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Post on 01-Jul-2015






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Healing with Reflexology

Dr Ahmad Ezanee Mansor

Teknik-teknik Relaksasi Refleksologi

� Satu lagi perkara yang sangat penting dalam refleksologi adalah

bagaimana anda harus mendapat kepercayaan serta membuatkan

penerima merasa selesa sejurus sebelum anda memulakan sesi

refleksologi kaki. Oleh itu, teknik relaksasi direka untuk membuatkan

penerima merasa tenang dan selesa pada permulaan sesi rawatan.

� Dengan menggunakan teknik-teknik ini akan melonggarkan

sebarang tekanan pada otot kaki dan menjadikannya lebih lembut,

fleksibel dan mudah diurut.

� Biasakan diri anda dengan kesemua jenis teknik tersebut. Lakukan

setiap rawatan beberapa kali. Setelah memperoleh keyakinan, anda

mungkin boleh memilih beberapa teknik sebagai teknik kegemaran

anda. Anda juga boleh mencipta teknik anda yang tersendiri. Kuasaianda. Anda juga boleh mencipta teknik anda yang tersendiri. Kuasai

kesemuanya sekali.

� Sekiranya penerima berasa tertekan dan gementar, kedua-dua

perasaan ini akan disalurkan ke kakinya, menjadikannya lebih

sukar untuk diurut. Oleh sebab itulah, anda dinasihatkan agar

sentiasa memulakan rawatan dengan relaksasi kaki.

Pergerakan urutan sepatutnya lancar dan rhythematic serta hubungan pergerakan tangan anda dengan kaki penerima

tidak boleh terputus-putus semasa mengurut..

Reflexology relaxation technique

Oil your palms and using both hands, stroke the whole foot with alternating hands several times

Technique 1: head spin

Place the palm of your hands on either side of the foot. Move them alternatively and rapidly from side to side so that the foot vibrates

This movement stimulates circulation and relax the muscles in the foot, ankle and calf

Technique 2: ankle slide

Place your hands around the ankle with the flashy part of your thumbs supporting the ankle bones. Gently but rapidly rock the foot from side to side keeping your wrists loose. Keep your movements gentle

Technique 3: ankle rotation

Support the heel one hand, thumb on the outside of the ankle, fingers on the inside. Grasp the top of the foot in one hand and support the heel on the other hand. slowly and gently rotate the ankle several times in one direction and then in the other direction.

Lower hand holds the heel tight while the other hand holds fore foot from outside.

Upper hand rotates the foot inward 5 rounds, then outwards several times

Technique 4: side twist

Both hands grasp medial side of foot. Thumbs press on plantar surface of foot. Press all fingers while twisting hands back and forth in opposite direction alternately several times. Repeat on lateral side using the same technique

Technique 5 : foot twist

Lower hand holds the heel firmly. Upper hand grasps medial side of the foot from outside

Upper hand twists the foot outwards and change location to cover the entire foot. Move up down several times

Technique 6: 3 steps plantar press

Start with the right foot. Make a fist with your right hand and push into the sole of the foot. At the same time squeeze the top of the foot with your left hand as if you’ll kneading a dough.

Knuckle facing down. Pull downwards from below ball part of the big toe 5 rounds. Reverse knuckle face up and pull upwards to below ball part of the big toe several times

Press thumb near the medial side to give support while pulling the knuckle across the ball part towards the big toe several times

Technique 7: sole massage

Massage the toes. Slowly stretch each toe and than move each one individually

Press thumbs side by side Press thumbs side by side on the heel while other fingers on the dorsal. Press and pull thumbs straight in the centre of the foot in an upward direction

Fingers on the dorsal pull upwards in the center line direction several times.

Technique 8: sole rub

Work the thumbs in this zigzag movement from the base of the heel to the toes and back several times

Technique 9: energy points

Thumb press on each point several seconds

Technique 10 : dorsal press

Knuckle press on the dorsal. Start from the dorsal ankle crease. Press gently and pull downwards to the base of the big toes several times

Technique 11: dorsal grove press

Fingers press on dorsal groves next to big toe and little toe. Hold 10 seconds

Technique 12: Ankle massage

Thumb stroke next to ankle bone

Do not perform this technique on pregnant or menstruating women

Thumb press around the ankle bone several times

Technique 13: Solar Plexus massage

Thumb circle clockwise direction on solar plexus 50 times

Teknik 14 and 15: top of foot crease and closing

Press and slide thumbs alternately on dorsal ankle crease several times

Place hands loosely on the dorsal and the plantar and pull alternately several times

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