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R.. A.Fisher

Nama :SirRonaldAylmerFisher, FRS Kelahiran/Kematian:17 Februari1890 -29 Julai1962. Tempat Lahir : EnglandSebab kematian : kanser kolondi Australia.Pekerjaan:Ahli matematik,ahli statistik,ahli biologibersifat evolusi,ahli genetik.Sumbangankepada Statistik:Ujian tepatFisher,persamaanFisher,prinsip reka bentukeksperimen, ANOVA,teorem asasFisher,kemungkinanMaximum,Fishermaklumat,Fisherpersamaan Kolmogorov,modelgeometriFisher,penciptaan istilah"hipotesis nul,"Pentadbiran fidusial,prinsipFisher,orang pelarianFisherian, Taburan F.Gelaran : "The Father of Statistics".

Contributions to Statistics:Fishers exact test, Fishers equation, principles of design of experiments, ANOVA, Fisher's fundamental theorem, Maximum likelihood, Fisher information, FisherKolmogorov equation, Fisher's geometric model, coining the term "null hypothesis," Fiducial inference, Fisher's principle, Fisherian runaway, F-distribution.

Anugerah/Pengiktirafan: Fellow Royal Society (1929), Royal Medal (1938), Pingat Lelakidalam warna emas, Copley Medal (1956), Bujang Knight olehRatu Elizabeth II(1952), PingatDarwinWallace.Dia menerimakedoktoran kehormatdari beberapa buahinstitusi, termasukIowa State University(di mana diatelah menjadiprofesor pelawat),Universiti Harvarddan Indian Statistical Institute.Awards/Recognition: Fellow of the Royal Society (1929), Royal Medal (1938), Guy Medal in Gold (1947), Copley Medal (1956), Knight Bachelor by Queen Elizabeth II (1952), Darwin-Wallace Medal (1958). He received honorary doctorates from a number of institutions, including Iowa State University (where he had been a visiting professor), Harvard University and the Indian Statistical Institute.

Fakta menarik:Fishermempunyairabun ayam,yang menyebabkannya sukar membaca, jadi dia mempelajaridengan caramendengaroranglain membacadengan kuatkepadanya. Dia bermulabelajar matematik(danmengatasidi ia) tetapimula menumpukan pada statistikdisebabkan oleh mintanya pada teori evolusi.Selepas berkahwin, dia menjadi seorang petani.Fishermembantu menubuhkanCambridge University Eugenics Society pada tahun 1911. Diamerupakan bapa mertuakepada GeorgeE.P. Box.

Interesting Facts:Fisher had poor eyesight, which made reading difficult; so he learned through listening to others read aloud to him. He started out studying mathematics (and excelling at it) but began to focus on statistics because of his interest in evolutionary theory. After marriage, he became a subsistence farmer. Fisher helped form the Cambridge University Eugenics Society in 1911. He was the father-in-law of George E.P. Box.

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