berkelah di pantai - · berkelah di pantai “mari mia tolong ibu kemaskan...

Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju. Ibu dan Mia mengemas barang-barang. Mereka hendak ke pantai. Mia mengambil tuala dan meletakkannya ke dalam beg. Selepas mereka kemas barang- barang, mereka bersiap. Apabila mereka sudah bersiap, mereka mengangkat barang- barang dan menaiki bas. Apabila mereka sudah sampai di pantai, mereka membentangkan tikar di atas pasir. Apabila mereka sudah habis membentangkan tikar, mereka menyalin pakaian. Mereka bermain air. Setelah puas bermain air, mereka menukar baju dan makan makanan- makanan yang dibawa oleh ibu. Setelah beberapa jam berada di pantai, mereka melipat tikar dan membuang sampah-sampah di tepi pantai ke dalam tong sampah. Selepas itu mereka pun balik ke rumah. Norsuhaila Binte Mohamed Sulaimi P4 Perseverance

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Post on 06-Sep-2019




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Page 1: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Berkelah di pantai

“Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju. Ibu dan Mia mengemas barang-barang. Mereka hendak ke pantai. Mia mengambil tuala dan meletakkannya ke dalam beg. Selepas mereka kemas barang-barang, mereka bersiap. Apabila mereka sudah bersiap, mereka mengangkat barang-barang dan menaiki bas. Apabila mereka sudah sampai di pantai, mereka membentangkan tikar di atas pasir. Apabila mereka sudah habis membentangkan tikar, mereka menyalin pakaian. Mereka bermain air. Setelah puas bermain air, mereka menukar baju dan makan makanan-makanan yang dibawa oleh ibu. Setelah beberapa jam berada di pantai, mereka melipat tikar dan membuang sampah-sampah di tepi pantai ke dalam tong sampah. Selepas itu mereka pun balik ke rumah.

Norsuhaila Binte Mohamed Sulaimi P4 Perseverance

Page 2: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Lif rosak

Cuaca pada hari itu panas terik. Ali dan Abu baru habis bermain bola keranjang. Mereka sudah penat. Ali berkata kepada Abu yang dia mahu balik ke rumah. Abu pun mahu balik ke rumahnya untuk berehat. Mereka berjalan menuju ke lif dan terjumpa Tuk Ghani dan isterinya. Ali dan Abu memberi hormat kepada Tuk Ghani dan isterinya. Abu memicit butang lif. Lif pun sampai. Mereka pun masuk ke dalam lif. Abu menanyakan Tuk Ghani tingkat berapa dia hendak pergi. Tuk Ghani menjawab dan lif itu mula bergerak. Tiba-tiba, lif itu berhenti. Lif itu rosak. Tuk Ghani mula panik kerana lif itu rosak dan ia tidak boleh bergerak. Lif itu berhenti di tingkat tiga. Tuk Ghani dan isterinya tinggal di tingkat lapan. Abu segera memicit-micit butang kecemasan untuk meminta tolong. “Sesiapa yang ada di dalam lif jangan kuatir ya? Kami akan segera dapatkan bantuan,” kata suara yang kedengaran dari luar lif itu. Abu dan Ali menarik nafas lega mendengarkan kenyataan itu. “Sabarlah Tuk. Sebentar lagi kita akan keluar dari lif ini,” kata Ali cuba menenangkan Tuk Ghani yang kepanasan. Jurutera cuba membetulkan lif itu. Pintu lif sudah dapat dibuka. Mereka keluar dari lif itu dan mengucapkan terima kasih kepada jurutera itu. Tuk Ghani juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Abu dan Ali kerana menolongnya.

Nina Adriyana Bte Andywira

P4 Perseverance

Page 3: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Tidak bertimbang rasa

Pada hari Rabu yang lalu, Ali dan ibunya hendak membeli makanan di pusat makanan. Mereka hendak mencuba mi yang baharu yang dijual di pusat makanan itu. Setelah membeli makanan, mereka mencari tempat duduk. Mereka ternampak tempat duduk kosong untuk mereka. Ali meletakkan begnya di sebelah tempat duduknya. Ada seorang lelaki dewasa duduk di situ juga. Dia sedang menunggu anaknya, Atira, membeli makanan. Ali dan ibunya makan mi dengan begitu selera sekali. Mi itu panas lalu Ali minum air.

Beberapa minit kemudian, Atira sudah membeli makanannya. Dia membeli mi yang sama dengan Ali dan ibunya. Tempat duduk di situ penuh. Atira tidak dapat mencari tempat duduk yang kosong. Lelaki dewasa itu agak marah dengan Ali kerana meletakkan beg sekolahnya di tempat duduk yang kosong. Ali, ibunya dan Atira terperanjat apabila ayah Atira memekik dengan suara yang kuat. Ali mengambil begnya lalu sambung makan. “Saya minta maaf atas apa yang terjadi,” kata Ali. “Tidak mengapa tetapi jangan buat lagi,” kata ayah Atira. Selepas itu, Ali dan ibunya pulang ke rumah.

Ian Dhia Qistina Bte Muhammad Fauzi P4 Perseverance

Page 4: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Di Pusat Makanan

Cuaca pada hari itu sungguh panas. Budi dan ibunya hendak pergi ke pusat makanan untuk makan di sana. Mereka akan menaiki bas untuk ke sana. Lima minit berlalu. Budi sudah sampai di pusat makanan itu. Mereka hendak mencari tempat duduk tetapi ada ramai orang di sana. Budi sudah dapat mencari tempat duduk di situ. Budi dan ibunya terus meletakkan beg mereka supaya tidak ada orang boleh duduk di tempat itu. Mereka pun terus membeli makanan mereka. Ketika itu, ada seorang budak perempuan juga hendak duduk di sana. Namun, tempat duduk di situ penuh. Tiba-tiba, seorang lelaki dewasa menjerit kepada budak perempuan itu. Budi dan ibunya tergesa-gesa pulang ke tempat duduk mereka. Lelaki dewasa itu meminta maaf kepada budak perempuan itu. Budak perempuan itu tersenyum. Budak perempuan itu pun mencari tempat duduk yang lain.

Atiqah Najwa Binte Umar

P4 Perseverance

Page 5: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Kejadian di tepi pantai

“Mia, awak tahu kita hendak ke mana?” tanya ibu. “ Tdak tahu ibu,” jawab Mia dengan hairan. Ibunya memberitahu Mia tujuan mereka hari itu. Mia berasa seronok apabila ibunya memberitahu Mia. Ibu memanggil Mia agar menolongnya mengemas beg dan bersiap untuk hari esok. Ibunya mengambil beg dan Mia pula mengambil baju renang. Ibunya juga membawa buku untuk dibacanya. Pada keesokan hari, keluarga Mia bersiap sedia untuk pergi ke pantai Sentosa. Apabila mereka sampai di sana, Ayah dan Mia pergi menukar baju di dalam tandas yang berdekatan. Apabila mereka sudah menukar baju, mereka terus memakai losyen dan pergi berenang. Ibunya pula mengeluarkan bukunya lalu terus membaca. Tiba-tiba, semasa ayah dan Mia sedang berenang, mereka berdua ternampak sepupu Mia, Laila, hampir tenggelam di dalam air. Dengan segera, ayah Mia berenang ke arah Laila. “ Tolong! Tolong!” Laila memekik sekuat-kuatnya. Apabila ayah Mia berada berdekatan dengan Laila, dia menarik tangan Laila lalu berenang balik ke pantai. Laila berterima kasih kepada ayah Mia. Mereka semua mula mengeluarkan makanan dan bermain-main dengan pasir selepas makan.

Dini Hfiy Bin Faisal P4 Perseverance

Page 6: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju


Endeavour is ten

Teachers here are fun and cool

Friends are the same too!

Iman Rihanna Binte Khairulnizam 4 Perseverance

Page 7: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju


Encourage others Never give up

Daring Keeping our Environment clean

A-audience Victory

Originality Upskill

Responsibility Mohammad Nafiz Hassan Abir 4 Perseverance

Page 8: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Helping a Neighbour

It was a memorable day for Jake. He was happy that he could help his neighbour, Uncle Larry, to take care of his tortoise.

A few days ago, Jake was playing along the corridor. As he ran past Uncle Larry’s house, he saw a tank with some sand in it. He did not know that Uncle Larry had a tortoise. He noticed that it was filled with rotten leaves and it was very smelly. So, Jake called Uncle Larry and asked him if he could come in. Uncle Larry nodded.

After entering the house, Jake asked if he could help to clean his pet tortoise up. Uncle Larry smiled. Jake first went to transfer the tortoise into an empty pail. Then he got rid of all the rotten leaves and cleaned up the tank. He fed the tortoise with some tortoise food and put it back into the tank.

Uncle Larry was very grateful to Jake because he had no time to clean up since he was not feeling well. Jake was glad that he could be of a good help to his neighbour.

Edmund Ong Chong Jun 4 Perseverance

Page 9: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Sports Day

It was a glorious morning. The whole stadium was bathed in the warm glow of the rising sun. Our team was ready for Sports Day. We were all really excited for the races. The first race was the five by 80 metre relay and I was in that event with my friends.

The event began. “POP!” the horn sounded. I ran as fast as my legs could carry my body. I passed the baton to my team’s next runner and he ran. My friends cheered for me to win. The race was over quickly.

During prize-presentation, my team received a big and shiny gold trophy. Tears of joy flowed down my cheeks. I was happy.

Lim Jie Rui 4 Perseverance

Page 10: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Sports Day

It was a beautiful and hot day. I woke up excitedly and had my breakfast before heading to school quickly.

I reached school very early that day. While I was waiting at the parade square, I dozed off. Suddenly, Kathy shook my shoulders back and forth and it woke me up. We started chatting and soon, more pupils arrived. When it was time for us to go to the stadium, Mr Yaidi instructed, “Keep quiet and wait till your teachers are here.” 30 minutes later, all the teachers were with their respective classes and the buses had arrived. The teachers guided the pupils up the bus to the stadium.

At the stadium, we found our seats. I chatted with my friends as I waited for my running event to start. After a few events had ended, it was finally my turn. I got up and went to report at the tracks.

My heart was beating like how a Chinese drummer plays the drum. Suddenly, my enemy came and muttered in my ears, “You’re going to lose!” I ignored him and stayed focus on preparing for my race. When we were ready, Mr Yaidi shouted, “Ready! Get set! Go!” I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. In a blink of an eye, I won. I was so glad.

During prize-presentation, I stood on the podium with pride as I received a gold medal from Mrs Pek. I was so happy. After sports day ended, we went back to school. It was a memorable day for me.

Ryan Ding Zhao Yuan 4 Perseverance

Page 11: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Public Speaking “Good morning teacher and friends,” greeted Tom. He was so nervous. It was presentation day. A few days ago, Tom and Zen were grouped together. They were in the same project group. The project was about owls. They went to the library to research on owls. After that, they wrote their script. They practised by reading and memorising their scripts. On the day of the presentation, Tom felt excited. He always likes to speak in front of the whole class. He spoke bravely that day. His partner, Zen also spoke confidently. The class liked it and cheered for them. Tom felt more confident after the presentation. He did well and told his parents. They praised him. It was a memorable day for Tom. Yeo Chee Seng Brian 4 Perseverance

Page 12: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Public Speaking It was a glorious Friday morning. The whole stadium was bathed in the warm glow of the rising sun. My class and I arrived at Woodlands stadium. A lot of the students were very excited at the stadium. We sat down at a good spot and waited for the announcers to give instructions. All the athletes, including me, started to walk on the tracks to start Sports Day. After that, I sat down and cheered for my friends while waiting for my race. Finally, my relay race was called. My team went to the starting lanes. I was nervous when the race was about to start. “Three, two, one, go!!!” shouted Mr Lim. My friend started to run and passed the baton to the second runner in my team. After that, he passed me the baton. I was running fast as lightning and passed the baton to the last runner. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her towards the finishing line. We came in third in place. During prize-presentation, we waited for the announcer to announce our team. We received our medals and took a picture. After that, we went home. I celebrated my victory by eating fries and ice cream with my friend, Mum and Dad. I felt happy. Mohammad Hyder Lutfi Bin 4 Perseverance

Page 13: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Public Speaking “Er…er…er…um…” Tom stuttered. “Ok…you can go back to your seat.”Miss Teo said. Tom was embarrassed and wished that he could disappear from the face of the earth. A few days ago, “Class, class! We are going to have a presentation on the trip to the zoo last week. Choose you group members now!” Miss Teo exclaimed. Everyone started to choose their group member. After five minutes, they were finally done, the groups were red group, blue group, yellow group, green group and pink group. In the blue group, there were Kelly, Jeff, Tom and Jack. They did their research online and went to the library to prepare their script. Everyone in the group wanted to speak but Tom did not wasn’t to so he did more research instead. On the presentation day, “Blue group, it’s your turn,” Miss Teo said. Unfortunately, Jeff had a sore throat on that day so Tom was forced to replace Jeff. After everyone spoke, Tom was next. Tom was so nervous. He stammered and could not speak properly. The class laughed. Miss Teo saw it and told him to return to his seat. In the end, Tom got scolded by his teammates as they did badly for their presentation. Tom felt guilty and remorseful. He vowed to work on his self-confidence and learn how to speak in front of an audience in future. Lee Jia Xuan Allivier 4 Perseverance

Page 14: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

An Irresponsible Act

Tom regretted his actions and felt sorry for his dog, Olaf. Do you know why?

“Bye, Mum, I’m going to Sun Plaza with John!” Tom said., wearing his shoes at the same time. “Tom! Feed Olaf before you go!” his mother told him strictly. However, he promised to feed Olaf when he was back and ran out of the house. The same thing happened for the next three days. Tom was being an irresponsible pet owner.

After three days, Tom realised that Olaf was not as active as usual. It did not bark when strangers walked pass the house. Olaf also spent most of its time sleeping. Tom started to worry that Olaf was sick so he asked his mother to bring Olaf to the veterinary clinic. His mother asked what had happened and he explained to his mother that Olaf was acting strangely. She tried to wake Olaf up but it continued sleeping. It was very strange because normally Olaf wakes up easily by the slightest noise. His mother immediately took Olaf to the veterinary clinic by her car.

On the way there, his mother asked if Tom had been taking good care of Olaf. He confessed guiltily that he has forgotten to feed it for the past three days. His mother scolded him for being irresponsible and wasting her time and money. The veterinarian, Mr Tan prescribed some medicine and advised Tom to give them daily. Tom and his mother thanked Mr Tan and went to the counter to pay the bill. After that incident, Tom turned over a new leaf. He feeds Olaf every day and takes it for a walk thrice a week. Tom promised himself that he will not let this happen again.

Ha Nguyen Bao Tran 4 Perseverance

Page 15: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

An Irresponsible Act

One sunny morning, Atison and his pet, Cookie was at a park for a stroll. While walking in the park, a huge playground caught Atison’s eyes. He ran to the playground happily without taking Cookie along. Atison explored the playground and played happily without realising that Cookie ran away.

Atison had a whale of a time at the playground and it was finally time for him to go home. Suddenly, he could not find Cookie anywhere. “Cookie, where are you?” Atison exclaimed. Atison ran around to find Cookie and even asked some strangers if they saw a dog. All of a sudden, he saw people crowding along a road. He ran towards the crowd and saw Cookie lying motionlessly on the ground. Atison called out to Cookie but it did not response. He begged the driver to bring them to the nearest veterinary clinic.

When they reached the veterinary clinic, the driver followed them in and helped them to register at the counter. Atison waited impatiently. When it was their turn, Atison dashed into the room and asked the veterinarian to save Cookie. Fortunately, after giving an injection, Cookie woke up. He bandaged Cookie’s leg as it was fractured. After that, Atison went to the counter to pay for the bill before heading home.

Atison regretted not taking good care of Cookie. He felt sorry for his dog and promised to be a more responsible pet owner in future.

Amberlyn Lau Jing Ying (Liu Jingying) 4 Perseverance

Page 16: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

An Irresponsible Act

It was a beautiful day, John and Layla just bought a new puppy because Layla just got a new job as a lawyer. So, they went to a pet shop and bought this cute little bull dog. They decided to name him, Bully.

When Bully got to its new house, it was excited and started to jump all over the place to express its happiness. They doted it and gave it the best food and water.

A month later, Layla was at home while John was out to buy some stationeries for Layla. “Layla, remember to feed Bully,” John reminded Layla.

Four hours passed, Layla was busy doing some work. Bully was whining and Layla could not concentrate on her work. Soon, Layla realised that she had not feed Bully fot the day. She went to the kitchen and saw that there were no food left. Feeling anxious that Bully might be very hungry, she quickly gave the chocolates she found on the table to Bully. It ate it hungrily.

An hour later, Bully fell sick. Layla panicked. Not long after, John got back with a bag full of stationeries. When John opened the door, Layla was biting her finger nails while Bully was on the ground lying motionlessly. “Layla, why is Bully looking like that?” asked John. “I fed it with some chocolates as there were no food left,” Layla confessed. John and Layla then rushed Bully to the nearest veterinary clinic. Luckily, Bully became better after some medication.

John forgave Layla for feeding Bully with chocolates. Layla learnt her lesson to not feed chocolates to dogs as it is poisonous to them.

Adam Rushdiy Bin Mohammed Fadly 4 Perseverance

Page 17: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Caught in a Storm

One sunny afternoon, Amy was walking to the park with an umbrella just in case it rains. While she was walking in the park, she felt a gust of cooling wind. After a while, the wind grew stronger and it started to rain. So, she opened the umbrella and started walking home. While she was walking home, the wind grew even stronger and the rain started to become heavier. A few seconds later, Amy’s umbrella broke. She saw the tree branches broken on the floor around her and she was shocked. Amy started to run home with her umbrella but the wind was too strong. She did not want to lose her umbrella so she pulled it towards her. Finally, Amy reached home safely but she was drenched from head to toe. As she stepped in the house, she placed her broken umbrella into the rubbish bin and she went to the bathroom to take a shower. When she finished showering, she was still shocked and scared about what had happened earlier. What would you do if you were in the same situation? Glendon Goh (Wu Wencong) 4 Perseverance

Page 18: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Not Following Instructions

Wendy was an impatient girl. She finally learnt her lesson when her impatience got her into deep trouble.

Last Sunday afternoon, Wendy arranged the ingredients in the kitchen. She was going to bake some cookies with Aunt Lucy. When they were done mixing all the ingredients Aunt Lucy asked, “ Wendy, can you put the cookies in the oven and turn the oven’s temperature to 150 degrees celsius, please?” Ok, Aunt Lucy,” Wendy replied. She went to put the cookies in and turn the temperature up as instructed. After that, Aunt Lucy said,” I will be going to my room, ok?” Wendy nodded and went to her room too while the cookies were baking.

After twenty minutes, Wendy became hungry. She could not take it anymore and went to the kitchen to turn up the oven’s temperature. As she waited, she fell asleep in the kitchen. Ten minutes passed and smoke started coming out from the oven. However, Wendy was still fast asleep.

Thirty minutes later, Aunt Lucy went into the kitchen and was shocked to see that the kitchen was filled with smoke and Wendy was on the ground. Wendy had inhaled too much smoke that she passed out. Aunt Lucy ran as fast as lightning towards Wendy and carried her out from the kitchen. She called the ambulance after that. Soon, the ambulance arrived and Wendy was brought to the hospital. Aunt Lucy asked the doctor if Wendy would be fine and the doctor nodded his head. Aunt Lucy heaved a sigh of relief.

Wendy learnt a valuable lesson, to always follow instructions. She felt very guilty for what she had done.

Raean Oh Yin En 4 Perseverance

Page 19: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Not Following Instructions

Amy is a smart person. She always has great ideas. Never did she expect that one of her idea turned into a disaster.

Last night, Amy and Kati were at Vivo City shopping. They bought a lot of things. After shopping, they went to the food court to grab some food. However, when they were there, the place was very crowded and the queue was so long that they decided to head back and bake a cake at home instead.

Once they reached home, they got right into baking. They were done mixing in a jiffy. Kati placed the baking pan into the oven. “Do not set the temperature any higher than 170 degrees Celsius, ok?”, instructed Amy.

While waiting for the cake to be done, they went to their rooms. Suddenly, Kati felt so hungry. She had an idea. She went to the kitchen and raised the oven’s temperature up to 350 degrees Celsius. After 30 minutes, Amy smelt something burning. She quickly ran to check on the cake. The oven was on fire. “AHH!” Kati screamed. She quickly took a fire extinguisher and put out the fire. Fortunately, the kitchen was fine.

Kati learnt an important lesson. She promised that she will never ignore any instructions again.

Duen Bin Rudy 4 Perseverance

Page 20: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Baking Gone Wrong

Francis was a mischievous boy. He always dislikes following instructions. He finally learnt his lesson through this incident.

Francis and Jazz are siblings. They planned to sleepover at Aunt Lucy’s because their parents went overseas for work for a few days. While they were at Aunt Lucy’s house, she decided to bake some cookies for them. “Francis and Jazz, don’t touch and play with the hot oven!” Aunt Lucy instructed after she placed the cookies into the oven.

A while later, Francis felt hungry so he decided to ignore Aunt Lucy’s instructions. He sneakily turned up the oven’s temperature, hoping it would be done quickly. 15 minutes later, Francis grew impatient and went to check on the cookies.

“OUCH!” Francis cried in pain. He accidentally touched the hot oven while trying to take some cookies. Jazz and Aunt Lucy ran to the kitchen immediately when they heard Francis. Francis’ hands were red and swollen. Aunt Lucy quickly placed Francis’ hand under the running tap water and asked Jazz to call their mother. Aunt Lucy noticed that the oven’s temperature had been changed and she asked who meddled with it. Francis raised his hands guiltily and stammered, “ It…was…me…Aunt Lucy.” He promised not to repeat his mistake again and vowed to always follow instructions.

Pearl Rai 4 Perseverance

Page 21: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju

Kitchen Mayhem

Duen was a mischievous child who he likes to daydream and act smart. Despite countless attempts to discipline Duen, Mother was always at a loss on trying to manage him. Duen never imagined that it will take this baking incident to kick his bad behaviour. It was a scorching afternoon, Duen was at Aunt Lucy’s house with his brother. They were going to bake a strawberry cake. As Aunt Lucy was giving instructions, Duen was playing a fool. “Turn the oven to 190 degrees Celsius,” instructed Aunt Lucy. However, Duen had another idea. “I’m so smart, I will turn the oven’s temperature to 290 degrees Celsius later,” he whispered to himself. They mixed all the ingredients and placed the cookies into the oven. Duen secretly turned up the temperature when Aunt Lucy was not looking. After 30 minutes, smoke started coming out from the oven. Duen rushed to the oven and saw that the top has turned black. He tried to take the cake out but he scorched his fingers. “Ouch! Help!” Bryan cried. Aunt Lucy heard his cries and ran towards him. She quickly took Duen to the bathroom and poured cold water on his hands. Duen was scolded by Aunt Lucy for burning the cake and meddling with the oven when he was not supposed to. He felt ashamed of his behaviour and apologised. Duen learnt an important lesson, never act smart and ignore instructions given. He promised to always follow instructions in future. Goh Bing Song , Bryan 4 Perseverance

Page 22: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju










LI MINRUI VERLYN 4 Perseverance

Page 23: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju









GABRIEL SANTOSA 4 Peserverance

Page 24: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju


“铃……” 铃声响了起来,同学们三五成群地跑下楼梯口。文光到了食堂,看到











GOH HONG MUI JOELLE 4 Perseverance

Page 25: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju
















Angelita Chua Xue Ling

4 Perseverance

Page 26: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju









Lim Kai Xuan Charmaine

4 Perseverance

Page 27: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju










Liang Shixuan Isabelle

4 Perseverance

Page 28: Berkelah di pantai - · Berkelah di pantai “Mari Mia tolong ibu kemaskan beg,” Mia berkata. “Baiklah kita kemas barang-barang bersama-sama,” Ibu bersetuju












Astin Tang Yeuw

4 Perseverance