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SULIT 4551/1

4551/1 SULIT


SULIT 4551/1 4551/1 Biologi Kertas 1 September 2008 1¼ jam





SPM 2008


Kertas 1

Satu jam lima belas minit


1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan. Jawab semua soalan dalam kertas ini. 2. Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan yang betul pada kertas jawapan yang

disediakan. Bagi setiap soalan hitamkan satu ruangan sahaja. 3. Rajah yang mengiringi soalan dimaksudkan untuk memberi maklumat yang berguna

bagi menjawab soalan. Rajah tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan sebaliknya. 4. Penggunaan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogramkan adalah dibenarkan.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 32 halaman bercetak

[Lihat sebelah 4551/1 @ 2008 Hak Cipta JPNS SULIT

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1 Diagram 1 shows an animal cell.

[ Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu sel haiwan ]

Diagram 1 Rajah 1

Which of the organelles A , B , C or D is the site of cellular respiration ? [Antara organel A, B , C atau D yang manakah adalah tapak respirasi sel ?]


Diagram 2 shows structure of a plasma membrane. [Rajah 4 menunjukkan struktur plasma membrane.]

Diagram 2 Rajah 2

Which parts A , B , C or D is lipid soluble which allows glycerol to pass across the plasma membrane ? [Bahagian yang mana A , B , C atau D adalah larut lipid yang membenarkan gliserol merentasi plasma membran ?]







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Diagram 3 shows two organelles X and Y. [Rajah 3 menunjukkan dua organel X dan Y.]

Diagram 3

Rajah 3

What is the function of X and Y? [Apakah fungsi X dan Y?]


A Synthesises proteins [Sintesis protein]

Synthesises lipids [Sintesis lipid]

B Transports synthesised proteins [Mengangkut protein yang telah disintesis]

Transports synthesised lipids [Mengangkut lipid yang telah disintesis]

C Sorts carbohydrates [Mengasingkan karbohidrat]

Sorts synthesised proteins [Mengasingkan protein]

D Packages proteins [Membungkus protein] Membungkus protein

Transports synthesised proteins [Mengangkut protein yang telah disintesis]


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4 Diagram 4 shows a type of tissue. [ Rajah 4 menunjukkan sejenis tisu]

Which organelle is found abundantly in the tissue? [ Organel yang manakah paling banyak terdapat dalam tisu tersebut ?]

A Ribosome [Ribosom]

B Mitochondria


C Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

[Jalinan retikulum licin]

D Golgi apparatus [Alat Golgi]

Diagram 4

Rajah 4

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5 Diagram 5 shows the condition of plant cells which have been placed in a type of solution. [ Rajah 5 menunjukkan keadaan sel tumbuhan yang telah dimasukkan kedalam sejenis larutan .]

Diagram 5 Rajah 5

What is the solution? [Apakah larutan itu? ]

A Distilled water [Air suling]

B 3 % sucrose solution [Larutan sukrosa 3 %]

C 5 % sucrose solution [Larutan sukrosa 5% ]

D 10 % sucrose solution

[Larutan sukrosa 10%]


Diagram 6 shows the condition S of human blood cell which has been placed in solution Y. [Rajah 6 menunjukkan keadaan S bagi sel darah yang telah dimasukkan dalam larutan Y.]

Diagram 6 Rajah 6

What is condition S and solution Y? [Apakah keadaan S dan larutan Y?]

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Condition S [Keadaan S]

Solution Y [Larutan Y]

A Crenation [Kreanasi]

Hypertonic [Hipertonik]

B Crenation [Krenasi]

Hypotonic [Hipotonik]

C Hemolysed [Hemolisis]

Hypotonic [Hipotonik]

D Hemolysed [Hemolisis]

Hypertonic [Hipertonik]

7 Diagram 7 shows a basic unit of a chemical compound in a living cell. [Rajah 7 menunjukkan satu unit asas bagi satu sebatian kimia dalam sel hidup.]

Diagram 7 Rajah 7

Which chemical compound has the unit shown? [Sebatian kimia yang manakah mengandungi unit yang ditunjukkan?]

A Lipid [Lipid]

B Protein


C Lactic acid

[Asid laktik]

D Nucleic acid

[Asid nukleik]

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Which of these carbohydrates is insoluble in water? [Karbohidrat yang manakah tidak larut dalam air?]

A Starch [Kanji]

B Maltose


C Glucose


D Galactose



Diagram 8 shows the action of a sucrase enzyme molecule on sucrose. [Rajah 8 menunjukkan tindakan satu molekul enzim sukrase ke atas sukrosa.]

Diagram 8 Rajah 8

What are X and Y ? [Apakah X dan Y?]

A Glucose and Glucose [Glukosa dan Glucosa]

B Glucose and Maltose

[Glukosa dan Maltosa]

C Glucose and Fructose

[Glukosa dan Fructosa]

D Glucose and Galactose

[Glukosa dan Galaktosa]



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Table 1 shows changes in a cell during mitosis. [Jadual 1 menunjukkan perubahan di dalam sel semasa mitosis.]

Stage [Peringkat]

Structure in cell [Stuktur dalam sel]







Does not divides

[Tidak membahagi]

Does not divides

[Tidak membahagi]

Does not divides

[Tidak membahagi]





Randomly distributed in cell

[Bertabur secara rawak di dalam sel]

Move towards cell poles

[Bergerak ke arah kutub-kutub sel]

At the equatorial plane of cell

[Berada di satah khatulistiwa sel]

At all cell poles

[Berada di kedua-dua kutub

sel ]

Spindles fibre

[Gentian gelendung]









Nucleus membrane

Membran nukleus









Table 1 [Jadual 1]

What are K, L, M and N ? [Apakah K,L,M dan N?]



A Telophase [Telofasa]

Metaphase [Metafasa]

Prophase [Profasa ]

Anaphase [Anafas]a

B Anaphase [Anafas]a

Prophase [Profasa ]

Telophase [Telofasa]

Metaphase [Metafasa]

C Prophase [Profasa ]

Anaphase [Anafas]a

Metaphase [Metafasa]

Telophase [Telofasa]

D Metaphase [Metafasa]

Telophase [Telofasa]

Anaphase [Anafas]a

Prophase [Profasa ]

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Diagram 9 shows three stages of meiosis. [Rajah 9 menunjukkan tiga peringkat meiosis]

Diagram 9

Rajah 9

Which of the following describes the chromosomes in stage H? [Yang manakah antara berikut memperihalkan kromosom dalam peringkat H?]

A The chromosomes become shorter and thicker [Kromoson memendek dan menebal]

B Homologous chromosomes pair up and crossing over takes place [Kromosom homolog berpasangan dan pindah silang berlaku]

C Homologous chromosomes separate and move to the opposite poles

[Kromosom homolog berpisah dan bergerak ke kutub bertentangan]

D Chromosomes arrange themselves in one line between the two cell poles

[Kromosom menyusun dalam satu barisan di antara dua kutub sel]

12 At which stage in a meiotic division the number of chromosomes in the cell is halved?

[Dalam peringkat pembahagian meiosis yang manakah bilangan kromosom dalam sel diseparuhkan?[

A Anaphase I [Anafasa I]

B Anaphase II

[Anafasa II]

C Telophase I

[Telofasa I]

D Telophase II

[Telofasa II]

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Diagram 10 shows a part of digestive system and organs involved in the human digestion process. [Rajah 10 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada sistem pencernaan dan organ-organ yang terlibat dalam proses pencernaan manusia.]

Diagram 10

Rajah 10

Which of the parts labelled as A, B, C or D secretes lipase enzyme? [Bahagian yang manakah berlabel A, B, C or D merembeskan enzim lipase ?]

14 Diagram 11 shows the stomach of a cow. [Rajah 11 menunjukkan perut lembu.] Diagram 11 Rajah 11

Which of the parts A , B , C or D is the true stomach of the cow ? [Bahagian yang manakah A, B , C atau D ialah perut sebenar lembu ?]








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15 Diagram 12 shows the structure of a leaf. [ Rajah 12 menunjukkan struktur sehelai daun.]

Diagram 12 Rajah 12

Which of the cells A, B, C or D if absent will lower the rate of photosynthesis? [Sel yang mana A , B , C atau D jika kekurangan akan menurunkan kadar fotosintesis ?]

16 Which of the graphs shows the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosyntesis?

[Graf yang manakah menunjukkan kesan Keamatan cahaya keatas Kadar fotosintesi?]








Light intensity

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17 Diagram 13 shows human digestive system.

[Rajah 13 menunjukkan sistem pencernaan manusia]

DIAGRAM 13 Rajah 13

Which of the organs A, B,C or D functions both as an endocrine and exocrine gland? [Yang manakah antara organ A, B,C atau D berfungsi sebagai kelenjar endokrin dan eksokrin?]


When 0.4 g of groundnut is completely burnt, the temperature of 20 ml of water rises from 30°C to 70°C. The specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 Jg°C . Calculate the energy value of the groundnut? [Apabila 0.4 g kacang tanah dibakar dengan lengkap, suhu 20 ml air meningkat dari 30°C kepada 70°C. Muatan Haba Tentu air ialah 4.2 Jg °C]

A 1400 Jg−¹

B 3400 Jg−¹

C 8400 Jg−¹

D 7620 Jg−¹





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19 Which structure is involved in the transport of respiratory gases in a grasshopper?

[Struktur yang manakah terlibat dalam pengangkutan gas respirasi pada belalang?]

A Lungs [Peparu]

B Tubular heart [Jantung]

C Trachea [Trakea]

D Gills [Insang]

20 Diagram 14 shows part of a tracheal system in an insect. [Rajah 14 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada sistem trakea dalam serangga.]

Diagram 14 Rajah 14

Gaseous exchange in insects occurs between [Pertukaran gas dalam serangga berlaku diantara.]

A P and environment [P dan persekitaran]

B P and air sac

[P dan pundi udara]

C R and body cells

[R dan sel-sel badan]

D R and air sac

[R dan pundi udara]


Air sac [Pundi udara]


Body cells [Sel-sel badan]

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Which of the following happens during inhalation? [Antara yang berikut, yang manakah berlaku semasa menarik nafas?]

A The external intercostal muscles relax. [Otot interkosta luar mengendur]

B The rib cage moves downwards and inwards. [Sangkar rusuk turun ke bawah dank ke dalam.]

C The diaphragm muscles contract. [Otot diafragma mengecut]

D The diaphragm curves upwards. [Otot diafragma berbentuk kubah.]

22 Diagram 15 shows the rising of a dough during the process of bread making. [Rajah 15 menunjukkan adunan tepung menaik semasa proses membuat roti.] Size of dough at the beginning Size of dough after one hour [Saiz adunan pada permulaan] [Saiz adunan selepas satu jam]

Diagram 15 Rajah 15

Which of the following causes the dough to increase in size? [Antara berikut yang manakah menyebabkan adunan roti bertambah saiz?]

A Water [air]

B Ethanol


C Lactic acid

[Asid Laktik]

D Carbon dioxide

[Karbon dioksida]

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23 Diagram 16 shows the root structure of a species of mangrove tree. [Rajah 16 menunjukkan struktur akar satu species pokok paya bakau.] Diagram 16 Rajah 16

Which mangrove tree has this type of root? [Pokok bakau yang manakah mempunyai sistem akar seperti di atas]

A Sonneratia sp.

B Bruguiera sp.

C Rhizophora sp.

D Avicennia sp.

24 Durio zibenthinus is the scientific name of durian tree. The word zibenthinus refers to [Durio zibenthinus adalah nama saintifik bagi pokok durian.] [Perkataan zibenthinus merujuk kepada]

A Genus [Genus]

B Species [spesies]

C Class


D Order


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25 A parasitic plant inserts suckers into the stem of the host plant to get its nutrient. Which of the host tissue is involved? [Satu tumbuhan parasit memasukkan alat penghisapnya ke dalam batang perumah untuk mendapatkan nutrien]. [Apakah tisu perumah yang terlibat?]

A Cambium [Kambium]

B Cortex [Korteks]

C Phloem [Floem]

D Xylem [Xilem]

26 Diagram 17 shows the energy flow in an ecosystem.

[Rajah 17 menunjukkan aliran tenaga dalam satu ecosystem]

Diagram 17

Rajah 17

Which represents the carnivores ? [Yang manakah mewakili karnivor?]


1 and 2 C 2 and 3 [2 dan 3] [1 dan 2]


1 and 3 D 3 only [1 dan 3 ] [ 3 sahaja]

Bacteria 3



Energy from sunlight [Tenaga dari matahari]

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27 The increase in nitrates and phosphate concentration in pond will increase the growth

of algae. Which of the following occurrence refers to the statement? [Peningkatan kepekatan nitrat dan fosfat didalam kolam akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan alga.] [Manakah diantara kejadian berikut merujuk kepada pernyataan diatas?]

A Biochemical oxygen demand [Keperluan oksigen biokimia]

B Eutrofication [Eutrofikasi]

C Acid rain [Hujan acid]

D Global warming [Pemanasan global]

28 Diagram 18 shows an environmental phenomenon. [Rajah 18 menunjukkan satu fenomena alam sekitar]

Diagram 18 Rajah 18

What is the phenomenon? [Namakan fenomena ini?]

A Air pollution [Pencemaran udara]

B Ozone depletion [Penipisan lapisan ozon]

C Thermal pollution [Pencemaran terma]

D Green house effect [Kesan Rumah Hijau]

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29 Table 2 shows the result of an experiment to compare the water quality in areas R

and S. [Jadual 2 menunjukkan keputusan satu eksperimen membandingkan kualiti air di kawasan R dan S]

Water sample [Sampel air]

Time taken for methylene blue to be decolourised/ minutes

[Masa diambil untuk larutan metilena biru dilunturkan/minit]

Area R [Kawasan R]


Area S [Kawasan S]


Table 2 Jadual 2

Which of the following statements explain the result of the experiment? [Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah menerangkan keputusan eksperimen di sebut?]

I Water sample from area R is more polluted than area S I Sampel air dari sumber R lebih tercemar berbanding sumber S

II Water sample from area R has lower BOD value than area S II Sampel air dari sumber R mempunyai nilai BOD yang lebih rendah berbanding sumber S

III Water sample from area R has less microorganisms than area S III Sampel air dari sumber R mengandungi kurang microorganism berbanding sumber S

IV Water sample with higher BOD value causes slow decolouration IV Sampel air yang mempunyai nilai BOD yang tinggi melunturkan larutan metilena biru lebih perlahan]

A I and III only [I dan III sahaja]

B II and III only

[II dan III sahaja]

C II and IV only

[II dan Iv sahaja]

D III and IV only

[III dan IV sahaja]

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30 The CFC used the air conditioner and refrigerator has been replaced with HCFC. Which of the following statements explains the reason for the replacement? [CFC dalam penghawa dingin atau peti sejuk telah diganti dengan HCFC.] [Yang manakah antara berikut menerangkan sebab bagi pergantian tersebut?]

A HCFC reduces the emission of chlorine [HCFC mengurangkan pembebasan klorin]

B HCFC is not easily broken by the UV [HCFC tidak mudah terurai oleh UV]

C HCFC is a cooler gas as compared to CFC [HCFC adalah gas yang lebih sejuk berbanding CFC]

D HCFC is a heavy gas as it does not rise to the ozone layer [HCFC adalah gas berat dan tidak boleh naik ke lapisan ozon]

31 Diagram 19 shows one type of human blood cells.

[Rajah 19 menunjukkan sejenis sel darah manusia.]

Diagram 19 Rajah 19

What is the function of these cells? [Apakah fungsi sel-sel ini?]

A Transport urea [Mengangkut urea]

B Transport oxygen

[Mengangkut oksigen]

C Transport glucose

[Mengangkut glukosa]

D Transport amino acids

Mengangkut asid amino

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32 Diagram 20 shows a cross- section of a dicotyledonous root.

[Rajah 20 menunjukkan keratan rentas akar dikotoledon.]

Diagram 20 Rajah 20

Which part labelled as A, B, C or D is the xylem? [Bahagian yang berlabel A, B, C atau D yang manakah adalah xylem?]

33 Vaccine is injected into a person’s leg. Which is the pathway for the vaccine to reach the arm of that person? [Bahan X disuntik ke dalam kaki seorang individu.] [Laluan manakah yang dilalui oleh bahan X untuk sampai ke lengan individu itu?]

A Leg � Heart � Arm [Kaki � Jantung � Lengan]

B Leg � Heart � Liver � Arm

[Kaki � Jantung � Hati � Lengan ]

C Leg � Liver � Heart � Lungs � Arm

[Kaki � Hati � Jantung � Peparu � Lengan]

D Leg � Heart � Lungs � Heart � Arm

[Kaki � Jantung � Peparu � Jantung � Lengan]





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34 A patient has been diagnosed with a blockage in artery due to deposition of cholesterol.

Identify the steps taken to prevent this disease. [Seorang pesakit telah dikesan mengalami salur arteri tersumbat disebabkan oleh pengenapan kolestrol.] [Kenal pasti langkah-langkah yang perlu diambil untuk mencegah penyakit ini.]

I Skip meals [Meninggalkan masa makan]

II Exercise regularly [Kerap bersenam]

III Taking slimming pills [Makan pil menguruskan badan]

IV Reduce the intake of fried food [Kurangkan pengambilan makanan bergoreng]

A I and II only [I dan II sahaja]

B I and III only

[I dan III sahaja]

C II and IV only

[II dan IV sahaja]

D III and IV only

[III dan IV sahaja]

35 Diagram 21 shows several bones in human skeleton. [Rajah 21 menunjukkan beberapa tulang dalam rangka manusia.]

Diagram 21 Rajah 21

Which of the bones A ,B,C or D is sacrum? [Antara tulang A, B, C atau D yang manakah sacrum?]


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36 Diagram 22 shows a joint in human skeletal system. [Rajah 22 menunjukkan satu sendi dalam sistem rangka manusia.]

Diagram 22 Rajah 22

What is the function of X? [Apakah fungsi X?]

A Secretes fluid to lubricate the joint. [Merembeskan cecair untuk melincirkan sendi]

B Reduces friction between the bones. [Mengurangkan geseran antara tulang]

C Prevents the bones from being dislocated.

[Mengelakkan tulang dari berubah tempat]

D Joins the bones to the muscles. [Menghubungkan tulang dengan otot.]


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37 Diagram 23 shows the structure of a human forelimb. [Rajah 23 menunjukkan struktur lengan manusia.]

Diagram 23

Rajah 23

What happen to muscles P and Q when the forelimb is straightened? [Apakah akan berlaku kepada otot P dan Q apabila lengan diluruskan?]


A Contracts [mengecut]

Contracts [mengecut]

B Contracts [mengecut]

Relaxes [mengendur]

C Relaxes [mengendur]

Contracts [mengecut]

D Relaxes [mengendur]

Relaxes [mengendur]



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38 Diagram 24 shows the structure of human brain. [Rajah 24 menunjukkan struktur otak manusia]

Diagram 24 Rajah 24

What is X? [Apakah X?]

A Cerebrum [Serebrum]

C Spinal cord [Saraf tunjang]

B Cerebellum


D Medula oblongata [Medula oblongata]

39 The following describe hormone X. [Berikut adalah pernyatan tentang hormon X]

What is X? [Apakah X?]

A Oestrogen [Estrogen]

B Progesterone [Progestron]

C Luteinising hormone

[Hormon pelutinan]

D Follicle-stimulating hormone

[Hormon perangsang folikel]

• Produced by corpus lutuem and placenta [Dihasilkan oleh korpus luteum dan placenta]

• Promotes growth of endometrium and prevents menstruation. [Merangsan pertumbuhan endometrium dan menghalang haid]


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40 Which of the following is true when the osmotic pressure in the blood decreases?

[Manakah di antara berikut benar sekiranya tekanan osmosis darah berkurangan?]

Secretion of ADH

[Rembesan ADH]

Reabsorption of water in kidney tubules [Penyerapan air oleh tubul ginjal]

A Increase [Bertambah]

Increase [Bertambah]

B Decrease


Decrease [Berkurang]

C Decrease [Berkurang]

Increase [Bertambah]

D Increase [Bertambah]

Decrease [Berkurang]

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Diagram 25 shows endocrine system of a man. [Rajah 25 menunjukkan sistem endokrin manusia]

Diagram 25 Rajah 25

Organ X is malfunction. What is the effect of this malfunction to his health? [Ogran X gagal berfungsi?] [Apakah kesan ini kepada kesihatannya?]

A Rate of physical development decreases. [Kadar pertumbuhan fizikal berkurang]

B Blood sugar level increases.

[Aras glukosa darah meningkat]

C Blood osmotic pressure decreases.

[Tekanan osmosis darah berkurang]

D Metabolic rate increases.

[Kadar metatobilsma meningkat]


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42 Diagram 26 shows a pair of twins.

[Rajah 26 menunjukkan sepasang kembar]

Diagram 26 Rajah 26

Which of the statements is true about the twins? [Manakah antara pernyataan berikut adalah benar tentang kembar tersebut?]

A One ovum is fertilised by two different sperms. [Satu ovum disenyawakan oleh dua sperma yang berlainan]

B Two different ova are fertilised by one sperm. [Dua ovum berlainan disenyawakan oleh satu sperma]

C The embryo is not separated completely during embryonic development

[Embrio tidak berpisah dengan lengkap semasa perkembangan embrio]

D Mutation occurred during embryotic development.

[Mutasi berlaku semasa perkembangan embrio.]

43 Diagram 27 shows the structure of an ovule in a plant.

[Rajah 27 menunjukkan struktur satu ovul pada satu tumbuhan]

Diagram 27 Rajah 27

Which parts labelled A, B, C or D develops into an embryo after fertilisation? [Manakah bahagian berlabel A, B, C atau D berkembang menjadi embryo selepas persenyawaan]

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44 Diagram 28 shows the stages in the development of follicle in the ovary of human. [Rajah 28 menunjukkan peringkat perkembangan folikel dalam ovari manusia?]

Diagram 28 Rajah 28

R develops into S. What is the effect of the development to the uterine wall? [R berkembang menjadi S] [Apakah kesan perkembangan ini kepada dinding uterus?]

A It is repaired

[Ia diperbaiki]

B It breaks down

[Ia terurai]

C It thickens

[Ia menebal]

D It’s thickness maintains

[Ketebalannya dikekalkan]]



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45 Which of the following causes the shoot of the plant grows towards the light? [Antara berikut yang manakah menyebabkan pucuk tumbuhan tumbuh menghala ke arah cahaya?]

A The shoot needs light for photosynthesis

[Pucuk tumbuhan memerlukan cahaya untuk menjalankan proses fotosintesis]

B The shoot needs to grow longer to avoid competition for light

[Pucuk tumbuhan perlu mengalami pertumbuhan untuk mengelakkan persaingan untuk mendapat cahaya]

C The cells shaded from light elongate faster [Sel yang terlindung daripada cahaya mengalami proses pemanjangan dengan lebih cepat]

D The concentration of auxin is higher in cells exposed to light

[Kepekatan auksin adalah lebih tinggi pada sel yang terdedah pada cahaya]

46 Diagram 30 shows the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). [Rajah 30 menunjukkan struktur Asid deoksiribonukleik(DNA)]

Diagram 30 Rajah 30 What is P? [Apakah P?]

A Pentose sugar [Gula Pentosa]

C Nitrogenous base [Bes bernitrogen]

B Phospate group

[Kumpulan Fosfat]

D Nucleic acid [Asid nukleik]


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47 Faridah who is a carrier for colour blindness married to Ramli, a normal colour vision. What is the probability that their son is a colour blind? [Faridah adalah pembawa bagi buta warna berkahwin dengan Ramli yang mempunyai penglihatan warna normal. Apakah kemungkinan anak lelaki mereka adalah buta warna ?]

A 0%

B 25%

C 50%

D 100%

48 Diagram 31 shows a red rose plant is crossed with a white rose plant.

The F1 generations that are produced are two red rose plants and two white rose plants. The allele for red rose plant, R is dominant to white rose plant, r. [Rajah 31 menunjukkan pokok ros merah dikacukkan dengan pokok ros putih. Generasi F1 yang terhasil adalah dua pokok ros merah dan dua pokok ros putih. Alel untuk pokok ros merah, R adalah dominan kepada alel ros putih, r.] X

Diagram 31 Rajah 31

What is the phenotype of the parents? Apakah genotip bagi induk?

Red Rose White Rose


B Rr Rr

C Rr rr

D RR rr

Parents Phenotype [Fenotip induk]

F1 generation Phenotype [Fenotip generasi F1]

Red Rose [Ros merah]

White Rose [Ros putih]

Red Rose [Ros merah]

White Rose [Ros Putih]

Red Rose [Ros merah]

White Rose [Ros Putih]


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49 A pair of fraternal twins are brought up by two different families and have the following

characteristics. [Sepasang kembar seiras telah dibesarkan oleh dua keluarga yang berbeza dan mempunyai perbezaan ciri seperti berikut.]

Which factor causes the differences in the characteristics? [Faktor yang manakah menyebabkan perbezaan ciri pada kembar itu?]

A Genetic [Genetik]

B Environment [Persekitaran]

C Gene mutation [Mutasi gen]

D Chromosome mutation [Mutasi kromosom]

Laila : Fat and fair complexion [Gemuk dan kulit cerah]

Laili : Thin and slightly dark complexion [Kurus dan agak gelap]

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Diagram 32 is a bar graph which shows the distribution of characteristic P in human. [Rajah 32 adalah graf bar yang menunjukkan taburan ciri P dalam manusia].

Diagram 32 Rajah 32

Which of the following statements is true about characteristic P? [Antara yang berikut, pernyataan yang manakah benar tentang ciri P?]

A It is influenced by environmental factors.

[Ia dipengaruhi oleh faktor persekitaran.]

B It shows slight difference between the individuals.

[Ia menunjukkan perbezaan yang tidak jelas antara individu.]

C It undergo gradual change between individuals.

[Ia berubah sedikit demi sedikit antara individu.]

D It involves clear difference between individuals.

[Ia melibatkan perbezaan yang jelas antara individu]


Characteristic P [Ciri P]
















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No Answer No Answer

1 C 26 C

2 D 27 B

3 D 28 D

4 B 29 B

5 D 30 A

6 C 31 B

7 D 32 B

8 A 33 D

9 C 34 C

10 C 35 A

11 B 36 C

12 A 37 C

13 D 38 B

14 C 39 B

15 B 40 A

16 B 41 B

17 C 42 C

18 C 43 C

19 C 44 C

20 C 45 C

21 C 46 A

22 D 47 C

23 C 48 C

24 B 49 B

25 C 50 D

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