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Portfolio Ira Indah Permata S. (Content Writer/Copy Writer)

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Post on 22-Feb-2017




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Ira Indah Permata S.(Content Writer/Copy Writer)

My Role

As a content writer I have written for Facebook and Twitter copy, planned monthly contents, have made a content calendar, have planned for the image choice and design, and also brief the designer.

Facebook Content

Body Post:Berapa lama sayuran bisa bertahan di kulkas? Yuk lihat infonya pada gambar ini.

Penting diingat, cara menyimpan sayur yang benar adalah disimpan di kantung plastik atau wadah tertutup. Lalu beri label dan tulis tanggal beli.

Bagaimana dengan pengalaman Moms?

This content has gained 8.4k Facebook reactions (Like and love), 39 shares, and 16 comments. The target audience is young mothers 25-35 years old who cook and have children.

Facebook Content

Body Post: Spesial di bulan ini! Beli Sustagen, dapatkan voucher potongan harga di toko-toko susu di kota Bunda yang terdapat Nutrition Consultant (SPG) Sustagen. Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.Info selengkapnya di http://www.sustagen.co.id/id/promo-sustagen-februari-2016

Untuk mengetahui toko yang berpartisipasi, sebutkan di kota mana Ibu tinggal ya! Kami akan membantu memberikan informasi. #SustadanSiKecilThis content has gained 81 Facebook reactions (Like and love), 1 share, and 40 comments. The target audience is young mothers 25-35 years old who cook and have toddlers and school kids.

Twitter Content

Body Post:Sob, ada pesan nih buat lo yang lagi laper. Coba siapa yang berani jawab pesan ini?

This content has gained 67 retweets, 107 likes, and 40 twitter’s mentions. The target audience is teenager 15-19 years old, high school students.

Body Post:Kirim foto dengan ekspresi #GakLebay lo abis makan Pop Mie! Jangan lupa pake hashtag #GakLeBay ya! pic.twitter.com/cYgt7Y2WXr

This content has gained 14 retweets, 14 likes, and a dozen of participants. The target audience is teenager 15-19 years old, high school students.

The rest of my previous works.

Writing the copy for BCA products.

Website content for another brand.