Page 1: Elp Saiful Azwan Refleksi




On Friday, 12 July of 2013, me and my entire classmate received a mini coursework

of English Language Profiency subject from our lecturer, Madam Saroja. She gave us a

briefing about the questions given.


First of all, I want to thank our lecturer, Madam Saroja, for giving this assignment,

and for teaching us so much about English Language Profiency. Secondly, I want to thank

my parent, Sundian bin Sapaun and Hamina binti John, for giving their support since I

entered this Institute. They helped me so much that I can’t count the time when they helped

me. I’ll give my best for them. Next, I want to thank my group members, Chok and Haliza for

their teamwork in this project.

From this assignment, we were told to select a common place of interest abroad that

we think may benefit the students. After that we were told to write a formal letter of approval

to the director of IPG Kampus Bahasa Melayu. Then we were told to write and attach a

working paper to organize the educational trip, stating all the important details that we think

may convince the director of IPG Kampus Bahasa Melayu to approve the plan. We were

also told to carry out a 5 to 10 minutes oral presentation to convince the director of IPG

Kampus Bahasa Melayu. We were required to use Powerpoint slides for the presentation. In

the process of finishing our coursework, I have learnt some important things in my life such

as teamwork. A teamwork is very important in a group, because if every members in the

group worked together and put all their commitment in the work, the production of the

group’s task will be excellent.

 Another thing that I learned was how to participate in a real-world experience using

cooperative learning techniques and time management via group discussions, interpreting,

analyzing and displaying information in writing form, applying knowledge of language

structure and language conventions in oral and written forms, integrating all four

communication skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to accomplish the task,

and assessing my own language progress via a reflective report in our assignment. I’m more

understood and I’m able to  master the subject that was taught by our lecturer, Madam

Saroja, after doing this coursework.

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I want to thank my group members for giving a very excellent commitment and

cooperation in the process of completing this project. I suggest that we make a competition

for the best assignment, and the winner’s working paper will be a reality . This competition

would make the entire student trying their best. I enjoyed so much in doing this assignment.

Thank you.

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