karangan menjalani kehidupan dengan minda yang sihat

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Dalam meniti arus kemodenan yang berteraskan sains dan teknologi maklumat, faktor kesihatan masyarakat pada hari ini berada pada tahap yang membimbangkan pihak berkuasa terutamanya Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Semakin hari, masalah wabak pelbagai penyakit semakin menjalar dalam kalangan masyarakat tanpa mengira usia tua atau muda. Jika dahulu masalah darah tinggi dan kencing manis merupakan penyakit yang sering dihadapi oleh golongan tua tetapi pada hari ini golongan kanak-kanak juga sering dihantui penyakit berkenaan. Mengikut statistik yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia pada tahun 2011, angka pesakit yang menghadapi masalah kesihatan telah meningkat sebanyak 200 000 orang pesakit melebihi bilangan pesakit pada tahun sebelumnya. Sebenarnya masalah kesihatan masyarakat mampu diatasi dengan pelbagai cara terutamanya dengan kemudahan prasarana berkaitan kesihatan semakin banyak disediakan oleh pihak kerajaan. Klinik desa, Klinik 1 Malaysia, Hospital Desa, Hospital Besar merupakan tempat masyarakat mendapat kemudahan rawatan kesihatan. Persoalannya, mengapakah kadar pertambahan bilangan pesakit yang tidak mengenal usia berlaku pada zaman sekarang? Bak kata pepatah, setiap penyakit ada ubatnya, setiap masalah pasti ada jalan keluarnya. Salah satu daripadanya adalah dengan mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat sebagaimana yang disarankan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Bagaimanakah caranya untuk kita mengamalkan gaya hidup sihat?

Gaya hidup sihat bolehlah ditakrifkan sebagai satu amalan kehidupan yang membawa impak positif kepada diri seseorang, keluarganya dan masyarakat. Antara contoh kehidupan yang sihat ialah individu tersebut hidup dengan penuh ceria tanpa mengalami sebarang masalah yang boleh menjejaskan kehidupannya untuk satu tempoh tertentu pula. Sudah pasti dalam kehidupan era moden yang begitu banyak tekanan ini gaya hidup sihat menjadi satu matlamat yang perlu dicapai segera. Oleh itu, terdapat pelbagai tindakan yang boleh dilakukan untuk mencapai matlamat ini.

Tindakan awal ialah seseorang itu perlu mengamalkan satu bentuk pemakanan yang seimbang dalam kehidupannya. Dalam keadaan kehidupan sebenar, orang ramai lebih suka mengambil makanan yang bersifat mudah seperti mengamalkan pengambilan makanan ringan ataupun makanan segera. Tidak kurang juga masyarakan kita hari ini yang lupa kesan pengambilan makanan berlemak ataupun makanan yang mempunyai kandungan garam, gula atau sodium glutamit yang tinggi. Hal ini boleh mendatangkan pelbagai penyakit kronik seperti sakit jantung, darah tinggi ataupun kencing manis yang juga menjadi punca kematian tertinggi di negara kita. Orang ramai juga mesti menjauhi amalan buruk seperti merokok atau meminum arak kerana kesannya amat membahayakan.Hal ini kerana pengambilan makanan seimbang bermaksud pengambilan makanan oleh seseorang individu yang mengandungi semua nutrien dan vitamin yang diperlukan oleh tubuh badan secara seimbang. Jika kita merujuk piramid makanan, pembahagian pemakanan terbahagi kepada beberapa bahagian mengikut keperluan makanan berdasarkan seorang manusia normal. Bahagian bawah piramid makanan merupakan

kumpulan makanan mengandungi karbohidrat, diikuti dengan kumpulan makanan yang mengandungi vitamin, mineral, dan serat, seterusnya kumpulan makanan yang mengandungi protin, dan terakhir bahagian atas ialah kumpulan makanan mengandungi lemak. Piramid makanan juga merupakan panduan kepada pengguna dengan mengurangkan pengambilan makanan berlemak di bahagian atas sekali, seperti lemak dan gula,. Oleh sebab itu, makanan berlemak hanya perlu kita ambil dalam kuantiti sedikit. Berbanding kandungan karbohidrat perlu diambil dalam kuantiti yang banyak kerana makanan seperti ini membekalkan kita tenaga untuk menjalani kehidupan seharian, contohnya nasi, roti, dan bijirin Jelaslah, diet yang seimbang membolehkan kita semua mencapai kehidupan yang ceria kerana semua nutrien yang diperlukan oleh badan diperoleh menerusi pemakanan yang seimbang.

Seterusnya, aktiviti senaman atau beriadah yang berkala mampu menjadikan kehidupan yang dijalani oleh seseorang itu lebih sihat dan menceriakan. Kita boleh menjalankan aktiviti seperti bersukan, berekreasi, berjalan atau berlari bersendirian atau bersama-sama keluarga ketika hujung minggu. Aktiviti senaman seperti ini diakui oleh pakar perubatan mampu menjadikan sistem peredaran darah manusia lebih baik serta menjadikan sistem imunisasi mereka tinggi. Pada abad milenium ini, banyak tempat rekreasi, sama ada bertemakan air, alam sekitar dan sebagainya. Dengan adanya pusat rekreasi, anak muda atau remaja boleh menyertai aktiviti berkenaan dengan mandaftar diri dan menyertai program yang dianjurkan seperti kursus berkayak, mendaki gunung, , menyelam, "jungle tracking" dan sebagainya. Bagaimana kegiatan rekreasi ini dapat menyihatkan tubuh badan? Aktiviti rekreasi merupakan aktiviti mencabar. Sebelum melakukan aktiviti berkenaan, peserta selalunya diminta untuk melakukan aktiviti regangan agar seluruh sendi dan sistem kardivaskular kita bersedia terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan aktiviti berkenaan. Bahkan juga, dengan adanya aktiviti regangan dan pemanasan badan, kadar pengaliran darah dan pergerakan jantung akan stabil sebelum peserta melakukan aktiviti yang berat. Selain itu, kelenjar endokrin dan kelenjar adrenalina akan merembeskan peluh yang mengandungi toksin untuk disingkirkan daripada badan. Oleh sebab itu, badan kita akan menjadi sihat dan sukar untuk dijangkiti patogen-patogen penyakit. Kebiasaanya, seorang fasiltator akan memberi penerangan kepentingan melakukan regangan dan peringatan mengenai langkah-langkah menjaga keselamatan sepanjang program rekreasi diadakan untuk mengelak sebarang kemalangan atau kecederaan.Mereka yang gemar bersukan biasanya memiliki badan yang sihat dan minda yang cerdas berbanding dengan orang yang jarang bersukan. Jelasnya, semakin kerap senaman dilakukan maka semakin tinggilah tahap kesihatan seseorang itu kerana minda yang cerdas datangnya daripada badan yang cergas.

Orang ramai juga perlu mengutamakan kebersihan diri pada setiap masa bagi memastikan mereka terhindar daripada sebarang penyakit. Keperluan asas seperti menggosok gigi, mandi, berpakaian bersih, waktu tidur dan rehat yang cukup juga perlu dijadikan amalan hidup seharian. Bagi mengelakkan jangkitan kuman atau penyakit, mereka juga perlulah mengamalkan budaya mendisiplinkan diri dengan asas-asas kebersihan seperti mencuci tangan dengan bersih sebelum makan, menutup makanan dengan baik agar tidak diharung lalat mahupun memilih gerai atau tempat makan yang bersih semasa menjamu selera. Sikap sambil lewa masyarakat dalam aspek berkenaan mungkin boleh membawa padah. Justeru,

amalan sebegini harus diutamakan agar dapat membentuk gaya hidup yang sihat dalam kalangan masyarakat.

Pada masa yang sama selain mengutamakan kesihatan diri dan makanan, masyarakat juga perlu menjaga kebersihan persekitaran mereka. Persekitaran yang bersih perlu dijadikan amalan dan gaya hidup agar kita terhindar daripada sebarang penyakit. Umpamanya, orang ramai digalakkan mengadakan gotong-royong untuk membersihkan kawasan taman perumahan dengan membersihkan sampah-sarap atau memastikan kawasan persekitaran mereka sentiasa bersih. Amalan seperti ini dapat mengelakkan pembiakan agen-agen pembawa penyakit seperti nyamuk, lipas, lalat dan sebagainya. Tempat-tempat pembiakan nyamuk di dalam atau di luar rumah seperti pelapik pasu bunga ataupun tempat takungan air mestilah kerap dibersihkan ataupun ditukar. Dengan cara demikian, orang ramai akan dapat menjauhkan diri mereka daripada pelbagai penyakit serta membentuk kehidupan yang sihat.

Gaya hidup yang sihat juga melibatkan aspek psikologi dan sosial seseorang itu. Mereka yang lebih terbuka dan bersedia untuk berkongsi masalah dengan orang lain didapati lebih bermakna kehidupannya berbanding dengan individu yang suka bersendirian atau menyimpan masalah mereka. Sikap berkawan dan menghabiskan masa bersama-sama mereka menjadikan keperluan psikologi manusia dipenuhi dengan efektif. Masyarakat digalakkan menjalin hubungan komunikasi yang mesra bersama-sama rakan atau jiran tetangga. Hubungan baik yang berkekalan biasanya dapat melahirkan satu bentuk kehidupan yang ceria dan menggembirakan. Sesungguhnya, aspek psikologi dan sosial manusia perlu dipenuhi bagi memperoleh gaya hidup yang sihat ini.

Pada masa yang sama sikap atau mentaliti positif penting untuk dimiliki oleh seseorang itu bagi menangani tekanan kehidupan dalam era moden ini. Pemikiran yang positif menjadikan seseorang itu mampu menyelesaikan pelbagai kemelut yang melanda kehidupannya dengan baik tanpa tertekan. Kehidupan zaman moden yang penuh cabaran terutama tekanan di pejabat memerlukan satu persepsi positif daripada ahli masyarakat kita. Kepada mereka yang menghadapi tekanan hidup, mereka mungkin boleh mendapatkan bantuan daripada pakar motivasi ataupun rakan-taulan di sekeliling mereka. Hal ini perlu kerana tekanan yang dialami boleh menjuruskan seseorang pada perlakuan negatif seperti mendera, menagih dadah atau melakukan sesuatu perkara di luar jangkaan. Jadi, semakin positif minda seseorang itu maka semakin tinggilah gaya hidup sihat yang mampu dicapainya kelak.

Kesimpulannya, gaya hidup yang sihat ini boleh diperoleh menerusi semua amalan yang dipaparkan

tadi. Gaya hidup sihat hanya boleh dicapai sekiranya masyarakat mengamalkan semua aspek kehidupan

berlandaskan ciri-ciri manusia sihat. Cuma sikap masyarakat yang masih memandang rendah

kepentingan gaya hidup sebeginilah yang menyebabkan pelbagai masalah kesihatan timbul kelak. Kita

semua perlulah memahami bahawa mencegah lebih baik daripada mengubatinya.

Path to modernization based on science and information technology , health factors in today's society is

at an alarming authorities , particularly the Ministry of Health Malaysia. More and more, the problem is

steadily creeping outbreak of various diseases among older people regardless of age or younger . In the

past, the problem of high blood and diabetes is a disease that is often faced by the elderly but on this

day the children are often haunted by the disease. According to statistics released by the Ministry of

Health, Malaysia in 2011 , the number of patients who have health problems has increased by 200 000

patients exceeds the number of patients in the previous year . Actually able to overcome a public health

problem in many ways especially with health-related infrastructure more available by the government.

Clinic , Clinic 1 Malaysia , Rural Hospital , General Hospital is a community have access to health care .

The question is, why is the rate of increase in the number of patients of all ages happen in this era ? As

the saying goes , there is no cure every disease , every problem there must be some way out . One is to

adopt a healthy lifestyle as recommended by the Ministry of Health Malaysia. How do we adopt a

healthy lifestyle ?

A healthy lifestyle can be defined as a practice of living a positive impact on the individual , family and

community . Some examples of healthy life is the individual living happily without any problems that

may affect their lives for a period of time anyway. Certainly in the modern era of life that so much stress

is a healthy lifestyle is a goal that must be achieved immediately . Therefore, there are many actions that

can be done to achieve this goal.

Early action is that one should adopt a balanced diet in the form of his life . In real life situation ,

people prefer to consume foods that are as simple as consuming junk food or fast food. Not the least of

us today masyarakan forgotten the intake of fatty foods or foods high in salt , sugar or sodium glutamit

high . This can cause a variety of chronic diseases such as heart disease , high blood pressure or diabetes

, who are the highest cause of death in our country . The public must also stay away from bad practices ,

such as smoking or drinking alcohol because its effects are very membahayakan.Hal as taking a balanced

diet means food intake by an individual that contains all the nutrients and vitamins needed by the body

in a balanced way . If we refer to the food pyramid, nutrition division is divided into several parts

according to the requirements based on a normal human food . The bottom of the food pyramid is a

group of carbohydrate-containing foods , followed by a group of foods that contain vitamins, minerals,

and fiber , the next group of foods containing protein , and the last is the top of the food groups contain

fat. The food pyramid is a guide for consumers to reduce their intake of fatty foods at the top , such as

fat and sugar . Therefore, only fatty foods we take in a little quantity . Compared with carbohydrate

content should be taken in large quantities for food like this provide us energy to live our daily life, eg

rice , bread , and cereal is clear , balanced diet allows us to achieve a happy life because of all the

nutrients needed by the body is obtained through diet balanced .

Next , exercise or recreational activities are regularly able to make life better served by a person

healthy and unforgettable . We can carry out activities such as sports, recreation, walking or running

alone or with his family during the weekend . This exercise as recognized by medical experts capable of

making more human circulatory system as well as make their immune system high . In this millennium

century , many places of recreation , whether the theme of water , environment and so on . The

availability of a recreation center , a young child or adolescent can participate mandaftar self respect

and participate in courses organized as kayaking, rock climbing, diving, " jungle trekking " and so on .

How recreational activities can be good for health ? Recreational activities is challenging activities .

Before doing this activity, participants often asked to engage in activities that stretch across joints and

cardiovascular system we prepared in advance before doing the activity. But also , with stretching and

warming up , the rate of blood flow and heart motion will be stable before the contestants perform

strenuous activity . In addition, the endocrine glands and sweat gland secretion of epinephrine

containing toxins to be removed from the body. As a result, our bodies will be healthy and infected

difficult for disease pathogens . Normally , one would fasiltator explain the importance of doing

stretching and reminders about safety measures during the recreation program held to avoid any

accidents or Sporty kecederaan.Mereka usually have a healthy body and mind intelligent than people

who do not play sports . Obviously, the more frequently the higher the exercise is done then one's

health because it comes from an intelligent mind body fit.

People also need to observe good personal hygiene at all times to ensure they are protected from

the disease. Basic needs such as brushing teeth , bathing , clean clothes , sleeping and enough rest

should also be everyday living. To prevent infection or disease , they also need a culture of self-discipline

with foundations hygiene such as washing hands thoroughly before eating , good food close diharung

not to stall or fly or choose a clean place to eat during meal times. Nonchalant attitude of society in this

aspect might be suicidal. Therefore , such practices should be prioritized in order to form a healthy

lifestyle in the community.

At the same time instead of majoring in health and food , people also need to take care of their

environment . A clean environment should be the practice and lifestyle that we are protected from any

disease. For example , people are encouraged to establish a collaborative to clean housing with debris

clean up or make sure their surroundings are kept clean . Practices such as these can prevent the growth

of disease-carrying agents such as mosquitoes , cockroaches , flies and so on . Mosquito breeding places

in or outside the home, such as a flower pot or place liners water reservoir must be regularly cleaned or

changed. In this way , people will be able to distance themselves from various diseases and to develop a

healthy life .

A healthy lifestyle also involves psychological and social aspects of a person . They are more open

and willing to share their problems with others found more meaningful life compared with individuals

who like to be alone or keep their problems . Attitudes friends and spend time together they make

human psychological needs are met effectively. Community are encouraged to contact the friendly

communication with friends or neighbors. Lasting good relationship usually can produce a form of a

cheerful and happy life . Indeed , psychological and social aspects of human needs to be met to obtain a

healthy lifestyle is .

At the same time significant positive attitude or mentality to be owned by a person to handle the

stress of life in this modern era . Positive thinking makes a person capable of solving the mess that the

good life with no stress. Modern life full of challenges , particularly stress in the office requires a positive

perception of the members of our community . To those who face the pressures of life , they may be

able to get help from experts companionship motivation or friends around them . It is necessary for

sustained pressure can lead a person to negative behaviors such as abuse, drug addiction or do

something unexpected. So , the more positive one's mind that the higher the healthy lifestyle that is

able to achieve in the future.

In conclusion, a healthy lifestyle can be obtained through all the practices shown above. A healthy

lifestyle can only be achieved if the community -based practice all aspects of life healthy human

characteristics . Only social attitudes still underestimate the importance of lifestyle like this that cause a

variety of health problems arise. We all need to understand that prevention is better than cure himPath

to modernization based on science and information technology , health factors in today's society is at an

alarming authorities , particularly the Ministry of Health Malaysia. More and more, the problem is

steadily creeping outbreak of various diseases among older people regardless of age or younger . In the

past, the problem of high blood and diabetes is a disease that is often faced by the elderly but on this

day the children are often haunted by the disease. According to statistics released by the Ministry of

Health, Malaysia in 2011 , the number of patients who have health problems has increased by 200 000

patients exceeds the number of patients in the previous year . Actually able to overcome a public health

problem in many ways especially with health-related infrastructure more available by the government.

Clinic , Clinic 1 Malaysia , Rural Hospital , General Hospital is a community have access to health care .

The question is, why is the rate of increase in the number of patients of all ages happen in this era ? As

the saying goes , there is no cure every disease , every problem there must be some way out . One is to

adopt a healthy lifestyle as recommended by the Ministry of Health Malaysia. How do we adopt a

healthy lifestyle ?

A healthy lifestyle can be defined as a practice of living a positive impact on the individual , family and

community . Some examples of healthy life is the individual living happily without any problems that

may affect their lives for a period of time anyway. Certainly in the modern era of life that so much stress

is a healthy lifestyle is a goal that must be achieved immediately . Therefore, there are many actions that

can be done to achieve this goal.

Early action is that one should adopt a balanced diet in the form of his life . In real life situation ,

people prefer to consume foods that are as simple as consuming junk food or fast food. Not the least of

us today masyarakan forgotten the intake of fatty foods or foods high in salt , sugar or sodium glutamit

high . This can cause a variety of chronic diseases such as heart disease , high blood pressure or diabetes

, who are the highest cause of death in our country . The public must also stay away from bad practices ,

such as smoking or drinking alcohol because its effects are very membahayakan.Hal as taking a balanced

diet means food intake by an individual that contains all the nutrients and vitamins needed by the body

in a balanced way . If we refer to the food pyramid, nutrition division is divided into several parts

according to the requirements based on a normal human food . The bottom of the food pyramid is a

group of carbohydrate-containing foods , followed by a group of foods that contain vitamins, minerals,

and fiber , the next group of foods containing protein , and the last is the top of the food groups contain

fat. The food pyramid is a guide for consumers to reduce their intake of fatty foods at the top , such as

fat and sugar . Therefore, only fatty foods we take in a little quantity . Compared with carbohydrate

content should be taken in large quantities for food like this provide us energy to live our daily life, eg

rice , bread , and cereal is clear , balanced diet allows us to achieve a happy life because of all the

nutrients needed by the body is obtained through diet balanced .

Next , exercise or recreational activities are regularly able to make life better served by a person

healthy and unforgettable . We can carry out activities such as sports, recreation, walking or running

alone or with his family during the weekend . This exercise as recognized by medical experts capable of

making more human circulatory system as well as make their immune system high . In this millennium

century , many places of recreation , whether the theme of water , environment and so on . The

availability of a recreation center , a young child or adolescent can participate mandaftar self respect

and participate in courses organized as kayaking, rock climbing, diving, " jungle trekking " and so on .

How recreational activities can be good for health ? Recreational activities is challenging activities .

Before doing this activity, participants often asked to engage in activities that stretch across joints and

cardiovascular system we prepared in advance before doing the activity. But also , with stretching and

warming up , the rate of blood flow and heart motion will be stable before the contestants perform

strenuous activity . In addition, the endocrine glands and sweat gland secretion of epinephrine

containing toxins to be removed from the body. As a result, our bodies will be healthy and infected

difficult for disease pathogens . Normally , one would fasiltator explain the importance of doing

stretching and reminders about safety measures during the recreation program held to avoid any

accidents or Sporty kecederaan.Mereka usually have a healthy body and mind intelligent than people

who do not play sports . Obviously, the more frequently the higher the exercise is done then one's

health because it comes from an intelligent mind body fit.

People also need to observe good personal hygiene at all times to ensure they are protected from

the disease. Basic needs such as brushing teeth , bathing , clean clothes , sleeping and enough rest

should also be everyday living. To prevent infection or disease , they also need a culture of self-discipline

with foundations hygiene such as washing hands thoroughly before eating , good food close diharung

not to stall or fly or choose a clean place to eat during meal times. Nonchalant attitude of society in this

aspect might be suicidal. Therefore , such practices should be prioritized in order to form a healthy

lifestyle in the community.

At the same time instead of majoring in health and food , people also need to take care of their

environment . A clean environment should be the practice and lifestyle that we are protected from any

disease. For example , people are encouraged to establish a collaborative to clean housing with debris

clean up or make sure their surroundings are kept clean . Practices such as these can prevent the growth

of disease-carrying agents such as mosquitoes , cockroaches , flies and so on . Mosquito breeding places

in or outside the home, such as a flower pot or place liners water reservoir must be regularly cleaned or

changed. In this way , people will be able to distance themselves from various diseases and to develop a

healthy life .

A healthy lifestyle also involves psychological and social aspects of a person . They are more open

and willing to share their problems with others found more meaningful life compared with individuals

who like to be alone or keep their problems . Attitudes friends and spend time together they make

human psychological needs are met effectively. Community are encouraged to contact the friendly

communication with friends or neighbors. Lasting good relationship usually can produce a form of a

cheerful and happy life . Indeed , psychological and social aspects of human needs to be met to obtain a

healthy lifestyle is .

At the same time significant positive attitude or mentality to be owned by a person to handle the

stress of life in this modern era . Positive thinking makes a person capable of solving the mess that the

good life with no stress. Modern life full of challenges , particularly stress in the office requires a positive

perception of the members of our community . To those who face the pressures of life , they may be

able to get help from experts companionship motivation or friends around them . It is necessary for

sustained pressure can lead a person to negative behaviors such as abuse, drug addiction or do

something unexpected. So , the more positive one's mind that the higher the healthy lifestyle that is

able to achieve in the future.

In conclusion, a healthy lifestyle can be obtained through all the practices shown above. A healthy

lifestyle can only be achieved if the community -based practice all aspects of life healthy human

characteristics . Only social attitudes still underestimate the importance of lifestyle like this that cause a

variety of health problems arise. We all need to understand that prevention is better than cure him

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