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Modul 37: Kaedah Balikan (Reversal) -- Mencari Idea Atau Membentangkan Idea

37.1 Kaedah ini ialah bentuk termudah bagi teknik "batu loncatan". Ambil cara sesuatu perkara itu lazimnya dilakukan dan terbalikkan untuk menghasilkan idea baru.  

37.2 Kaedah batu loncatan menggunakan provokasi untuk menghasilkan "situasi perantara", dan dari kedudukan perantaraan (idea baru yang tidak dapat diaplikasikan) dilakukan pula "gerakan" untuk sampai ke idea yang dikehendaki. Walaupun idea perantara tidak dapat diaplikasikan tetapi sangat berharga kerana "nilai gerakan" yang dimilikinya. Sebenarnya, ada tiga kaedah yang berlainan yang menggunakan teknik "batu loncatan". Dua kaedah lagi ialah kaedah membesar-besarkan (exaggeration) dan kaedah pengherotan (distortion).

37.3 Berbalik kepada kaedah pemikiran balikan. Katalah anda dan keluarga melawat zoo. Tiba-tiba harimau garang terlepas dari kandangnya. Anda boleh menyelamatkan diri dan keluarga anda dengan berhadapan dengan harimau itu dan mengepungnya masuk semula ke kandang. Lebih mudah lagi, anda boleh gunakan idea balikan. Anda dan keluarga masuk ke kandang harimau dan mengunci diri di dalam kandang itu sehingga bantuan datang.

37.4 Pertimbangkan satu lagi keadaan. Katalah anda dihadapi masalah pencemaran sungai yang dilakukan oleh kilang-kilang di sepanjang sungai itu. Semakin jauh ke hilir, semakin parah pencemaran (kerana semakin banyak bahan buangan yang memasuki sungai itu). Anda boleh fikirkan penyelesaian melalui provokasi, misalnya:

po sesebuah kilang patut dibina di hilir kilang itu sendiri

Pernyataan ini kelihatan tidak logik. Memang pun tidak logik. Ia tidak dapat diaplikasikan. Kita gunakan “nilai gerakan” pernyataan itu untuk memikirkan sesuatu penyelesaian. Misalnya, idea yang terbit dari provokasi ini ialah “sesebuah kilang diperintahkan mengambil air bersih dari sebelah hilir kedudukannya dan membuang air kotor di sebelah hulu kedudukan itu. Dengan cara ini, kilang itu sendiri merupakan pihak pertama yang merasi akibat air buangannya”. Contoh: pertimbangkan dua provokasi balikan yang berikut:-

po Pak Pandir pandai po Mat Jenin kahwin dengan puteri raja

Dua provokasi ini telah saya gunakan (pada dua masa yang berlainan) untuk menghasilkan sajak “Pak Pandai” dan “Mat Jeni”. Kedua-dua sajak itu telah tersiar dalam majalah Dewan Budaya.

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37.5 Kaedah balikan dapat juga dimanfaatkan untuk menimbulkan kesan tertentu dalam sajak anda.

Contoh Dari puisi "Namamu Mengharum Hormat" oleh Irwan Abu Bakar anda dapat temui ungkapan yang berikut:

sebuah pingat menjadi agung kerana padanya namamu sudi kautumpangkan

Dalam ungkapan di atas, keadaan lazim apabila pingat yang dianugerahkan akan menjadikan seseorang individu itu "agung" (dihormati) telah diterbalikkan. Hasilnya adalah suatu penghormatan yang amat tinggi kepada individu berkenaan apabila dikatakan individu itu (penerima pingat) yang menyebabkan pingat menjadi agung (dihormati).

Terbalikkan Benda.

OK, bila duk kt ofis sorang time rehat tu, cuba tunggang terbalikkan sesuatu benda (pensil ke, mug ke, gambar ke).. Other ways mcm selak2 kertas, click mouse pakai tangan kiri, juga boleh stimulate kan otak sebelah kanan (kreatif).. Nampak x? even perkara kecil pn boleh menyumbang kpd creativity kt.. Otak manusia mempunyaicorak-tabiat yang sering mengaburkan corak lain, lebih halus di tempat kerja;mengubah orientasi perkara boleh menyembunyikan corak yang lebih jelas danmembuat corak lain muncul (ok, ni aku google bulat2..x faham?hahaha) Maksudnya lebih kurang camnilah..aku bagi contoh la senang, kita ada masalah, kita cuba bayangkan bagaimana cara kita nk setelkan mslh tu dgn pelbagai kaedah&solution & finally we'll get a positive outcome..try it out!!

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 Bekerja Secara Terbalik.

Cuba buat sesuatu kerja secara terbalik. contohnya macam ni..Kita dah plan keja dari A-Z tapi cuba buat kerja on plan tadi bermula dengan Z ke A. Working backwards breaks the brain’s normal conception of causality. This is the key to backwards planning, for example, where you start with a goal and think back through the steps needed to reach it until you get to where you are right now. tapi yg ni rarely practise kot..Sebab kita dah biasa buat keja dari A smpai Z..jarang sgt org buat terbalik..agak susah tp blh try..

S Substitute

Remove some part of the accepted situation, thing, or concept and replace it with something else.

C Combine

Join, affiliate, or force together two or more elements of your subject matter and consider ways that such a combination might move you toward a solution.

A Adapt

Change some part of your problem so that it works where it did not before. 

M Modify

Consider many of the attribute of the thing you're working on and change them, arbitrarily, if necessary. Attributes include: size, shape, other dimensions, texture, color, attitude, position, history, and so on.

P Purpose (Put to other use)

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Modify the intention of the subject. Think about why it exists, what it is used for, what it's supposed to do. Challenge all of these assumptions and suggest new and unusual purposes.

E Eliminate

Arbitrarily remove any or all elements of your subject, simplify, reduce to core functionality

R Reverse

Change the direction or orientation. Turn it upside-down, inside-out, or make it go backwards, against the direction it was intended to go or be used. 

R Rearrange

Similar to Reverse, modify the order of operations or any other hierarchy involved.

SCAMPER Method :

. Substitute :

1. Mengganti background standard dengan background yang berbeda yang mewakili isi forum, misal forum sports, memiliki gambar background yang berhubungan dengan olahraga.

2. Mengganti forum disturbing picture dengan artistic / abstract picture.

3. Mengganti domain us dengan com atau, sehingga lebih umum dimataorang indonesia

4. Mengganti desain forum bulletin board dengan rancangan forum sendiri( desainer forum )

. Combine : Mengkombinasikan antara KasPay dengan website (, sehingga proses pembayaran di Forum Jual Beli akan terintegrasi dengan web, yang akan mempercepat dan meningkatkan efisiensi dalam proses pembayaran antara penjual dan pembeli.

. Adapt : Mengadaptasi laman Facebook profile untuk tampilan user profile di Kaskus.

. Put to other uses : Dapat pula dimanfaatkan oleh para pelaku bisnis, politisi, ataupun mahasiswa, untuk mendapatkan data pendapat dari kaskuser mengenai sesuatu (kuesioner, desain tempat, program kerja)

. Elimination :

Menghapus forum-forum yang mengandung unsur negatif

. Re-arrange :

1. Memisahkan antara forum biasa dan transaksi jual beli

2. Membagi kumpulan thread dalam kategori tertentu

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I applied "SCAMPER" to the idea " Sink with a spin cycle - labeled with arrows so that it looks like the whole basin rotates on an axis."

Substitute - I focused on the "parody" aspect of "substitute" and came up with a sink that looks like a top loading

washing machine, rectangular in shape with a middle pillar and a lid.

Combine - I combined the sink with the design of a birdbath ("Can I combine or merge it with other objects?") and decided the water would come from a hose outside, rather than mounting a faucet on it.

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Adapt - "Is there something similar, but in a different context?" I thought of DJ's turntables that also rotate, and you could find a way to make the sink make music when rotated, or hold a record on the top and have it work as a joint record player and sink.

Magnify - Can it be made smaller? I came up with a "countertop" version at a smaller scale to wash delicates.

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Put to other use - What else can it be used for? I looked at my "birdbath" drawing and saw that it looked like a wineglass. You could fill a wineglass with (colored?) liquid, find a way to make it rotate and add lighting from beneath, and make it into a pretty decorative lamp.

Eliminate - What's unnecessary or can be removed? Perhaps all that's important is the rotation mechanism, and an existing product can be used for the basin, such as a bucket.

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Rearrange - Are there other layouts I can use? I changed the shape of the basin from a bowl to a flat donut - perhaps a thin layer of water can be used to submerge clothes laid flat, rather than the traditional method of submerging them.

SCAMPER is really easy to use.First, take an existing product or service. This could be one that you want to improve, one that you're currently having problems with, or one that you think could be a good starting point for future development.Then, ask questions about the product you identified, using the SCAMPER mnemonic to guide you. Brainstorm as many questions and answers as you can. (We've included some example questions, below.)Finally, look at the answers that you came up with. Do any stand out as viable solutions? Could you use any of them to create a new product, or develop an existing one? If any of your ideas seem viable, then you can explore them further.

Example QuestionsLet's look at some of the questions you could ask for each letter of the SCAMPER mnemonic:

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Substitute What materials or resources can you substitute or swap to improve the product?

What other product or process could you use?

What rules could you substitute?

Can you use this product somewhere else, or as a substitute for something else?

What will happen if you change your feelings or attitude toward this product?

Combine What would happen if you combined this product with another, to create something new?

What if you combined purposes or objectives?

What could you combine to maximize the uses of this product?

How could you combine talent and resources to create a new approach to this product?

Adapt How could you adapt or readjust this product to serve another purpose or use?

What else is the product like?

Who or what could you emulate to adapt this product?

What else is like your product?

What other context could you put your product into?

What other products or ideas could you use for inspiration?

Modify How could you change the shape, look, or feel of your product?

What could you add to modify this product?

What could you emphasize or highlight to create more value?

What element of this product could you strengthen to create something new?

Put to Another Use Can you use this product somewhere else, perhaps in another industry?

Who else could use this product?

How would this product behave differently in another setting?

Could you recycle the waste from this product to make something new?

Eliminate How could you streamline or simplify this product?

What features, parts, or rules could you eliminate?

What could you understate or tone down?

How could you make it smaller, faster, lighter, or more fun?

What would happen if you took away part of this product? What would you have in its place?

Reverse What would happen if you reversed this process or sequenced things differently?

What if you try to do the exact opposite of what you're trying to do now?

What components could you substitute to change the order of this product?

What roles could you reverse or swap?

How could you reorganize this product?

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