b. inggeris upsr paper 1

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  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Section A Word Level

    Choose the best word to fill in the blanks

    1. Frogs and turtles can live on land and in water. They are __________.

    A. reptilesB. mammalsC. amphibians

    2. My brother is maing a __________ !or my pet rabbits.

    A. coopB. hutchC. ennel". burrow

    #. The __________ o! a tree holds the tree to the ground.

    A. rootB. barC. trun". thorn

    $. My grandparents have two children. They are my !ather and __________.

    A. auntB. mother C. brother

    ". grand!ather

    %. Aeroplanes are ept in a large building called __________.

    A. hangarB. terminalC. lighthouse". garage

    &. __________ is the currency used by the people o! 'ndonesia.

    A. (upeeB. (upiahC. Baht". )eso


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    *. There are __________ months in a year.

    A. sevenB. twelveC. thirty". !our

    +. The boy wipes his !ace with a __________.

    A. towelB. apronC. singlet". bib

    ,. The supplier stored all the goods in the __________.

    A. hangarB. garageC. warehouse". lighthouse

    1-. Aishah wears a beauti!ul scar! around her __________.

    A. elbowB. thighC. nec". nee

    11. Moneys swing !rom tree to tree but horses __________.

    A. waddleB. gallopC. crawl". swim

    12. A!ter sweeping mother cleaned the !loor with a __________.

    A. watering canB. broom

    C. soap". mop

    1#. The tour guide too us to watch the bees in the __________.

    A. nestB. aviaryC. apiary". a/uarium


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    1$ Aisya was cold so she wore a __________ to eep hersel! warm.

    A. towelB. turbanC. blanet". cardigan

    1% A0man cannot see well. e has to see an __________.

    A. opticianB. engineerC. accountant

    1&. A!eeda uses a __________ to gather the dried leaves.

    A. raeB. spadeC. sicle

    1*. oshua3s mother uses a __________ to separate the tea leaves.

    A. spatulaB. strainer C. !ish slice". can opener

    1+. 4usie has to call a _____________ to unloc her bedroom door.

    A. 5ewellerB. labourer

    C. locsmith". blacsmith

    1,. 4he can even see an old _________ where the !armer used to grind grains into !lour.

    A. mineB. mintC. mill". minaret

    2-. 4iti a5ar bought a pot o! __________ !or her mother on Mother6s day.

    A. bougainvilleaB. orchidsC. cannas". roses


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    21. The __________ !or my computer is not woring well. 't needs to be replaced.

    A. ratB. catC. mouse". spider

    22. Mrs. 7im bought a !ish !rom the __________ in the maret.

    A. !armerB. butcher C. !isherman". !ishmonger

    2#. There wasn6t any __________ le!t in the tube.

    A. soapB. powder

    C. toothpaste". toothbrush

    2$ The opening ceremony o! the 48A 9ames was held at the Buit alil __________.

    A. ArenaB. 4tadiumC. Comple:". Auditorium

    2%. A gardener uses a __________ to dig a hole in the garden.

    A. hoeB. raeC. broom". house pipe

    2&. amilah is sewing the torn sirt. 4he will need a needle thread and a _________ to sew it.

    A. sawB. ni!eC. sicle". pair o! scissors


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    2*. The !rog __________ to the pond.

    A. walsB. runsC. sips". hops

    2+. The dog __________ loudly when it sees a stranger.

    A. neighsB. croasC. roars". bars

    2,. )aper is to pencil as _______________ is to saucer.

    A. glassB. bowl

    C. plate". cup

    #-. The headmaster will buy a new set o! bow and arrows !or the __________ competition.

    A. top;spinningB. bowlingC. ite !lying". archery


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    #$. The policeman warned the motorcyclist !or not wearing a __________.

    A. masB. helmetC. raincoat". hat

    #%. The room is too dar. 4witch on the __________.

    A. !anB. lightC. radio". machine

    #&. A __________ is a land transport.

    A. carB. hovercra!t

    C. aeroplane". yacht

    #*. An __________ designs and draws buildings.

    A. architectB. engineer C. electrician". lawyer

    #+. The __________ were nervous when they danced on the stage.

    A. customersB. membersC. contestants

    #*. 4he ordered a ring and a chain !rom the __________.

    A. blacsmithB. goldsmithC. barber

    #+. The __________ gave away the pri0es to the e:cellent students.

    A. butcherB. headmasterC. cobbler


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    #,. Ali6s car broe down. e needs to tae it to the __________.

    A. barberB. mechanicC. technician". electrician

    $-. The __________ carried all the guests6 bags to the hotel room.

    A. maidB. waitressC. porter

    $1. The __________ in the singing contest was a !ive;year;old girl.

    A. winnerB. participantC. candidate

    $2. The __________sells !ish crabs and prawns at the maret.

    A. green grocerB. !ishermanC. !ishmonger

    $2. Mariam is buying some meat !rom the __________.

    A. !armerB. !ishermanC. butcher

    $#. My neighbour =asmah who is married to my __________ became an engineer lastmonth.

    A. brotherB. !ather C. uncle". nephew

    $$. The astronauts traveled to the moon by a __________.

    A. submarine

    B. busC. space ship". helicopter 5et


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    $%. My uncle6s daughter is my __________.

    A. motherB. sisterC. niece". cousin

    $&. 4heila6s mother is my aunt. 4o ' am 4heila6s __________.

    A. nephewB. cousinC. son;in;law

    $*. The >rebana6 is a traditional __________ musical instrument.

    A. 'ndianB. =ada0anC. Malay

    $+. 7et6s play badminton. "o you have a rac/uet and a __________?

    A. shuttlecocB. ball shuttlecocC. hat

    $,. A snail moves __________.

    A. slowlyB. /uietly

    C. noisily". patiently

    %-. My brother slipped the ring onto my __________ !inger and smiled.

    A. mother6sB. sister in law6sC. aunt6s

    %1. @ou need the correct __________ to play any sports.

    A. e/uipments

    B. toolsC. stationeries


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    %#. A bird __________.

    A. hopsB. runsC. !lies

    %$. A __________ is a mammal that lives in the water.

    A. dolphinB. sharC. bird". worm

    %%. A young o! a duc is called __________.

    A. ittenB. toadC. ducling

    %&. The ___________ managed to steal valuables !rom that rich man6s house.

    A. policeB. thie! C. pirate". guard

    %*. A dog lives in a __________.

    A. stableB. ennel

    C. barn

    %+. The two __________ swam behind the mother duc.

    A. duclingsB. cygnetsC. chics

    %,. The home o! bees is called a __________.

    A. nestB. beehive

    C. shell

    &-. A cobra is a member o! the _________ !amily.

    A. lionB. crocodileC. snae". bird


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    &1. A snae hisses but a bird __________.

    A. growlsB. neighsC. chirps". bars

    &2. A __________ carries its young in its pouch.

    A. moneyB. angarooC. mouse". deer

    . A __________ has beauti!ul patterns on its !eathers.

    A. eagleB. swan

    C. peacoc

    &$. The __________ is the largest bird that cannot !ly.

    A. ostrichB. tureyC. goose

    &%. The __________ will change into a butter!ly.

    A. maggotB. caterpillar

    C. grub". tadpole

    &&. 'nsects lie house!lies and __________ can cause harm!ul diseases.

    A. butter!liesB. mos/uitoesC. dragon!lies

    &*. An elephant has two big ears and a long __________.

    A. sin

    B. tusC. trun". tail

    &+. A __________ is a reptile that can change according to the surrounding.

    A. snailB. antC. chameleon


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    &,. The __________ are hunted by illegal hunters !or their tuss.

    A. bu!!aloesB. ratsC. elephants". cows

    *-. The carpenter uses a __________ to cut the plan.

    A. sawB. sicleC. scissors". ni!e

    *2. )a 4amad the !armer uses a __________ to dig a hole in the ground.

    A. a:eB. hoe

    C. saw

    *#. (ahmah needs a __________ to calculate the !igures immediately.

    A. mugB. calculatorC. camera". rae

    *$. My mother uses a __________ to type her letters.

    A. computer

    B. eyboardC. calculator

    *%. @ou cannot see well i! you do not wear your __________.

    A. stethoscopeB. microscopeC. microphone". spectacles

    *&. (oller sating is a dangerous sport. @ou need to wear a __________ to protect yourhead.

    A. capB. helmetC. hat


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    **. The police on duty will always carry a pistol and a pair o! __________ with him.

    A. ni!eB. handcu!!sC. a:e". chopper

    *+. (amu ran round the __________ during the $-- metres race.

    A. stadiumB. tracC. !ield

    *,. My mother wants to !ry some chicen. 4he pours some __________ into the !rying pan.

    A. waterB. milC. oil

    ". sauce

    +-. )n. =amala puts the !lowers in a __________.

    A. bowlB. glassC. vase

    +1. My maid ept the vegetables in the __________.

    A. pressure cooerB. incinerator

    C. re!rigerator

    +2. ' wear a pair o! __________ when ' go 5ogging.

    A. sneaersB. bootsC. slippers". sandals

    +#. Mr. 7ee used a __________ to paint the wall.

    A. broom

    B. brushC. cloth". pad


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    +$. Tec Chun wore her traditional costume a __________ !or Chinese ew @ear.

    A. cheongsamB. sareeC. ba5u urung". salwa amee0

    +%. A!ter __________ !or a month Muslims celebrate ari (aya Aidil!itri.

    A. eatingB. !astingC. woring". celebrating

    +&. ashim is wearing a __________ made o! leather.

    A. beltB. socs

    C. tie". scar!

    +*. The beauti!ul lady wears a __________ on her head.

    A. helmetB. glovesC. hat

    ++. The hawer sells !ood at the __________

    A. maret

    B. groceryC. shop". stall

    +,. Tina was sent to the __________ a!ter her parents died.

    A. storeB. hangarC. orphanage". prison

    ,-. )eople buy stamps !rom the __________.

    A. post o!!iceA. B hospitalB. C hut


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    ,1. )hillip6s uncle is a mon. e lives in a __________.

    A. mos/ueB. templeC. church

    ,2. Christians pray in the __________.

    A. mos/ueB. templeC. church". pagoda

    ,#. e usually put the re!rigerator and the oven in the __________.

    A. dining roomB. itchenC. bathroom

    ". porch

    ,$. The pupils buy !ood !rom the __________.

    A. canteenB. !ieldC. library". classroom

    ,%. My !ather eeps his car in the __________.

    A. barn

    B. terminalC. lighthouse". garage

    ,&. The !ootball game was held at the nearest __________.

    A. stadiumB. cinemaC. studio

    ,*. The opening ceremony o! the Commonwealth 9ames was held at the Busan


    A. ArenaB. Comple:C. 4tadium". Auditorium


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    ,+. ohn was late and he missed the __________ so he has to cycle to school.

    A. aeroplaneB. busC. train". ship

    ,,. A5ib went to his son6s house in )utra5aya by __________.

    A. shipB. ta:iC. boat". sampan

    1--. ___________ moves underwater.

    A. shipB. submarine

    C. boat


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Section A Phrase Level

    Choose the best phrases to complete the paragraph

    amal6s hobby is rearing !ish. e eeps his !ish in __________D1E.

    e ___________D2E with his !ood. amal decorates his

    a/uarium with ________________D#E

    1. A. a plastic bowlB. a round cageC. a wooden hutch". a glass a/uarium

    2. A. !eeds the !ishB. eats the !ishC. catches the !ish". cleans the !ish

    #. A. seaweed and rocsB. grass and weedsC. stones and weeds". seaweed and pebbles


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    't is 4aturday morning. Badrul and his !amily are having brea!ast

    ______________D$E. There is a _____________D%E and

    some caes on the table. 'n the middle o! the table is a _________D&E

    $. A. in the itchenB. at the parC. in the bedroom

    ". at the garden

    %. A. bowl o! soupB. loa! o! breadC. bo: o! cereals". plate o! sandwiches

    &. A. vase o! !lowersB. stal o! !lower C. pacet o! !lower ". a bou/uet o! !lowers


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Mr. Tong is a rich man. e owns ____________D*E in town.

    Many people buy things at his shops. @esterday (a5u bought _____________D+E

    and ___________ D,E at his shop. Mr. Tong also

    sells clothes and stationery.

    *. A. a row o! shophousesB. a line o! shophousesC. a row o! shops and houses

    +. A. a bo: o! riceB. a sac o! riceC. a pacet o! rice

    ,. A. a tin o! oilB. a bo: o! oilC. a bottle o! oil". a pacet o! oil


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    A small computer that can be carried around is called ____________D1-E.

    't is commonly used nowadays because it is ________D11E.

    owever this small computer is e:pensive. That is why not many people can


    1-. A. an e:pensive laptopB . a personal laptopC. a computer laptop

    11. A. small but heavyB. cheap and a!!ordableC. available in computer shops". convenient to carry around

    12. A. a!!ord to buy itB. sell their computer C. wor with a computer.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Mr 7ee is a lawyer. e is ______________ D1#E. e carries

    along with him _____________D1$E when he goes to

    wor. e is a very diligent lawyer and is _____________ D1%E

    1#. A. as busy as a beeB. as !ast as a deer C. as brave as a lion". as silent as a mouse

    1$. A. a it o! tools

    B. a pile o! !ilesC. a library o! boos". an album o! photographs

    1%. A. as silly as a goatB. as !ierce as a tiger C. as stubborn as a mule". as hardworing as an ant


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    7ast wee 8nci Ali drove to Batu )ahat. n the way he saw

    ________ D1&E . e stopped to _____________D1*E.

    e bought ______________D1+E !rom a shop.

    1&. A. lines o! shopsB. rows o! shopsC. stacs o! shops". !loors o! shops

    1*. A. eat in restaurantB. wal in par

    C. run in a !ield". read in the car

    1+. A. two cups o! drinsB. two bags o! !oodC. two bottles o! water ". two bo:es o! !ood


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    8nci 4ai!ul wants to plant tomatoes in his garden. First he uses a hoe or spade to

    _________D1,E. e:t he clears away __________D2-E.

    Then he uses along stic to mae holes in the soil. e ensure the holes are

    in___________D21E 7astly he puts a !ew seeds into each

    hole and covers them with some soil

    1,. A. mi: the sandB. add !ertili0er C. loosen the soil

    2-. A. e:tra water B. muddy earthC. weeds and stones". roots and leaves

    21. A. neat rowsB. neat bushC. round patch


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4arina is maing an egg sandwich. First she _______________D22E.

    e:t she ____________D2#E into thin slices. Then she

    _____________D2$E on two slices o! bread. Finally she puts the

    egg on the bread.

    22. A. !ries an eggB. boils an eggC. scrambles an egg

    2#. A. cuts the eggB. chops the eggC. mashes the egg

    2$. A. taes butter B. pours butter C. spreads butter


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    )uan 7ela wants to mae a cup o! tea. First she ___________D2%E

    and puts a tea bag into a cup. A!ter pouring the hot water into the cup she then

    ______________D2&E and ____________ D2*E

    to taste.

    2%. A. boils some teaB. boils the ettleC. boils some water

    2&. A. brews the teaB. drins the teaC. washes the tea

    2*. A. adds some milB. adds some sugar C. drins some tea


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    There is ________________D2+E in the 5ungle. They are

    carrying ___________D2,E each. They are going to


    2+. A. a team o! scoutsB. a troop o! scoutsC. an army o! scouts

    2,. A. a stac o! plansB. a bundle o! stics

    C. a bunch o! branches

    #-. A. build a !ireB. play with !ireC. coo some !ood


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Ma 7imah is very angry. er son _______________ D#1E

    on her new _______________ D#2E . 4o Tina her daughter bought


    ________________ D##E to calm her down.

    #1 A spilled orange 5uice

    B poured orange 5uice

    C splashed orange 5uice

    #2 A set o! chairs

    B set o! so!a

    C chest o! drawers

    ## A plate o! chocolates

    B bowl o! chocolates

    C pac o! chocolates

    " bo: o! chocolates


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    8nci Maniam went to a grocery shop last night. is wi!e ased him to buy

    __________ D#$E and a ______________D#%E


    n his way bac he bought _______________ D#&E

    at the !ruit stall.

    #$ A a bunch o! bread

    B a slice o! bread

    C a loa! o! bread

    #% A a tin o! sardines

    B a bottle o! sardines

    C a pacet o! sardines

    #& A a crate o! bananas

    B a comb o! bananas

    C a bunch o! bananas


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Chong ei is a good boy. 8very day he__________ D#*E .

    to school. The bicycle was given to him on his 1-thbirthday.

    8very weeends he _______________ D#+E . so that it will be

    always clean and shinning. e sometimes cycles to the stall and library near his house. e loves

    __________ D#,E boos !rom the library.

    #* A drives his bicycle

    B carries his bicycle

    C rides his bicycle

    #+ A will bathe his bicycle

    B will wash his bicycle

    C will wal his bicycle

    #, A to read and borrow

    B to tae pictures !rom

    C to buy


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    The school concert was wonder!ul. First a _________D$-E

    !rom the Music Club played popular Malaysian !ols songs and we all sang along.

    Then a ____________D$1E !rom the 8nglish 4ociety sang a !ew songs

    !or us. The concert was attended by a large ____________D$2E .

    $- A sta!! o! musicians

    B collection o! musicians

    C band o! musicians

    " string o! musicians

    $1 A choir o! singers

    B class o! singers

    C cluster o! singers

    " party o! singers

    $2 A crowd o! people troupe o! people

    B sta!! o! people

    C troupe o! people

    " pac o! people


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Marina wants to tae part in her school annual concert. 4he reads a notice __________ D$#E

    . 't invites pupils to audition !or the concert.

    Marina ________ D$$E. 4he sings in !ront o! the teachers and

    her !riends. A!ter the audition one teacher _________ D$%E

    who have been selected. Marina6s name is called out. 4he has been chosen to 5oin the concert.

    $# A on the school noticeboard

    B in the concert lea!let

    C on the school noticeboard

    " on the school wall

    $$ A practises !or the concert

    B goes !or the audition

    C participates in the concert

    $% A scolds the pupils in the hall

    B announces the names o! the pupils C tals to the teachers at the concert


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Carol was playing hide and see with her !riends. 4he hid behind a

    ___________D$&E. As she was hiding she saw a ________ D$*E

    4oon a ____________D$+E also passed by but there was no sign o!

    her !riends.

    $& A clump o! trees

    B bo: o! trees

    C bunch o! trees

    $* A pride o! geese

    B gaggle o! geese

    C giggle o! geese

    $+ A !loc o! birds

    B shoal o! bu!!aloes

    C herd o! bu!!aloes


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Today is 4aturday. My aunt is clearing her ___________ D$,E

    'n the bottom drawer she !inds her missing __________ D%-EE and a

    ___________ D%1E

    $, A pac o! drawers

    B bundle o! drawers

    C set o! drawers

    %- A bunch o! pearls

    B pac o! pearls

    C string o! pearls

    " line o! pearls

    %1 A drawer o! letters

    B tie o! letters

    C bundle o! letters


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    't is 4aturday morning. 4hahid and his !amily are having brea!ast

    __________D%2E. At the centre o! the table there is a___________D%#E

    There are also a _________D%$E and bo: o! chocolate cereals.

    %2. A. in the itchen

    B. at the par

    C. in the bedroom

    ". at the garden

    %#. A. vase o! !lowers

    B. stal o! !lower

    C. pacet o! !lower

    ". a bou/uet o! !lowers

    %$. A. bowl o! soup

    B. loa! o! bread

    C. plate o! sandwiches


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4alina is going to wor. 4he _______________ D%%E

    every day. 4he stops her car when the _______________ D%&E .

    A!ter the tra!!ic lights she _______________ D%*E . 4alina

    is a care!ul driver.

    %% A cycles to wor

    B rides to wor

    C drives to wor

    %& A tra!!ic light is red

    B tra!!ic light turns not woring

    C tra!!ic light is blue

    %* A turns le!t

    B turns around

    C goes straight


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    =amal _____________ D%+E at %.#- a.m.

    every morning. e _____________ D%,E

    and brushes his teeth. Then he ____________ D&-E

    %+ A waes up

    B goes to bed

    C maes the bed

    %, A taes a bath

    B gives a bath

    C maes a bath

    &- A !olds his school uni!orm

    B irons his school uni!orm

    C hangs his school uni!orm

    " puts on his school uni!orm


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    This is )a =arim6s _____________ D&$E. They

    live in a garden where )a =arim plants __________D&%E

    )a =arim always eeps the garden tidy and _______________ every month. D&&E.

    &$ A pupils and !ans

    B sister and !riends

    C !riends and !amily

    " wi!e and children

    &% A rows o! !lowers

    B lanes o! !lowers

    C rails o! !lowers

    && A cuts the hedges

    B trims the hedges

    C breas the hedges


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    )a Mat is in his garden. e is planting a __________ D&*E .

    e ____________ D &+ E to dig a hole.

    A ________ D &,E is around him eating some worms.

    &* A banana plant

    B banana seeds

    C bunch o! bananas

    &+ A uses a hoe

    B uses a raeC uses a spade

    &, A herd o! chics

    B brood o! chics

    C group o! chics


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Abu and (amu are good !riends. They went to the town

    to buy a _______________ D*-E and used it as a bait.

    They wanted to _______________ D*1E. They also

    _______________ D*2E I

    *- A bucet o! worms

    B pacet o! worms

    C pail o! worms

    " baset o! worms

    *1 A going !ishing

    B goed !ishing

    C go !ishing

    " went !ishing

    *2 A pac their !ishing nets

    B buy their !ishing boots

    C bring their !ishing rods


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    't was a hot and sunny day. Ahmad was _______________ D*#E

    . 4uddenly _______________ D*$E

    attaced him. Ahmad /uicly ran and _______________ D*%E .

    *# A picing some guavas

    B picing some durians

    C picing some rambutans

    " picing some mangosteens

    *$ A a swarm o! bees

    B a swarm o! mos/uitoes

    C a swarm o! grasshoppers

    *% A !ell into the river

    B 5umped into the river

    C swam across the river


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    ne day there was a hungry lion searching !or !ood. 't _________D*&E

    with one o! its huge paws. 't wanted to eat the mouse. The mouse begged not

    to be eaten.

    The lion agreed and decided to _________ D**E.

    The !rightened mouse ___________D*+E to its hole. 't was really its lucy day.

    *& A ate a mouse

    B saw a mouse

    C caught a mouse

    ** A set it !ree

    B eat it alive

    C mae it scared

    78 A /uicly ran bac

    B angrily went bac

    C slowly waled bac


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Today is mi0a.s birthday. 4he has invited her !riends to her birthday party.

    ______________D*,E Aunt 7i0a baed her a big chocolate cae.

    There are ________________D+-E on it . 8veryone

    ____________D+1E when 7ina blows out all the candles. Then 7ina cuts

    the cae with a ni!e.

    *, A er brother.s wi!e

    B er mother.s sister

    C er !ather.s mother

    +- A ten candies

    B twelve stics

    C twelve candles

    +1 A shaes hands

    B stamps their !eet

    C claps their hands


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    " snaps their !ingers

    @esterday my mother and ' went to the 9rand 4upermaret. ' bought

    ________________D+2E My mother bought_____________D+#E

    o! grapes. 4he also bought_____________D+$E

    because she wanted to bae a cae.

    +2 A a pair o! pants

    B a pair o! shortsC a pair o! sneaers

    +# A a comb

    B a bunch

    C a bou/uet

    +$ A a slab o! butter

    B a pacet o! !lourC a pacet o! sugar


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Milah wants to mae scrambled egg !or brea!ast. First she breas an egg

    ______________D+%E. Then she adds salt and

    ________________D+&E with a !or.

    A!ter that she heats the oil and pours the beaten egg. hen the egg is cooed she

    ___________________D+*E the stove.

    +% A into a bowl

    B into a plate

    C into a saucer

    +& A boils the eggB blends the egg

    C beats the egg

    +* A taes o!!

    B switches o!!


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    C shows o!!

    The road along Capital 4treet is very busy. There are ______________ D++E

    on both sides o! this long stretch o! road. n weeends

    _____________ D+,E come and visit the shops. They haggle with

    the shop owners and buy many things at a cheap price. A!ter their shopping they

    carry _______ D,-E to tae home !or their !amily and !riends.

    ++ A rows o! apartments

    B rows o! shops

    C bo:es o! !ood

    +, A groups o! tourists

    B crowd o! spectators

    C groups o! pupils

    ,- A bo:es o! gi!ts

    B bags o! souvenirs

    C basets o! presents


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Section A Sentence LevelStudy the pictures carefully. hen choose the best answer.

    1. A. ane is holding the organ.B. ane is playing the piano.

    C. ane is singing on the stage ". ane is reading the music note

    2.A. Meng is cutting the weeds with the

    wheelbarrowB. Meng is mowing the lawn with the mower.C. Meng is pushing the machine over the

    !ence.". Meng is cutting the grass with a sicle.

    3. A. The gardener is cleaning his hoe. B. B. Abdullah is polishing the sicle.

    C. Muthu is washing the penni!e. ". The butcher is sharpening his



  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.


    A. Jamarul is buying a !ish tanB. Jamarul is catching some !ish

    in the tanC. Jamarul is !eeding the !ish in

    the a/uarium


    A. Adila and her !riends are buying some !lowerB. Adila and her !riends are learning to the

    !lower.C. Adila and her !riends give their teacher a

    bou/uet o! !lowers.

    & . A. The gardener is trimming thehedges B. The gardener is planting a !ew

    trees C. The gardener is watering the



  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best answer.

    1-.A. There was a !lood in =ampung Atap

    B. A landslide happened in =ampung AtapC. A !ire destroyed many homes in

    =ampung Atap

    11.A. The !ireman is putting a cat on the tree

    B. The !ireman is leaving a cat on treeC. The !ireman is rescuing a cat !rom a


    12.#. A. The girls are scribbling on the paper. B. The girls are drawing pictures o! plants

    C. The girls are counting the number o! the plants


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best answer.

    1#.A. 't is raining and Ali is waiting at

    the bus station.B. A boy is holding a waling stic at the bus stopC. =amal is holding an umbrella at the bus stop.". 't is raining and Abu is waiting !or the bus

    1$.A. 4wee 7in and Aini are playing badmintonB. The girl is hitting the ball through the netC. 4ally is playing tennis with 4almah.". The girls are playing table tennis.

    1%. A. Mr. 7ee is having brea!ast at&.-- a.m

    B. My uncle is having his supper. C. Ah 4eng is having his lunch at

    1.#- pm. ". The boy is eating !ish !or dinner.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best answer.

    16. A. Ali is !ishing at a pond.B. Ali is !ishing at the beach.C. Ali has caught a !ish". Ali has netted a !ish

    1*.A. There is a pencil on the table.B. The pencil is under the table.C. There is pencil near the !loor.". The pencil is on the !loor

    1+. A. The old man is crossing the busyroad alone.

    B. The boy and an old man are walingalong the road.

    C. The old man and the boy arestanding by the road.

    ". The boy is helping an old man tocross the road.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best answer.

    1,.A. e is waiting !or the bus

    B. amid has missed the bus.C. 7ati! is waving to his !riends". The boy is waiting !or his !riends

    2-.A. 8nci 4alleh is writing a letterB. Abu is carrying the boos on the shel!.C. The man is reading a boo in his


    21. A. (a5u has a baset o! !ruits on his bicycle.

    B. The money is plucing the coconut. C. The !isherman has a baset!ul o!

    !ish ". My !ather is cycling to the o!!ice


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best answer.

    22.A. Anita is looing at the boos on the

    table.B. The maid is cleaning the itchen.C. Anita is reading a boo in the library.". Anita is dusting the table in her bedroom.

    2#.A. @ou are looing at the picture o! my school.B. This painting must be e:pensive.C. hat an ugly pictureI

    2$. A. Mr. 7im is eating a cae. B. Mr. 7im is selling caes and bread.

    C. Mr. 7im is putting a cae into theoven


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best answer.

    2%.A. 4u5en is writing a letter.B. =umari is setching a portrait.C. Basri is busy painting in his art class". an Bee )ing is admiring his !riend6s


    2&.A. Mrs. 4iva is serving !ood !or her

    !amily.B. (a5en6s !amily is having a!ternoon tea at

    home.C. The !amily is en5oying the day in the

    living room ". They are having their dinner in a

    a living room

    2* . A. My !ather is buying some pills !romthe road pharmacy

    B. Mali and ita are waiting in thehospital.

    C. "r. Bong is e:amining an old lady. ". The nurse is checing the man6s pulse.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.

    2+ A Ki5aya is !eeding the cat.

    B Ki5aya is cleaning her cat.

    C Ki5aya is playing with her cat.

    C Ki5aya is brushing the cat6s !ur.

    2, A The children are learning how

    to ride their motorcycle.

    B The children are cleaning their


    C The children are cycling outside their


    " The children are riding beside

    the houses.

    #- A Tina is wearing a hat.

    B Tina is putting on her boots.

    C Tina is hanging up her coat.

    " Tina is putting on her shoes.

    #1 A There are many people at the carnival.

    B There are many people at the beach.

    C There are many people at the road." There are many people at the !un!air.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.

    #%. A The girl is holding a doll.

    B There is a doll on the !loor.

    C The cat is sleeping on the so!a.

    " The girl is playing with her cat.

    #& A My uncle is typing a letter with his typewriter.

    B The old man is writing a letter.

    C The old man is sitting on the so!a.

    " e is using a computer to type the letter.


    A The man is sipping.

    B A woman is swimming.

    C There is nobody at the beach.

    " There is a girl eating an ice cream.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.


    A The ducs are sleeping.

    B The goats are eating grass.

    C The chics are looing !or !ood.

    " There are three cows on the !arm.


    A A car has hit a motorcycle.

    B The driver o! the car is driving.

    C A woman is coming out o! the car.

    " The motorcyclist is taling on his



    A Father is cutting the grass.

    B The boy is planting a seed.

    C Mother is smelling a rose.

    " The girl is pulling out the !lowers.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.


    A A man is combing his hair.

    B A young boy is getting a haircut.

    C The boy6s mother is taling to the


    " The old barber is reading the



    A The ittens are sleeping.

    B The boy is carrying a itten.

    C The girl is playing with the ittens.

    " The cat is watching over her ittens.


    A My !ather bought some rambutans at

    the supermaret.

    B ustin and his parents are eating


    C The boys are picing some

    rambutans !rom the tree.

    " The man is selling rambutans.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.

    $* A 4almah is !rying a !ish.

    B Anand is buying prawns.

    C alil is pacing some crabs.

    " Fa0il is !eeding his !ish.

    $+ A The 5ar is !illed with rice.

    B The 5ar is !illed with water.

    C The basin is !illed with soap.

    " The bowl is !illed with water.

    $, A Fuad rides the bicycle with his !riend.

    B =amal rides his bicycle to school.

    C anna rides her bicycle to the par.

    " 7oman pushes his bicycle to the maret.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.

    %- A a0li sat under a tree.

    B Mariam read a boo under a tree.

    C )uan (ose wrote a letter under a tree.

    " a0li !ell asleep under a tree.

    %1 A My !ather and ' went to a 5umble sale.

    B My mother and ' went to the maret.

    C My uncle and ' went to a !un !air.

    " My brother and ' went to the supermaret.

    %2 A The girls are painting some pictures.

    B The boy is teaching his brother and sister.

    C The boys are reading story boos.

    " They are watching a cartoon.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.

    %# A 7an and his sister are cleaning the van.

    B 7an and his !riend are polishing the car.

    C 7an and his sister are scrubbing the van.

    " 7an and his brother are washing the car.

    %$ A

  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.

    %& A e cycles every morning.

    B e swims in the sea everyday.

    C e plays hocey on the weeend.

    " e rides his bicycle every evening.

    %* A My sister is resting in bed.

    B My sister is in the hospital.

    C My sister is visiting my aunt.

    " My sister is taing her medicine.


    A Alina is cleaning her room.

    B Alina6s room is very messy.

    C Alina lies to eep her room tidy.

    " Alina has 5ust !inished cleaning her



  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.


    A 4he is playing with her dog.

    B 4he is bathing her dog.

    C 4he is !eeding her dog.

    " 4he is petting her dog.

    A e saw our !riends at the 0oo yesterday

    B e played at the 0oo in the evening.

    C e went to the maret yesterday.

    " e were at the 0oo yesterday.

    &$ A My uncle lies to coo in the garden.

    B My !ather lies to wor in the garden.

    C My brother lies to sleep in the garden.

    " My sister lies to sleep in the garden.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.

    &+ A The boys are clearing the table.

    B The girls are wiping the table.

    C The boys are !i:ing the table.

    " The boys are cleaning the table.

    &, A The pupils are reading in the library.

    B The pupils are doing their homewor.

    C The pupils are drawing some pictures.

    " The pupils are collecting stamps.

    *- A a0lan plays tennis in the !ield.

    B a0lan plays !ootball in the !ield.

    C a0lan plays basetball in the !ield.

    " a0lan plays hocey in the !ield.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.

    *1 A =arim is sewing a shirt.

    B )uan Aida is cutting a piece o! cloth.

    C 8nci Ali is taing some measurements.

    " alal is playing with a rope.

    *2 A Miss 7ily is teaching in the library.

    B Miss 7ily is teaching in the canteen.

    C Miss 7ily is teaching in a classroom.

    " Miss 7ily is scolding the pupils.

    *# A (oslan is reading a boo

    B Arul is playing his guitar.

    C Arul is polishing his !lute.

    " Arul is playing his drums.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.

    *$ A The boy plays with his ittens and rabbits.

    B The cats bite the boy.

    C oe gives some carrots to his rabbits.

    " My !riend !eeds his pets every day.

    *% A abil is helping his !ather in the itchen.

    B abil is peeling potatoes !or his mother.

    C abil is stirring the curry in the pot.

    " abil is cutting meat in the itchen.



  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    4tudy the pictures care!ully. Then choose the best sentence.


    A The boys played hocey in the !ield.

    B The boys played !ootball at the par.

    C The boys played netball near the river.

    " The boys played basetball in the court.

    *+ A ames celebrates his birthday today.

    B Mahmud has 5ust returned !rom the


    C The children receive gi!ts on

    Christmas "ay.

    " The children bought their mother

    a present.

    *, A ohan does his homewor

    in the a!ternoon.

    B My brother6s hobby is

    collecting stamps.

    C ohan is studying !or his

    mid;year e:amination.

    " ohan is reading a maga0ine.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    48CT' B

    Juestion 11 L 1%Choose the best sentenceto fit the situation in the pictures.







  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1



    A. o they aren6tB. @ou can have oneC. hy don6t you buy it?". @es. ould you lie to buy one?

    A. ' always tal a lot every day.B. "o you need more in!ormation?C. @ou can call me whenever you want.". ' hope the pupils will bene!it !rom it.

    A. hat is this?B. "on6t touch it.C. 't is a maga0ine.". @es ' must have dropped it.

    A. @ou are so la0y.

    B. 't is not your brother6s !ault.C. ' won6t as you have tried your best". ' don6t now whether you deserve this


    A. ho told you about it?B. 9reatI That6s a good idea.C. Are you one o! the singers?". Are you sure about going to Buit alil?






  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1



    A. ' am going home now.B. Can ' go home now?C. here are we going?". That6s a good idea.

    A. "on6t cry. '6ll help you to loo !or her.B. ' can6t help you.C. 't6s alright. 4he6s lost too.". @ou must cry loudly.

    A. Can ' have some?B. 7et6s go home and eat.C. @es it6s almost cooed.". here did you learn to coo?

    A. ' am sorry.B. 7et6s !orget about it.C. ' thought it was green.". ' didn6t see the light.

    A. ' don6t need it.B. Than you.C. Can ' help you?". 7et6s give it away.






  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1



    A. The show has 5ust started.B. e6ll be here until 11.-- pm.C. "o you now what time is it now?". ave you bought the ticet !or the show?

    A. e will be here soon.B. e stays with his parents.C. e has short and curly hair.". e wants to be an engineer.

    A. ' catch a lot o! !ish.B. 't has passed my bedtime.C. ' lie to eat !ried rice.". ' en5oy !ishing.

    A. 4he is a doctor.

    B. Are you the doctor?C. here is the doctor?". hat6s the matter with you?

    A. ' have already eaten.

    B. Than you very much.C. ' can buy them mysel!.". ' don6t lie to eat biscuits.






  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1



    A. All right sir. '6ll do it this evening.B. '6m /uite busy right now.C. Can you do it !or me sir?". @ou must cut the grass every three wees.

    A. @ou are sure the cat didn6t eat itIB. "on6t worry. '6ll eat it.C. ' gave it to our dog.". ' le!t it under the table.

    A. owI The cae loos delicious.B. Are you going to bae another cae mum?C. Mother Alya wants a slice o! it.". Am ' going to eat the cae this evening?

    A. hI hat a surprise to meet you here.B. ' don6t now. "o it yoursel!.C. (ead the instructions !rom the boolet.". As your baby brother to !i: it !or you.

    A. @es let me have the ey.B. The weight is 1- grams.C. hen are you going to post it?". ait let me weight it !irst.






  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1



    A. owI 't is very heavy.B. o the watermelon is the heaviest.C. @es the watermelon is 5ust as heavy.". hich heavy !ruit are you looing !or?

    A. ello is this 22##$$?B. 's this the 4ibu branch o! 7ion Assurance?C. Could you please give me the number o! your

    4ibu o!!ice?

    A. 8:cuse me can ' help you?B. @ou shouldn6t be out here on your own.C. 9rand!atherI ' haven6t seen you !or a long


    A. ' don6t lie pi00as.B. ' pre!er sandwiches.C. ' eat pi00as every weeend.

    A. 7et6s have lunchB. 's your grand!ather very old?

    C. hen did your grand!ather pass away?". '6m sorry to hear o! your grand!ather6s death.






  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1








    A. e should stop practicing now.B. '6m glad the match is cancelled.C. 9ood we have more time to practice.". ho told you that the match is postponed?

    A. elcome to Cameron ighlands.B. @es the plants here are beauti!ul.C. 8n5oy yourselves ids.". That6s wonder!ul idsI

    A. My pet cat gave birth to two cute little ittensB. ould you lie to have one !or a pet?C. @es these are my pet ittens.". "o you have a pet?

    A. ello can ' spea to the doctor?B. ello 's that Mutiara Clinic?C. ello pleased to meet you.". ello "octor Amir please.

    A. "o you need my help with the pro5ect?B. 7et6s do our 4cience pro5ect together.C. 4hall we do a scrap boo on insects?

    ". "on6t worry. ' will help you

  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1








    A. 7et6s go !ishing.B. 7et6s go swimming.C. e should go swimming.". e shouldn6t go !ishing now.

    A. ello how are you?B. 't6s nice to see you.C. 's he driving care!ully?". 9oodbye and drive care!ully.

    A. '6m sorry sir.B. ' lie to be late.C. hy are you late?". hy are you sorry?

    A. se your own pencil.

    B. 4ure. 't6s on my des.C. ' am not paying !or it.". ' don6t want to buy any pencil.

    A. ' don6t lie to eat bread.B. "o you lie to eat bread?C. ' want two loaves o! bread.". Can you sell me some bread?

  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1








    A. The alarm cloc did not ring.B. The bus arrived early.C. ' did not have time.

    A. "o your best.B. @ou must try to wor.C. Congratulations eep it upI". @ou must put in more e!!ort.

    A. h noI ot againIB. 8:cuse me again.C. ave you search !or them?

    A. 't is mine.

    B. '6m sorry.C. Than you.". ever mind.

    A. @ou6re welcome. 't6s my duty to do so.B. @ou have to pay me !or my time.C. @ou will get better.

    ". ever mind.

  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1








    A. ' am watching a sad movie.B. ' am watching a new movie.C. ' am watching a !unny movie.". ' am watching a thriller movie.

    A. ' studied sometimes.B. ' now my 8nglish is good.C. Than ' read many 8nglish boos nowadays.

    A. "on6t as me.B. ' must as someone.C. 't is about one and a hal! hours.

    A. ' can6t believe it.

    B. That is good Tina.C. 4how me the proo!.". ' must see your reading record.

    A. This is the boo.B. here is your boo?C. @ou boo is overdue.

    ". @ou have taen a boo.

  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1



    A ogging is a good way to e:ercise.

    B ' 5og three times a wee.

    C This is a good place to 5og.

    !#A Those buses go to 'poh.

    B 4ure you can 5oin me.

    C That one. Bus number 21.

    " '6m sorry ' cannot help you.

    !$A @es it does. 't maes me !eel hungry.

    B ould you lie something to eat?

    C ' thin it is the smell o! the lemon grass.


    A '6m sorry to hear that. Be care!ul ne:t


    B ' was very ill yesterday.

    C ' tripped while ' was waling.


    A Are these cats?

    B hat are these?

    C hat do they lie to eat?


    How often do

    you go jogging ?

    Excuse me w!ic! "us

    goes to #$m$n %$m$i ?

    & w$s 'noc'ed down

    "y $ c$( w!i)e & w$s

    c(ossing t!e (o$d.

    #!e fis! sme))s


    #!ose $(e


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Section C &rammatical 'temsChoose the best answer to complete the sentences

    1 Amin obtained the mars in his 4cience test.

    A. more

    B. mostC. some

    2. 4he sat . the clinic and waited !or the doctor.

    A. inB. toC. on". across

    #. Farahana had booed her !light ticet earlier because .. was cheap.

    A. theyB. sheC. we". it

    $. File: dressed up to go !or an interview.

    A. happilyB. smartlyC. sweetly". bravely

    %. The building was damaged recently heavy storms.

    A. becauseB. althoughC. by". so

    & The ship sails . the ocean.

    A. alongB. acrossC. through

    *. e celebrate 7abour "ay . 1sto! May.

    A. onB. inC. at


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    + The scouts .. in the 5ungle last wee.

    A. campB. campsC. camped

    ,. That is the woman .. husband is a pilot.

    A. whyB. whatC. whom". whose

    1- @ou must drive . to avoid accident.

    A. care!ullyB. reclesslyC. carelessly

    11 The thie! .. to escape by the bac door because it was loced.

    A. ableB. was ableC. was unable". could able

    12. The two policemen waled on side o! the robber.

    A. neither

    B. insideC. either ". between

    1#. nless he hurries he the train.

    A. missB. missesC. missed". will miss

    1$. This wor is very easy. .. can do it.

    A. 8verthingB. AnybodyC. obody". 4omebody


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    1%. The soldier !ought and was given a medal by the ing.

    A. wealyB. badlyC. bravely". happily

    1& (ahman was e:cited because he !lew in an aeroplane .. the !irst time.

    A. overB. !or C. on

    1*. My !riend not do the sum because it was very di!!icult.

    A. willB. mustC. could

    ". would

    1+ A .. o! bees was !lying towards the beehive on a tree.

    A. !locB. herdC. group". swarm

    1,. is our national !lower?

    A. hose

    B. hyC. hat". ow

    2-. Mr. Chan the mechanic . the green car tomorrow.

    A. will repairB. will be repairedC. repaired". is repairing

    21 My elder sister going to the cinema. 4he usually there with her!riends

    A. lies goesB. lied goesC. lie going". will be going


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    22. (osli and his brother the show twice last weeend.

    A. watchB. watchesC. watched". watching

    2#. a0imah stayed at home by while parents were away.

    A. mysel! myB. hersel! her C. himsel! him". yoursel! your

    2$. @ou must . !inish the mil put it into the re!rigerator.

    A. so i!B. so and

    C. either or ". neither nor

    2%. The thie! ran the road and hid .. some bushes.

    A. towards aboveB. across behindC. at under". away to

    2&. 8veryone happy when they received a present.

    A. areB. isC. was". were

    2*. There isn6t . rice le!t in the pot.

    A. manyB. littleC. a lot o! ". any

    2+. A day be!ore Teachers6 "ay the pupils carried chairs to the school hall.

    A. ourB. their C. your ". his


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    2,. ashim is the . boy in his class

    A. tallB. taller C. tallest". most tall

    #-. The @ear & pupils have to prepare . well be!ore )4(.

    A. ourselvesB. themselvesC. himsel!". yoursel!

    #1. =ampung (hu is almost______________ hour6s drive !rom =uantan town.

    A. is

    B. an C. the ". !ar

    #2. The angry girl ____________ the boo and threw it into the dustbin.

    A. torn B. tore C. tear ". tearing


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    #&. ______________ 4u0ana and

  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    $1. Camping ______________ an e:citing activity.

    A. wereB. isC. was". are

    $2. Asiah is very _______________ . 8veryone lies her very much.

    A. impoliteB. !riendlyC. rude". stingy

    $#. ! the three boys (oslan is the ___________ in the class.

    A. cleverB. cleverestC. cleverer

    $$. hen ' saw 7inda she ______________ her money.

    A. counts

    B. is countingC. was counting". were counting

    $%. Mr 7im6s dog ______________ his neighbour6s son last wee.

    A. bitesB. biteC. bit". bitten

    $&. 4ari!uddin6s !ingernails ______________ short and clean.

    A. amB. isC. are". was


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    $*. @ou went to the library ______________ ?

    A. isn6t itB. don6t youC. didn6t you". wasn6t you

    $+. The worers waled ___________ into the !actory because they were late !or wor.

    A. politelyB. smartlyC. hurriedly". slowly

    $,. The man placed the ladder ____________ the wall.

    A. underB. downC. below". against

    %-. There are many shophouses ______________ alan Bendahara.

    A. throughB. between

    C. along". beside

    %1. 4yahmi ___________ to school every day.

    A. wal

    B. wals

    C. waled

    ". waling

    %2 Ameera ___________ the library boos 5ust now.

    A. return

    B. returns

    C. returned

    ". returning


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    %+ Tom6s dog )luto was baring ___________ at the stranger.

    A. !iercely

    B. greedily

    C. politely

    ". shyly

    %, Mardiana got the _____________ mars !or 8nglish.

    A. high

    B. higher

    C. highest

    &- ana woe up very late _________ she had to rush !or wor.

    A. or

    B. but

    C. there!ore

    ". and

    &1 _____________ ' have the cae or the ice;cream !or my dessert ?

    A. Might

    B. 4hould

    C. ould

    ". ught

    &2 _______________is the biggest mammal on land the bu!!alo or elephant?

    A. here

    B. hich

    C. hy

    ". ho

    ________ must listen care!ully when in class.A. 't

    B. My

    C. @ou

    ". Theirs


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    &$ "amia sang ______ during the party.

    A. silently

    B. sweetly

    C. soundly

    ". grace!ully

    &% The eagle caught the chic ____________ its claws.

    A. to

    B. on

    C. with

    ". !rom

    && 4ya!ee/ is a clever boy. e ___________________ maes mistae.

    A. always

    B. seldom

    C. sadly

    ". now

    &* either Fara _________ Cathy won the dance competition.

    A. or

    B. nor

    C. and

    ". while

    &+ My !ather lives ____________ =elantan.

    A. at

    B. in

    C. !rom

    ". to


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    &, 4yahira is the __________ in her !amily.

    A. young

    B. younger

    C. youngest

    ". more young

    *- 7unch comes _________ brea!ast.

    A. a!ter

    B. be!ore

    C. on

    ". by

    *1 4hina lived here ___________ 1,,,.

    A. !or

    B. because

    C. since

    ". although

    *2 The train went _________ the tunnel.

    A. along

    B. over

    C. by

    ". through

    *# There __________ some ittens in this bo: a !ew minutes ago.

    A. is

    B. are

    C. was

    ". were


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    *$ e tried to open the door __________ it was loced.

    A. or

    B. so

    C. but

    ". and

    *%_________ ' borrow your pencil please ?

    A. Can

    B. Might

    C. May

    ". 4hould

    *& Ari! and ' went to the 0oo. _______________ went there by bus.

    A. e

    B. '

    C. 4he

    ". They

    ** @ou are getting too !at. @ou _______________ e:ercise more.

    A. ought

    B. would

    C. should

    ". might

    *+ ________________ did the players !eel a!ter winning the game ?

    A. hy

    B. ow

    C. hen

    ". here


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    *, They _____________________ home when the accident happened.

    A. is waling

    B. was waling

    C. are waling

    ". were waling

    +- e is the ____________ man ' have ever met.

    A. inder

    B. indest

    C. ind

    +1 e has been _________ in aarta !or ten years.

    A. live

    B. lives

    C. lived

    ". living

    +2 ' ____________________ my auntie now.

    A. is helping

    B. am helping

    C. are helping

    ". were helping

    +# =amil ___________ to school everyday.

    A. cycle

    B. cycles

    C. cycled

    ". cycling

    +$ My mother lies to __________ curry pu!!.

    A. coos

    B. coo

    C. cooed

    ". cooing


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  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    ,- The mangoes in that baset _______________ sweet.

    A. is

    B. are

    C. was

    ,1 ' made the des _________________

    A. mysel!

    B. himsel!

    C. hersel!

    ". themselves

    ,2The games (an5it en5oys are !ootball hocey _________ badminton.

    A. as

    B. but

    C. since

    ". and

    ,# Malaysia is !amous ____________ its beauti!ul beaches.

    A. at

    B. in

    C. !or

    ". to

    ,$ e ________________ the !ood hungrily yesterday.

    A. eat

    B. eats

    C. ate

    ". eating

    ,% Muthu gave 4arah _____ sil blouse !or her birthday.

    A. a

    B. an

    C. the


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  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    *. Many women lie to shop at (oslan6s stall as his vegetable are !resh.

    A. staleB. newC. tasty

    +. ' can answer all the /uestions because they are easy.

    A. impressiveB. interestingC. di!!icult". popular

    ,. Fatimah accept her !riends invitation to the party.

    A. respondsB. re5ectsC. answers

    1-. e sometimes speas rudely to his parents.

    A. politelyB. proudlyC. wisely

    11. The old man waled with a crooed stic.

    A. straight

    B. long

    C. short

    ". curve

    12. is brother Ahmad is strong but his sister Alina is _______________

    A. bald

    B. brave

    C. wea

    ". timid


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    1#. Mr. 4oon Tec who is a wealthy man is very generous.

    A. poor

    B. !amous

    C. rich

    ". ind

    1$. 't is sa!e to swim in the swimming pool.

    A. wealthy

    B. dangerous

    C. care!ul

    ". protect

    1%. The sword is very sharp.

    A. heavy

    B. blunt

    C. light

    ". shinny

    1&. ' could not eat the biscuit because it was too hard.

    A. big

    B. so!t

    C. small". tiny


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    1*. Many people lie to shop at )a Abu6s stall as his vegetables are !resh.

    A. new

    B. stale

    C. tasty

    ". raw

    1+. ' can answer all the sums because they are easy.

    A. impressive

    B. popular

    C. di!!icult

    ". interesting

    1,. 4he accepts her !riend6s invitation to the birthday party.

    A. re5ects

    B. responds

    C. answers

    ". resists

    2-. e always speas rudely to his parents.

    A. politelyB. proudly

    C. wisely

    ". honestly


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    21. Farina lost her earrings but ______________ a !ew days later.

    A. saw

    B. !ound

    C. uncover

    ". looed

    22. Tompo the )ersian cat sleeps under the table while arry the hamster plays _____ it.

    A on

    B up

    C into

    " over

    2#. Ah Meng throws the ball and his dog ________it.

    A puts

    B eeps

    C catches

    " holds

    2$. e will go bac now but we will ______ again tomorrow.

    A run

    B come

    C escape

    " arrive

    2%. e /uietly reads his boo while his sister is chatting _______ on the telephone.

    A accidentally

    B care!ully

    C cautiously

    " noisily


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    2&. ' have short hair but my sister has _______________ hair.

    A tall

    B long

    C high

    " large

    2*. My pencil is sharp but isami6s pencil is ____________.

    A tiny

    B short

    C blunt

    " small

    2+. "ato6 @uso! is a generous man. 8very year he gives donations to many charities.

    A rich

    B ind

    C stingy

    " careless

    2,. e en5oyed watching the movie. 't was very e:citing.

    A sad

    B slow

    C boring

    " !ascinating

    #-. The aeroplane !lies above the sy.

    A on

    B below

    C in

    " opposite


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Section C Similar +eaningChoose the word that has the same meaningas the word underlined.

    1. The game started at $.#- p.m.

    A. beganB. endedC. stopped

    2. (eading is (an5it6s !avourite hobby.

    A. activityB. pastimeC. adventure

    #. The soldiers !ought bravely in the war.

    A. prisonB. courtC. battle

    $. A!ter recess there will be an assembly in the school hall.

    A. classB. intervalC. rela:ation

    %. 4ir '6m sorry to interrupt you.

    A. disturbB. seeC. greet

    &. Aliah is going to tae part in the competition.

    A. 5oin

    B. per!ormC. participate


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    *. asnah could not complete her wor on time.

    A. stopB. !inishC. return

    +. ho is staying in that vacant room?

    A. spaciousB. emptyC. crowded

    ,. hy did you shout at him?

    A. scoldB. guardC. yell

    1-. ' suggest you read the story boo because it is very e:citing.

    A. amusingB. interestingC. boring

    11. The !ootball match started at +.#- p.m.

    A. began

    B. ended

    C. stopped

    ". opened

    12. Collecting coins is ani6s !avourite hobby.

    A. activity

    B. pastime

    C. adventure

    ". 5ob


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    1#. The soldiers !ought bravely in the war.

    A. stage

    B. court

    C. battle

    ". prison

    1$. A!ter recess there will be an assembly in the school hall.

    A. interval

    B. class

    C. rela:ation

    ". resting time

    1%. Madam '6m sorry to interrupt you.

    A. disturb

    B. annoy

    C. see

    ". greet

    1&. "aniel is going to tae part in the singing competition.

    A. 5oin

    B. per!orm

    C. enter

    ". participate


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    1*. Bari could not complete his wor on time.

    A. submit

    B. stop

    C. !inish

    ". return

    1+. ho is staying in that vacant room?

    A. spacious

    B. empty

    C. big

    ". crowded

    1,. hy did you shout at me?

    A. scold

    B. guard

    C. yell

    ". mad

    2-. ' suggest you read the story boo because it is very e:citing.

    A. amusing

    B. !ascinating

    C. interesting

    ". boring

    21. My brother6s shirts and T;shirts are very loose.

    A. e:pensive

    B. short

    C. small

    ". baggy


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    22. atasya is a well;nown actress in Malaysia. 4he has acted in many movies.

    A. e:cellent

    B. talented

    C. wealthy

    ". !amous

    2#. Alvin is in hospital. e is very sad.

    A. unhappy

    B. sic

    C. tired

    ". healthy

    2$. Faridah lies hot drins very much.

    A. dislies

    B. hates

    C. pre!ers

    ". wants

    2%. The tourists visited big cities such as 7ondon and )aris while touring 8urope.

    A. tiny

    B. /uiet

    C. busy

    ". large

    2&. 't was a tough !ight between the two tennis players.

    A. hard

    B. solid

    C. strong

    ". power!ul


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    2*. 4alima sleeps with her mother because she is a!raid o! the dar.

    A. nervous

    B. tensed

    C. bored

    ". scared

    2+. GThat bou/uet o! pin roses is lovelyH says 7illian.

    A. bright

    B. colour!ul

    C. !resh

    ". beauti!ul

    2,. The pupils visited an old !ort last year.

    A. large

    B. ancient

    C. worn

    ". new

    #-. The scouts reached the !oot o! 9unung Ayam yesterday.

    A. top

    B. pea

    C. base

    ". bottom


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    S(C')* C , Punctuation +ark

    Choose the sentences with the correct punctuation.

    1. A. Teaches day is celebrated on May the si:teenth.

    B. Teacher6s "ay is celebrated on May the si:teenth. C. Teachers6 "ay is celebrated on May the si:teenth.

    2. A. G hat are those?H ased a0ri6s sister. B. G hat are those?H ased a0ris sister. C. G hat are those G ased a0ri6s sister. ". G hat are those?H ased na0ri6s sister.

    #. A. G (unI (un save your li!eIH shouted A0lan. B. G (unI (un save your li!e?H shouted A0lan. C. G (unI (un save your li!eIH shouted a0lan. ". G (un run save your li!eIH shouted A0lan.

    $. A. G)lease help me ora0manH said arma. B. Gplease help me ora0man H said arma. C. G)lease help me ora0man G 4aid arma. ". G)lease help me nora0manH said arma.

    %. A. The C'MB Ban is ten storeys high. B. The C'MB ban is ten storeys high. C. The Cimb Ban is ten storeys high. ". The Cimb ban is ten storeys high.

    &. A. They are going to seremban ne:t !riday.

    B. They are going to 4eremban ne:t !ridayC. They are going to seremban ne:t Friday

    ". They are going to 4eremban ne:t Friday.

    *. A. a0imi Anita and @uso! will be going on a camping trip. B. A0imi Anita and yuso! will be going on a camping trip. C. A0imi Anita and @uso! will be going on a camping trip.

    +. A. atch out there is a bulldog behind you. B. atch outI there is a bulldog behind you. C. atch outI There is a bulldog behind you.

    ". atch out There is a bulldog behind you.

    ,. A. Are you going to town today Morissa. B. Are you going to town today Morissa? C. Are @ou going to Town today Morissa?


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    1-. A. My uncle too me to pulau pisang !or !ishing. B. My uncle too me to pulau )isang !or !ishing. C. My uncle too me to )ulau )isang !or !ishing. ". My ncle too me to )ulau )isang !or !ishing.

    11. A. e visited ayer eroh during the deepavali holidays. B. e visited Ayer =eroh during the "eepavali holidays. C. e visited Ayer =eroh during the deepavali holidays. ". e visited Ayer eroh during the "eepavali olidays.

    12. A. G"o you now 4u5a6s addressIH ased buang ardi. B. G"o you now 4u5a6s address.H Ased Buang ardi. C. G"o you now 4u5a6s address?H ased Buang =ardi. ". G"o you now 4u5a6s address?6 Ased Buang =ardi.

    1#. A. 7oo someone is trying to brea into our neighbour6s house. B. 7ooI someone is trying to brea into our neighbours house. C. 7oo someone is trying to brea into our neighbour6s house. ". 7ooI 4omeone is trying to brea into our neighbour6s house.

    1$. A. yes assan and ' repaired the car ourselves. B. @es assan and ' repaired the car ourselves. C. yes assan and ' repaired the car ourselves. ". @es assan and ' repaired the car ourselves.

    1%. A. Gow old are you now sha!iee?H Ased alal. B. Gow old are you now 4ha!iee?H ased alal.

    C. Gow old are you now 4ha!iee?H Ased 5alal.

    1&. A. GMay ' borrow your eraser please?H ased Farid. B. G May ' borrow your eraser please?H ased Farid. C. GMay ' borrow your eraser please?H ased Farid.

    1*. A. (amli and i0am lie to play hocey volleyball and gol!. B. (amli and i0am lie to play hocey Kolleyball and gol!. C. (amli and i0am lie to play ocey Kolleyball and 9ol!. ". (amli and ni0am lie to play hocey volleyball and gol!.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    1+. A. The capital o! terengganu is =uala terengganu. B. The capital o! Terengganu is uala Terengganu. C. The Capital o! Terengganu is =uala Terengganu. ". The capital o! Terengganu is =uala Terengganu.

    1,. A. ahab visited the crocodile !arm and Melaa 0oo last sunday. B. ahab visited the crocodile Farm and Melaa

  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    2*. A here are my marersIB here are my marers?C here are my marers." here are my marers?

    2+. A These are the boys comics.

    B These are the boy6s comics.C These are the boy6s comic6s." These are the Boys6 Comics.

    2,. A GelpI elpI My house is on !ireIH shouted Anuar.B Gelp elp My house is on !ireIH 4houted Anuar.C Gelp help my house is on !ire?H shouted Anuar." Gelp. elp. My house is on !ire.H shouted Anuar.

    #-. A elena is going to genting highlands this thursday.B elena is going to 9enting ighlands This Thursday.C elena is going to 9enting highlands this Thursday.

    " helena is going to genting ighlands this thursday.#1. A May ' go to the toilet please?

    B May ' go to the toilet please.C May ' go to the toilet please?" May ' go to the toilet pleaseI

    #2. A G"o you lie to 5og in the parH ass 7eha.B G"o you lie to 5og in the parH ass 7eha?C G"o you lie to 5og in the par?H ass 7eha." G"o you lie to 5og in the parH ass 7eha.

    ##. A G"on6t lie to me 4a0aliH says !ather.B G"on6t lie to me 4a0ali.H says !ather.C G"on6t lie to meI 4a0ali.H says !ather." G"on6t lie to me 4a0aliH says !ather.

    #$. A )ulau 4ibu is a !amous oliday (esort.B )ulau sibu is a !amous oliday (esort.C )ulau 4ibu is a !amous holiday resort." )ulau sibu is a !amous holiday resort.

    #%. A The mechanic uses a spanner to loosen the nuts.

    B The mechanic uses a spanner to loosen the nuts.C The mechanic uses a spanner to loosen the nuts?" The Mechanic uses a 4panner to loosen the uts.

    #&. A Gello 'mran. hat are your plans !or the school holidays?H ass

  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    #*. A The pupils are singing malay chinese and tamil songs in the competition.B The pupils are singing Malay Chinese and Tamil songs in the competition.C The )upils are singing Malay Chinese and Tamil songs in the competition." The pupils are singing Malay Chinese and Tamil songs competitionI

    #+. A owI you are so lucyI you have visited so many countries.B owI @ou are so lucy @ou have visited so many countries.C owI @ou are so lucyI @ou have visited so many countries.

    " owI @ou are so lucyI @ou have visited so many countries

    #,. A Fai0al will be going to 8ngland to study soon.B Fai0al will be going to england to study soon.C Fai0al will be going to 8ngland to study soonI" !ai0al will be going to england to study soon

    $-. A they had an en5oyable day at the taman rimba recreational par

    B They had an en5oyable day at the Taman (imba (ecreational )ar.C They had an en5oyable day at the Taman (imba recreational par.

    " They had an en5oyable day at the taman rimba recreational par.


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    Section C Spelling-ased on the pictures choose the answer with the correct spelling.

    1. Aliman saw an __________________ in the river behind his house.

    A. alligator

    B. alliggatorC. aligattor". aligator

    2. Bee 7ian saw a ____________________ sitting on a _____________________

    A. batter!ly !lowerB. butter!ly !lowerC. butter!ly !louwer". batter!ly !louwer


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    #. My !ather gives my youngest brother a ___________________ on his birthday.

    A. trycylcleB. traicycleC. tricycle". trycycle

    $. =amal grandmother6s buys a ____________________ at the maret

    A. pumpeenB. pampinC. pumpen". pumpin


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    %. The __________________ clapped and cheered as the dancers were per!oming onstage.

    A. audienceB. audienseC. aodience

    ". aodiense

    &. Mr. =amaru0aman would lie to postpone his ____________________ with his

    doctor to 4aturday.

    A. appoinmentB. apointmenC. appointment". apointmen


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    *. either the radio nor the _____________ is needed !or the camping trip.

    A. calculatorB. calculater

    C. alculator". calulater

    +. is brother gave him a camera !or his birthday because his hobby is _____________

    A. !otographyB. photograpyC. photography". !otograpy


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    ,. =umaran brought along a ___________________ when he went to the camp.

    A. touchliteB. torchlightC. touchlight". torchlite

    1-. 8n. 4hamsul is looing at ___________________ to help him choose a place to goto !or his holiday.

    A. broshurB. bruchureC. brusher". brochure

    11. A !isherman catches !ish by ________.

    A boot

    B baot

    C boat

    " boute


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    12. The !ire!ighters are putting out the !ire

    in the __________.

    A buliding

    B billding

    C biulding

    " building

    1#. Kanessa went to see the ________

    because she had a toothache.

    A dentest

    B dintist

    C dentist

    " dantest

    1$. amal does not have a ________ so he ased

    Fendi !or the time.

    A watch

    B watches

    C whatch

    " wacht


    The clar used a _________to print out the letter.

    A printeerB printer

    C printerr

    " printa


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    1&. The pretty __________is wearing a bajukebaya.

    A waman

    B womon

    C womaan

    " woman

    1*. Anita is sending her 4cience teacher the

    !inished ________.

    A hoemwor

    B homewor

    C homewro

    " hoomwor

    1+. @a0id eats nasi lemak!or __________.

    A lunch

    B luunch

    C lanch

    " luanch

    1,. A wild orchid is a type o! ________.

    A !lowre

    B !lawer C !louwer

    " !lower


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    2-. =areena and her !amily are watching the movie

    >4piderman #6 at the _________.

    A ceinima

    B cinema

    C cinemi

    " ceimna


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    S(C')* /

    Activity "

    Based on the picture choose the best answer to !ill in the blans in the passage that !ollows.

    7ast 4unday Maria had a birthday party at her house. 't was her "00000000000000000

    birthday this year. 4he #00000000000000 her !riends and relatives to the party. er mother

    prepared a lot o! !ood $00000000000000000 the occasion. Maria looed pretty

    %000000000000000000 her pin dress. er !riends gave her !00000000000000000presents.

    1. A twelve B twel!th C twenty

    2. A invite B invited C inviting " invites

    #. A in B on C !or " with

    $. A on B at C with " in

    %. A much B many C !ew


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Activity #

    Based on the picture choose the best answer to !ill in the blans in the passage that !ollows.

    The mother bird is !eeding its " 0000000000000000000 The little birds are looing up to

    #0000000000000000000 the worm !rom their mother6s mouth. The mother bird

    $0000000000000000000its nestlings in the nest while it goes out to !ind !ood. hen the nestlings

    %0000000000000000000big enough to !ly they will !ind their own !ood. They will not depend

    !00000000000000000000their mother !or !ood any more.

    1. A duclings B chics C nestlings " goslings

    2. A ate B eat C eats " eating

    #. A le!t B leave C leaves

    $. A was B were C is " are

    %. A to B o! C at " on


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Activity $

    Based on the picture choose the best answer to !ill in the blans in the passage that !ollows.

    Banana papayas durians and watermelons are local !ruits. 111112"3 are grown

    in our country. 7ocal !ruits are not delicious 111112#3 also cheap. They 1111.2$3not

    tae a long time to be transported 1111.2%3 one place to another. Apart !rom that

    11111. 2!3local !ruits can mae our body healthy as they contain a lot o! vitamins

    1. A. 't B. e C. Them ". They

    2. A. and B. but C. with ". although

    #. A. do B. did C. does

    $. A. at B to C !or ". !rom

    %. A. eat B. eats C. eating


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Activity %

    Based on the picture choose the best answer to !ill in the blans in the passage that !ollows.

    There is one maret 1111.2"3 my place which operates every 4unday morning. There

    are many stalls 11111.2#3all inds o! goods lie groceries vegetables !ruits 1111.2$3

    !ish. 9oods sold here 1111.2%3mostly !resh and the price is reasonable too. My !amily

    usually 11111..2!3there to buy !ruits and vegetables.

    1. A. in B. near C. on ". among

    2. A. sell B. sells C. sold ". selling

    #. A. but B. with C. and

    $. A. is B are C. was ". were

    %. A. goes B. went C. gone


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Activity !

    Based on the picture choose the best answer to !ill in the blans in the passage that !ollows.

    Atan and Ali lie !ishing. They usually 1111112"3 !ishing at the river. The river is

    not deep 11111..2#3there are a lot o! !ish in it. They bring their !ishing rods and some worms

    11111.2$3bait. Fishing 1111..2%3 them to be more patient. They can also learn more


    1. A. go B. goes C. went ". going

    2. A. or B. with C. and

    #. A. as B. !or C. with ". and

    $. A. teach B teaches C. teaching ". taught

    %. A. i! B. went C. between ". about


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Activity 4

    Based on the picture choose the best answer to !ill in the blans in the passage that !ollows.

    Most children lie to play 111112"3the par. Almost every housing estate has

    11112#3par. My !riends and ' 1111112$3playing badminton there. 4ometimes we

    111.2%3hide and see at the par. The par is usually crowded 111111.2!3weeend.

    1. A. at B. on C. above

    2. A. a B. an C. the

    #. A. en5oy B. en5oys C. en5oyed ". en5oying

    $. A. play B plays C. played ". playing

    %. A. in B. during C. at


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Activity 5

    Based on the picture choose the best answer to !ill in the blans in the passage that !ollows.

    The children are in the swimming pool. They are 111111.2"3 a lot o! !un. 4ome o!

    them are swimming 1111.2#3the others are playing with a ball. A little boy is using a li!e buoy

    1111..2$3. is mother is teaching 11111.2%3 how to !loat in the water. e

    1111111.2!3 learn very !ast.

    1. A. has B. had C. have ". having

    2. A. where B. while C. which

    #. A. swim B. swam C. swims ". swimming

    $. A. he B his C. him

    %. A. can B. should C. must


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Activity 6

    Based on the picture choose the best answer to !ill in the blans in the passage that !ollows.


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    Activity "8

    Based on the picture choose the best answer to !ill in the blans in the passage that !ollows.

    't was the last wee o! the school term. The 1111.2"3o! @ear & Budiman decided to

    paint a mural 11112#3the canteen wall. They ased 1111.2$3class teacher to buy them

    some paint and brushes. The canteen looed very beauti!ul 111112%3they had !inished their

    painting wor. The headmaster 1111..2!3very pleased. e treated them to some snacs and


    1. A. pupils B. boys C. girls ". teacher

    2. A. on B. at C. above ". under

    #. A. our B. them C. we ". their

    $. A. later B a!ter C. be!ore ". between

    %. A. is B. are C. was ". were


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    AC'9': ""

    7oo at the picture and read the passage care!ully. Based on the picture and the passagechoose the best answer to !ill in the blans.

    This is 8nci 7oman6s !amily. They _______________ D1E always happy. They spend

    most o! ______________ D2E time together inside or outside home. 8nci 7oman6s !ather lies to

    play a ______________ D#E e is sitting ______________ D$E his granddaughter Aina on a

    bench. The happy !amily will sing their______________ D%E songs.

    1 A is B are C was " were

    2 A their B them C they " theirs

    # A piano B drum C eyboard " guitar

    $ A against B above C among " with

    % A bad B !amous C boring " !avourite


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    AC'9': "%

    7oo at the picture and read the passage care!ully. Based on the picture and the passagechoose the best answer to !ill in the blans.

    7ast 4unday 4aleha had a birthday party at her house. 't was her D1E________________

    birthday this year. 4he D2E ______________ her !riends and relatives to the party. er mother

    prepared a lot o! !ood D#E _________________ the occasion. 4aleha looed very pretty

    D$E_________________ her pin dress. er !riends gave her D%E _________________ presents.

    1. A twelve B twel!th C twenty

    2. A invite B invited C inviting " invites

    #. A in B on C !or " with

    $. A on B at C with " in

    %. A much B many C !ew


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    AC'9': "!

    7oo at the picture and read the passage care!ully. Based on the picture and the passagechoose the best answer to !ill in the blans.

    Today is 4inging Contest at 4= Cahaya Alam. A young girl is singing _______________

    D1E stage. Two boys are _______________ D2E their guitars. Another girl is playing

    _______________ D#E eyboard. A boy _______________ D$E playing the drums. The audiences

    are clapping _______________ D%E hands. They are en5oying the contest.

    1 A on B at C by " !or

    2 A play B plays C played " playing

    # A a B an C the " some

    $ A is B are C was " were

    % A his B her C our " their


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    AC'9': "4

    7oo at the picture and read the passage care!ully. Based on the picture and the passagechoose the best answer to !ill in the blans.

    "anny and his !amily are in the living room. is !ather Mr. =en is _______________ D1E

    television. is mother 7ucy _______________ D2E reading the newspaper. "anny

    _______________ D#E his sister are playing chess. "anny6s grandmother is nitting

    _______________ D$E sweater. is grand!ather is sleeping in _______________ D%E rocing

    chair. e lies sleeping there.

    2& A watch B watches C watched " watching

    2* A is B are C was " were

    2+ A or B so C but " and

    2, A a B an C the " some

    #- A his B hers C mine " theirs


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    AC'9': "5

    7oo at the picture and read the passage care!ully. Based on the picture and the passagechoose the best answer to !ill in the blans.

    4piders are not insects. _______________ D1E are arachnids. All spiders

    _______________ D2E eight legs. 4piders ________________ D#E webs. The web is used to

    _______________ D$E small insects. 4ome people are scared _______________ D%E spiders.

    1 A 't

    B eC They

    2 A has

    B had

    C have

    " having

    # A mae

    B maes

    C made

    " maing

    $ A catch

    B catchesC caught

    " catching

    % A in

    B on

    C o!

    " !rom


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    S(C')* (

    Activity "Study the pie chart below carefully and answer the ;uestions that follow.

    1. hich is the most popular !ood among the pupils?

    A. )i00a

    B. Burgers

    C. Chicen rice

    ". Fried chicen


    Fried rice



    Burgers and Fried Chicen

    Chicen (ice

    asi 7ema

    he pie chart shows the various food preferred by "88 pupils in Sekolah

  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    2. hich are the two least popular !ood !or lunch?

    A. )i00a and noodles

    B. oodles and !ried rice

    C. Nasi Lemakand burgers

    ". Fried rice and nasi lemak

    #. From the pie chart we now that

    A. most o! the pupils lie to eat pi00a

    B. all the above !ood is available in the school canteen

    C. nasi lemakis a !avourite !ood !or lunch

    ". #% pupils pre!er chicen rice to other !ood

    $. hich o! the !ollowing statements is not true?

    A. Many pupils lie chicen

    B. #-N o! them en5oy !ast !ood

    C. #N o! the pupils lie !ried rice

    ". The least popular !ood is noodles

    %. The word ma5ority means

    A. all o! the pupils

    B. a !ew o! the pupils

    C. many o! the pupils

    ". a small number o! the pupils


  • 8/12/2019 B. Inggeris UPSR Paper 1


    ead the newspaper report below carefully and answer the ;uestions that follow.

    BAT )AAT 4un.; A couple and their ten years old son were illed on the spot while their nine

    years old daughter sustained minor in5uries when their car collided with a bus at the 2$ m

    Tongang )ecah L 4egamat road last night.

    The deceased were identi!ied as Ma5id bin usin $# his wi!e 4elamah binti Mamat #+.

    and their son ana!i. The !amily was !rom 4egamat

    Their unidenti!ied daughter escaped with slight in5uries and had had to undergo a minor

    operation to remove broen pieces o! glass !rom her head.

    Firemen spent about an hour to e:tricate the bodies !rom the wrec. The bodies were sent

    to the Batu )ahat district hospital mortuary !or a post mortem. owever none o! the bus

    passengers were in5ured.

    The !amily was travelling in their car to 4egamat about 1.#- p.m. a!ter visiting relatives

    here when the accident occurred near Buit Berapit.

    &. ho died in the accident?

    A. A couple

    B. A nine L year old boy

    C. A couple and their ten