Page 1: RPH Kepelbagaian Pelajar Model Hunter Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah (Pelajar Cemerlang)

RPH Kepelbagaian pelajar

Matapelajaran : Ekonomi Rumah TanggaTarikh : 30 Januari 2012 ( Rabu)Kelas : 4 ERT 1Bilangan pelajar : 20 orang Masa : 8.20 – 9.40 pg (80 minit) Tajuk : Pemilihan dan Penyimpanan MakananSub –tajuk : Makanan Segar- Sayur-sayuranPengetahuan sedia ada : Pelajar mempunyai pengalaman mengendalikan makanan

segar semasa amali masakan semasa Tingkatan 1 hingga Tingkatan 3.

Hasil pembelajaran : Sebelum tamat pengajaran dan pembelajaran, dalam masa 5 minit (C), pelajar Tingakatan 4 ERT1 (A) dapat:

1. menyatakan ( B-aras) kesemua (D) klasifikasi sayur-sayuran2. menghuraikan (B-aras) 90% (D) ciri-ciri pemilihan dan penyimpanan sayur-

sayuran.Nilai : Kerjasama KBKK : Menjana mindaKemahiran Sosial : Menjadi penyokong yang baik 

Fasa-fasa Pembelajaran Hunter Pelajar Cemerlang

1 Set induksi - sometimes called a "hook" to grab the student's attention: actions and statements by the teacher to relate the experiences of the students to the objectives of the lesson. To put students into a receptive frame of mind. • to focus student attention on the lesson. • to create an organizing framework for the ideas, principles, or

information that is to follow (c.f., the teaching strategy called "advance organizers").

• to extend the understanding and the application of abstract ideas through the use of example or analogy...used any time a different activity or new concept is to be introduced.

2 Maklumkan hasil pembelajaran - Before the lesson is prepared, the teacher should have a clear idea of what the lesson outcomes are. What, specifically, should the student be able to do, understand, care about as a result of the teaching. Bloom's Taxonomy ofMager’s Educational Objectives.

3 Input pengajaran - The teacher provides the information needed for

Page 2: RPH Kepelbagaian Pelajar Model Hunter Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah (Pelajar Cemerlang)

students to gain the knowledge or skill through lecture, film, tape, video, pictures, etc.

4 Permodelan - Once the material has been presented, the teacher uses it to show students examples of what is expected as an end product of their work. The critical aspects are explained through labeling, categorizing, comparing, etc. As much as possible, students are taken to the application level (problem-solving, comparison, summarizing, etc.)

5 Semak kefahaman murid - Determination of whether students have "got it" before proceeding. It is essential that students practice doing it right so the teacher must know that students understand before proceeding to practice. If there is any doubt that the class has not understood, the concept/skill should be retaught before practice begins. Usually through questioning

6 Pantau dan ubah suai – if required, reteach

7 Praktis terbimbing - An opportunity for each student to demonstrate grasp of new learning by working through an activity or exercise under the teacher's direct supervision. The teacher moves around the room to determine the level of mastery and to provide individual remediation as needed. Guided practice [in class "seat work." With the teacher circulating [e.g., "praise, prompt, and leave"]. Monitor students' work, providing corrective feedback as necessary, and assess performance of the group in determining whether the class is ready for the next instruction. Additional time for those whose aptitude calls for a longer learning period can be provided by giving "extra credit" assignments, supplementary activities, etc.

8 Praktis bertempoh - Once pupils have mastered the content or skill, it is time to provide for reinforcement practice. It is provided on a repeating schedule so that the learning is not forgotten. It may be in class formative testing, home work or individual work in class. It can be utilized as an element in a subsequent project. It should provide for decontextualization: enough different contexts so that the skill/concept may be applied to any relevant situation...not only the context in which it was originally learned. The failure to do this is responsible for most student failure to be able to apply something learned. Independent practice [additional class time or homework] begins when students have achieved an 85 to 90% accuracy level. To insure retention and develop fluency, students practice on their own without assistance and with delayed feedback [e.g., comments on graded papers]. Five or more brief practice activities distributed over a month or more may be required to "fix" the new concept/skill

9 Penutup - Those actions or statements by a teacher that are designed to bring a lesson presentation to an appropriate conclusion. Used to help

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students bring things together in their own minds, to make sense out of what has just been taught. "Any questions? No. OK, let's move on" is not closure. Closure is used:

• to cue students to the fact that they have arrived at an important point in the lesson or the end of a lesson,

• to help organize student learning, • to help form a coherent picture, to consolidate, eliminate

confusion and frustration, etc., • to reinforce the major points to be help establish the

network of thought relationships that provide a number of possibilities for cues for retrieval. Closure is the act of reviewing and clarifying the key points of a lesson, tying them together into a coherent whole, and ensuring their utility in application by securing them in the student's conceptual network

Page 4: RPH Kepelbagaian Pelajar Model Hunter Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah (Pelajar Cemerlang)

Matapelajaran : Ekonomi Rumah TanggaTarikh : 30 Januari 2012 ( Rabu)Kelas : 4 ERT 1 Bilangan pelajar : 20 orang Masa : 8.20 – 9.40 pg (80 minit) Tajuk : Pemilihan dan Penyimpanan MakananSub –tajuk : Makanan Segar- Sayur-sayuranPengetahuan sedia ada : Pelajar mempunyai pengalaman mengendalikan makanan

segar semasa amali masakan semasa Tingkatan 1 hingga Tingkatan 3.

Hasil pembelajaran : Sebelum tamat pengajaran dan pembelajaran, dalam masa 5 minit (C), pelajar Tingakatan 4 ERT1 (A) dapat:

1. menyenaraikan ( B-aras) kesemua (D) klasifikasi sayur-sayuran2. menghuraikan (B-aras) 90% (D) ciri-ciri pemilihan dan penyimpanan sayur-

sayuran.Nilai : Kerjasama KBKK : Menjana mindaKemahiran Sosial : Menjadi penyokong yang baik 

Fasa-fasa Pembelajaran Hunter

Pelajar Cemerlang

Set Induksi( 4 minit )

1. Guru merangsangkan minda pelajar tentang pelajaran hari ini dengan menunjukkan sayur kangkung dan tomato di depan kelas. (BBM 1- Sayur kangkung dan tomato)

2. Pelajar diminta meneliti sayur kangkung dan tomato yang ditunjukkan

3. Pelajar diminta meneka tajuk pelajaran.

4. Guru memberi respon kepada jawapan pelajar dan mengaitkan jawapan pelajar dengan tajuk yang akan diajar.

Maklumkan Hasil Pembelajaran(1 minit)

5. Guru memaklumkan hasil pembelajaran dan kepentingan menguasai hasil pembelajaran berkenaan.

Input Pengajaran(15 minit)

6. Guru membuat penerangan secara menyeluruh tentang klasifikasi sayur-sayuran dan contoh yang sesuai; konsep pemilihan ; dan penyimpanan sayur-sayuran. (BBM 2- Slaid powerpoint)

Page 5: RPH Kepelbagaian Pelajar Model Hunter Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah (Pelajar Cemerlang)

Permodelan(5 minit)

Kaedah PBL 7. Guru membahagikan pelajar kepada kumpulan perbincangan

PBL iaitu pelajar diminta membentuk kumpulan seramai 5 orang dalam 1 kumpulan

8. Guru mengedarkan lembaran kertas yang mempunyai artikel berkaitan dengan tajuk pembelajaran hari ini kepada setiap kumpulan (BBM 3- Artikel)

Semak Kefahaman Murid(15 minit)

9. Pelajar diminta untuk merekodkan hasil perbincangan daripada apa yang mereka faham mengenai artikel yang diberi. Isi pelajaran berkaitan dengan klasifikasi, pemilihan dan penyimpanan sayur-sayuran.

10. Guru menerangkan keperluan melakukan tugasan secara berkumpulan dengan memberi peluang kepada setiap rakan dalam kumpulan untuk menyumbang idea

Pantau dan Ubahsuai(5 minit)

11. Guru memantau pergerakan pelajar dan memberi panduan agar perbincangan mereka tidak tersasar.

Praktis Terbimbing(20 minit)

12. Pelajar diberikan masa selama 20 minit untuk melakukan perbincangan dalam kumpulan. Pelajar mengaplikasikan semua pengetahuan dan kemahiran mereka untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Kemudian pelajar mengekpresikan maklumat yang mereka perolehi dalam bentuk peta minda.

13.Guru memantau aktiviti atau tugasan yang diberikan

Praktis Bertempoh(10 minit)

14. Guru meminta pelajar merumuskan apa yang telah dipelajari.

15. Guru mengedarkan soalan taksiran dan memberi pelajar 5 minit untuk menjawab diikuti dengan semakan jawapan yang ditulis di papan putih.

Penutup(5 minit)

16. Guru merumuskan isi pembelajaran dan menekankan sekali kepada pelajar berkaitan isi pelajaran yang perlu dikuasai oleh pelajar

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