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Pemikiran Strategik: Satu Keperluan Dalam

Membina Upaya Kompetensi Kepimpinan


Muhamad Bustaman Abdul ManafIAB,KPM

0199890524/[email protected] Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

Page 2: Pemikiran strategik

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Specialist Trainer & Coach

Page 3: Pemikiran strategik



Specialist Trainer & Specialist Coach

1. Pengalaman memberi kursus Pengurusan Strategik dan Pengurusan Kualiti di Institut Aminuddin Baki semenjak 1995. (pensyarah paling lama di IAB dalam bidang tersebut)

2. Menulis buku: 1. Perancangan Strategik (terbitan IAB). 2. Pengurusan Kualiti dalam pendidikan (Utusan Pub) 3. Pengurusan Strategik untuk sekolah – (terbitan PTS.)

3. Latihan dalam bidang Pengurusan Strategik dan Pengurusan Kualiti luar negara • i. Strategic Management & Leadership: World Trade Institute, New York, USA (1996)• ii. TQM in Education: SEAMEO Innotech, Manila. Philippine (1998)• iii. Strategic planning in education: Uni of York, England (2000- 2004) (tesis Phd)• iv. Strategic Performance Measurement (BSC): Uni of Adelaide, Australia (2005)

4. Mempunyai sijil profesional Juruaudit (Lead Auditor) MS ISO 9000 sejak 1998 (berdaftar dengan IRCA London.

5. SUMBANGAN: Memberi khidmat konsultasi dalam Pengurusan Strategik dan KPI untuk semua peringkat Bahagian dalam Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Ahli Panel Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti Star Rating (SSR) KPM, Pembentang pernyataan baru MISI, VISI dan Matlamat KPM

6. Sumbangan Kepakaran peringkat antarabangsa: 1. Vietnam. 2. Laos. 3. Indonesia. 4. Afghanistan


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Buku ketiga



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Di akhir sesi ini, peserta akan:1. Memahami tentang konsep dan amalan pemikiran strategik dan kepentingannya dalam meningkatkan kualiti kepimpinan strategik.

2. Membudayakan pemikiran strategik dalam pengurusan organisasi dan kehidupan seharian.

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Tangkap Pemikiran Anda

• Semasa kursus berlansung, tuliskan perubahan cara anda berfikir dan akan buat perubahan bila balik ke tempat kerja nanti

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Leadership Thinking Skills

Soft Skills• Thinking skills• Internal• Personal

Hard Skills


Procedures (SOP)


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Proses 1

•Penjelasan konsep Asas Pemikiran Strategik (PS)

•Konsep PS, Ciri ciri Minda Strategik,dan kepentingannya

Proses 2

•Pemahaman Corak & Cabaran Untuk Berfikir Strategik

•Corak-corak minda strategik (10 corak) dan aplikasinya.

• Ciri 1 PS : Bina/jelas ‘outcomes”/ Dasar & Hala Tuju

Proses 3

• Menterjemah pemikiran kepada Pelaksanaan

•Tindakan yang berfokus & jelas , ‘Align’, boleh diukur dan ada inisiatif•Ciri 2: KRA, Objektif, KPI, Sasaran Prestasi dan Inisiatif

Proses 4

Proses 5

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Implementasi: Pengoperasian, pengukuran prestasi dan penambahbaikan prestasi

Pembudayaan Pemikiran Strategik

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hak milik mbam IAB KPM10

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hak milik mbam IAB KPM11

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Penilaian Kendiri 1:Berdasarkan analisis soalselidik: Sejauhmanakah anda berfikir secara strategik?

[email protected]

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• 1. Memudahkan perkara yang sukar• 2. Memaksa anda bertanyakan soalan

yang betul• 3. Lebih fokus• 4. Menyedia kita pada hari esok• 5. Mengurangkan margin kesilapan• 6. Memberi kita pengaruh atas orang lain

Mengapa Anda Patut Berfikir Secara Strategik?

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• 1. balanced short and long term needs• 2. see problems as opportunities to improve• 3. keeps calm when the unexpected

occurs• 4. is a skilled communicators• 5. is a team player

(Bruce & Langdon, 2000)

Kelebihan Apabila Anda Berfikir Secara Strategik

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. MISSIONWhy we exist

STRATEGYOur game plan


VISIONWhat we want to be

CORE VALUESWhat we believe in


BALANCED SCORECARDImplementation & focus

Motivated & Preparedworkforce




Delighted Customers

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1717hak milik mbustamanIAB.KPM

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Marff Resources Sdn Bhd@2009 18Source: Palladium Group

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• Kata Imam Ghazali:

“seorang guru yang hanya memikirkan mengajar sahaja tanpa memikirkan masa depan muridnya, lebih baik jangan jadi guru”

[email protected]

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Strategic Thinking vs Daily Analytic Thinking

Rujuk ms 4

Nota edaran:

Becoming a strategic thinker on a daily basis- Haines, 2006

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Agenda Transformasi Negara: Peranan Pendidik?

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Memartabatkan Profesion Keguruan

Mengukuhkan Struktur Persekolahan

Memantapkan Infrastruktur Institusi Pendidikan KPM

Memperkukuh Penghayatan Akidah dan Nilai Murni

Mentransformasi Kurikulum dan Kokurikulum

Pemantapan Pemacu Pembaharuan & Lonjakan

Mentransformasi Pentaksiran

Memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia Memperkukuh Bahasa Inggeris

Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak (Permata)

Mengarusperdanakan VocTech

Pembelajaran Maya

Perkongsian Pintar Awam, Swasta, Komuniti dan Ibu Bapa

1Murid 1Sukan




Inovasi dan Kreativiti




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Hubungan Kemahiran berfikir Strategik dengan kepemimpinan

Strategik, Perancangan Strategik & Pemikiran Strategik

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1. Pemimpin Strategik

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Strategic Leadership:Art & Discipline


Creativity to fashion a vision


Direct thought processes & turn vision into reality through action

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Art• Thinking that is open, out of the box

• Big picture –helicopter view

• Creating alternative strategic visions

• Ability to see what if? Scenarios

• Courage to analyse & see decision making criteria

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• Courage to make decisions• Implement policy• Get others to share vision &

work together to achieve it

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•Your boss just told you to "think strategically“

•—but what does that mean?

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1. Apakah realiti baru dunia pendidikan negara & dunia?

2. Adakah saya berpuashati dengan keputusan yang telah saya capai?

3. Adakah saya komited untuk kesan yang positif kepada masyarakat?

4. Tidak saya mahu membina dunia esok yang lebih baik untuk generasi masa depan?


Persoalan bersifat strategik

30 [email protected]


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5. Adakah saya mahu bertambah baik? Adakah saya tahu caranya?

6. Adakah cara saya bekerja hari ini (Kejayaan) akan terus sama untuk kejayaan masa depan?

7. Adakah saya mahu kekal dihadapan dari pesiang?

8. Adakah saya mahu dijadikan penandaarasan kepada semua orang?

Persoalan strategik?

31 [email protected]

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1. Know what difference you want to make

2. Choose your actions accordingly

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What difference do you want to make?

• Your community• Your department/units• Your team/work group• Personally/professionally

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Apakah itu Strategi?

• Kamus Oxford mentakrifkan strategy has to do with war and deception of an enemy. In nonprofit management, strategy has to do with responding to a dynamic and often hostile environment in pursuit of a public service mission (Allison &Kaye, 2005)

• Cara bagaimana untuk mencapat matlamat/objektif (ms 5)

[Lf. Gk strategos, f. stratos army + -ag-, agein to lead] [Fr. strategie f Gk strategia... generalship..] Gk. Hist…

The art of a commander-in-chiefOxford English Dictionary

[email protected]

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Cara bagaimana untuk mencapat matlamat/objektif (ms 5)

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• A disciplined thinking with a focus first on desired outcomes of your entire business as a system. Then it focuses on the relationship between your organizational components, along with constant feedback about results, to find the leverage points that best achieve your desired outcomes. (Haines, 2006)

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Rujuk nota edaran

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• “perihal berfikir – menggunakan akal (untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu dan sebagainya), mempertimbangkan (dalam ingatan).” (kamus Dewan, 2000)

Definisi Pemikiran

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• Pemikiran strategik adalah keupayaan untuk melepaskan isu-isu hari ini dan meletakkan diri sendiri didalam masa depan.

• Keupayaan melukis rupa bentuk sasaran masa depan yang inginkan melangkaui pengalaman hari ini

• Tempoh masa 5 tahun adalah minima (Nolan et.el, 2008)

Definisi Pemikiran Strategik

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• Integrating the future into your decision making processes today by thinking big, deep and long.

Strategic Thinking

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• Big Picture Thinking (very broad) – do we understand how we connect and interact with other organisations

and the external environment?

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• Deep – how deeply are we questioning our ways of operating?

• Do we operate from our interpretation of the past, or our anticipation of the future?

• Are our assumptions today valid into the future?

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• Long – how far into the future are we looking? Do we understand the shape of alternative futures for our organisation?

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The long view

• Target, not detailed steps

• Principles, not techniques

• Strengths, not weaknesses

• Keep it simple

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Long term




Beyond linear

Disrupting alignment45 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

Pemikiran strategik adalah bersifat…

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Short term





Creating Alignment

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Strategic Thinking is not……

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• Lift your mind above your day-to-day work and consider the larger environment in which you're operating.

• Ask questions and challenge assumptions about how things work in your organization.

• Gather data and interpret it. And use the insights gained to make smart choices and select appropriate courses of action

• Moreover, you do all of these things with an eye toward generating the best possible business results tomorrow,

using the opportunities presented to you today.

What does it mean to "think strategically"? (Haines, 2012)

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• “the process by which the guiding members of an organization envision its future and develop the necessary procedures and operations to achieve that future” (Nolan &,2008)

2. Perancangan Strategik (hard skills)

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Hubungan Perancangan Strategik & Pemikiran Strategik


Ini langkah akhir? …

Perancangan Strategik

Mengambil TindakanBagaimanakah

cara untuk melakukannya?

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Hubungan Perancangan Strategik & pemikiran strategik

Keputusan strategik

Ramai pemimpin berhenti pada tahap membuat keputusan strategik

Membuat Keputusan Strategik

Membuat PilihanWhat will we do?

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Pemikiran StrategikPenjanaan pilihan

Apakah yang mungkin berlaku?

Hubungan Perancangan Strategik & Pemikiran Strategik

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Pemikiran StrategikPenjanaan pilihan

Apakah yang mungkin berlaku?

Membuat Keputusan StrategikMembuat Pilihan

What will we do?

Perancangan StrategikMengambil Tindakan

Bagaimanakah cara untuk melakukannya?



Strategi & Tindakan


Sepatutnya….. Seorang pemimpinan yang strategik ….

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Pemikiran StrategikPenjanaan pilihan

Apakah yang mungkin berlaku?

Membuat Keputusan StrategikMembuat Pilihan

What will we do?

Perancangan StrategikMengambil Tindakan

Bagaimanakah cara untuk melakukannya?



Strategi & Tindakan


Pendekatan masa depan dan kaedah

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Proses 1

•Penjelasan konsep Asas Pemikiran Strategik (PS)

•Konsep PS, Ciri ciri Minda Strategik,dan kepentingannya

Proses 2

•Pemahaman Corak & Cabaran Untuk Berfikir Strategik

•Corak-corak minda strategik (10 corak) dan aplikasinya.

• Ciri 1 PS : Bina/jelas ‘outcomes”/ Dasar & Hala Tuju

Proses 3

• Menterjemah pemikiran kepada Pelaksanaan

•Tindakan yang berfokus & jelas , ‘Align’, boleh diukur dan ada inisiatif•Ciri 2: KRA, Objektif, KPI, Sasaran Prestasi dan Inisiatif

Proses 4

Proses 5

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Implementasi : Pengoperasian, pengukuran prestasi dan penambahbaikan prestasi

Pembudayaan Pemikiran Strategik

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10 corak pemikiran strategik

1. Pemikiran Sistem (W.sheet 2: Seeing the big picture)

2. Minda Terbuka (Open Mind)

vs Menghapuskan Bintik Buta

3. Pemikiran positif dan proaktif

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• 4. Pengurusan masa yang cekap• 5. Peka dan sensitif kepada perubahan

persekitaran.• 6. Inovatif dan kreatif• 7. Optimistik• 8. Menerima kepelbagaian• 9. Pemurah – menolong orang lain untuk

membangun diri mereka

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Sambungan: Cabaran untuk bina Corak Minda Strategik dan kesannya

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Apakah kesan 10 corak/tingkahlaku pemikiran

strategik kepada proses pengurusan strategik?

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Corak MS 1:. Pemikiran Sistem …

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• Sebuah sistem adalah satu entiti yang melestarikan kewujudannya dan fungsinya secara keseluruhan melalui interaksi di antara bahagian-bahagian di dalamnya. (Joseph O’Connor & Ian McDermott, The Art of systems Thinking)

Pemikiran Sistemik

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The Strategic Thinking Skills: Systems Thinking (ST)

•ST refers to leaders’ ability to see systems holistically by understanding the properties, forces, patterns, and interrelationships that shape the behaviors of the systems which provide options for actions.

• This definition requires that leaders think holistically, defining the entire problem by extracting patterns in the information one collects before breaking the problem into parts

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[email protected] 07 63

Organisasi sebagai satu sistem

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Rujuk Nota edaran: Haines

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[email protected] 07 65

The Organization as a SystemLeadership System


Guiding PrinciplesStrategic Goals

Organizational Structure

Upstreamsystem Inputs

Key WorkProcesses Outputs CustomersOutcomes Stakeholders

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Bintik buta ialah bahagian yang tidak dapat dilihat dengan jelas kerana terdapat sesuatu yang menghalang penglihatan.


Luaskan skop pandangan.

Amal corak kepimpinan partisipatif (bermaklumat)


Wujud suasana terbuka dikalangan staf (fear)

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Corak 2: Minda Terbuka (MT): 2.1.Menghapuskan Bintik Buta

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2.2: Membuat Anjakan Paradigma?

A set of rules & regulations that:

1. Defines boundaries

2. Tells you what to do to be successful within those boundaries

3. Is used to “filter reality.” We use paradigms to understand data and information…. to order, relate and control our reality.

(Kaufman, 2003)67 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

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MT 2.3: Mencabar sempadan andaian pemikiran

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MT 2.4: Berfikir diluar kotak…

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We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

[email protected]

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MT 2.5:. Hapuskan Andaian: Ia Tidak Mungkin (It’s impossible)


• Bebaskan minda anda (Anjakan Paradigma)

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Early DEATH of South American model

• Death of 22-year-old South American model Luisel Ramos, who suffered a heart attack after stepping off a runway in August.

• She had been on a three-month diet of green leaves and diet Coke after being told she could be an international sensation - if she lost weight.

75 [email protected]

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Perception of beauty has been distorted..

76 [email protected]

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• 1. We get more of the same• 2. We boil slowly to death like frog in a gradually

warming pot of water.• 3. Miss out on new opportunities• 4. We fall well behind our competitors• 5. We lose control of the future & become its

victims• 6. We manage by crisis & become reactive• 7. We become victims of short-term planning

and mortgage the future.

If we ignore paradigm shifts, then….

77 [email protected]

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• Sahabat kita yang terbaik dan juga musuh kita yang terketat ialah pemikiran kita. Suatu buah fikiran boleh jadi lebih berfaedah daripada doktor atau sahabat taat. Ia juga boleh melukakan kita lebih teruk daripada dibaling batu.(Frank Crane,..)


78 [email protected]

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• Apakah kesan kepada seorang pemimpin apabila memiliki minda yang terbuka dan pemikiran sistem dalam membina perancangan strategik serta membuat keputusan kepada masalah seharian?

Persoalan Perbincangan

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• 1. Pengurusan masa yang cekap• 2. Pemikiran dan tindakan yang positif• 3. Peka dan sensitif kepada perubahan

persekitaran.• 4. Inovatif dan kreatif• 5. Optimistik• 6. menerima kepelbagaian• 7. pemurah

Bahagian 2: Corak Minda dan Tindakan Seorang Pemimpin Strategik

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2.1: Pupuk Pemikiran Positif bukan Negatif

• Negativity is the poison that kills dreams!

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Negativity starts with negative thoughts.

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Change to Positive Thought Because…..

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Apakah kesan corak pemikiran strategik kepada proses kerja dan prestasi


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Tabiat merujuk kepada tindakan yang diambil oleh seseorang itu berulangkali tanpa berfikir.

Cara atasi:

1. Sedar tentang manafaat perubahan jika menjadi proaktif

[email protected]

Mengikis Tabiat Tidak Produktif

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The gap between reactive and proactive futures is bridged by making time for

strategic thinking..87 [email protected]

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Individuals recognise and build their foresight capacity

Individuals begin to talk about and use futures approaches in their work

Collective individual capacities generate organisational capacity (structures & processes)

[email protected]

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Make a change in your routine when you go back to work.

Good Ancestory

Recognise the impact of decisions today for future


Strategic Thinking

Whenever you have to make a decision, ask: “Am I

thinking, big, deep and long?”

Interior Exterior



Based on the work of Ken Wilber

Reflective Practice

Commit to building time to do this daily – stop doing

something else if you have to


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Build a scanning system to inform decision making – and

pay attention to it

Good Ancestory

Create a futures focused decision making culture

Strategic Thinking

Have thinking workshops as well as planning workshops

Interior Exterior



Based on the work of Ken Wilber

Reflective Practice

Encourage and support an outward looking staff


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Apakah kesan corak pemikiran strategik kepada proses kerja dan prestasi


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Kelekaan ialah perasaan berpuas hati dengan pencapaian sendiri yang tidak produktif atau tiidak progresif. Ia tidak mengalakkan pencapaian (kepuasan galak pencapaian).

Cara atasi:1. Elak andaian bahawa kecemerlangan sekarang boleh

berterusan. (laut biru kekal selamanya)

2. Sentiasa kumpul maklumat pesaing, kehendak pelanggan dan perubahan persekitaran

3. Wujudkan keadaan ketidakpuasan kerana ia langkah pertama seorang insan atau organisasi menuju kepada kemajuan (Oscar Wilde)

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2.2: Pengurusan Masa Berkesan

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A Challenge: Beyond Busy

93 [email protected]

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[email protected] 94

Hello Sir,I’m Mr. Muhd. Bustamante from IAB to …………..

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• I’m too busy dealing with today to think about the future…

actually means…

• I can only think short term, not long term. I don’t have time to think strategically.

95 [email protected]

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• “Managers who get caught in the trap of overwhelming demands become prisoners of routine. They do not have time to notice opportunities. Their habituated work prevents them from taking the first necessary step toward harnessing willpower: developing the capacity to dream an idea into existence and transforming it into a concrete existence.”

Heike Bruch & Sumantra Ghoshal, A Bias for Action: How Effective Managers Harness Their Willpower, Achieve Results, and Stop Wasting Time, HBSP, 2004

96 [email protected]

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The Result?

Our organisations will tend to be purposeless wastelands, populated by the perpetually busy and the inherently unhappy.

Stephen Johnson, What do you do for a living?, 200797 [email protected]

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To think strategically, you have to move beyond busy.

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Time management?

99 [email protected]

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2. Putting Planning in its Place! (Stephen R. Covey)

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Apakah kesan corak pemikiran strategik kepada proses kerja dan prestasi


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2.3. Hapuskan Tabiat Tidak Kisah ( It’s irrelevant).

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2.3.1: Sikap Ingin Tahu......

Explore, learn, reflect103 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

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2.4: Inovatif and Kreatif

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“Sebatang besi buruk bernilai RM5.Jika anda mengambil besi buruk tersebut dan menghasilkan ladam kuda,nilainya akan bertambah menjadi RM50.50.Jika ia digunakan untuk membuat jarum,nilainya meningkat kepada RM3,285.Jika anda menghasilkan spring jam,Ia bernilai RM250,000. Perbezaan antara RM5 dan RM250,000 adalah KREATIVITI dan INOVASI!”

(Ripley’s-Believe It or Not, TV Program)

105hak milik mbam IAB KPM

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2.5: Optimistik ‘about creating the future’…

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2.6: menerima kepelbagaian…

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2.7: Think outrageously at times…

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2.8.1. ‘Are compassionate’ & generous. (baik hati & pemurah)

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2.9: ‘Attitude Matters’

110 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

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Bila Anda mengubah fikiran AndaAnda mengubah keyakinan AndaBila Anda mengubah keyakinan diri AndaAnda mengubah harapan-harapan AndaBila Anda mengubah Harapan-harapan Anda

Anda mengubah sikap andaBila Anda mengubah sikap AndaAnda mengubah tingkahlaku AndaBila Anda mengubah tingkahlaku AndaAnda mengubah prestasi kerja AndaBila Anda mengubah prestasi kerja AndaAnda mengubah nasib AndaBila Anda mengubah nasib Anda

Anda mengubah HIDUP Anda!


Page 112: Pemikiran strategik

• Bincangkan kesan/impak dari tidak memiliki 7 sifat pemimpin yang berfikir strategik ke atas pembinaan dan pelaksanaan strategi yang berjaya.

• Sila rujuk model aliran proses yang diedarkan

Aktiviti Kumpulan

112 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

Page 113: Pemikiran strategik

• 1. Pemikiran positif dan proaktif• 2. Pengurusan masa yang cekap• 3. Peka dan sensitif kepada perubahan

persekitaran.• 4. Inovatif dan kreatif• 5. Optimistik• 6. Menerima kepelbagaian• 7. Pemurah

113 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

7 Cabaran untuk bina Corak Minda Strategik

Page 114: Pemikiran strategik

• 1. kenalpasti (refleksi) amalan-amalan corak pemikiran strategik dalam kehidupan anda.

• 2..Penilaian kendiri: Sejauhmanakah amalan corak pemikiran strategik tersebut dalam kehidupan anda

• 3. Kenalpasti punca asal (root cause) anda gagal untuk berfikir strategik dan cadangkan cara untuk mengatasinya?

Aktiviti Pengukuhan

114 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

Page 115: Pemikiran strategik

• Focus: critical issue/decision today• Scan: two trends likely to affect your decision

into the future (think uncertainty not predictability)

• Interpret: think about how these trends might play out over the next 10 years

• Imagine: how your organisation look like in 10 years – image/metaphor/book or movie title

• Decision: – implications/options for your decision today. What will be the same, what might you do differently?

Your turn… (Activity)

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Proses 1

•Pengenalan: Pemahaman tentang konsep Pemikiran Strategik (PS)

•Konsep PS, Ciri ciri Minda Strategik,

Proses 2

•Mengurus Cabaran Untuk Berfikir Strategik

•5 Corak minda strategik dan aplikasinya, Pemahaman persekitaran, Bina Hala Tuju

Proses 3

•Menterjemah pemikiran kepada Pelaksanaan

•KRA, Objektif, KPI, Sasaran Prestasi dan Inisiatif

Proses 4

Proses 5

116 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

Tindakan: mengurus pelaksanaan strategi dan prestasi

Pembudayaan Pemikiran Strategik

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Penetapan Aspirasi/Hasil Akhir (outcomes)

Page 118: Pemikiran strategik

“Vision” implies that other people


what you’re talking about.

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119Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

•What’s your vision? Seeing possibilities beyond the present•Thinking big and broadly

Page 120: Pemikiran strategik

Primary Questions That Are Central to Your Personal Mission and Vision

Personal Mission Personal Vision

• Who am I?• What is my philosophy of life?• Why am I on this earth?• What are my overall life objectives?• What do I live for?• What are my deepest aspirations?• Why do I do what I do?• What are my unique talents?• Where do I stand now?• What are my core beliefs?

• Where am I going?• Which values and principles guide my way?• What do I want to help realize?• What do I want to achieve?• What are my long-term intentions?• What is my ideal?• What do I stand for?• What do I believe in?• Which contribution to society do I strive to make?• How do I see myself? (What is my self-image and my sense of self-worth?)

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ANALISIS PERSEKITARAN“Reading the environment of today and anticipating the

environment of tomorrow”

Zoom-in, Zoom-out: looking beyond the picture you see from where you stand

Page 122: Pemikiran strategik

Rujuk W.sheet 3: Analyzing Information

122Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

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Proses 1

•Penjelasan konsep Asas Pemikiran Strategik (PS)

•Konsep PS, Ciri ciri Minda Strategik,dan kepentingannya

Proses 2

•Pemahaman Corak & Cabaran Untuk Berfikir Strategik

•Corak-corak minda strategik (10 corak) dan aplikasinya.

• Ciri 1 PS : Bina/jelas ‘outcomes”/ Dasar & Hala Tuju

Proses 3

• Menterjemah pemikiran kepada Pelaksanaan

•Tindakan yang berfokus & jelas , ‘Align’, boleh diukur dan ada inisiatif•Ciri 2: KRA, Objektif, KPI, Sasaran Prestasi dan Inisiatif

Proses 4

Proses 5

123 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

Implementasi : Pengoperasian, pengukuran prestasi dan penambahbaikan prestasi

Pembudayaan Pemikiran Strategik

Page 124: Pemikiran strategik


• A little tiny frog

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Page 125: Pemikiran strategik

W3- Sifat Pemimpin Strategik: Berfokus, ‘Align’, KPI dan sasaran serta ada inisiatif

Mesti jelas:

a. KRA (‘Outcomes’ Umum)

b. Objektif (‘Outcomes’ Khusus) & ‘align’ dengan misi dan visi.

c. Petunjuk Prestasi (KPI) & Sasaran Prestasi (termasuk TOV)

d. Inisiatif berkaitan (strategi)

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a. Penetapan Matlamat Strategik/ Key Results Areas -

KRA• KRA ialah bidang kejayaan kritikal yang mesti dicapai untuk mencapai misi dan visi organisasi (General Outcomes).

• Strategic goals define what must be done to achieved the mission & vision. (Niven, 2003)

• Jumlah: Prinsip 7 plus or minus 2 = 5

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[email protected] 07 127

Govt’ Mandate & Mission







Why we exist

What we want to be

What we must achieve to be successful

Indicators and Monitors of success

Desired level of performance and timelines

Planned Actions to Achieve Objectives

O1 O2



T1T1 T1

Specific outcomes expressed in measurable terms (NOT activities)

Strategic Planning

Action Planning

Implementation /Measures

KRA or Strategic GoalsKRA or Goals serve as the starting point for developing Objectives,

Initiatives, and KPIs down through the organization


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B. Jelaskan Objektif ( Specific 0utcomes) & “Align” dengan MV

128 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

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Perhatian Penting

• Setiap penulisan pernyataan objektif mesti jelas apakah hasil akhir khusus atau specific outcomes yang ingin dicapai dalam satu tempoh tertentu.

• Berasaskan tahunan cth 2012, 2013, 2014, ..• Kesilapan umum: Objektif ialah ends bukan

proses atau cara (means) iaitu strategi.• Kegagalan mematuhi perkara di atas boleh

memberi masalah untuk membina KPI.

Page 130: Pemikiran strategik


What are SMART-A Measures? When creating a ‘balanced’ set measures for an organization, aligning measures where possible is also critical for your success ….









Page 131: Pemikiran strategik

The individual needs of each

student are met

Our students enjoy a positive and

enjoyable learning experience Our students

demonstrate exemplary behaviour

Providing quality & varied extra

curricula activities

Effective teaching methods that instil the joy of learning

Knowledgeable, efficient, competent,

nurturing & highly motivated staff who

display our core values

Transparency & Accountability

Financial viability















Rb.1. ‘Align’: Pemetaan Objektif dengan Misi & Visi sekolah

Our students strive towards

academic excellence

Safe welcoming, efficient, comfortable facilities and

working environment

Ongoing maintenance &

upgrading of facilities

Ample supply of resources – teaching

aids, technology, equipment

Consistent discipline

Providing opportunity for

Learning religion Principles

Responsive curriculum that encompasses the motto “work, play and

learn together”

Our students are well rounded &

excel in all fieldsOur students enjoy a

safe, welcoming, efficient, comfortable and family oriented




Page 132: Pemikiran strategik

Basic Scorecard Terminology(Institute Aminuddin Baki)



What the strategy is trying to achieve


Targets:The level of performance

or rate of improvement


Initiatives:Key action programs

required to achieve targets


Measures:How success

or failure (performance)

against objectives is monitored


Excellent Financial Management

Stakeholders & Customer satisfied with IAB services

Stakeholders & Customer satisfaction

Innovation & Growth

Strategy Map

Quality Core Business

Quality & World Class Educational


High Competency Staff and Peacefull

Internal Business Processes

Mission & Vision

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C. Bina Matrik Pengukur (Measure) & sasaran Perkembangan prestasi

• KPI adalah suatu parameter yang boleh diukur, yang telah dipersetujui bersama, dan yang akan mencerminkan kejayaan sesuatu organisasi (Muhamad Yahaya, 2005).

• KPI juga dikenali sebagai penunjuk kejayaan membantu organisasi mentakrif dan mengukur kemajuan untuk mencapai matlamat organisasi.

• Maka KPI adalah kaedah mengukur pencapaian matlamat.

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Developing KPI

*Image via Bing


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Mengapakah pentingnya KPI alam proses perancangan strategik?

Mengikut Kaplan (2003):• If we can’t measure our processes, we can’t

manage our processes• If we can’t manage our processes, we can’t

change our processes for improvement• If we can’t improve our processes, we can’t

meet or exceed our customers’ expectations• MEASURE - MANAGE – CHANGE - EXCEED

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Identifying & Creating KPIs

… That Can Present in Different Forms


Absolute Numbers





Strategic Information Generated




ty o

f A



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[email protected] 07 138

D. Hubungkan KPI dengan Sasaran dan Inisiatif

• Target: Desired level of performance for a performance measure (e.g., % of customer satisfaction target = 95%)

• Initiatives: Action programs that will achieve our performance goals (e.g., Improve training methodology & Increase Trainer skills

(source: Balanced Scorecard Institute, USA. 2005)

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Page 139: Pemikiran strategik



KRA: …



Strategic Measures (2011, 2012,2013) Strategic Initiatives



Initiatives Accountability

KPI Target KPI Owner

C1. C1.1 Tov:: 2011: 2012:2013:

C1.2 BL: NEW



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[email protected] 07 140





09 10 11 12 13

Meningkatkan kecemerlangan akademik

Meningkatka PencapaianCemerlang dalam PMR, SPMdanSTPM

1. Peratus (%)KelulusanPeperiksaanPMR2. (% As)3. (Gred


80.9 82.0 84.0 90.0 95.0 100

%KelulusanSPM (% As)(Gred Purata)

94.8 96.0 97.0 98.0 99.0 100

%KelulusanSTPM(% As)(Gred Purata)

97.5 98.0 100 100 100 100


Page 141: Pemikiran strategik

Untuk lebih Berkesan: Gunakan ‘Thinking Tools’

1. Questioning

4. Cognitive Research Trust (CoRT)

2. Concepts

3. Mindmaps

141 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

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But first, What is a Thinking Tool?

A Thinking Tool is an instrument that can help us in using our minds systematically, clearly, and easy to be understood and effectively.

. • Questioning• Concepts • Mindmaps • Cognitive Research Trust (CoRT)

142Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

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Proses 1

•Penjelasan konsep Asas Pemikiran Strategik (PS)

•Konsep PS, Ciri ciri Minda Strategik,dan kepentingannya

Proses 2

•Pemahaman Corak & Cabaran Untuk Berfikir Strategik

•Corak-corak minda strategik (10 corak) dan aplikasinya.

• Ciri 1 PS : Bina/jelas ‘outcomes”/ Dasar & Hala Tuju

Proses 3

• Menterjemah pemikiran kepada Pelaksanaan

•Tindakan yang berfokus & jelas , ‘Align’, boleh diukur dan ada inisiatif•Ciri 2: KRA, Objektif, KPI, Sasaran Prestasi dan Inisiatif

Proses 4

Proses 5

143 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

Implementasi : Pengoperasian, pengukuran prestasi dan penambahbaikan prestasi

Pembudayaan Pemikiran Strategik

Page 144: Pemikiran strategik


• Isu:

1. ‘Communicate and cascading the plan/ideas’

• 2. ‘Teambuilding’• 3. Mengurus perubahan

5. Pengurusan prestasi: kawalan dan pelaporan

• 6. Penambahbaikan berterusan



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[email protected] 07 145



Objektif KPI Tov Sasaran Prestasi Sebenar Ulasan


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Proses 1

•Penjelasan konsep Asas Pemikiran Strategik (PS)

•Konsep PS, Ciri ciri Minda Strategik,dan kepentingannya

Proses 2

•Pemahaman Corak & Cabaran Untuk Berfikir Strategik

•Corak-corak minda strategik (10 corak) dan aplikasinya.

• Ciri 1 PS : Bina/jelas ‘outcomes”/ Dasar & Hala Tuju

Proses 3

• Menterjemah pemikiran kepada Pelaksanaan

•Tindakan yang berfokus & jelas , ‘Align’, boleh diukur dan ada inisiatif•Ciri 2: KRA, Objektif, KPI, Sasaran Prestasi dan Inisiatif

Proses 4

Proses 5

146 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

Implementasi : Pengoperasian, pengukuran prestasi dan penambahbaikan prestasi

Pembudayaan Pemikiran Strategik

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Pembudayaan Pemikiran Strategik Dalam Tindakan

Seharian Pemimpin:Contoh Pelan Kecemerlangan Kendiri Pendekatan ‘Balanced


Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

Page 148: Pemikiran strategik

Primary Questions That Are Central to Your Personal Mission and Vision

Personal Mission Personal Vision

• Who am I?• What is my philosophy of life?• Why am I on this earth?• What are my overall life objectives?• What do I live for?• What are my deepest aspirations?• Why do I do what I do?• What are my unique talents?• Where do I stand now?• What are my core beliefs?

• Where am I going?• Which values and principles guide my way?• What do I want to help realize?• What do I want to achieve?• What are my long-term intentions?• What is my ideal?• What do I stand for?• What do I believe in?• Which contribution to society do I strive to make?• How do I see myself? (What is my self-image and my sense of self-worth?)

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The Personal Ambition of Muhd. Bustaman

*Personal Mission :To live with ‘TAQWA’ and mean something to others.

*Personal Vision: To be a leader in strategic management studies especially in educational management.

I want to fulfill my mission in the following way.• Be honest with others.• Work with others harmoniously, help each other, inspire others, and

share knowledge.• Do things that make a difference in the lives of others.• Take initiative, learn from mistakes, continuously improve and develop

myself.• Strive for physical, mental,soul and financial health.• Have respect and appreciation for others, as well as be appreciated by my

family, friends, employer, and associates.• Deliver high-quality work so that my organisatitor is continuously satisfied.

Hak Milik MBAM IAB KPM 149

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In order to achieve my mission, the following key roles have top priority:

• Wife: My wife is the most important person in my life.• Father : I want to promote the capabilities and creativity of

my children continuously and to help them reach a happy existence.

• Muslim: God (Allah) can count on me to keep my duty towards others.

• Manager: Help the organization (IAB, KPM) where I work become successful and by doing this serve society/nation.

• Student: I want to learn something new every day, I will always be a scholar.

Hak Milik MBAM IAB KPM 150

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Critical Success Areas & Factors of M.Bustaman


Financial Perspective External Perspective

• Financial health• Extra Income

•Be appreciated by family, friends, colleagues, and employer•Deliver high-quality work

Internal Perspective Learning Perspective

• working together harmoniously, helping each other, inspiring others, and sharing knowledge with each other•Strive for physical and mental health

•Take initiative, learn from my mistakes, continuously improve and develop myself•Learn something new every day and always be a scholar

Page 152: Pemikiran strategik


KRA, Objectives, KPI & Target of M Bustaman PDP


KRA (Financial) Objectives KPI Target

•Financial health •More earnings•Reliable future earnings•Curbing spending

•Salary increase•Employment contract•Pension•Disability insurance•Ratio of income to spending

•At least 5 % per year•From temporary ( as acting manager ) to permanent employment contract ( for unlimited time ) within two years•13% of gross salary•5% of gross salary•Increase of at least 5% within tow years

KRA (External)

•Being appreciated by family, friends, colleagues, and employer

•Being appreciate by life companion•Being appreciated by own children•Being appreciated by friends

•Number of times being together in a charming atmosphere•Being cared for own children•Number of real friends

•At least once a week•Every time there is an occasion for it•Increase depending on the circumstances

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KRA, Objectives, KPI & Target of M Bustaman PDP


KRA (External) Objectives KPI Target

•Deliver high-quality work

•Being appreciated by employer •Improved level of satisfaction of employees •Greater trust of my employer in fulfillment of my job

•Level of reward•Number of authorities•Degree of satisfaction of employees•Level of satisfaction of employer

•Increase at least 5% per year•Increase of 25% within two years•At least 80% within 1,5 years•At least 80% within 1.5 years

KRA (Internal)

•Working together harmoniously, helping each other, inspiring each other and sharing knowledge with each other•Strive for physical and mental health

•Improvement level of satisfaction from others with respect to teamwork and personal contact•Satisfaction•Physically healthy and mentally strong•More time off•Enjoying the good things in life

•Perception score from others with regard to teamwork and personal contacts•Helping others•Percent of sick leave•Level of tension•Level of immunity to stress•Number of paid vacation days a year•enjoyment

•At least 80% within 2 years•To be determined•Less than 2 % in 1 year•Decrease by at least 50% in 2 years•Decrease by at least 50% in 2 years•At least 17 days•To be determined

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Hak Milik MBAM IAB KPM 154

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Hak Milik MBAM IAB KPM 155

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Untuk lebih Berkesan: Gunakan ‘Thinking Tools’

1. Questioning

4. Cognitive Research Trust (CoRT)

2. Concepts

3. Mindmaps

157 Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

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Questioning - Five Ws and H The Five W’s and H, is an

influential, inspirational and imaginative checklist (often used by journalists) to generate:

• Data-gathering questions, during the early stages of problem solving when you are gathering data.

• Idea-provoking questions (e.g. whilst brainstorming).

• Criteria for evaluating options.









Page 159: Pemikiran strategik

2. Concepts Concepts - General ideas that we use to

identify and organize our experience.

Structure of Concepts:

1) Sign - word/symbol that names the concept

2) Referents - examples of the concept

3) Properties - qualities that all examples of the concept share in common.




Words are the vocabulary of language;

Concepts are the vocabulary of thought.

Words are the vocabulary of language;

Concepts are the vocabulary of thought.

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2.1 Applying Concepts: Example

Some may attribute a girl's BEAUTY to her fair skin, rosy cheeks and long silky hair. Others, however, may attribute beauty to the kindness of her heart

and considerate nature.

How do you classify the concept of BEAUTY?

Page 161: Pemikiran strategik

3. MindmapsA mindmap can be defined as a visual presentation

of the ways in which concepts can be related to one another.

It’s the Ultimate

Learning Tool!

161Pengubal:MBAM.IAB 2012

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4. CoRT Thinking Method• The essence of the CoRT (Cognitive Research

Trust) Thinking Method is to focus attention directly on different aspects of thinking and to crystallize these aspects into definite concepts and tools that can be used deliberately.

• It is designed to encourage students to broaden their thinking.

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CoRT Thinking Tools

CAF: Consider All Factors

FIP: First Important Priorities

PMI: Plus, Minus, Interesting (ideas)

APC: Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices

OPV: Other People's Views   

AGO: Aims, Goals, Objectives (purpose)

C&S: Consequence and Sequel  

Page 164: Pemikiran strategik

CAF: Consider All Factors

Used to look as widely as possible at all the factors involved in a situation.

Steps involved: List down all the factors. Consider each factor. What is the appropriate decision to be made?

Example: Should IAB G.Highlands as a main campus?

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Buku Rujukan

Page 166: Pemikiran strategik

Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even into your smallest acts. This is the secret of success in strategic decision.- Muhamad Bustaman Abd Manaf (IAB. 2010)

Final Quote

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Institut Aminuddin Baki

Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia

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