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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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    NAMA: ___________________________TAHUN: ___________________________

  • Topik 1 : Pranombor Pre -NumberArahan: Warnakan objek mengikut arahan guru. Colour the objects according to the teachers instruction.biru bluehijau greenhitam blackmerah redkuningyellow

  • Arahan: Tandakan ( X ) pada bentuk yang sama seperti bentuk disebelah kiri. Cross out (X) the patterns of the same size as the one on the left.Contoh : Topik 1 : Pranombor Pre -Number

  • Topik 2 : Konsep Nombor Number Concept Arahan : Tandakan ( / ) pada kumpulan yang banyak. Tick ( / ) the large collection in each set of pictures.

  • Arahan : Tandakan ( / ) pada kumpulan yang sedikit. Tick ( / ) the small collection in each set of pictures.Topik 2 : Konsep Nombor Number Concept

  • Arahan : Tandakan ( / ) pada kumpulan yang sama banyak. Tick ( / ) the equal collection in each set of pictures.Topik 2 : Konsep Nombor Number Concept

  • Arahan : Warnakan gambar mengikut nombor yang diberi. Colour the pictures according to the numbers given. 4 2 7 9Topik 3 : Mengecam Nombor Recognize Numbers

  • Arahan : Kira dan tuliskan nombor. Count and write the numbers.Topik 3 : Mengecam Nombor Recognize Numbers

  • Topik 4 : Nombor Hingga 100 Numbers to 100 Arahan : Kira dan tuliskan nombor. Count and write the numbers.

  • Instruction : Susun nombor secara menurun. Arrange the numbers to descending numbers. Topik 4 : Nombor Hingga 100 Numbers to 10011

  • Instruction : Susun nombor secara menaik. Arrange the numbers to ascending numbers. 53Topik 4 : Nombor Hingga 100 Numbers to 100

  • Topik 5 : Operasi Tambah Addition += += += Arahan : Cari jumlah berdasarkan gambar. Find the sums based on the pictures below.

  • Arahan : Jumlahkan Complete the following sums. 4 5 Topik 5 : Operasi Tambah Addition3 8 + 7 6 + 9 9 + 8 0 + 1 4 + 2 + 3 = ______ 7 + 1 = ______ 7 + 6 = ______ 8 + 5 = ______+ 9 + 8 = ______ 9 + 0 = ______

  • Topik 6 : Operasi Tolak Subtraction Arahan : Tuliskan jawapan. Write the answer.=-=-=-

  • Arahan : Tolakkan. Find the different.5 3 _ Topik 6 : Operasi Tolak Subtraction8 9 _ 1 2 7 _ 1 5 8 _ 1 4 - 2 = ______ 5 - 1 = ______ 12 - 5 = ______14 - 7 = ______9 7 _ 0 6 _ 1 16 - 8 = ______19 - 9 = ______

  • Topik 7 : Darab Multiplication Arahan : Cari jawapan. Find the answers. 2 X 2 = ______ 4 X 3 = ______ 6 X 2 = ______ 5 X 3 = ______ 7 X 4 = ______ 9 X 5 = ______ 8 X 5 = ______ 1 X 2 = ______ 2 X 4 = ______ 3 X 3 = ______

  • Topik 8 : Bahagi Division Arahan : Cari jawapan Find the answers. Contoh : Example 14 2 = 72 2 = _____6 3 = _____8 4 = _____ 16 4 = _____9 3 = _____18 3 = _____ 25 5 = _____36 4 = _____12 2 = _____45 5 = _____