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DATE DUE : 21 MARCH 2013



“I hereby declared that this is truly and purely my own works except otherwise stated the resources of the materials”



DATE : 21 MARCH 2013




First and foremost, I would like to thank to our supervisor of this English

Language Proficiency coursework, Mdm. Asmad Bt. Mohd Salleh for the valuable

guidance and advice. She inspired us greatly to work in this project. Her willingness

to motivate us contributed tremendously to our project. I would also like to thank her

for showing us some example that related to the topic of our project. Besides, I

would take this oppurtunity to thank the authority of Institut Pendidikan Guru Campus

Sultan Mizan for providing us with a good environment and facilities to complete this


I am also like to send my grateful unlimited to all friend who helped me a lot in

partnership form idea and information and do not forget also to IPGKSM library of a

lot prepared in reference source for our resources search.

Finally, yet importantly, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my

beloved parents for their blessings, my friends/classmates for their help and wishes

for the successful completion of this project. Without helps of the particular that

mentioned above, we would face many difficulties while doing this project .


Table of Content


Declaration ** Expression is

faulty **

Acknowledgement ** Expression is

faulty **

Table of Contents ** Expression is

faulty **

Task 2 : ( Part 1 )

Articles 1 : Don’t ban mobiles in schools , let students use them .

Articles 2 : Importance of Mobile Phones

Articles 3 : Why cell phones should not be allowed in a school


Articles 4 : Cell Phones Should Not Be Allowed In School

1 - 2

3 - 4

5 - 6

7 - 9

Task 2 : ( Part 2 )

Graphic Organizer 10 - 11

Task 2 : ( Part 3 )

Argumentative Essay on ”Handphone should be banned in

Malaysian Schools ” .

12 - 13

Reflection 14

Attachments 15



TASK 2 : ( PART 1 )

Articles 1 : Don’t ban mobiles in schools , let students use them

The furtive glance down into his or her crotch is the tell-tale sign all modern

teachers will recognise as a dead give-away that a student is using a mobile phone

in class. It’s a comical sight, its sheer obviousness apparently lost on most students,

but one that is also serious in its implications – that particular student is probably not

paying attention at that moment, and perhaps hasn’t been for quite some time.

Mobile phones are a distraction in class. There’s no debate about this. But,

with the exception of some schools where strict discipline is the defining

characteristic of its ethos, I don’t think there’s any need to ban them in most schools,

In fact, I’d go as far as to say we teachers should be glad that almost all our students

will have a mobile phone with them in school. Mobile phones today are mini-

computers which can be used as internet browsers, cameras, video and audio

recorders, calculators, stop clocks, homework diaries and notebooks. They can be

used as data-loggers in science lessons, maps in geography lessons and for

listening exercises in language lessons. At a time when few schools can afford to

provide every student with a laptop or tablet computing device, mobile phones can

allow us to make the most of modern information technology in our classrooms.

In my science lessons, many of my students will use their mobile phones in

place of calculators and stop clocks when doing experiments. I also encourage them

to use their phones to take photographs of apparatus and to make videos of the

phenomena we observe in class. Recently, as part of an activity making cloud

chambers, some students filmed the tracks made by different types of nuclear

radiation. In watching the video back, they saw a track in the cloud chamber that was

not from the radioactive source they were using – it was caused by a cosmic ray, a

physical phenomenon related to what they were studying and something the

students would not have observed so clearly had they not filmed their work. These

were A-level students, but I have also let younger students film “exciting”

experiments in class – a great way for them to share what they learn at school with

their parents.


There are other occasions when I am happy to let my students use their

mobile phones – recording their homework, for example, or putting a reminder for a

deadline into their calendars or searching the internet for information. In other words,

I let them use their mobile phones in class as they do outside the classroom. And

this is perhaps the most important reason why I think schools which ban mobile

phone use in schools should reconsider – allowing their use in schools lets us

accomplish something which I believe will become increasingly important in

education: ensuring the development of digital literacy in our students.

The use of mobile phones offers much more than novelty, fun and excitement

– I believe there are tangible educational benefits. Students today have grown up in

the digital age and it is surely one of our duties as teachers to create opportunities

for them to develop the skills they will need to succeed in a world driven by new

technologies. Just as the ability to use word processing, simple spreadsheets and

presentation software are now necessary in the modern workplace, it may be just a

matter of time before simple digital video and audio manipulation skills are essential.

Using mobile phones in class, when other devices are in short supply, provides one

way to address these needs.

I‘m not naive – I know that students with permission to use mobile phones in

school will not be able to resist checking their text messages and social media

updates. That is, they won’t be able to resist doing these things unless they are

otherwise engaged with whatever it is they’re supposed to be doing in class. Sure,

some students will always find checking their Facebook page more interesting than

anything we teachers can offer them in lessons, but the majority of students, like the

majority of adults, can be trusted to make their own decisions about the appropriate

time and place to check their email or send a text message. And here’s a

controversial thought – just as you can quickly send a text message or check your

email while doing something else, perhaps students can be trusted to do the same in

school? It cannot be right that schools spend huge amounts of money investing in

technology to improve and enhance their students’ education whilst ignoring the

powerful technological tool that almost every student brings into school every day.




Articles 2 : Importance of Mobile Phones

With the advent of new technology the way of communication is also

changed. In very early days of history, pigeons were used as means of

communication. Later, written messages are sent through letters by post. As the time

passed, telephone came into existence and today is the era of wireless

communication which gives rise to mobile phones. Mobiles are the latest invention

and common way to communicate now-a-days.

Mobile phones are long range, portable and wireless electronic device of

communication. A few years back, when mobile phones were not so common, the

device was expensive and communication costs pretty good to the user. But in last a

few years as the use of mobiles increased, their cost is decreased considerably and

this factor helped a lot to make them available for common men. Mobile phones are

now inexpensive, easy to use, and comfortable and equipped with almost every

latest feature we desire.

Mobiles are now every one's first choice gadget, either an elderly person or a

younger one. It is like a status symbol now. Every persons hand is equipped with

latest mobile models and everyone has its own reason to have this magic gadget in

his hands. Every day new models of mobiles come replacing the older ones to lure

the users. The interested users especially the young generation is very fond of the

latest features provided in new handsets. People like the new ring tones, hello tunes

and wallpapers. With this, mp3 and video recording facilities, MMS and Internet

facilities are attracting the users to mobile world. Mobile users can't even imagine

their world without their handset. The importance of mobiles can be imagined by the

reaction of people if they are asked to leave their handset separate from them for a

day. Their life got a comma if they are keeping apart of their mobiles.

In Japan, mobile phone companies provide immediate notification of

earthquakes and other natural disasters to their customers free of charge. In the

event of an emergency, disaster response crews can locate trapped or injured

people using the signals from their mobile phones or the small detonator of flare in


the battery of every cell phone; an interactive menu accessible through the phone's

Internet browser notifies the company if the user is safe or in distress.

There is no doubt that the mobile phones have made the life more easy and

comfortable. Everyone is in touch with their family members, friends and other

known. If we want to talk with anyone, there is no need to write a letter and have to

wait for days to send the message to receiver, just we have to pick the phone and

press a number and start talking. Mobile phones are comfortable way of

communication over a long distance. Life becomes so easy and fast by holding the

mobile phones.

Mobile phones proved to be a big help in emergencies. Mobile phones are

also known as lifesavers as helping people in emergencies. If you get stuck in the

middle of the road and find no one for help, you can just use a mobile phone and call

for help. Along with the obvious convenience and quick access to help in

emergencies big and small, mobile phones can be both economical and essential for

travelers trying to stay connected.

Like every coin have two sides, mobiles phones providing a lot of advantages

also shows off few disadvantages. Mobile-phone use while driving is common. It is

generally agreed that using a hand-held mobile phone while driving is a distraction

that brings risk of road traffic accidents. So we need to use hands free sets to avoid

such hazards.

A little attention is received recently towards the potential impact of the kind of

electromagnetic fields generated by cellular phones on the human brain.

Accumulating evidence indicate that microwave radiation from mobile phones may

cause serious diseases and disturbances in the physiology. This includes an

increased cancer risk and genetic damage, disturbed brain function and other

effects. Mobile phone radiation and health concerns have been raised, especially

following the enormous increase in the use of wireless mobile telephony throughout

the world. Hence, the head set should be kept at reasonable distance from our head

and prolonged use of mobile phone should be avoided.




Articles 3 : Why Cell Phones Should Not be Allowed in a School Setting

In this modern world everyone has a cellphone. By 2010 seventy-five percent

of twelve to seventeen year olds owned mobile phones and in the past two years

that number has increased (Ludden). Recently, the use of cell phones for cheating

on tests, a new method of passing notes, and even cyber bullying have become

major issues. Brevard County already has strict policies regarding phone use in

schools, if caught with a cell phone students get a referral, their phone is

confiscated, and after repeat offenses they can lose their phone privileges

(Student/Parent Contract). But are these rules strict enough? If fifty-four percent of

students admit to using phones in schools where similar rules are in place, they

obviously are not (Ludden). For the good of the students cellphones need to be

banned from schools. 

What would you rather go a week without; your cellphone or your toothbrush?

Forty percent of iPhone users answered toothbrush to this question (Ludden). As a

society we are addicted to our cell phones and students are by far the worst

offenders sending more texts a day than any other age group, an average of three

hundred and thirty-three per month in 2010 (Watters). When the dismissal bell rings

at just about any school you are sure to witness dozens of students whipping out

their phones almost instantaneously. “If you can’t go six hours without your phone,

you’re addicted,” says Diane Phillips, 2011’s Brevard County Teacher of the Year, at

the 2011-2012 Brevard Future Educators conference when speaking about the

distractions of phones while studying (Philips). It would be beneficial not only to the

education of students but to their health as well to separate them from their phones

for the time that they are at school. A study by Gaby Badre shows that teenagers

who use their phones constantly often experience “increased restlessness with more

careless lifestyles, more consumption of stimulating beverages, difficulty in falling

asleep and disruptive sleep, and more susceptibility to stress and fatigue.”

(Excessive Mobile Phone Use Affects Sleep) Many people who use cell phones too

much also experience headaches and even a phantom ringing sound distracting

them and keeping them awake at night. (Braff)

Health effects aside, it is well know that texting in class has become a growing

epidemic. When students are allowed to have their phones with them in class, many


will take this as an opportunity to use them. This leads to disruptions in class,

bullying, and even cheating on tests. (Cohen) There has also been some discussion

on whether texting effects spelling and writing in the classroom setting. If students

are texting in class, “computer talk” can affect their grades. In a survey on edutopia,

fifty-four percent of people found that texting was having an effect on the writing

habits of young people. (Watters)

One of the most common reason that parents like their kids to keep their

phones with them at school is so that in the case of an emergency, their kids can call

them. However, in an emergency situation, cellphones can sometimes create as

many problems as they solve. Phone systems are only designed to take so many

signals at once and too many signals can cause the system to crash. Take the

recent earthquake in Virginia for example; as many people hurried to call their

friends and family the cell and landline systems were down for up to an hour. For a

short time this created mass panic and people thought cell towers and telephone

poles were knocked down by the earthquake. In the case of an emergency like this it

could render the school’s phone system useless if hundreds of kids start making

calls all at once. (Rush) Not only can cell phones escalate emergencies in school

they can even cause them, students have been known to call in bomb threats in

order to get out of class. Last year Jefferson had a bomb threat, the entire school

was evacuated and the hazmat team had to search the school. All of that started

because of a post on Facebook by a disgruntled student who didn’t want to go to

school that day. If a student has their phone on at school when a classmate or

teacher makes them angry they could make a post like this; sending the school into

a frantic state of emergency. Although the student would later be expelled for the

bomb threat but if phones weren’t allowed in the first place cases like this could be

prevented, saving valuable class time.

Allowing cell phones in school is a danger to the health and education of

students. Banning cell phones is in the best interest of everyone; it will help student’s

grades, separate them from the negative effects for a few hours, and it helps the

school to keep students safe in an emergency, and even prevent bomb threats.

Schools have the power to help prevent all of these things cell phones can cause by

simply banning them from their campus .




Articles 4 : Cell Phones Should Not Be Allowed In School

Submitted by shortypants808 on Fri, 04/02/2010 - 2:47pm

Many kids these days have cell phones. You often see teenagers talking on

their phones, or, just as often, texting. It has become a part of everyday life, and a

part of our society. Many teenagers and pre-teens get cell phones as early as

possible, sometimes younger than age 12. It is encouraged socially, especially

among teenagers, to have a phone, and many teenagers get phones just because of

peer pressure. Cell phones can be very useful, for communication between kids and

parents (especially teenagers that can’t drive), and can be very important in


But cell phones can also be used for less important reasons, such as

excessive amounts of texting. One big issue concerning cell phones and teenagers

is the use of cell phones in school. Many teenagers believe that cell phones should

be allowed in school, during class. But cell phones should not be allowed during

school, because they would provide distractions for students and teachers, allow for

cheating on tests, and for other social reasons. If a student’s cell phone rang during

class, it would obviously distract him from the class and whatever the teacher is

teaching. If this continued, it could prove detrimental to that student’s education. It

could also be distracting to other students, for if someone was talking on their phone

while the teacher was talking, it would be difficult for the students to focus on the


But what if two people answered there phone during class? Or three, or four?

It would be quite distracting for those students, and for their classmates. Plus, it

would certainly be distracting for the teacher-trying to talk over students who are

talking when they are. One of the best ways to get in trouble during class is to talk

when the teacher is talking, for it distracts the teacher, the student, and their

classmates; if cell phone were allowed in school, they would increase the amount of

time students are talking when they don’t need to, making the class more difficult to

teach, take longer, and be less educational.


Cell phones could also provide a means of cheating on tests. Almost all cell

phones have texting, and kids have become good at texting without getting caught. It

would be easy for kids to text each other the answers to tests during testing sessions

if everyone is allowed to use their phone during class. If teachers ask what students

are doing, they can just say that they are texting their mom.

Now, some might say that kids are more honest than that, but they are wrong.

One teacher had a story about a class he used to teach in. Some of the kids began

to learn sign language, just for fun. The teacher thought it was good that they were

doing something new and different-until he found out that they were using sign

language to cheat on tests. If kids can find a way to cheat on tests, they will. Allowing

cell phones in school would condone cheating on tests, allowing for teens to get

unfair test grades, and would only prove detrimental in preparation for college and

life in the real world.

Cell phones also can cause social “problems”, which would only increase if

cell phones were allowed in school. First of all, cell phones are impersonal and

rather anti-social. If a kid is using their phone to text during class all the time, they

wouldn’t need to be as good at actually talking to others, which would degenerate

social skills, which are very important in life for jobs, creating good family

relationships, and making and keeping friends.

Another social problem that could occur is cyber-bullying. If cell phones were

allowed to be used throughout the school day, it would be easier and there would be

more time for students to use technology to bully other students (and without getting

caught, unless the victim reports the bullying, which is quite rare).

Another problem with cell phones is known as “sexting”, which is when

students send nude pictures of themselves to other students. This is very

inappropriate, and is illegal in some places. If students had access to their phones all

day, chances are the amount of sexting would increase, because of more time

available to do so.

These all are known problems that cell phones cause or worsen, and these

problems would very likely get more serious if cell phones were allowed in school.

Despite what many teenagers argue, allowing cell phones during school would not


be a good idea because of distractions to students and teachers, a new and easy

way of cheating on tests, and enhanced social problems, including loss of social

skills, sexting, and cyber-bullying.

All in all, schools will be a better learning environment and better prepare

students for life in the outside world if cell phones are continued to be banned during

the school day.



Task 2

Part 2 : Graphic Organizer




Advantages Disadvantages

Article 4Article 3

1. We are addicted to cell phones .

1. Cell phones used for less important reasons .

2. Cell phones could affect healthiness of users .

4. Escalate emergencies and even cause problems .

3. “Computer talk” can affect student’s grades .

4. Cell phones can cause sosial “problems”

5. Cell phones could create cyber-bullying .

6. Another problem with cell phones is known as “sexting”

2. Cell phones provide distractions for students and teachers .

3. Cell phone provide a means of cheating on tests .

Article 2

4. Mobile phones proved to be big help in emergencies .

1. Changes in communication way .

2. Mobile phones are now available for common men.

3. Everyday new models of mobiles come replacing the older ones to lure the users .

1. Mobiles phones today are mini-computers which can be used in many ways .

Article 1

2. Students used mobiles phones as experiment appliances .

3. Ensuring the development of digital literacy in our students .

4. Create opportunities for them to develop the skills they will need to succeed in a world driven by new technologies .

Task 2 : ( Part 2 )

Based on the points gethered in part 1 , write an argumentative essay in about 500 - 600 words on “ Handphones should be banned in Malaysian Schools” .

Mobile phones seem to be everywhere now and the devices, which were once a luxury for indulgent grown ups, are now in the hands of many kids and teenagers. However, are they really necessary at school ?

Handphones are distraction in class . There’s no doubt about this . However , in my opinion ,there’s no a need to ban the handphones to be allowed in school . In fact , I’d stand on the side that don’t ban mobiles in schools , let students use them . Handphones are long range , portable and wireless electronic device of communication . It can keep us in touch with others wherever you are . With just a press of button , you can start connect with the opposite sides even over a long distance. This had made the life easier especially for the students who study oversea , they can always contact their parents to eliminate their homesick . Besides that , students are able to use handphones to contact class mates if there are any changes in schedule or any information have to tell a friend who are somewhere beyond the compund of school ,therefore handphones are the best choice rather than finding around the school .

Handphones nowadays have enabled humans to travel with technology everywhere they go. It is just like a mini computers which can be used as internet browsers , cameras ,video and audio recorders , calculators , stopwatched , calendar and notebooks . Students can now get information faster through the cell phones with the access of internet via smartphones , which are helping in the lessons . Other than that , handphones are able to used as a experiment appliances with the multifunctions installation especially when the school is lack of tools and appliances for a huge numbers of students in a class . Indeed the multifunctions installation are almost available in most of the phones nowadays , which are able to let students accomplish their task easier and also will ensuring the development of digital literacy among students to get ready facing the society of digital era .

Moreover , handphones can also be a source of entertainment for students in their free hours in school. The cell phones having interesting games and songs can surely help students get the much-needed recreation from studies.  Additionally, other creative functions have arisen, such as text messaging, Short Message Service (SMS), as well as fake talking ( people pretend to converse using cell phones to fight fear and loneliness ). In cases where students are controlled in their capability to socialize ; cellular phones have been helpful for social interaction.

Lastly , as we all known handphones have been found to be of great help in emergency situations and in times of disasters and natural calamities. These days


most cell phones allow users to make emergency calls, so that such situations can be easily dealt with. For instance there have been a number of cases where people struck with disasters such as landslides and earthquakes have found way for themselves with the use of their devices.

To conclude mobile phones are very important in our consumption society and should not be banned in Malaysian schools . Instead I believe that teachers, students and the wider community should work together to develop policies that will enable this powerful new learning tool to be used safely in school .

( 571 words )



When Madam Asmad has been given this task, I am started to search any

resources to complete this course work. In the beginning, this course work was a bit

challenging but the lecturer and friends help us to overcome these problems. I has

been face off with a lot of challenges and problem especially to get the information

but all my friends help me to complete this course work. I work hard to find the

references and collect the information about the task given to complete this course

work. Then, I discuss with my classmates to get the solutions and aswers for this

coursework .

In my opinion, the task that has been given by our lecturers can help us

during exam and improved our knowledge about English language. This is because

we need to read a lot of articles to find the informations. At the end of this task, I

found that I have been gain a lot of knowledge about the handphones issues in

schools . This assignment also make me realise that the issues that abound in our

country have the pros and cons of it . If the society handle it with neatly there

should’nt be any problems for the students to bring handphones to school.

In the end, I also found out that making a mind map for the graphic

organisersis the best way to manage ideas and gives me more understanding about

the informationgiven. By making a mind map, I write an essay neatly without

muchhassle. It is more difficult to look out for main ideas in the article without proper

ways of organising it.

This course work was a good learning exprience. The knowledge that I get

from this task, I can use it in the future. As a teacher to be, it can give me more

benefit and I can give the knowledge to my students .



Abraham Sung . ( 1998 ) . 330 English Essays . Kuala Lumpur . Minerva


Christine Tan, Yong Fui Yin. ( 2009 ). 150 Model Essays for SPM English.

Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn.Bhd.

Alok vats . Importance of Mobile Phones. Adopted from Editorials website on 03

March 2013 :



Alom Shaha ( 09 November 2011 ) . Don’t ban mobiles in schools , let students use

them . Addopted from Bloggers website on 03 March 2013 :



DarwinistWitch . Why Cell Phones Should Not be Allowed in a School Setting .

Adopted from Teen Ink website on 03 March 2013 :



shortypants808 ( 04 February 2010 ) .Cell Phones Should Not Be Allowed In

School . Adopted from Young Writers Project on 03 March 2013 :





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