isl minggu 14

Post on 24-Nov-2015






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ISL Minggu 14Tarikh:2/04/2013Tempat: Bilik AsramaMasa: 7.00pm-9.00pmTajuk: Baca artikel 3a Discipline with dignity (m.s. 107-122) sebagai pengukuhan pembelajaran dan pelajar membuat rumusan artikel 3a dalam peta konsep dan simpan dalam portfolio. Analisis kajian kes (lampiran 7) untuk dibentangkan semasa tutorial dalam tempoh masa 2 minggu.

Rumusan artikel 3aDiscipline with Dignity focuses on long-term behavioral change, rather than quick fixes. Instead of basing the model on obedience, Curwin and Mendler have chosen to base the model on responsibility. Consequently, Discipline with Dignity is not founded on rewards and punishments but on values - the idea of learning right from wrong in any setting, not just school.Curwin and Mendler have twelve guidelines for effectively utilizing Discipline with Dignity in your classroom.1. Let the students know what you expect. This means establishing and posting clear rules and consequences.2. Provide instruction at levels that match student ability. In other words, where is the dignity in not being able to comprehend the material being learned in the classroom? Inability to understand will only lead to discipline problems.3. Listen to what the students are thinking and feeling. Being able to identify with your students makes them feel important and understood.4. Use humor. It de-fuses a potentially harmful situation without violence or accusation. Just make sure not to make students the butt of your jokes.5. Vary your style of presentation. Doing the same activity for too long makes students restless and prone to outbursts of inappropriate behavior.6. Offer choices. Make it seem like the student has some say in what happens. For example, "You can do your assignment now or during recess."7. Refuse to accept excuses. This ensures that you treat students equally. If there are legitimate excuses for late homework, poor behavior, etc., they will need to be posted along with your expectations.8. Legitimize behavior that you cannot stop. Generally, if you take something that is against the rules and make it acceptable, it ceases to be fun for the students.9. Use hugs and touching to communicate with kids of all ages. Obviously, this must be used with caution because of sexual misunderstanding, abused students, etc. However, you want to communicate human warmth and caring, and kind words will only get you so far.10. Be responsible for yourself and allow kids to take responsibility for themselves.11. Realize and accept that you cannot reach every kid. Some of them choose to fail and this is not your decision.12. Start fresh everyday. What happened yesterday is finished.Discipline with Dignity has five goals1. Effective Communication2. De-fusing Potentially Explosive Situations3. Reducing Violence4. Preparing Children For Their Future5. Valuing and Protecting Opportunities For LearningBy observing the 12 guidelines listed above, you are one step closer to accomplishing these goals.

Analisis kajian kes (lampiran 7)John adalah seorang guru praktikum di sebuah sekolah. Dia telah ditugaskan untuk mengendalikan kelas yang terdiri daripada 15 orang pelajar. Terdapat perbandingan yang ketara di antara murid-murid kelas tersebut. Mereka berbeza dari segi bangsa dan pencapaian akademik. Pada suatu hari, John telah merancang satu aktiviti yang berbentuk kuiz. Tidak lama selepas itu, John menyedari bahawa pelajar-pelajar tersebut telah membentuk kumpulan berdasarkan kecemerlangan akademik dan bangsa. Tiba-tiba terdapat pergaduhan antara pelajar cemerlang dengan yang kurang cemerlang iaitu Chris dan Richard. John segera meleraikan mereka. Namun pergaduhan terjadi semula selepas kelas tamat. John terpaksa meleraikan mereka lagi. John memikirkan apa yang telah terjadi. Akhirnya dia mengambil keputusan untuk mencari Richard di tempat meletak basikal. Selepas bertemu dengan Richard, John memberitahunya bahwa dia ingin bercakap denganya, malangnya Richard berkata bahwa dia tidak ada masa untuk melayan John dan terus pergi. Pada keesokkan harinya, John memberikan tindakan disiplin kepada Richard dan mengarahkannya untuk berjumpa dengan penolong kanan Hal ehwal murid. Setelah selesai hukuman, Richard kembali ke kelas seperti biasa. Namun kelakuannya semakin buruk. John cuba menerangkan bahawa tindakan disiplin tersebut adalah kerana dia melarikan diri semasa John berjumpa dengannya di tempat meletak basikal bukan kerana bergaduh di kelas. Richard berkata bahawa dia memukul Chris kerana, dia tidak berpuas hati mengapa Chris tidak mendapat tindakan disiplin sepertinya. John cuba menjelaskan perkara sebenar namun dia tidak mahu mendengarnya, sebaliknya, dia terus menyanyi sambil berkata kenapa Chris tidak mendapat hukuman sepertinya.Richard terus berperangai buruk sehingga John terpaksa memanggil guru lain untuk menenangkannya. Guru tersebut adalah guru bahasa Inggeris Richard. Semasa John mengadakan perbincangan bersama guru lain, barulah dia tahu bahawa Richard adalah pelajar yang mengalami masalah tingkah laku.

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