lesson 18 n company terms

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Lesson 18 n Company Terms. anshori – damanhuri – hilda – nurel – evi fawziah. tragedy. A very sad or terrible happening; a sad play It was a tragedy that some pioneers were killed on their way west. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Lesson 18 n Company Termsanshori – damanhuri – hilda – nurel – evi fawziah

Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious

Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious


A very sad or terrible happening; a sad playa. It was a tragedy that some pioneers were killed on

their way west.b. If you had your choice between seeing a comedy or

a tragedy, which play would you choose.c. Harry’s enormous jealousy led to the tragedy in

their family.

Kejadian yang sangat menyedihkan; pertunjukan menyedihkana. Itu adalah sebuah peristiwa menyedihkan ketika

beberapa perintis terbunuh dalam perjalanan mereka.b. Jika kamu mempunyai pilihan antara menonton adegan

komedi atau tragedi, mana yang kamu pilih?c. Kecemburuan Harry yang sangat besar menyebabkan

terjadinya tragedi tersebut pada keluarganya.


Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious


Person who goes on foot; walkera. After driving a bus all day, Norris liked to be a

pedestrian and take long, casual walks in the evening.b. The police say it is urgent that pedestrian stay on the

sidewalk.c. I don’t doubt that a pedestrian can get places faster

than a car in downtown traffic.

Pejalan kakia. Setelah seharian penuh mengendarai bis, Norris tertarik

menjadi pejalan kaki dan menempuh perjalanan panjang di sore hari.

b. Polisi itu berkata bahwa sangat penting bagi pejalan kaki untuk tetap berjalan di trotoar.

c. Saya tidak ragu bahwa pejalan kaki dapat mencapai tujuan lebih cepat dari pengendara mobil dalam kondisi macet.


Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious


To look at quickly; a quick looka. The observant driver glanced at the accident at the

side of the road.b. I took one glance at the wretched animal and turned

away.c. Thompson identified the burglar after a glance at the

photograph in the police station.

Melihat sekilas; sekejapa. Sopir yang penuh perhatian itu melihat sekilas

kecelakaan di pinggir jalanan tersebut.b. Aku menengok sekilas binatang malang itu dan

segera bergegas pergi.c. Thompson mengidentifikasi pencuri itu setelah

melihat sekilas foto di kantor polisi.


Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious


Estimate of the amount of money that can be spent for different purposes in a given timea. We had to decrease the budget this year because our

club is brokeb. The prominent executive presented her budget to the

Board of Directors.c. When my mother draws up her budget for the week,

she sets aside a goodly sum for nourishing foodPerkiraan jumlah uang yang akan dihabiskan untuk beberapa tujuan dalam sebuah periode waktua. Kami harus menurunkan anggaran tahun ini karena klub

kami pailit.b. Pelaksana pokok itu menyampaikan anggarannya

kepada Dewan Direktur.c. Ketika ibuku menyusun anggarannya minggu ini, dia

menyediakan jumlah yang cukup untuk makanan bergizi.


Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious


Active and sure-footed; quick moving; light and quicka. Although Dusty was a miniature poodle, he was

nimble enough to fight bigger dogs.b. The nimble policeman leaped over the fence to

pursue the car thief.c. At his press conference, the Commissioner was

quite nimble in avoiding the difficult questions.

Gesit; lincaha. Meskipun Dusty adalah ajing pudel kecil, dia cukup

gesit untuk berkelahi dengan anjing yang lebih besar.b. Polisi yang cekatan itu melompati pagar untuk

mengejar pencuri mobil.c. Pada pertemuan persnya, sang komisaris cukup lincah

dalam menghindari pertanyan-pertanyaan yang sulit


Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious


Handle or treat skillfullya. Scientists must know how to manipulate their

microscopes.b. While Mr. Baird manipulated the puppets, Fran

spoke to the audience.c. The wounded pilot manipulated the radio dial until

he made contact.

Memainkan dengan terampila. Para ilmuwan harus tahu bagaimana menggunakan

mikroskop mereka dengan terampil.b. Sementara Mr. Baird memainkan wayangnya, Fran

berbicara dengan para pendengar.c. Pilot yang terluka itu menggunakan panggilan

radio hingga dia dapat tersambung.


Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious


careless; heedless; wilda. We must not ignore reckless drivers, we must

take them off the road.b. After breaking his hand fighting reckless, Arthur

decide to be more cautious in the future.c. The reckless smoker ignited the entire forest.

sembrono, ugal-ugalana. Kita tidak boleh membiarkan pengemudi yang

ugal-ugalan, kita harus menindak mereka.b. Setelah patah tangannya karena perkelahian yang

liar, Arthur memutuskan untuk lebih berhati-hati.c. Perokok yang ceroboh itu membakar seluruh isi



Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious


terriblea. Janney avoided staring at the horrid man’s face.b. It is simply horrid the way cars pollute the air

we breathe.c. When Mary was good, she was very good, but

when she bad, she was horrid.

mengerikan, menakutkana. Janey menghindari tatapan wajah pria

mengerikan itu.b. Cukup ngeri ketika tahu bagaimana polusi

kendaraan mencemari udara yang kita hirup.c. Ketika Marry dalam kondisi baik, dia sangat

ramah, tetapi ketika dalam kondisi buruk, dia menakutkan.


Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious


Talk wildy a. Shortly after taking the drug, the addict began to

rave and foam at the mouth.b. Speedy raved that this car had capacity to reach 120

miles per hour.c. Sadie was confident that Mr. Stebbe would rave

about her essay.

Membentak, bicara kasara. Segera setelah menelan obat, pecandu itu mulai

berteriak-teriak dan mengeluarkan busa dari mulutnya.

b. Kecepatan mobil itu dapat mencapai 120 mil/jam.c. Sandie merasa yakin bahwa Mr. Stebbe akan

marah dengan penjelasannya.


Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious


Not wasting money or timea. I find it economical to shop in the large

supermarkets.b. Marissa was praised for economical management of

the budget.c. The president made congress aware of the need to

be more economical.

Penghematan dalam penggunaan uang, tidak menghamburkan uang atau waktua. Saya pikir akan lebih berhemat jika berbelanja di

supermarket besar.b. Marissa ingin mengatur penghematan

anggarannya.c. President membuat sejumlah pertemuan untuk

membahas kebutuhan sehingga lebih ekonomis.


Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious


Make (machinery) smooth and easy to work by putting on oil, grease, or similar substancea. The bulky wheels of a railroad train must be lubricate

each week.b. a large quantity of grease is needed to lubricate an

airplane engine.c. when a watch is lubricated, it keeps more accurate time.

Melumasia. Roda-roda besar kereta api itu harus dilumasi setiap

minggu.b. Sejumlah besar minyak diperlukan untuk melumasi

mesin pesawat.c. Ketika sebuah jam dilumasi, hal ini akan menjaga

ketepatan waktunya.


Tragedy Pedestrian

Glance Budget

Nimble Manipulate

Reckless Horrid

Rave Economical

Lubricate Ingenious


Having great mental ability: clevera. Bernie devised an ingenious plan to cheat on his

income tax.b. Rube Goldberg was journalist who won fame for his

ingenious inventions.c. The master spy had an ingenious way of passing

secrets to the agent.

Berbakat; pandaia. Bernie merencanakan sebuah ide cerdik untuk

menipu pajak penghasilannya.b. Rube Goldberg adalah wartawan yang terkenal

karena penemuannya yang bermutu tinggi.c. Seorang ahli pengintai mempunyai cara cerdik

untuk mengetahui rahasia si agen.


The Challenge of the Small CarThe auto makers in Detroit barely survived the tragedy of 1956. that was

the year the consumer became aware of the Volkswagen, and the auto market was forever altered. Once Americans got a glance at this low priced, nimble small car that one could manipulate so easily, they frequently refused those horrid Detroit monsters with eight cylinders and ten miles to each gallon of gasoline. Many pedestrians, previously uninterested in owning a car, began to purchase small foreign cars.

Conservative, as well as reckless drivers, found the price within their budget and became customers.

Volkswagen owners would rave about their economical cars, telling everyone how little gas they used and how infrequently they needed to be lubricated. Volkswagen still is one of the most popular small cars sold in America even though it has fallen behind the autos of the ingenious Japanese manufacturers

The Challenge of the Small Car

Mobil-mobil di Detroit hampir-hampir tidak bertahan dengan tragedi di tahun 1956.


1. Try no to be ___ when you drive a car, especially at night.

• reckless

2. The brilliant investigator found an ___ answer to the problem.

• Jawab 2

3. I find it more ___ to buy a monthly train ticket than to pay for each ride each day.

• economical

4. If you continue to _____ about the play, everyone will think you are a relative of the author.

• Jawab 4

5. I took one _____ and I knew it was Frank Sinatra

• Jawab 5

6. Every week Mrs. Evans made _____ covering the essential sums she would have to spend.

• Jawab 6

7. The coach knew how to _____ the players to do what he wanted.

• Jawab 7

8. Bobby’s job at the gas station was to ____ all the cars after they had been worked on.

• Jawab 8

9. When someone you love dies, it is a _____ .

• tragedy

10. Journalist reported that the dropping of the bombs was a ___ act.

• horrid

11. The car leaped up on the sidewalk, struck a ___ and then crashed into the bakery’s window.

• pedestrian

12. Whirling across the stage, the ____ ballet dancer captured our hearts.

• glance

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