spm bahasa inggeris 2006 k2

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  • 8/14/2019 SPM Bahasa Inggeris 2006 K2


    Paper 2 'fwo hours and fifteen minutes7'htr' (lrft'.tlio/t papcr utnsi''/s of'lbur .sulion.; Section A. Section-1n,suv'r all ;etl\ons. Qucstittns inSection A na.v huue cilht'rthtee1o spentl 2'.t ttrittrtle.s rtrt Section A.. 25 ninult's orz Section B' 50tn//tu/!,t o/t Section D.

    B. Section C rzzrrl ection D.ot four up/t t t / t r . Yot, ctrr , tr / t i

  • 8/14/2019 SPM Bahasa Inggeris 2006 K2


    I'hc phrase 1o /tee7t /tt,m cotzrpttnt in-\ pe tbrming togcther13 rvorking togetherthc c\tract above lneitns

    C spending tinte togethcr.D hav ing a bus iness rncct ing togeth l , fi .cf i 'r t . thc art icle on the construction of a ne*, man made wctiand in Sclangor. I t 'r,el t' r l \ l i lste to spcnd so much monev rvhcn there are so nran! other nil tural q.ct lands in oLrr.'Lrntrr'.Wouldn't it be botter to mtrke r.rse il ther natural wctlnnds? Creraringa man-ntlcft'. , . , . t lanc lv i i i d ( ,s t ro l ' he nr tura l cnv i ronmcnt .

    ' 'l hert ' r 'asn t much wor.k for us to do: cither that or we lacked thc cxpert ise. In: us just hung around and s tarcd a t thc in tcrest ing hosp i ta l equ ipncnt . One:: lrrnagcto do was to talk to the patients arld lo l ietp thcnt contpoT/.1,.the encl.nrost Ith ins we did


    In the cxtract of the lettcr aboyt.. f 'he CzTz:r,rzuggests that we-\ spend monev crcating ncw wetlandsB support thc building of wetlands in Selangorf cor)stru(t u'ct lands to carc for our cnvironrncntD devc lop th t , na tura l wet lands found in our (ount rv

    TIMI]S STOREFree hondphones for 5luchr- custornersHow: Spcndmore han R\12; i0 n a s ingle cceip land get a chance o take part in thc luckl drarv.

    Purthoses ul lhe suqx'rmor/iel ttnd p/torurztt clre nol inclutledI: jrrst 'don thc notice abovc, custonters mav-\ takc part in the luckv drawB spend R\{250 in one rccciptl ht litlhtu'|ng is a .s.t'ttop.rls / o hook.


    I i-ee handphone if ther.make purchases in the pharmacvbccome 'l ' imes Store flardmembelswln i lCD

    T u a n . J a c k i s a n C n g l i s hrubber p lanter in \ ' Iunr .. lohort '. f lc l t 'avcs hotrc for.the cxot ic l las t in scarch o fhis {brtLrnebefolr. \ \ torld \\ 'a2 . . \ l l e r thc uar . h t 'hc lps th t 'lrx als to gain indi 'pt 'nclencof rom the Br i t sh .

    ' l 'hc book is aboutA thc journ . r ' to rhe l . las tB the s t rugg le i r l ndepenc lenccC tht,sran h fbr prc,rvar fortuneD the l i l i , o l an l lng l i sh rubbcrp l t n t e r

  • 8/14/2019 SPM Bahasa Inggeris 2006 K2


    As Rawang is growrng tast. nrore efforts shoulcl be takcn to br'rrutilr thP tu\\11 \ rth l rrltrrrelrcsoutccs instead ol plnstic tr t les'

    l ' lastic trccs do t.rothelp rmprove thc t 'nvironmcnt antl art'sittrplv not attractive So' pleasedo

    -not"poil Ra*a,.,g wiih f,,kc palm trees' Jt is a waste of prrhlic funds' ,tl./r Mnktv,sitt

    N{r \ ' Ialar sia wtitt:sA concernR ctlrtosrtY

    I 15 ort

    to the neu'sPaPcr to cxPrcss hrsC s1-mPathvD ' t r "p ' " n

    batttd on lht fe.'llouing passogt:

    9A Bt_lD10 AB(.;

    11 ABL]D

    1 2 ABD

    stilndstoodstan(lss tand ing

    il 11thcapprovald scr.rssioncil lculationdetermlrlatronwalkrvalksu alkeclu a lk ing

    13 AB(_ l

    1 4 Atsc15ABCD

    wh!'whcnrvhatanrlbu tOI


    A woman camc otlt ol hcr house itnd s:tw thrce olcl nren rlith loug u hitc beards sitt itrgin her lrcint yard. She did not recognizc thcm but insisted on invit ing thcnl into hcr housc'

    On c of the mcn. 9 up and sait l to her. "We do not go into a house togethcr' I am Lovc'fhesc arc rly fr ientls. Wealth ancl Sucrress Then hc saicl o l0 woman" Go in and discr 'rsswith vour husband whicb onc ol tts trrtt rvoult l l ike to invitc into vour house-'

    A t t e r m u c h l l . t h e h u s h l r n c l f i n a l l l . c l c c i c l e c l t h a t t h e v s h o l r l d i n v i t e l , o v c i r r s o t h a t t h e \ 'could havc their house fi l lcd with lovc'

    Whcn Lovc startcrl 12 into the hor'rse, he other trvo men also got up antl folkrrvedhim'Surprisccl. thc woman askerl. l onlv invited Love in 13 arc vou coming in as wcll ' l '

    The uen replied togcthur. iI 1'ou had invitecl Wcalth 14- Succcss in' thtr two ot uswoulcl have staled out but 1L 1ou invitecl Lovc' whcrc hc gocs we rvil l follorv Whercverthere is Love. there is alwnvs Wcaith ar.rdSut:cess'

  • 8/14/2019 SPM Bahasa Inggeris 2006 K2


    1 6 - 2 bllte odt.\,rll,tu rnl hc/ott.r,orc/tt11r.

    Section Il[10 nctt /,.s]

    7htn, tr.tnTtlt,ft, the tltogrant lfiol /olhrt.,.

    CARNTVALCRAA/AT DATARAN 5URIAorganized y The Ministryof youth ondSports

    A specior ornivor i be herd rom 10.00-o.m.o 6.oop.m. t DotoronSurio. t offersofs of fun, gomes,ood ondentertainmentor the whoile'+am,ty.Therearz mogic hows, ock climbing ndo specicl p .o"onr" by the Funtosio 10uprom TheResorfworrd.witnessorso -unigueshowcos" 'o l f ^oo."n donce c combinotionith ocrobotic tunts n o donce.A fun-filledcornivcl ot to be missed!!lSeeyouSundoy,8Decambert Doioron urio

    Win o cor in thc Lucky DrowSponsors

    Ski t , . Iu ic t , ( 'hok i L r la

  • 8/14/2019 SPM Bahasa Inggeris 2006 K2


    r-il;_]l ll l



  • 8/14/2019 SPM Bahasa Inggeris 2006 K2


    Section Cl2't norhsl

    questions 26 - ll orc brtsed on lht lrlktu rtt;1possctgt,.l,ittlc did Kumar'. 31).1r'.' l)r,rro -ilr'gc knorv that the jackfrurt tree he prantccl 1.i r:trr.s.gJ 'u"ou ld savc his l i f ' c ,nc r la r ' .whe. the skv c ra rkerc ,c r , , ",1h . . , r , " ] , , ; i . , . " i . i ; i i , i ' , , ,dLrr'. e. l ikt, most Sr.i Larkans.. was 't h,me enjol.ing his public h.Ji.ar.. fh" ,:itt"g,.,..l :td. b"": givcn a w.r'ing bl the 'eteor.logicni i l,'p,irtm,'t months befbre the l'roodsh i t but few pa l -a t t ( ,n t i ( )n 0 [ .When the rain cantc. the lvatcr. cvel went up threc mctr.es within an hour. Kumar onlr.had timc to savc intportant documents and i fcw things. He was also trl,ing to savc thc.n11.'r'efrigeral.r hi s tirmill h'tl cvc..wnecl {r,m tr";,ri"."pt.wa}.. bu t the current wast 'e rv s t r .ng . ln h is l t t . 'p t hc a lmost lost h is l i fc io thc Delwr i la r i ve r . . , I t t . .k mcrlorvns-trcaman . I quickl' clung o.to thc j.ckrruit trec wh'e ml friend tt,."* ,r .of"to ne l rom thc o thcr . iackr ru i t rcer . 'sa idKumar. an ' rmv or l iccr . , 'u r thc rdon ,n hc r ivcr .sorne lJuddhist .no.ks 'rescu.c| the .rfrig..r.trrr untr it has bccn in thc ternplc since.'Kumar- s house w:rs rrestrol'cd onrv its fo.ntr,ti 'n rvns r-isibrc n the m.rning wc visitetlthc vil lag. of Pebo .s part cif N{c'r* NIararsins Fk,od irclief missiru. pcbo is one ofttrc fbrtun.te r.i l lages: no one cii.rl in thc iioocl. How.vc.. 1l houscs ,uu.,, "onrpl,,t"t"ern.lishecl thosc situatcd ncar('st to th. srvift'fr.wing riv.r beibrt,it b.r.st its banks.ln adtlitional ,9 houscs wert' b'clrv da'agccl. man' Jf th,,m b1 , anclsrides from thesurrounding hilrs Ove'night. the temp)e i' I'cbo. "rlnrn l.i :r r.Lrrlst attractron. becancir retugec carnp Left rvith no shcrter, t w. s the uatu.al p)a.e lbr the'cornmunit-r. ' ga he r.ovcr at PellLr'...thcr srn.lr vil l:rge. a randsricre,rvcpt arval'ricc liercls,crepriving thrmersof thcir l ivelihood. In addition. 2? houscs *".,, "*.,1n ,,n ".ri ,rrot rrg.tS0 ptlplc honeJcss.l 'hcl were t:rowdctl together in pour sanitar.t. roldru(,ns ,r, ,t.," tLlto vil iagc school.rvar t ing br he lp . l rosha D'rna lant i . .15, was macreho . re r .ss due to thc Ian t rs l i dc .shesr i t reda t , re carne.a wi th learru l evcs .s shc was bcing in terv iewcd bv.epo" te ,rs .Shc\\,asat a lricnd s ho.s. whc. the Iandslitle ,ccrirr.ecl.Sh. is norv st.l.lng wtth hcr aunt.'l 'housandsof lirmilies werc ailected bl the rloods and ranrlsiides. r.hedcath toll was high.rt ?50. (i.m 'ines were danragccl.as . r.esult of which thc n.rn industrv of the town(amc to a standstii l. '[ 'he po,r u,cre macle poofer as the floocl watcrs ancr ]andslicrert l cs t ro l 'ed hei r mr rd hruses. wi ra t r i t t l c ranc i hc l had * , r " ,nk"n l rom them. i , r " r ; , l i ; ;th t 'm incs where th t ,1 ,workcc i as labourers.\ l c rc ' Malays ia 's eam donated croth i .g . such as uni i i r rms. shocsand.ther i tems t r ra t*r're requost.d 'v thc viJlagehead. O. the c',r1,f the tlistributio.. ne,arb.r'ri l lage.s ca'rern la.gc numbers ailer getting ncws ol the rcrief clIort. It rv.s Nrurcv Nfura;ia.s fir;;.rssron to Sri L.'k,. F-ood 'ch as rico. fl ..r cr.king'i l, sugar ancrs,rt rvere distributcdt, fltrrd and l.ndslidr victims. N,lobilccli.ics werc ",,, ,,p. i:t " \,lutinls. nra.,' .t wh.m Bbt't 'r 'e sufli 'ring from scabies. rrng and r'1'enfcctions w.r.c givcn mcclical rcatment. x,lcr.r.- \ l a l .1s ia 's e,m pres id .n t sa ic l , whaf we h,vc c lone " , , 'a . "p i . in . " . . , . r . 'w , , ' , r r '_ i r ; ,rc do because wc believe that q,,1.can bring hopc. soliciaritr. anr.l ove to the peonle.


    1 5


    2 5


    (Adapted ftor(t 7he ,gter. 200:])

  • 8/14/2019 SPM Bahasa Inggeris 2006 K2


    2 1

    I t i f r ' , rn tpa tagraph l . l vhcrc was Kr rmi r r wh t :n the r : l t l o t r i c r r r i r r l l l ?

    l " r 'on r a |ag | i tph 2.ta) rvhl' did Kurrar tr1' to save the reli igt'i ntor'?

    (D) how s'as Krtmal savetl frorn bcing swcpt awal bv thc strong (rurr( 'r l t )

    28 (a) From paragtaph ll. which place was used as a shc.i tet fol thc rcfirgccs'?

    (D) !'rom paragraph .1.how was Dnmatauti afl ictcd lrv thc lanclslide?

    [rom paragraph S.(rz) which phrasc sho*'s that thc gctn industtv stopl)ed its operatronl

    (D) how did thc poor becon'icpootct. 'S ta tc two $ 'avs .( r )

    ( i r )

    l1 nor/tl

    11. , t rl'l

    [1 t t , t t / ; ]

    l l u,t i l )

    l ' l n rur f t l

    [L nar/tl

    l1 nctrk)11 nur/tl

    30 From paragraph(iive a reason. t i . r l " r ' r 'u t l r i uk lha t N l t . ru ' N{alavsia's rtntribution was importit nt. '

    31 llnscd on tht' pirssirgc given. rvrilt' a sLlttlrlal\' ol I:' thc hardships the vil laiJt'rs fatrt 'clas a result ol tht: f' loods rlnd landslides' whnt was donc to h

  • 8/14/2019 SPM Bahasa Inggeris 2006 K2


    Llt 'gi tr vorrt sunlnlary as f i r I lol l 's:Ihe t il/cry't'rl Pcho u'us olltr.fttl h1 /he //oor/,.; rt.s ..

    Section I)12; nor/t,sl

    lAc potn lttlou qnd ttnsuer l/tt trrtt,:ltons /hul /o//ctu..The Road Not Taken

    T\",'o oads divclged in :r lel lorv zz o1LAnd sorrl l could not travcl both] ,\nd be one tlaveler. Jong I stoodAnd ltnkcd down one as f 'ar as I coult lTo wherc it l)cnt irr tht, Lrnderglowth;

    fhen took the othcr. as just as fair. .. \nd hav ing pcrhaps the bet tc r c la im.I lccause t was grasst aud wantcd u ear' ;fhough as 1or that the pass i t rg hcreHiltl rl '

  • 8/14/2019 SPM Bahasa Inggeris 2006 K2


    (rz) Which phrasc in stanza 1 shows that tho travcller wantcd to take both roads?

    Give the mcan i t rg o f th t ' f i i l I r rv ing rvords :(i7 uoocl (stanza 1)

    (i i) r l.1't 'sstanza -1)

    Would vou takc the roadl)xplain r ottt i l- totct '.

    l 7 t t t r t r l ' ]

    (b )

    11 rurr/l

    17narhl(c) L'st rr1t.L\/ hl::

    l) tt ' tl 'i

    lleurl rhc (.\1ro(1l)'ort th? rhort t;lott'The Drover's Wife bchtu und onsu'tr thc q (r/iolt'' //toi

    * r'r,",rr.tt".,**t. "*'rr.''*.T,; lch i ld reu mr ts t be brought ins ide . Sht 'w i l l no t takethem into thc house. tbr sht' knol's thc snake isthcre anc lmav. a t anv nomcnt . come tp th rough theclacks in the rough. slab llcxrr:so shc i:arr ics selvcralarmfrtls of f irervood nto the kitchcn. nnd tht'n takersthe children there. Thc kitchcn has no floor.or. ratht'r.an earthen one cal)eda "grortnd 1loor" n tht't lctrt leof the plate. She hrings thc children in antl tnakcsthcnr get on th is tab le . ' l 'he l a r t ' t r vo t ro ls a t rd tn ' t rgir ls tncre lrabit 's.Sht'gives tht n) som(' sltppcr itn(ltben. bc for t ' i t gc ts dark . she goes n l o the hor tscandsnatchcs up somc pil lot 's and hedclrthcs - tlxpcct r.rgto see ot lav on the snakc at at-rvnlintttc She makesa bcd on the kitchcn table tbr the trhildren. ancl sitsdown br:sicle t to wat(rh all night

    (a) Whcrc is the snakc?l l nui:l

    ( l ) What two i tcms does tht'Drover's Wife get for thr: childlcn lrefbre it is dark'l( r )

    ( i )lI norhl11nttrkl

  • 8/14/2019 SPM Bahasa Inggeris 2006 K2


    l)o lrru admire the actions of the mother?Give reason for vour answer.

    fht litl/ucing are the norels ,'ludied in l/te /tlt,ntture r:ontllonen/ inJung)eof HopeI'he PcarlThe Rcturn

    l) nttrl.lEng/is/t Lon.gutt,4c.

    ( hno.se ony t\\,o of /he noue/s ohoct: {.rnr/ o4.s71:6,7.he qtte.stion bt lou,,.ll xl',i:",ffi:',::iT,':xl.Tliii,;;il":.tnT:TiT"."tH:l iomc, rnstances that show the character,s t letcrmination how tho determination affects his/her familv

    .JohnSteinbeckK.S. laniam