ppt mate spm sbp 2011 answer

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  • 8/6/2019 PPT Mate Spm Sbp 2011 Answer




    1 D 21 D2 B 2 2 C3 B 23 A4 C 2 4 A5 B 2 5 C6 A 26 C7 A 2 7 D8 C 28 A9 B 29 B10 B 30 BU C 31 B12 A 32 C13 D . 3 3 B14 D . 3 4 B15 D 35 ~C1 6 C 36 BB

    I 17 A 37 A!

    ---18 C 38 B19 A 39 B20 ~ _ A 40 c

  • 8/6/2019 PPT Mate Spm Sbp 2011 Answer


    Section A(52 marks J

    No Marking Scheme Marks1 (i) (ii)@(%) PI, P2 32 , LTJK seen PI :

    3 Kl ItanLTJK =-5L.TJK =3058' Nl 4

    3 , 9x + 3x "" x' - 9:b ? + 9x + 9 =0 KI(2x+3)(x+3)=O Kl

    I3x=-- -3 Nl,Nl 4


    4 . 8u+v""-I6 or equivalent Klllu =-33 or equivalent Klu"'" -3 KI1 ; 1 = 8 Nl 4

    5. 22 22 Kl-' x 7x7) or (2x-x7 x2I)7 7(22 x 7 x ~102 + 72 ) Kl7 'n n n J KI- x 7x 7) + (2 x - x7 x2I) + (~x 7 x 102 + 72 )7 7 71346.54

    NI6. (a) False PI, (b) If 2m < 2 then m

  • 8/6/2019 PPT Mate Spm Sbp 2011 Answer


    No Marking Scheme Marks7 . (a) y=4 PI(b ) mLK :=5 PI

    y-IO IO~5(7)+c-=5 or Klx-7y =5x-25 Nl

    5x = 2 5 Klx=5 Nl 68 . (a) A and A or F and F or R and R K1

    1 1 1 1 ] 1 Klx-+-x-+-x-4 6 4 6 4 - 61 N18

    (b) 1 I- - K]87 6Nl


    9. 120x2x22x7 1 1 ' Kll(a) 360 7120 22 Kl2x - x2 x-x 7)+21360 7 I50.33 Nl

    90 22 1(b) -x-x72or -x7x7 Kl360 7 - 290 22. 2 I KI.-x-x? --x7x7360 7 2 614 Nt

    ] 0 (a) 50 krn PI(b)3.1S pm PI(c) d 120 d-20 120-20 equivalent~- or ::= or K130 100 60-30 60-0

    d"'" 36 Or ,cl:lS cl~10 Nl)(d) 100 . 60 K l120-;.-- or 120x- I0 100

    ! 72 kmh-I NlI 6

  • 8/6/2019 PPT Mate Spm Sbp 2011 Answer



    No Marking Scheme Marks1 11 ( 1 ~)a) 2(1) - 3(-4) -4 Kl

    1 ( 1 3 ) . Nl14 -4 or equivalent2 .I (c) I5

    ( ~ -13) ( ;); =(~~l Kl -( ~ l= l~ ( _ 1 4 ~l~~l KI~ ( A ] Nl, 1

    1 y =-3= 2'

  • 8/6/2019 PPT Mate Spm Sbp 2011 Answer


    . .

    No Marking Scheme12 (a) I ; I ~3 I ~l I., 1)

    ( Y J ) GraphA xes draw n in the correct direction, th e uniform scale is inthe range given.9 coordinates plotted correctly in the range given.Smo oth cu rv e draw n con tin uo usly in th e ran ge w ith out astraight lin e a t any p art an d p as se d through 9 correctcoordinates.

    (c) (i) Y = 18 0.5(ii) x = 3.0, 0 .1 , 0.1

    (d) Identify the equation y = -3x +2 or equivalentDraw the line y esa -3,X +2x= -BJtt-tO.I, -O.7 0.1





    NINI 12

  • 8/6/2019 PPT Mate Spm Sbp 2011 Answer


    13 (a )

    (b) GraphA xe s d raw n in th e c orre ct d ire ctio n, th e u nifo rm s cale is intile range given.9 coordinates plotted correctly in the range given.Smooth curve drawn c on ti nuou s ly i n the range without astraight l ine at an y part an d pas se d throu gh 9 co rre ctcoordinates.

    (c ) Identify th e equal ion y = - x + 4 or e quivale ntDraw t he l in e y ' " - x + 4x = 2 .58. 0.1 ,-O .58t 0.1


    14 (a ) (i) k '" 3(ii) (a) (2, 4)(b)(-3,2)

    (c) (i) G is a rotation of 900 clockwise about centre (2, 0)H ' is an enlargement with scale factor 2 at the centre~ . : 1 , -6}. U /i:)

    (ii) (2 )2 x 2080






    PlPIP2P3P3K l 12Nl

  • 8/6/2019 PPT Mate Spm Sbp 2011 Answer


    15 (a)Class interval Midpoint FrequencySelang kelas Titt tengah Kekerapan46 - 50 48 551 - 55 53 556-60 58 761-65 63 966-70 68 371-75 73 I

    Column I PIC o 1 lW 1 11 l I I PIColumn HI 1 1 PI

    (b ) (i) 61 - 65 PI(ii) 5(48) + 5(53) + 7(58) + 9(63) +3(68) + 1(73) K230

    58 .5 Nt(c) A xes draw n in the corre ct dire ction , the un iform scale is in K Jth e ra ng e g iv en ,6 p oin ts p lo tte d c or re ctl y K2C lo se po lyg on s hape draw n throu gh 6 poin ts an d p oin t (43,0) an d Nt 12(78,0)

  • 8/6/2019 PPT Mate Spm Sbp 2011 Answer


    ~16 (a) 42 PI(b)

    Uppe r b ou n da ry Cumulative frequencyi S em p ad an a la s KekerapanLonggokan19.5 ()24.5 229.5 534.5 11 I39.5 20 I44.5 32 I49.5 3854.5 40

    IColumn ! PIIolumn II PI

    I (c) Axes drawn in the correct direction, the uniform scale is in Klthe range given. K28 coordinates plotted correctly in the range given.Smooth curve drawn continuously in the range without a Nlstraight line at any part and passed through 8 correctcoordinates.

    (dXi) 7 orang NlKl(ii) 43.5 - 34 Nl9.5 12


  • 8/6/2019 PPT Mate Spm Sbp 2011 Answer


    No. 12

  • 8/6/2019 PPT Mate Spm Sbp 2011 Answer


  • 8/6/2019 PPT Mate Spm Sbp 2011 Answer


    . .


  • 8/6/2019 PPT Mate Spm Sbp 2011 Answer
