tugasan est oum

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Tugasan Est Oum





    1. Introduction


    2. Issue on the Teaching and Learning of English for Science and Technology


    3. Report on interview

    3.1 Teacher


    3.2 Student 1


    3.3 Student 2


    4. Strategies to deal with the issue


    5. Conclusion

    ` 14

    6. Appendix


  • 7/29/2019 Tugasan Est Oum





    English is the 'Lingua Franca' of the world. With the IT Revolution

    and most of software and operating system being in English Language, a new

    utility for written and oral communication in English Language has emerged.

    English is said to be the world's most important language having

    communicative and educative value. English is used all over the world not out

    of any imposition but because of the realization that it has certain advantages.

    A very important reason for regarding English as a world language is

    that the world's knowledge is enshrined in English. It is a progressive

    language. It is dynamic and flexible. Over and above English is universally

    renowned for its power of expression and its rich literature.

    As everyone knows English for Science and Technology was

    introduced in 2003 in the Malaysian School Syllabus for Form Four and FormFive students. The subject was introduced in the Curriculum as it was found

    that there was a common future need for students to read and understand

    academic and technical materials in English apart from being able to write

    short notes and technical instructions in English.

    We are going to have children besides England, speaking and use

    English every day. But the gap still remains like those of the haves and have-

    nots, developed and developing, urban and the rural.

    Much is required to be done by the linguists, the polyglots, the scholars

    and the teachers to bridge the gap between the English literate and the English

    illiterate population of the world. We have to go into the intricacies of the

    English language and simplify the methodology.

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    Whatever English now represents or has represented over centuries of

    colonization, it belongs to everyone. It is a global language, the first of its

    kind. The Australian poetPeter Porteremphasized the point in a World

    Conference Welcome Poem, published in the Times Literary Supplement(28th

    February 1992) to the effect that:

    'Everything will be exposed in English

    so delegates and lovers understand'

  • 7/29/2019 Tugasan Est Oum




    1. Issue on the Teaching and Learning of English for Science and Technology

    In my opinion, time factor is one of the main issues since students need

    more time and attention from their teachers.

    In my observation, majority of the students with low proficiency level

    in English language would have a hard time during English for Science and

    Technology lesson. Some of them might not even understand simple English

    words and surprisingly, these students have to go through every examinationwithout even understanding English in the first place!

    One of my friends even could still recall the information that she

    received in one of the methodology classes that she attended, which stressed

    that teachers should try in every possible way to make students understand

    English without translating them into students' native language.

    One of the examples is by using actions to show a certain movement or

    by conducting a demonstration. She has tried it in class and it is achievable

    because students can understand better.

    However, such approach is time consuming compared to the grammar

    translation method, hence teachers are struggling really hard to complete the

    whole syllabus in a given time.

    Moreover, it also depends on the effectiveness of classroom

    management because it is obvious that classroom management and teaching

    cannot be totally separated because both are present in the whole process.

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    English is an important language. Why, its the principal language of

    the world! The world is getting smaller, and English is playing a very

    significant role in bridging the gaps. As such, teaching English to those who

    do not know the language is an almost philanthropic task. More and more

    people today are expressing an interest in learning the language. But is

    teaching English to a bunch of people who have never spoken the language

    simple? No! Not by a long shot!

  • 7/29/2019 Tugasan Est Oum




    2. Interviews

    2.1 Teacher

    During last school holiday on __________(letak tarikh) , I have

    interview one of the teacher in SMK Sebuyau that teach EST in this school,

    Mr/Mrs_________________(nama cikgu yang ditemuramah). From the

    interview that I have conduct, Mr ________ told me that students of the rural

    school face a number of problems especially when referring to teaching of


    She/He even mention that learning a second language means acquiring

    a system of rules, but just as a very little is known about these rules, even less

    is known about how such rule systems are acquired.

    Most of the Students find themselves unable to express in English.

    They have no idea of proper sentence structure. They do not know proper

    pronunciation, spellings and grammatical rules. When this happen, these

    student normally dislike English as a subject.

    For every student that takes EST as their subject in form 4 and form 5

    their sole objective is to clear the examination with flying colour. Even for

    teacher, Mr/Mrs ___________said that the sole objective of the teacher is to

    helps the learner to clear the exams. The students never realize the importanceof learning English as a language.

    The emphasis on passing the exams lies so heavy on the students that

    they opt for the cramming method. Such an approach helps unscrupulous

    elements to flourish. They help the students in achieving their goals of passing

    the exams.

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    The inter-disciplinary relation of teaching and learning process brings

    home the fact that the problems of the teachers can be solved if we concentrate

    on the causes of the problem of the students.

    She/He agree with me when I told that time factor is one of the main

    issue since students need more time and attention from their teachers. These

    students have to learn this new subject for only 2 years or not nearly 2 years.

    Although this students have learn English starting from Year 1 or

    maybe some already learn English in pre-school, but the hackneyed,

    stereotyped and traditional pattern of exams aims at clearing English not as a

    language but as a subject remain.

    Mr/Ms ___________said that the students, therefore, are guided to

    practice pick and chose method from the sub-standard material available in the

    market. So that students merely pass the subject far from learning any level of

    the Language. It is more shocking to learn that even the questions that students

    are supposed to answer are told to learn through translation from English to

    their own vernacular.

    Poor performance in translation, lack of proper vocabulary, no

    knowledge proverbs all are results of a casual approach. Even after reading

    English for 14 or 15 years the level of the students remains poor.

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    2.2 Student 1

    My first interview with a student begins with a form four student.

    ______________________(Nama pelajar) from SMK ______________ . This

    interview have been done on ________________________(tarikh dan hari) at


    From this interview, students normally take this subject because they

    have to. He said that he dont like English even when he starting schooling.

    He said it is quite difficult to use English as a daily language.

    English for Science and Technology, for him even harder to master as

    it required even greater hours of time to find good translation for him to

    understand the subject itself. You cannot master a language overnight but it is

    take time and it a process that required patient and determination.

    He suggest that for students to excel in EST, they have to master

    English first therefore is wise enough for Malaysian Education to introduce

    special translation book as a textbook. However, it should be revised every 2

    years because every year new English word appear especially in world of IT.

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    2.3 Student 2

    My second interview take place on _____________ at

    _________________ with a form five student,

    _________________________(nama pelajar).

    The same problem happen to this student as she dont have the time to

    master EST as a whole. The emphasis on passing the exams lies so heavy on

    the students.

    Teacher only helps the students in achieving their goals of passing the

    exams. Learning other language than your mother tongue is quite tough.

    Lack of confidence in using English as a language makes this subject

    one of the boring subject. It is only the teacher that keep on talking in front of

    the class meanwhile the whole student of the class just listen or maybe not.

    Perhaps she said the use of ICT during teaching this subject will help

    or maybe using the native user of this language to teach them will be fun and

    helps them likes this subject very much.

    She even give suggestion that this subject should be taught starting

    even from form one.

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    3. Strategies to deal with the issue

    Language learning is a natural process for the natives. The approach to

    this learning process is called the behavioristic approach. But for the students

    of other languages, deliberate efforts are required to learn a foreign language

    which requires a mentalistic approach'.

    The students of rural and semi-urban areas in Malaysia face such

    problems because English is not their mother-tongue. It is neither instinctive

    nor intuitive. Language acquisition seems to be a process of both of analogy

    and application, nature and nurture.

    Teachers of language have adopted and invented a variety of methods

    to teach English. Edward M. Anthony says in 'Approach, method and

    Technique-Teaching English as a Second language', "Method is an overall

    plan for the orderly presentation of language material no part of which

    contradicts and all of which is based upon, the selected approach. Approach is

    axiomatic and a method is procedural.(2)

    The orderly presentation of language to students is influenced by

    several factors. The teacher has to keep in mind the age of the student, his

    native language, his cultural background and his previous experience with


    The experience of the teacher and his level of English mastery are

    equally important. To achieve the desired effects, the goal of a course much be

    kept in mind-whether it is aimed at reading, fluency in speech, inculcating

    translation skill. All these objects shape methodology.

  • 7/29/2019 Tugasan Est Oum




    According to Miss Lucy Chuo Mee Hong in the book of Prosiding

    Seminar Penyelidikan Tindakan 2005, She has use the TPS technique to make

    passive students become active learners in EST lessons. As we all know that

    an active learners can achieve more knowledge compare to the passive


    This all come back to self confidence in ever y student. When they

    eager to learn and feel the guts to use English, EST subject will be easier to be

    teach and learn.

    Neil Valentine D'Silva in Buzzle.com suggest this tips how to teach


    Building a rapport with your class: When you enter the class for the

    first time, it is very important that you give a welcoming smile to your

    students and greet them saying, 'Good morning, class! How are you

    feeling today?' or something like that. This is a very significant first

    step. There are many levels at which this works. First, your class isprobably intimidated about the very fact that they are learning the

    most important language of the world, and half of them are probably

    thinking they will not be able to master even ten words of English.

    Your assuring smile and greeting them in a familiar manner helps

    them bond with you instantly. When they bond with you, they will find

    learning the language easier.

    Building confidence for the language in the students: At the first

    meeting itself, train your students to ask some simple English

    questions, and give their answers. Examples are 'What is your name?',

    'Which country are you from?', 'Who is your best friend?' etc. Many

    teachers of English as a second language make the mistake of

    beginning with the alphabet. This is wrong. When you train them to ask

    questions on the first day itself, your students will definitely show off

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    these questions to their folks. And their interest in the language will be

    built. They will come with higher hopes of learning more things the

    next day. Starting out with the alphabet cannot achieve this 'English is

    fun' feeling in the minds of your students.

    Starting a thought process in the students' minds: Make it a very firm

    rule, but subtly implied, that there will be no other language spoken in

    your class other than English. This will be very difficult at first,

    especially when the students are hell-bent on translating new English

    words they learn into their own language. Do not encourage this. But

    also remember that the students are trying their best. Be gentle with

    them when they attempt to translate English into their language.

    Exhort them to think in English. This is a mammoth task, and can be

    achieved only after some weeks, or probably months, of teaching.

    Building basic communication skills in the students: Never teach your

    students. Always speak with them. Converse with the students about

    day-to-day things. Keep talking with them in simple English. They will

    talk when the initial icebreakers are done with. And when they will

    talk, they will learn. Encourage your students to talk. A simple

    question like, 'Why are you late for class today?' will be very useful.

    The student will try to explain the reason in English. You might not

    actually want to know the reason, but keep talking just the same. As

    long as the student attempts to talk in English, make it a point to listen.

    Handling faux pases and booboos: Do not convert your English class

    into a caricature of Mind Your Language. Mistakes will happen in theclass, and you have to learn how to handle them deftly. If you laugh at

    the students, they will be too embarrassed to make any further attempts

    at speaking the language. If you do not laugh, students will feel you

    are only being too kind to them, and might always think they have said

    something wrong, but you are hiding your amusement. What I do is, I

    laugh with the student. Yes, this is possible. I give a very polite laugh,

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    and then explain the student why what he or she said was funny. This

    makes the student laugh too. Invariably! In time, some of the students

    in your class will point out the mistakes of others. When this happens,

    follow a subtle approach at correcting the mistakes, laughing with

    them wherever appropriate.

    Carrying on the process: Be patient. I cannot stress this enough. You

    are a teacher. You know your language, and might have got

    international accolades for it. But your students cannot even frame

    three sentences in English properly. Only your perseverance will help

    them do it. Remember that your students are not native English

    speakersthey will not be able to even ask you their doubts. Be

    patient with them and encourage them to express themselves.

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    Teaching is not an easy task. It requires patience, insistence and

    sincere communication. Experience I think is the most effective factor which

    can solve almost all kinds of problems a teacher may face.

    If we take into consideration the role of teacher and learner in

    acquiring the knowledge of a language; the problems can be solved

    effectively. Only then the students will realize the practical use of English


    English will be used by them as a medium of expression. They will be

    able to use English as a language of communication. Fluency in the speech,

    proper knowledge of sentence structure, confidence of speaking in the public

    will make them able to keep their pace with the developing world. It will also

    help in raising the standards of English as a language at the college level.

    On the basis of suggestions given above, the critical situations in the

    teaching of English can be checked from further deteriorations. Decidedly one

    or two persons can't do anything solid.

    Let everyone concerned with it take the responsibility. Only then we

    can create a congenial environmental & we can be able to achieve better

    results in the teaching and learning of English for Science and Technology.

    'Never forget, my, boy that the English teacher's business is with the


  • 7/29/2019 Tugasan Est Oum





    1) Edward M. Anthony's 'Approach, Method & Technique English as a

    Second Language' by Allen & Campbell. T.M.H. Edition.

    2) Collins co builds English Dictionary for Advanced Learners Published by

    Harper Collins 3rd edition 2001.

    3)Lucy Chuo Mee Hong,Using T-P-S Technique to Make Passive Students

    Become Active Learners in EST Lessons, Pejabat Pelajaran Gabungan Sri

    Aman dan MPBL, 2005.

    4) P.6. 'Teaching of English As a second language by J.A. Bright and G.P.

    McGregory, Published by English Language Books Society and Longman

    Group Limited.

  • 7/29/2019 Tugasan Est Oum





    Interview questions with Teacher

    Question 1

    Tell me about yourself?

    Question 2

    Do have any problem to teach EST subject in your school?

    Question 3

    Do you think time factor is one of the issue that keep EST students to achieve

    better result?

    Question 4

    Do you have any suggestion to improve teacher teaching method or students

    performance in EST subject?

  • 7/29/2019 Tugasan Est Oum




    Interview questions with Student

    Question 1

    Tell me about yourself?

    Question 2

    Do you take EST as your subject in class?

    Question 3

    Do like or dislike EST? Why?

    Question 4

    What is the main problem for you to learn EST?

    Question 5

    Do you have any suggestions to make this subject, student interesting subject?

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