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:EII811181og' and Empowering QualliV Strategies Toward

.' the Custolher-DrivlI,n ,0 gaB a

I r--'

Assalamualaikumdan salam sejahtera,

Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengalu-alukan kedatangan semua ke Persidangan anjuran Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah (PSZ), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia ini. Saya juga ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Jawatankuasa Persidangan yang telah giat berusaha bagi memastikan persidangan ini berjalan dengan lancar.

Persidangan anjuran PSZ ini amat relevan dengan keperluan sistem penyampaian perkhidmatan semasa. Memetik kenyataan YAB Dato' Seri At:xJullah Ahmad Badawi, Perdana Menteri Malaysia bahawa fokus utama kepada perkhidmatan pelanggan harus dibeli penekanan yang serius dalam usaha untuk bersaing di arena global yang kompetitif dan mencabar. Hasrat Kerajaan ini dite~emahkan juga melalui usaha Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) meletakkan pelanggan sebagai perspektif utama dalam perancangan strategiknya.

Untuk memastikan kejituan menerusi produktiviti dan kepuasan pelanggan, kita tidak hanya bertumpu kepada ilmu, skil, kreativiti dan inovasi semata-mata, malah keberkesanan melalui sikap dan nilai-nilai yang positif adalah menjadi tunjang kepada penambahbaikan dan seterusnya kejayaan.

Dengan adanya persidangan ini dijangka dapat memberi peluang kepada kita untuk mendalami isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan pelanggan di perpustakaan khususnya dan di orgC!nisasi lain secara amnya. Pandangan yang berbeza dali sudut yang berlainan dan idea­idea baru dapatdikongsi demi melahirkan individu yang dinamik pada masa depan.

Akhir kata, saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan tahniah sekali lagi kepada Perpustakaan Sultariah Zanariah, para pembentang kertas ke~a dan peserta atas penganjuran dan penyertaan kalian. Semoga dengan majlis perkongsian ilmu seperti ini akan dapat memberi manfaat kepadasemua. Tidak dilupakanjuga semuaahli jawatankuasayang secara langsung atautidaklangsungmembantu dalam menjayakan persidangan ini.

Sekian, terima kasih. Wassalam.

Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Mohd Zulkifli Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali Naib Canselor Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

Alhamdulillah bersyukur saya ke hadrat Allah SWT kerana dengan izin dan rahmat kurniaanNya persidangan ini dapat dilaksanakan.

Bagi pihak Jawatankuasa Penganjur, saya merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada Y, Bhg. Tan Sri Prof Dr Mohd Zulkifli Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali, Naib Canselor, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia yang sudi hadir merasmikan persidangan ini.

Bertemakan Energising and Empowering Quality Strategies Toward the Customer­Driven Organisations, persidangan ini diharap dapat menjadi satu mekanisme yang dapat dikongsi bersama untuk menyuburkan percambahan idea, pertukaran pendapat dan perkongsian maklumat ke arah menawarkan perkhidmatan berkualiti yang berfokuskan kepada kehendak dan keperluan pelanggan. Saya yakin persidangan ini dapat menjadi wadah perbincangan dan menyediakan ruang yang secukupnya untuk para peserta berinteraksi antara satu sama lain. Pertukaran maklumat dan buah fikiran antara peserta pastinya akan memperkayakan lagi sumber pengisian.

Diharap dengan sumbangan dan penglibatan oleh semua pihak terutamanya para pembentang kertas kerja, peserta dan juga barisan AJK, persidangan ini akan mencapai matlamatnya.

Sebagai penutup kata, saya Ingln menzahirkan ucapan terima kasih kepada mereka yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung di dalam memastikan persidangan ini berjalan dengan lancar.

Sekian, terima kasih. Wassalam.

Kamariah Nor Mohd Desa Ketua Pustakawan Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera

Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengalu-alukan kedatangan para peserta semua kerana dapat

hadir ke persidangan Customer-Focused Culture pada hari ini. Saya ingin memaklumkan

bahawa Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah merupakan institusi pendidikan yang akan terus

mengekalkan kecemerlangannya melalui penganjuran aktiviti yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh


Menyedari pentingnya keperluan pelanggan perlu ditangani dengan baik dan bijaksana,

langkah dan komitmen telah dibuat untuk untuk membincangkan isu berkaitan pengurusan

pelanggan secara berkekalan selaras dengan kehendak organisasi. Mulai dengan persidangan

ini diharap dapat menjadi pencetuskepada lebih banyak forum atau perbincangan yang akan

menjurus kepada isu ini. Diharap ia dapat memberi makna serta mempunyai implikasi besar

terhadap pengurusan dan pembangunan pelanggan secara total. Oleh itu, usaha yang gigih

diperlukan untuk memastikan pencapaian komitmen tersebut.

Pengurusan pelanggan secara berkekalan sentiasa menjadi agenda penting organisasi awam

mahupun swasta bagi mempastikan ekspetasi pelanggan tercapai. Saya yakin kehendak

pelanggan yang diurus secara efisien dan bijak akan memberikan banyak manfaat dan

kebaikan kepada organisasi dan terus merangsang perkembangan organisasi secara

menyeluruh. Bagi mencapai matlamat yang telah ditetapkan perlulah ada anjakan paradigma

dengan pendekatan baru yang lebih proaktif ke arah kecemerlangan pengurusan pelanggan.

Akhir sekali saya ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua ahli jawatankuasa di

atas perancangan yang rapi serta inisiatif serta pihak penaja di atas sumber kewangan yang memberansangkan sehingga dapat merealisasikan persidangan kali ini. Semoga persidangan

irii menjadi medan terbaik perkongsian maklumat yang dapat mencetus ke arah

kecemerlangan organisasi.

Terima kasih.

Noraziah Sharuddin

Pengerusi Conference on Customer-Focused Culture

Sess.,ion l: Customer Relationship

Guest Speaker Norhaki mi Khaiessc1 Ah mad MAS Academy

Speaker Tuan Hajj Aminudin Oawam Group General Manager KPJ Healthcare Berhad

Speaker Sazali Yahya Senior Consultant Focus Learning Corporation Sdn Bhd

Speaker Farah Lange SWETS, Singapore

Session II: Customer Accessibility

Guest Speaker



Prof. Dr. Ahmad laki Abu Bakar Fakulti Sains Komputer & Sistem Maklumat, UTM

Vernon Seaton WaveTech Sdn Bhd Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Salleh Huddin Mustaffa Perpustdkaan Sultanah Bahiyah Universiti utara Malaysia

Topic: Enriching and Delighting Guest ExperienCl3 (EDGE)

Topic: Serl/ice Excellencs : The KPJ Way

TOpic; Innovating Your OJstomer Service: Transforming Customer Service into a Total Guest Experience

Topic: Building on Customer Intimacy

TopIc: Customer Accessibility Through a Multiple Perspective Framework

~ RFID for EnhanCl3d CoHedion Acc8ssibilit\r: A Self­Fulfilling Prophecy?

Topic: Perkhidmatdn Koleksi Digital Kepada Repositori Institusi (RI) : Perkongsian Pengalaman Perpustakaan Sultanah Bahiyah 1995 -2007

S~:s.ion III: Customer Education

Guest Speaker




Prof. Or. Szarina Abdullah Fakulb Pengurusan r'J1aklumat Kampus Puncak Perdana Universiti Teknologi MARA

Or. NorliYll Ahmad Kassim Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat Kampus Puncak Perdana Universiti Teknologi MARA

Siti Mariani S.M. Omar Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia

Kumpulan Penyelldik Kajian Kemahiran Generik (GS). PSZ Universiti Teknologi MalaYsia

Session IV; Customer Satisfaction Through leT

Guest Speaker Prof. Or. Zainab Awang Ngah Fakulti Sains Komputer & Teknologi Maklumat Universiti Malaya

Speaker Prof. Madya Dr. Sulalman Mohd Nor Timbalan Pengarah Bahagian Infrastruktur &. Servis CICT, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Speaker Prof. Madya Wardah Zainal Abidin Jabatan Sistem Maklumat FSKSM, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Speaker Or. Lim Khee Hiang Associate loJIanager, CJ.Jstomer Education, Thomson Scientific, Singapore

Topic: Is Your Information Literacy Program effective? ­Customers' Feedback

Topic: Assessing Customer Satisfaction On Library Services And Activities In Creating A Leaming Environment

Topic: Customer Education Practice of National library

Topic: Cultivating Customer­Focused Culture Through Library Generic Skills

Topic: Empowering Users and Partners in Digital Library Research Initiatives

Topic: Issues and Challenges in Providing Quality ICT Infrastruct1Jre service Delivery in a University Campus Environment

Topic; Customer Satisfaction Via Information and Communications Technology

Topic: ResearcherID: A NevI" Way to Address Author Name Ambiguity

Session V: Ouality Strateaies

Guest Speaker




Balakrishnan Vossu Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA)

Hajah Hanida Ghazali Senior Executive/Lead Auditor SIRIM Berhad

Mohd lul-Azmi Ishak Faculty of Information Management Universiti Teknologi IvIARA Johor

Mehran Doulat Abadi, PhD Student, FPPSM, UTM Skudai

Se-ssion VI; Challenges of Customer Driven Organisation

Guest Speaker




Tuan Haji Mohd Radzif Mohd Yunus CEO Institut Jantung Negara

Azahar Mohd Noor rvlanager Petroleum Resource Centre Petroliam Nasional Berhad

Mohd Ramli Mohd Saat Sena; Airport, Johor

Hasnita Ibrahim Pengurus Maklumat Library & Information Centre (Infolib), BERNAMA

Topic: Quality Assurance of Institutions that Support Teaching and Leaming

Topic: Monitoring and Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Topic: Applying Quality Management System (QMS) In PerpustakaanTJJoDr. Ismail Universiti Teknologi Mara Johor

Topic: From Quality to Customer-Driven Excellence

Topic: Managing Service Excellence

Topic: CustDmer-Driven Organisation: Results, Impact, Challenges and Efforts,

Topic: What is Customer Service In An Airport environment?

Topic: Encouraging USers at Bernama Library & Information Centre Via Organised Activities

Session 1 : Customer Relationship

Guest Speaker

Norhakimi Khaiessa Ahmad

( Malaysia Airlines Academy)

Topic : ((Enriching and Delighting Guest Experience"

lEDGE) .

Conference Dn Cu.tomer-I'"cused Cullure :2006: ErtergiBlng and Emp<Jw",i~ Quality St....tegies Toward the Cu~tom"r·DriveD Organ",..tiuns, 9-11th June 2008_

Th" Z"n Rc~el1cy Hotel, Jonor ~ahru. Joh"..

Enriching And Delighting Guests' Experience (EDGE)

Norhakimi Khaiessa Ahmad

Malaysia Airlines Academy, Group Human Resource, Malaysia Airlines

System, No.2, Jalan SS 7/13, P.O. Box 8737 Kelana Jaya, 47301

Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Phone: 03-78007413, Fax: 03-78043144

Email: [email protected]

Abstract.­Airline industry is experiencing overcapacity and this will continue to be

more intense in the next 5 years. Under The MAS Way, numerous

initiatives have been launched and implemented by the new management

of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) to return to profitability under the leadership

of Datuk Seri Idris Jala. As part of the big turnaround plan before, and

transformation plan currently, MAS is focusing on winning more

customers through the Malaysian Hospitality (MH) campaign. The level of

hospitality to passengers needs to be increased for MAS to bring a

renewed competitive edge.

MH EDGE programme is designed to enhance the service quality of the

front line staff, thus, enriching the customers' (guests') experience. It

provides systematic platform for the staff at crucial service touch-points

to polish and enhance their skills in providing excellent service. The

science of service and the evolution of customer experience is the

fundamental understanding to work towards providing excellent service

to both internal & external customers.

ConfeNlnce on Ctl~tom r-Focu~d Cultu.... 2008; .EnerglJsin(; o.nd Empowerinj:c QUll.llty SlT"tegie~ Toward tho Customer-Drlv OrgiUli"",tion6, 9-11th J\lIl 3008.

Th" Zan Ral\ency Hotel, Joltar B"hT\), Johor

MH EDGE also supports the organisation's quality standards and

practices, which promote the commitment to provide excellent customer

service to sustain and compete globally to win the customer.


Conference on Custom,,"-FDCU cd Culture 2008, Energilllog nod En\powct1Il& QuoJity StTategit" Tow..rd tb.c Customer·Driven Organ.i&lltio/1s, 9·11 th Junc 2008.

Tb" Zan Reg:<>l1cy Hotel, Job.or Bllltru, Johor


Enriching & Delighting Guests' Experience (EDGE)

Malaysia Airlines Academy 09 June 2008

(Norhakimi Khaiessa Ahmad)

•malaY!J.@,EDGE/MAS Academy. May 2008


Conferen<:e on Cu~tomet.FocusedCultu.n> ZOOS, Energising "'''d Empowering QUAlity StTateglcs To,...u-d the Customer-Driven Org"ni~"t.ion., 9·11t.b June JOOS.

Tbe Zon Regency Hotel, Johot Bahro, John.

CAPA Airline Turnaround of the Year

2006 Award

p..WUrct . o~ , st!:'

....~ 0 'l1 ....

~ -< tn ><f"l ~

~ ~

I ().::, .1';\

Air Transport World (ATW) Phoenix Award 2007

~ EDaEJMAS Academy - MaV 2006 ..'l:malag~f!


Conference 011 CUfitomer·Foclls"d Culture 2008: Enerciaiog lITld Empoweting QU.lity Slral"gi,,~ Toward the CU6tnm.,r·Dnven Otglloiutions, 9-llth Jmu, 2008.

Tbe Zan Regency Hotel, Jabot Bahn!, ,lohor

, . "E~G,EJMAS Academy - May 2008

,J T .r .....~

,:Ca acit '~Pr~1S'SlureS ,.. ",:';: Annu(lll irrnft c<lp~l"Hy In

A!;'2 flaClht, Ind,a 8, Middle: EaSl Source; Airbus & Boeing




Conference on Cl15tomer-I'ocused 'ultun: 2OQ8: EJnergl5.ng and Emp<>weri~ Q1.tality Stratellic5 Tt.waru the Cusrofficr-Drlvcll Organi "tion~. 9-J ILh June 2008.

The :lon R"g.."CY' Hotel, Joltor Ba.hl"\l. ,lohor

VISION: To be the COMMERCIAL WOfld!s Five Star Value Carrier

MISSION: To be a Fln~ncll1g ilnd Aligning

consistently the Buslne$s on paL

profitable airline


STRATEGY: Bus ness Transformation

" :eOGl:/fMS Academy. May 2006 11 tt·mi1lS(Ci!...i/


COl)ierenc" v" Cu. tomer-rocused c.:ultur" 2008, Energ' g o.nd E poweritlj; Qualtty Str"t"glct; Toward tho Customer-Driveo Organu...tions, 9·11th Jun 2008.

Tne Zon Regency Hotel, Jahal Bahru, JOhOT

-1IIIIIIi"""~~.' -Profitable:::.;, '-yt; Growth

More customers

Grow network, More build capacity revenue




J'milla!J.2jgE.OGEIMAS Academy· May 2008 13


Co"ference 1)11 Customer-Focused Culture 2(J()8: Euergbung ild Empowering Quality Strategies Towaro the Customer-Driven 0 ganlutlon1'l, 9·1Hb June 2008.

The ZOll Reg',"cy Hotel, Jobor 8ahTU. ,I hot

MASkargo i-secure

animal ~.

hotel •

Malaysian Aerospace Engineering (MAE)

EDG£!MA.S Academy. May 2008 ,.

To Win Technology Customers Process


Conference ou ustome,-l"oc1L.~edCultu,.. 2008, energlAiDg IlJld Empowering Quality Strategies aWArd the Customer-Driv",n Org"nis"tlom,. 9·1lth June 2008.

Tl,e Zon Regency Hotel, Joho. . h.u, Joho.

·It is the winning proposition (product, service, experience) by the organisation that wins the customers.

-Offering & delivering a unique customer experience to achieve profitable growth.

-A compelling need for the organisation as a whole to work together towards increasing service levels.

'6 f-mslsl§Jil



Conference on (;UGt,)ffi r-I"ocused Culture 008: Bner 'lling and mpa"'''nng Qulllity Str..t.,gi". oward the Custom"..Driv....' Orglwi....tlon15, 9-11tb June 2008,

The Zon ~ency Hotel, Jonor Bllhru, Joho.


MH2OI>?.. Overall. we have improved and the gaps are narrowing.

However, we need to accelerate efforts in some key areas.

Maintain 1M) Raise (R) ,....------------'--~--,ti ,r---------,

NtJod ID Play Noaa 10 WIn


• Enhancing Malaysia Airlines' image through standardised daily actions and practices

• Achieve service excellence through the four levels of 'C's (Character, Courtesy, Care, Compassion)

• Increase customer satisfaction by providing consistent treatment

• Instilling a high quality working culture / ethics / high performance throughout the organisation

EDGE/til'AS Academy· May 2008 19


Conference on CWltomer·!i'ocused Culture 200", l':nerg,lsing and EmpowlOring Quality

Slr..tegi". To,v,crd the Cu"tomer·Dri en rg"nisatloul>, 9·lHh June ~008"

The Zan Regency Hotel, Johor Ba.hru, Johor

Standard practices in the form of actions and communication that is developed by the

organisation for their employees "malam :/". EOi3E/MAS Acadonl)'. May 2008 20 !:b41!:/

I Staff Motivation I IPatient Evaluation I




Fired DISSATISFIED 3 Levels of Service

" (;!,OQ4.fred Lee, "Jf Disney Ran Your Hospital: 9 1/2 Things You Would Do Differently)

21 ill18l~i/


Conference on Customer-FOc.Ufied Culture 2008: Enerr,lsing ...nd Empowenng Quality Slrategi,-. 'fow{\rd the CUtitomer-Driv.m Orgl\l\isatioo ,9·11tl, June 2008.

The ZOJl Regency Hot"l, Johar Baht.. , Johat

Spe fie Owners and Fa us Groups

All Employees

22 maliJ{Ci/iJ.

Need to win (NTW)

What is needed to win In the competition

~~~-----------_._----_.. _---_._-_ .. _._ .....

Need to play (NTP)

What Is needed to be In the competition

Levels of Service (2000, Ron Kaufman. ·Llp your service! Strategies and Action Steps to Delight Your Customers NOWI'), .

_miJ/~f! t -EDOEJMAS Academy - ~'\ay 2008


Conference on Custom r·l'ocuSf:d Culture 200S, E""r~tBing aDd Empowering Qu<\lity Stn.tegu'G Tow>lro tho.> Customer-Dri"en 0 llanwtiDnG. 9· 11th June 2008.

The Zoo Regency Hatel. Jobor &hru. Jobor


Conl"rence c" Cuotomer·Fa used Culture ZOQS, EnereiRI g IUld Empowenng Quality Sir",t"t.(;"& Toward the Cuatomer·Driven Orglluil"".tiun~,9·llth. June 2008.

The Zon Ri!g"l1cy Hotel, Jon.or Bahro. Jon.o,.

~EOGEiMAS Academ~ • May 2000 26 l!:mali1~i!


Confe.ence on Cu~tomer-Itoeu""dCulture 20Q8, Ene.rgi.lling and Empowering Ql1aLity Strntegie£ l'ow..rd till' Cu&tomcr-Drlvcn Organbation6, 9-11th June 2008.

Th., Zon Regency Hotel, Jabot Bllhru, Jonor


Norhakimi Khaiessa Ahmad Kimi is a graduate of University of South

Australia, A~elaide (Bachelor degree of Applied Science in Mathematics

and Computing). She joined the Airline as a Management Trainee (MT) on

21 st February 1997. Upon completion, she was appointed as Business

Planning Executive in August 1997. After four years, she joined

Management Development Department as Development Training

Executive in February 2001.

Appointed as the Management Trainee Development Programme (MTDP)

Coordinator (intake Feb 2003 and July 2004). Currently, Kimi is the

Quality Training and Education Department Manager. A trained Black

Belt (by GE Aircraft Engines, Ohio) for Six Sigma and a certified CAP

Coach & Lean Leader, she is also one of the associate trainers for '1 Make

The Difference' [IMTD) and Airline Business Course 100 (ABC 100)

programme and conducted Lean Tools, 5S and ICC Workshop. She

assists to support the department to meet quality standards and policies

in accordance to the Quality Management System for MAS Academy.


Session 1 : Customer Relationship


Tn. Hj.Aminudin Dawam

( KPJ HealthcareBerhad)

Topic: Service Excellence - The KPJWay (SE- TKWj

Conference ou \l~tomer-f"<>C\l,;"dCuJIiU 2008, l':nerlliBing and Empowering Quality StIoiIItUg:.iCti 1'otvi\rd the CUb\tOtTlel~Dri.venOrgan"j,sOAtiom:., 9 .. 11 th ~Junc 2008.

The Zon Regency Hotel. Joltor Bahtu, Jo or

Service Excellence The KPJ Way (SE-lKW)

Conference on Customer-Focused Culture 2008 : Energising and Empowering Quality Strategies Toward the Customer­

Driven Organisations

9 - 1f Juno 2008 The Zon Rsg9ncy HOI9/. Joh(){ Bahru, Jollor

Aminudin Dawam Group General Manager KPJ Healthcare Berhad

Brief History of KPJ Growth / Journey 1981 1994 2004 2007 Mac-2oo8


Hospita{ 1 2' 13 18 18.

Licensed Beds 70 380 1,498 2,136 2,136

Consu{tants 8 94 390 6/J 637

Staffstrength {20 899 4,155 6,160 6,301

Outpatients 40,000 182,542 1,078,933 1,733,500 467,992

Inpatients 2,000 23,571 108,898 179,227 45,587

Turnover 10,000' 72,399 583,173 {,108,024 304,726

Co.... a,,,o<:,, em Customer-P'o u'led Culture 2008: Ener!ti"'inl: 'md Empolllerlng QUl\Hty Str",tegi,," To.Yard the C""tomec,PrivcD Org"Di""tion~,9-11th June 2008.

The Zon ~gency Hotel, JohoT Bahru, JabOT

KPJ HEALTHCARE at a Glance Hospital Operations & Management Companies

From 1st hospital, Johor Specialist Hospital in Johor in 1989 to currently 18

hospitals In Malaysia and six (6) abroad.

First venture outside of Johor with acquisition of Tawakal Hospital (TH) in 1987.

KPJ was offered by Kemcnterian Pembangunan Usahawan to manage and to

turnaround TH which was under the receivership of Bank Pembangunan

Malaysia. TH was turnaround in 4 years.

Won against local Perak based company to acquire the then Ipoh Specialist

Centre in 1988.

First health care grou p to be listed on Main Board of Bursa Malaysia In

November 1994

Trading First World Islamic healthcare REITs in Year 2006.

First local group to have network of private specialist hospitals in all parts of


Offering the largest job opportunity, both professional and non-professional,

after the Ministry of Health. (6,900 staffs)

List of KPJ's Hospitals (Domestic)

Johor Perak

KPJ-Johor Specialist Hospital 1. KPJ-Ipoh Specialist Hospital

Puter; Specialist Hospital 2. Taiping Medical Centre

Penawar Hospital Other slates

Solangor 1, Kedah Medical Contre, Kedah

KPJ-Ampang Puteri Specialist 2. Bukit Mertajam Specialist Hospital,

Hospltai P Pinang

KpJ·Damansara Specialist Hospital 3. Seremban Spoclalist Hospital,

KPJ-5elangor Medical Centre N Sembilan

KPJ KaJang Specialist Hospital 4. Kuantan Speclailst Hospital, Pahang

Kuala Lumpur 5. Pordana Specialist Hospital, Kelanlan

Tawakal Hospital 6. Kuching Specialist Hospital, Sawarak

Sentosa Medical Centro 7. Damal Specialist Centre, Sabah


,onre,..,n 0'>(' Cu.,."ne(-fi'o("u5ed Cultur :;lOOS, Ene(gi. ,ul: ,,-ud Eml'0Welllll; Q'U".Iity

Str~l"gi". TOWOlrd tbe C tltljrn,,,-Dn,,,,n Org'U1u...tion., 9-l lLh Jun" 2008. I'll" Zon Regency Hotel, Jobor BDJ,l'\l, Johor

KPl HEALTHCARE at a Glance

Overseas Venture

First offshore venture in Indonesia in 1995 - RS Selasih in Padang and

RSM Permata Hijau in Jakarta.

Management Contract (with minimum equity participation) in United

Hospital, Bangladesh

Signed Nursing Management Contract with New Jeddah Clinic Hospital

(Kandarah & Jeddah) in Saudi Arabia in 2004. A year later, KPJ signed a

5-year Hospital Management Contract for NJCH.

In discussion with other several countries in the Middle East and South

East Asian regions for the Hospital Management Contract.

How did we do that?


does not come by



Conferenc" ,," Cu~tom r-I<oeu""d Culture 2008; En"rgUln~ and Empo.."rlng Quality Stn<tcgic6 Tow,ud the Cu~tomer-Drive.nQrgani.",Uon", 9-1 lib June 2008.

The Zon ~g"ncy Hotel, Jobo,' B,dIOl. JObOl

The preferred provider in healthcare services'


Deliver quality healthcare seryices

Core Values

• Safety

• Courtesy

• Integrity

• Professionalism

• Continuous Improvement

Quality Init'iatlves Journey

International & National Standards Achievements

Embarked into MS ISO 9002 Standards certification in 1996 erther from SIRIM, MOODY

International Certification or ttle UK Accreditation Service

?Cl(11 onwflrt.ls, 7.fl1phas!sed on Accreditation from Malaysiiln Society lor Quality in Health


A!llpang Puleri SpeCialist Hospital (Ar'SH) was the first private hospital to receive full 3­

year cycle Accreditation status from MSQH in 2003 (unlil now). To dale, 5 KPJ hospilals

have r8ceived the Accreditation slalus and sustall1lng it till now,

APSH is the first hospital to receive the Integrated Management Standards OMS) from

TuV Rhieland, Germany in the Asia PacifiC region, followed by Damansara Specialist

Hospilal a year later.


Conr"rence on Cu"to",er-!>oeu""d Culture 2008, E""rgiAlnllll1ld Empowedng Qulllity Str..teglc. U vi\rd the Custumer-Drivel> OrganilOations, 9·11th June 2008.

Tb." Zon ~g..ncy Hotel, Jobot Babru, Johot

Quality Initi.atives Journey International & National Standards Achievements

Ipoh Specialist Hospital (ISH) was the first healthcare institution in Malaysia

granted with OHSAS - Occupational Safety and Health Standards in 2003

JSH & APSH - National Occupational Safety Health Award by Department of

Occupational Safety & Health

Participated and won other Quality certifications and competitions at

- Enterprise 50 by NPC

- Quality Excellence Management Award (QMEA) by MITI

- Productivity Award by NPC

- Export Excellence Award by Matrade

- Brand Laurette by Delloile & MITI

Quality Initiatives Journey

Internal Group-wide initiatives

Group level

- Innovative and Creative Circle / Suggestion Scheme, KPJ Level

- Hari Makar, Cempaka Johor Corporation Level.

Hospital Level

- 5 S Programme to enhance basic housekeeping, triggering creativity and self


- aSH Commiltee - workplace inspection & regular reviews


Conference 01\ Cllfitomer-l'ocu.ed Cultur.· 2008: Enel'gi.sing and Empowedng Qu....ity Slrategiefi Toward tlte Custl>mer·Drl",cn Organis"tions. g·llt.h June 2008.

The ZOn Regency Hotel, Joho~ B..h~u, Johor


• Corporate Governance

- Financial & Management

• Clinical Governance

Clinical Procedures & Outcomes

Risk lV1anagement

leT &Te-chnology Enhancement Integrated Group-wide patient record and hospital information


• Keeping abreast with new equipment &state of the art facilities

• Consolidation of Information System (IS). e.g. HITS. KPJ IT

Blueprint; K-CIS - implementation of KPJ Corporate Network

Information Kiosk (public information accessibility)

• Web-based information sharing (ESS, Process Asset Library system­

online documentation)

• New medical equipments & facilities for diagnostic imaging.

cardiac services, oncology


C""ference ""ll.l1stome,··I'., used Culture 2008: Ener!;1I"'ng I1t1d Empo...... ring Quality Str..tegle foward the Cu..tomet~Driv(!ll Otg"ul~,.tion"" 9·1 t .h June 2008.

Tlw Zon Rer..,ncy Hotel, Jaho, BllhTU, Joh."

CSR Projects

• Charity Outpatient Clinics

- 10 charity outpatient clinics opened in Johor, Selangor &


- Operational support from the clinical and management from KPJ

and its hospitals

- Commitment in funding

• Charity Dialysis Unit

- Attached to the charity clinics

• Charity Hospital

• Treated more than 4,000 outpatients since its inception

in 1998.

Service Excellence - The KPJ's Way


C",nfer""ee on ( u~tomer-l'oeu~"d Culture ZOOS, l::ttOr~~u, and Ell1pow"ri1li: Quality St.f-atp"'gic1ii; TQ't~",rd thu Cuslomc.:r-nrivcn Org~\Ub... tionlS. 9- l J th ,JUY1'l' 2008.

rho Zon R..g~ney Hotel, Joh.>r l:$ah,u, ,'"b",

-Service--Excellence 'The KPJWay

Consistent effort towards Continuous Improvement. KPJ embarked into Service Excellence - The KPJ Way programme

'Setting the minimum standards of interaction behaviors and actions while

}>jnteracting (either face to face, telephone, electronics), with patients I customers and other stakeholders; greetings, non-verbal

communication, showing directions and attending to inquiries.

~handling crisis; communication skills, alertness, empathy

. Service Excellence. The KPJWay

Service Mapping

- Analysing and reviewing processes for hassle free patients

interaction.--.' - Enhancement of process for patient safety and comfortabllity

- Create opportunity for education process to patients I customers

• BenchmarkirlFj

- Benchmarking with World Class organisations (local & abroad) for

improvement or total revamp (where necessary)


ConfereJrc<> 011 Customer·)'oeu""d Culture 2008: Energi~in& nnd El11powerill~Quality Strategies Towl\rd Ule Cu"tomer·Drl"eu Organio..tlon~, 9-l1tb J",ne 2008,

Til" Zon Regency Hotel, Jokor Bruuu, Jokor

.INSUMMARY In a nutshell, KPJ pro-actively

implements Transformational initiatives following McKinsey's 7 5 Model

a) Strategy

b) Structure

c) Systems

d) Style

e) Staff

f) Skills


Strategy: Adapt More Opportunity­••...ttl,··... priven compared to being Plan-',

Dependent ~ Grow and expand the business/services profitably

>- Seize merger, acquisition and partnership opportunities, both domestic / international levels

.,.. Aggressively fulfill industry-wide demand for professionals in hospital management & consultancy services

)- Cross border employment arrangement

).> Enhanced stakeholders' returns

>- Leverage on increasing demand for Syariah-compliant products - expand current AI·'Aqar KPJ REITS


Confer,,"ce Oil t'uBtomer-I'ocuscd Culture 2008: EnerJ\lSiDg nd ~;lUpOW"tlnl::Qu.dity Strategies Toward thc Customer·Driv"u 0'1!."nlliations, 9-1 JU, J"ne 2008.

The ZOJl Regency Hot I, Johot Bah...", .lohor

'Structure : from single focused to team focus

':'From one single hospital management becoming a network of hospitals

.:. Realignment of operational structures: Centralisation of support service functions at hospitals; leaner manpower

.:. Procure latest in technology and equipment to provide state of the art services

.:. Creation of new business units - from Cost Centre to a Profit Centre

- more Intrapreneur companies

- creating Community ofEntEtpric;es

- what this means


Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork among all medical

consultants & staff in providing services

• Drop the word "department" - use "SERVICES"


• Greater interaction & responsibility sharing for the

improvement of the hospital


Conference t>n CU5tomer-FocU5ed CultlUe 200S: Ettorgialng lUld Empowering Quality St'rategk& Towlttd the Cuott>m.er-Dr;ven Organisations, 9-11th June 2008.

Th" Zon Regency Hotel, JabOT Bahn] , Johor

,Systems: Promote greater discretion & innovativeness,from routine and mandatory


• Introduce patient empowerment: Patients choose own medical consultants based on transparency & track record

• Empower frontliners in satisfying customers - identify better ways to meet patients' needs

• Provide services with speed, with IT competencies

• Strengthening professional benchmarks for doctors, including ethics

• Continuous pursuit of quality programmes, especially Accreditation for all hospitals

.Style' from Managerial to, Transformational

r- ... ---- ~ ... _--- -- ----- .... -- - - -----, BECOME:i ELIMINATE: i.........

, '.....,.,: Purely managerial role i Transformational (aims to : (aims for higher output : create quantum leaps in

performance)U~':'_':~~~ ... .. _ ._.:

.;. create dynamic, visionary Transformational Leaders all levels: transform average followers to become superior

. shape positive attitudes & aptitudes of followers

.;. Cultivate better communication between medical consultants, management and team members

.:. Avoid 'blaminu others svndrome' .:. Foe U son C US TOM E R, C US TOM E R,

CUSTOMER -BacktoBasic


Confereo.ce Oil. Customer-I'a used Culture 2008: Energ,ising lUld ,Empowering Quality Strategies Toward the C\l~tom"r-Orlv"o.Organisation.., 9·11th June :;l008.

Tlte Zoo. Regency l-lotel, Jonor B"hru, Jobor

Staff . Practice ,'·'Team 'Spirit"

• Development of creative, innovative, value added and value driven workforce to deliver highest quality services

Staff participate continuously in training and education programmes

• Togetherness - work and collaborate as a team to satisfy patients

Valuing the contributions of each member of the team

Shared problem solving and decision making processes

Co-ownership of responsibilities: cleanliness, security, safety &


Giving positive feedback openly - but give criticism privatelv

Initiate and adapt to change for continuous improvement

Skills G'9in9 beyond the'Qrdin,ary .:. Enhance knowledge: Continuous development of staff skills to

strengthen and expand Group's talent pool

.:. Consultants are always encouraged to acquire new skills and keep abreast with new clinical technology

.:. Creativity & innovation

• resourceful front-finers taking innovative action to manage patients' requirements, especially during contingencies

- explore ways to make the A&E more patient friendly, as there is a large number of walk-in customers

.:. Continuous enhancement of nursing training for both local and international students


Confe...once on Cu~tomer-JCocu.edCulture 2008: Euergi.inI\1...d Enlpo""'''n& Quality Strategies Toward tbe Custom<:r·I>rlv<·n Orgalli~ations.9-11th June 2:008.

The Zan IWgenc Hot"l, .rohoT Bahru, ,lobar

Shared Values :S,oft Hearts other than Hard Minds; soft hearts counter weight tangible financial success

,.. "SERVICE WITH A SINCERE SMILE, STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART" - if you can't smile, you are in the wrong service business

» Uphold integrity and truthfulness in carrying out duties�

» Good attitudes and positive values to subscribe to KPJ Core Values�

;.- Adopt a dynamic culture emphasizing togetherness, for customers�

'J> Commitment to development of positive KPls and shared returns�

» Continue to contribute to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)�

activities, e.g. Klinik An-Nur, fund raising for flood victims, etc,�

Most Importantly, inculcate philosophy of� "Our Success is My Success"�


Conf"rence on Cu.tom.. , .. ji·" u"ed CultuN; 2008; EnergiaiAl\ And Empo",""ring Quality�

Strategie" Toward the Cu';tomer·Dri"f.'n Orga.ul.a.tion", 9·1lth .Tunc 2008.� The Zon Re.gellcy Hotel, Jober BLlhru, Jobo.�


Aminudin Dawam, aged 44, is currently the General Manager of KPJ

Healthcare Berhad (KPJ) in charged of the Group's hospital operations in

the Klang Valley as well as developing new international business for


Aminudin graduated from Sam Houston State University, Texas, USA

and received his MBA in 1988. In addition, he has obtained a Post­

graduate Diploma in Health Services and Hospital Management from

South Bank University, London in 1998.

Having joined the Group in 1991, he has managed several companies in

KPJ where he was the Operations Manager at Pharmacare Sdn Bhd and

General Manager of Kedah Medical Centre and Ipoh Specialist Hospital.

Aminudin holds the post of Chairman at Perdana Specialist Hospital

(Kota Bharu) as well as Executive Director at Ampang Puteri Specialist

Hospital (Selangor), Damansara Specialist Hospital (Selangor) and

Tawakal Hospital (Kuala Lumpur).

Aminudin is also responsible for the commissioning work for United

Hospital Limited (UHL) in Dhaka, Bangladesh and the hospital was

officially opened by the Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh in

August 2006.

He also sits on the board of other companies within the Johor

Corporation's Group, namely HC Duraclean Sdn Bhd and Healthcare

Technical Services Sdn Bhd.


Session 1 : Customer Relationship


Sazali Yahya�

( Focus Learning Corporation Sdn. Bhd. )�

Topic: Innovating Your Customer Service: Transforming�

Customer Service into a Total Customer Experience�

Conference on Cu&tomer·Foeused Culture 2008: Energi..ln~ uod Empowt:ring Quwity Strategic Toward the Customer·Driven Organillntions, 9-11th June 2008.

The Zon Regency Hotel, Johor BabOl, Johor

Innovating Your Customer Service: Transforming Customer

Service Into A Total Customer Experience

Sazali Yahya

Focus Learning Corporation Sdn. Bhd.

A-G-03A, Aman Seri Kelana Jaya

Jalan SS 7/ 13B, Kelana Jaya

47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Phone: 03-78765835, Fax: 03-78755054


Globalisation has indeed made the world a smaller place. Customers

have now become more aware of their needs and wants. They now

have higher expectations; they want more choices. As such, it makes

it even more critical for a company to be able to stand out among the

crowd and be noticed for the right reasons. More often than not, the

way you treat your customers is THE ONLY WAY you can be counted!

Today's competitive environment demands nothing less than /-­

excellence in customer service!

Given this heightened awareness, even the Malaysian government

now asks her departments and agencies to improve their service

delivery and at the same time encourages the private sector to

improve and further enhance the standard of their customer service

for the benefit of the general public.

Via this paper, Focus Learning is proud to share with you:

Conference on CutiloJ1lcr-Focu"e<l Culture 2008; EneJ'gl.ing and Emp<>wcring Qu..lity Str- tcgi". Townnl the Customer·Priven Orl(ani.4tions, 9-11lh Jun 2008

The Zoo nell: 'nay Hotel, JObDT Banrn, Johor

•� Our involvement and experience in helping organisations to

enhance their service excellence

•� Key challenges faced by organisations in transforming

employees to be customer-driven organisation

•� How these challenges were overcome

•� The systems used to effectively manage the organisation's

service excellence efforts

•� The outcomes thus far

At the end of the presentation, we hope the audience will be

illuminated with knowledge of customer service, which may benefit

them in their own quest to improve that of their own. In the final

analysis, we believe any organisation will need every bit of an "edge" it

could possible have in order to remain relevant in the face of stiff

competition currently prevailing in the market place,


Conference on CU1I'torne ·fl'o., ..r."d Cult...., 2008: EnergiGing «nd Empowering QwUlty Stnv;egie Toward the ell to-mcr-Dri\'Cl\ Orgamsations, 9·11th June 2008.

The ZQn Rel<""cy Hot"" Jobor Babru. Johor


Sazali Yahya is a Senior Consultant with Focus Learning who

graduated with a Bachelor's Degree of Science in Accounting (George

Mason University, Virginia, USA) and Master's Degree in Finance (The

American University, Wash D.C., USA). In addition, Sazali also

obtained Diploma in Education (National University of Malaysia) and

Certificate in Business Coaching (University of Malaya, Malaysia).

His previous experiences include management roles in Sapura

Marketing and serving as General Manager of Corporate Planning and

Development for Telekom Sales and Services Sdn. Bhd.

Hence, he has developed an extensive flair in corporate planning,

marketing, business development, and customer service. As a senior

consultant, Sazali has been conducting numerous programmes on

creativity and innovation, strategic management & leadership, as well

as organisational development programmes relating to service

excellence, change and/or core values, where he brings into them

valuable insights and inputs from his years of experience in the

corporate sector.

Locally, he has conducted training and consultancy involving

organisations such as Malaysia Airlines, Petronas Dagangan, Tenaga

Nasional, Sime Darby, Malaysia Airports Berhad, CCM, MRCB, MISC,

Texas Instrument, AEC, Elektrisola, Securities Commission, PERNEC,

UITM, UMT, EPIT, Prokhas and many others. His international

training stints have brought him to countries like UAE, Kuwait,

Bahrain, Oman and Brunei in dealing with organisations from across

industries such as oil and gas, banking, utilities, local government,

training academy, academic and administrative centres. He is highly

sought after due to his vast experience in dealing with high profiles

multinational companies.


Session 1 : Customer Relationship


Farah Lange�

o( .SWETS Sblgapore )�

Topic: Building on Customer Intimacy

C"nfer"ncc on Cu,;tomer-Vocusccd Cultun: 2008, Energil>wg and Empowering QUlllity Strategi"" 'r(.IW~td the CU8toLl1"r-l}rivon OrganJSutioD3, 9-11th June 2008.

The Zon Regency Hot.cl, Johot Bah"" Johor

.... . '1 f ~ I \. t .. SWCTS SC

Building on Customer Intimacy

r"arah lange� CGmrnercral !V1anag . r, Asi"� Sv,'ets



:J Introduction - who is Swets� J Today - the milestones� ..J Rebranding - the commitment to service� ',.,j Building Customer Intimacy -creating the requirements involving the customer

,.,j Strategy & commitments ..J New solutions ..J Summary

C nferenCe on Cu"tom.,r-roc ' d ulture 2008, Energising l\nd Empo <'fing Qunllty

Stflltegtes TowHrd th . CUllto,uor·[)riven OrganLsntions, 9·1lth June _008.

'fb. lOll Regency Hot I, Joho' Bahru, Jobor


Who are we?

Swets has been operating since 1901

From a single bookshop in Amsterdam,� Swets has grown into a truly multinational� company, with offices in more than 20� countries around the world�

SWCTS '15_

leMOn, 160 ..tlon,.

~~~ )

~. 60,000 ,Uentl.

U millicin ,.b,,:rlptlon, uo,ooo puliicllion,

'Swets handles more than 1.8 million subscriptions annually�

-Swets has an annual turnover of more than US$l billion�

-Swets helps more than 60,000 customers from over 160 countries around the world�

'Swets provides its customers with access to more than 65,000 publishers�

'Swets Is the only subscription services company to be awarded ISO 9001:2000� certification on a global basis


onferencc on Customer-Focused Cul~\lrc 200S: En"rgj~ml( and Empowerinl( Qunlity Str.tegl~s 'roward t.he Cumomer-Drlven Orgllnlsntions, "'-11th JUlle ~003.

Tb(' Zon Regency Hotel, Johar Bahru. Johor


What problems do we solve for our customers?


f-<>­C,~~ i :::

I"~I''-'" - ! bp~. ~ ~ .AIxoi:f.c",*"t

r'. L-oji;tkJ L.. Ctlodl:.lll

Streamlined administration with thousands of Publisher _� All through one, neutral relationship�

swc S !"(~

Toaay .. _,'"

New owner

New branding

New library solutions

Strong entrance into eBooks

Purchase of MPS's ScholarlyS

Healthy growth in


Conferenc.: on Custom" - ocused CUlture 200B, EneY/!;illing and Empowering Qunllty Strategic,; Towtlrd the Cw<tomor- Iven Organisations, 9-11th June 2008.

Th. Zon Reg.mey Hotel. ollor B~l\ru. JoboT

swcns ,'51:?

Rebranding Swets and why it is mportant ....

The last year, many events came together:

- The first visible results from our new strategy� - Key product launch of SwetsWise Subscriptions Library Edition� - Full E-journal Access suite of services� - More than 50% of subscriptions with Swets are e� - Change of ownership�

We also want to show our ongoing commitment to service

Starting with your processes ."

.,. we plotted our position and services.

Thereby clarifying our role ACCESS

SW(Hswi!>c� and the interaction between services.


Conference on C",tomer·Focu.ed CuJtu c 2008: Energ.hllng AI\d Empowerlnp; Qunlity

Stmtegfl)S 'row, rd the Customer-Driven Organisations) 9-11th Jtlfle 2008.

Th" Zon Regency Hotel, Johnr Bahro, Johor


How do we do that'?

•s T

Everything you need to acquire, access and� manage your subscriptions�



SwetsWise has been designed to offer support in all aspects of the Subscription Life Cycle



Conference on Cuslomer·Poeu.ed CUlture 2008: Energising and Empowering Qunllty Str8rc[:,n Toward the CUilt.omcl·[}rlven Orgalwmtioos, 9 11th June ZOOS.

The Zoo Regency Hotel, Johor Bahru, Jobor

SW~TS 'se


Products in the SwetsWise portfolio support different aspects of the cycle:



SW S j_ SWCT -­SWCT ..... i·


Customer Needs

Talking and listening to customers ­

Ability to order new subscriptions easily and quickly • And arrange for access of e-journals

Overview of subscriptions purchased

Easy to use/reach tools to manage subscriptions • Ability to renew and cancel SUbscriptions • Ability to claim missing issues/access • Detailed information on each subscription and status

Management information • To assist In management of SUbscriptions • To assist In collection management/development

Information on what is available


Conferen"e on eu"tomer-Foeuud L'ultur« 2008: Energi*i.og and Elmpow<:ring QUDllty Strategies 'oW1l.rd the Customer-Driven Organisations, 9-11th June 2008.

,hie Z n Regency Hotel, JOhnr Bahru, Johal

SWGTS .,.v°se

Creating the Requirements� Involving Customers�

First, we reviewed customer feed-back

Thought about what the service should�

be and any bright ideas we had�

All this was put together as a description�

of the new service�


Creating the Requirements� Involving Customers�

This description was discussed in detail with different customers and consultants

From these discussions, a clear� picture of what had to be created was� established�


Conferenc' on Cu&tomer-F<>cu~edCult:Ute 2008: Eneq;jlling lind Empowering "oUty Strategies Towa rd the Curtomet·Drlven Org,mi.sntions, 9- t 1th June 2008.

The Zan Regency Hot."'l, Johor Bahru, .Tohor

sweTSW.S ..

Creating the Requirements� Involving Customers�

Finally, usability testing was done with customers

This ensu red: •� The description was properly�

translated into the system�

•� That the system functioned as it is� supposed to�

•� That the system is user friendly and� intuitive�

Value Proposition

An on-line environment that allows you to


-access and .manage

all your electronic and print subscriptions.

SwetsWise Subscriptions allows your library's entire collection to be available at your fingertips, simplifying the entire journal management process.


C')f,ference on Cu"torn"r·Focu•.,d ulture 2008: Energising ad Empowering Quality StTatt>gies 'rowaTd the CUlItomer-Driven Organi.llDtions, 9-11th June 2008.

The Zon Regency Hot<ll. Johnr Bahru, Jnhor


Features &Benefits

Information Features •� Subscription detail

•� FYI •� Online reporting

Li cense & process status

Management Features •� Catalogue

---• Order/Renew/Cancel

Claiming •� Site Allocation •� Integration with other SwetsWise products

sweTS\t\ is':!

\'-,k • 'role: l:own our Slf""tcgy ..mJ l.ol·nmttments

By integrating how you buy. manage and evaluate information. Swets can provide you with the freedom to focus on what's most important to you and your organisation.

We manage your subscriptions so that you can focus on the information.

Swets sImplifies


C nfcrcu('., on Cu,tomc:y-F",cu""d Cu!tu," 2008: EntlrgjliUlg and Empowering QunlJty StritlCj,,'lCS TOWMd tile (:ufrtomcr-O"ven organiMtioDlI, 9-11th June '2008.

Th Zan t~ct:eDCY Hotel, John, Baluu, Jailor


But never forgetting that it fS a people"s business...

"'{lIS +�

You therefore see real people in our branding indicating that it is� service and showing the internal reach of Swets�

SwetsWise is a service-support tool, not service replaceme

sweTS i"f?

because we wanted to do it right

concept checking with customers� external consultants involvement� usability tests� beta-testing with limited set of customers� 2nd release in summer

and make this the best library support tool

Designed for libraries with librarian:'


Conference on Customcr·Fccu"ed ClllttJre 2008, Elle.rgi..Jng and Empo..,<!ring QunUty StrategIc" Toward the Customer-Driven Organisations, 9-1lth ,Iune 2008.

Th" Zan Regency Hotel, Johor B..hru, Johor


Other nev',J sol tions that played a key role_

eBooks - partnership with Ingram's MyiLibrary

NewspaperDirect - online newspapers

Purchase of ScholarlyStats - usage statistics

SwetsWise Searcher

sweTS ·S(~


The service itself is valuable

- aggregating usage data - standardiZing the data - presenting stats in meaningful ways

But it is part of a bigger plan. ScholanyStafs Processing


a:t'I'so..:~,)t(plj tnd dM!"h>"lJl"<j f'l1Xl't~ /'I" CJt'!'""tftlU:d

L' --:= Dd"IV&'Tt:lltoU"" J.'lt~rlto~t':'Jr~

'J<:h4lNJvSt:"t,;pnrtllJ 1I,,'rtJ1~nl~IN"QUf.t


Con!""r"",, > OJl Cu,;tOlneY-~ocu>;"dCulture ~,008· EncY1?sini: and Empow.:<ing Qunlfty Strl\n:'glfl Toward the CUe1'omer·Drh7I'fi OrganuUltion". 9·1Ith June 2008.

The lion Hegency Hot,ot. Johor Bahcu, Jahar


Agents should assist more in cKquisltlon process...

r---\We have so much information: - titles� - bibliographical information ~ - price information�

Add: ACCESSsweTSwisc- usage statistics�

- citation scores�

And we can build a true acquisition supp

We cali it Selection Support fol' now ..

It will provide information like:

price per click i:J: low usage journals i:J: alternatives in specific subject fields i:J: scenario analysis on adding/deleting journals i:J: information on journals which are part of a package

allowing you to make the best acquisition decisions.


l l "Ie.'.u,"· (,II u .• te·ill' I .,~,,>cd Cul u,<.. 200&: Energi,lill" QDd Empowennl!. Quality Shatell'es 'rowa,ct the Cu.tom~.r-OrlvcnOrganigntlons, 9'llth .!um; 2008

The Zon Regency Hotel, .Joho, 5ahol. Jobol'

in 20lJ8 we are launcrlillg new ::.er ic 5 and initiatives ...•

License Bank in SwetsWise

Bulk Renewals in SwetsWise

Further eBooks integration

Shibboleth authorization Main themes:

SwetsWlse ERM * Managing electronic resources

SwetsWise for Publishers * Content selection su

SwetsWise Selection Support

sweT wise

. . .• On to 2009 and beyond

We will continue to expand in Asia

We will continue to launch new services

We remain dedicated to quality and service


Confenmc£ on Customcr-Foctl",..d Culture 2008: Eocrgilling and Empo ering Quality

Strategies TOWllrd the Customer·Driven Organi"ntions. 9-11th June 2008. The Zon Regency Hotel, Johor B"hru, Johor

5 eTS I~-..

Concl usi on

F� Swets continues to build an integrated service and product offering to meet our customers diverse requirements

Swets works increasingly with technology partners to bring the latest technology

Swets continues to invest heavily in developing products and services as well as training and development of our staff

Our service is built around service excellence, based on "customer intimacy", knowledgeable skilled staff, tied to cutting edge technology.

.­Building on Customer Intimacy


sweTS SWt;"S implifies


(.,."uen,nc~ on Lu...tomer-Focu"ed lJulnlre 2008: Energising and Empowerint; Quollty Strategies Toward t1H' ustoltler-Drlven Organi:!."tions, 9 11th .June 2008_

The Zon Regcncy Hotel, ,Johor Bahru. Johor


Farah Lange is the Consortia & Publisher Manager, Asia at Swets

Singapore. She holds a Masters in Management and Bachelor of Arts

in Literature & Mass Communication. She has been working with

Swets Singapore for three years and has an eight years experience in

the publishing industry.