asas 2015 henk kolk

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

Architecting for 400 agile squads

Theory and Practice

Agile and Software Architecture Symposium

Arnhem. Oct 14th, 2015

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

Current: Chief Architect Domestic Bank Netherlands -  Software Engineering, agile transformation, DevOps, Continuous Delivery, servant

leadership, learning organizations, people, eternal student J -  Accountable for the design of the bank

Architecture, way of working, engineering, simplifying and automating (silly) processes

Past: Jack of all trades -  Distinguished Software Engineer at a global Systems Integrator -  Delivery Unit Manager, CTO, Agile coach Twitter: @henkkolk E-mail: We’re hiring

Something about me…


ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

Way back in 1908 …


•  Henry Ford introduced the first affordable automobile: The T-Ford

•  The T-Ford opened up travel to the common middle class American

•  The T-Ford was mass-produced on moving assembly lines

•  This approach revolutionized transportation and the American industry

•  It disrupted prior “best practices” on how to organize efficiently

•  Significant productivity growth

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

However, 20 years later, in 1929


Black Tuesday •  After years of a common belief in an unending

bull market

•  Consumers have accumulated great debt

•  There were bank runs & the start of the great depression

•  4000 banks closed in the 4 years that followed

•  Deep poverty for many

•  Faith in banks restored by creating new regulatory institutions in 1933

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

Seems somewhat familiar?

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

•  1771: Industrial Revolution

•  1829: Age of Steam and Railways

•  1875: Age of steel and electricity

What was similar? •  Technology revolution and creation of

new infrastructure, leading to

•  Significantly higher productivity,

•  Resulting in a creative destruction of existing industries and infrastructures

•  New millionaires, financial derivatives, economic bubbles and subsequent crash

We’ve seen this three times (before)



*) From Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital, C. Perez

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

Why is this interesting?

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

•  1971: Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore founded Intel and introduced the first general purpose programmable processor

•  Start of the Era of integrated electronics

•  Cheap, affordable, etc. (familiar?)

•  New productivity paradigm and new infrastructure

•  Unending bull market, consumers accumulating debt, financial derivatives, etc

•  Financial crashes in 1990 and 2007

We are probably in the backlash of a similar storm


ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

So, what?

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

Somewhat every 50 years, there was a •  Major technology revolution that introduces competitive

new infrastructure, leading to higher productivity

•  The new infrastructure disrupted industry, commerce and society

•  There was a subsequent boom and bust of economies

•  After the bust, new infrastructure was in place

•  New social “best practices”, a new “common sense”

•  New legislation is lagging behind

According to Carlota Perez there is an interesting pattern to be constructed from all of this


ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line 11

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

Prior vs. new common sense

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

•  Each revolution is by definition different from the prior one

•  The new “common sense” principles will have to be socially learned

•  This learning must overcome the forces of inertia that stem from the previous paradigms 1980’s (stemming from the success of Fordism) •  Mass production paradigm: centralized, hierarchical pyramid with functional departments •  Implemented by almost every corporation and institutions

•  West and East •  Schools and Universities •  Hospitals

Now •  Decentralized network infrastructures, autonomous teams, etc •  Battle between the “old common sense best practices” and the “new best practices”

Key insight


ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

Old paradigms & roles


•  Business Architect

•  Solution Architect

•  Requirements Specifier

•  Designer

•  Coder

•  Tester

•  Deployer

•  Chief Engineer J

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

SoftwareEating the World


Marc Andreessen

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

SpeedMarket Share


Adrian Cockroft

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

Quality of an IT Organization

Quality of its Engineersis

Ron van Kemenade

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

The agile journey of ING

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line 19

In 2009 ING had a traditional enterprise IT organization





ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line 20

ING has been re-organizing for agility at scale on many levels






























ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

INGs agile journey so far has been based on 4 ideas






ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

From To •  “IT enables the commercial strategy” “IT drives the commercial strategy”

•  “IT is a cost center” “IT is a value driver”

•  “Outsourcing for the lowest price” “Hiring the best talent”

•  “Buy before build” “Building as the way to understanding”

•  “Projects to drive change” “Line drives the change”

Pervasive legacy beliefs are the key challenge to overcome

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

•  There are tremendous differences in productivity and mastery

•  ING nurtures young engineers to grow fast

•  We recognize that expert and proficient engineers are as valuable (or more valuable) than managers

•  We recognize that during the journey to mastery, engineers have different learning needs

ING’s People strategy: we are the place for great engineers



Advanced Beginner




ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

What does this mean for architects?

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

•  Expert Engineers or Software Architects -> not always a clear difference

•  Engineering communities set the standards & standards are changing faster

•  Deep IT knowledge of IT Tribe leads and IT Chapter leads: They have a vision on IT too

•  Powerpoint or Visio lagging behind code (version control) and discovered state

•  Increasing need for global alignment (other ING countries)

•  Culture is key: the invisible rules of what it takes to be perceived as successful. This needs to be discussed. If success is created by teamwork, there is no more “I”.

•  Platforms rule. Platforms are designed and built by “Master Builders”

The role of the traditional Architecture department changes


ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

Continuous Delivery Platform

Load & Performance Tests

Soak Tests

Resilience Tests

Functional Tests

Functional Component Tests

Code Security Assurance

Unit Tests

Compile & Build

Code Quality Assurance


ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

Big Hadoop DWH - RDBMS

Fast Akka Scala Spray Spark Cassandra

Data platform

Akka, Kafka Hadoop



Millions of customers Billions of messages

•  Distributed computing and storage •  Open Source based •  Near Realtime + Big Data

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

API Platform Technologies being used •  Java, Scala (JVM based languages) •  JAX-RS •  RX •  Hystrix •  Apache Cassandra •  Nginx •  Apache ZooKeeper •  Apache Curator •  Ribbon •  Docker •  Mesos •  …

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line


a Designeris

Ron Kersic

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

Design, like you give a damn!

Flavia Sequira

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

Platform squads “We are here to make other

squads Awesome!”

ING Orange RGB= 255, 98, 0

ING Light Grey RGB= 168, 168, 168

ING Indigo RGB= 82, 81, 153

ING Sky RGB= 96, 166, 218

Colour Guidelines

ING Fuchsia RGB= 171, 0, 102

ING Lime RGB= 208, 217, 60

ING Leaf RGB= 52, 150, 81

ING Mid Grey RGB= 118, 118, 118

Text Colour RGB= 51, 51, 51

No content below the grey line

Be AWESOMETwitter: @henkkolk E-mail: We’re hiring

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