buletin pembina zulqaedah 1431

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Edisi 03/03/1431


Silent Truth of the Ummah (Ucapan disampaikan ketika majlis Konvokesyen ke-26 Universiti Islam An-

tarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM). Saudara Ibrahim menerima anugerah Best Stu-

dent (Academic) for Bachelor of Economics).

Pejabat Urusan


39-2-2B, Jalan Medan PB2B,

Seksyen 9,

43650 Bandar Baru Bangi,

Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Phone /Fax : 03-89265614


Bulet in PEMBINA | Persatuan Be l ia Is lam Nas iona l | Ed is i Zu lkaedah 1431H Isu 03-11/2010


Perang Bani Quraizah 5 H

Bai’atur Ridhwan 6 H

Perjanjian Hudaibiah 6 H

Haji Wida’ 9 H

Perang Firadh

(Khalid al-Walid

menentang Rom)

12 H

Kewafatan Ibnu


661 H

Assalamualaikum wbt wrt.

I would like to begin my speech today by

revealing to you the silent truth of our ummah in

this 21st century. Either we realise or not, the sta-

tistics has shown a tremendously unexpected fig-

ure that surprises us. According to National Regis-

tration Department of Malaysia, about 257,000 of

cases of illegitimate child recorded in Malaysia

from 2000 to 2008. In average about 2,500 were

recorded every month or

83.3 cases every day.

This means that there is

one case of illegitimate

baby for every 17

minutes in our country.

How this moral illness

promoted by the west-

erners can does be ac-

cepted and spread in our

beloved nation. This

numbers only represent

the cases of illegitimate

baby registered under

national registration department of Malaysia. Can

we imagine what number will come out if we look

for the number of unregistered number of illegiti-

mate babies? Maybe it can be double or even tri-

ple. The worst case is when these irresponsible

mothers were forced to dump their babies dread-

fully after feeling upset to the consequence of their

immoral behavior. This condemned act has con-

tributed about 580 cases of dumping babies from

2000-2006 in Malaysia. Even though the number

is not that big the recent cases show a critical situ-

ation where the child was found hopelessly in the

trash and toilet bowl last August in Melaka.

Not to mention that we, the Muslim are

the champion of drug misuse in Malaysia, I don't

intent to reveal more devastating statistics that

prove we are the champion of various social ills

which will only humiliate us.

Honored guests, brothers and sisters,

I believe that other Muslim nations also

share the same concern about this unrestrained

moral disease. Maybe today we are not concerned

enough, or is there something wrong with our sen-

sitivity? We might say that it happens in their

country, NOT our country.

It happens in their state,

NOT our state. Or we

might think it just happens

in the city next to us, NOT

in our neighborhood. Or it

just happens to our neighbour NOT our family.

But when it happens to our own sister, our daugh-

ter what else could we say? How do we feel and

how do we react? Do we just sit down and enjoy

the sad news and do

nothing? Or is it suf-

fices to advise our

children to stay at

home in the era where

the entire negative

influences could easi-

ly slink towards them

from each angle?

Ladies and gentle-


The reason

why I bring this issue

is because we are one ummah, and one ummah

shows their real concern among their brothers. As

mentioned in the hadith narrated by Huzaifah:

مه نم َهتم بانمسهمُه فهُس منهم""

أن شأن انمسهمُه أن َعتنٍ بعضهم بما َهم انبعض اِخش،

وانمقصىد مه رنك واسد فٍ صحُح اِثاس، ففٍ صحُح انبخاسٌ

ومسهم، وانهفظ نهبخاسٌ عه اننعمان به بشُش قال: قال سسىل هللا

صهً هللا عهُه وسهم: "تشي انمؤمنُه فٍ تىادهم وتشاحمهم كمثم

انجسذ انىاحذ إرا اشتكً عضى منه تذاعً نه سائش انجسذ بانسهش


وفٍ صحُح انبخاسٌ وسنه انتشمزٌ واننسائٍ عه أبٍ مىسً

األشعشٌ أن سسىل هللا صهً هللا عهُه وسهم قال: "انمؤمه نهمؤمه

كانبنُان َشذ بعضه بعضا".

The evidence in the Quran and Sunnah

has strongly proven to us that we are one ummah

and we shall always unite as one ummah under the

deen of Islam. Allah s.w.t says in the Quran;

"Verily this Ummah of yours is one Um-

mah..." (Al-Qur'an, 21:92.)

"And hold fast by the covenant of Allah

all together, and be not disunited..." (Al-Qur'an,


The unity of the Muslim ummah is a real-

Ibrahim Mohd Hasan Naib Presiden I PEMBINA

Sebaran maklumbalas, sila hub-

ungi kami di :


ity proclaimed in the Qur'an, in the verse mentioned and numer-

ous others like them; it is one of the key strengths of the Ummah

at many levels, from the cultural to the political. It is the unity of

the ummah, the common understanding that all Muslims are

brothers and sisters in faith that makes Muslims feel at home

wherever they may go in the Muslim world. However, nowadays

the colonizers have been separating and dividing us by regions

and races.

The physical segregation seems to be very devastating;

however there is something worst that we must worry about. It is

the segregation of our life from the true Islamic teaching. The

real root cause that prevents us from being united as one ummah

comes from ourselves the moment we abandon the Islamic

Teaching of Quran and Sunnah. We start to blame each other and

have no concern about what happen to our brothers even in our

own country. We start to lose our own identity as one ummah and

let the westerners to mold our generation. Either we realize or

not, our ummah is imitating the western culture and lifestyle and

yet we are still proud of it.

Brothers and sisters,

There is a famous quote believed to be Edmund Buke

that says, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for

good men to do nothing". It clearly reflects the condition of our

ummah right now where it is enough for us to spend our time,

absolutely do nothing to let the ummah fall down, let the immoral

values spread and affect our sibling, without ourselves do nothing

about it. There will be no assurance that our siblings and our fam-

ily are safe from negative influence especially at time where eve-

ryone is being selfish. According to the Newton's laws of motion,

everybody remains in a state of rest or uniform motion (constant

velocity) unless it acted upon by an external unbalanced force. It

means that illicit moral value can easily destroy our ummah by

just letting it spread without taking any action. This also means

that there is a need for us to take an action in order to gain back

our own identity as one ummah.

Whenever we talk about action, there are several steps

or level of action that could be taken. However it is better to

begin with something that is workable and applicable to us. Let

start with us as graduates of IIUM, the process shall starts from

grassroots' education that is aligned with the philosophy that is

set by the university. According to this philosophy, knowledge is

propagated in the spirit of Tawhid, leading towards the recogni-

tion of Allah as the Absolute Creator and Master of mankind. The

spirit behind this recognition of Allah as the Lord of the World

(Rabbal-Alamin) represents the apex in the hierarchy of

knowledge. Thus, all disciplines of knowledge should lead to-

wards subservience of this truth. This is because knowledge is a

form of trust (amanah) from Allah to man, and hence man should

utilize knowledge according to Allah's will in performing his role

as the servant and vicegerent (khalifah) of Allah on earth. In this

way, the seeking of knowledge is regarded as an act of worship.

Ladies and gentlemen,

On this precious day, upon the completion of our study,

we must realize that IIUM also groom us to become the leaders

of the ummah. Thus the development and the facilities that IIUM

has given us show its high expectations and hope for us to be-

come an all rounded world class leaders. Let us not point to oth-

ers but let start with us. I believe that most of us have been con-

tributing during our 4 years of study here. I would like to con-

gratulate all of you especially those who spent their time and ef-

fort in giving their service to the ummah. However our contribu-

tion towards the community shall not stop on this day. We have a

great responsibility since we carry the title as the khayra ummah

(the best of ummah).

When I mentioned about khayra ummah, it seems to be

very idealistic and far to be realized. In actual fact, what is im-

portant thing is the effort that we put in and the contribution that

we can make even in a small portion as Allah counts every single

effort and not just the end result. Actually there is a lot of room

for us to make a difference in our society voluntarily especially

through non-governmental organizations or residential associa-

tions. I myself as an activist in Persatuan Belia Islam Nasional

(PEMBINA) a youth based organization, I realize that there are a

lot that we can do. I am also an active member of PEMBINA

since student days in which I was elected to the Central Commit-

tee early this year. I believe this is a way for graduates to contrib-

ute back to the society. I hope that one day PEMBINA can be

registered within the university so that many other students can

benefit from its wide range of programs. As the Vice President I

of PEMBINA, I must make sure that the youth in Malaysia must

engage in activities that can rebuild our Muslim identity and

shows our pride and leadership to become the catalyst in the um-

mah. Even though I have to forgo my precious weekend by at-

tending meetings and programs, I feel happy and proud to start

seeing our youth join various programs such as usrah and leaving

behind the negative elements. The institution of Usrah is not con-

fined to university only, but an ongoing development for. I would

like to convey my appreciation to IIUM for its tarbiyyah based

program that has enriched my university experience. Besides the

activities organized by the university, I have also benefited in a

great manner from the programs organized by NGOs namely

Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia, ISMA. I believe students should take

full advantage from the amendments of AUKU that had removed

the prohibition for students to be involved in NGOs registered

legally. The most important thing is that we find tranquility dur-

ing the day we meet our Creator and can answer upon the respon-

sibilities in front of Him.

ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَ ٱملَوتَ وَٱحلَيَوٰةَ لِيَبلُوَكُم أَيُّكُم أَحسَنُ عَمَال وَهُوَ ٱلعَزِيزُ ٱلغَفُورُ

"He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is

best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-

Forgiving." (67:2)

Teman-teman yang saya kasihi,

Hari ini merupakan hari bersejarah bagi kita, hari yang

telah kita nanti-nantikan bersama. Today is the day, the day that

we have been waiting for to celebrate our success. Congratula-

tions to all of us for our achievement. I would also like to thank

all lecturers who have enriched us with valuable knowledge and

experience during our memorable time here. Today we have

proven to ourselves that we could make it, alhamdulillah.

Akhir sekali, saya ucapkan tahniah kepada semua rakan-

rakan seperjuangan. Inilah hari kita menuai hasil usaha gigih kita

selama ini. Congratulations to all of us.

Wabillahitaufik walhidayah, wassalamualaikum.





Di sini saya ingin berkongsi sedikit tips

untuk seimbangkan di antara dakwah dan pelajaran.

Tatkala ini di sebahagian besar IPTA atau IPTS se-

dang berlangsung musim peperiksaan. Nampaknya

semua orang ketika ini tidak mampu untuk berpisah

dengan buku masing-masing. Program-program

sampingan pun sudah ditinggalkan sebentar. Bukan

bermakna aktiviti dakwah kita terhenti semasa pepe-

riksaan ini. Cuma masing-masing fikir, sedang hendak

tambah ilmu, selepas itu barulah aktif berdakwah lagi.

Cari titik tolak yang menjadi minat

Saya mengambil jurusan perniangaan di IPT

walaupun ketika sekolah dahulu saya merupakan pela-

jar sains teknikal. Pada semester pertama, subjek fi-

nancial accounting dan business math merupakan kill-

er subject buat saya. Jika sebelum ini saya sibuk

mengkaji di makmal-makmal tetapi sekarang saya

terpaksa bermain dengan kalkulator.

Terlalu banyak saya tidak tahu dan perlu bela-

jar. “Begitu banyak rupanya aku tidak tahu,” monolog

yang sering bermain di minda saya. Namun, itu semua

bukan suatu masalah buat saya kerana sekali dah ter-

jun dalam dunia ilmu perniagaan saya kenalah ber-

saing demi menuntut ilmu. Pembentangan dan kertas

projek yang harus saya siapkan bagi mendapat markah

dari pensyarah. Laporan tentang-tentang syarikat-

syarikat besar di dunia, untuk membuat kajian juga

merupakan satu masalah buat saya kerana sebelum ini

saya membuat kajian dengan alat-alat makmal, tetapi

sekarang berbeza. Ia suatu cabaran buat saya!

Perlu bercita-cita besar

Kebanyakan pelajar yang menceburi jurusan

perniagaan ini begitu bercita-cita tinggi. Sama ada ter-

ingin menjadi seorang hartawan, usahawan dan

bahkan dermawan. Benarkah jika kita berduit, ada ru-

mah besar, kereta besar dan mampu membeli apa sa-

haja, akan mudah mempengaruhi orang lain agar

memikul agenda-agenda kita?

Sebagai seorang muslim, kita perlu jelas men-

gapa kita menceburi sesuatu jurusan. Apakah

matlamat yang ingin kita capai? Sama ada ia akan

memberikan manfaat kepada semua dan yang paling

penting apakah sumbangannya kepada agama Islam?

Adakah hanya kerana kita ini seorang ahli per-

niagaan yang berjaya, kita pasti mampu

mempengaruhi masyarakat agar tertarik dengan apa

yang bakal kita perkatakan? Apalah pentingnya orang-

orang ramai hanya dipengaruhi dek kerana harta-harta

kita yang bertimbun? Bahkan, muliakah niat dan cita-

cita ingin hidup mewah dan berharta ini?

Tidak semestinya jika kita hanya memiliki ker-

jaya yang hebat, orang akan mendengar kata-kata kita

dan gerak kerja organisasi dapat dijalankan dengan


Genggam bara api

Dakwah yang kita bawa punya kuasa tarikan

tersendiri. Ia lahir dari hubungan dengan Allah yang

erat. Andai kita belajar, hidup, bekerja dan segalanya

di atas muka bumi ini kerana Allah.

Realiti umat Islam kini begitu bergantung

kepada orang-orang bukan Islam dalam kebanyakan

urusan. Kepenggunaan, daripada sekecil-kecil keperlu-

an seperti barang-barang dapur sehinggalah kepada

urusan pemilikan hartanah, kereta dan rumah kedia-

man, hampir semuanya didominasi oleh orang-orang

bukan Islam.

Sagu kebebasan umat Islam di bumi sendiri

tidak akan dapat diperolehi seandainya ruyung yang

bergoyantangan di dalam kita sendiri masih tidak


Oleh : Afnan Khumaira

mampu kita pecahkan. Bisakah ia menjadi realiti

selagi belia-belia Islam bercita-cita tinggi untuk men-

jadi orang-orang biasa yang tidak punya keazaman

dan agenda besar dalam hidupnya. Yang tidak mahu

berusaha keras dan tiada keinginan yang luar biasa.

Destinasi perjalanan masuh jauh nun di ufuk

sana. Jalannya penuh onak duri, hutan belantara, badai

dan taufan. Begitu payah. Tetapi dengan cita-cita mur-

ni yang tinggi dan kebergantungan yang erat dengan

Allah, tiada apa yang mustahil di atas muka bumi ini.

Kita harus sedar, menyoroti nasib yang men-

impa umat, menuntut pengorbanan untuk kita me-

nyempurnakan tugas-tugas yang belum terselesaikan.

Belajarlah, dan tuntutlah ilmu sebanyak-banyaknya.

Sedalam-dalamnya. Yakinlah Allah akan membantu

kita. Ingatlah, bahawa perjuangan memartabatkan Is-

lam itu merupakan nadi hidup kita.

Tiada istimewa atau mulianya perkataan

„daie‟, „pendakwah‟ mahupun “murobbi” jika ia seka-

dar label untuk melonjakkan diri di kalangan manusia.

Kita ini sama sahaja seperti orang lain yang punya

keluarga, anak, suami, isteri. Malah jika bekerjaya kita

juga perlu hadiri saban mesyuarat, bekerja mem-

banting tulang siang dan malam untuk mencari rezeki.

Akan tetapi, seandainya kita menjadikan perjuangan

Islam sebagai agenda kehidupan, yang menegakkan

kalimah Allah walau di mana sahaja bila-bila masa,

dan kita dokong Islam itu bersama, di sinilah letaknya

perbezaan kita dengan orang-orang biasa. Allah telah

memuliakan kita dengan agama Islam. Jadi, seha-

rusnya kita punya sesuatu untuk dipersembahkan se-

bagai tanda syukur kepada Allah.

Anas bin Malik meriwayatkan, Rasulullah

SAW bersabda, “Akan tiba suatu zaman, orang-orang

yang bersabar dalam menegakkan agamanya ibarat

orang yang sedang menggenggam bara api.”

Kenalpasti kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam pelaja-


Kita perlu jujur kepada diri. Kenalpasti

kelemahan sendiri. Satu teknik belajar yang berkesan

adalah tidak dipengaruhi cara belajar orang lain tetapi

punya teknik sendiri. Ini kerana setiap manusia yang

dijadikan Allah itu unik. Kita perlu kenal pasti

kelemahan sendiri, senaraikan, jadualkan waktu men-

gulangkaji dan perkemaskan cara belajar agar kita

mampu mencapai kejayaan yang disasarkan. Tidak

mengapa jika merasa tidak pandai dan tidak tahu, da-

ripada kita sering menyangka diri kita pandai dan tahu

semua perkara. Apabila kita menyedari perkara-

perkara yang tidak kita ketahui dan lemah, sudah tentu

semangat untuk lebih berusaha dan belajar bersungguh

-sungguh itu akan lebih membara.

Kenal pasti di mana kekuatan dan penguasaan

kita dalam pelajaran. Semua pancaindera yang ada

harus digunakan sebaiknya agar kita dapat fahami dan

kuasai silibus dengan dengan mudah.

Jangan jadikan dakwah “escapisme”

Sesetengah pelajar, apabila menghadapi

tekanan dan stress semasa studi. Mereka mula menyi-

bukkan diri dengan aktiviti dakwah umpamanya se-

bagai escapism, dengan harapan Allah akan memu-

dahkannya di atas pengorbanannya dalam aktiviti-

aktiviti dakwah. Ia suatu mitos yang jauh dari hakikat!

Seseorang itu tidak akan berjaya melakukan

sesuatu melainkan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh un-

tuk mengatasinya. Tidak ada di dunia ini yang akan

tergolek datang dengan kuasa magis, termasuk ke-


Moga-moga Allah memberikan hidayah dan

kekuatan buat semua ahli PEMBINA yang bakal

menghadapi peperiksaan.

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