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  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx


    ContentsHarassment At Workplace........................................................................................................................... 2

    Introduction:............................................................................................................................................ 2


    Research Obecti!es:............................................................................................................................... 3

    Research "uestion:..................................................................................................................................3

    #ariables:................................................................................................................................................. $

    %iterature Re!ie&........................................................................................................................................'

    (ethodolog)............................................................................................................................................... *

    +indings , Anal)sis................................................................................................................................. .--

    orrelation and %inear Regression....................................................................................................... .-/

    Recommendation , onclusion................................................................................................................23

    01ecuti!e Summar)...................................................................................................................................2$



  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx



    Harassment at Workplace


    he &ord harassment comes from +rench &ord harassement &hich means torment anno)ance

     bother trouble. 4&&&.&ikipedia.org5

    Women are being harassed e!en &hen there &as no a term for it. Women encounter different

    t)pes of harassment beha!iors &hen the) oin the &orkplace. here is no uni!ersal definition of 

    harassment. Some defines the harassment is se1ual in nature. While other e1plains it as offensi!e

    &orkplace situations that are based on their race class incapacit) se1ual orientation language

    staring se1uall) suggesti!e motions e1tortion and hooting.

    hese t)pes of beha!ior &ere not named until -*67s. he &omen of 8nited States raised !oice

    against these beha!iors and re9uested to ackno&ledge such acti!ities as se1 discrimination at

    national le!el.

     Intimidation at &orkplace should not be mi1ed &ith recommendation or guidance on the &ork

     performance of an indi!idual or group. Ad!ises or recommendations on &ork performance are

    differ from harassment because feedback or ad!ise are intended to guide emplo)ees to enhance

    his or her skills related to &ork.4Wiliams (aintaining a harassment free &orkplace / februar)



    he forms of se1ual harassment along &ith some e1amples are described belo&.

    -. h)sical conduct: it includes ph)sical !iolence contact such as touching or pinching etc

     ob related threats to attain se1ual fa!ors.

    2. #erbal conduct: it includes comments about &orker;s appearance age personal life andse1ual okes or stories repeated in!itation for lunch dinner etc.

    3. . 4277'5.


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    At global le!el there is increasing reali?ation of the e1istence and intensit) of &orkplaceharassment. At international le!el both public and pri!ate sectors ha!e established la&s and

     policies to make &orkplace free of harassment. he) are establishing such rules and regulations

    to pre!ent and combat &orkplace harassment.

    he importance of our research is an attempt to assess the degree of &orkplace harassment in

    akistan and e!aluating &omen;s e1perience of harassment at the &orkplace of akistan.

    Research Objectives:

    Although the issue of &orkplace harassment has been ackno&ledged internationall) )et in

    akistan Harassment has not been addressed seriousl). Workplace harassment is a phenomenon

    that is spreading continuousl) &ith time in akistan. he follo&ing are main intentions of our 


    • o scrutini?e the le!el of &orkplace harassment that &omen face.

    • o get familiarit) &ith the forms and aspects of &orkplace harassment.

    • o &hat e1tent the act 27-7 against &omen harassment in an organi?ation has been


    o kno& the le!el of understanding of a &omen about their contribution in raising their !oice

    against harassment.

    Research Question:

    he rationale of this stud) is to understand of the current &orkplace harassment phenomenon in

    the akistan. recisel) it e1amines the rate of incidences of &orkplace harassment as &ell as

    seeks the potential reasons that could lead to &orkplace harassment beha!iors.

    Our research 9uestion for this paper is ho& common is harassment in akistan &orkplace as &ell

    as ho& much respondent is familiar about akistani act 27-7 against se1ual harassment@


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    We use nine !ariables for our research stud). #ariables are as follo&s

    -. Harassment

    2. rie!ance polic) , procedure 4complain polic)53. o&er Influence

    $. Working 0n!ironment

    '. Age

    B. 0ducation %e!el6. Income

    /. (arital Status

    *. Cob Status

    Harassment is dependent !ariable grie!ance polic) , procedure 4complain polic)5 po&er

    influence and &orking en!ironment are independent !ariables. We use age education le!elincome marital status and ob status as control !ariables.

    1. Harassment:

    Harassment is used as a tool to effect the subordination of &omen. Workplace harassment is an)

    improper and un&elcome beha!ior or attitude b) male staff members to humiliate female staff

    member or group.

    2. Grievance policy & procedure (complain policy):

    8nder this !ariable &e &ant to stud) &hat and &hich procedures are established in the

    organi?ation to cater this issue. o &hat e1tent females are informed about act 27-7 and

    &hether the organi?ation takes complaints seriousl) regarding harassment.

    In this stud) &e also seek that ho& much respondent can trust in the grie!ance polic) and

     process of an organi?ation to file harassment complaint. As a&areness of &orkplace

    harassment has escalated it has become ob!ious that the problem is relati!el) increasing

    e!en in akistan. Some organi?ations do not ha!e harassment policies &hile some ha!e !ague

    complaint procedures to tackle &ith harassment. he ne&spapers and electronic media e1pose

    harassment at &orkplace. Deeping in !ie& the recent and past incidents akistan has

    established harassment la& in 27-7 named as Ehe rotection against Harassment of Women

    at he Workplace Act 27-7F.


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    3. Poer !n"luence:

    It entails that misuse of a position of influence po&er or authorit) b) a boss or co&orker against

    female emplo)ees. his is serious &hen the men in authorit) use his po&er to influence the

    career or emplo)ment of female staff member. It includes the use of intimidation threats

     blackmail or coercion. (ale staffs ha!e recentl) gained po&er of authorit) ma) also harass female

    subordinates to pro!e their masculine po&er.

    #. $or%in Environment:

    It is considered as another significant !ariable. It entails that ho& much the poor &orking

    en!ironment causes or emboldens harassment.

    A boss or co&orker is mistreated and humiliated fello& female &orkers b) repeated negati!e

    acts like !erbal abuse offensi!e language or the continuousl) degrading of her &ork or male

    &orkers are in!ol!ed in non=&ork acti!ities these beha!iors or acti!ities &ithin a &orkplace

     produces an en!ironment that is difficult for female &orker to &ork.

    '. Control ariales:

    o see the demographics of respondents and their possible relationship &ith harassment &e take

    control !ariables &hich include age 9ualification marital status and income and ob status of


    iterature Revie!

    he dilemma of &orkplace harassment is faced b) emplo)ees all o!er the &orld though there

    &as not considerable research conducted till -*67;s. (ostl) &estern countries ha!e done a lot of 

    research on this issue. 4rocker , Dalemba -***5. %ittle &ork has been done in broad 4 %ui

    -**BWilliams 277B5 de!eloping countries like akistan , (ala)sia etc. Se1ual harassment

    includes both men and &omen ho&e!er mostl) females are !ictims of harassment and mostl)

    males are part of harassers.4erpstra, ook -*/'5. roblem has e1isted man) decades ago

    &hen e!en there &as no familiarit) &ith the term harassment research on this issue has initiated


  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx


    in -*67s. he main difficult) faced b) researcher in in!estigating this issue has been the lack of 

    a&areness that &hat beha!ior actuall) constitute harassment and the situations under &hich the)

    are obser!e to do so 4 Anila,

  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx


    $or%in Environment:

    We found the relationship of &orking en!ironment &ith the occurrence of harassment incidents.

    Intimidating &ork en!ironments is the t)pe that e1ists in both public and pri!ate sectors.

    4Adams -**2a bG %e)mann -**7G Wilson -**-5.

     Studies has sho&ed that those organi?ations &hich are more people oriented than ob oriented

    face more incident of &orkplace harassment 4 Hand) 277B5 International research report that

    se1ual harassment emerge in a e1tensi!e !ariet) at &orkplace setting 40llis et al. -**-G (cabe

    and Hardman 277'5.

    Hence from the abo!e mentioned literature &e de!eloped our H)pothesisH1 that:

    1. Poor/Hostile working environment are more likely to cause incidents of harassment.

    Poer !n"luence:

    According to organi?ational model inherent opportunities and the po&er of position gi!e rise to a

    &orking en!ironment that enables harassment e!ents to happen. his simpl) means that persons

    &ith authorit) or po&er in an) organi?ation force se1ual satisfaction from others. Similarl)

    sociocultural model points out se1ual harassment to the leading spot of men as compared to

    &omen in terms of monetar) and political po&er. hus &omen &ho ha!e less authorit) and

    control are more likel) to be harassed. 4(ohdonald et al. 277/5.

    At &orkplaces !erbal harassment seems less threatening than harassment relating ph)sical

    contact that de!elops en!ironment as male dominated en!ironment that reinforce harassment in

    sociall) acceptable &a)s 4le!eland et al. 277'G hornton 27725.

    +rom this &e de!eloped our second h)pothesis H2 &hich relates to po&er influence:

    2. Women employees with less power and authority are more likely to experience



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    o&er influence !ariable is characteri?ed b) threats re&ard or promotion b) fulfilling immoral

    demand and degrade at &ork due to not fulfilling boss demand.

    Grievance policy & Procedure:

    Workplace harassment la&s offer legal reimbursement for people &ho ha!e been harassed and

    hold criminals or emplo)ers responsible in court 4ippel 277B5. Ho&e!er the &orkplace setting

    offers man) rules and norms that actuall) shape the &a)s in &hich organi?ational polic) makers

    figure out and appl) organi?ational polic) 4ahill277-5. he details of &orkplace harassment

     polic) depends upon the nature si?e and place of the organi?ation and there are no uni!ersall)

    accepted measures for implementing them 4(cann 277'5.Organi?ational grie!ance measures

    are the mostl) used to legislate the emplo)ee related policies 4aula (c>onald 27-25.

    One stud) reported that presence of grie!ance polic) and procedure in an) organi?ation report a

    lo&er rate of harassment incidents 4 (ohd

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    tudy ettin:

    Our stud) setting is non=contri!ed because &e are not stud)ing the beha!ior of the emplo)ee

    through lab e1periment &e are ust stud)ing the beha!ior of the emplo)ees on the field.


    he design for the research is ross Sectional and then 9uantitati!e anal)sis. ) using this

    method &e ha!e produced accurate results and ensured their !alidit).


    +emale emplo)ees &orking in different organi?ations are the population for our research as &e

    are focusing on harassment at &orkplaces.

    ample ie:

    Our sample si?e is comprised of a total number 27B of emplo)ees &orking in different

    organi?ations. he sample si?e is a proportionate representation of female emplo)ees from

    !arious departments. It comprises a good mi1 field e1perience 9ualification and nature of &ork.

    amplin Procedure:

    We used con!enient sampling assuring upon the a!ailabilit) and consent of emplo)ees at &ork

     place meeting in organi?ations and our sample criterion.

    ata Collection & 4nit o" -nalysis:

    >ata &as collected b) personall) !isiting the different organi?ations and unit of anal)sis &ere

    female emplo)ees as &e need to assess the occurrence of female harassment at &orkplaces.

    0esearc, +ool:

    he data for this research &as collected b) 9uestionnaire sur!e). We got filled out our

    9uestionnaires from female emplo)ees &orking at different le!els in the organi?ation and

    department to get optimum information to complete our research effecti!el) and efficientl).


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    ata -nalysis:

    >ata anal)sis is done b) using different anal)sis on 01cel , SSS.


    he scope of the research is limited to emplo)ees &orking in akistani ompanies.

    Et,ical !ssues:

    In the &hole process of conducting this stud) the respondents are assured for their secrec)

    confidentialit) of the data and the use of results etc.

    Procedure o" developin 6uestionnaire:

    he 9uestionnaire consists of three independent !ariables 4Working en!ironment o&er

    influence , rie!ance polic) , procedure5 one dependent !ariable 4Harassment5 and

    demographic of the respondents 4age 9ualification income ob status , marital status5 &hich

    assessed the harassment e1perience at &orkplaces. +ollo&ing sources &ere used to de!elop the


    K Research obecti!es &ere focused before de!eloping 9uestionnaire.

    K oncepts &ere taken from Secondar) Sources i.e. ooks Websites and Articles etc.

    K Simple and precise 9uestions &ere de!eloped.

    K "uestions &ere de!eloped keeping in !ie& the le!el of AudienceLRespondents.

    %iker scales &ere used to measure the e1tent of harassment and its relationship &ith other

    !ariables. ontrol !ariables &ere measured through follo&ing scale:


    We measure age b) se!en categories coded b) - to 6. he range of each categor) is B )ears. Our

    first categor) is 27=2' )ears coded as - &hile our last categor) is '7 , abo!e coded as 6.

    Education 5evel:


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    We use si1 categories from (etric to 8ni!ersit) degree holderG start coded as - to B.


    We classif) this !ariable in se!en groups. 0ach group has difference of -7777 rupees. +irst

    group i.e.-7 777=27777 is coded as - &hereas last group i.e. /7777 , abo!e is coded as 6.

    7arital tatus:

    8nder this !ariable &e code single as - married as 2 &ido& as 3 and di!orced Lseparated as $.

    8o tatus

    We use fi!e heading for this !ariable &orker coded as - customer sale representati!e coded as 2

    manager as 3 consultant as $ and other as '.

    $indings % &nal#sis

    In our proect &e ha!e tried to portra) the feedback of respondents through the Statistical tables

    and ie chart &here the 9uestionnaire &as carried out on 277M people throughout the course of 

    the &eeks. o suit the age group starting from 27 to '7 )ears abo!e different educational le!els

    ranging from metric to degree holder and occupation from different le!els including Ser!ices

    sectors 0ducation Retail chain stores marital status etc. he results of this 9uestionnaire aredispla)ed belo& &ith the 9uestions &hich felt &ere most related to our stud) of harassment at

    &ork place being anal)?ed and displa)ed in charts.


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    As far as our proect is concerned &e took 27B respondents as sample from population and noone has missing an) sort of information &hile filling the 9uestionnaire. he s)mmetr) of data

    can be seen for !ariables the data is more concentrated in bet&een - to 3 percent. While the

    dispersion is depicting multiple !alues sho&ing data is non=s)mmetric. Huge !ariance in

    opinions can be seen for age income education and ob status seems more di!erse !ie& pointco!er &hile data collection strengthen the argument of ha!ing true representati!e of population.

    So &e conclude from abo!e that our data is e9uall) concentrated sho&ing s)mmetr) also

    reasonable dispersion of the data &ithout ha!ing an) outliers in data.

    Control ariales -nalysis



     <#alid 27B 27B 27B 27B 27B

    (issing 7 7 7 7 7(ean 2.2- 3./B 2.$' -.3B 2.'*

    (edian -.77 $.77 2.77 -.77 2.77

    (ode - 3 - - -



    -.B'B -.$3' -.B*/ .'3/ -.B63

    #ariance 2.6$2 2.7'* 2.//3 .2*7 2.6**

    Range B ' B 3 $

    (inimum - - - - -

    (a1imum 6 B 6 $ '


    +re9uenc) ercent #alid ercent umulati!e



    - -7* '2.* '2.* '2.*

    2 3$ -B.' -B.' B*.$

    3 2- -7.2 -7.2 6*.B

    $ -3 B.3 B.3 /'.*

    ' -2 './ './ *-.6

    B -B 6./ 6./ **.'

    6 - .' .' -77.7

    otal 27B -77.7 -77.7

  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx


    Pie C,art:





    -).) 0%

    Respondents &ge /roup







    51 & above


    Selected respondents for our stud) &as ranging 27 to '- and abo!e the reason of ha!ing this

     particular age group &as based on assumption that cooperate or ser!ices sector emplo)ees fall in

    mentioned brackets and &e ha!e good representati!e sample of population. (aor of our respondents falls in bet&een 27 to 2' )ears and similarl) cumulati!e percent sho&s the mi1 of 

    all leading to -77N.


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    +re9uenc) ercent #alid ercent umulati!e







    - /B $-.6 $-.6 $-.6

    2 $* 23./ 23./ B'.'3 -6 /.3 /.3 63./

    $ -* *.2 *.2 /3.7

    ' 23 --.2 --.2 *$.2

    B B 2.* 2.* *6.-

    6 B 2.* 2.* -77.7

    otal 27B -77.7 -77.7

    Pie C,art:






    Respondents 1ducation




    "o!t #rad$ateioma 'oder

    (niver!it) de*ree hoder


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    +inding sho&ing that &e ha!e different education le!els &here !er) fe&er of our respondentsha!e metric education and on 2nd &e ha!e Intermediate and diploma holders uni!ersit) degree

    holders so it &as a mi1 of education le!el sho&ing different le!els of understanding.


    +re9uenc) ercent #alid ercent umulati!e






    - * $.$ $.$ $.$

    2 22 -7.6 -7.6 -'.7

    3 B6 32.' 32.' $6.B

    $ 3/ -/.$ -/.$ BB.7

    ' 37 -$.B -$.B /7.BB $7 -*.$ -*.$ -77.7

    otal 27B -77.7 -77.7

    Pie C,art:






    Respondents Income 4,,,56

    10-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80


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    (ost pre!ailing income brackets identified are in bet&een -7 thousand to 37 thousand then -- presents of our respondents belongs to '7 to B7 thousands and others sho&ing the combination of 

    )outh participation and remaining belongs to managerial positions so &e safel) can sa) that

    maorit) of respondents belongs to our upcoming generation and rest are of high positionofficials.


    +re9uenc) ercent #alid ercent umulati!






    - -3B BB.7 BB.7 BB.7

    2 B/ 33.7 33.7 **.7

    $ 2 -.7 -.7 -77.7

    otal 27B -77.7 -77.7

    Pie C,art:




    Respondents "arital Status



    ivorced, +earated



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    (arital status is also taken as control !ariable to add more !alue in our responses and

    respondents data sho&s that BBN or our respondents are single and 33N are married and fe&cases are identified as di!orced or separated sho&ing the e9ual participation from e!er) le!el of 

    societ) ha!ing the prime focus of representati!e sample from population.


    +re9uenc) ercent #alid ercent umulati!e



    - /3 $7.3 $7.3 $7.3

    2 $7 -*.$ -*.$ '*.6

    3 -/ /.6 /.6 B/.$

    $ / 3.* 3.* 62.3

    ' '6 26.6 26.6 -77.7

    otal27B -77.7 -77.7

    Pie C,art:






    Respondents 7ob Status


    /$!tomer +ae!




    ther ea!e mention


  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx



    We take different institutes as sample including Retail Stores and other different ser!ices sectors&hich indicates different Cob Status ranging from &orker to managers consultants R(s and

    others ho&e!er maor respondents belongs to &orker class including merchandisers and stores

    associates and others are second large categor) and similarl) others.

    Correlation and 5inear 0eression


    escriptive tatistics

    (ean Std.



    HARASS(08AIO< 2.$$ -.B*/ 27'

    (ARIA%SA8S -.3B .'3* 27'

    COSA8S 2.'* -.B66 27'


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    I W
















    .-'$ .












    .'22 -.777 .$'/ =.2-*



    .7'' .












    .266 .$'/ -.777 =.22-

    COSA8S=.7/' =.2








    .--/ =.2-* =.22- -.777






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    .777 .






    . .



    .777 .777 .77- .7-B


    .-32 .









    . .777 .777 .777 .777



    27' 27








    27' 27' 27' 27'


    27' 27'




    27' 27' 27' 27'

    COSA8S27' 27








    27' 27' 27' 27'



  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx


    ariales Entered

  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx


    a. >ependent #ariable: HARASS(0

  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx



    (odel 8nstandardi?ed




    t Sig.

    Std. 0rror eta


    4onstant5 .B/$ .33B 2.73$ .7$3 =.-76 .7'3 =.--* =2.77B .7$B

    I .B*6 .7B6 .'*' -7.$2B .777

    W0 .-76 .7'* .--' -./2B .7B7

    A0 =.--$ .7'7 =.2-7 =2.2B6 .72'

    Iependent #ariable: HARASS(0

  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx


    Harassment at &orkplace &hile others control !ariables including Income (arital Status are

     positi!el) correlated and &hereas Cob Status is negati!el) correlated hence &e conclude that

    oorLHostile &orking en!ironment are more likel) to cause incidents of

    harassment. Women emplo)ees &ith less po&er and authorit) are more likel) to e1perience

    harassment. Organi?ation &ith improper polic) and compliant procedure are more likel) to

    e1perience harassment incidents.

    Our respondent !ie& !alidates our tentati!e statements about Harassment at &orkplace and

    hence &e reect Ho or counter statements.

    In light of responses recei!ed our finding concludes that 1) poor or%in environment 2) lo

    poer or asence o" aut,ority and 3)asences o" proper policy or e""ective complaint

    procedures leads to increase in harassment incidents at &orkplace.


    his stud) has made se!eral contributions but still it is important to note some potentiallimitations. Our sample did not include a &ide range of female emplo)ees as the) &ere reluctant

    to participate on this serious issue. Some female emplo)ees did not familiar &ith the term

    harassment. Se!eral organi?ations did not allo& us to conduct this research on their female staff

     because of the sensiti!it) of the issue. We encourage further research on this topic b) ha!inglarge number of sample from !ariet) of organi?ations.

    his research is not !er) e1tensi!e because of the short period of timeG this stud) should beconducted through case stud) method as &ell to get more feedback and data.

    Recommendation % 8onclusion


    In !ie& of the findings of this stud) some recommendations could be put for&ard. We

    recommend that &omen should be a&are of harassment act 27-7 b) social and print media as&ell through different campaigns or seminars. (anagers of the organi?ations should implementstrict policies and procedures against harassment at &orkplaces. here should be proper s)stem

    for dealing &ith such issues at &orkplaces. In the long term &e should educate to enhance public

    a&areness of se1ual harassment among the )oung generation in schools and higher educations)stem as &ell as in the &orking en!ironment both in public and pri!ate organi?ation.


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    rade unions or emplo)ee groups in the organi?ation should form the committees to deal &ith

    such issuesLcomplaints so that action should be taken against such complaints. Ho&e!er this

    stud) took place in short span of time &e recommend future research in all the cities of akistanto ha!e &ider picture of se1ual harassment issue that could be obtained.


    In light of responses our findings conclude that the organi?ations &here poor &orking

    en!ironment absence of authorit) absence of proper polic) e1ist that organi?ation;s &orkingfemales face act of harassment. And &e also conclude that our findings also matched &ith our

    research obecti!e and also ans&er the research 9uestions !er) &ell. According to our research

    mostl) e!er)bod) took the &ord harassment as a sensiti!e issue but practicall) no bod) took an)

    action on it. 


    (c>onald . 427-25. Workplace se1ual harassment 37 )ears on: a re!ie& of the

    literature. International Journal of Management Reviews 144-5 -=-6.

    Ismail (. rasgo& +. 4-**'5.(easuring se1ual harassment: heoretical

    and ps)chometric ad!ances. Basic and Alied !ocial Psychology 1" 4$5 $2'=$$'.

    0inarsen S. Raknes . R. I. ,(atthiesen S. . 4-**$5. ull)ing and harassment at &ork and

    their relationships to &ork en!ironment 9ualit): An e1plorator) stud). #uroean $ournal of work

    and organi%ational sychology44$5 3/-=$7-.

    (cann>.4277'5.Se1ual harassment at &ork: national and international responses


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    le!el of harassment in local organi?ations kno&ing the reasoning and different t)pes of 

    harassment pre!ailing in akistan people a&areness le!el on different act of harassment acts.

    ased upon our obecti!es our research 9uestion is take form as under 

    Ho& harassment at &orkplace is common in akistan and to &hat e1tend people are familiar 

    &ith Harassment act 27-7;.

    So harassment at &ork place &ill &ork as our dependent !ariable because &e are interested in

    check the impact of other !ariables kno&n as independent !ariables on Harassment at &ork 

     place named as Harassment Working 0n!ironment rie!ance olic) and rocedure and o&er 


    Who &ill be our respondents for that &e ha!e defined control !ariables to identif) the e1act

    demographics related to our stud) our control !ariables &ere include 0ducational le!el age

    Income (arital Status and Cob status.

    As &ere are interested in testing the impact of independent !ariables on Harassment at&orkplace our tentati!e statements are as belo&

    1. Poor/Hostile working environment are more likely to cause incidents of harassment.

    2. Women employees with less power and authority are more likely to experience


    3. rgani!ation with improper policy and compliant procedure are more likely to

    experience harassment incidents.

    he design for the research is ross Sectional and then 9uantitati!e anal)sis. Our population

    consists of &orking Women Sample count 27B &e chose con!enient sampling approach andresearch tool &as 9uestionnaire. >ata anal)sis tools used are SSS and 01cel scope of stud) &as

    limited to the &orking &omen in organi?ations. We take into consideration the ethical issues b)

    maintaining the secrec) of data.

    As &e ha!e !er) di!erse sample representing different sections of populations portra)ing the mi1

    of opinions o!erall &e ha!e e1perience the negati!e feedback about harassment &hich

    introduced us to the ne& prospects to see the organi?ations in akistan although these issues are

    there to some e1tent &hich limit its producti!it) b) discouraging &omen to &ork out of theirhouses.


  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx



     H"#"$$%&'( "( W#)P*"+& 



    o &hat e1tent )ou are agree &ith the follo&ing statements

    -. () bossLco&orker offered lift in their


    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agre

    2. () bossLco&orker collided &ith me

    &hile passing b).

     - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agre

    3. () bossLco&orker tried to touch m)

    hand &hile gi!ing me something.

    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agre

    $. () bossLco&orker called me


    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agre

    '. () bossLco&orker in!ited me for

    outing or asking for lunch together


    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agre

    -rievance Policy Procedure, +omplaint Policy0

    o &hat e1tent )ou are agree &ith the follo&ing statements

    -. In m) organi?ation management takes

    action on harassment.

    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agr

    2. In m) organi?ation harassment is taken

    seriousl) at m) &orkplace.

    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agr

    3. In m) organi?ation emplo)er has

    effecti!el) communicated harassment

     polic) to me.

      - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agr

    $. In m) organi?ation protection against

    harassment of &omen at the &orkplace act

    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agr


  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx


    27-7 is effecti!e in m) organi?ation.

     Power nfluence,

    o &hat e1tent )ou are agree &ith the follo&ing statements

    -. () bossLco&orker assured me of

     promotion in the ob or some other

     benefits if I could fulfill his immoral


    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agr

    2. () bossLco&orker threatened me to

    thro& out of ob if I did not ha!eLph)sical

    relation &ith him.

    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agr

    3. () bossLco&orker tried to defame me

    for not fulfilling his immoral demands.

    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agr

    Working &nvironment,

    o &hat e1tent )ou are agree &ith the follo&ing statements

    -. At m) &orkplace

     there is disrespect

    among emplo)ees

    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agr

    2. At m) &orkplace there is use ofoffensi!e language.

    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agr

    3. At m) &orkplace mostl) people are

    in!ol!ed in non=&ork acti!ities.

    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agr

    $. At m) &orkplace there is unauthori?ed

    use of compan) time and resources for

     personal use.

    - 2 3 $ '

    Strongl) disagree >isagree 8ncertain Agree Strongl) agr


    27= 2' )ears 2B=37 )ears 3-=3' )ears 3B=$7 )ears $-=$' )ears $B='7 )ears '7 , abo!e.

    Education 5evel:

    (atric Intermediate achelors ost raduate >iploma Holder 8ni!ersit) degree holder 



  • 8/16/2019 Project RM (1).docx


    -7777=27777 2-777=37777 3-777=$7777 $-777='7777 '-777=B7777 B-777=67777 6-777=

    /7777 /7777 , abo!e

    7arital tatus:

    Single (arried Wido&ed >i!orcedLSeparated.

    Cob Status: $or%er Customer ales 0epresentative 7anaer Consultant 9t,er please
