bagaimana belajar dyned v2

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  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2



  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2



    Microphone/Microphone/Record buttonRecord button


    Repeat buttonRepeat button

    Pause/playPause/play Text buttonText button

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    TipeTipe LatihanLatihan

    PresentasiPresentasi / Presentations Lessons/ Presentations LessonsKegiatanKegiatan iniini yangyang harusharus didi lakukanlakukan dahuludahulu sebelumsebelum melakukanmelakukan kegiatankegiatan yangyang lainlain.. ModelModel bahasabahasa yangyang didipresentasikanpresentasikan dalamdalam bentukbentuk kontekkontek.. DiDi dukungdukung visualvisual && pertanyaanpertanyaan pemahamanpemahaman (comprehension(comprehension

    question)question).. PembelajarPembelajar harusharus lebihlebih seringsering melakukanmelakukan latihanlatihan iniini sampaisampai merekamereka menguasaimenguasai,, menyimpulkanmenyimpulkan

    && memperluasmemperluas latihanlatihan dengandengan percayapercaya diridiri..

    PendukungPendukung/ Support lessons/ Support lessonsSUPPORTSUPPORT LESSONSLESSONS tindaktindak lanjutlanjut daridari PRESENTASIPRESENTASI.. DiDi dalamdalam materimateri iniini adaada pertanyaanpertanyaan &&menyusunmenyusun kalimatkalimat.. DiDi SUPPORTSUPPORT LESSONSLESSONS iniini,, pembelajarpembelajar akanakan berlatihanberlatihan kosakatakosakata &&strukturstruktur bahasabahasa kuncikunci yangyang didi dapatkandapatkan sebelumnyasebelumnya daridari PRESENTASIPRESENTASI.. DiDi sarankansarankan janganjanganmengerjakanmengerjakan kegiatankegiatan SUPPORTSUPPORT LESSONS,LESSONS, sebelumsebelum berlatihberlatih PRESENTATIONPRESENTATION LESSONSLESSONSbeberapabeberapa kalikali.. YangYang termasuktermasuk SUPPORTSUPPORT LESSONSLESSONS meliputimeliputi questionquestion practicepractice,, focusfocusexercisesexercises,, keykey sentencessentences..

    TinjauanTinjauan/ Review Lessons/ Review LessonsREVIEW LESSONSREVIEW LESSONS hampirhampir samasama dengandengan SUPPORT LESSONS,SUPPORT LESSONS, bedanyabedanya materimateri iniinimenyediakanmenyediakan latihanlatihan--latihanlatihan.. SebagaiSebagai contohnyacontohnya, REVIEW LESSONS, REVIEW LESSONS didi NEW DYNAMICNEW DYNAMICENGLISHENGLISH meliputimeliputi FillFill--insins,, DictationsDictations,, Speech PracticeSpeech Practice,, Video reviewVideo review.. DiDi sarankansarankanpembelajarpembelajar tidaktidak langsunglangsung berlatihberlatih didi materimateri iniini sebelumsebelum merekamereka berlatihanberlatihan atauatau menguasaimenguasaiPRESENTATION LESSONS.PRESENTATION LESSONS.

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2



    TinjauanTinjauan && PendukungPendukung

    SiswaSiswa bisabisa melihatmelihat hasilhasil belajarnyabelajarnya

    melaluimelalui menumenu iniini

    UntukUntuk mengukurmengukur penguasaanpenguasaan

    SiswaSiswa stlhstlh belajarbelajar materimateri presentasipresentasi &&

    MateriMateri pendukungpendukung && reviewreview.. MenuMenu iniiniakanakan terbukaterbuka stlhstlh daridari masingmasing22 materimateri

    MemenuhiMemenuhi prosentasiprosentasi ygyg telahtelah didi tentukantentukan

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    PresentasiPresentasi//Presentation LessonsPresentation Lessons

    Class activitiesClass activities:: Oral presentationOral presentation Pair activitiesPair activities Language gamesLanguage games Group activitiesGroup activities

    PendukungPendukung//Support LessonsSupport Lessons

    Attention:Attention:DiDi sarankansarankan untukuntuk tidaktidak terburu2terburu2mengambilmengambil materimateri iniini kalaukalau belumbelumcukupcukup menguasaimenguasai PRESENTASIPRESENTASI

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    ReviewReview LessonsLessons

    Di NDE,Di NDE, LatihanLatihan yangyang terdapatterdapatdidi dalamnyadalamnya gabungangabungan daridari

    33--4 unit4 unitAttention:Attention:

    DisarankanDisarankan tidaktidak berlatihberlatihREVIEW LESSONSREVIEW LESSONS

    sebelumsebelum berlatihberlatih bahasabahasa didiPRESENTASIPRESENTASI

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    Skill Acquisition Path













    FamiliarityFamiliarity Mastery & AutomaticityMastery & Automaticity

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    Cara belajar DyEd m elalu iPRESENTATION LESSON

    1. Preview - Dengarkan seluruh m ater i present asi yg and a pi l ih.

    Jaw ab sem ua per t anyaan yang ada dlm mate r ipresentasi Jangan bur u2 p encet to m bol repeat / u lang

    atau tom bo l ABC

    2. Comprehend - Dengarkan dn g hat i2 unt uk m em aham i ar t inya.

    Gunakan to m bol repeat / u lang dar i set iap kalim at yganda dengar sam pai and a m engert i art i dar i set iap kat a.

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    3. Conf i rm - Den gar kan d n g h at i2 lagi d n g d o u b le click.Gu na t om b ol ABC j ika d i per lu kan un t uk m enklar if i-

    kasi ar t inya (iko n ABC akt if j ika an da m en gu lan gi

    sebu ah kalim at lebih dar i du a kali.

    4 . Record & compare - Guna mem bangu n kelancaran & kecakapan.

    Dengarkan dr set iap kalim at sam pai anda bisam engingatnya kem ud ian Pencet to m bol M ic danucapkan d en gan jelas. Jangan gun a ikon ABC.Dengarkan rekam an suara and a dng m engkl ik ikonheadphone. Lalu band ingan rekam an suara and a dn g

    m odel m engk l ik ikon repeat / u lang.

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    5. Practice/exercise - Guna m em bangun akurasi & kelancaran. Practice dn g

    sem ua lat ihan secara teratu r sam pai sem ua t erasa m ud ah(set elah m elalui m ater i pr esent asi beb erapa kal i). Gant ilat ih an lebih baik dari pada m elakukan hal yang sam a.

    6.6. Review / Int erm itte nt reviewReview / Int erm itte nt review -- U n t u kU ntuk m aster ym astery dandan auto m aticityauto m aticityLuangkanLua ngkan w akt uw akt u unt ukunt uk kem ba l ikem ba li belajarbe lajar m at erim at eripresentasipre sen ta si da nda n lat ihanlat ihan yan gyang sud ahsuda h perna hpernah d id ipelajar ipelajar i .. Ke giat anKegiata n sep ert isep ert i iniini aka naka n m em ba nt um em bant u

    danda n m em pe rcep atm em pe rcep at pe nguasaanpe nguasaan (m aste ry)(m aste ry) da ndankeo to m at isankeo to m at isan d alamdalam be rbaha sabe rba hasa (aut om at ici ty)(au to m at icity)

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2



    Language Acqu isit ion St eps1.1. ListenListen becomebecome familiarfamiliar

    with the general content.with the general content.General Comprehension.General Comprehension.

    3.3. Say and recordSay and record eacheachsentence. Build oralsentence. Build oralfluency and pronunciation.fluency and pronunciation.

    4.4. ReviewReview and summarizeand summarizeevery section on a regularevery section on a regularbasis. Extend the content.basis. Extend the content.




    2.2. FocusFocus on the details ofon the details ofmeaning and structure.meaning and structure.

    Detailed Comprehension.Detailed Comprehension.

    Daily practice leads toDaily practice leads to masterymastery && acquisitionacquisition..

    Shorter, frequent sessionsShorter, frequent sessions are most effective.are most effective.

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    Move toward MasteryMove toward Mastery

    Check Text & GlossaryCheck Text & Glossarytoto confirm Vocabularyconfirm Vocabulary

    and Grammarand Grammar

    Begin Support ExercisesBegin Support Exercises

    Record SentencesRecord Sentences& compare with Model& compare with Model

    66--8 minutes8 minutes


    General UnderstandingGeneral Understanding

    Listen, WatchListen, Watch -- get theget the listlist

    Look Ahead, Familiarize,Look Ahead, Familiarize,

    GetGet an Overviewan Overview

    33--5 minutes5 minutes

    Finalize AcquisitionFinalize Acquisition

    Practice doing SupportPractice doing Support

    Exercises DailyExercises DailyRegularly Review/ConsolidateRegularly Review/Consolidate

    Previous Lessons and UnitsPrevious Lessons and Units

    44 --6 minutes6 minutes


    Effective Practice ChecklistEffective Practice Checklist



    Detailed UnderstandingDetailed Understanding

    Listen Repeatedly,Listen Repeatedly,as necessaryas necessary

    Get the DetailsGet the Details

    Confirm/Identify all WordsConfirm/Identify all Words

    Shadow SilentlyShadow Silently

    Do NOT use Text unlessDo NOT use Text unlessabsolutely necessaryabsolutely necessary

    44--6 minutes6 minutes

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    Skill Acquisition Path









    FamiliarityFamiliarity Mastery & AutomaticityMastery & Automaticity

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    M u lt ip le Pro cesso rs - Plast icit y




    VisualVisualpr ocessor spr ocessor s

    Audit or yAudit or ypr ocessor spr ocessor s

    ConCept ualConCept ualpr ocessor spr ocessor s

    N eu rons th at f i re t oget he r,N eu rons th at f i re t oget he r,

    w ire to get he r!w ire to get he r!

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    Un derst and ing DynEd 's St udy Record s & Int el l igen t


    W hat is St ud y Record s?St ud y Records adl sem acam alat per ekam hasil atau pun pro ses pem belajaran yg dilakukan o leh p em belaj ar.Alat i ni akan m enget ahu i kapan ,ber apa lam a dan apa saja yg di p elajar i si

    pem belajar .

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    W hat is In t e ll igent t u t or ?

    In t e l ligent t u t or adl sist em fe ed back atas apa dan bagaim ana

    si pembelajar melakukan aktiv i tas.

    Sist em ini akan m em ber i tahu st ud y score, m em ot ivasi danbahkan coaching (m em bim bin g) si pem belajar bagaim anacara belajar yang efekt i f dan ef isien.

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    St udy Reco rds (By Lesson )

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    St udy Recor ds (By Date)

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    Int el ligent Tu t o r

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    Int e l ligent Tut o r (m o re det ai l)

  • 7/23/2019 Bagaimana Belajar DynEd v2


    TheThe DynEdDynEd Placement Levels rate students on a 5 point scale, from 0 to 5, similar to thePlacement Levels rate students on a 5 point scale, from 0 to 5, similar to the

    Foreign Service Institute (USA) oral interview scale. Definitions for the levels are as follows:Foreign Service Institute (USA) oral interview scale. Definitions for the levels are as follows:

    Descriptions Lin k t o sy lla bu s fo r co urse St u dy re co m m e n da tio ns

    LevelLevel 00 ..00 :: BeginnerBeginner oror FalseFalse Beginn erBeginner.. No tNot ab leable tot ocom m un icatecom m un icate inin English,English, eveneven aboutabout t im etim e

    a ndand num bersnum bers.. AA FalseFalse BeginnerBeginner w illw ill havehavesom esom e pr iorprior k now ledgeknow ledge ofof ba sicba sic English,English,

    bu tbut isis notnot ableable toto useuse itit ..

    LevelLevel 00 ..55 :: BeginnerBeginner oror FalseFalse BeginnerBeginner.. CanCan speakspeaka ndand understandunderstand aa fewfew phrasesphrases inin English,English,includingincluding tim e,tim e, n um bers,num bers, an dand spellingspelling.. HasH assom esom e know ledgek n o w l e dge o fo f b asicbasic Eng lishEnglishgram m ar,gramm ar, suchsu ch a sa s t het h e p r o no u n sp r o no u n s a n dandsim plesim ple W hW h q u e st i onquest ion fo rm at ionform ation .. Ca nCanansw eransw er quest ionsquest ions aboutabout age ,age, fam ily,fam ily, andand

    jo bjob (W hat(W hat dod o y ouy o u d o ?do? W hereW h e r e d od o y ouyo uw ork?)w ork?)LevelLevel 11 ..00 :: Elem entaryElem entary LevelLevel:: CanCan answ eran sw er sim plesim pl equest ionsquest ions abouta b o u t j o b,job, fam i ly,fam ily, dailyda i ly andandw eeklyw eek ly schedu le ,schedule, l ikes/ d isl ikes,l ikes/ d isl ikes, andandw eat her,w eather, bu tb u t n o tn o t a b o u tabout l if el i fe historyh istory o rorfuturef u t ur e p la n splans.. SentencesSentences area r e sh o r tsh o r t o rorfragm ente dfragm ented..

    LevelLevel 11 ..55 :: SpeechSpeech isis slowslow andand ungram ma t icalungram matical..Unab leU n a b l e t oto explainexplain oror understandunderstand detai lsdetai lsa ndand abst ractabstract inform at ioninform ation .. Ca nCan per fo rmperform

    basicbasic taskstasks ono n t h ethe te lephonete lephone andand sim plesim pleinteractions,interact ions, butbut w i thw ith difficulty,difficulty, suchsuch asasgreet inggreeting som eonesom eone oror buyingbuying som eth ingsom eth ing ata taa storestore.. Ca nCan answ eransw er sim plesim ple quest ionsquest ionsabouta b o u t r e ce n trecent pastp a st a n da n d p la n sp la n s f o rf or t h etheim m ed iateim m ediate futu refuture.. VocabularyVocabulary isis obviou slyobviouslylim itedl im i t ed tot o e v e ry d ayeveryday th ings,things, placesp laces o fo fbusiness,business, an dand basicbasic nee dsneeds..

    Appropriate DynEdcourse:

    New Dynamic English 1New Dynamic English 1--11

    Appropriate DynEdcourse:

    New Dynamic English 1New Dynamic English 1--22

    Appropriate DynEdcourse:

    New Dynamic English 2New Dynamic English 2--11

    The Lost SecretThe Lost Secret

    Level 0 .0Level 0.0 --1.01 .0 :At this beginner:At this beginner--elem entary level ,elem entary level ,listening is the key skill. Stude nts have litt lelistening is the key skill. Stude nts have litt le

    if any passive know ledge t o fall back on , soif any passive know ledge t o fall back on , sothey are depe ndent on the language m odelsthey are depe ndent on the language m odelsprovided in the courses and by t he te acher.provided in the courses and by t he te acher.Regular m eetings w ith a te acher or class w illRegular m eetings w ith a te acher or class w illhelp m otivate student s to keep up w ithhelp m otivate student s to keep up w ithfrequent (3frequent (3--5 t im es per w eek ) m ultim edia5 tim es per w eek) m ultim ediastudy sessions of 20study sessions of 20--40 m inutes in duration .40 m inutes in duration .Progress should be ra pid and easilyProgress should be ra pid and easilyperceived by the student . Please consult th eperceived by the student . Please consult th eTeacher 's Guide for N ew Dyn am ic English,Teacher 's Guide for N ew Dyn am ic English,

    Level 1 , for teaching suggestions.Level 1 , for teaching suggestions.

    LevelLe ve l 11 ..00 --22 ..00:: AtAt t hist h is lo w e rlow er in term ed ia teinterm ediate--interm ediateinterm ediate level,level, controlledcontrolled listeninglisten ing isis stillstillim portant ,im por tan t , bu tbut studentsstudents area r e n o wn o w a b lea b l e t otospeakspeak andand generategenerate the i rthe i r ow now n languagelanguage..ClassroomClassroom activitiesactivities suchsuch asas rolerole plays,plays, pairpairpractice,pract ice, andand gam esgam es cancan bebe veryvery ef fect iveeffective..PleasePlease consultconsult thethe TeacherTeacher$$BB%%ff(Bs(Bs GuideGuide forfo rN ewNew Dynam icDyna m ic English,English, LevelsLevels 22 && 33 ,, f o rfo rteachingteaching suggestionssuggestions.. InIn add i t ionadd i t ion tot o N e wN ew

    Dyna m icDynam ic English,English, TheThe LostLost SecretSecret isis aarecom m ende drecom m ende d coursecourse thatthat bo thboth review sreview s andandextendsextends thethe languagelanguage a ta t t h isth is leve l,l e ve l, a n dandprovidesprovides studentsstud ents w ithw ith anan interest inginteresting storystory--basedbased coursecourse thatt h a t h e lp sh e lp s t ot o k ee pk ee p t h emthemm otivate dm otivate d.. Idea lly,Ideally, thesethe se coursescourses cancan bebe usedusedinin parallel,parallel, soso thatthat studentsstudents cancan dividedivide theirthe i rstudystudy t im etim e..

    AppropriateAppropriate DynEdDynEd

    NewNew Dynamic English 2Dynamic English 2--22

    TheThe Lost SecretLost Secret