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Post on 05-Oct-2015




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Rumah adalah merupakan tempat perlindungan seseorang atau ahli sesebuah keluarga daripada panas dan hujan dan dapat melindungi barang-barang keperluan dan harta benda daripada sebarang ancaman bahaya


House is a shelter for a family from the sun and rain and from any threat of danger. Safe housing conditions will provide comfort and to create positive interaction among family members and community members. Equipped housing facilities and beautiful environment can contribute to the growth and development of a healthy and free from disease. This harmony will be tarnished if the factory built near residential areas that have been proven to endanger the health of the local community either during construction or when the plant was operating.

During construction of the plant, there will be a lot of movement in and out of trucks that will affect the safety of people and cause air pollution like dust in the local area and the noise pollution that affect public order. This construction process will certainly take a long time and if not well planned will lead to a flood of mud that would affect residential areas. Meanwhile, the factory is operating will be adverse impact on residential environment. The main effect is air pollution. Air pollution occurs when pollutants such as toxic gas, smoke, dust and dust released into the air and affect the respiratory system that can cause debilitating asthma and lung function.

According to research from the World Health Organization (WHO), a total of three million people die each year due to air pollution. It is higher than the number of deaths caused by vehicle accidents. In addition, air pollution also causes shrinkage of the ozone layer which causes the imbalance of ecosystems in the world, acid rain that kills vegetation and aquatic life, the greenhouse effect that can cause global warming will make the hot surface and the occurrence abnormal environment such as frequent floods and haze that reduces visibility and health hazards.

In addition, construction of factories in residential areas will cause noise pollution that occurs through the use of machinery and equipment that produce a lot of noise. The effect of this noise can negatively affect health. According to the study of Rosen (in Mulholland, 1981), noise can interfere with the growth of children such as pale skin, intestinal cramps and kidney damage. Noise can also affect the level of efficiency in the implementation of the work for not being able to focus and can interfere with emotional and stressful life.

Factory close to residential areas will expose residents to thermal pollution and chemical contamination. Thermal pollution will lead to global warming is global warming which in turn will have an adverse effect on humans. Chemical contamination have occurred with the removal of waste chemicals into the water plant. Water pollution can also occur with waste disposal or waste uncontrolled plant. The dirty water will affect the lives and health of the population.

Accordingly, every individual must play its role by demonstrating a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Construction of the plant close to residential areas should be in dispute by all residents as it will cause a negative impact on society. It also will affect the lives of future generations. The manufacturers need to study the potential effects experienced by local communities and seek advice from the Department of Environment before taking the decision to build the plant. The factory will be built in areas that are less risky to the public. Well-being of society in the future is dependent on how each individual deal with every problem that arose and fought to overcome them.(572 words)REFERENCES

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