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Post on 05-Nov-2015




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Title : Teeth

Good morning to the honourable judges, the precise time keeper, teachers and friends. In this beautiful day, I would like to tell you a story entitle teeth.One fine day, Diana walk around the playground with her brother, Hafiz. Suddenly, they hear a sound of someones crying near them.uuuu uuuu uuuu..Diana and Hafiz try to find where the sounds come from. They look to the left, they look to the right, and there he is, someone is crying under the jungle gym. Diana and Hafiz walked near the boy. Oh! It is Iqwan. One of their friend. But why is he crying? Diana and Hafiz decided to find out.Iqwan, why are you crying? asked Diana while sitting beside him.uuu uuuuu my tooth hurts said Iqwan tearfully.Why does it hurt? asked Hafiz.I dont know. But my gum is swollen and my tooth has a hole in it. Add Iqwan.Mmm I think you had a toothache, Iqwan. Said Diana.A toothache? What is that? Ask Hafiz.Food waste that was left in between the teeth will be eaten by bacteria. Bacteria produce acids that deplete the tooth enamel and eventually cause the formation of cavities. When the opening reach the nerves, toothache will occur. Explain Diana.Wait.wait What is an enamel? Ask Hafiz in confusion. Our teeth have three layers. Dental enamel is the outermost layer. Enamel is very hard and white in colour. Below the enamel is a layer called dentin. Dentin is softer and yellowish in colour. The pulp is located in the center of the tooth and containing nerves and blood vessels. Which tooth is in pain, Iqwan? Incisor, Canine or Molar? said Diana.Sob..sob..can you explain it to me the different between those three? Ask Iqwan.Incisors located at the front and in the middle of our jaw. It has flat and sharp shape like a chisel. The canine teeth are next to the incisors. It is pointed and sharp. Molars and premolars located deep in our mouth. It has flat surface but has humps to grind foods. Explained Diana.Why dont I have premolars? ask Hafiz.Its because you are still in your milk teeth. Iqwan and I are already in our permenant teeth.sob..sob.. I think the hole is on my molars, Diana. How can I prevent this toothache from happening again? Ask Iqwan.Did you brush your teeth, Iqwan?I did. I brush my teeth every morning Said Iqwan.Only in the morning! No wonder you will get toothache. We should at least brush our teeth twice daily, in the morning and before goes to bed. We should use toothpaste with fluoride and rinse our mouth after every meal. Explain Diana.Is there other way to keep our teeth healthy? Ask Hafiz.We can keep our teeth healthy through nutrition. Eat less sugary foods like candy and eat foods rich in calcium such as milk and cheese. Now, I think you should go to the dentist to get your teeth checked.Yes, Diana. I will. I want to go now. Thank you Diana. Bye.Thats the end of my story. Thank you.