bab 14 - kritik ke atas kajian tindakan - nota

Post on 02-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 Bab 14 - Kritik Ke Atas Kajian Tindakan - NOTA


    Kuliah 14 Kritikan Kajian Tindakan




    Perlu diketahui bahawa setiap peneylidikan yang kita buat mempunya

    beberapa batasan yang perlu kita perhatikan dan pertimbangkan

    dengan baik agar apa yang kita lakukan untuk sekolah kita

    mendapat manfaat yang sepatutnya. Ianya bergantung kepadasekolah.

    a. Masa Terhad

    KT selalunya mengambil masa yang lama untuk mencapai matlamat

    kajiannya. Lantaran itu ia memerlukan masa yang lama di samping

    akan menggunakan perbelanjaan yang agak besar juga. Masa yang

    lama ini akan menimbulkan beberapa kesulitan kepada pihakpenyelidik sekolah. Dalam tempoh penyelidikan berkenaan, guru-guru

    yang terlibat mungkin berpindah ke sekolah lain dengan sebab-sebab

    tertentu. Ini akan melengahkan jawatankuasa untuk mencapai

    matlamat kajian dan lambat dapat menyiapkan laporan yang hendak

    dibuat. Kadang kala terdapat juga satu inovasi atau satu dapatan lain

    telah terhasil yang mungkin akan melibatkan kajian yang kita buat

    terpaksa ditangguh atau diganti atau diperbaiki lagi. Ini adalah natijah

    dari tempoh masa yang lama diambil untuk menyiapkan KT yang kitalakukan. Kajian tindakan lazimnya dilakukan dalam suasana sekolah -

    terdiri dari ramai ahli yang ingin memberikan sumbangan kerana pada

    asasnya individu berkenaan juga adalah amalan atau perkara yang

    menjadi tumpuan kajian. Pemantauan yang rapi terhadap amalan

    inilah yang memerlukan kesabaran, masa dan ruang untuk ketua yang

    menjalankan kajian tindakan harus dapat menangani, memahami dan

    mengambil masa yang agak panjang untuk memastikan kajian

    berkenaan dapat berjalan mengikut jadual yang telah ditetapkan

    terutamanya dalam pengumpulan data, kritikan dari ahli dan kitaran


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    yang perlu dibuat berdasarkan temuan-temuan yang didapati

    disepanjang kajian.

    b. Kesahan Penyelidikan

    Lazimnya kajian tindakan dilakukan oleh sekumpulan individu yang

    amat berminat untuk menjalankan kajian demi untuk

    mempertingkatkan pencapaian atau prestasi di sekolah mereka. Ini

    menimbulkan beberapa kritikan dalam proses menjalankan kajian

    tindakan dimana penyelidik ini dianggap bias dalam mendapatkan

    data dan membuat analisis yang tertumpu kepada untuk memberi

    justifikasi yang positif terhadap kajian mereka. Ini ditimbalbalik oleh

    sipenyelidik dengan hujjah bahawa dalam suasana sekolah, mereka

    perlu terlibat dalam kajian berkenaan, kerana mereka juga adalah

    sebahagian dari iklim sekolah. Sesuatu tidak dapat dipastikan

    sehinggalah mereka sendiri yang terlibat dalam kajian berkenaan

    dapat menentukan peranan dan nilai mereka dalam kajian berkenaan.

    Mereka juga haruslah bertindak sebagai seorang yang professional.

    c. Kurang mesra dengan kaedah Penyelidikan

    Kajian tindakan juga sentiasa atau kerap mencuba mencari makna apa

    yang dikatakan sebagai kaedah penyelidikan yagn lengkap dan pada

    masa yang sama terus menyelidik tentang amalan yang dilakukan.

    Keadaan ini yang dianggap sebagai latihan sambil berkhidmat yang

    kerap kalinya mengakibatkan perancangan yang dibuat adalah secara

    ad hoc, telah mengakibatkan orang membuat tohmahan bahawa

    pengumpulan data yagn dibuat itu tidak bolehdipercayaai. Keadaan iniada betulnya, namun demikian ia haruslah diverfikasikan dan apa

    yang dapat kita katakana ialah, dalam keadaan sedemikian, proses

    yang dijalankan itu adalah yang terbaik dan bolehdipercyaai

    berdasarkan amalan yang dibuat sehari-hari itulah keadaan


    d. Keputusan kajian tidak boleh di generalisasikan ke sekolah



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    Kuliah 14 Kritikan Kajian Tindakan

    Ini adalah benar dan menjadi asas kepada kajian tindakan.

    Namun demikian, sebagai asas kepada konsep penyelidikan, apalah

    salahnya kita membuat duplikasi kajian yang dibuat dari satu sekolah

    itu disekolah yang lain pula. Pada saya, kajian tindakan ini wujud di

    Negara barat yang mana dasar pembentukan kurikulum dan

    amalannya agak sedikit berbeza dari kita di Malaysia. Di Malaysia,

    kita mengamalkan kurikulum berpusat, malahan setiap kurikulum itu

    disisipkan pula dengan huraian sukatan pelajaran yang menjelaskan

    dengan terperinci bagaimana sesuatu tajuk itu harus disampaikan di

    bilik darjah. Keadaan ini agak berbeza dari apa yang diamalkan di

    Negara dimana kajian tindakan ini wujud. Tidak ada salahnya kita

    meniru prosedur yang dilakukan oleh sesebuah sekolah itu yang telah

    mendapat kejayaan cemerlang agar sekolah kita juga boleh mendapat

    kejayaan yang sama. Itulah hasrat kita, bantu membantu dalam

    mencari kebenaran dan keredhaan dari yang maha kuasa.

    e. Perwakilan proses kajian tindakan mungkin mengelirukan

    dari menjelaskan

    Produr melakukan kajian tindakan ini agak komplek juga yangmelibatkan kitaran yang boleh bergerak kehadapan dan balik

    kebelakan mengikut keadaan dan maklumat yang didapati dari kajian .

    Keadaan yang sebegini sebenarnya tidak membantu penyelidik

    malahan boleh mengelirukan penyelidik untuk sampai kepada apa

    yang dihasratkan pada peringkat awalnya seperti yang telah ditetapkan

    dalam persoalan kajian. Persoalan kajian juga boleh berubah mengikut

    keadaan seperti apa yang dihasratkan. Keadaan ini disebut juga

    sebagai satu proses yang celaru (McNiff, 1988). Penataran prosedurgambarajah kajian tindakan yang dibentangkan oleh Elliot adalah

    terlalu (Ebbutt, 2985).

    f. Retorik kajian tindakan mengelirukan, atau bertentangan

    dengan prinsip utama proses kajian tindakan

    Dalam kebanyakan hal, kajian tindakan merupakan satu kaedah

    amalan penyelidikan yang betul mengikut caranya yang tersendiri. Ini


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    telah menimbulkan polemik dikalangan penyelidik. Antaranya Lewis

    (1987) menegaskan bahawa, beliau tidak mendapat bukti yang jelas

    cara Carr dan Kemmis memahami keadaan sebenar guru-guru di

    sekolah dan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh guru sebenarnya.

    Nota Tambahan dari: (22-0702012)

    What and why?

    So that you can decide to what extent research may be useful in

    practice you will need to be able to read research critically, to see if

    the findings are trustworthy, and be able to compare it with other

    related research.

    The activity of critiquing research is therefore fundamental to

    research utilisation and evidence based practice.

    To critique research, you first need to have a reasonable knowledge

    and understanding of the research process and research methods, so

    that the research paper in question can be interpreted and understood.

    You then need to ask appropriate critical questions about the way in

    which the research was conducted. No research will be perfect, and itis usually a compromise between the ideal, and what is actually

    practical, but the way it has been carried out will greatly influence its

    validity, reliability, the extent to which it can be applied to other

    populations, and ultimately, its trustworthiness, and usefulness for



    Whenever you read research you need to do so with a critical view it

    is just not safe to assume that because research is published it is

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    Kuliah 14 Kritikan Kajian Tindakan

    therefore safe. When writing academic essays it is not good enough

    merely to cut and paste research findings as is, as if they are self-

    evidently trustworthy. Critiquing therefore should occur at some level

    whenever reading research. This could be fairly informally, whenever

    reading research; more deliberately and formally when synthesising

    reading and evidence for essays and dissertations; and in considerable

    detail when completing assignments that require critique of a

    particular research paper, or a small number of them. At the informal

    level, the critiquing process will be largely a mental activity, which

    will become better able to do the more practice you have, whereas for

    essays and literature reviews you will need to make notes relating to

    relevant aspects of the research process so you can come to an

    informed judgement that you can explain and justify in writing.


    LoBiondo-Wood et al(2002) suggest that there are 4 stages or levels

    of understanding in critically reading research, I paraphrase these here

    (click the link).

    To assist with critiquing, there are a variety of CritiquingFrameworks and Critiquing Criteria in the literature. These are

    sets of critiquing questions that deal with the important aspects of the

    research process. The critical reader can use these questions as a

    prompt to aid the process of critiquing research. Not all questions they

    contain will be answerable or appropriate, so these frameworks are a

    tool to assist critiquing rather than a rigid prescription for the critical


    There are many frameworks available in the literature; there is no

    single correct or best one. Some are very detailed whilst others

    are brief and succinct. Some ask quite complex questions and may

    therefore need greater understanding to apply, whilst others are

    simpler. Some will be suitable for both qualitative and quantitative

    research, whilst others may not be without some adaptation. The

    reader should select the framework that best reflects their needs and

    their level of knowledge and understanding. Sometimes only parts ofthe framework are applicable, and sometimes it will be a good idea to

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    incorporate the most relevant parts of a few frameworks, so that it

    offers the necessary coverage. The choice is up to the critical reader;

    the only rule is that there should be some rationale for the choice,

    rather than just convenience.

    One word of caution: some of the simpler critiquing frameworks focus

    too much on the written presentation of research papers. This can lead

    to a textual critique (a critique of the way it is written and presented,

    which is often a reflection of the particular journals style) rather than

    a critique of the methods used (i.e. what the researcher actually did).

    Only the latter can help the reader to decide on the worth of the



    Critiquing frameworks appear in many research textbooks, journal

    articles and on the web. Often they will be called something else (such

    as guidelines for the critical evaluation of research), but they

    amount to the same thing. A list of some examples and where to find

    them is attached.

    What next?

    Finally, when some judgement about the particular research is made, it

    then needs to be related to the other literature on the topic, and the

    body of knowledge that exists. The reader must ask: how do these

    findings add to, support or conflict with other sources of evidence?

    ReferencesLoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J. & Krainovich-Miller, B. (2002). Critical Reading Strategies:

    Overview of the Research Process. Chapter 2 In LoBiondo-Wood, G. & Haber, J.(editors). Nursing research: Methods, critical appraisal, and utilization. (5th Edition). StLouis: Mosby.

    Polit, D.F., Beck, C.T., & Hungler, B.P. (2001). Essentials of nursing research methods,appraisal, and utilization. (5th Edition). Philadelphia: Lippincott

    (other books on research)

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    Kuliah 14 Kritikan Kajian Tindakan

    Stages in Critical Reading of Research Articles

    Stage Purpose Activities or critical questions:


    Skimming or quicklyreading to gainfamiliarity with thecontent and layout ofthe paper

    Highlight or underline main steps in the research process

    Make notes (comments & questions)

    Note down key variables

    Highlight new or unfamiliar terms & significant sentences

    Look up unfamiliar terms and write in definitions


    Increasingunderstanding ofconcepts and research


    Review all unfamiliar terms before 2nd reading

    Clarify any additional terms

    Read additional sources as necessary

    Identify how the main concepts relate to each other and

    the context of the study

    Write brief summary of the main idea or themes of the

    article in your own words

    Identify any further questions or areas that need further


    AnalysisUnderstanding(breaking intoparts)

    Break the study intoparts; understand eachaspect of the study.Relate to steps in theresearch processAt this point you canstart to critique thestudy using a critiquingframework or criteria,applying them to eachstep in the researchprocess

    What is the purpose of this article?

    Am I clear about the specific design used, so I can apply

    appropriate critiquing criteria?

    How are the major parts of the article related to the

    research process?

    How was the study carried out? Can I explain it step by


    What are the researchers main conclusions?

    Can I say I understand the parts of the article and

    summarise them in my own words?



    Pulling the above steps

    together to make a(new) whole, makingsense of it andexplainingrelationships.

    Review notes on how each step compared with the

    critiquing criteria

    Briefly summarise the study in your own words,

    identifying the main components, and the overallstrengths and weaknesses

    This is a critical commentary on the study rather than a

    description or prcis of it

    (Adapted from LoBiondo-Wood et al, 2002)

    Using the process above in conjunction with critiquing criteria or frameworks can help you critiqueindividual articles.

    If you are reviewing the literature, you will need to assemble and synthesise the evidence from all thestudies you have read. Using a spreadsheet can help you organise all the studies in a way that helpsyou see your critiquing notes simultaneously, allowing you to compare and contrast, and pull findings

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    and conclusions together, so you have a sense of the body of knowledge available.An example of how such a spreadsheet might look appears here. (click link).

    Links and Resources for Critiquing:

    General research resources, understanding research methods:

    The Knowledge Base

    An excellent on-line research methods text book, and otherresearch resources

    Project Gold Research MethodsGlossary

    A user-friendly research glossary on-line.

    Statistics on-line

    A very comprehensive statistics textbook on-line, the entirebook can be downloaded for free. You will find a full explanationof all major statistical tests and concepts.


    As comprehensive, simpler

    SOSIG Research Methods


    The Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) research methodsresources - lots of resources for learning about qualitative andquantitative research.


    Recommended Text Books

    Some suggested research textbooks that may assist withunderstanding and critiquing research, with details of libraryshelf numbers and purchase details. This is just a smallselection of the many available.

    Critiquing skills & resources:

    How to read a paper

    A British Medical Journal series of 10 articles assistingnovices to read and understand research papers. Full textavailable on-line. Fairly simple to read, very helpful.

    Critical Appraisal Resources forassessing Health and MedicalResearch

    A useful web site on critical appraisal from the Library atUniversity of Kent at Canterbury

    Critical thinking


    Not a critiquing framework, but a useful guide to whatcritical thinking involves. Canberra University, Australia.

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    Critiquing guides / frameworks:

    Guidelines for Critiquing ResearchArticles


    Sonama State University, California, USA. The guidelinesare from Polit, Beck and Hungler 2001: A comprehensivecritiquing framework, derived from Polit et als book.

    Framework for critically appraisingresearch articles

    A critiquing framework within the UWE Data Analysis WebSite (co-authored by me!). User friendly. Example critiquesalso on the site

    Guidelines for critiquing researcharticles

    From Mississippi State University, USA. Simple critiquingframework, butperhaps a poor example as it tends tofocus on textual critique, rather than critique of methods.

    CASP Critiquing Tools

    CASP (Critical Appraial Skills Programme an NHS site).Now has an excellent range of tools for evaluating differenttypes of studies and reviews.

    Studying systematic reviews

    An on-line article discussing critical reading of systematicreviews

    Ciliska, D., Cullum, N., & Marks,

    S. (2001). Evaluation ofsystematic reviews of treatmentor prevention interventions.Evidence-Based Nursing. 4(4),October, 100-104

    Full text available from OvidOnline (Athens passwordrequired)

    A useful article on critically appraising systematic reviews.

    Ajetunmobi, O. (2002). MakingSense of Critical Appraisal.London: Arnold.

    view or purchase on-line

    An excellent little book offering criteria / frameworks forcritiquing various types of research, plus audits, systematicreviews and economic evaluations. Includes basicresearch knowledge and explanation of statistics in orderto apply these to papers you might be critiquing

    Evaluating Web Sites: Criteria andTools


    Some criteria to help you evaluate web content (usually notprimary research)

    Example critiques:

  • 7/27/2019 Bab 14 - Kritik Ke Atas Kajian Tindakan - NOTA


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    1) Data Analysis - Critical Appraisal - worked example 1 theUWE Data Analysis Web Site Data Analysis - Critical Appraisal - worked example 2



    PopulationA well-defined group or set that has certain specified properties (e.g. all registered midwives working

    full-time in Scotland). A selection (sample) of the population may be made for study in research Go to

    on-line glossary


    Reliability is concerned with the consistency and dependability of a measuring instrument, i.e. it is an

    indication of the degree to which it gives the same answers over time, across similar groups and

    irrespective of who administers it. A reliable measuring instrument will always give the same result on

    different occasions assuming that what is being measured has not changed during the intervening

    period. Go to on-line glossary


    In research terms, validity refers to the accuracy and truth of the data and findings that are produced.

    It refers to the concepts that are being investigated; the people or objects that are being studied; themethods by which data are collected; and the findings that are produced. There are several different

    types of validity: Go to on-line glossary


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