anatomi dalam pergerakan manusia


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Page 1: Anatomi Dalam Pergerakan Manusia


Page 2: Anatomi Dalam Pergerakan Manusia




Page 3: Anatomi Dalam Pergerakan Manusia

PENGENALAN TULANG 206 Tulang dalam tubuh orang

dewasa Jumlah berat sistem rangka

seorang dewasa merupakan 14 % daripada jumlah berat badannya

- Meliputi tulang tengkorak, tulang badan,

tulang anggota Bahan Asas : Protein &

Mineral ( Kalsium & Posforus ) Komponen : 50 % Air & 50 %

Bahan Pejal( Organan 2/3 , Bukan Organan 1/3 )

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KANDUNGAN TULANG Bahan Organik : Sel-sel tulang, serat dan bahan dasar termasuk

glikoprotein, glikosaminoglikin Bahan Bukan Organik : garam mineral seperti kalsium karbonat dan

kalsium fostat. Kalsium dan fosfurus adalah bahan-bahan mineral yang

membentuk struktur badan manusia. Gabungan kedua-dua bahan ini menjadi tulang keras dan tegap. Setiap tulang merupakan organ kepada sistem rangka. Pembentukan tulang adalah dari tisu-tisu yang kuat dan aktif Terbentuk dan bertindakbalas mengikut fungsi. Saiz & bentuk yang membezakan antara tulang

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TENDON• - Merupakan tisu

bergentian yang berwarna putih- Ia adalah jalur tisu yang kuat- Tendon melekatkan otot pada tulang- Tendon bersifat tidak kenyal tetapi tidak boleh melenturCth. : melekatkan bisep pada tulang radius melekatkan otot trisep pada tulang ulna

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Pejal tetapi elastik.Cth. : cuping telinga, hujung hidung, hujung tulang

Peranan :- Rangka penyokong dalam peringkat embrio- menyerap hentakan

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LIGAMEN Merupakan tisu bergentian

yang berwarna putih atau kuning pucat

Tisu ini adalah liat dan kuat Ligamen menghubungkan

tulang-tulang yang bersendi-merupakan tisu

yang menghubung satu tulang dengan

tulang yang lain

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Tulang panjang (Long Bone)Tulang pendek (Short Bone)Tulang leper ( Flat Bone)Tulang tidak tentu bentuk ( Irregular

Bone)Tulang bulat (Round Bone)

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Tulang Panjang (Long Bone)

- Berbentuk panjang dan lurus- Kedua-dua hujung membengkak (epiphysis) .

Contoh : humerus, femur, radius, ulna dan tibula.

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Tulang Pendek (Short Bone)

• Berbentuk kiub dengan panjang dan lebar hampir sama.

Contoh : tarsals carpals, meta tarsal phalanges.

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Tulang tidak tentu bentuk (Irregular Bone)

• - Mempunyai berbagai bentuk.- Bercantum dengan tulang-tulang yang lain.

Contoh Veterbrae

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Tulang bulat (Round Bone- Sesamoid bone)• - Bersaiz kecil

Contoh : patella

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Tulang Leper (Flat bone)

• Mempunyai permukaan yang lebar

Contoh : scull, scapula, sternum, pelvis.

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• Penyokong• Pergerakan• Perlindungan• Penghasilan Darah Merah • Tempat Menyimpan Sumber Mineral

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• Membentuk sistem rangka tubuh

• Memberi perlekatan kepada otot dan ligamen

• Menyokong tisu-tisu lembut

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• Pelekatan otot untuk membantu proses pergerakan dan proses kontrasi bagi menghasilkan pergerakan

Contoh : memegang, melentur, menarik, dan menolak.

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• Melindungi organ-organ penting daripada mengalami kecederaan.

• Contoh : skull atau cranium – melindungi otak.ribs – melindungi jantung dan paru-paru.

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Penghasilan Sel Darah Merah• Sel-sel darah merah serta

sebahagian sel darah putih dihasilkan melalui proses Hemopoiesis atau Hemotopaisis

• Tempat Menyimpan Sumber Mineral– Menyimpan fosforus,

sodium, kalsium, potessium dan mineral lain bagi menghasilkan ostoblas (sel pembina tulang)

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JOINTS – Areas of the body where two or more bones meet.


CARTILAGE – Strong, flexible tissue found in joints.

LIGAMENTS – Tissue connecting bone to bone.


TENDON – Tissue connecting muscle to bone.

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TYPES OF JOINTS• Ball and Socket Joint: Joint with the widest

range of motion.

EXAMPLES: Hip and Shoulder

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TYPES OF JOINTS• Gliding Joint: Joint with a large range of

motion (up/down and side/side).

EXAMPLES: Ankle and Wrist

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TYPES OF JOINTS• Hinge Joint: Joint with limited motion


EXAMPLES: Knee and Elbow

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TYPES OF JOINTS• Fuse or Immoveable Joint: Joint with no

range of motion.

EXAMPLE: Cranium

Fused Joints

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13.8 Muscles are effectors which enable movement to be carried out

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• Is responsible for almost all the movements in animals

• 3 types

Cardiac muscle

Smooth muscle

Involuntarycontrolled byautonomicnervous system

Skeletal muscle(aka striped orstriated muscle)

voluntarycontrolled bysomatic nervoussystem

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Muscles & the Skeleton

• Skeletal muscles cause the skeleton to move at joints

• They are attached to skeleton by tendons.• Tendons transmit muscle force to the bone.• Tendons are made of collagen fibres & are

very strong & stiff

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Antagonistic Muscle Action

• Muscles are either contracted or relaxed• When contracted the muscle exerts a

pulling force, causing it to shorten• Since muscles can only pull (not push), they

work in pairs called antagonistic muscles• The muscle that bends the joint is called

the flexor muscle• The muscle that straightens the joint is

called the extensor muscle

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Elbow Joint• The best known example of antagonistic

muscles are the bicep & triceps musclesElbow joint flexed

Flexor m uscles contractedExtensor muscles re laxed

Elbow joint extendedExtensor muscles contracted

Flexor m uscles relaxed



Section through arm

Flexorm uscles

Extensor m uscles

Hum erusBone

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Muscle Structure

• A single muscle e.g. biceps contains approx 1000 muscle fibres.

• These fibres run the whole length of the muscle

• Muscle fibres are joined together at the tendons

Bicep Muscle

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Muscle Structure• Each muscle fibre is actually a

single muscle cell• This cell is approx 100 m in

diameter & a few cm long• These giant cells have many

nuclei• Their cytoplasm is packed full of

myofibrils• These are bundles of protein

filaments that cause contraction• Sarcoplasm (muscle cytoplasm)

also contains mitochondria to provide energy for contraction

nucle i stripes myofibrils

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•Sarcomere = the basic contractile unit

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Muscle Structure• The E.M shows that each myofibril is made up of repeating

dark & light bands• In the middle of the dark band is the M-line• In the middle of the light band is the Z-line• The repeating unit from one Z-line to the next is called the






1 sarcomere

1 m


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Muscle Structure • A very high resolution E.M reveals that each myofibril is

made up of parallel filaments.• There are 2 kinds of filament called thick & thin filaments.• These 2 filaments are linked at intervals called cross

bridges, which actually stick out from the thick filaments

Thick filament

Thin filament

Cross bridges

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The Thick Filament (Myosin)

• Consists of the protein called myosin.

• A myosin molecule is shaped a bit like a golf club, but with 2 heads.

• The heads stick out to form the cross bridge

• Many of these myosin molecules stick together to form a thick filament

one myosin molecule

myosin heads(cross bridges)

myosin tails

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Thin Filament (Actin)• The thin filament consists of a protein called actin.• The thin filament also contains tropomyosin.• This protein is involved in the control of muscle


actin monom ers tropomyosin

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•Sarcomere = the basic contractile unit

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The SarcomereThick filaments

(myosin)Thin filaments(actin)




proteins in the Z line



overlap zone- both

thick & thinfilaments



myosinbare zone

- nocross bridges

proteins in the M line

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I Band = actin filaments

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Anatomy of a Sarcomere

• The thick filaments produce the dark A band. • The thin filaments extend in each direction from

the Z line. • Where they do not overlap the thick filaments, they

create the light I band. • The H zone is that portion of the A band where the

thick and thin filaments do not overlap.• The entire array of thick and thin filaments between

the Z lines is called a sarcomere

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Sarcomere shortens when muscle contracts

• Shortening of the sarcomeres in a myofibril produces the shortening of the myofibril

• And, in turn, of the muscle fibre of which it is a part

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Mechanism of muscle contraction

• The above micrographs show that the sarcomere gets shorter when the muscle contracts

• The light (I) bands become shorter• The dark bands (A) bands stay the same length

Relaxedm uscle

Contractedm uscle

relaxed sarcom ere

contracted sarcom ere

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The Sliding Filament Theory

• So, when the muscle contracts, sarcomeres become smaller

• However the filaments do not change in length.

• Instead they slide past each other (overlap)• So actin filaments slide between myosin

filaments• and the zone of overlap is larger

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Repetition of the cycle

• One ATP molecule is split by each cross bridge in each cycle.

• This takes only a few milliseconds• During a contraction 1000’s of cross bridges in

each sarcomere go through this cycle.• However the cross bridges are all out of synch, so

there are always many cross bridges attached at any one time to maintain force.