senyumlah 111 1 in our time 222 2 isteri dan puteri ... · mengapa harus membenci masalah dan ......

Post on 07-Mar-2019






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Senyumlah 1111

In Our Time 2222

Isteri dan Puteri Rasulullah 3333

The 5 Essential People Skills 4444

Kerja Bukan Kerana Pangkat 5555

The Renaissance Man 6666

Cloud Computing for Dummies 7777

Ajaibnya Sedekah 8888

Malaysia : Asas Pembinaan Negara Bangsa... 9999

Creativity 10101010

Immortal Words 11111111

The Best American Magazine Writing 12121212

Green IT for Dummies 13131313

Am I the Only Sane One Working Here? 14141414

Java Programming 15151515

10 Steps to Successful Meetings 16161616

Mengapa harus membenci masalah dan kesusahan, sedangkan ia

tidak dapat dipisahkan daripada kehidupan? Mengapa harus berputus asa

saat mengalami kesusahan hidup, sedangkan kemudahan yang Allah

janjikan sebagai jalan keluarnya lebih banyak? Mengapa harus

berkeluh-kesah, sedangkan apa pun masalah yang datang, ia akan

berlalu jua akhirnya? Buku ini ingin membuat pembaca tersenyum dan

gembira, walaupun ada masalah dan kesusahan yang sedang dihadapi. Ia

mengajak pembaca memahami rahsia permasalahan hidup dan

mengetahui bagaimana cara mengatasinya dengan baik.

Ditulis dengan bahasa yang sederhana dan mudah difahami, buku

ini disokong oleh banyak kisah serta rajah yang akan memudahkan

pembaca memahami isinya. Selesai membacanya, mudah-mudahan

pandangan pembaca terhadap masalah dan kesusahan hidup berubah

sepenuhnya. Dada akan menjadi lapang, beban terasa ringan, dan bibir

lebih mudah tersenyum.

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 1 -

Judul : Senyumlah Pengarang : Syed Alwi Alatas Penerbit : Galeri Ilmu Sdn. Bhd., Petaling Jaya, 2011 No. Panggilan: 158.8 ALW Tebal : 300 muka surat

In Our Time brings together 40 of the most memorable, eloquent

and influential speeches since 1945. From stark warnings against the

threat of totalitarianism to celebrations of independence long fought for,

and from rallying-calls for political change to passionate defences of moral

principle, Hywel Williams's choice of speeches is richly eclectic in scope.

This is an anthology with many voices: dictators and democrats, liberals

and conservatives, nationalists and internationalists, soldiers and

peace-makers, popes and presidents. The oratorical skills of some of the

greatest political figures of the late 20th and early 21st centuries are on

eloquent display here: Churchill and de Gaulle, Kennedy and King,

Nehru and Nasser, Mandela and Mao, Thatcher and Blair, Clinton and

Obama. Each speech is accompanied by a biography of the speaker, a

concise introduction setting it in historical context, and a brief account of

its impact and consequences. Both inspiring and thought-provoking.

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 2 -

Judul : In Our Time Pengarang : Hywel Williams Penerbit : Quercus Publishing Plc., London, 2009 No. Panggilan: 808.85935 WIL Tebal : 215 muka surat

Buku Isteri dan Puteri Rasulullah ini bermula dengan membawa

prospektif dan senario kaum wanita sebelum Islam daripada pelbagai

bangsa dan agama di dunia. Kemudian dibentangkan profil dan ciri-ciri

wanita Muslimah.

Seterusnya dipersembahkan riwayat hidup dan keistimewaan para

isteri Rasulullah SAW serta perbandingannya dengan peranan Muslimah

kontemporari. Berikutnya digarap peranan Rasulullah sebagai suami

mithali yang bertanggungjawab. Buku ini membawakan juga biodata serta

peranan yang dimainkan oleh puteri-puteri Rasulullah yang menjadi

contoh wanita pendidik dan pejuang yang menanamkan keberanian dan

kejujuran kepada generasi akan datang. Buku ini disudahi dengan

menyenaraikan peranan Rasulullah saw. sebagai bapa dan ketua


Perpustakaan MAMPU - 3 -

Judul : Isteri dan Puteri Rasulullah Pengarang : Muhammad Mahdi al-Istambuli Penerbit : Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, 2010 No. Panggilan: 297.64 IST Tebal : 166 muka surat



The 5 Essential People Skills will help you be the most positively

commanding, prosperous, and inspired professional you can be. You will

learn how to:

• Relate to the seven major personality types

• Live up to your fullest potential while achieving personal


• Create a cutting-edge business environment that delivers

innovation and results

• Use Carnegie's powerhouse five-part template for articulate

communications that grow business

• Resolve any conflict or misunderstanding by applying a

handful of proven principles

Once you master these powerful skills, you will be well on your way

to a new level of professional and personal achievement.

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 4 -

Judul : The 5 Essential People Skills Pengarang : Dale Carnegie Penerbit : Simon & Schuster., London, 2009 No. Panggilan: 158.2 DAL Tebal : 240 muka surat

Selain daripada mencari rezeki, salah satu tujuan kita bekerja

adalah untuk memberi khidmat kepada organisasi. Selain itu, kita juga

perlu menilai dan mengenal pasti kelemahan-kelemahan untuk dijadikan

panduan dan teladan bagi memberi perkhidmatan yang terbaik. Setiap

perkara yang dibuat ini, sudah tentu akan ada ganjaran sama ada

ganjaran sementara seperti upah, kepuasan diri, penghormatan atau

ganjaran kekal seperti balasan nikmat akhirat. Kesemua bentuk ganjaran

itu selalu melingkari pemikiran kita yang tidak terbatas sehingga kita lupa

apakah tujuan sebenar kita menjalankan sesuatu tugasan itu. Orang lain

tidak tahu apa sebenar yang ada dalam pemikiran kita semasa membuat

sesuatu melainkan kita sahaja boleh memikirnya secara diam-diam.

Buku ini dapat membantu kita mencapai kepuasan bekerja dan

menjadi panduan kepada kita dalam menjadi pekerja cemerlang.

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 5 -

Judul : Kerja Bukan Kerana Pangkat Pengarang : Mumtaz Begam Abdul Kadir Penerbit : Utusan Publications & Distributors Sdn Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, 2010 No. Panggilan: 658.3 MUM Tebal : 158 muka surat

The Renaissance Man is an an attempt by essentially former colleagues

and surbordinates to provide a canvas of a man who has been described

as a polymath and a dominant personality in the intellectual and cultural

life of our beloved country. Royal Professor Ungku A. Aziz, a reputed world

scholar, has had a significant effect, since the decade of the fifties, on the

growth and development of the nation in general and the University of

Malaya in particular. The term The Renaissance Man is a most befitting

and appropriate description of him who has multidimensional and varied

interests. His relentless work on rural poverty has established his

reputation as a scholar.

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 6 -

Judul : The Renaissance Man

Penerbit : University of Malaya Press

Kuala Lumpur, 2010

No. Panggilan: 378.10109595 REN

Tebal : 232 muka surat

Cloud computing can be difficult to understand at first, but the

cost-saving possibilities are great and many companies are getting on

board. If you've been put in charge of implementing cloud computing, this

straightforward, plain-English guide clears up the confusion and helps you

get your plan in place. You'll learn how cloud computing enables you to

run a more green IT infrastructure, and access technology-enabled

services from the Internet ("in the cloud") without having to understand,

manage, or invest in the technology infrastructure that supports them.

You'll also find out what you need to consider when implementing a plan,

how to handle security issues, and more.

Cloud Computing For Dummies gets straight to the point, providing

the practical information you need to know.

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 7 -

Judul : Cloud Computing for Dummies Pengarang : Judith Hurwitz Penerbit : Wiley Publishing, Inc. Hoboken, NJ 2009 No. Panggilan: 004.36 HUR Tebal : 310 muka surat

• Benarkah sedekah mampu membantu individu menjadi lebih kaya?

• Bagaimana bersedekah mampu menjadikan seorang Muslim itu

menjadi lebih kaya?

• Apakah cara sedekah yang betul?

• Keajaiban-keajaiban sedekah dan teknik mengenal pasti

keajaiban-keajaiban itu?

Sama ada percaya atau tidak, sedekah adalah ibadah yang ajaib. Ia

adalah ibadah yang tidak selari dengan hukum ekonomi moden. Semakin

banyak yang dikeluarkan tanpa kepentingan, semakin bertambah

pendapatan dan semakin kaya. Ajaibnya Sedekah membicarakan

mengenai keajaiban dan mukjizat sedekah khususnya dalam

meningkatkan kekayaan dan kebahagiaan. Ia juga memberikan

penjelasan mengenai hubung kait antara sedekah dan rezeki dalam satu

rumus matematik sedekah. Ia juga menjelaskan mengenai mukjizat

sedekah dalam menghindar penyakit dan memanjangkan usia.

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 8 -

Judul : Ajaibnya Sedekah Pengarang : Muhammad Muhyidin Penerbit : PTS Millennia Sdn. Bhd. Batu Caves, 2009 No. Panggilan: 297.54 MUH Tebal : 171 muka surat

Memuatkan fakta-fakta asas kenegaraan yang berguna sebagai

panduan bagi sesiapa yang berminat tentang perjalanan yang dilalui oleh

Malaysia sejak mencapai kemerdekaan pada 31 Ogos 1957. Ia meliputi:

• Maklumat umum yang menjadi paksi pembinaan sebuah negara

• Institusi pemerintahan cabang legislatif, eksekutif dan judisiari

• Lambang kebangsaan

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 9 -

Judul :Malaysia: Asas Pembinaan Negara Bangsa... Pengarang : Chamil Wariya Penerbit : Media Global Matrix Petaling Jaya, 2010 No. Panggilan: 959.5 CHA Tebal : 364 muka surat

Creative ensures creative stimulation never runs dry. Itself creative

in both content and design, it's a book that entrepreneurs, writers,

managers, marketers, and anybody else who needs a practical path to

innovation can turn to and instantly find a way generate new ideas. It's

divided into four key segments of the creative process: DREAMING

consists of 25 ideas for about how to get yourself into a creative state of

mind quickly. It includes quick brain exercises, physical exercises that

integrate the two lobes of the brain, and methods for engaging all your

senses. ORIGINATING reveals 25 ways to come up with ideas when you

don't have any. It includes the opposite technique (starting with the

opposite of what you're trying to invent or create), juxtaposition of words

and images to create new combinations, and stepping into creative alter

egos. VARYING shows 25 ways to come up with more creative variations

of something that already exists. These include making it bigger, making it

smaller, and changing the target audience. ADAPTING provides 25 ways

to be inspired by the most creative things people have come up with in the

last few decades, including examples from the worlds of business, the

arts, and science. Each case includes prompt questions that will help the

reader adapt these breakthroughs to his or her own situation. The book is

true to its own spirit by incorporating creative typography, cartoons,

antique art, unusual layouts, and provocative checklists and quizzes. The

style is concise and entertaining, making it a book to keep handy to refer

to whenever a fresh idea is needed.

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 10 -

Judul : Creativity Pengarang : Jurgen Wolff Penerbit : Pearson Education Limited Harlow, 2009 No. Panggilan: 153.35 WOL Tebal : 213 muka surat

Immortal Words is an anthology of history's most memorable,

uplifting or thought-provoking quotations from all ages and nations. The

texts are drawn not only from the works and words of great writers,

thinkers and orators, but also from less well-known sources such as

gravestones, book dedications, speeches and political manifestos, letters

and diaries, inscriptions and chance remarks. Each of the 370 quotations

is accompanied by an extended annotation that tells the story of the

speaker or explains the circumstances that gave rise to the quotation. The

words and sentiments expressed have been used to encapsulate the

human condition, to inspire great works or deeds in times of hardship, or

simply reflect the spirit of the time - they will live with you and inspire you

day by day, from one year's end to the next.

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 11 -

Judul : Immortal Words Pengarang : Terry Breverton Penerbit : Quercus Publishing Plc., London, 2009 No. Panggilan: R 080 BRE Tebal : 383 muka surat

More and more readers turn to The Best American Magazine Writing

for their annual fix of the year's most captivating essays, columns,

reporting, and criticism. Chosen from the winners and finalists of the 2009

National Magazine Awards, this year's selections include the haunting

story by Chris Jones (Esquire) of an American soldier's final journey home;

James Wood's brilliant critique of the award-winning novelist Marianne

Robinson (The New Yorker); a compelling column by Naomi Klein (The

Nation) on the return of class consciousness in America; two biting

reviews of recent books on feminism by Sandra Tsing Loh (The Atlantic);

and a moving and insightful account by David Lipsky ( Rolling Stone) of

David Foster Wallace in his final days. Also featured are a fascinating

report by Ryan Lizza (The New Yorker) on the political making of Barack

Obama; an unforgettable profile by Hanna Rosin (The Atlantic) of a

transgendered child struggling to be normal in rural America; absorbing

reflections by Tom Chiarella (Esquire) on apprenticing as a butcher in an

Indianapolis meat market; and an unusual look by Sean Flynn (GQ) at the

legacy of the late singer and unstoppable personality, James Brown. Chris

Anderson, popular commentator and author of the best-selling book The

Long Tail adds his own, not-to-be-missed introduction. "Take a break from

the screen and dive in," he writes. "I think you'll emerge, many pages later,

no longer worrying about the future of print."

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 12 -

Judul : The Best American Magazine Writing

Penerbit : Columbia University Pres

New York, 2010

No. Panggilan: 814.6 BES

Tebal : 448 muka surat

Green technology is not only good for the environment; it’s also good

for your bottom line. If your organization is exploring ways to save energy

and reduce environmental waste, Green IT For Dummies can help you

get there. This guide is packed with cost-saving ways to make your

company a leader in green technology. The book is also packed with case

studies from organizations that have gone green, so you can benefit from

their experience. You’ll discover how to:

• Perform an energy audit to determine your present consumption

and identify where to start greening

• Develop and roll out a green technology project

• Build support from management and employees

• Use collaboration tools to limit the need for corporate travel

• Improve electronic document management

• Extend hardware life, reduce data center floor space, and

improve efficiency..etc..

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 13 -

Judul : Green IT for Dummies Pengarang : Carol Baroudi Penerbit : Wiley Publishing, Inc. Hoboken, NJ 2009 No. Panggilan: 621.390286 BAR Tebal : 364 muka surat

You can't stop office madness, but you can stop the madness from

getting to you.

Gossipy coworkers, unmanageable managers, and cranky clients

have got you pulling your hair out and gnawing your nails down to nubs.

From teammates who drop the ball on deadlines to corporate bullies who

try to run your show, your work environment can be lethal to your health

and your career.

Change Your Reaction, Not Their Actions. When things get crazy,

you may not be able to control how others behave, but you can change

how you respond. Bernstein shows you how to understand the situation,

how to keep the craziness from bothering you, how to keep things from

getting worse, and how you can make them better.

Problems/solutions discussed inside:

• Coworkers who don't like you? Feed them!

• Hidden agendas? Unleash the power of “cc:” mail!

• Unpleasant supervisors? Tell them only what they want to hear!

• Office gossip? Dish out positive gossip about other people!

• Lying coworkers? Buy into their lies and watch what happens!

And ninety-six more!

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 14 -

Judul : Am I the Only Sane One Working Here? Pengarang : Albert J. Bernstein Penerbit : McGrawHill New York 2010 No. Panggilan: 650.13 BER Tebal : 291 muka surat


• Full-color interior design displays accurate Java code and


• More than 240 visual diagrams clearly illustrate difficult concepts.

• Programming code used in examples is accompinied by a

description of what each line in the code does, leading readers

step-by-step through the programming process.

• Extensive programming examples demonstrate the accurate,

concrete stages of Input, Output, Program Analysis and Algorithm

Design, and a Complete Program Listing, which challenge

readers to write Java programs with a specified outcome.

• Accompaying CD contains JDK 6.0, jGRASP, and the Eclipse


Perpustakaan MAMPU - 15 -

Judul : Java Programming Pengarang : D.S Malik Penerbit : Course Technology Cengage Learning Australia, 2010 No. Panggilan: 005.133 MAL Tebal : 986 muka surat

Whether you are leading a status meeting, a strategic planning

session or a team kick off meeting 10 Steps to Successful Meetings

teaches you everything you need to conduct efficient and effective

meeting. This book will help you to quickly identify the meeting goals and

required participants, develop a detailed meeting agenda and lead

meetings effectively accomplish the defined goals and objectives.

Perpustakaan MAMPU - 16 -

Judul : 10 Steps to Succesful Meetings

Penerbit : ASTD Press

Alexandria Virginia, 2009

No. Panggilan: 658.456 TEN

Tebal : 165 muka surat

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