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Communicating effectively in spoken English in selected social contexts

1.0 Introduction

Communication is about expressing and conveying our thoughts, feelings, opinions and

ideas to another person or persons. Good communication skills can help us keep our head

and confidently take charge of unfamiliar situations.

1.1 Important of speaking English for study and work purposes:

The in speaking English for study and work purpose are to inquire which getting

information by asking question and etc. There are many books in English language.

Second is to inform the information using different channels of communication. We get the

information from the English books. Third is to persuade which to influence people and

guide them to our idea. Lastly is to develop goodwill which maintaining and forming

cordial and harmonious relationships with people we are communicating.

People are more likely to listen to us, whatever we have to say. If we can express

ourselves well, and this is particularly useful in influencing and negotiating important

 personal, social or business matters. It also comes in handy in resolving conflict and

dealing with difficult people.

1.2 Basic principles of effective speaking skills :

Wood (2009) lists three principles:

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1. Interpretation of Symbols create meaning. The meanings from symbols, like words

are derived from people.

2. The rules in communication. Verbal communication has its own set of unspoken

that widely understood rules. First, Regulative Rules that unwritten rules tell us

when, where, how and with whom we can have a conversation. Second,

Constitutive Rules that define what communication means by showing us the

meaning behind certain kinds of symbols use in communication.

1.3 Basic principles of effective listening skills :

According to Devito, J.A. (2009) effective listening is an active process that have five


• Receiving. We hear begins and ends and derive meaning from the sound.

• Understanding. Understanding happens when we take what we have heard and

understand it in our own way.

• Remembering. Listening involves remembering interpreted sounds or messages and

saving them for use later on.

• Evaluating. It means that we make some judgement about it. After we are sure we

understand what the speaker has said, think about whether it makes sense.

• Responding. Responses are feedback based on what we have heard.

1.4 Purpose of the paper and overview :

The purpose of the paper are to describe how oral communication works in

selected social context as we communicate from the time we were born. We are focus on

the transactional model and see how the components work and what make it complex.

Besides, all of us involve in interpersonal communication since we speak a lot in

our whole life with different topics according to different people. This paper shows us

listening and speaking skills and strategies.

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The transactional Model shows that the elements in communication are

interdependent. Each person in communication act is both a speaker and a listener, can be

simultaneously sending and receiving messages.

"...communication development is viewed as a transactional process that involves a

developmental interaction vis-a-vis the child and communicative partners. This perspective

emphasizes the reciprocal, bidirectional influence of the communication environment, the

"In this transactional model [Sameroff and Chandler's 1975 model], developmental

outcomes at any point in time are seen as a result of a continuous dynamic interplay among

child behavior, caregiver responses to the child's behavior, and environmental variables

that may influence both the child and the caregiver...Children are viewed as active

 participants who learn to affect the behavior and attitudes of others through active signalingand who gradually learn to use more sophisticated and conventional means to communicate

through caregivers' contingent social responsiveness (Dunst, Lowe, & Bartholomew, 1990

2.3 How the components of the model work together

The component of the model will change the people and their environment

continuously. Each element exist in relation to all the other elements. There is thisinterdependence there are source with the message and also the receiver.

2.4 What makes the process complex

The process become complex because there are some interference in

communication such as time factor. The model indicate that communication happens

within systems that both communicators share or personal systems. It also takes into

account change that happen in the communicators’ fields of personal and common


3.0 Interpersonal Communication

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• Let the speaker finish before we begin to talk. Speakers appreciate having the

chance to say everything they would like to say without being interrupted.

• Listen for main ideas. The main ideas are the most important points the speaker 

wants to get across. They may be mentioned at the start or end of a talk, and

repeated a number of times.

• Ask questions when we are not sure you understand what the speaker has said. It is

a good idea to repeat in our own words what the speaker said.

• Give feedback. Sit up straight and look directly at the speaker. At appropriate

 points we may also smile, frown, laugh, or be silent. These are all ways to let the

speaker know that we are really listening.

• Thoughts move about four times as fast as speech. With practice, while we are

listening we will also be able to think about what we are hearing, really and give

feedback to the speaker.

There are some speaking skills and strategies,

• Pronouncing the words clearly is an important thing to be remembered. Need to

repeat a particular word/sentence affects the flow of presentation.

• To emphasize the importance of a particular thought, words have to be pronounced

 by changing their tones.

• Avoiding fillers while speaking is necessary. The sounds of fillers ('um', 'ah', etc.)

can be irritating for listeners.

• While in a face-to-face communication process, interrupting others is a sign of poor 

communication skills.

• Listening is as important as speaking while continuing the process of oral

communication. It helps in responding properly.

• One should always make an eye contact with the listeners; this way, the attention of 

listeners in the communication process is not lost and their interest is kept intact.

• Asking questions in order to obtain information is one of the important aspects of 

oral communication.

• It is not advisable to carry on the communication process without understanding a

 particular point.

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• Body language is also important, just like spoken words while communicating. It is

through our body language that the speaker/listener becomes interested in the

communication process.

4. Small Group Communication

4.1 Description of functions

Successful group requires active group participation. Members may be invited to

ask and respond to questions, express opinions, negotiate and give suggestions, all to

achieve the objectives of the meeting.

4.2 How small group communication is organized

Most researchers define a small group as having at least three and no more than

twelve or fifteen members. With three members, coalitions can be formed and some kind

of organization is present.

4.3 Group members’ roles

There are some group members’ roles:

- Asking and responding to questions. The member of the group is working

together. We may need to ask and respond to questions, after the group

leader has introduced the topic or subject of discussion.

- Expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing. We cite reasons and facts to

make our opinions sound logical and credible.

- Negotiation. Negotiation is helpful when members at a meeting or 

discussing take opposing sides on a particular issue.

- Arguing and conceding. There are times when one person states an opinion

and rthe other disagrees. Both speaker support their position with facts and


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- Turn-taking. No two speaker speak at the same time. Speakers should take

turns to hold the floor.

- Explanation and justification. Our opinions are formed based on our 

knowledge and feeling. It is better to give reasons and facts to support them

if we want our opinions to sound logical.

- Interrupting and expressing disagreement. It is move convincing to

listeners if our disagreement is supported by facts.

4.4 Question and answer strategies

Here is some question and answer strategies,

Ask if everyone understands what the team goals are.• Ask input and feedback from all members.

• Listen carefully to what the other person is saying.

• Don't interrupt until someone has finished talking.

• Give feedback on what they've said.

• Speak slowly and clearly.

• Make your points in a clear, logical manner.

• Include facts and details, and make sure they are all accurate.

• Make sure every member of the group gets the chance to speak.

• Be open minded.

• When responding to someone's question or statement, repeat it to make sure we

have heard and understood correctly.

• Do not disparage anyone for their views and don't refute any point by taking

 personal shots at the speaker. Address the issue.

• Watch our body language.

• Don't make rash decisions or issue any statements when we are angry. Give

ourselves time to cool down.

• If there are any misunderstandings, clear them up in a calm manner.

• If we don't understand any point, speak up and ask questions. Get it clarified before

we all move on.

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• If we have an opinion, express it as such, with the reasons behind it.

• Be polite at all times.

4.5 Examples of small group communication in different social contexts (includingacademic context)

Through scientists research, most of them have come to believe that social

influence is part of the "transformational" process. As we know, social influence is the

 process by which group members influence one another's opinions. Researchers feel that

the process of social influence is part of the overall process that a group uses to "formulate"

a decision based on the members' opinions.

5.0 Public Communication (or ‘public speaking)

Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured,

deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. Public

communication is the sending and receiving of messages on a large scale that impacts

groups of people. For the communication to be considered effective, the messages must be

clearly and accurately sent and received with full comprehension.

5.1 Social contexts where public speeches occur and functions

The result of effective public communication is the successful delivery of a

message to a large group of people where each individual is impacted and moved to take

action. Public speaking improve our social skill. An effective speaker exerts a dynamic

hold on an audience and can be very persuasive. They is very sensitive to audience needs

and reactions.

5.2 Making oral presentations

The following tips will help you better prepare for a public speech and to better deliver:

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5.2.1 Be prepared and practice.

Practice to remember critical pieces of information over and over, until we are able

to do our presentations with the minimal amount of cue cards.

5.2.2 Pick a topic that interest us.

By picking this topic, we will be able to inject a little charisma into our speech.

When questions are around at the end, we will be more equipped to answer them if we love

what we talked about.

5.2.3 Don’t leave the audience out.

When the audience is pulled into our speech while we are giving our speech, their 

curiosity and attention will be on us.

5.2.4 Know our audience

Know who we will be speaking to and tailor our speech accordingly. Keeping the

audience foremost in mind at every step of speech preparation and presentation.

5.2.5 Make it simple to understand

If we have to use complicated terms, complement them with an easy to understand

example of what we mean.

5.2.6 Complement our speech with visual aids.

Use power point slides or projectors. Illustrate our examples and put definitions of 

difficult concepts on simple slides. Supporting materials with examples, statistics and


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5.2.7 Dress properly

Dress like we mean it and are interested in what we are doing. What we wear says

something about us and people take those who dress seriously.

5.2.8 Keep our audience hanging and thinking.

Close our speech by leaving our audience thinking. This will perpetuate our speech

and cultivate curiosity in others.

5.3 Credibility of speaker and related qualities

The audience’s perception about the credibility of speaker and related qualities of 

whether a speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic. The audience’s perception of 

whether the speaker has the best interests of the audience in mind.

5.4 Audience analysic for effective communication.

Audience analysis for effective communication according to:

• Physical setting of the speaker. Their appearance such as dressing are


• Disposition toward the topic. The topic are related to the audience and not

old issues.

• Disposition toward the speaker. The audience respect to the speaker 

• Disposition toward the occasion. The occasion suitable and not so bored.

6.0 Conclusion

6.1 Summary of main ideas of paper

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The main ideas of paper that:

- Transactional model make the communicators can send and receive

message simultaneously.

- Oral communication is a two way proses that require a speaker and a


- When interacting with people from different cultural, religious and ethnic

groups, we have to be mindful of different social and cultural practices,

significant religious holidays and language and expressions which difficult

to understand.

- It is always convincing to listeners when we support our disagreement with


- Public speaking can improve our personal and social skills, academic and

 professional skills.

6.2 Complexity of the speaking process

Complexity of the speaking process is:

- Respiration. When we exhale for speaking, we breathe air out at a measured

rate that is slower than for respiration alone. We inhale rather rapidly and

then begin to exhale slowly

- Phonation. Our voice is created as the vocal folds come together and narrow

the opening through which air can flow between them. This restriction

causes the vocal folds to vibrate and make noise that is our voice.

- Articulation. Discuss the process of making sounds by moving and

contacting the lips, tongue, teeth and palate

6.3 Knowledge and skills/strategies needed for effective speaking in different social


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Public speaking skills empower us to communicate ideas and information in a way

that all members of the audience can understand. They enable us to influence the attitudes

and behaviors of others, to achieve career goals and to participate to our democratic


6.4 Need for speech training

One needs Public Speaking skills to live productively in the age of Communication.

Unless one has speaking talents necessary to engage in committee discussions,

 presentations to clients. One’s speech making skills also affect one’s ability to change

  peoples’ minds at meetings, student councils, political conventions etc. or in pressure.

(2,926 words)

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