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  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]



    TAHUN 2014


    MODUL 2


    Dua Jam Lima Belas Minit



    I. Mo d ul in i mengandungi empat ba hagian.2. Jaw ab se mu a bahagi a n .3. Anda d in as ihatkan s upaya mengambil masa 25 mini(

    un tuk me nj aw a b soa lan Babagian A, 25 mini! untukBaha gian B, 50 m init un tuk Babagian C dan 35 minifWltu k B abagian D

    4. So a lan -so al an ya n g d ikemukakan dalam modul inimempu nyai em pa t p i!ih an j a wapan.

    5. Ta nd akan ja w apa n B a hagi an Apada kertas j awapan

    ya ng d isediaka n d i muka surat 18


    1. This modul e con s ist s o four sections .2 . Answe r all sections .3 . You a r e advised to spend a bout 25 minutes on Section A,

    25 min utes on Section B , 50 minu te s on Section C and35 minutes on Section D .

    4. Qu estion s in this mo d ule have four options .5. Ma r k yo ur a nswers or Se c tion A on the answer shee t on

    page 18.



    Section Marks

    A I S

    B 1

    C 25

    D 2

    Total 70

  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]





    [15 marks]

    [Time suggest e d : 25 m inutes]

    No purchase required because we care

    Update on ir Pollution Index educe outdoor activities Drink plenty o water to stay hydrated Wear a face mask

    From the advertisement we know that Soway

    A is giving away free bottles o water

    B is concerned about our well-being

    C sells face mask t a reasonab le price

    D discourages outdoor activi ties completely

  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]



    Questions 2 - 3 are based on the following letter

    Dear Editor,

    Recently my son had a na sty car accident in Jalan Muda in Kuala Lumpur at Sp.m. when

    traffic wa s very heavy. His car was a complete wreck and he suffered serious injuriesand was bleeding from th no se.

    A kind soul attended to my son, comforting him before calling th ambulance . We

    later came to know th good Samaritan was Akhwan who works at HBH Bank, Sepang.


    Sg Petani

    2 From the letter above, we know that

    A Akhwan called the ambulance at once

    B Subra's son was found unconscious

    C Akhwan was ruShlllg to work

    D Subra s indebted to Akhwan

    3 Akhwan's behaviour is exemplary because he is _A selfless and compassionateB carefree and civic-minded

    C hardworking and honestD well-mannered and sincere

    KUALA LUMPUR Mass Rapid Transit Corp Sdn Bhd (MRTCorp)says the MRT second line has been approved by th e federalgovernmen t.

    Its chief executive o fficer, Datuk Wira Azhar Abdul Hamid saidthe company was now waiting for the official announcement to

    e nab le it to begin work on the MRT Line 2, which links SungaiBu loh with Pu trajaya

    4 Whic h of the following statements is true?

    A The MRT Line has been built between Sungai Buloh and Putrajaya .

    B The official announcement to commence work has yet to be released .

    C The federal government feels the work on the MRT must be on hold.

    D MRTC orp is starting work on MRT Line 2 immediately .

  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]




    ~ 9 r ~o.....-t- U,yuM., r ~ U,yUlA., ~ ~b 1 r 0 A V ~~ Cb1 VIro. yf-fo- 9 r ~ r ~

    t r n L y ~ ~ ~

    Anatomy of a grain

    Bran protects

    the seed Fibre B vitamins Minerals Endosperm

    energy or the

    seed CarbohydratesGerm Some proteinsnourishment for Some B vitamins

    the seed B vitamins" Vitamin E Mine rals The bran and germ are removed Phytochemlcals when whole grains are r ~ f i n e d.

    Which of the following statements is true?

    A Whole grain is only composed of one part.B Endosperm contains the most vitamin B.

    e Germ is retained in a refined grain.D Bran safely guards the seed.

  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]



    Questions - 7 re b sed on the following report

    GEORGETOWN The continuous hot weather in Penang is t king its toiinot only on

    people but also on the trees and fields in Penang. Most of the fields have dried up

    and turned brown ish.

    When co nt a c ted, Penang Municipal Council Recreation , Tourism and

    Interna t ional Affairs Director, Mohamed Akhbar Mustapha said this was a normal

    s ituation and t here was nothing to worry about. The grass has dried up but our

    gras s is cow gr a ss which is able to withstand the dry weather and heat. he said .

    ~ ~ ~ ~6 The phrase t k ing its toll means

    A hurting

    B affec ting

    C changing

    D worrying

    7 Fro m th e newspaper report, we know that the

    A reside nts are the least bothered by the present climate

    B cows have eaten up all the grass on the field

    C direc tor is trying to solve the problem

    D grass will survive despi te the weather

  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]



    Tell them what they

    should do and wherethey should go if youever get separated

    Name threetrustworthy

    people yourchild can callduring anemergency

    Know the

    they have ever

    Talk tothemaboutschoolandwhether

    felt uncomfortabl orunsafe

    Ensure theywebsites they do notvisit and disclose

    keep tabs on the detailspeople they chat Like pictures contactwith online. information and their


    The notice

    A updates children on recent crime rate

    B cautions parents o the dangers they face outside

    C advises parents on how t protect their loved ones

    D reminds parents t be with their children at all times

  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]



    Questions 9 - 15 are based on th e llowing passage

    If there i s a will, there is a way' is o ne motto , I would l ike to make m y o wn. Thesay ing mean s tha t i anyone 9 determined enough to get somethi ng done , thatper son w ill always find a way to do it

    Witho ut detenni nation, a pe rson w o uld tend t o give up 1 eas ily wha t sheor h e wan ts . I rem ember a time when I played the piano and could not get the timin g o thepiece ri ght. My exam was merely two weeks away and I felt desperate becau se no matterhow hard I tri ed, I sti ll could not p lay it 11

    I stop ped playing for one aft ernoo n and decided to li sten to a tape i n whic h th epiece w as 2 . After liste n ing intent ly fo r 3 hours, I went back t o thepi ano and tr ied p layin g the piece agai n. I was ex tremely pleased whe n I got it ri ght o n m ysecon d try .

    Ne edl ess to say, I did pretty we ll for my pian o exam . From 4 on, I beli eve alo t in hav ing d etermina tion . If I wanted to acco mplish even the smalles t task, I m ust notgiv e up that readily 5 it wo uld never be done . T his new-found spirit in me willget me f ar i n li fe

    9 A is 3 A severa l

    B are B much

    C w as C litt leD were D any

    10 A almo st 4 A the n

    B nearly B than

    C just C that

    D too D this

    11 A swe et ly 15 A so

    B accur ate ly B but

    C graceful ly C and

    D mode rate ly D or

    12 A record

    B reco rds

    C rec orded

    D record ing

  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]



    Section B

    [1 marks]Questions 16 - 25Read the no lic e belo w nd a nswer the questions thaI foll ow

    What is Pi?Pi or 1t is the ra tio of a circle's circumference to it sdiameter wh ich comes out to roughly 3.14. March14 is design ated as Pi day, a fun day to celebrateboth Pi and its yu mmier nam esake, pie. P i a y

    Wby March 14?I t is cele brated on March 1 4 whic h correspon ds with the first thr ee digits

    of 1t (3.l4) .It

    is to comm emorate the importanc e of mat hema tics in ourdai ly live s. The da te (3.1 4) which i s how Pi is rec og niz ed, also happensto be the bi rth day of the 20th cent ury's m ost i nfluen tial physicist - Albe rtEinstein!

    HistoryPi is alm ost 4,0 00 year s old. T he fi rst person to actu ally calcul ate Pima the mati ca lly was one of ancie nt worl d s most brillian t mathematici ans,Archime des The fasci nation with c alcul at ing this elus ive num beraccuratel y h as co nti nued si nce then . But so far, no one h as b een able tocra ck the code .

    Special Events

    Enjoy Pi lect u res and Pi exhibition PartiCipate in Pi parade and receive a fre e sl ice of p ie

    Take part in Pi qui Maths tr ea sur e hunt l ogic puzzl es


    Profits go in g to....... ~ c h r i t l or gani sa ti on

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    Questions 16 - 25

    Using the information fr om the article nd complete the table below

    \ IefinitionAge

    16 17



    Pi D Y

    - -/


    I Aim19

    Pastry For saleActivities

    Indoor Outdoor 24 Purpose:22

    231How to get complimentarypastry:


  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]


  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]



    think o f her bein g safe and in one piece. I surround her wi th light. An d I tell her tocome h ome. You wan t me to try i t for you? Come let us pray fo r Soda together."

    10 "Sure," I said. "What could i t hurt? We looked hard at the picture an d closed 40our eyes, just for a few seconds then we went about our respective busin ess.

    11 Soda was on the bed when I cam e home. He answered my many inquiri es witha look o f bland disregard. No explanation was forthcoming, not even a 'been toLondon to visit the queen'.

    12 In the morning, I we nt ar ound and removed the posters, pi cked up the ones the 45r in had washed down, which was most of them. REWARD! I had writt en, in bigblack letters. I t ink I know who should get it. ever our paths cross again, I'll dothe right thing. In the meantime, I'll remember her face. I'll surround it with light.I'll imagine her safe.

    (Adapted from The Reader's Digest, September 2006)

    26 From paragr ap h 1, when did the narrator last see Soda?

    . . .... ... . .... [ mar k]

    27 From paragraph 2,

    (a) how does the narra to r usually wake up every morning?

    ..................................... . . . . . ... . . .. . . [1 ma rk]

    (b) which word means 'disappear'?

    . . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. .... . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . [1 mark]

    28 (a) From paragraph 3 , why did the narrator specifically check out the top of theroof?

    . .... .. . .... . . . . .. ............... . ma rk](b) From paragraph 5, what does the phrase y ael in line 23 re f er to?

    . . , . , .. .. . . .. ..... [1 mark ]

    29 (a) From paragra ph 7, what was implied when the woman said, "Lot s of coyote s outthere."?

    ............ .. ............... . . .. . [2 marks]

    (b) From paragr ap h 9 , what important message was the girl trying to co nvey?

    . .. . . . . . . .. .. .... [1 mark]

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    30 ever our paths cross again 1 // do the right thing

    Based on this statement, what did the writer have in mind?

    ... ... ... ... [2 marks]

    31 Based on the passage given, write a summary on:

    what the narrator did to find Soda

    Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the

    original meaning.

    Your summary must

    be in continuous writing not in note form)

    use materials from lines 13 - 39

    not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

    Begin your summary as follows:

    When Soda his beloved cat was lost he decided to .... .

    [ 5 marks

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    Se ction D

    [2 5 marks ]

    32 Read the stanzas the po e m bel ow and answ er the questions that follow.

    Are You St ill P lay ing Your Flut e

    Are you sti ll play in g yo ur fl u te ?When there is hard ly time for o ur loveI am feeling gui ltyTo be longing for your songThe melody conceale d in the slim hollow of the bambooUncovered by the bre ath of an artistComposed by his fingersBlown by the windTo the depth of my heart.

    Are you sti ll playing yo ur flute?In the village so qu iet and dese rt edAmidst the sick ric e fi eldsWhile here it has become a lUXUryTo spend time watching the rai nGazing at the evening raysC o llect ing dew dropsOr enjoying the fragrance of flo wers.

    Zu rinah Hassan

    aj In stanza 1 what is blown by the wind?

    . . .. . . . .. ' [ 1 mark]j In stanza 2,

    i) why does the persona consider g azin g at the even ing rays a lUXury?

    .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . [lmark]

    ii) why is the line Ar e you still playi ng your flute repeated?

    . .. [ 1 mark]

    c) What will you do i f you miss someone? Gi ve two suggestions.

    Suggestion 1: . ........ [ 1 mark]

    Suggestion 2: ... . .. .... ............. ..... [ 1 mark]

  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]




    he f oll owing are the novels studied in the lit erature component in English Language

    Catc h Us f You Can - Catherine M acP hail

    Th e Curse - Lee Su Ann

    Step by Wicked Ste p - Anne Fine

    Choose ny one o t he novels above and a ns wer the question below

    W rit e ab out an important inc identwh

    ich changes the liveso f

    the characters aroundit

    Sup port your answer wit h close refere nce to th e t ex t

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    [ 5 mark5]KERT S SO l N T M T

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    C D 9 CD 2 CD 1 CD

    CD @

    CD 2 CD

    5 C D 3 W @

    6 W @ 14 @ @

    7 W @ 5 @ @

    8 @

    E xa mi ner s

    C o de

    Se c ti o n M ar k s

    A 5

    B 1

    C 5

    D 2

    T o t al 7

  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]



    PAPER 2



    16 ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter 17 almost 4000 years old ( almost is mandatory)18 14 March19 to commemorate the importance of mathematics in our daily lives.20 /21 Pi lectures , Pi quiz, Pi exhibition, logic puzzles (Choose any w )22 /23 Pi parade, Maths treasure hunt ( interchangeable )24 donate to charitable organisation 25 participate in Pi parade











    1112 BC1314


    15 D

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    26 (a) ten Monday night Permissible Lifting: [ I saw himthat Monday night, .] (line 2) Pronoun I must be changed to he )

    27 (a) thud of Soda hitting his chest Permissible Lifting: [Usually I would .hitting my chest.(lines 7 8)(Pronoun I must be changed to he; my to his )

    (b) vanish

    28 (a) Sodas f avourite spot / most- loved locationPermissible Lifting: [ I surveyed his . signatory silhouette].

    (line 15)(Pronoun I must be changed to he )

    (b) making puss come home noises / unleashed his vast repertoire of puss come home noises.

    Permissible Lifting: [ I went to .. my vast repertoire of puss come Home noises.] (lines 22 23)

    (Pronoun I must be changed to he; my to his )

    29 (a) The cat could be eaten by coyotes / It is dangerous

    (b) [Accept any acceptable answer which conveys the idea of believingin God, praying or having faith.]

    30 If the author meets the girl again, he will give the reward to the girl[Accept any other acceptable answer]

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    31 SUMMARY

    Content (C) (maximum 10 marks even if all the points are given)

    Style and Presentation (L)

    C : 10 marksL : 5 marks

    -------------Total : 15 marks



    1) walk to the corner store

    2) scanning

    3) looked up / surveyed his favourite rooftops

    4) his eyes drifted to the sidewalk

    5) quizzed the other cats

    6) asked Sodas sister

    7) went to the porch

    8) unleashed his vast repertoire of noises

    9) took his act on the road / trawling the lanes and byways

    10) shaking a tin of Friskies

    11) chirped and cooed

    12) drawing a poster

    13) photocopied the poster

    14) posted in the neighbourhood15) looked hard at the picture and closed their eyes /pray for Soda

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    5 A sustained attempt to re-phrase text.Expression is secure. Allowancegiven for phrases / words lifted fromtext that are difficult to substitute.

    5 Very occasional first draft slips.Language is accurate. Variedsentence structures. Use of originalcomplex syntax. Punctuation andspelling accurate.

    4 A noticeable attempt to re-phrase text.Free from stretches of concentratedlifting. Expression generally sound.

    4 Language almost always accurate.Isolated serious errors. Some variedstructures. Sentences may includeoriginal complex syntax.Punctuation and spelling nearlyalways accurate.

    3 Intelligent and selective lifting.Limited attempts to re-phrase.Expression may not always be secure.

    3 Language is largely accurate.Simple structures tend to dominate.

    Noticeable serious errors but notfrequent. Sentences that show somevarieties and complexities willgenerally be lifted from the text.Punctuation and spelling largelyaccurate.

    2 Wholesale copying of text material,not a complete transcript of theoriginal. Own language limited tosingle word substitution. Irrelevantsections more frequent.

    2 More frequent serious errors butmeaning never in doubt. Simplestructures but accuracy notsustained. Simple punctuation andspelling of simple words largelyaccurate. Irrelevant or distorteddetails might destroy sequence in


    1 More or less a complete transcript ofthe text. Random transcription ofirrelevant parts of text.

    1 Heavy frequency of serious errors.Fractured syntax. Poor punctuationand spelling. Errors impede reading.

    Note:Mark for P + Mark for UE

    Mark for style and presentation L = -----------------------------------

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    (Language) 2

    Example: L = 3 + 4 = 7/2 = 3 = 4


    32 (a) melody / song / music(b) (i) no time / too busy

    (ii) to show her longing for her beloved / melody / song. /she misses him(c) will call him / will text him

    Accept any two logical suggestions

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  • 8/11/2019 Trial Kedah 2014 SPM Bahasa Inggeris K2 Dan Skema [SCAN]




    Score Band Descriptors

    5 Apart from occasional slips, language is always accurate. Sentencestructure is varied. Punctuation is accurate. Spelling is secure.

    4 Language is almost always accurate. Unnoticeable serious errors mayoccur. Punctuation is accurate. Spelling is nearly always secure.

    3 Language largely accurate. Simple structures tend to dominate. Noticeableserious errors may occur when more complex structures are attempted.Punctuation is largely accurate. Spelling is mostly secure.

    2 Meaning is not in doubt. Serious errors become more frequent. Very simplestructures used but accuracy is not sustained. Simple punctuation is usuallycorrect. Spelling of simple words accurate. Irrelevant or distorted detailsdestroy the sequence.

    1 Heavy frequency of serious errors impedes reading. Fractured syntax isrampant. Punctuation falters. Spelling mostly inaccurate.