teori pintar cerdas & berbakat (kbc3013). sepintas lalu

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Teori Pintar Cerdas & Berbakat (KBC3013)


• Zaman Dinasti Tang, China – kanak-kanak genius diperintahkan menghadap raja untuk diberikan pendidikan khusus.

• Plato – menyokong usaha memberikan pendidikan khusus kepada “intellectually gifted” lelaki dan perempuan muda.

• Sepanjang Zaman Renaissance – mereka yg menunjukkan bakat kreatif di dalam seni, seni bina, dan sastera yang di sokong/ dibiayai oleh kedua-dua kerajaan dan penanung persendirian.

Sebelum Masihi ke Zaman Renaissance

• Antara kajian barat terawal tentang kefungsian tertinggi (high function) manusia

• Membangun & menyusunkan pengukuran terhadap kebolehan intelektual semula jadi ke atas 7, 500 individu.

• Dalam kajian tersebut, beliau dapati – “if a parent deviates from the norm, so will the child, but to a lesser extent.”

• Percaya manusia dapat ditingkatkan melalui melalui engineered heredity, satu movement yang dinamakan eugenics.

• Menggunakan istilah “eminence” untuk “the most intelligent and talented people”

• Mendapati one's eminence was directly related to his direct hereditary line (dlm kajian England's most prominent families)

Sir Francis Galton

• Pernah diminta untuk mencari cara/kaedah untuk mengenalpasti murid yang mempunyai “masalah” di sekolah.

• Dari situ, idea mewujudkan age norms dan membandingkannya dengan mental norms berlaku.

Alfred Binet

• Telah memberikan cadangan yang lebih baik melalui formula matematik: child’s mental age divide by child’s chronological age dan darab 100, maka terhasillah quotient of intelligent.

William Stern

Lewis Terman• Di Stanford University (1916), Lewis Terman telah

mengadaptasikan Alfred Binet’s intelligence test kepada Stanford-Binet test, dan telah mencipta istilah “intelligence quotient” (IQ).

• Menurut Terman, “the IQ was one's mental age compared to one's physical age, as compared to a sampling of other people within one's age range”.



Developmental Theories of Intelligence- Piaget – Intelligent Theorist-Nonuniversal Theory – Feldman

Cognitive Theories of Intelligence-Multiple Intelligence Theory (MI) – Howard Gardner -Triarchic Theory – Robert Stenberg

Psychosocial Theories of Giftedness-Overexcitability Theory – Dabrowski-Renzulli Theory – Renzulli-Tannenbaum’s Theory – Tannenbaum

Comprehensive Theories-Feldhusen’s TIDE Model – Feldhusen-Gagne’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent – Gagne

• Intelligence is “the state of equilibrium towards which tend all the successive adaptations of a sensorimotor & cognitivr nature, as well as all assimilatory & accommodatory interactions between the organism & environment”

• Focused on qualitative changes in development of perception, understanding & environmental functioning.

• Hierarchies of development – sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational – viewed as ways of thinking, not as what the person knew

• The person reaches state of equilibrium through – the processes of assimilation & accommodation

Piaget – Intelligent Theorist

• Concerns the development of the intellect that explains “transitions & transformations in understanding & extending bodies of knowledge, acquisition of expertise & creative advances in knowledge”.

• Propose a continuum of developmental domain ranging across: - universal - pancultural - discipline base - idionsyncratic - unique

Nonuniversal Theory – Feldman

Multiple Intelligence Theory (MI) – Howard Gardner




Logical- mathematical


Bodily- kinesthetic




1. Individuals with intelligence are able to monitor their internal thinking processes; that is they can show metacognitive ability in an executive manner

2. Individual who shows intelligence can produce novel products – often made after a person learns something to the point where it is automatic& this is the creative subprocess

3. Intelligent individuals also have the ability that is often called “common sense”.

Triarchic Theory – Robert Stenberg

• Proposed triarchic theory with 3 subprocesses ;

• It is a theory of emotional development – particularly suitable for an understanding of giftedness.

• People develop through a series of stages brought on by +ve maladjustment

• Proposed 5 types of “overexcitabilites” predictive of developmental potential:

Overexcitability Theory - Dabrowski

1. Psychomotor2. Sensual 3. Intellectual4. Imaginational5. Emotional

• Gifted behaviors reflects an interaction among 3 basic clusters of human traits: above-average general &/ specific abilities, high levels of task commitment & high levels of creativitiy.

• Individuals capable of developing gifted behavior are those: - possessing/ capable of developing this composite set of traits & - applying them to any potentially valuable area of performance (general & specific performance areas)

Renzulli Theory – Renzulli

• Tannenbaum called giftedness – psychosocial phenomenon.• His definition encompassed 5 factors: 1) a “sliding scale” of general intelligence, 2) special ability, 3) nonintellective factors, 4) environmental factors, 5) chance factors.• Each of these has static & dynamic dimensions.• There 2 types of gifted people: 1) performance – perform staged artistry & human services 2) producers – produce thoughts & tangibles

Tannenbaum’s Theory – Tannenbaum

• Feldhusen sees talents as being genetically induced – those who will demonstrate talent showing that talent in precocious behavior.

• Motivation, style, & ability are environmentally influenced.• Insight, knowledge, & skills in thinking creatively are essential in

realization of specific talents.• There are 4 domains of talent with specific subcategories: 1) academic/ intellectual 2) artistic 3) vocational-technical 4) interpersonal/social

Feldhusen’s TIDE Model

• Talent – the developmental product of an interaction between aptitudes & interpersonal & environmental catalysts.

• Gagne has delineated 5 general fields of talents; 1) academic 2) technical 3) artistic 4) interpersonal 5) athletic• The domains of giftedness are: intellectual, creative,

socioaffective & psychomotor.

Gagne’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent


Delisle & Galbraith. 2002. When Gifted Kids Don’t Have All The Answers. Free Spirit Publishing Inc: Minneapolis, United States.

Pirto. 1999. Talented Children and Adults: Their Development and Education, Second Edition. Prentice-Hall, Inc: New Jersey, United States.


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