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  • 7/27/2019 Bi Yang Betul!!!



    1.0 Features Of Spoken Laguage

    1.1 Pronunciation

    Proper pronunciation, requires use of the right sounds when vocalizing a word andstressing the right syllable. It requires knowing the proper way of saying a word in the

    region where it is used and accepted by the majority of native speakers. (For this

    discussion, we will be limited to the English language.)

    Proper articulation involves the correct use of sounds for each letter or grouping of

    letters. The challenge arises when common rules are ignored due to local custom,

    slang or uneducated pronunciation.

    Occasionally, language takes a left turn. Certain expressions including their

    mispronunciation become accepted in local language.

    Speech mastery requires knowing colloquialisms, local expressions and ways of

    pronouncing words. It requires knowing their use. Even though you may never say

    them, the ability to communicate with them may have a profound significance some



    It starts with saying names properly. If you are going to use names, make sure they

    are pronounced correctly.

    Proper Name Pronunciationis essential for speakers being introduced, introducing

    others, and when using them in their speeches.

    Difficult Names need to be considered too.

    May I Ax you a question?

    To put it in proper perspective, consider one example: many have been genuinely

    troubled by regional speakers who would ax (ask) a question. The outrage at the

    misuse of the word may result in sarcasm, retorting with, Wouldnt you rather hatchet
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    However if you pronounced it as House-ton (Thus SO-HO or South of Hous-ton), it

    might give you an extra 60 seconds before they know youre a visitor. New Yorkers

    are quite sharp when it comes to native speakers.

    List of Most Common Words With Dual Pronunciation.

    The following is a list of the most common words and names with multiple

    pronunciations. We will start with words and names. We will be continually updating

    and adding the various pronunciations and additional words and names as

    submitted. Until completed, check your dictionary. Follow the usage by the majority

    percentage of native speakers unless demographics dictate otherwise.

    Afrikaans (the language with 'cans' as the third syllable vs African's with the short a

    sound or 'kens' in the third syllable, the possessive of the people or land of Africa.)






    cache (pronounced the same as cash)(often confused with and

    mispronounced as cachet)(thanks to Peter from Oregon)

    cafe, caf

    Cape Verde (from J.M. Philippines)

    Chimera (pronounced with a hard K sound like Ky-mere-a)






    daylight saving time (its not "daylight savings time")

    destroy (DEE stroy vs DES troy)


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    1.2 Stress

    Improving sentence intonation is one of the key elements in your English

    pronunciation. Let's discuss the four basic types of word stress that lead to proper

    intonation in English.

    tonic stress

    emphatic stress

    contrastive stress

    new information stress

    Tonic Stress

    Tonic stress refers to the syllable in a word which receives the most stress in an

    intonation unit. An intonation unit has one tonic stress. It's important to remember

    that a sentence can have more than one intonation unit, and therefore have more

    Emphatic Stress

    If you decide to emphasize something, you can change the stress from the principal

    noun to another content word such as an adjective (big, difficult, etc.), intensifier

    (very, extremely, etc.) This emphasis calls attention to the extraordinary nature of

    what you want to emphasize.

    Contrastive Stress

    Contrastive stress is used to point out the difference between one object and

    another. Contrastive stress tends to be used with determiners such as 'this, that,

    these and those'.

    New Information Stress

    When asked a question, the requested information is naturally stressed more


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    Tonic stress refers to the syllable in a word which receives themost stress in an intonation unit.

    For examples (words are bold):

    He's waiting

    He's waiting / for his friend

    He's waiting / for his friend / at the station.

    Tonic Stress

    Generally, the final tonic stress in a sentence receives the

    most stress. In the above example, 'station' receives the

    strongest stress.

    There are a number of instances in which the stress changes

    from this standard. Here are short explanations for each of the

    changes with example sentences to illustrate.

    You can change the stress from the principal noun toanother content word such as an adjective (big, difficult,etc.), intensifier (very, extremely, etc.)

    For example:

    - That was a difficult test. - Standard statement

    - That was a difficult test. - Emphasizes how difficult thetest was

    Emphatic Stress


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    There are a number of adverbs and modifiers which tend to be used

    to emphasize in sentences that receive emphatic stress.






    used to point out the difference between one objectand another.

    determiners such as 'this, that, these and those'.

    For example:

    - I think I preferthis color.

    - Do you want these orthose curtains?

    Contrastive Stress

    Contrastive Stress also slightly change the meaning.

    He came to the party yesterday. (It was he, not someone else.)

    He walked to the party yesterday. (He walked rather than drove.)

    He came to the party yesterday. (It was a party not a meeting or

    something else.)

    He came to the party yesterday. (It was yesterday not two

    weeks ago or some other time.)

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    When asked a question, the requested information is

    naturally stressed more strongly.

    For example:

    - Where are you from? - I come from Seattle, in the USA.

    - What do you want to do? - I want to go bowling.

    - When does class begin? - The class begins at nine o'clock.


    Information Stress

    Use these various types of stress to help improve your

    pronunciation and understandability.

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    1.3 Rhythm

    Rhythm is both a feature of and product of the phonological structure of English. The

    phonology of any language is a system, so that a change in one part of the system

    will affect some or all of the other parts.

    Sentence stress

    Connected speech

    Teaching rhythm



    English is a very rhythmical language, so that a learner who can maintain the rhythm

    of the language is more likely to sound both natural and fluent. The two components

    of the system which have the greatest influence on rhythm are sentence stress and

    the various features of connected speech, i.e. what happens to words when we put

    them in an utterance.

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    In any sentence, some words carry a stress. These are the strong

    or lexical words (usually nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs). The

    remaining words are grammatical words and are unstressed or weak

    (conjunctions, pronouns, prepositions, auxiliaries, articles). For example:

    - Its theworst thing that you could do

    The rhythm produced by this combination of stressed and unstressed syllables

    is a major characteristic of spoken English and makes English a stress-timed language.In stress-timed languages, there is a roughly equal amount of time between each stress in

    a sentence. Sentence stress is an important factor in fluency, as English spoken with only

    strong forms has the wrong rhythm, sounds unnatural and does not help the listener to

    distinguish emphasis or meaning.



    Speed is also a factor in fluency. When we speak quickly, we

    speak in groups of words which are continuous and may not have pauses

    between them. This causes changes to the shape of words. Unstressed

    words always sound different when used in a sentence as opposed to

    being said in isolation.

    The most common features of connected speech are the weak forms

    of grammatical and some lexical words (and, to, of, have, was, were)

    and contractions, some of which are acceptable in written English (can't, won't, didn't, I'll,

    he'd, they've, shouldve). However, we often ignore other features which preserve rhythm

    and make the language sound natural. The most common of these are:

    - Elision (losing sounds)

    - Linking (adding or joining sounds between words)

    - Assimilation (changing sounds)


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    Rhythm, is a product of sentence stress and what happens to the

    words and sounds between the stresses. Learners whose mother

    tongue is phonemic or syllable-timed have particular problems.

    Teachers should remember to:

    Provide natural models of new target language before introducing the written form.

    Use natural language themselves in the classroom.

    Encourage learners to listen carefully to authentic speech.

    Teach recognition before production.

    Integrate rhythm and other aspects of phonology into grammar, vocabulary and functionallanguage lessons as well as listening and speaking activities.


    Speed dictations (the boys are good / the boy is good / the boy wasgood).

    Dictogloss and other variations on dictation.

    Ask students how many words they hear in a sentence ( to practiserecognising word boundaries).

    Ask; "Whats the third / fifth / seventh word?" in the sentence.

    Teaching weak forms and contractions at the presentation stage, andhighlighting these on the board.

    Matching phrases to stress patterns.

    Using tapescripts. Marking stresses and weak forms.

    Using recordings of deliberately unnatural English.

    Authentic listening.

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    Drills (especially backchaining).

    Physical movement (finger-clicking, clapping, tapping, jumping) in time tothe rhythm of the sentence.

    Focus on stress in short dialogues (kn you? Yes I can).

    Making short dialogues, paying attention to stress and rhythm (How oftendo you speak English? Once in a while).

    Headlines, notes and memos (build the rhythm with content words, thenadd the rest).

    Reading out short sentences with only the stressed words

    (Howcomeschool?), then add the other words without slowing down.

    Reading aloud (with plenty of rehearsal time).

    Focus on short utterances with distinctive stress and intonation patterns and a specificrhythm (long numbers, phone numbers, football results).

    Jazz chants.

    Poems, rhymes and tongue-twisters (limericks are good at higher levels).

    Songs (the rhythm of English lends itself to rock and pop music, while rap involves fittingwords into distinct beat).

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    1.4 Intonation


    1. Tone - the rise and fall of the voice. Tune/Pitch variation. An oscilloscope will

    give an oscillograph of speech. The frequency will be shown by the closeness of the

    waves (high frequency will be shown by waves which are closer together).

    2. The volume (strength of signal) will be shown by the height of the waves. The

    height of the note depends on the speed of opening and closing of the vocal cords.

    More vibrations of the larynx (up to 800 per sec) show up more compact waves.



    InformationContrast Meaning Pronunciation

    Mood &


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    In standard English, we consider that the nouns carry the weight of a sentence,

    when all else is equal. Although the verb carries important information, it does

    not receive the primary stress of a first-time noun.

    - Dogs eat bones.

    After the information has been introduced, or is being repeated through the use

    of pronouns, the intonation shifts over to the verb. Notice how the intonation

    changes when a sentence changes from nouns to pronouns:

    - Dogs eat bones.

    - They eat them.


    In addition to the intonation of a statement, there is another aspect of

    speech that indicates meaning -- phrasing.

    StatementStress the nouns and letthe tone fall at the end ofthe sentence.

    Dogs eat bones.

    First half, second halfThe first half of a sentence usuallysets up the second half.Dogs eat bones, but cats eatfish.

    Intro PhraseWhen you want to prefaceyour statement, use arising tone.As we allknow, dogs eatbones.

    ListingWith more than one item in a list, allbut the last one have a rising tone.Dogs eat bones, kibbles andmeat.

    QuestionA regular question goes up(compared with astatement), but drops backdown at the end.Do dogs eat bones?

    Repeated QuestionA repeated, rhetorical or emotionalquestion goes up, and then upagain at the end.Do dogs eat bones?!



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    Once the intonation of new information is established, you'll soon notice that there isa pattern that breaks that flow. When you want to emphasize one thing over another,you reflect this contrast with pitch change. Notice how the intonation indicatescontrast:Bob studies English.Bob studies English, but he doesn't use it.If a person consistently stresses "contrast words" as opposed to "new informationwords", he can end up sounding permanently argumentative:I said it is good.

    He doesn't like it. Where are you going?

    Additionally, mixed messages occur when modals or verbs of perception are stressed --

    you end up with the opposite meaning!

    People should exercise more, but . . .They would help us, if . . .It looks like Chanel, but at that price, it's a knock-off.He seems like a nice guy, but once you get to know him. . .

    A good exercise to demonstrate the variety of meaning through intonation changes is totake a single sentence, try stressing each word in turn, and see the totally differentmeanings that come out.1. I didn't say he stole the money.2. I didn't say he stole the money.3. I didn't say he stole the money.4. I didn't say he stole the money.5. I didn't say he stole the money.6. I didn't say he stole the money.

    7. I didn't say he stole the money.

    Once you are clear on the intonation changes in the seven sentences, you can addcontext words to clarify the meaning:1. I didn't say he stole the money, someone else said it.2. I didn't say he stole the money, that's not true at all.3. I didn't say he stole the money, I only suggested the possibility.

    4. I didn't say he stole the money, I think someone else took it.5. I didn't say he stole the money, maybe he just borrowed it.6. I didn't say he stole the money, but rather some othermoney.7. I didn't say he stole the money, he may have taken somejewelry.



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    intonation and pronunciation have two areas of overlap. First is thepronunciation of the letter T. When a T is at the beginning of a word (such astable, ten, take), it is a clear sharp sound. It is also clear in combination withcertain other letters, (contract, contain, etc.) When T is in the middle of a word(or in an unstressed position), it turns into a softer D sound. (This is covered inmore detail in pronunciation.)Betty bought a bit of better butter.Beddy bada bida bedder budder.It is this intonation/pronunciation shift that accounts for the difference betweenphotography (phoTAgraphy) and photograph (PHOdagraph).

    This is an extremely important aspect of intonation. It dictates how your listener

    will relate to you as an individual--if you will be considered charming or rude,

    confident or nervous, informed or unfamiliar.

    When we contrast two similar words, one ending with a voiced consonant (d,z, g, v, b) and the other with an unvoiced consonant (t, s, k, f, p), you will hear

    the difference in the preceding vowel, specifically in the length or duration ofthat vowel.Simply put, words that end in a voiced consonant have a doubled vowel sound.For example, if you say bit, it is a quick, sharp sound--a single musical note. Ifyou say bid, however, the word is stretched out, it has two musical notes, thefirst one higher than the second, bi-id. pronunciation.

    single doubletense beat beadlax bit bid


    Mood &

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    1.5 Relevant materials on public speaking

    1. Inflections

    Speak with emotion in your voice. Use vocal inflections to emphasize important

    points. A monotone vocal delivery tends to be extremely boring, and will put your

    audience to sleep very quickly.

    2. Note Cards

    Use note cards only as prompts. During your presentation, you should not read from

    your note cards. Look at the audience and make eye contact while presenting. Whenyou use note cards will want to jot down important topics and thoughts that you will

    want to say to your audience. You won't want to make whole sentences - and

    especially not paragraphs but short to the point thoughts. You won't want to read off

    of the card while giving your speech, but just to refer back to it to help you keep your

    thoughts and presentation in order.

    3. Transition

    If you are moving from one subject to another, be sure to make a smooth transition

    from the subject material so that the presentation flows smoothly.

    4. Practice

    It is unrealistic to think that you can perform better without practicing your

    presentation. The easiest way to get through a speech is to know what your audience

    needs to know. You will want to know your material and have it presented in a logical

    way. You don't want to jump around giving your presentation. You will want to have it

    in order and have a nice flow when giving your speech. When preparing Note Cards

    is the perfect way to keep your thoughts organized.

    5. Avoid Plugs

    Conference attendees typically do not like to be sold to during a presentation. Use

    your presentation to educate the audience about a specific subject, and do not use

    the presentation as a way to sell or advertise your product or service.

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    6. Close

    Always close the presentation with a summary of the items that you discussed. Keep

    in mind that the best presentations are often relevant, animated, engaging, and


    7.Use Audio-Visual Aids.

    This will help the audience connect to points that you are making in your speech.

    PowerPoint is one way that you can show graphs, and photos, and even make

    bulleted points to make you speech more effective.

    9. Telling stories:

    If you have a humorous story about a topic youre talking about you can give a short

    and very short story about it. Don't make it complicated, or make it long and boring.

    Make sure that its relevant to the topic that you are talking about. Don't just add a

    story just because.

    10. Handout

    Handouts are another way that you can help your audience learn the material. You

    can do this easily with PowerPoint, you can make a handout that explains all the

    slides, and even has a place for your audience to take notes. You can give them the

    handouts and maybe a pen or pencil so that they can take notes if you need them to

    remember things in your speech.

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    1.6 Characteristics Of A Good Speaker

    Speak from clear, comprehensive lecture notes.

    Practice your presentation for voice, language, andtiming.

    Do not read your presentation.Preparation

    Do not begin with an apology for your

    knowledge or your English. If you lack

    confidence in

    yourself, the audience will perceive it and lose

    confidence in you, too.

    Be thoroughly prepared and familiar with your

    material; preparation creates confidence.

    Pause occasionally. Never be afraid to stopspeaking for a moment.

    Speak at a normal, slow rate. Do not rush.

    Self-confidence is developed by knowing

    everything you can about your subject and

    thoroughly preparing and practicing


    Start your presentation with a smile. You will put youraudience at ease.

    Make eye contact with members of the audience. Do

    not talk to the back wall, the table, or your notes. Finda few friendly, encouraging faces in the different partsof the audience and talk to them.

    Check to see whether the audience is following you.

    Make sure you talk with, not at, your audience.

    Talking at an audience comes across as talking down to



    Characteristics of a good

    s eaker

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    Be sure the organization of your talk is clear to the


    Make short, simple and specific statements.

    Strive for a smooth transition from one point to the


    Use visual support to illustrate and clarify difficult

    points. Visuals should complement the oralpresentation. Visuals should not be used as substitutes

    for commentary, nor should they require overly

    complex explanations.


    When something is important, say it slower and


    Try to communicate to the audience your own

    interest in and enthusiasm for your subject.


    Your likability is helped by smiling and beingpositive and friendly.

    An upbeat tone to your voice will attract your


    Keep the other person's point of view in mindwhen developing your presentation.

    Take an active interest in what your audiencehave to say and show that you care about them.


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    2.0 Speech

    Bullying Is a Big Problem

    A very good morning to our headmistress, assistant headmistresses, teachers

    and all the pupils. English week starts from today. So, today i would like to give a little

    speech about Bullying is a big problem .

    Every day thousands of teens wake up afraid to go to school. Bullying is a

    problem that affects millions of students, and it has everyone worried, not just the

    kids on its receiving end. Yet because parents, teachers, and other adults don't

    always see it, they may not understand how extreme bullying can get. Bullying is

    when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more

    power, either in terms of physical strength or social standing.

    Two of the main reasons people are bullied are because of appearance and

    social status. Bullies pick on the people they think don't fit in, maybe because of how

    they look, how they act (for example, kids who are shy and withdrawn), their race or

    religion, or because the bullies think their target may be gay or lesbian.

    Some bullies attack their targets physically, which can mean anything from

    shoving or tripping to punching or hitting, or even sexual assault. Others use

    psychological control or verbal insults to put themselves in charge. For example,

    people in popular groups often bully people they categorize as different by excluding

    them or gossiping about them.

    Ladies and gentleman how to deal with bullies. Here some Bullying Survival

    Tips You can do is.First, Ignore the bully and walk away. It's definitely not a coward's

    response .sometimes it can be harder than losing your temper. Bullies thrive on the

    reaction they get, and if you walk away or ignore hurtful emails or instant messages,

    you're telling the bully that you just don't care. Sooner or later the bully will probably

    get bored with trying to bother you. Walk tall and hold your head high. Using this type

    of body language sends a message that you're not vulnerable.

    Next, Hold your anger. Who doesn't want to get really upset with a bully? But

    that's exactly the response he or she is trying to get. Bullies want to know they have

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    control over your emotions. If you're in a situation where you have to deal with a bully

    and you can't walk away with poise, use humor it can throw the bully off guard.

    Work out your anger in another way, such as through exercise or writing it down

    (make sure you tear up any letters or notes you write in anger).

    Don't get physical. However you choose to deal with a bully, don't use physical

    force (like kicking, hitting, or pushing). Not only are you showing your anger, you can

    never be sure what the bully will do in response. You are more likely to be hurt and

    get in to trouble if you use violence against a bully. You can stand up for yourself in

    other ways, such as gaining control of the situation by walking away or by being

    assertive in your actions. Aggressive responses tend to lead to more violence and

    more bullying for the victims.

    Practice confidence. Practice ways to respond to the bully verbally or through

    your behavior. Practice feeling good about yourself (even if you have to fake it at


    Find your (true) friends. If you've been bullied with rumors or gossip, all of the

    above tips can apply. But take it one step further to help ease feelings of hurt and

    isolation. Find one or two true friends and confide how the gossip has hurt your

    feelings. Set the record straight by telling your friends quietly and confidently what's

    true and not true about you. Hearing a friend say, "I know the rumor's not true. I didn't

    pay attention to it," can help you realize that most of the time people see gossip for

    what it is.

    That all for today, i hope through my speech today you all know how to deal

    with bullies. Thank you.

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    Thanks god i.m glad that i finished this assignment and complete it by the

    time. I would like to say thank you to Encik Lucas Umbul for giving me an extra time

    to finish this task. During doing this task, there are a lot of experience and knowledge

    that i have leaened.

    With this task i learned how we need to work individually. We are required to

    gather information from at lease 2 differences types of sources i. E internet, and

    books related to the question given. Moreover i would ike to say thank you to my

    beloved friends for showing me how to do this task. Without their help i cant do it by

    my self.

    While doing this task, i spend a few days to search all the relevant materials.

    There are many different sources for me to find all the information about the features

    of spoken language such as prounuciation, stress, rhythm and intonation. I went to

    the library to find the reference book. From the reference book, i manage to collect all

    the information about this coursework. I have faced a lot of problem while doing this

    coursework. I also able to collaborate with my lecture and friends and shared the

    problems with them. With that, i can get lot information for my task.

    Last but not least, i feel grateful that i can finish this task. While doing this task,

    i had gain a lot of knowledge and experiences and some information about features

    of spoken language, materials on public speaking, characteristics of a good speaker

    and many more. As a future primary teacher, i will apply everything that i had gained

    during the process while doing the task into my daily life. I hope from this task i had

    gained something valuable foe me so that i can be a good teacher in future.

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    Kenworthy, J. 1987.Teaching English Pronunciation, Selangor. Longman.

    S.Sivagnanachelvi, Dr. Chong Poh Wan. 2008. English For Oral

    Communication.Selangor. Univision Press Sdn. Bhd