialsfrom line 3 to line 37 not be longer than130 words, including the 10 wordsgiven below

    Begin your summary as ollows:

    odays youths are plagued with so many social ills which

    (15 marks)

  • 7/30/2019 English Times 2013



    J A W A P A N b o

    l e h d i d a p a

    t i d i l a m a n w e

    b w w w . a

    f t e r s c

    h o o

    l . m y

    Section D(20 marks)

    32 Read he poem below and answer he ques ions ha ollow.

    Are you still playi g your ute?Whe there is hardly time for our love I am feeli g guiltyTo be lo gi g for your so g

    e melody co cealed i the slim hollow of the bambooU covered by the breath of a artist Composed by his gers Blow by the wi d To the depth of my heart

    Are you still playi g your ute? I the village so quiet a d deserted Amidst the sick rice eld While here it has become a luxuryTo spe d time watchi g the raiGazi g at the eve i g raysCollecti g dew drops

    Or e joyi g the agra ce of owers Are you still playi g your ute?

    e more it disturbs my co scie ceto be thi ki g of youi the hazard of youmy you ger brothers u employed a d desperatemy people disu ited by politicsmy ie ds slaughtered mercilesslythus world is too old a d bleedi g

    Zuri ah Hassa

    (a) Which phrase in s anza 1 re ers o he u e?

    _________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)(b) In s anza 1,

    (i) wha is hidden in he u e?_______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    (ii) who uncovers i ?_______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    (c) Wha do you hink is a luxury or you as a s uden ? Give a reason o suppor your answer.Luxury: ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    Reason: ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

    33 Te ollowing are he novels s udied in he li era ure componen in English Language.

    Te Curse - Lee Su Ann

    Step By Wicked Step- Anne Fine

    Catch Us If You Can- Ca herine MacPhail

    Choose any one o he novels above and answer he ques ion below.

    Based on he novel ha you have read, describe an elemen o love ha is shown in he novel.Suppor your answer wi h close re erence rom he ex .

    (15 marks)


  • 7/30/2019 English Times 2013



    English Jawapan

    Eng ish Paper 1

    Section A: Directed writingFormat - title 1 mark

    Name of writer 1 mark Paragraph 1 mark

    Content - include all the points given 12 marks

    Language - 20 marks_______

    TOTAl 35 marks

    Section B: Continuous WritingImpression marking - 50 marks

  • 7/30/2019 English Times 2013



    Eng ish Paper 2

    Section A 1 D 9 C2 A 10 A

    3 B 11 A 4 C 12 B5 C 13 A 6 D 14 D7 B 15 C8 A

    Section B16 RM 297 21 he is travelling during a peak period17 RM99 22 between 1 November 2013 and 30 April 201418 RM149 23 fuel surcharge, insurance levy, airport tax and other

    applicable charges

    19 RM 50 24 the fares on o er are not available during peak periods20 RM 149 25 RM 100 for a one-way ticket

    Section C26 (a) smoking/ taking drugs/ alcoholism/ drink-driving/ illegal rcing/ reckless driving (choose any one)

    (b) AIDS/ HIV (choose any one)

    27 Reason 1: pursuit of material wealthReason 2: busy themselves with career advancement

    28 Reason 1: school curriculum does not put equal emphasis on instilling moral and Religious principlesReason 2: school curriculum does not fully nurture the intellect of students

    29 (a) run away

    (b) bad hats

    30 (a) they play an important in teaching discipline and imparting knowledge/they collaborate with their students parents and let the parents know if their children misb

    problems in school

    (b) it is good to overcome many disciplinary problems

  • 7/30/2019 English Times 2013



    31 Summary pointsa) smoking, taking drugs. alcoholismb) drink-driving, reckless driving, illegal racingc) Aids and HIV

    d) playing truant, vandalism, loiter arounde) should be communication between parents and childrenf) parents should keep track of their childrens friends and their movement

    g) should have daily discussion about school and checking their exercise booksh) going on holidays togetheri) teachers and counsellors should teach discipline and impart knowledgej) teachers should collaborate with childrens parents inform them if their children misbehave, play

    k) cooperation between teachers and parents to overcome many disciplinary problemsl) both parents and teachers should instil religious and moral values in children

    *maximum 10 points for content and 5 marks for language

    Section D

    32 (a) slim hollow of the banboo

    (b) (i) the melody (ii) an artist/ the personas beloved

    (c) Luxury: accept any logical answer and reasonReason:

    33 Content - 10 marksLanguage - 5 marks